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A Aliens Act, the (1905), 118, 119, Academics, 2, 10, 18, 168, 178, 248 129–130, 187, 232, 236 disciplinary specialisation of, 10 Aliens Registration Act, the (1836), Activists, 18, 141 123 Admission policies, 4, 71, 109, 120, Aliens Restriction Act, the (1914), 162 129 emergency powers, 129 1919 Amendment, 129 racist, 67, 235 American Civil Liberties Union right of states, 4, 70, 244 (ACLU) , 159 Africa, 20 American Civil War, 86, 120, 125 refugees, 41 American Federation of Labour and African Americans, 87, 135 Congress of Industrial Africanization (policies), 132 Organisation (AFL-CIO), 135 Agamben, Giorgio (1942), 85–86 Amnesty International, 142 Agreements of Cooperation in Amsterdam Treaty (1997), 54, 57 Communities to Enhance Safety Angel Island, 2, 24, 124, 125 and Security (ACCESS), 137 Anti-semitism, 8, 128, 184 Agricultural sector, 126, 139, 216 Anti-slavery, 21, 25, 166 Albania , 57 Area of Freedom, Security and Justice Algeria, 57 (AFSJ), 52 Alien and Sedition Act, the (1798), Arendt, Hannah (1906–1975), 41, 83, 121 184 Alien merchants, 48 Arizona, 1, 110, 159, 160 Aliens Act, the (1793), 122 SB1070 , 159 1798 Amendment, 122 , the, 124

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2016 289 A. Balch, Immigration and the State, DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-38589-5 290 INDEX

Assimilationist approach to Boston marathon bombings (2013), integration, 74 154 Asylum , 4, 21, 69, 73, 109 Bourdieu, Pierre (1930–2002), 98, detained fast track system, 162 186 and the EU, 52, 54–57 Bracero programme, 126, 216 government handling of, 30 Brazil, 6 media coverage of, 28 Britain rejection of, 4 and Anti-Semitism, 128 right to , 40, 46, 78, 130, 135 and approach to immigrant safe countries, 162 integration, 74–75 system/regime, 9, 49, 141, 161, and asylum, 122, 163–164 163–165, 201, 210, 235 British Constitution, 123, 131 voucher system, 143 and the crisis of democracy, 30 Asylum and Immigration Act, the and diplomatic protection, 49 (1996) , 141 and European free movement, 165, Asylum of nations (‘British Tradition’), 236 122–124, 232 and European immigration, 87, Asylum-seekers 165, 236 distinction with refugees, 45 and exploitation of the poor and Asylum-seekers/seeking, 24, 37, 50, excluded, 87–88 85, 86, 99, 105, 119, 141, 142, and the far-right, 191 163–164, 167, 235, 238, and the Geneva Regime, 45 246–247 and hospitality, 5, 7–9, 123, 131, Attrition by Enforcement, 23, 138, 231–239 151, 159, 167 and immigrant detention and Auschwitz, 85 deportation, 24, 25, 165 and immigrant population, 3, 18, 22 and the immigration system, 117, B 129, 151, 161, 167–168 Balfour, Arthur (Prime Minister of the and Irish immigration, 124 United Kingdom, 1902–1905), and ‘managed migration’, 161–164 232 and membership of the EU, 6 Bank of Scotland, 122 and the migrant crisis, 17, 21 Barnardo’s, 165 and ‘modern slavery’, 25 Biopolitics, 81, 186 and Muslim immigration, 109 Biopower, 81 and naturalisation process, 207 Blair, Tony (Prime Minister of the and politics of fear over United Kingdom, 1997–2007), immigration, 187–192 142, 163 and politics of greed over Boer war, the, 49 immigration, 113–116 Borders, Citizenship and Immigration and postcolonial immigration, 78, Act, the (2009), 164 130–133 Borges, Jorge Luis (1899–1986), and public opionion on 127 immigration, 27–29 INDEX 291

and racialisation of immigration Cameron, David (Prime Minister of controls, 133–134 the United Kingdom, 2010–), 2 and refugees from Europe, Canada, 6, 51, 108, 131, 133 44 Capitalism, 73 and style of governance, 111 crisis of, 209 and style of liberal democracy, 24, history of, 214–215 106 and the politics of greed, 209 and the welfare system, 107, 167 Capitulation treaties, 48 and ‘zero immigration’, 134, Carnegie, Andrew (1835–1919), 120 139–141, 161 Caste system, 23, 87 British Dependent Territories, Catania, 20 140 Catholics, 122 British Election study (1970), 133 Celebrities British monarchy, the, 109 and immigration policy, 2 British Nationality Act, the (1948), Census, 3 119, 130–131, 233 data, 22 British Nationality Act, the (1981), Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), 140 152 British National Party (BNP), 141 Chae Chan Ping, 1, 7, 23, 246 British Overseas Citizenship, 140 Channel Tunnel, 21 British Political Tradition (BPT), 107, Charlie Hebdo, 107 111–112 Chief Inspector of Prisons (UK), 165 Brokenshire, James (Minister for Child refugees, 48, 158 Immigration from 2014) , 7, 20 China, 1, 6, 120, 245 Bulgaria, 54 Christian/Christianity, 41, 193, Bureau of Immigration (US), 120, 229–231, 237 127 Citizenship, 42, 52–54, 58, 75, 108, Burlingame Treaty, US-China (1868), 122, 216, 226 120 British, 42, 78, 131–134, 140, 163 Bush, George W. (43rd President of European, 53, 54, 58 the United States, 2001–2009), national , 23, 41, 75, 234 25, 51, 110, 153, 155, 156 postnational, 52, 53, 58 Business Innovation and Skills (BIS), social, 216 Department of , 216 US , 120, 121, 138, 152, 154–155, 157, 236 Civil Rights Act (US), 160, 233 C Civil Society, 2, 81, 86, 135, 152, Calais, 21, 166, 188, 231, 247 231, 233 California, 1, 160 Civil War (US), 20, 86, 120, 125 Proposition 187 () Classical era, 41 (1994) , 139, 159 literature, 3 State Legislature, 1 origins of hospitality, 5, 227–229 Calvo, Carlos (1824–1906), 49 slavery, 88 Calvo doctrine, 49 Clinton administration, 138 292 INDEX

