Culture in its broadest sense –from books and football to music food and travel for those who love Spain and all matters Spanish.

“ | The Anglo-Spanish Society Review 228 Spring / Summer 2011 | L a R e v i s t a Business spotlight

Jules Stewart on the BA- Iberia merger

Society Life

Isabel del Rio on the Gala dinner and Christmas party

Book Review

Nicole Crespo O’Donoghue prepares for the Society’s third annual Classical Iñigo Gurruchaga on Concert on April 4th Javier Cercas plus special offer for ASS Members

revista_new.indd 1 17/03/2011 23:34 From the Editor

Welcome to the latest issue of La Re- vista. The magazine’s redesign and in- novative new contents over the last year have met with broad approval among our readers and advertisers, but we do not rest on our laurels. This is a special, more varied issue dedicated in part to business and trade issues in recognition of our corporate and the growing number of new members, many of whom are young professional Spaniards living and working in the UK. It seems only right that we should mark this year’s 125th anniversary of the foundation of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in with an article on its history and devel- opment. The Chamber’s evolution mirrors the growing impor- tance of Anglo-Spanish trade, along with the hugely expanded presence in the UK of major Spanish companies in key sectors- a topic covered with insight in this issue by Tom Burns . I am delighted to bring on board as my deputy Isabel del Rio, with years of experience in the world of media, including BBC and the Financial Times. Isabel kicks off in this issue with some colourful coverage of social events, with photographs taken by her daughter Idil, along with a fascinating interview in our cultural section with one of the joint winner’s of last year’s EU literature prize. Culture in its broadest sense –from books and football to music , food and travel-continues to be an impor- tant part of this magazine which aims to reach out and engage with all those who love Spain and matters Spanish. This is your magazine. Enjoy it . Jimmy Burns President: Carles Casajuna i Palet His Excellency The Spanish Ambassador Chairman: Dame Denise Holt * Vice-Chairman: Jimmy Burns * Executive Secretaries: Events and Grants: Beatriz Gago Vazquez Membership , Finance, and website: Jordi Casinos Honorary Treasurer: Mark Phillips Other members of the Executive Council: Fidel Lopez Alvarez, Paul Pickering, Albert Jones, Lady Nicoletta Lindsay,Maria Amparo Garcia-Asencio*, Carmen Bouverat, John Scanlan, Lady Pilar Brennan, Jose Ivars-Lopez*, Isabel Clara Lorda-Vidal, Muir Sutherland*, Sandra Coombs, Sir Stephen Wright*, Emily Cooper,Siobhan Songour*, Lucia Lindsay, Javier Fernandez Hidalgo Join us on Facebook: * Trustees Editorial Committee Chairman/ Editor: Jimmy Burns Deputy Editor: Isabel del Rio, Design: Steve Bunn RCA Photography: Idil Sukan Advertising: Jose Ivars-Lopez Follow us on Twitter: Contributing editors: Elena Moya, Barbara Mora @AnglosSpanish Published by the Anglo-Spanish Society 102 Eaton Square, London SW1W 9AN [email protected] The next issue of La Revista is due to appear in Autumn 2011. Letters and articles (maximum length of 800 words and accompanied by good quality photographs) for consideration should be emailed to [email protected] by July 1. The opinions expressed throughout this issue of La Revista represent those of the authors and contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Anglo-Spanish Society or those of their supporters. The Anglo-Spanish Society is a registered charity: 1080250


revista_new.indd 2 17/03/2011 23:34 revista_new.indd 3 17/03/2011 23:34 The Spanish Ambassador Carles Casajuana i Palot, Dame Denise Holt, and Michael Portillo

Lady Brennan and Fidel Lopez

Isabel del Rio

The highlight of the Anglo-Spanish Society’s social calendar was the Telefonica black-tie gala dinner held on Fri- day 11 February at the Mountbat- ten Room, RAC Club in Pall Mall, writes Isabel del Río Presided by the bronze bust of Lord Mountbatten, and surrounded by gilded hanging candelabra and pale-green colonnades, the gala dinner had all the glitter of a mag- nificent social event. Against such Mr Chris Bryant MP stunning setting, the gala unfolded and Mr Jared Cranney brilliantly over entertaining speech- es, excellent food and wine, and exquisite compan The event sold out completely, and indeed the Mountbatten Room was filled to capacity with guests ar- riving early in the evening for the drinks reception before dinner. The former MP Michael Portillo, added the celebrity element to the occa- Luis Just of Santander sion as guest speaker. with Paloma Alzamora and We were honoured by the pres- Loreto Rojo ence of HE Ambassador Carles Casajuana i Palet, and his wife Mrs. Margarita Massanet. Other

revista_new.indd 4 17/03/2011 23:34 Margarita Massenet and Michael Portillo

Nuria Guzman (Spanish Tourist Board) and Sandy Flockhart CMG

Gala dinner Photography by Idil Sukan

prominent figures of Anglo-Spanish ingly about his father, Professor extraction included Lord and Lady Luis Portillo of the University of Garel-Jones, and Lord and Lady Salamanca and prominent Repub- Brennan, as well as representa- lican, and related how his parents tives of our corporate sponsors and met when working in the UK with supporters. Members of the Anglo- Spanish refugee children. Spanish Executive Committee were The Gala dinner was nothing less all mostly in attendance, as were than a phenomenal success thanks many members of the Society. The to the hard-work and excellent top table was presided by our chair- planning of Emily Cooper, prin- man, Dame Denise Holt, looking cipal organizer, and the Events absolutely radiant. Committee. In all, a most beautiful The Spanish Ambassador thanked evening that raised further funds for During an interval we heard the Anglo-Spanish Society and our Scholarship Programme. a delightful performance of introduced the highlight of the With grateful thanks to:The the “Gypsy Airs” by Sarasate, evening, an after-dinner speech Right Honourable Michael played by two RAM undergradu- by politician-turned-media star Portillo;Headline Sponsor The ates, violinist Nicole Crespo- Mr Portillo. The eloquent Portillo Spanish Tourist Board; Corporate O’Donoghue (see interview on both entertained and moved the Sponsors: Santander Universi- p. 19) and piano accompanist, audience with stories of the Spanish ties, BBVA, Telefonica/02; Raffle Raya Kostova. The evening also Civil War, his memories of serving Donors: The St Regis Hotel Mar- included a raffle with fantastic under Margaret Thatcher and the davall Mallorca, Iberia, Iberica prizes to be won, generously do- idiosyncratic differences between and Currencies Direct, Wines of nated by various sponsors, with Spain and the . Spain, La Plaza Restaurant and the top prizes being two return The epitome of Anglo-Spanishness, Freixenet; Photographer Idil Sukan flights to donated by Ibe- Michael stole the night with his wit, Del Rio; Violinist Nicole Crespo ria and a two night stay including charm and intellect. As the child of O’Donoghue and Pianist Raya Kos- breakfast at the St Regis Mardav- two cultures, he reminisced touch- tova Charlotte Smal and her team at all, Mallorca the RAC | LA REVISTA | SPRING ISSUE | 5

