SOUTH DELTA LEADER deltassist 2009 – 2010 annual report › d1

2009 – 2010 annual report

deltassist family and community services

and services continue to meet COA ac- existing Board members; Denis Moore, array of programs and variety of services that creditation standards. The peer review Elaine Greggain, Maurice Bouchard, Len Deltassist provides. The level of commitment was the culmination of many months of Stroh, and Kam Raman for all their ser- we receive from our management, staff, and work on the part of everyone at Deltas- vice. Thank you to each of our Board volunteers is unbelievable. This year Deltas- sist. Perhaps the most important aspect members for their contributions and sist is in NEED! I reach out with a request of the review was the attention given to efforts towards Delta, as well as their that all Delta residents should take to heart. Deltassist’s performance quality improve- ongoing passion and sense of commu- We need your financial help, we need your ment (PQI) where program activities and nity. The Board of Directors wishes any volunteer time, and we need your passion to sincerely help our community. I offer a sin- Warren T. Hughes practices are continuously monitored individual who wishes to volunteer, as a and up-dated to reflect Deltassist’s com- Board member to contact us. cere thank you to all that do give, and to all Tyler Garnham photo mitment to maintaining its service stan- The following individuals have left us that will give to Deltassist for the first time. dards. through either retirement or a desire to We need you today, and we will need you This past year has been a year of tre- I am pleased to report that Deltassist move on to other endeavors. We wish more than ever tomorrow. mendous challenge for Deltassist. There passed its review with flying colours and them well in their journey. They are I wish to conclude by thanking all the volun- are many individuals and volunteers that is now re-accredited until 2014. Delta Jonathan Carr, Verinder Dhaliwal, Janice teers, my Board colleagues, the management should be thanked for their enormous ef- residents should know that Deltassist Hamel, Joanne Hahn, Margaret Lloyd, and staff for their efforts and support toward fort on behalf of Deltassist. As I enter my takes its accreditation very seriously and and Laureen McCleery. Thank you for Deltassist’s past goals and future endeavors. fourth year, as President of the Board, I continues its commitment to maintaining your service. As a volunteer I serve as President and I will must first thank Doug Sabourin the Ex- the highest possible standards with the This year, like last year continues to continue to do my part as a resident of Delta ecutive Director. Doug’s dedication services it offers. bring financial and service challenges. and I know I can count on you to do yours. and knowledge of community service is In 2010, Deltassist was named best The Board of Directors for the fourth year Thank you, Warren T. Hughes president extremely valuable. Doug continues to non-profit organization by the Surrey in a row reluctantly approved a deficit navigate Deltassist through choppy wa- and Leader. In addition, the budget. The Provincial Government bud- ters, and we wish to thank him for his United Way of the and get cuts and other funding partners have service to our community. Scotia Bank named Deltassist the Com- continued to reduce their commitment to In December 2009, Deltassist hosted munity Spirit Award winner for our Se- Delta. The dedicated management, staff Board of Directors three peer reviewers from the Council on niors’ Shopping Program. and volunteers continue to successfully Accreditation (COA). The peer review- Deltassist again supported Kwantlen manage these funding challenges. This President Treasurer ers came from Pennsylvania, Ontario Polytechnic University with a Family report provides a brief summary of the Warren Hughes Maurice Bouchard from the the from and Michigan. Their job was to interview and Community Service Bursary in the various services we delivered and a tally agency volunteers, Board members, staff amount of $1,000 to the student that had of the number of individuals whose lives, Vice President Director and community stakeholders, and most applied for this bursary, and is interested we believe, have benefited from those Kam Raman Denis Moore importantly, clients. They had read the in working in the social service field. This services. The Board, management and comprehensive self study that Deltassist years student was Lauren Baxandall, we staff continue our commitment to the de- Secretary Director had submitted in August, 2009 and they wish Lauren all the best with her educa- livery of the program and services of Del- Elaine Greggain Len Stroh asked questions and read program mate- tion and her future career goals. tassist. rials to ensure that Deltassist’s programs message A special thank you goes out to our I continue to be impressed by the vast