Clinton, Bill, President (42nd Conservative Party (UK), 131–133, President of the United States, 140–143, 161, 164, 165, 190, 1993–2001) , 50, 153, 155 216 Coalition government of the UK Controlled Application Review and (2010–2015), 7, 30, 164–166, Resolution Programme (CARRP) 216 (2008), 154 Agreement, the (2010), 164–165 Convict lease system (US), 87 Coercive federalism, 110 Cooperative federalism, 110 Cognitive psychology, 105 Copenhagen School, 186 Cold War, the, 44–45, 54, 69, 127, Cornwall, 88 141, 233 Cortazar, Julio, 127 Collective bargaining, 77 Cosmopolitanism, 4, 41, 70, 226 Colonial era, 87 Council of Europe (CoE), 52, 166 Colonial government, 132 Convention on Action Against Colonialism, 41, 87, 130 Traffi cking in Human Beings Colonial Offi ce, the (UK), 134, 232 (2005) , 166 Colonies (British, including former), Criminalization, 23, 156, 160, 163 78, 120, 130, 133, 140, 232, 233 Crimmigration, 154, 189 Colonies (founding the US), 120 Critical theories, 68, 242, 244 Colonists, 87 of human rights, 41 Colonization (of the Americas), 87 of migration politics, 3, 100, 193, Commissioner of Immigration (US), 209, 244 120 regarding liberalism, 68, 79–88 Common European Asylum System (CEAS), 56–57 Commonwealth Immigrants Bill, the D (1962) , 132 Decree of Fraternity (French Commonwealth, the, 130–132 revolution-1792), offering help to citizens, 140 oppressed foreigners , 122 immigrants, 142 Deferred Action for Childhood Communitarianism, 4, 70–72, 88, 244 Arrivals (DACA), 157, 158, 237 Communitarian liberalism, 88 Deferred Action for Parents of Comparative approach (to political Americans and Lawful Permanent studies), 6, 11, 101, 106–107, Residents (DAPA) , 157, 158 109, 245 Democratic Party (US), 110, 121, Compassion, Empathy, Dignity, 155, 164 Approachability, Respect and Department of Homeland Security Support (CEDARS), 165 (DHS), 153, 156 Comprehensive immigration reform Deportation, 3, 117, 125–126, 129, (CIR) (US), 151–153, 159 137–138, 151, 157, 158, 160, Congressional gridlock (over 163, 165, 235, 247 immigration reform) (US), 98, and EU readmission agreements, 57 119, 156 fear of, 3, 206, 210 INDEX 293

increasing use of, 24, 25, 151, 189, Elections, 54, 68, 133, 142, 155, 205 164–166, 199, 207 statistics, 18 Elles, Baroness Diana Louie UK system, 129, 137, 138, 163, (1921–2009), UN Special 165 Rapporteur on Human Rights, 43 US system, 50, 125, 126, 157, 158, Ellis Island, 24, 124, 125 160, 247 Embedded liberalism, 77–79 Derrida, Jacques (1930–2004), 3, 231 Empire (British), 42, 78, 128–134, Detention , 1, 82 209, 216, 232, 234 centres, 1, 2, 9 transformation to Commonwealth, and critical theories, 82, 85 128–134 deaths in, 24 Empire Windrush (1948), 131 in the EU, 56 Enforcement by attrition, 23, 138, fear of, 3, 206, 210 159, 167 and human rights, 50, 56, 165 English Bill of Rights, 40 increasing use of, 24, 54, 151, 189 Enhanced Border Security and Visa ‘industrial complex’, 205, 211 Entry Reform Act, the (2002), offshore, 24 154 psychological effects of, 25 Enlightement, the, 41, 103, 229 statistics, 18, 24 Ethnocentrism, 106, 180 UK system, 24, 129, 130, 141, Eurobarometer, 98 163–165, 235 Eurocentrism, 21, 45, 108 US system, 24, 121, 125, 138, European Community, 140 . See also 154 European Union de Tocqueville, Alexis (1805–1859), European Council on Refugees and 75 Exiles (ECRE), 20 . See also NGOs de Vattel, Emmerich (1714–1767), 49 European Court of Human Rights Diogenes of Sinope, 70 (ECHR), 42, 52, 56, 237 Diversity immigration allocation (US), European Court of Justice (ECJ), 53, 137, 144 55 Development, Relief and Education European Economic Area (EEA), 140 for Alien Minors (US) (DREAM), Europeanization, 53, 54 155, 157, 160, 237 European Union, 6, 20, 39, 52–58, Dublin regulation, 56 . See also 161–165, 188, 189, 208, 236 European Union enlargement of, 161, 162, 165 European citizenship, 53, 54, 58 European Commission, 53, 55–57 E and European mobility, 52, 53, 55 East African Asians, 132 a ‘Europe of values’, 52, 57 Economic crash/recession (post- and free movement, 40, 42, 53–55, 2007), 22, 31, 50, 204, 216 140, 165, 236 Economic liberalism, 73 Hague Programme of Justice and Edict of Nantes, 44 Home Affairs, 54 294 INDEX