revista_new.indd 5 17/03/2011 23:34 ASS Scholarship

Laura Fernández-González

A Spanish graduate reports on how she is com- The conference followed an exhibition pleting her doctoral thesis at a British univer- at the Matthew Gallery in Edinburgh last September, based on a project sity thanks to the support of the Anglo-Spanish that considers the re-creation of Early Society and BBVA. Modern Festivals as a way of explor- ing historical research. This is the I applied for an Anglo-Spanish Society every case. However, I profoundly project website: www.recreatingear- grant hoping to gain some support to believe in the necessity of a rich and The online complete the writing up of my PhD heterogeneous society and in the ben- exhibition features part of what was thesis. I am very grateful to everyone efits that art, history and the humani- displayed in the exhibition last Sep- involved in the selection of my can- ties provide us. A sophisticated and tember. My contribution concerns my didature: the Anglo-Spanish Subcom- advanced society is one that appreci- ongoing research into the triumphal mittee for considering my application, ates the qualities that culture grants us, entry of Philip II into Lisbon in 1581: to Dame Denise Holt, Chairman of the and it is now being demonstrated how http://www.recreatingearlymodernfes- Society, for her kind words and en- skills developed through the study and, for couragement, and to H.E. Mr. Carles contemplation of complex ideas en- which I have used 3D reconstruction Casajuana Palet, Spanish Ambassador, hance the abilities of professionals. It technology. for the beautiful ceremony he hosted is precisely in these times of economic All these activities have culminated for us. I have a special memory of my difficulty that these fields need major in a contract with a very prestigious conversation with Mr. Philip Paddack support from sponsors, as we all know academic publisher (BBVA) who was representing the these academic subjects are the first for a book with se- sponsors that supported my beca. Mr. to suffer. I am truly grateful for your lected essays from Paddack actually spoke about the support. the conference. I place I was born in Andalucía. Unfor- Since I graduated with my first degree am the co-editor tunately my family could not join me in Art History in Spain, I have worked of the volume with that day, but that evening he recreated for several years in architectural the aforementioned a warm reminder of home. conservation and then in a research Prof. Checa Cre- My doctoral studies in Architecture at project at the School of Architecture, mades. The book the University of Edinburgh focus on Newcastle University, along the way project has received ideas of power in Philip II’s archi- gaining three postgraduate qualifica- very good reviews tecture and urbanism. The global tions. These posts only had research as and we are currently dimension of the Spanish Universal a small fraction of the duties but in my pursuing further Monarchy established networks with spare time I pursued this interest and sponsorship to cover most of the princely courts in Eu- published some of my historical find- some extra costs. I rope; Philip himself was married to ings. After these wonderful few years have been invited an English Queen, and a few decades I decided to pursue a PhD. I realized to the University later tried to invade the country with I wanted to be a full-time researcher. of Evora in Portu- the Armada, as we all certainly know. Academia is the perfect environment gal and also to the Nonetheless, the permeability of ideas for this, and a doctorate is an essential Warburg Institute in between all European countries and asset to pursue this career. London to present indeed England and Castile was more The months following the Anglo- my project. In the fluent than some of the old-fashioned Spanish Society award have been meantime, I am writ- historiography has told us in the past. full of responsibilities and hard work ing up my thesis and thanks to the sup- These, amongst other issues, are part but extremely exciting. I was in the port from the Anglo-Spanish Society, of the core ideas of my research. middle of organizing an International I now have precious time to focus on Historical research has fascinated me Conference at Edinburgh University the task at hand. I hope that next time ever since I was a child. When I was at the time of the awards ceremony I meet the Society it will be to present eight I read a book about Pompei’s in London. The general theme of the the new book, in which a substantial archaeological excavations, and from conference was the Festival Culture chapter looks at Anglo-Spanish rela- that point onwards I knew I wanted to under the Spanish Habsburgs. We tions. I also hope that by that time I learn about the past. I used to believe were fully booked and the quality of will already be a young scholar with that in history we can find solutions the talks was very impressive; our a PhD in hand. Please allow me to to current problems and even learn keynote speaker was Prof. Fernando express my heartfelt gratitude once through experience how to prepare Checa Cremades, of the Universidad again. for the future, though I now accept Complutense, and a former director of that this statement is not applicable to the . 6 | LA REVISTA | SPRING ISSUE |

revista_new.indd 6 17/03/2011 23:34 Gcra ias Adrian Jimmy Burns

After more than two decades at the sponded positively to my request that helm, Adrian Wright has decided to he continues to cooperate with La Re- step down as editor of La Revista . He vista , helping out with copy-editing, has done so done so with immense contributing articles whenever he feels good grace and after generously sup- inspired to do so, and with special porting the magazine’s redesign , thus responsibility for articles written by ensuring an orderly transicion to a new our scholarship recipients. editorial team. Adrian told me: “My tenure as editor Adrian was appointed Editor of the has been immensely rewarding, and previously named Review in 1987 and this last year as much as any. It has ever since has edited the magazine been a wonderful experience to work with huge enthusiasm as the lover with you and the team that you (our of Spain and things Spanish that he own Vicente del Bosque) have put has always been. A Cambridge based together, but I feel it is time for the teacher, with a house in Aracena, Society to move on.” Adrian has remained an enthusiastic My response to Adrian is : “Eres un of the Anglo-Spanish Soci- buenazo. ety in which he has many friends, and is a regular attendee of its events. I am delighted that Adrian has re-