caring for our community through the support of Delta residents since 1972 D2 ‹ Deltassist 2009 – 2010 annual report SOUTH DELTA LEADER SOUTH DELTA LEADER Deltassist 2009 – 2010 annual report › D3 employees volunteers Counseling and family support services Rachelle Ashbee Angelika Jaehrlich message from the executive director 2009-2010: Maggie Akkam Karen Day Diane Kirkbride Christine Neilson Len Stroh Penny Best Naushina Kiely Harshad Amin Kerry Derbyshire Arlene Lang Lorraine Noga-van Sherri Strukoff 1200 total counseling intake calls Maureen Bozman Margaret Lloyd Deltassist is at a tipping point: Wendy Anselmo Mildred Dick Sofia Lang Deursen taryn Strukoff 1009 Alcohol and drug program terry Cardy David Matta financial support needed for its Barb Archer Kim Disanjh Isla Lawrie Sharon Nosek Bill Sudeyko 47 Suicide prevention Jonathan Carr Ladan Morano high quality social services Karen Atkinson Helen Dixon Jas Lehal Judy Novakowski Joannice Sweeney 164 Alternatives to violence program Julie Chadwick Angela Pallan Lucille Baker Pamela Doughty Moira Lemon Marianna Poon Jill tasman 40 Healthy families program Jean Chandok Parminder Rai Since I joined Deltassist as its Executive Gail Barker Linda Easdown Leilah Lietz Kam Raman Harry taylor in 2009-2010 in 133 Family support services Colleen Collins Connie Rimmer Director in 2006, every annual report I have Alice Barnes Phil Easdown Carol Loehr Cathy Ramli Muriel taylor 26 Nobody’s perfect parenting Carlee Costello Shelley Rimmer given has had a similar theme: Deltassist’s Mark Barton Ursula Easterbrook Rona Luhmann Ian Reade Nina taylor 13 Young parent outreach program Deborah Dagenais Doug Sabourin Doug Sabourin volunteers, board members and staff continue Patti Barton Jo-Anne Farmer Irene MacCulloch Priscilla Rehlinger Shannon taylor Executive Director 2632 total served Verinder Dhaliwal tejinder Sarkaria to be committed to offering the highest quality Malik Bashir Rob Farmer Patricia MacDonald Keith Reid Sharon taylor social services to Delta residents despite on- Clients served Santa's helpers: Two are Raman Dhaliwal Helen Stevens Mary Bell Janet Geistlinger Vicki MacDonald Connie Rimmer Lynn temoin members from the 38th Suzy Fong Ravi teja going funding challenges. Lori Bentz-Sim Penny George Elaine Macleod Shelley Rimmer Craig thomson Community fund Baden Powell Guild; all Zainu Ganief Doug thorslev Readers of this annual report will see that this year again, Deltassist’s Evelyn Berger Linda Grandia Deanne MacMillan Dorothy Robertson Corito torres 228 Individuals and families: are volunteers who, year Carly Geistlinger Pamela turner revenues have fallen significantly and for the third year in a row, revenues Lorraine Bird Al Grandia Michele Maguire Wilma Roodbergen Sylvia travis $10,733.11 Distributed after year, deliver toys to our toy depot. Lou Grant Joanne Van Snellenberg have not matched expenses. Donna Bolger Pat Greenwell Gloria Maki Jan Salvador Dianne tryon Information and referral Janice Hamel Lyn Walker this is an alarming state of affairs and the Board of Directors and Susan Bonar Elaine Greggain Dawn McCallum Dorothy Sample Joanne Van thousands served served thousands 6246 Information and referral contacts Cheryl Hart Lorraine Yates management have worked diligently to raise additional funds to meet Maurice Bouchard Jean Groome Leah McCullough Mary Lou Sharland Snellenberg normal operating costs. the truth of the matter is that as a non-profit Seniors services Staff Christmas Klaus Iden Margaret Bourhill Virginia Guilbault Elizabeth McKenzie Janice Sherbuck Mariam Walker social service agency, Deltassist relies on public funds to subsidize its Maureen Bozman Grace Hall Audrey McMillan George Shipley Meg Walley 107 Seniors served client services. 552 Services provided Herbert Brandt Joy Hand Ivadell Mengering Gail Simpson Jasmine Warren Over the last number of years, government contracts have not Gordon Brechin Val Hanson Bob Metcalfe Joan Smallenberg Roberta Whiley Volunteer services kept pace with increased cost of operations. Aileen Brown Rob Hebden Matthew Millward Erika Spiller Robbin Whitbread 153 Deltassist volunteers Deltassist relies on provincial government contract funds to offset op- Diane Brown Regina Helgason Barbara Moore Marlene Sproule Keith Wilson 5991 Hours of volunteer work performed erational costs and in the last year, contract funds have been cut but at the Joy Brown Ann Henderson Denis Moore Helen Stevens M-J Wood at Deltassist same time the same level of service has been expected. . Hanford Burden Susan Hiebert tyesse John Stockton Jessica Wu Assistance services It helps put food this unfortunate and predicted state of affairs comes at a time when Larry Cardy Karen Hnatiuk Morneau Nikki Yau Deltassist has received well-deserved public acknowledgement for its Bonny Munn Christmas projects in the children’s Andrea Carley Warren Hughes One of Santa's helpers with toy donations services and continues to meet an international standard for its service Jackie Murray 650 Christmas hampers Patti Carlsen Paulette Huntley tummy and presents delivery. Wayne 594 Service club assisted hampers Deltassist Staff David Carrigan Rodney Jackson under the tree. Deltassist is at a tipping point: if it does not receive significant on- Kishore Chhanabhai Kristen Jain Murray 738 Children who received toys going financial support, in the very near future its financial reserves will Irene deltassist in numbers: in numbers: deltassist Anna Collings Lois Jensen community partners be exhausted to the point where it will have to cease operations. Nattrass Income tax preparation "It makes it so incredibly much easier Betty Courtney Juli Johnson Edwina 382 Clients served Allegra Print and Imaging This year Deltassist celebrates 38 years of community service to get through the holiday season and Jean Crowther Robert Juulsen Nazareth Bousfield & Associates to Delta residents. Marti Danyluk Janet Kidd David Neil lifts a big burden off of me." Boys & Girls Club Community Services of If Deltans value Deltassist and its many services, funds will need to Anne Davidson Margot Kinnee Delta/Richmond be raised to ensure its financial survival. how can you help? CItA I call upon all Delta residents to declare their support for Deltassist Deltassist volunteers "I think you are doing a Canada Safeway and its legacy of caring for the community by giving it the financial sup- 1. Make a tax-deductible donation individual donors wonderful job at volunteering Delta Cable Communications Ltd. port it requires to continue to serve those who need hope in their lives, Viola Krall Paavila Murdina Dr. Kevin Spence 2. Leave a bequest from your estate to Delta Home Support Society the healing presence of a supportive community and assistance to help James Abbott Dan Dosen and assisting families in a Julie Lapinsky John Murphy Robert Spires Deltassist Delta Service Clubs them through life’s