Guantanamo Gazette
Guantanamo Gazette Vol. 44 -- No. 161 --U.S. Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper -- Friday, August 26, 1988 Guantanamo Time Machine John Paul Jones Monument gets dedicated by men of same name . Editor's Note: In 1964,NMCB-4 Jones, Jr. USN, that is, and the father of erectedamonument onJohnPaul At the top of Guantanamo's MCB-4's John Paul Jones, Jr. Jones Hill honoring the famous highest hill, John Paul Jones Hill, Capt. Jones is the Senior Dental man it is named after. The event now stands Guantanamo Bay's Officer for the Naval Air Techni- proved to be unique, when an- newest historical marker, a con- cal Training Command, Naval other two John Paul Jones' crete monument erected recently Air Station, Jacksonville, and showed up for the dedication. by Mobile Construction Battal- was in Guantanamo for a short ion Four, under the supervision of visit, coincident to the dedication What's in a name? Plenty if it its Executive Officer, John Paul ofJohnPaulJones Hill. Jones, Sr., happens to be Jones! Jones, Jr., of Jacksonville, Fla. was stationed here at the Dental John Paul Jones, as every Mounted on the monument is Clinic from 1952-54. good sailor knows, is the Father of abronze plague manufactured lo- the United States Navy. As such, cally by the Naval S tation's Ships John, Jr., is a 1954 graduate of his name and deeds are etched in Repair Department. the U.S. Naval Academy, and is the hearts of all sea-fairing men . in Guantanamo for the second in all the history books .
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