revista_new.indd 7 17/03/2011 23:34 TRADE

Branding Spain Nicolás Belmonte This year the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in the UK celebrates its 125th anniversary. The destinations. The Spanish Trade Centre project was author, a former Secretary-General of the or- developed during those years. Inspired ganisation examines its evolving contribution by the Swiss Centre, the intention was to create a complex in the centre of to Anglo-Spanish relations. London with restaurants, shops and Back in Many of them were British export offices that would be occupied by the mid companies for whom the Chamber, companies, banks and official Spanish 1970’s, through administrative competencies organisations. The initiative stemmed the term granted by the State, helped to process from a group of businessmen who “globali- documents; an essential part of com- were members of the Executive Com- sation” mercial exchanges at that time. mittee of the Chamber and it was en- described The Chamber received dozens of thusiastically supported by the Spanish the future letters daily from Spain requesting Ambassador at the time Manuel Fraga and was information about commercial issues; Iribarne. However the project never only used lists of importers, exporters, lawyers, came to fruition. It was too big and by the tariffs, etc. Furthermore, the Chamber complex a project to fulfil at a time economic also developed its promotional and when Spain was still suffering from press and commercial activity through activi- economic and political uncertainty. the academic world. Spain was at the ties and services that facilitated the The difficulties surrounding the end of a difficult period of its history introduction of Spanish products into Spanish Club resulted in the Cham- and about to embark upon a political, the British Market. ber needing to move to 5 Cavendish social and economic change that won The Spanish Club was notable among Square, and initiating a more business- the admiration of many. the Spanish institutions in London, focused approach to the Club. The Spanish Chamber of Commerce created during the Reign of Alfonso In April 1986 the Spanish Royal in Great Britain was then 90 years of XIII and located at Number 5 Cav- Family made their historical visit to age. Founded in 1886, the same year endish Square, credited to a “lease” London and received members of the as Alfonso XIII, at his birth, was pro- granted by Lord Howard of Walden. Chamber in the Main Hall. They also claimed King of Spain and his mother, The Chamber had strong links with met with the members of the Anglo- Queen Maria Christina was appointed the club; many members and associ- Spanish Society which at the time was regent during his minority. In the 20th ates of the Executive Committee were also based at the premises in Cavend- century the Chamber witnessed a shared and the Chamber made use of ish Square. regency, a monarchy, Civil War, and the rooms to carry out activities such In June 1991 Felipe González, Presi- dictatorship, and throughout these as conferences, receptions, product dent of the first Spanish socialist gov- turbulent years its presence in the UK presentations and meetings. ernment since 1936, visited Margaret endured. From 1975 , change accelerated. Thatcher’s Britain. Spain had already The Spanish economic colony in the Automobiles became the most im- joined the European Union and its UK was a reflection of the commercial portant Spanish exports and English growth and economic dynamism had exchanges of the day. Fruit and veg- became a compulsory subject in attracted the attention of investors; not etables were the most important Span- Spanish schools. Spaniards began to long before, Guinness had taken over ish exports and their executives were travel more outside their country and the Cruz Campo brewery and Marks pioneers in establishing themselves London became one of their favourite &Spencer were expanding within outside of the country in order to sell From 1975 , change acceler- Spain. At the lunch that was arranged their products. In 1975, 50% of the ated. Automobiles became by the Spanish Chamber within the members of the Executive Committee Cavendish Square premises, the of the Chamber were directly linked the most important Spanish executives of the main British corpo- to the fruit and vegetable industry. In exports and English became rations with interests in Spain held addition, member wine traders, trans- lively and relaxed conversations with port providers, commercial agents, a compulsory subject in Mr González and his entourage. lawyers, travel agencies and financial Spanish schools. Spaniards During those years the Chamber entities were constituted as representa- began to travel more outside organised many events at the Club tive offices during those years. The with distinguished guests including majority of Spanish financial institu- their country and London Ministers, Presidents of Autonomous tions operated outside the City. became one of their favourite Communities, political leaders and The Chamber then had 1500 members. businessmen, and even Don Juan de destinations. Borbón who enjoyed looking at old 8 | LA REVISTA | SPRING ISSUE |

revista_new.indd 8 17/03/2011 23:34 photographs of the Club during the 1920’s.The traditional Annual General ASS summer event meeting luncheon was organised for the high number of attendees, which involved a speech from the Guest of Honour. A hotel was required to his final book ‘The Unbroken accommodate the large numbers Thread’, Hoare describes involved. his dream house as “my Petit One of the guests was the current Trianon” likening it to Marie of the Bank of Spain, Antoinette’s play palace at Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez, Versailles. was then the Secretary of State. Prior It is approached via avenues to his visit, his Cabinet Chief asked of Sweet Chestnut to reflect me to find out who was his counter- his wife’s French ancestry; part in Mrs. Thatcher’s government. the scale and colour to be On 4th June, the Anglo-Spanish Soci- I consulted with a senior official of like Russian country Dachas he had ety is organizing an exclusive visit to the Treasury who, on discovering that visited before the Revolution; with Templewood, the ancestral home of his title was Secretary of State for formal pots on the roofline remind- Churchill’s wartime ambassador to Economy and Planning, told me “It ing him of the Spanish Casitas of the Madrid, the late Sir Samuel Hoare - by is very difficult as under this Govern- Bourbon kings. Inside would consist kind permission of his descendant and ment we do not believe in the planning of one enormous room for entertain- current owner, the TV producer and of the Economy”. ing, modelled on the library in Admi- writer Eddie Anderson. During the 1980’s Spain was highly ralty House in London. Surrounding Templewood is a small Palladian villa sought after and its economic transfor- this central saloon, small self con- in the remote parish of Northrepps in mation was already evident. In spite of tained bedroom suites.This altogether north Norfolk. The house was built the touristic motto of the 1960’s being grander project was completed barely in 1938 by Sir Samuel Hoare – Lord “Spain is different”, the official mes- one year before the outbreak of the Templwood-as a country retreat away sage was “Spain is normal”. Second World War which would take from his hectic life in London as a The decade of the 1990’s started with him away to Madrid as British Ambas- politician and statesman. celebrations and events in 1992: the sador until 1944. Originally intended as little more than Olympic Games held in , Sam Hoare was born into a hugely a ‘shooting box’ to provide a modi- Expo 92, the Fifth Centenary of the successful family with high moral ide- cum of comfort during weekends of discovery of America. From then als based upon their Quaker ideology. pheasant shooting, Templewood grew onwards the liberalisation of com- His father was a wealthy banker and in scale as more and more influences merce, internet and communication Member of Parliament for Norwich were brought to the drawing board.In has radically transformed for 20 years - but whose principal the outlook. Globalisation is interest seemed to be shooting game now a reality which is both birds, an obsession which caused him defended and reviled. Many to buy farmland in Norfolk. young Spanish people After World War II, Sam Hoare be- speak English and the social came Viscount Templewood and tried integration of people from to devote as much time as possible at abroad is much improved. his country villa, playing tennis, plant- An earlier economic crisis ing exotic trees and waiting for cold was overcome and now we weather to bring woodcock within find ourselves in another. range of his shotgun and to freeze his However, it is gratifying ‘reflecting pool’ sufficiently hard for to see that in face of all the ice skating. changes and the ups and After his death in 1959 the house was downs there is a surviv- inherited by his nephew Paul Paget ing Institution, more than - who was also its architect. In 1971, one hundred years old, that Paul Paget married the author Verily has continued adapting to Anderson when the house became the historical circumstances and centre of her wide spreading fam- that will maintain this ob- ily. Paul and Verily shared not only a jective for as long as there common ancestry but were famous for are people who are dedicat- their enthusiasm for hospitality and ed to trade in all sectors. fun. Nicolás Belmonte was Today it is the home of her son Ed- Secretary-General of the die Anderson and his wife Tina who Spanish Chamber of Com- maintain the original spirit of a lively merce in the UK from country house set in its own parkland, 1986-1993. He is Director- where recognition of the past is quite General of Frutso. as important as the present.