challenges. Conrad & Laura Ahrens Barbara Dymond M. M. Lawlor Kent Neilson G.A. Duncan Stewart 3. Volunteer a gift of your time time of need. I very much Delta Optimist Help us to help those in our community who need our caring presence. Fay R. Allen Michael Edgson Anne Andrew Sharon Edwards Isla Lawrie Debbie Neudorf Dianne Stolberg 4. Organize a company fundraiser for appreciate the help!" Kwantlen Polytechnic University Foundation Respectfully, Doug Sabourin Bruce Archibald Donald Faulkner Chun Yuan Li Lesley & Keith Oliver Jan Storer Deltassist North Delta Mental Health & Addictions Executive Director Paul & Ann Fisher R & B Lloyd Dorothy O'Sullivan William & Olga Sudeyko Options: Services to Communities Society Dr. P.S. Athwal tara Fisher Lois Jackson David Otto Bonnie Sutherland Peace Arch Community Services John A. Bailey Doris & Leonard Frost Lois & Bruce Louden Ronald Parsons Dorothy Sutton Progressive Intercultural Community Paul Bains "Counsellor provided not only Services Society Inderjit Singh Bamrah David Gahr Veronica Luhmann Rishard Pearce Giselle Swystun the benefit of her experience and School District No. 37 (Delta) John D. & Marylee Bruce Gates J & B Lund Elizabeth Perrin Dennis tarr Alice Barnes Recipient Barham C.E.& R.W. Giprdano M & J MacDonald Jerry Pickering Dave taylor Semiahmoo House Society of the Karen Johnson John Biehl educational status, but also a level SOS Security Solutions Ltd. Volunteer Award. trina & Sean Gowan Sandra MacLeod Kathy & Eric Poon Kenneth taylor of humanity that without same, I Surrey/North Delta/South Delta Leader John & Jan Blanchard Brent Graham Nancy MacLennan Sandy Powis Robert taylor Surrey Now Newspaper Schuyler Boll Doug Grant Emma MacPhail R. Purdy John & Lyndae thomas have no doubt whatsoever that I the Province Empty Stocking Fund Kevin Borthwick Pat Greenwell Harpinder Pummi Malli Karen L. Ramsay Robert thorp community donors Keith & Sharon Bossons Brent & Cathy Halliday Isobel Marshall Russell & Betty-Lou Miranda tuck could never achieved the level of Robin & William Read Alberto's & Co. Diane Moore - Muscle Rotary Club of tsawwassen Elizabeth & Wayne Irene Mason Margaret turner Braidwood Hamilton Joy Reid progress that I have." major supporters Allegra Print & Imaging Memory Personal training & Point Roberts Helen Mathews Martina Vander Horn terry Bremner Shannon Hardy Jim Reynolds B.C. Gaming Commission Alpha Lambda Master-Beta Dr. D.R. Lister Inc. Royal Bank of Canada Emily Mathews Kevin & Nicole Varga Harro Breninek Century Group Sigma Phi English Bluff Elementary Royal Canadian Legion Ruth & Peter Harraway Robert Maxwell Anne Richards Dennis Voysey Douglas A. Bridger "Shows my kids that people do care when Corporation of Delta Anglican Church Women First Hawthorne Rangers Branch #61 W.E. Hart M. Claire Maynard Margaret Riddell Kelly Vugteveen Jean Brown times are hard." Delta Community Foundation Diocese of N.W. Flora Pigeau Dance Rusty Hinges Group Dorothy Harvey Marguerite McConnell Louis Rioux Betty Jane Walker Gayle Burgess Fraser Health Authority B.C. Ferries Employees, Academy Sacred Heart School A. Herringer tracey McKinley thomas Ross Reginald Wand Counseling Display at Scottsdale Mall "Don't Drink and Drive/ tsawwassen Grade 1 & 3 Judy Burrows Province of Full Circle Project Services David Hoar Neil McLennan Noreen Rudd Floyd & Mary Wartnow Don't Smoke/Don't take Drugs." B.C. Hydro Employees' Ltd. Safeway Sunshine Hills Linda Butler Real Estate Board of Sharon Hoeght Bernice McMahon Benjamin Ruhl Cathy Waterson Community Services Fund Bequita Butts Gordon Food Services Safeway tsawwassen Randy Holland thomas McNeilage John Russell Gerald Watts Boys & Girls Club Brenda Cameron United Way of the Lower Jarvis Elementary School Sands Secondary School Brent & Cathy Holliday Alice McQuade Judith Sadowsky Dr. J. Nixon White Bulldogs Linda Carlson Mainland Kennedy Park Lawn Seaquam Secondary Gerry & trix Bob Metcalfe Mr. & Mrs. N. Sakiyama Elaine Whittaker Canadian Western Bank Bowling Club School Roy & Shirley Carter Hoogendoorn Vancouver Foundation Cheryl Miller trinita Scott Muriel Wientjes Chesapeake Landing Kwantlen Polytechnic Shato Holdings Ltd. Dennis & Marilyn Julian & Irene Hoogstra Marilyn Molloy LeaAnne Sexton Jan Wilmot Chevron Canada Limited University Foundation SOS Security Solutions Cherenko Peggy Horton "Deltassist’s support has Kelly A. Morgan Isobel Shane Steve Wilson Cliff Drive School Ladner Girls Ltd. Sharon & Richard Clark Veda Hotel been critical in assisting this Maria Morrison Dr. Carol Shpak Sharon Wolfmeyer Coast Capital Savings Ladner Harbour Centre/ St. Cuthbert Anglican Donald W. Coates C & J Jantzen Dorset Realty Group Church Leanne Mueske Marguerite Shepert Donna Woloshen Cobs Bread Jean Coban Mabel Jensen student in learning coping Canada Ltd. St. Stephens United Naranjan Muker Peter Smailes Heidi & Ronald Wood Cougar Canyon Elementary Mr. & Mrs. J. Cohade Wendy Johnston Ladner Lions Club Church Shirley Mulschlegel Gordon & Allison Smith Ruth Worthington skills which have allowed School Bruce Conley Betty Kelly Maurice L. Bouchard Inc. Sukh's Pharmacy W. & M. Speitelsbach Bridgette Zacharias Crossroad United Church Sandra & Mike Cornell Myrtle Kennedy her to become stable and NAI Holdings Ltd. Sunshine Ridge Baptist Bob Zeman CUPE Local 454 Kenneth Cotter Natural Comfort Church Streit Kim has provided her with skills Delta Chambers of Dianne Craig S & E Kinsey Commerce North Delta Newcomers & telus Communications Company Kathleen Currie Danielle Kjellbotn Donations from the following which she can actively use to Delta Fire Fighters Union Friends North Delta Secondary the Hydrecs Fund Irene Czinege Joan Klassen individuals and businesses were maintain a healthy lifestyle." Emergency Fanny Day Staff School Unifiller Systems Inc. Maryann Klyne instrumental helping Deltassist recognize Winifred Dennett Delta Ladies Golf Club Order of the Eastern Star Van City (North Delta Peter & Marilyn Kobliuk our dedicated volunteers. Deltassist Volunteers. Community Branch) Delta Pentecostal Youth Overwaitea Food Group Deltassist wishes to thank: Schuyler Boll, (Save On Foods #963) Van City (tswwassan Delta Shoppers Mall Esquires, Sunshine Hills Delta Retired teachers Branch) corporate donors "This has been a complex case. Deltassist’s Association Rankin Skyline Services Ltd. Wellbrook Winery Ltd. Safeway, Tsawwassen Safeway, Wellbrook Delta Secondary School Coast Capital Savings Credit Union willingness to participate actively as a team Rotary Club of Ladner Winery, SOS Security Solutions and Canwest Delta tops B.C. #3585 Jamieson’s Pet Food Distributors member has been greatly appreciated." Rotary Club of North Delta Telephone Company Corp. for Delview Secondary School Westshore terminals. their generous donation. caring for our community through the support of Delta residents since 1972 D4 ‹ Deltassist 2009 – 2010 annual report SOUTH DELTA LEADER

