Second Worst Parents Ever [Ranma]: Gendo and Yui Ikari may have stolen the top spot, ​ but Genma and Nodoka Saotome used to hold the title, and aren't far behind. Lucky you, you're now Ranma's sibling, and gain the defects of Seppuku Pledge and Fiance Magnet, with no extra points from them, as Genma dragged you along on the 10-year training trip as well, and just like Ranma, has sold you off on a regular basis for anything from secret techniques, to a bowl of rice and two pickles. Expect to be chased down by a long string of revenge seekers, fiances, people who want their stolen property back, and random people Genma has sold you to. (Then kidnapped you back and run off of course!) Not only that, but Genma's irresponsible behavior has probably saddled you with at least two or three other minor curses over the years. Don't worry, they won't come up too often, unless someone else finds out about them. Any time your father notices you having something nice, he will probably try to steal it to pawn for drinking money, and you can't just get rid of him, because your honor won't let you. How that happened with him as an example is beyond understanding. Of course, if you and Ranma aren't both perfectly manly according to Nodoka's warped perspective, she'll happily force you to follow the seppuku pledge, so be careful that she doesn't see Ranma turning into a girl. (or you if you got that as a curse!) Flea (Inuyasha): A flea Yokai follows me around. Can’t do harm to it more than flicking it ​ away. Drinks my blood, immune to my bloods badness. The Gnat: A very small and very persistent Gnat has decided to spend these years ​ zooming about my ears. He gives annoying comments and make very bad jokes every now and then. Sibling Rivalry [Ranma] (Inuyasha): Ranma scales with the Jumper somewhat. Has a ​ habit of taking my stuff and using it for himself. Destined Enemy [Society of Evil] (Jojo): You gain a group of enemies who reflect your ​ chosen powerset (if bought). Their tactics are a dark mirror to yours, and they always seem to - if not hounding your footsteps - always be in an inopportune location. METALLIC JUMPER (Sonic): A robotic Jumper. ​ Metal Destruction (Sonic Classic): Upgraded METALLIC JUMPER to be better. When ​ ​ beaten it is ‘rebuilt’ and comes back later. Hitler Hate Beams (Captain Planet): Hitler is alive and well (for certain definitions of the ​ word, at least), and is possessed of a hatred so black, foul, and overpowering that his mere presences pollutes the Earth, and his gaze causes all within it to suffer ‘emotional pollution,’ positive feelings muted and negative feelings enhanced. Hitler may slowly but reliably conjure soldiers and weapons of war from polluted environments to wage further war, and he has consolidated his control of central Europe. Grail-Kun (Carnival Phantasm): The Carnival Phantasm corrupted holy grail. ​ Who’s That Guy? (Showa ): A cyborg calling himself Kamen Rider #3, as ​ well as a robot calling itself Kamen Rider #4 come through time exactly one year after the jump begins. Their mission is to kill you of course, and they’ve been specially made to do so. They’ve been briefed on all of your powers, companions, weapons, and strategies. So do not expect to surprise or defeat them easily. Shocker Jumper (Showa Kamen Rider): You don’t know how they did it, but they did. ​ One of the evil organizations of this world has managed to create a perfect duplicate of you. This duplicate has all of your powers and is just as skilled in their usage as you are. They are absolutely loyal to the organization that created them, and their mission is to help their organization succeed in its goals as well as exterminate you. Be on your guard at all times. A Strange Mirage (Heisei Kamen Rider): Mirage Agito aka Shouichi Maguichi is a ​ mentally ill man who was once told to feed on the despair of others. He now is a foe able to take on Agito (Shining Form) and Exceed Gills. Warlock Now! (Neo-Heisei Kamen Rider) Kamen Rider Warlock is a dark doppelganger ​ of Kamen Rider Wizard. This alternative route, where he embraced Despair, has kept the strength of both being a Wizard and accepting his Phantom. He has all the powers and capabilities of Wizard as well as a seemingly endless supply of Ghoul Stones and is more than willing to fight dirty. In addition to all this he’s personally teamed up with the Phantoms... I’m Already a Demon (Al-Miraj, Lechuza, Cadejo, Teumessia, & Zhenniao)(Neo-Heisei ​ Kamen Rider): Each of these Phantoms has a full power Kaijin form, a cortie of Ghouls, ​ suitable teamwork, and an awareness of how to get the drop on Jumper. Chain Breakers (Dragon Ball): The Time Breakers Towa, Mira, Dabura, & Putine ​ Dark Seekers (Dragon Ball Z): Enemies will be granted a dark power here, a 'Supervillain ​ Mode' that turns even weak enemies into potent foes undefeatable by the heroes of this world at the point they’re encountered. encountered. Not only that, but enemies will also have advance warning and some pointers on incoming threats as well as how to handle them, being on the whole more informed and competent than they displayed in canon. The Ire of a Goddess [Overlord: The Games]: The Mother Goddess is real, and she is not ​ very happy with you, unlike most times in which she seems to ignore most Overlords, she has decided to send her elves aided by some of her blessings against you, it has to be said that the Elves won’t like you at all, if they are all dead then elf ghosts will be finding their way to your lands and attempt to attack you when they find you. Heroic Party [Overlord: The Games]: There is a part of heroes out there, they are all ​ well trained and at least a bit smart in how they will approach you based on what they know about you, they might not be as strong as you, but they got strong magical weapons and will play it smart, they will even recruit any enemies that you got to assist them. Rogue Gallery [Batman, The Animated Series]: Sure, companions are all well and good, ​ but haven’t you ever wanted to see some familiar, unfriendly faces as well? A colorful collection of antagonists to act as the thorn in your side; people that test you? Well, now you can; during your stay here, up to ten original heroes or villains (or anti-heroes or anti-villains or particularly aggressive neutral people or... well, you get the idea) will come about, with their own unique skills, gear, and/or powers. And, inevitably, they will come into conflict with you somehow. Hagall, Greatest Daimakaichō (Ah My Goddess): The chick who, alongside some other ​ Demons, managed to bind and lock Hild herself in a cage for a while during a planned Coup. Hagall Demon, First Class, Category One, Unlimited is a specialist whose forward planning skills, hypnotism powers, outright mind control are crazy potent and with powerful enough magic to take on the Norns as a group all at once. She's smart, grandiose, and finds me, no matter my origins, to be the perfect pet.