European Union (cont) and immigration, 5, 8, 21, 27, 28, and human rights, 56 82, 99, 129, 130, 143, 153, internal security strategy, 53 177–193 and the migrant crisis, 20, 21 norms-based, 181 and readmission agreements, 55, 57 of the other, 181 and securitization of immigration, the politics of, 3, 100, 178–180, 20, 21, 188, 189, 192 189, 192 European volunteer workers, 131 the politics of, strong argument, e-verify, 136 179 Evian conference (1938), 44 the politics of, weak argument, 179 Exclusion Acts (US), 1, 118, 119, racist, 1, 131 121, 124, 126–127, 188, 216, and securitization, 185–187 232, 236 sociotropic concerns, 181 Executive action (US), 6, 29, 157 symbolic, 181 Exploitation, 10, 18, 25–27, 69, 83, Federalism, 110, 159, 160 84, 89, 104, 120, 126, 191, 193, dual , 110 200–202, 208, 211, 217, 235 ‘immigration federalism’, 158–161, and fear, 191, 193 237 and human traffi cking, 46 modes of , 110 and immigration, 18, 25, 26, 104, Federalization, 118 120, 126–127, 200–202, 208, Federal Law, the (1864), 120 243, 246 Federation for American Immigration of labour, 26, 104, 120, 126, Reform (FAIR) , 135, 152, 159 200–202, 210–212, 217, 235 Feudal governance, 88 and neoliberalism, 201–202, First World War, 130 210–212 Flexible labour, 121 sexual, 24, 47 Forced labour, 26, 47, 51, 87, 205 structures of, 10 Foreign direct investment (FDI), 50 Export Processing Zones (EPZ), 212 Foucault, Michel (1926–1984), 10, 69, 80–82, 85, 177, 186, 210 Fox, Vincente (President of Mexico F 2000–2006) , 51 Fairness and immigration, 5, 7, 8, 80, France, 39, 44, 54, 74, 75, 78, 106, 102, 239, 245–248 107, 109, 122, 190, 191 Family reunion, 9, 108, 119, 128, Franco-Italian Affair, 54, 59 135, 137, 233 Free movement, 42, 53, 70–72, 124, Far-right political parties, 73, 140, 243, 247 . See also European 190, 191 Union Fear French Revolution, 40, 41, 44, 122 of absolutism, 84 Friendship, Commerce and Navigation of detention and deportation, 3 treaties (FCN), 48 existential insecurity, 182 FRONTEX, 20 fearism, 177, 152 INDEX 295

G and immigration, 3, 5, 100, Gangmasters, 124 199–217, 223, 239, 243, 246 Gardner, Joy, 141 and neoliberalism, 209–213 Geneva Convention (1951) relating to politics of, 3, 11, 100, 168, 177 the status of refugees, 44, 45, 55, politics of, stronger and weaker 141, 142, 164 arguments, 200–202 Geneva regime, 37, 44–46 Grotius, Hugo (1583–1645), 87 Gentelmen’s agreements, 122 Guanajuato Proposal, 51 Germany, 74, 75, 78, 130, 184, 190, Guantanamo Bay, 24, 50 247 Gunboat diplomacy, 48–49 Global Commision on International Migration (GCIM), 58 Global development, 19, 106, 202 H Global economic inequalities, 19, 212 Harm Principle, the, 68 Global elite, 235 Hart-Celler Act, the (1965) (US), Global governance of immigration, 38, 127, 233 48 Hattersley, Roy (Member of Global immigration and mobility, 22, Parliament for Birmingham 88, 209 Sparkbrook 1964–1997) , 133, Globalisation, 18, 21, 58, 83, 84, 100, 234 161, 200, 201, 216 H1B visa, 205, 217 Global justice, 69, 70, 72 Healthcare entitlements, 236 Global multilateralism, 48 Healthcare reform, 156 Global North, 21 Herder, Johann Gottfried Global population growth, 3, 21 (1744–1803), 75 Global recession, 31 . See also economic High Commissioner for Refugees crash/recession (post-2007) (League of Nations)- . See also , Global South, 21 Nansen, Fridtjhof (1861–1930), Global trade, 10 44 Governmentality, 80, 186, 210 . Highly Skilled Migrant Programme, See also Foucault, Michel the (UK) , 162 Government corruption, 31 Historical nominalism, 81 . See also Government incompetence, 27, 29–30 Foucault, Michel Gramsci, Antonio (1891–1937), 32, Hobbes, Thomas (1588–1679), 199 81 Holland (Netherlands), 122 Grand narrative Homo sacer (sacred man), 85 of the migrant crisis, 167 Hospitality Grand narrative of the nation and British/Imperial tradition, 123, immigration, 74–76 131, 132, 234 Greed Christian tradition, 229, 237 and exploitation, 202, 209, 212 classical tradition, 224–226, 232, good and bad, 203 235, 237, 244 greedism, 177 cosmopolitan right (Kant), 224 296 INDEX

