H2632 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 20, 2021 Doyle, Michael Lowenthal Payne (Pallone) mittee on Transportation and Infra- (A) (IMO number F. (Cartwright) (Beyer) Perlmutter structure be discharged from further 9333149). Golden (Raskin) McEachin (Neguse) (B) Carnival Miracle (IMO number 9237357). ´ consideration of the bill (H.R. 1318) to Grijalva (Garcıa (Wexton) Ruppersberger (C) Crystal Serenity (IMO number 9243667). (IL)) McHenry (Banks) (Raskin) restrict the imposition by the Sec- (D) (IMO number Johnson (TX) Mfume (Evans) Rush retary of Homeland Security of fines, (Jeffries) Mullin (Cole) (Underwood) 9837468). Katko (Stefanik) Napolitano Sewell (DelBene) penalties, duties, or tariffs applicable (E) (IMO number Kelly (IL) (Correa) Slotkin (Axne) only to coastwise voyages, or prohibit 9333151). (Kuster) Norman (Van Waters otherwise qualified non-United States (F) Eurodam (IMO number 9378448). ´ Kirkpatrick Drew) (Barragan) citizens from serving as crew, on speci- (G) Golden Horizon (IMO number 9793545). (Stanton) Ocasio-Cortez Wilson (FL) (H) (IMO number 9104005). Lawson (FL) (Bush) (Hayes) fied vessels transporting passengers be- (I) Hanseatic Inspiration (IMO number (Evans) Pascrell Wilson (SC) tween the State of Washington and the Lieu (Beyer) (Pallone) (Timmons) 9817145). State of Alaska, to address a Canadian (J) Koningsdam (IMO number 9692557). f ban and the extraordinary (K) NG Quest (IMO number 9798985). REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER impacts of the COVID–19 pandemic on (L) NG Sea Bird (IMO number 8966444). AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 1127 Alaskan communities, and for other (M) NG Sea Lion (IMO number 8966456). purposes, and ask for its immediate (N) NG Venture (IMO number 9799044). Mr. MOULTON. Mr. Speaker, I re- consideration in the House. (O) Nieuw Amsterdam (IMO number move my name as a cosponsor of H.R. The Clerk read the title of the bill. 9378450). 1127. (P) Noordam (IMO number 9230115). The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. (Q) Zuiderdam (IMO number 9221279). objection to the request of the gen- JONES). The gentleman’s request is (R) (IMO number tleman from Oregon? granted. 9614141). There was no objection. (S) Ovation of the Seas (IMO number f The text of the bill is as follows: 9697753). REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER H.R. 1318 (T) Radiance of the Seas (IMO number 9195195). AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 1127 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- (U) Serenade of the Seas (IMO number resentatives of the United States of America in Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I remove 9228344). Congress assembled, my name as a cosponsor of H.R. 1127. (V) Eclipse (IMO number 9404314). The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (W) Millennium (IMO number 9189419). This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Alaska tlewoman’s request is granted. (X) Solstice (IMO number 9362530). Tourism Recovery Act’’. (Y) Norwegian Bliss (IMO number 9751509). f SEC. 2. VOYAGE DEEMED TO BE FOREIGN. (Z) Norwegian Encore (IMO number PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINT- (a) CRITERIA.—A roundtrip voyage trans- 9751511). MENT OF BARBARA BARRETT AS porting passengers between a port or place in (AA) Norwegian Jewel (IMO number A CITIZEN REGENT OF THE the State of Alaska and a port or place in 9304045). the State of Washington is deemed a foreign (BB) Norwegian Spirit (IMO number BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE voyage for purposes of U.S. law, if the voy- 9141065). SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION age— (CC) Norwegian Sun (IMO number 9218131). Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I ask (1) is made by a passenger vessel to which (DD) (IMO number 9868869). unanimous consent that the Com- sections 3507 and 3508 of title 46, United (EE) Pacific Princess (IMO number mittee on House Administration be dis- States Code, apply; and 9187887). (2) which occurs during the period de- charged from further consideration of (FF) (IMO number 9000259). scribed in subsection (b). (GG) Quantum of the Seas (IMO number the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 27) pro- (b) DURATION OF APPLICABILITY.