Bringing Channel Together TECHNOLOGY NEWS MAGAZINE
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REACH SOUTH INDIA TECHNOLOGY NEWS MAGAZINE Andhra Pradesh l Telangana l Tamilnadu l Pondicherry l Karnataka l Kerala Bringing Channel Together Vol-12 Issue-08, Krishna, March - 2018, Pages-16, `40/- NEWS IN FOCUS Kaspersky Lab Cyber Attacks Becoming Named a Champion No. 1 Business Risk in Canalys Lead- SonicWall, the trusted security partner protect- sector witnessed a little less than 50% cyber ership Matrix for ing more than 1 million networks worldwide, attacks throughout the year. Needless to men- announced research and intelligence findings tion, it is one of the most targetted countries APAC in Q1 2018 from its 2018 Cyber Threat Report. In sum, the owing to several reasons such as rapid transi- The Leadership Matrix recognizes the cream of company tion into a cashless economy, increased usage the crop of the leading technology vendors that recorded of wireless data, among others. have shown remarkable strides in providing suc- 9.32 billion Mr. Debashish Mukherjee, Country Director cessful engagements with its channel partners. malware attacks in 2017 and saw more than India & SAARC, SonicWall, while speaking about Kaspersky Lab is among the 11 technology ven- 12,500 new Common Vulnerabilities and Expo- the threats faced specifically within the country dors in the Champion category. sures (CVE) reported for the year. “The cyber had this to share about his observations, “A vast This is the first time that Kaspersky Lab has arms race affects every government, business, majority of internet traffic is encrypted but most received this ranking from Canalys, a leading organization and individual. It cannot be won by of the vendor solutions are not even addressing global technology market analyst firm with a dis- any one of us,” said SonicWall CEO Bill Conner. that space. We observed this encrypted traffic tinct focus on channel. “Our latest proprietary data and findings show a is the major pain area for our customers; and “As a technology company, we continually strive series of strategic attacks and countermeasures hence we made deep-packet inspection, a fun- to be a champion especially in the very dynamic as the cyber arms race continues to escalate. By damental part of our security architecture and cybersecurity space. The results of this objective sharing actionable intelligence, we collectively have developed proprietary technology, RFDPI evaluation by Canalys with our channel in the improve our business and security postures (Reassembly-Free Deep Packet Inspection), region demonstrates our commitment to deliver against today’s most malicious threats and crim- which opens and checks every packet of data for the right support and opportunities to our part- inals.” ast year by June alone, India faced cyber threats. Our Capture technology has enabled us ners and we are grateful for their strong valida- security threats worth over $4 billion. Financial to proactively protect our customers from mal- tion of our initiatives,” said Stephan Neumeier, ware and ransomware attacks.” Managing Director for Kaspersky Lab Asia Pacific. “For over 20 years, we have been tirelessly inno- vating our products and services to produce game-changing technologies to the market. But Cost-effective IoT and 5G our successes throughout these years have all been possible with the meaningful alliances with Technology at MWC 2018 our business partners to deliver the most reliable cybersecurity protection to our customers. Keysight Technologies, Inc., a leading technol- modating new licensed and unlicensed spec- ogy company that helps enterprises, service trum, new radio access formats, and new user providers, and governments accelerate innova- behaviors. OnePlus tion to connect and secure the world, will be “Keysight’s demonstrating new solutions at Mobile World test solutions celebrates bond Congress 2018 that address the 5G challenges for IoT and 5G currently experienced by mobile operators. are enabling the world’s leading mobile oper- with its From a technology perspective, 5G is adding sig- ators to gain insights and validate capabilities nificant complexity for mobile operators: more across their entire ecosystems in the device and Community spectrum, more frequency bands and more network equipment markets,” said Garrett Lees, OnePlus, the leading premium Android smart- transmission points, while providing new ser- director of Keysight’s operator solution group. phone brand, is celebrating the bond with its vices, serving new markets, and ensuring quality “The combination of Keysight’s comprehensive growing community in India through multi-city of service for their customers. To address these offering and industry first strategy enable oper- community meet-ups. OnePlus users in cities