Hospitality (cont) and regional regimes, 49–58 guest-friend, 226 right to migrate, 43 and immigration, 3–5, 11, 68, roots of, 40–41 72–74, 86, 100, 193, 223–239, system/principles, 3, 5, 11, 38, 39, 244, 246, 248 77, 83 Islamic tradition, 230 and treatment of immigrants, 25, noble/aristocratic, 226 37, 42, 44–48, 58, 77, reciprocal, 226 142–143, 164, 165, 184, residual, 72–74 244–245 universal, 4, 224, 229–231, 236, violations/denial, 18, 23, 25, 37, 239, 246 201 US tradition, 135, 233 Human Rights Commission, 43 Hostile environment, 2, 23, 165, 166, Human traffi cking, 21, 25, 26, 37, 44, 247 46–48, 151, 155, 158, 159, 166, Hostile environment working group, 168, 201, 205, 238 the , 164 and child refugees, 48 House of Commons Select Committee and immigration, 47, 51 on Immigration and Emigration, legislation, 151, 155, 158, 159, 166 123 and ‘modern-day slavery’, 238 Howard, Michael (Leader of the Conservative Party 2003–2005) , 190 I Huguenots, the, 44 Inter-American Commission on Humanitarian goals/values, 20, 45, Human Rights (IACHR), 49, 55, 57, 189, 201, 233 50 Humanitarian organisations, 208 . See principles, 50 also NGOs Identity , 9, 73, 102, 109, 128, 140, Human Rights 180–182, 193, 230, 231 advocates, 38 American, 128 bodies, 38, 132 ( see also ECHR, British, 140 IACHR ) Christian, 230 conventions, 38, 40 Muslim , 109 defi cit, 37–59 national , 74–76, 100, 101, 128, and the EU, 52–58 140, 181 and the Geneva regime and nationalism, 73 (international system of social, 102, 180, 182 protection for refugees), 44–46 Illegal Immigration Reform and implementation/enforcement of, Immigrant Responsibility Act, the 41, 245, 246 (IIRIRA) (1996), 137 implementation of, 41 Illegalization, 18 and the international anti-traffi cking Immigration regime, 46–48, 151, 158 and Britain, 7–8 international regime, 37–59, 67, and cosmopolitan ideas, 70 193, 241 and crisis, 17–32 INDEX 297 and deportation, 24–25 ( see also rights of migrants, 39–41 Deportation) rights of states, 23 and detention, 24–25 ( see also and security, 69 Detention ) and Shakespeare, 8 and different types of states, 6, 75, and sociology of globalization, 83 76 statistics, 3, 21, 25, 104 and disease, 128, 132, 180, 187 and the UN, 43 and the environment, 9, 19, 152 and unfreedom, 24–25 and the EU, 52–58 and the US, 6–7 and exclusion in liberal states, 86–88 and utilitarian ideas, 71 as existential threat, 2 Immigration Act (1990) (US), 137 and exploitation, 25–26 ( see also Immigration Act (2014) (UK), 7 Exploitation) Immigration Act, the (1891) (US), high-skilled, 105 120 high-waged, 83 Immigration Act, the (1917) (US), and illegalization, 22–23 125 importance of politics, 98–101 Immigration Act, the (1965) (US) international governance of, 38–39 (Hart-Celler Act), 127 international migrants’ day, 43 Immigration Act, the (1971) (UK), and irregularity, 23 133 laissez-faire approach, 129 Immigration Act, the (1988) (UK), legislation (see laws) 140 and liberalism, 6 Immigration (Carriers’ Liability) Act, and liberalism/liberal democracy, the (1987) (US), 140 67–89 Immigration and Asylum Appeals Act, and libertarian ideas, 71 the (1993) (UK), 141 and Marxist ideas, 69 Immigration and Customs and NAFTA, 49–52 Enforcement (ICE), 137 and new regionalism, 49–58 Immigration and human rights . See policy drivers, 5, 107 Human Rights and political thought, 9 Immigration and Nationality Act, the politicization of, 69 (1952-the McCarran-Walter Act) and populism, 55 (US), 127 problems of defi nitions and Immigration, Asylum and Nationality categories, 104–106 Act (2006), 163 and public attitudes/concern, Immigration Bureau, 127 27–30, 98, 99 ( see also Public Immigration controls opinion, Fear) and ethnic selectivity, 78, 125, 128, push and pull factors, 19, 26, 50, 188, 243, 246–247 199, 217 Immigration Law Practitioners racialisation of policy, 119 Association (ILPA) , 142, 164 and right of free movement, 40 ( see Immigration policy also Free Movement) and academic study, 9–10 298 INDEX

Immigration policy (cont) US, 20th century, 124–128, and border deaths, 18–22 134–139 controls beyond the border, 45–46 vertical vs. horizontal infl uence, and global trade and development, 10 78–79 political ownership of, 30 zero-immigration aim, 73 and the precariat, 26 Immigration Reform and Control Act and uncertainty of legal status, 47 (IRCA), the, 135–137, 236 and vulnerability, 47 Immigration removal centre (IRC), Immigration policy and politics 141 comparative approaches, 106–109 Immigration Stabilisation Act, the convergence, 79 (1993) , 138 debates, 2 Industrial Development Zones (IDZ), developing systems of, 5, 117–143, 212 151–168 Institute for Public Policy Research and devolution of the UK, 111 (IPPR), 161 and fear, 177–194 Institute for Race Relations (IRR), 24 and federalism, 110 ( see also Inter-American Commission on Federalism) Human Rights (IACHR), and greed, 199–217 49, 50 and hospitality, 4 International Commission of Jurists, human costs, 17–27, 98 40 and immigrant inclusion, 74–76 International Conference of American infl uence of extremists, 73 States, 48 and institutionalist accounts, 77–79 International Convention on the the ‘liberal paradox’, 73–74 Protection of the Rights of All national models, 75, 109–112 Migrant Workers and Members of and path-dependency, 78 their Families, 43, 58 the policy gap, 72–74 International Covenent on Civil and side-effects of, 98 Political Rights (ICCPR), and statecraft, 81–82 40, 42 and the ‘state of exception’, 84–86 Article 12, 40, 42 study of , 101–104 International Labour Organisation trade-off with human rights, (ILO) , 42, 205 76–77 International migrants Day (18 UK, 21st century, 161–167 December), 43 UK, 18th and 19th centuries, International Organisation of 118–119, 122–124 Migration (IOM), 18, 20, UK, 20th century, 128–134, 22, 51 139–143 International Refugee Organisation US, 21st century, 151–161 (IRO) , 45 US, 18th and 19th centuries, International Relations (IR) theories, 118–122 52, 206, 246 INDEX 299

