2017 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Thursday, 18th May 2017 Pullman Hotel Brisbane, Queensland Career Development Association of Australia Inc. ARBN 061 218 639 Level 1, 18-20 Grenfell Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 Telephone: (08) 8211 6961 Email:
[email protected] Web: www.cdaa.org.au 2017 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE CAREER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA INC. The AGM is the largest member meeting for the year where the performance in the previous year is reported, new executive is ratified, and other important issues are addressed. All financial members are invited to attend, however only Life, Fellow, Professional, Associate and Retired Members are entitled to vote on general matters, and Life, Fellow and Professional Members only may vote on constitutional matters. Best wishes are extended to the incoming Executive for 2017 - 2018. Sincere thanks are expressed to the outgoing National President Andrew Rimington and National Secretary Jo Shambler for the time and energy they have so willingly put into the Association’s business and to promoting the interests of members and the career development profession. Contents Agenda 1 Resolutions 1 Minutes of the 2016 AGM 3 CDAA Annual Report 2016 9 CDAA Financial Report 2016 31 CDAA Revised Constitution 53 CDAA Constitution Comparative Changes 55 Draft CDAA Revised Constitution 121 Declaration of National Executive Committee for 2017-18 141 Membership Recognition 143 CAREER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA INC. ARBN 061 218 639 2017 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 18 May 2017 Pullman Hotel, King George