revista_new.indd 9 17/03/2011 23:34 Scholarship Programme

Óscar J. Martín García

convirtió en el idioma de moda entre THE BRITISH COUNCIL las clases medias urbanas nacidas al A history graduate based at the Consejo Superi- calor del llamado “milagro económico español”. A la altura de 1975 en las or de Investigaciones uncovers the role played sedes del British Institute de Madrid y by the British Council in supporting Spain’s de Barcelona estudiaban 5.351 y 2.764 transition to democracy. The research for this alumnos respectivamente. Según un informe diplomático fechado en 1976, article was supported by the Anglo-Spanish So- los métodos didácticos allí empleados ciety and Cuatrecasas. fueron “muy reconocidos y aprecia- HERRAMIENTA DE DIPLOMA- con la mayor cautela posible, los dos” por aquellos españoles que veían CIA CULTURAL PARA LA TRAN- oficiales británicos echaron mano de en el idioma una forma de acercarse SICIÓN diversas herramientas de diplomacia a los hábitos y formas de vida oc- Óscar J. Martín García. pública y cultural conocidas como soft cidentales. Y aunque este idioma A mediados de los años setenta no cor- power. Desde Whitehall se procuró, se identificaba con la “modernidad rían buenos tiempos para la OTAN en a través de la seducción cultural y de estadounidense” también es cierto que el sur de Europa. En 1975 el Foreign la cooperación educativa, allanar, sin para muchos españoles los centros del Office se mostró en varias ocasiones levantar el desasosiego de los más BC representaban el “mejor lugar para alarmado por los posibles efectos de susceptibles jerarcas de la dictadura, aprender inglés”. Además, desde años los cambios de régimen en España y el camino para una presencia activa de antes la recalcitrante anglofobia ex- sobre la estabilidad del flanco Gran Bretaña en España “cuando el istente entre sectores de la oficialidad meridional de la Alianza. Mientras que régimen cambie en el futuro”. Espe- franquista no había impedido que el en Portugal la llama revolucionaria se cialmente, el carácter sutil y flexible Colegio Británico de Madrid acogiese extendía de punta a punta del país, los del trabajo desempeñado por el British a muchos de los hijos de las clases diplomáticos británicos creyeron que Council (BC) permitió al gobierno de altas de la capital, a los que –además para “evitar el peligro del comunismo” Su Majestad “comenzar a preparar” el de enseñar inglés- intentó familiarizar y la extensión del “virus portugués” al posfranquismo sin necesidad de tensar con las “actitudes políticas liberales y vecino ibérico era necesario fomen- las relaciones bilaterales con la dicta- moderadas” que en Londres se espe- tar el desarrollo de una democracia dura ni reavivar el incómodo asunto raba rigiesen el futuro político de un pluralista en España. Un objetivo que, del Peñón. país a menudo tentado por maximalis- en opinión del gabinete de Harold La labor del BC en la España del mos y guerras fraticidas. Wilson, requería del apoyo de las franquismo final tuvo que desarrol- La propagación del inglés proveyó un potencias occidentales a las fuerzas larse en un complicado escenario de medio, en palabras de la embajada, antifranquistas no comunistas dispues- cambio político y ardua convivencia “natural y directo” para atraer cultural- tas a liderar un cambio de carácter con el régimen. Pero el prestigio de mente a los líderes de opinión en Es- moderado. Pero éste era un juego aquel, relacionado con los aspectos paña. Según el servicio exterior, “uno diplomático demasiado arriesgado más transparentes de la comunicación de los mayores beneficios que Gran para el gobierno laborista. Cualquier internacional, hizo del mismo un Bretaña podía obtener de la enseñanza asistencia al desarrollo de la oposición instrumento muy útil para difundir del inglés en España” era la admi- democrática procedente de Downing el valor de las ideas, instituciones y ración de sus elites socioculturales. Street podía agitar las iras del mori- tradiciones del Reino Unido en Es- Pero el provecho de la exportación bundo dictador y, consecuentemente, paña. No en vano, durante casi cuatro del idioma no sólo quedó limitado reavivar tanto en suelo español como décadas el BC fue capaz de sobrevivir al campo cultural. La enseñanza del en la ONU pasadas campañas an- y contribuir al intercambio de ideas inglés en España también supuso tibritánicas para recuperar Gibraltar. en un país férreamente amordazado magros ingresos que –a diferencia Si el gobierno inglés quería favorecer por una dictadura muy recelosa de de otros lugares- permitió la autofi- la implantación de la democracia en cualquier empresa cultural de tono nanciación del BC y la promoción de España sin perjudicar sus propios liberal e impronta británica . numerosas actividades como cursos intereses sólo podía hacerlo de una La principal herramienta del BC para de verano, intercambios, campamen- manera: actuando de forma muy promocionar la “proyección general tos, etcétera. Este éxito económico discreta para de este modo “man- de Gran Bretaña en diversos cam- hizo del caso español, según diversas tener la temperatura” del conten- pos, particularmente en el educativo, fuentes, el “ejemplo más espectacular cioso por Gibraltar “tan baja como cultural y científico” fue la enseñanza de los resultados de un gran programa fuese posible”. Así, con el objeto de del inglés. Conforme avanzó la de enseñanza del inglés” y un modelo conducir sus asuntos en la península década de los años setenta éste se para las operaciones del BC en otros muchos países del Sur de Europa 10 | LA REVISTA | SPRING ISSUE |