Ireland, 88, 124, 125, 130, 132 forced, 26, 47, 87, 205 declaration of independence, 132 law, 136, 212 Irish famine (1845–1855), 124 market , 23, 67, 76, 108, 128, 134, Irish workers, 124 161, 180, 181, 199, 201, Islam and hospitality, 230 203–204, 217, 235 Italy, 20, 191 movement, 188, 216, 238 recruitment, 39 standards, 42, 212 J Labour Party (UK), 131, 133, 140, Japan , 1, 24, 120, 121, 125, 126 142, 143, 161, 163 Japanese immigration to the US, 1, Latin America, 49, 127 24, 120, 121, 125, 126 Lawrence, Stephen (1974–1993), 141 Jewish refugees, 44, 126, 128, 130, Laws 183, 184, 232, 247 Alien and Sedition Act, the (1798), Johnson, Lyndon B. (36th President 121 of the United States, Aliens Act, the (1793), 122 1963–1969) , 128 Aliens Act, the (1905), 118, 119, Joint Council for the Welfare of 129–130, 187, 232 Immigrants (JCWI), 142, 143 Aliens Act, the (1793)–1798 Jus soli (citizenship), 138 Amendment , 122 Justice and Home Affairs (JHA), Aliens Registration Act, the (1836), 54–56 . See also European Union 123 Jyllands-Posten, 107 Aliens Restriction Act, the (1914), 129 Aliens Restriction Act, the K (1914)–1919 Amendment, Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804), 3, 4, 129 41, 103, 224 Asylum and Immigration Act, the Perpetual Peace, 3, 4 (1996) , 141 Kenya, 132, 133, 212, 234 Borders, Citizenship and King Louis XIV, King of France Immigration Act, the (2009), (1643–1715), 44 164 British Nationality Act, the (1948), 119, 130–131, 233 L British Nationality Act, the (1981), Labour 140 cheap , 50, 120, 121, 200, 209–211, DREAM Act (Development, Relief, 244 and Education for Alien child, 51 Minors) (US), 155, 157, 160, coerced, 82–84 237 contract, 126 Enforce the Law for Sanctuary division of, 111 Cities Act, 160 300 INDEX

Enhanced Border Security and Visa Proposition 187 (Save Our State) Entry Reform Act, the (2002) (California, US) (1994), 139 Federal Law, the (1864), 120 Public Charge Law, the (1882), Illegal Immigration Reform and 121, 236 Immigrant Responsibility Act, Quota Law, the (1921) (US), 125 the (IIRIRA) (1996), 137 REAL ID Act, the (2005) (US), Immigration Act (1990) (US), 137 154 Immigration Act (2014) (UK), 7 , the (1980) (US), 134 Immigration Act, the (1891) (US), SB 1070, legislative Act in the US 120 state of Arizona (Support Our Immigration Act, the (1917) (US), Law Enforcement and Safe 125 Neighborhoods Act) (US), 159 Immigration Act, the (1965) (US) , the (1888) (US), 1 (Hart-Celler Act), 127 Secure Fence Act, the (2006) (US), Immigration Act, the (1971) (UK), 154 133 Steerage Act, the (1819), 120 Immigration Act, the (1988) (UK), Traffi cking Victims Protection Act, 140 the (TVPA) (2000) (US), 155 Immigration (Carriers’ Liability) Traffi cking Victims Protection Act, the (1987) (US), 140 Reauthorisation Act (TVPRA- Immigration and Asylum Appeals named after William Act, the (1993) (UK), 141 Willberforce), the (2008) (US), Immigration and Nationality Act, 155 the (1952-the McCarran- Transparency and Responsibility Walter Act) (US), 127 Using State Tools (TRUST) Immigration, Asylum and Acts (US), 160 Nationality Act (2006) (UK), Voting Rights Act 1965 (US), 68 163 League of Nations, 44, 48 Immigration Reform and Control Lennon, John (1940–1980), 158 Act (IRCA), The (1986) (US), Liberal democracy, 2, 5, 7, 11, 17, 19, 135 20, 22, 23, 31, 59, 68–69, 74, Immigration Stabilisation Act, the 140 (1993) (US), 138 constitutions, 42 , the (1943) (US), 1 Liberalism Modern Slavery Act, the (2015) and capitalism, 106 (UK), 166 economic, 73 Nationality, Immigration, and and exclusion, 86–88 Asylum Act (2002) (UK), and hospitality, 224, 231, 233, 235, 163 238, 243, 246 Naturalisation Act, the (1906) (US), and illiberalism, 55–57, 67–89, 168, 120 180, 192, 244 Poor Laws, the (UK), 87 and integration of Muslims, 107 INDEX 301

