26 November 2020

Dear Committee Members,

My submission is to support the passing of the (National Framework for Adaptation and Mitigation) Bill 2020 (The Climate Change Bill), which has been introduced into parliament by Zali Steggall MP. There is no doubt cannot cope with the indiscriminating use of non-renewable resources and the excessive burden humans place on the natural resources and the environment. 's documentary A Life on Our Planet (available on Netflix) is his witness statement about how the environment has changed in the last 50-60 years, the way human behaviour has negatively impacted the environment and what will happen is we do not act now. I rely on this witness statement to support my submission. We, humans, need to change our behaviours and the way we connect with nature. We are custodians of this land and have a responsibility to protect what is left of our natural environment, reduce our carbon emissions and reinstate diversity in our ecosystems so they grow stronger for our future generations. We need to change our habits now. We all need to take steps towards the same goal. The Australian government is placed in a unique position to lead the change rather than to follow, by implementing legislation that a) seeks to curve the impact humans have on the environment. b) protects natural resources and in danger species and c) supports programs that aim to increase the biodiversity of our natural ecosystems. The Bill is a first step towards the above goals. The Bill seeks to press industries and individuals to curve carbon emissions. This will encourage industry and individuals to innovate and invest in new technologies which produce less carbon emissions. Most of the outcomes will be good for the environment as well as the economy.

Whilst much more needs to be done, I hope all of you Ministers can see the important role you have to play in saving our planet for future generations by supporting and passing legislation such as the Bill, that has the objective to protect and nourish our environment and curve the negative environmental impact humans have in our planet. Regards V Bell