Performance quality thank you for your support imProvement For the past 38 years, Delta residents have come In the last year, Deltas- contributed their time and to rely on Deltassist when they need assistance, and sist staff and volunteers energies to the accredita- we are proud of our record and reputation for offering worked very hard, prepar- tion process. I want to ac- community-based services to our community Deltassist’s motto is ‘caring for our ing for its first re-accredita- knowledge Lorraine Yates’ Deltassist’s motto is ‘caring for our community’ and community’ and we are now asking tion. I am very pleased to work in coordinating the we are now asking you for your financial support. inform you that Deltassist re-accreditation efforts in you for your financial support. achieved a four-year ac- addition to her responsi- We know you share our commitment to serving those creditation from the coun- bility to organizing Deltas- in our community who need hope in their lives, the healing cil on accreditation that sist’s Performance Quality presence of a supportive community and practical extends until 2014. Improvement (PQI) pro- assistance to help them through life’s challenges. The success of the re- cess. We are asking for your support because traditional If you want Deltassist to continue to offer the accreditation reflects the Performance Quality sources of revenue have simply not kept pace with services that you have come to trust and rely importance that Deltassist Improvement informs all of normal operating costs. on, please support us through your financial attaches to its internal and our work. contribution. external accountability. We are committed to Everyone is involved in continuing to emphasize You can make your contribution by ensuring all services meet PQI in all aspects of our contacting Deltassist. standards and everyone is work to ensure that Delta involved in reviewing prac- residents continue to re- 604.594.3455 tices and procedures that ceive the standard of ser- contribute to excellent cli- vice that they have come Call Now ent service. to expect from Deltassist. I would like to extend thanks to all of the clients, doug Sabourin, volunteers and staff who Executive Director Thank you for your support for Deltassist’s important work in our community. Board Members "Professional and dedicated staff with genuine concern for the welfare of others"