liberal constitutionalism, 68 Media coverage, 17, 28, 128, 162, liberal norms, 77–79 163, 180 the liberal paradox, 73 Mediterranean, 2, 3 liberal pluralism, 201, 206–208 Merchant of Venice, The (William liberal thought, 4, 68 Shakespeare) , 8 liberal values, 2, 7, 71–72, 130, Mexican immigration (to the US), 22, 135, 179, 180 52, 119, 126, 128, 158, 160, libertarianism, 71 216, 247 parliamentary, 84 Mexican Revolution, 1, 232 and racism, 79 Mexican-US relations, 51 and slavery, 87 Mexican war (with US), 49 and social cohesion, 108–112 Mexico-treatment of migrants, 50 Libya, 19, 20 Middle East, 41, 127 Lisbon Treaty (signed 2007, entered Migrant Crisis, 2, 5 into force 2009) , 54, 55 death and the border, 18–22 Locke, John (1632–1704), 68, 75, 87, Exploitation, 25–26 138 Human Illegalization, 22–23 London , 83, 111 and increasing use of detention/ Lopez-Sanchez, Juan Francisco, 160 deportation, 24 Lumpedusa, 20 Port of Calais, 166 Public Anxiety and Government (In)competence, 27–30 M and treatment of immigrants, Maastricht Treaty (1992), 53, 54 25–26 Madrid bombings 2004, 187 unfreedom, 24–25 Magna Carta (1215), 40 and hospitality, 244, 246 Magnuson Act, the (1943), 1, 247 and increasing government Malmström, Cecilia (EU expenditure , 205 Commissioner for Home Affairs and increasing levels of immigration, 2010–2014) , 55 117, 167 Maquiladora, 212 indicators of, 17–32, 117 Mare Nostrum, 20 Migration . See Immigration Margaret Thatcher Migration Advisory Committee swamping comments, 140 (MAC) , 26, 161, 204 Margaret Thatcher (UK Prime Migration industry, the, 211 Minister 1979–1990), 139, 140, Migration Integration Policy Index 190, 215 (MIPEX), 108 Marxism and neo-Marxism, 41, 69, Migration studies, 9 . See also 80, 82, 83, 209 Academics May, Theresa (UK Home Secretary Migration Watch, 30 from 2010), 165 Mill, John Stuart (1806–1873), 68 Mazzini, Giuseppe (1805–1872), 44 Ministry of Labour (UK), 134 302 INDEX

Minorities, 41, 43, 44, 75, 126, 132, and populism, 73 183 post-nationalism, 52, 53, 58 treatment of, 43, 44, 126 and racism, 9 Minute-men, the, 82 and realism, 58 Mobility partnerships, 53 . See also Nationality, Immigration, and Asylum European Union Act (2002), 163 Modern Slavery, 25, 238 National models, 75, 109–112 Modern Slavery Act, the (2015), 166 on immigration (see Immigration) Moral panic, 185 National Origins Act, the (1924), 125 More, Thomas (1478–1535), 8 National origins system, the, 119, 125, Multiculturalism, 75, 130 127, 128, 232, 233 and Europe, 75 Nativism, 27, 128, 139, 180, 194 and Britain, 130 Naturalisation Act, the (1906), 120 Murguía, Janet (president of the Naturalization, 23 National Council of La Raza from Natural rights, 40, 41, 75 2005), 25 Natural slaves, 88 Muslim immigrants Nazi regime and identity, 109 camps, 86 integration of, 107 Germany (1933–1945), 84, 86, special measures, 154 126, 245 occupation of Europe, 126 Neoclassical economics, 199, 206, N 217 NAFTA (North American Free Trade Neoliberalism, 31, 39, 51, 177, Agreement), 39, 49–52 209–213, 215, 245 Nansen, Fridtjhof (1861–1930), 44 conceptual problems, 212–213, 217 Nansen passports, 44 and greed, 177, 209–213 Nantes, edict of, 44 and the immigration system, 211 National Coalition of Anti- infl uence of, 51 Deportation Campaigns and international norms, 39 (NCADC), 142 New Mexico, 1 National Front (NF), 140 New York, 83 National Health Service (NHS), 107 Non-Governmental Organisations National Immigration Law Center, (NGOs), 18, 20, 55, 56, 142, 155 208 . See also FAIR; Human Nationalism, 9, 52, 53, 58, 73, 112, Rights-advocates; JCWI; 181 MigrationWatch; NumbersUSA and the far-right, 73 Amnesty International, 142 and hostility towards outsiders, 112 ECRE , 20 and identity, 73, 181, 224 MRN (Migrants’ Rights Network), and imagined communities, 224 165, 166, 194 methodological, 10 Oxfam , 142 national pride, 181 Pro Asyl, 20 INDEX 303

Northern Ireland, 111 Palermo Regime (against human Notting Hill riots, the (1958), 131 traffi cking) , 37, 44, 46–48, 166 NSEERS Special Registration System, Paris School, 186 . See also 154 Securitization NumbersUSA, 152, 159 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) (Obamacare) , 107 O Patriotism, 181 . See also Nationalism Obama, Barack (44th President of the Pearl Harbour (1942), 126 United States 2009–2016), 6, 25, Personal Responsibility and Work 29, 107, 109, 155–158 Opportunity Reconciliation Act, Odyssey, the (Homer), 225, 226 the (1996), 138 Offshore immigration detention Pew Hispanic Center, 22 centres , 24 Philosophy, political, 9, 71, 74, 75, Open borders, 70, 118 80, 101, 102 Operation Triton (FRONTEX-EU), Pioneer fund, 135 20 Plenary Powers, 7, 119, 137, 186, 188 Operation Vaken (2013) (UK), 165, Policy . See Immigration policy and 194 politics (1954) (US), Policy convergence/asylum in the 126 EU , 56 Opinion polls, 27–30, 98 on immigration, 76, 80, 143, 151, and the perception-reality gap on 213, 235, 237, 243 immigration, 28 Policy experts, 2, 10, 108, 168 Organisation for Economic Policy gap Cooperation and Development on immigration, 10, 72, 73 (OECD), 202 Political agenda, 3, 7 Organisation of American States neoliberal, 201, 216 (OAS), 49 Political economy, 72 Organised crime, 180 . See also Human Political nationalism, 73 Traffi cking Political Parties, 9, 30, 97, 98, 102, Out groups, 106, 181, 183, 184, 193 152, 190, 217 Outsourcing, 46 Conservative Party (UK), 131–133, Overton window, 238 140–143, 161, 164, 165, 190, Oxfam , 142 . See also NGOs 216 Democratic Party (US), 110, 121, 155, 164 P Labour Party (UK), 131, 133, 140, Page Law, the (1875) (US), 121 142, 143, 161, 163 Palermo Protocol (to Prevent, Supress Republican Party, 2, 107, 110, 121, and Punish Traffi cking in Persons, 152, 153, 157, 158, 190 Especially Women and Children) Political rights, 42 . See also Human (2000) , 44, 46–48 Rights 304 INDEX