challenges, operator networks need to be con- ators to successfully deploy their new devices, like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Ahmed- figured real-time for each use case, while accom- networks and services against aggressive time- abad, Pune, Kolkata, Jaipur, Chennai and Mum- lines.” bai will be a part of this event. The event aims at bringing together like minded tech enthusiasts who are also OnePlus users, RAH Infotech appoints Ashis Guha as CEO giving them a sense of belonging and affinity, hence strengthening the bond. For OnePlus, RAH Infotech, India’s fastest growing val- current CEO, RAH Infotech said “We are very putting users as a priority has always been the ue-added technology excited about this new development within the core of everything they do and the community distributors, today company. With his vast experience, we are pos- meetup is another step in this direction. announced that it has itive that Ashis will take the company to newer The invite-only events allow members of the brought in Ashis Guha heights, both in terms of internal and external OnePlus community to engage with the brand to be the new CEO growth.” over interactive sessions with music, food and and will be overlook- “I look forward to this new role at RAH Info- lots of goodies. This specially curated event ing business opera- tech. With my experience in the OEM and Sys- brings together OnePlus users from different tions of the company tem Integrator industry, it’s a great opportu- walks of life and provide them with a platform and will be reporting nity for me to bring that knowledge and work to interact with each other and stay in touch. to Ashok Kumar. towards expanding the business. Our focus Pune-24th March, Hard Rock Cafe During his career, Ashis has held senior roles would be to bring in newer technologies and Kolkata-31st March, Hard Rock Cafe with technology vendors such as NetApp, solutions, expand into new territories and ver- Jaipur-6th April, F Bar & Lounge Sanovi, Perpetuuiti Technosoft, Sun Microsys- ticals at both channels and OEMs level,” shared Chennai-14th April, Bay 146, Savera Hotel tems and Brocade. Ashis Guha, CEO designate, RAH Infotech Mumbai-21st April, Gateway of India Taking about the appointment, Ashok Kumar, CELL IT, VOL-12, ISSUE-08 2 KRISHNA, March -2018 NEWS IN FOCUS Paradigm Shift: Blockchain Set to Revolutionise Real Estate & Construction Industry : By Antao AV, Chief Operating Officer, Synergy Property Development Services it, Blockchain is a digital ledger containing dig- be: Recording Value Exchange; Administering ital record of transactions, maintained by a net- Smart Contracts; Combining Smart Contracts to work of computers. This means information of form a Decentralized Autonomous Organization a financial or non-financial transaction is shared (DAO); and finally certifying proof of existence with a decentralised network and validated by for certain data. the entire network. With Blockchain technol- Hence, through this technology there is an ogy, one can transfer assets digitally without opportunity to create a leaner procurement the need for a central verifying authority. This is method which better engages the individuals in itself is a revolutionary way of doing things. who make up a project team. This will result A Blockchain framework effectively reduces the in reducing costs by removing intermediaries, chances of data manipulation and leaves lesser where a client has more control and transpar- scope for a hacker to corrupt the computer sys- ency of cost, time and scope on their project. tem. A Blockchain-powered online ledger could While the influence of technology has permeated While the legality of cryptocurrencies is still overcome complications on multiple owners every industry and sector conceivable, whether being debated in India, companies have begun by securely and reliably tracking the size and it’s Banking, Manufacturing or Healthcare, the shifting focus to the utility of Blockchain tech- value of individual stakes in the property in the role technology is playing in shaping the real nology. According to an industry report, 56% of same way as stock in companies is recorded on estate & construction industry is of transforma- Indian businesses are inclined to make Block- exchanges. Incorporated into land dealings and tional nature. Of particular interest is the role chain a part of their core business. You may real estate, Blockchain could provide immense new-gen technologies like Blockchain, Internet ask, how does it all Pan-out for the real estate business opportunity in the future making way of Things (IoT), Machine learning, Artificial Intel- & construction industry? The answer is that, to a reliable property search, efficient manage- ligence and Robotics are playing in shaping the Blockchain could open up newer