revista_new.indd 10 17/03/2011 23:34 como Portugal o Grecia . La difusión del inglés proporcionó book review una valiosa llave de acceso a la cultura británica. El servicio exterior consid- eró que un mejor conocimiento de las instituciones y de las formas de vida Iñigo Gurruchaga británicas en España redundaba en un mayor prestigio y capacidad de influ- encia en este país. Razones por las que THE ANATOMY OF A MOMENT By After plunging the country into a civil el BC se esforzó en la expansión del Javier Cercas, trans. from the Spanish war, Franco brought it first to hunger inglés mediante el trabajo coordinado by Anne McLean (Bloomsbury) 416 and then to economic collapse. High con las autoridades educativas españo- pages RRP £18.99 growth rates between 1960 and 1974 las, con los departamentos de inglés de On 23 February 1981 a group of left Spain with the same differential varias universidades, con academias armed Civil Guards went by bus to of GDP per capita with countries of privadas y con diversas instituciones the Spanish parliament, entered the Western Europe that it had in the oficiales. Fruto de esta colaboración chamber without facing any resist- 1930’s. ance and ordered the full house to be A heavily regulated economy had an La labor del British quiet and to wait. They underlined the industrial sector intensive in its use of Council en la España authority of their mission by firing energy and manpower. The agony of bullets at the ceiling. Later, when the Franco’s regime was soothed by not del franquismo final lights in the building faded briefly, the raising taxes on fuel after the first oil tuvo que desarrollarse guards discussed the ingenious idea price shock in 1973. But the cost had en un complicado of illuminating the chamber with a to be paid later. Inflation at the time of bonfire, something to warm the heart the first democratic elections in 1977 escenario de cambio of Guy Fawkes’ ghost. was 44.7%. Reserves were running político y ardua convi- In The Anatomy of a Moment, out. The second oil shock in 1979 and Javier Cercas extracts frames from a monumental banking crisis hit when vencia con el régimen. the attempted putsch to describe their the baby boom generation was coming context and symbolic meanings and to the age of mass unemployment. se pusieron en marcha seminarios, its projections on his own life. The In the Basque Country the transición certámenes, “Semanas Inglesas” y resigning prime minister, Adolfo project lost legitimacy at the refer- escuelas de verano en diversas univer- Suárez, is a central character. Focusing endum on the Act of Reform in 1976 sidades. Actividades que reportaron on Suárez’s stance when the guards and a breakdown of law and order al BC una “reputación en España entered the chamber Cercas compares followed. Oversized and top heavy, extremadamente alta” que hizo que su him to Roberto Rosellini’s General educated in a personality cult of El asesoramiento fuese requerido en la della Rovere, the imposter who be- Caudillo, the armed forces resented reforma educativa emprendida por el comes hero of the Italian resistance. their own reform and were outraged ministro Villar Palasí y en la creación His resignation speech on Spanish by the unbanning of communists or de una UNED que intentaba aseme- TV, in which he promised to all Span- the new law on divorce. They aggra- jarse a la Open University británica. iards that “wherever I might be I shall vated the plight of the country with En su labor por propiciar el entend- remain identified with your aspira- their persistent threat to revolt. imiento mutuo entre naciones el BC tions”, suggests that Suárez may as Cercas offers in this honest book a también organizó y financió diversos well be associated with Woody Allen’s detailed narrative of the failed attempt programas de intercambio educativo y Zelig. But a man able to negotiate the by the most recalcitrant members of cultural entre Gran Bretaña y España. rapids of the transición by trying to ac- the military to impose their pathetic Según una memoria de 1976, este tipo commodate all wishes had run out of designs on Spain’s extremely complex de actividades eran el “mejor signo people to charm and to please. circumstances. He combines research de unas relaciones culturales saluda- The attempted coup d’état interrupted and conjecture with psychological bles entre dos países” dispuestos a the Congreso vote on a change of gov- portraits of some of the protagonists to promocionar el afecto y la comuni- ernment. The descrip- compose a hybrid between a histori- cación entre ambos. Con este fin se tion of events can leave cal reportage and a novel. promovieron diversos intercambios the reader feeling that Iñigo Gurruchaga is the London cor- y colaboraciones científicas entre el few actors in Cercas’ respondent of El Correo. His pub- BC y el CSIC, el ICONA, la Socie- political play performed lished books are El Modelo Irlandés dad Española de Biología, etcétera. the roles that they were on the Northern Ireland peace proc- Este tipo de actividades salieron meant to fulfil. And the ess and Scunthorpe hasta La Muerte adelante gracias a la cooperación de grotesque conspiracy (reviewed in La Revista issue 226). fundaciones como la Juan March o la came unstuck after a Cañada Blanch y de una amplia red heated disagreement Special Book Offer For Anglo-Spanish Soci- de diplomacia ciudadana formada por ety Members: among the rebels in the To order The Anatomy of a Moment at 25% organizaciones estudiantiles, asocia- early hours on the com- off plus free p & p please visit http://www. ciones voluntarias o grupos de mujeres position of the govern- or como la Women’s Corona Society o el ment needed to sort out call 01256 302 699 and use the reference Women’s Institute. Spain. “GLR 5JL” when you place your order. | LA REVISTA | SPRING ISSUE | 11