—A voyage 9549463). viding for the appointment of Barbara deemed to be a foreign voyage under sub- (HH) Queen Elizabeth (IMO number Barrett as a citizen regent of the Board section (a) is a voyage which begins not later 9477438). of Regents of the Smithsonian Institu- than any date prior to February 28, 2022, on (II) (IMO number 9126819). tion, and ask for its immediate consid- which the Government of Canada or its polit- (JJ) Regatta (IMO number 9156474). eration in the House. ical subdivisions, or any port or province in (KK) Roald Amundsen (IMO number The Clerk read the title of the joint Canada, prohibits a passenger vessel to 9813072). resolution. which sections 3507 and 3508 of title 46, (LL) (IMO number 9378462). United States Code, apply from entering, (MM) Sapphire Princess (IMO number The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there berthing, or docking in Canadian waters of 9228186). objection to the request of the gentle- the Pacific Coast due to the COVID–19 pan- (NN) Scenic Eclipse (IMO number 9797371). woman from California? demic. (OO) Seabourn Odyssey (IMO number There was no objection. 9417086). AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. DEFAZIO The text of the joint resolution is as (PP) Seabourn Venture 2 (IMO 9862023). follows: Mr. DEFAZIO. Madam Speaker, I (QQ) Seven Seas Mariner (IMO number have an amendment at the desk. H.J. RES. 27 9210139). The SPEAKER pro tempore. The (RR) (IMO number 9192167). Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep- Clerk will report the amendment. (SS) (IMO number 8903935). resentatives of the United States of America in (TT) Star Breeze (IMO number 8807997). Congress assembled, That, in accordance with The Clerk read as follows: (UU) Sylvia Earle (IMO number 9872327). section 5581 of the Revised Statutes (20 Strike all after the enacting clause and in- (VV) Westerdam (IMO number 9226891). U.S.C. 43), the vacancy on the Board of Re- sert the following: (WW) L’Austral (IMO number 9502518). gents of the Smithsonian Institution, in the SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (XX) Silver Muse (IMO number 9784350). class other than Members of Congress, occur- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Alaska (YY) Viking Orion (IMO number 9796250). ring by reason of the expiration of the term Tourism Restoration Act’’. (b) CRITERIA.—A roundtrip voyage of a cov- of David M. Rubenstein of Maryland on May SEC. 2. VOYAGE DEEMED TO BE FOREIGN. ered cruise ship transporting passengers be- 7, 2021, is filled by the appointment of Bar- (a) DEFINITION OF COVERED CRUISE SHIP.— tween a port or place in the State of Alaska bara M. Barrett of Arizona. The appointment (1) IN GENERAL.—In this section, the term and a port or place in the State of Wash- is for a term of 1,912 days, beginning on May ‘‘covered cruise ship’’ means a vessel in- ington shall be deemed to have made a stop 8, 2021, or the date of the enactment of this cluded on the list under paragraph (2) that— in a port or place of Canada, and deemed a joint resolution, whichever occurs later. (A) has been issued, operates in accordance foreign voyage, for purposes of the law of the The joint resolution was ordered to with, and retains a COVID–19 Conditional United States, if— be engrossed and read a third time, was Sailing Certificate of the Centers for Disease (1) during the voyage, the covered cruise read the third time, and passed, and a Control and Prevention; and ship sends an email containing the informa- motion to reconsider was laid on the (B) operates in accordance with any re- tion described in subsection (c) to— strictions or guidance of the Centers for Dis- (A) the Canada Border Services Agency; table. ease Control and Prevention associated with (B) the Commissioner of Customs and Bor- f such Certificate, including any such restric- der Protection; and ALASKA TOURISM RECOVERY ACT tions or guidance issued after the date of en- (C) each alien crewman on such voyage actment of this Act. who is in possession of a valid, unexpired Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I ask (2) LIST.—The vessels listed under this nonimmigrant visa issued pursuant to sub- unanimous consent that the Com- paragraph are the following: paragraph (C) or (D) of section 101(a)(15) of

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