LETTERS ACADEMIC MAIN ST. TV ARMCHAIR PUBLIC CHS TEAM miut INSIDE: & COMMENT AWARDS PAVING RECORD Q'BACKS NOTICES PICTURES REPORTS Page 2 Page 3 Page 5 Pages 7-10 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 THE TRI-C ITY RECORD 25c Vol. 105 - No. 45 RED ARROW EDITION OF THE WATERVLIET RECORD, COLOMA COURIER & HARTFORD NEWS November 8,1989 I Local Election Results Coloma Vietnam Memorial Fund reaches $5,000 goal By Teresa LaPlante Alice Vacantl, Chairman of the 1967. Split vote nixes Hartford Seven others who lost their lives Coloma Vietnam Memorial Fund, has announced that the $5,000 goal during this war will also be needed to finance the erection of a remembered. They are: Doyle Harris Vietnam Memorial In Baker Park In CPL MC, who died June 7,1967; Tom Coloma has been reached and the Pruiett Jr. PFC MC, who died March new fire truck millage stone has been ordered. 31, 1968; Phillip Johnson CPL AR, Erecting a Vietnam Memorial in who died February 21, 1969; James By Teresa LaPlante Coloma was an idea that originated Townley Sr. PFC AR, who died Voters in the City of Hartford nar- Pupedis Jr. leads 7 with the 1959 graduating class of December 30, 1969; Don Wood AE1 rowly turned down a two-mill tax in- NAVY, who died April 1, 1968; and crease in Tuesday's general election VIETNAM MEMORIAL.The helmet, m Allan Persicke Sp4 AR, who died candidates in 3 seat rifle and boot, the symbol of the for the purchase of a new pumper the cla38, R,ck Herndon who 31 his September 7, 1969. fallen soldier, will be etched upon ' 'o fire truck priced at $178,000. The scramble for Coloma life during the Vietnam war. Ser- A capsule containing the publish- vote was 216 against to 165 for. the Coloma Vietnam Memorial due to be erected in March. geant Herndon was killed on June 9, ed obituaries of these men, the Although the millage did pass by City Commission names of those who donated $20 or 24 votes in Hartford Township, more, and a copy of a history book f 4 224-200, the proposal was con- fr-r ?r currently in the making about these tingent on the passage in both the Bartley Sharon Veterans Day ceremonies men and those who gave to the City and Township in order to pass. iRosel Jennings memorial will be burled at the foot of Thus, there will be no new fire truck the memorial. The capsule will be In Hartford in the near future. set for Saturday, Nov. 11 donated by Florin Funeral Home of The truck was to replace an out- Saturday, November 11, Is honoring veterans should gather at Coloma. dated thirty-five year-old pumper that Anyone wishing to contribute the Hartford Fire Department is cur- Veterans Day, celebrating the day the park. The Watervllet Veterans of memories about those who gave rently using. Armistice was signed, ending the First World War. It only seems fit- Foreign Wars will be conducting a their lives In Vietnam, or others from ting, when looking back at the wars ceremony at 11:00 a.m. Saturday at this area who died In Vietnam and August Lois An America has gone through, to honor the veterans markers In Watervllet have been forgotten, please call the pupedis Qulgley Hirsch the ones who fought in those wars. City Cemetery. A wreath of honor Coloma Vietnam Memorial Commit- The voters of Coloma have both So, on Veterans Day, the veterans of will be placed at the sight. Other tee at 463-3300. Hartford Mayor kept with the familiar and gone with Natalie all American wars are remembered nearby VFW posts may join Water The stone for the seven-foot Schofltld the new in choosing Commissioners Hartsteln and honored for their service, their vllet at this service, so everyone Is memorial was ordered September 1 devotion to duty, and the sacrifices urged to come. and should arrive in about 10 weeks. is David Hadley for the next four-year term. Fulton receiving 142 votes. they made for their country. Follow- Hartford American Legion, Post Vacantl explained: Because black Those elected in Tuesday's City Treasurer Sandra K. Pulllns ing Is a schedule of events In the trl- #10151, will be celebrating this day granite Is such a popular choice, the General Election to serve on the City was re-elected with 270 votes, and Commission are August Pupedis, Jr. clty area honoring Veterans Day: with a dinner, at the Legion Hall stone Is on back order. St. Joe Thomas P. Yore kept his position as located on W. Red Arrow Highway in Monument will do the engraving. It who received the most votes, with a City Assessor with 271 votes. The Coloma American Legion, total of 191. Lois Qulgley, with 169 Post #362, will be having a flag- Hartford, at 7:00 p.m., and a dance really will be a beautiful memorial." Meldrene Kay Hutchlns will serve on March is the projected month for votes, and Commissioner Anita the Board of Review with 279 votes. raising and a gun salute at Baker following. Hirsch re-elected with 159 votes, at : a v ho or da y "Rampage" will be the featured the erection of the memorial and the All three candidates were unoppos- ^ V °P -? 