Historical Determinants of Regional Divisions of Georgia and Their Implications for Territorial Governance*

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Historical Determinants of Regional Divisions of Georgia and Their Implications for Territorial Governance* QUAESTIONES GEOGRAPHICAE 35(2) • 2016 HISTORICAL DETERMINANTS OF REGIONAL DIVISIONS OF GEORGIA AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR TERRITORIAL GOVERNANCE* Cezary Mądry, Julia KaCzMareK-Khubnaia Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland Manuscript received: January 5, 2016 Revised version: March 31, 2016 Mądry C., KaCzMareK-Khubnaia J., 2016. Historical determinants of regional divisions of Georgia and their implications for territorial governance. Quaestiones Geographicae 35(2), Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań, pp. 131–139, 6 figs, 1 table. abstraCt: Georgia can be characterised by its turbulent history, centuries-old traditions, and a great ethnic diversity. This makes it necessary to include historical determinants, in addition to geopolitical and economic factors, when making a regional analysis of its territory and contemporary governance issues. Five stages of the development of the present territorial division of Georgia are distinguished. They have been identified by means of an analysis of key events (critical junctures) of significance in the formation of its historical regions. Additionally, their influence at each of the three levels of the current territorial division of independent Georgia is discussed, in particular in the context of territorial governance. Key words: regional division, historical regions, Georgia, territorial governance Corresponding author: Julia Kaczmarek-Khubnaia, Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Dzięgielowa 27, 61-680 Poznań, Poland; e-mail: [email protected] Introduction determinants of the current regional and admin- istrative divisions of the country and their impli- Due to the significance of its geopolitical cations for governance. That is why the aim of position as well as its rich culture and centu- this article is to determine important historical ries-old traditions, Georgia has recently become events and their influence on the present admin- a frequent subject of international publications istrative divisions of Georgia, with a focus on the (Cornell 2003; King 2008; Suny 1994). These arti- issue of territorial governance. cles aim to familiarise the reader with the histo- Georgia reclaimed its independence in the ry, traditions and current political trends of the 1990s, which entailed the need of numerous ad- South Caucasus countries in general and Georgia ministrative reforms including a comprehensive in particular. However, there is a shortage of legal act describing the country’s territorial di- comprehensive works exploring the historical vision. The new regulations were intended to * The project was funded by the National Science Centre on the basis of its decision no. DEC–2011/01/B/HS4/03234. © 2016 Author(s) This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license Brought to you by | Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewiczadoi: 10.1515/ Poznan quageo–2016–0021 - Adam Mickiewicz University ISSN 0137–477X Authenticated Download Date | 4/11/17 9:42 AM 132 CEzAry MąDry, JUliA KACzMArEK-KHUBNAiA decentralise power and strengthen the role and Stages in the development capacities of local governments. The first legal ac- of the current territorial division tivities directed towards changing the adminis- trative status quo were carried out in 1994 during the presidency of Eduard Shevardnadze. The significant number of regions forming the The current territorial legislation, introduced present three-level system correspond directly to in 2006, is based on three levels of subdivision. those existing in antiquity and the Middle Ages. In accordance with the constitution and legal The current administrative division of Georgia provisions established during the Soviet rule, the is, in a sense, a consequence of the one existing regions of Abkhazia and Adjara have been given during the feudal fragmentation. The territorial the status of first-level entities characterised by units established at that time had their own so- the highest level of autonomy1. Second-level ad- cial structures, nobility traditions, culture and ministrative units consist of the nine remaining dialects that are still used in those areas today. regions (Kvemo Kartli, Guria, Imereti, Kakheti, A change in the territorial structure of the coun- Shida Kartli, Mtskheta-Mtianeti, Samegrelo- try resulted in the formation of historical regions zemo Svaneti, racha-lechkhumi and Kvemo with borders coinciding with those of individual Svaneti, and Samtskhe-Javakheti) and the capital ethnic groups. The process of the emergence of city of Tbilisi, which, because of its political and those regions can