Political science, 68, 101, 102 Q Political studies, 9 Quota Law, the (1921), 125 Political theory, 4, 68, 75, 101, Quotas, 119, 125–127, 232, 233 102 . See also Philosophy, Liberalism Poor laws, the, 87 . See also Laws R Post-materialism, 182 Race relations, 27, 125, 133, 143, Poverty, 31, 132, 158 234 Powell, Enoch (1912–1988), 132, Racism, 9, 27, 79, 120, 124, 128, 133 132, 133, 141, 142, 191, 246 Precarity, 10, 26, 210–211 institutional, 142 Presidentialism, 107, 109 Rawls, John (1921–2002), 70–71, Primary Purpose Rule, 143 103, 104 Prisons, 24, 81, 82, 164, 165 Readmission Agreements, 39, 55, 57, and ‘convict-lease’ system, 87 59 prison facilities for detaining Reagan, Ronald (40th President of the immigrants, 24, 165 United States 1981–1989), 217 Private subcontractors, 24 REAL ID Act, the (2005), 154 . See Pro Asyl, 20 . See also NGOs also Laws Proposition 187 (Save Our State) Realism, 38, 58, 77, 199, 201, 202 (California, US) (1994), 139, Reciprocal protections, 39, 48, 235 159 . See also Laws Refugee Act, the (1980), 134 . See also Protestants, 122 Laws Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugee Council (UK), 142 Refugees 1967, 45 Refugees, 4, 20, 24, 37, 40–42, P’s, three (prosecution, prevention and 44–46, 48, 55, 56, 59, 73, 85, protection), 47 . See also Human 105, 106, 120, 123 Traffi cking and Britain, 123, 128, 130, 131, Psychology, 102, 105, 183 141, 142 political , 181 children, 48, 158 Public anxiety, 27 . See also Opinion and the Geneva Convention (1951), polls, Public confi dence 44–46 Public attitudes, 9 . See also Opinion Huguenots, 44 polls, Public confi dence Jewish, 44, 126, 128, 130, 232, 247 Public Charge Law, the (1882), 121, Kenyan and Ugandan, 132 236 from the Middle East and North Public confi dence (in government Africa, 41, 59, 206 handling of immigration), 18, 27, treatment of, 4, 37, 40 29–30, 97 and the US , 120, 126–128, 135, Puebla process, 51 155, 158, 232–3 Push and pull factors, 19, 26, 50, 199, Regional Conference on Migration 217 . See also Immigration (1996) , 51 INDEX 305

Regional governance and integration, Satanic Verses, The (Salman Rushdie), 4, 6 8 Religion, 3, 6, 75, 76, 84, 120, 154, SB 1070, legislative Act in the US 193, 224, 226, 232, 239 . See also state of Arizona (Support Our Hospitality Law Enforcement and Safe religious minorities, 44 Neighborhoods Act), 159, 168 religious teachings, 3 Scapegoats/scapegoating, 183–185 religious values, 84 Schengen agreement, the, 55, 59, 192 . Religious freedom, 120 See also European Union Religious persecution, 120 Schmitt, Carl (1888–1985), 84, 85 Removal, forced, 9 . See also Scotish National Party (SNP), 111, deportation 112 Right of visitation (Besuchsrecht), 4 Scotland, 111, 112, 122 Rights . See Human Rights Scott Act, the (1888) (US), 1 . See also Rights of Man, 40 . See also Human Laws Rights Second World War, 39, 44, 45, 58, 78, Right to reside (Gastrecht), 4 126, 130, 131, 247 Roman Empire, the, 225, 229, 230 Secure America and Orderly Romania, 54 Immigration Act, the (2005) Roosevelt, Franklin D. (32nd (US), 155 President of the United States Secure Communities Programme, 156 1933–1945) , 44 Secure Fence Act, the (2006), 154 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712–1788), Securitization, 23, 26, 185–189, 209, 75 245 Rubio, Marco (1971), US Senator Select Commission on Immigration from Florida from 2011, 30 and Refugee Policy (1981), 136 September massacres (1792), 122 September 11 2001-terrorist attacks, S 51, 153–154, 179, 189, 192 Salinas de Gortari, Carlos (President of Shakespeare, William (1564–1616), 8 Mexico Sidmouth, Viscount (Henry 1988–1994) , 50 Addington 30 May 1757–15 Sanctuary City movement, 160, 237, February 1844), 122 238 Slavery, 26, 42, 47, 83, 86–88, 125, San Francisco, 160 166, 209, 247–248 Enforce the Law for Sanctuary hereditary, 86 Cities Act, 160 ‘natural slaves’, 88 San Francisco Smith, Adam (1723–1790), 203 Angel Island, 2 Societal cohesion, 106, 180 the shed, 24, 121, 125 Sociology, 76, 83, 101, 102 San Francisco Bay, 2, 24 Sociology of globalisation, 83 San Francisco waterfront, 121, 125 South Korea, 57 306 INDEX