1° " 1 - despite the problems of last year's e(j Those wishing to join the legion in band for the evening. accompanying ceremony. recall election. •mu Other contenders for seats on the Commission Included Thomas Tulllo David Randy Lowe who received 150 votes, Robert Hadley Wooley with 136 votes, Galen Blough Trash recycfihg begins in Tri-City area with 129 votes, and Charles Owen By Toresa LaPlante with 107 votes. The special dumpster has arrived! profit-making part of the Orchard Hill from the rest of garbage. One Barbara Wolfram received 259 A recycling center, along with the Landfill but Is offered by the landfill reporter suggested having separate votes to become the new City Clerk, composting center. Is now available as a community service. The dump- containers for recyclable Items a and Incumbent Fred Munchow will to residents In the trl-clty area who ster is currently rented by the landfill family may use and make separation serve as Treasurer with a total of 306 are concerned about groundwater from a Kalamazoo company, and Or- a family matter. votes In his favor, both candidates contamination and landfill pollution. chard Hill carries the cost of truck- Delivering the Items to be recycled were unopposed for office Berrien County landfills have been ing the recyclables to the ap- Is as easy as dumping any garbage receiving a lot of publicity recently proprlate Interested dumping sta- into a dumpster. The hardest part of ROY M. MILLER...(center) rests with from environmentalists who see the tlons. recycling Is changing the garbage two shipmates, Carl (left) and Otis abundance of out-of-county waste The dumpster has separate con- habit. This can be accomplished by Frank Dayton (right), in Galveston, Texas, Qlen and ever-expanding landfills as talners for various recyclable Items, taking it one step at a time. For In- Y«rlngton 1917. For story, see page 11. Wilkens threats to the environment. Because The containers are clearly labelled See RECYCLE on page 16 of the concern of several groups and for clear, brown, and green glass (all By an overwhelming margin of 289 Former Police Chief Individuals, several Berrien County separate containers); drain oil; tin, Over $10,000 raised for to 94 In Tuesday's general election, municipalities, Including the City of such as, cans;clear plastic milk jugs; the citizens of Hartford have voted is top vote getter in Coloma and Watervllet Township, and newspapers. WHS scholarship fund for former City Councilman David have become Involved In voicing Separating Items to be recycled Is Thanks to the generosity of the Hadley to fill the mayor's seat. 5-way Watervllet race their support for long-term solid as easy as separating pop bottles scholarships In June 1990. Water- Hadley ran against Councilman Watervllet High School alumni, their waste management-whlch Includes vllet graduates with science, math, In a light to moderate turnout, friends, and the sale of centennial Harold Frye. recyllng-as an alternative to landfill and/or physical education majors For City Council, Incumbents Watervllet voters kept Incumbent T-shirts and newspapers, the Harold pollution. may apply. Marlon Krall and Maxlne Frank Yerington and Glen Wllkens Commissioners Sharon Jennings Crocker Scholarship committee Is The Pines 'n' Needles Garden Club Brule were assigned to formulate an were re-elected, along with Fire and Daniel Schofleld and chose con- gratified to announce that the sum (not the Watervllet Garden Club, as application form, copies of which Chief Randy Lowe who, with 281, tender and former Police Chief of $10,049.23 has been deposited In earlier reported), led by Marian will be available In the WHS received the most votes. Yerington Bartley Rose to complete the Com- Gelsler, became Involved In cir- the Peoples State Bank as of Oc- received 229 votes, and Wllkens mission vote In Tuesday's General tober 1,1989. Contributions are still counselor's office after the first of culating petitions requesting the year. received 220. Also running, was Tod Election. definite changes In laws governing welcome. Checks may be made out Rose, with 200 votes, came In on TURKEY Latest donors to the fund are as Eftlng who received 198 votes. landfills and suggesting recycling to the Harold Crocker Scholarship Linda Eftlng will serve as top.
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