be divided into five main stag- economic status, has self-determination compe- es described below. tences comparable with those of bigger regions. The third-level division embraces 69 local enti- Stage 1: Antiquity ties, including 64 municipalities and five cities with a so-called ’special status’ (Melua 2010). Stage one begins with the emergence of the When analysing the current administrative di- first organised kingdoms in the Caucasus re- vision of Georgia, it is necessary to consider his- gion: Colchis3, located on the eastern shore of the torical events that have determined it in the con- Black Sea, and iberia4, situated in the east (Fig. text of the wider Caucasus region2. The region’s geographical location can be seen as on the border between the two continents of Europe and Asia. Since ancient times, Caucasus has been regarded as a territory of high strategic importance by the neighbouring countries that aimed to secure it in order to establish their dominance. Due to an early adoption of Christianity and the develop- ment of its own culture, Georgia, like Armenia, has been heavily influenced by the European civ- ilisation ever since its emergence as a state. The direction of political and economic activities and mostly Islamic surroundings resulted in frequent invasions of those two countries by their power- ful neighbours (Furier 2011). Fig. 1. Stage 1: establishment of the first historical regions of Georgia. Source: own elaboration based on Baranowscy (1987). 1 In 2007 the government of Georgia proposed South Ossetia to be regarded as one of the autonomous 3 Colchis – an important place in Greco-Roman my- republics. Following the rejection of this proposal thology, often referred to as an area where some of and the subsequent loss of administrative and mili- mythical events took place. The kingdom was situat- tary control in the region in 2008, South Ossetia has ed in the Rioni river valley and the territories of later remained part of the administrative region of Shida Samegrelo, Guria and imereti (lang 1972). Kartli. 4 The kingdom of iberia linguistically united the main 2 In the light of the path-dependence concept, these ethnic groups that inhabited the east Georgia region important historical events can be called critical junc- for centuries: the Diaokhi, the Moschi, and the popu- tures (Mahoney 2001, Gwosdz 2004). lation of the former kingdom of Urartu (lang 1972). Brought to you by | Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza Poznan - Adam Mickiewicz University Authenticated Download Date | 4/11/17 9:42 AM HiSTOriCAl DETErMiNANTS OF rEGiONAl DiViSiONS OF GEOrGiA AND THEir iMPliCATiONS 133 1). In the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD the kingdom in turn, brought not only an increase in territo- of lazica (Egrisi) gained in importance. The king- ry6, but also economic and civilisational growth dom, with the capital in Tsikhegoji, was located (Baranowscy 1987). in the south-western part inhabited by repre- sentatives of the Kartvelian language group. In Stage 3: Feudal fragmentation later centuries lazica became one of the most important kingdoms in the region. The forma- The third stage of the formation of modern tion of the above-mentioned entities initiated the Georgia began with feudal fragmentation which unification of different communities and territo- took place in the second half of the 15th century. ries that were to form the area of future Georgia Numerous invasions by Persian and Mongo- (Baranowscy 1987). lian armies, a war in the country between those two competing empires as well as ongoing con- Stage 2: Attempt at the unification flicts within the nobility group weakened the of Georgian territories royal power. This resulted in the fragmentation of the territory into three independent kingdoms: Stage two can be characterised by a rise in Kartli, Kakheti and Imereti (Fig. 3; Furier 2000), the political significance of two eastern princi- and a number of smaller semi-independent prin- palities of Kakheti and Ereti and of the kingdom cipalities (samtavro), among them Samtskhe- of Abkhazia as well as by the establishment, by Saatabago, Guria, Svaneti, Samegrelo (Mingrelia) Ashot I Bagratid, of the kingdom of Tao-Klarjeti5 and Abkhazia. Additionally, a large number of (Fig. 2). A descendant of Ashot i, Adarnase iV feudal holdings (satavado) were established by (II), proclaimed himself king of Georgians in 888. the nobility in individual principalities. Those The establishment, by the Bagratids, of a single holdings were ruled as private property and of- country can be perceived as a key element influ- ten depended on a central authority (Baranowscy encing the later history of the region. 1987). The period referred to as the golden age of From the point of view of a regional analy- Georgia occurred during the rule of king David sis, the fragmentation
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