Scottsdale Mall “Don’t Drink and Drive/Don’t Smoke Counseling Display at

revenue /Don’t take Drugs” display.

Fraser Health Authority $514,190  24.78% INVITATION to the AGM United Way Provincial Government Please join us at $141,215  6.81% $1,163,493  56.07% Deltassist’s Annual Meeting Donations, Fund-raising beginning at 7:00 p.m. $108,735  5.24% Wednesday, September 22nd. This year we are proud to have as our Speaker, Gaming-Newton Bingo Ms. Deb Bryant, the Vice President of the Association $80,507  3.88% United Way of the Lower Mainland, who Interest & Miscellaneous will speak about the United Way’s exciting $32,124  1.55% new initiative: the Public Policy Institute. Deltassist will also be presenting the award- Corp. of Delta $29,000  1.40% winning video about its Seniors Shopping and Volunteer Service that was awarded a United Vancouver Foundation Way Community Spirit Award this year. $5,700  0.27% expenses Light refreshments will be served. Administration $332,915  15% Please RSVP to TOTAL REVENUE $2,074,964 604.594.3455 TOTAL EXPENSES $2,253,415 by September 15 deficit $178,451 Program Operations / Service Delivery $1,920,500  85% 9097 120 Street, Delta BC tel 604.594.3455 fax 604.594.3496 email [email protected] Thank you Deltassist Family and Community Services Society thanks all of those groups and individuals who have supported our services with donations of money, toys, food and time. We apologize if we have inadvertently missed or mispelled anyone’s name.

caring for our community through the support of Delta residents since 1972