revista_new.indd 11 17/03/2011 23:34 ARTS INTERVIEW

On writing and immigration Isabel del Rio La Revista’s deputy editor interviews the author Raquel Martínez Gómez, one of the recipients of the photograph by Idil Sukan European Prize for Literature 2010 The European Union Prize for Lit- out. The story for my novel developed erature was established in 2009 to and fed from my own experiences, promote the circulation of literature although I cannot say it is autobio- within Europe. The Prize is financed graphical. One of the subjects that by the Culture Programme of the Eu- most interests me is the fact that Spain but at the end of the day immigration ropean Union, which aims to celebrate changed considerably in the 80s and produces wealth in many different Europe’s cultural diversity and foster 90s because of immigration. We have ways. My book is about people arriv- intercultural dialogue, thus enhancing moved from being a country of immi- ing as immigrants and bringing with our shared cultural heritage. grants to a country that receives large them their dreams and aspirations. In Eleven authors, each from a different numbers of immigrants from many some cases, immigrants may not like EU country, shared the 2010 EU Prize parts of the world. Also, Madrid has what they have left behind in their for Literature, among them Raquel undergone considerable changes as home country, but it can also happen Martínez Gómez, from Spain, with her a city precisely because of immigra- that they are unable to find the idyllic book “Shadows of the Unicorn” about tion, and I wanted to tell a story with world they are looking for in the coun- Latin American immigrants in Madrid, Madrid as backdrop. And yet I did not try of destination, and so they have to their dreams and the everyday realities want my story to be about a Spaniard deal with a set of new contradictions they face. who is a witness to immigration, but within themselves. Raquel Martínez was born in Albacete, instead about immigrants arriving in What does the EU prize mean to you? but has lived most of her life in Ma- Spain and having to make a fresh start I did not realize at first how impor- drid. When asked whether she consid- and about their efforts to establish tant the prize was. But when it sank ers herself manchega o madrileña, she themselves in this new land. I lived in in that I had actually won the prize, I says that she feels mostly a citizen Mexico, and also for a time in Argen- realized that it would allow my book of the world. Some years go, when tina, and my two main characters are to be translated into many languages, studying for her degree, she also an Argentinian woman and a Mexican even into minority languages such as lived in Latin America. She recently man. Latvian, Bulgarian and Macedonian. took a three-year sabbatical from her Do you have personal experiences But of course my dream is that the post at Fundación Carolina (part of regarding immigration? book is also translated into English. AECID) in Spain, and at present she My maternal great-grandparents left Not only because of the importance of lives in Lewes, West Sussex with her Albacete for Buenos Aires at the be- English of course, but because I now partner and daughter. She had always ginning of the 20th century, and they have a wonderful relationship with the wanted to live in the UK, but there is lived there for 10 years. I was brought language. Since I started living in the another more important reason why up with all sorts of stories about their UK, I enjoy English so much more as she is here. For her most recent novel, experiences there, the tangos that were a language, and I am now doing an she needed to research the world of sung, the anecdotes of their lives in MA in English Literature. And I am Spaniards living in exile in London in another continent. I know also learning to re-read the 50s and see for herself the settings that my Argentinian fam- English writers in their where sections of her story take place. ily used to send parcels own language, as I had I met Raquel on a cold January morn- to my family in Spain previously read them in ing in central London, and we spoke during the post-Civil War translation. about the EU prize she has been years. Later on, Argen- Will this prize change awarded, the strength of her commit- tinian members of my you as a writer? ment to writing, and the overwhelm- family came over from The main thing is that ing subject of her book: immigration Buenos Aires to work in the Prize will allow my in Spain. Madrid. work to be better known. How did “Shadows of the Unicorn” We must not forget that As a writer I would like come about? Spain has been a na- to have more readers My writing stems from a need to tion of immigrants. And with whom I can inter- communicate. I am obsessed with because of this, any bouts act. Readers will let you communication as a subject matter, of xenophobia should know if they like what and writing is most definitely a means be as diluted as pos- you write, and whether of communication. Through my sible. There are indeed your writing serves a writing I try to channel my thoughts a number of problems purpose. You have to and concerns, and thus try and reach relating to immigration, try to find out if your


revista_new.indd 12 17/03/2011 23:34 to the UK Raquel sat next to a pas- senger who told her an amazing story. And when he finished, he asked her to write the story for him because he had been unable to write it despite several attempts. Strangely the subject of the novel was very similar to Raquel’s own ideas for a new novel. “I will obviously dedicate my novel to this mysterious passenger”, she states. Raquel Martínez-Gómez, Sombras de unicornio (Shadows of the Unicorn) Published by Algaida Editores - http:// Also available in Spanish through ‘It is true that creativity runs its own course through life, work and learn- ing, and I am driven to write because it is my chosen way of expression; but, writing is as worthwhile as the books in London, hence Raquel’s research as regards publishing and promotion, you enjoy reading. But when you win here in the UK. Ultimately the story it is also true that this prize offers the a prize such as this, it also means that aims to state that there are aspects of opportunity of translation into other people like your writing and so you women’s lives that have changed over languages and the possibility of reach- have a responsibility towards them. time, but other aspects remain exactly ing a much wider, European audience.’ Therefore, I have to prioritize litera- as they were many decades ago. ture over and above other things in my “There is this great paradox”, Raquel life. says. “On the one hand we take for Raquel’s new book is the story of granted that so many things have two women who never actually meet changed, and yet nowadays women The interview was but do communicate, on lives in the still have to confront many of the done in Spanish, and present day, the other is a woman problems that women in the 50s Isabel transcribed, who was alive in the 50s and has long confronted, plus a few new added translated and since died. The subplot is a love-story struggles.” adapted it. between the woman from the 50s, and And her next novel? A great believer a literary critic who goes into exile in chance encounters, during a flight