Sovereign powers, 7, 247 . See also Trade unions, 77, 124, 216 Plenary powers Traffi cking Victims Protection Act, the Sovereignty, 45, 47, 48, 56–58, 75, (TVPA) (2000), 155, 156 80, 83–86, 101, 188, 216, 244, Traffi cking Victims Protection 247, 248 Reauthorisation Act (TVPRA Special Economic Zones (SEZs), 212 named after William SS St Louis, 126 Willberforce), the (2008), 155 Statecraft, 80–82, 89, 211 Transparency and Responsibility Using Statelessness, 41, 42, 83, 132 State Tools Acts (TRUST), 160 State of emergency, 84, 85 Transport and General Workers’ State sovereignty, 38 . See also Union (TGWU), 143 . See also Sovereignty Unions Steerage Act, the (1819), 120 Trump, Donald (Republican Party Steinle, Kathryn, 160 candidate for President of the Stockholm Programme, 54 . See also United States in the 2016 European Union election), 2, 11 Structural functionalism, 76 Turkey, 6, 59 Sub-Commission on the Prevention of T-visa, 155 . See also Human Discrimination and the Protection Traffi cking of Minorities (UN), 43 287(g) programme, 156, 159 Supranationalism, 55 . See also European Union Supreme Court, the (US), 1, 7 U Switzerland, 57 Uganda , 43, 132 Syria, 19, 20 UK . See Britain Unfreedom, 18, 24–25 UN General Assembly, 43 T UNHCR , 20, 45, 51 Tampere Council Programme, 54 . See United Arab Emirates, 6 also European Union United Nations (UN), 3, 39, 43, 44, Tea Party Movement, the (TPM), 190 48, 104, 112–113, 135, 241 Terrorism, 24, 107, 138, 153, 154, United Nations Offi ce on Drugs and 179, 180, 190, 192 Crime (UNODC), 38, 46 ‘war on terror’, 24, 154, 179, 191 United Nations Relief and Texas, 1, 157 Reconstruction Agency Theoxeny , 225, 226 (UNRRA) , 44, 45 Think tanks, 2, 168 Universal Declaration of Human Thucydides (Athenian historian and Rights general, author of ‘History of the Article 3 UDHR, 42 Peloponnesian War’) , 199 Article 13(1) UDHR, 38 Trades Union Congress (TUC), 143 . Article 13(2) UDHR, 38 See also Unions Article 14(1) UDHR, 40 INDEX 307

Universal Declaration of Human and racist immigration policies, 78, Rights (UDHR), 39, 41, 42 125 USA and refugees, 45 and attritional enforcement, 138 response to 9/11, 154–155, 179 and bilateral/multilateral relations, and type of immigration state, 76, 37, 49–52 109–112 and Chinese Exclusion, 1, 124–128 type of immigration system, 5, 124, and citizenship, 138, 152 232 and comprehensive immigration US Congress, 7 reform, 30, 98 US Constitution, 40 and congressional gridlock, 98, 151 US Declaration of Independence, and convict lease system, 87 40 and crisis of democracy, 30 US exceptionalism, 107 and deportations, 25 US-Mexico border, 18 and detention of immigrants, 42 US Senate, 30 federalisation of immigration and voting rights, 68 controls, 118–122 war with Mexico, 49 and federalism, 111–112 and welfare state, 106–107 and history of immigration controls, USA-US Constitution 118–119 19th Amendment of the US and hostile environment for Constitution, 68 immigrants, 2 15 th Amendment of the US immigrant population, 3 Constitution, 68 and immigration federalism, US-Mexico border, 18 158–161 USSR, 45 and immigration from China/Japan, Utilitarianism, 71, 103 1, 124–128, 246–7 and inclusion of immigrants, 107–108 V and irregular migration, 42, 82, Vagabondage, 82–83 136, 139 Visas, 39, 47, 127, 128, 140, 152, and liberal democracy, 67, 106 154, 155, 192, 205, 206 and migrant crisis, 17, 31 Visa-free travel, 47 and NAFTA, 49–52 Voluntary organisations, 129, 165 . See and offshore detention centres, 24 also NGOs and the politics of fear over Voting rights, 42, 68, 135 immigration, 187–192 Voting Rights Act 1965 (US), 68 and the politics of greed over immigration, 213–216 and politics of hospitality, 5–7 W and public opinion on immigration, Wales, 88 27–29 War on terror, the, 24, 154, 179, 191 308 INDEX

Washington, George (fi rst President World War I, 130 . See also First World of the United States (1789–97)), War 6 World War II, 39, 44, 45, 58, 78, 126, Weimar Republic (referring to the 130, 131, 245 . See also Second German state between 1919 and World War 1933), 84 Welfare, 9, 70, 71, 73, 76, 106, 107, 134, 135, 138, 141, 164, 167, X 183, 185, 201, 216, 236 Xenophobia, 81, 133, 182, 184, 191, of immigrants, 70, 71, 164, 183, 225 . See also Racism 201, 246 state/system, 76, 106, 107, 141, 167, 185, 216 Y tourism, 236 Yarls Wood detention centre (UK), Westminster model, 107, 111 163 Wilson, Harold (Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 1964–1970 and 1974–1976) , 132 Z Workhouses, 87, 124 Zero immigration target (UK), 73, World Bank, 19 119, 134, 139–143, 161, 235 World Values Survey (WVS), Zuckerberg, Mark (1984), founder of 182 Facebook, 152