revista_new.indd 13 17/03/2011 23:35 TR Avel JOURNAL

The Editor of La Revista reflects on the Jimmy Burns hardships of early visitors to Spain and contrasts this with the charm of the mod- go from one Parador to another also ern day Paradores helps you appreciate the wonderful In 1829, the American writer and knights, Protestant spies, pilgrims, geographical and cultural diversity of honorary consul Washington Irving Bible pedlars, eccentric aristocrats, Spain, in comfort. embarked on a journey from Seville philosophers, poets, soldiers. To all of Recently I spent a couple of nights in to Granada with his friend Prince them Spain was a discovery, a strange the Parador of Mazagón on the south Dimitri Dolgorouki, the Secretary of idiosyncratic land, not easily under- west coast of Spain. Surrounded by the Russian delegation. They stopped stood. a beautifully landscaped garden, this at mountain inn and quickly struck up It is against this background that stands on a sandy cliff overlooking the a dialogue with the local Spaniards. Spain’s Paradores, part of the national Atlantic and has a client-only wooden Cigars were handed out by Irving state-owned hotel chain, have endured staircase going down to a spectacular and food was served by the innkeep- as symbols of tourism transformed, beach that stretches for 80 km all the ers’ wife. The evening was spent in a their location, architecture , cuisine, way to Sanlúcar de Barrameda. warm glow of cordiality with enter- and service a source of delight to cus- From there I drove across country to tainment being provided in the form of tomers whatever their age or inclina- Ronda, where the local Parador is situ- an impromptu flamenco dance by the tion. ated next to the town’s beautiful Arab innkeeper’s buxom daughter Pepita Most Paradores have come a long way quarter and with spectacular views and a drunkard shoemaker. since their early beginnings in the of the canyon Hemingway made so “What a country is Spain for a travel- Franco years and the stimulus they got famous. The next night I was in Gra- ler,” Irving would go on to remark, when Manuel Fraga Iribarne was Min- nada. Sadly the eclectic hotel named “where the most miserable inn is as ister of Tourism. The somewhat self- after Washington Irving was closed full of adventure as an enchanted cas- consciously austere regime of many of some years ago, and the Alhambra tle and every meal is itself an achieve- the hotels has given way to something itself can only be visited during ment.” altogether more comfortable and strictly controlled day-time hours. But Other earlier adventurers in Spain welcoming. Thus in the majority of a stay in the Parador provided me with found it difficult to get similarly the older Paradores, rooms have been the opportunity to drop in early on a enthused over a country that not only upgraded while respecting the main wonderful Matisse special exhibition, lacked adequate transport, but also had character of the original building, the before the main avalanche of tourists a shortage of decent hotels and a sur- staff remain discreet but courteous, took over. plus of bandits. “I have not been in a while the quality of the food has vastly The Parador’s prime location -in the single inn where the lower storey was improved. On offer is a range of suc- grounds of the Alhambra, high above not a stable and the upper one as full culent traditional and modern regional the modern city- alone makes this a of fleas as if it were under an Egyptian and national dishes, together with a very special place to stay in, although curse, “moaned the 19 century Boston decent selection of wines from all over one also feels the extraordinary cul- born traveller George Ticknor. Spain, from Penedés and Rioja in the tural mix of Spanish history on a site Indeed even the romantic Irving North to lesser-known wines from that in different periods has been a abandoned living rough when he got La Mancha, Ribera del Duero, and palace, a mosque, and a convent. to Granada, gaining privileged access Extremadura. While staying here, in early January, I to more luxurious quarters in the The Parador map of Spain is required lunched in the outdoors balcony with Alhambra. Generally modern tourism reading for me whenever I take to a local friend. The Sierra Nevada, came late to Spain for the country was the road south of the Pyrenees, and true to its name, was covered in thick never part of the Grand European Tour it is some years back since I signed snow but the sun was out. It was warm of earlier centuries. It was not just the up for my ‘Amigos’ card with which enough to have gazpacho as well a accommodation that was uncomfort- I can use my collected points to get huge plate of prime local jamon Serran able, the food was unpalatable, at least discounted room rates. In fact the before following this up with a gener- to Northern European tastes, the threat Paradores have plenty of recession- ous plate of king prawns lightly tossed of being assaulted and robbed too beating special deals on offer, making in olive oil, garlic, and sweet red pep- real to attract the kind of visitor who them even better value for money that per, all washed down with a wine from from the seventeenth century onwards, most other hotel chains in Spain. Ribera Del Duero. elsewhere in Europe, went in search What is particularly great about the A note of warning, and a final recom- of nothing more than his own peers in Paradores is how they have managed mendation: The Granada Parador’s a novel, mildly exciting but civilised to maintain a certain standardised popularity means you need to book setting. but good customer service with each well in advance and usually out of Spain attracted a different kind of hotel in the network, always making season. For an alternative in Anda- traveller to the rest of Europe: mad you feel you are in a special place. To lucía spend a couple of nights in late Spring or early summer relaxing in the 14 | LA REVISTA | SPRING ISSUE |

revista_new.indd 14 17/03/2011 23:35 society life

charming Parador of Jaén -a con- PAELLA LUNCH crema catalana, churros y chocolate, verted medieval castle with a stunning helado de vanilla con Pedro Ximenez, swimming pool and garden, and an Venue: Tendido Cuatro Que tarta de chocolate, mousse de yogurt assortment of local traditional dishes Aproveche:This could prove to be the y frutos del bosque. A sobre-mesa of worth feasting on. lunch of the year and was certainly coffee or tea provided the opportunity *Jimmy Burns’s A Literary Compan- a great way to fend off the winter to continue the ever-flowing conver- ion to Spain is published by Santana weather, writes Albert Jones. The New sation and to agree unanimously that Classics and is available to Society Kings Road restaurant, Tendido Cua- such a menu, perfectly cooked and members. Enquiries to tro and its ever-attentive staff provided presented was good value at £25 per [email protected] the perfect ambiente for 25 members head. For more online information on the and friends of the Anglo-Spanish So- We have to thank Executive Council paradores: ciety to enjoy three convivial hours. A member Carmen Bouverat for being recital of the menu should help readers the anfitriona y organizadora del día to imagine the feast and will certainly and, for the preliminary arrangements, remind those present of the quality and Nicky Lindsay and our events secre- variety of the food. tary Beatriz Gago. We are lucky to Tapas: pan con tomate y jamón, have such a hard-working events team. croquetas de queso y jamón, ensalada Hasta la proxima! de queso cabra tostado, hojaldre de gambas, gambas fritas con sal gorda, lomo de cerdo y alcachofa, costillas Tendido Cero : 174 Old Brompton Road, de ternera. After the seven delicious London SW5 OLJ telef. 02073703685 tapas came two spectacular paellas, Cambio de Tercio: 163 Old Brompton one mixta de mariscos y pollo and the Road, SW5 OLJ telef: 02072448970 other of arroz negro. The choice of Tendido Cuatro: 108-110 New King’s Road, Parsons Green, SW6 4OJ telef: postre was again as Spanish as could 02073715147 be wished, with a good regional mix:


revista_new.indd 15 17/03/2011 23:35 Business Spotlight

The most intriguing BA-IBERIA merger question hanging Jules Stewart over the BA-Iberia merger is where list of longstanding issues to deal with, and Advisory. it goes from here. In- including repeated industrial action The recruitment last year of Air Berlin ternational Consoli- by BA cabin crew and a big pension into the Oneworld alliance suggests dated Airlines Group deficit. the company may be prepared to (IAG), formed from But even before the new company’s consider bidding for discount air- the combination of British Airways shares began trading, Willie Walsh, the lines, said John Strickland at aviation and Iberia Líneas Aereas de España, BA chief executive officer who is now consultancy JLS. “We could see them was valued at £5.3 billion pounds on head of IAG, came out with the tanta- going outside the traditional bounds of its trading debut, giving the company lising statement, “British Airways and the legacy carrier,” Strickland said. a bigger market capitalisation than Iberia are the first two airlines in IAG The betting is on a formal merger rival Air -KLM Group and but they won’t be the last. Today is the with Oneworld partner American making it the third-largest in Europe first step towards creating a multina- Airlines, which last year was cleared by revenue, behind Lufthansa and the tional multi-brand airline group.” for closer ties with its partners by the French-Dutch group. Some analysts believe the deal was EU anti-trust regulator. “This is a step IAG, which is based in London but done to prevent Iberia seeking growth on the road but it’s not the end of the domiciled in Madrid for tax purposes, by teaming up with another carrier. journey,” said Laurie Price, director of will rank sixth in the world by sales “Walsh needed to do the deal because aviation strategy at Mott MacDonald after Delta Air Lines, Lufthansa, Iberia probably wanted to consolidate Group Ltd. “If they’re aiming for glo- United Continental, Air France-KLM and could have gone elsewhere, to Air bal dominance they’ll have to move and American Airlines. IAG is target- France or Lufthansa, and that would out of Europe at some stage.” ing about €400 million in synergies have left British Airways and One- Indian carrier Kingfisher Airlines, annually within five years of the world looking isolated,” said Chris with whom BA signed a code-sharing merger, but the new group still has a Logan, an analyst at Echelon Research agreement last year, was seen as


revista_new.indd 16 17/03/2011 23:35 another target, along with Australian group Qantas and a number of Chinese History today carriers. Jules Stewart is a graduate of New York University and the University of Madrid. He is a journalist & author. His latest book “Crimson Snow: Sandra Coombs Britain’s disaster in Afghanistan” is FAITHFUL CATALINA published in paperback. The annual commemoration of Katherine of Aragon at Peterborough Cathedral where she was laid to ASS Christmas rest in 1536 draws devotees from around the world. A member of the Anglo-Spanish Executive Council Party reports on this year’s celebration. Isabel del Río. In the early morning of Friday 28th a Tudor Dance ‘A Merrie Masque’. January 2011 I started out in the dark Those from Thomas Deacon Academy Photography by Idil Sukan for Surbiton railway station to the read in Spanish from The Sermon on song of a robin redbreast. I arrived in the Mount. Bienaventurados means time for the 0810 from London Kings both Blessed and Happy in Spanish. Cross to Peterborough and 0930 was Middleton Primary and Dogsthorpe at the Town Hall Reception. There Primary Schools sang: Cross the water I met former City Councillor Diana my lady Katerina, Cross the water I Howden on her way to meet Consejero pray and come to me. I rode into the Luis Prados the Spanish Ambassador’s orchards today; there I plucked three representative. fine red roses for lady Katerina. In the Mayor’s reception room we shared refreshments and witnessed the schools’ art competition awards. Beatriz Gago and Maria Soriano There were displays of portraits of Katharine of Aragón. Tudor History and Spanish are an important part of Anglo-Spanish Christmas Party the School curriculum and even more The 2010 Anglo-Spanish Christmas so to the children of Peterborough Party was yet another great success at given the Spanish English Queen that Tomb of Katharine of Aragón Canning House. is buried in their Cathedral. in Peterborough Cathedral Many members of the Anglo-Spanish We then walked in procession to the The Address this year was given by Society and their guests attended the Cathedral to Tudor Music played by the Baptist The Reverend Kerry Tank- party this year. We were treated to The Hautbois couple with Fife and ard, Minister of Westgate Church. St. delicious canapés and wine, served by Drum and an Italian wooden instru- Augustine’s Junior School sang words Brindisa, the Spanish food wholesalers ment with the tonal qualities of a in Latin from Psalm 115. The pupils in London. Tudor instrument. We were headed by from The Peterborough School sang With excellent prizes for the raffle, the Mayor’s Attendant followed by the The Hail Mary-also in Latin- to the and boxes of mazapanes and polvo- Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire invited dignitaries and guests as they rones on sale, this was surely the best and the Mayor, Mrs Duberly and the walked in procession to the tomb of way to start the Christmas season. Mayoress. Once inside the Cathedral, Katharine of Aragon. After all, what is Christmas without a Consejero Prados, took his place of This year there were three pomegran- few polvorones to help you unwrap all honour representing the Spanish Am- ates laid at the tomb. The pomegranate those presents! bassador. Other dignitaries included (granada ) is the Heraldic symbol of past Mayors, City Councillors, Mem- the conquest of Granada by the Catho- bers of the Hispanic Society, The An- lic monarchs, Fermando and Isabella. glo Spanish Society and other guests. They took the pomegranate emblem Children from Dogsthorpe Junior, St. and symbol of the sultana nazari when Augustines C. of E. Junior School and Katherina of Aragón was a Spanish Ormiston Bushfield Academy also princess and they were embroidered processed with us in Tudor costume as on her wimple in a portrait, when she they were to sing, recite and perform was Princess of Wales on her way to for us during the Service. marry Arthur Prince of Wales. We were welcomed by The Very Prayers were said for HM the Queen Kidge Burns with Felicity & Dick Reverend Charles Taylor, Dean of and Don Juan Carlos King of Spain Raines Peterborough. The pupils from St. and for a blessing on the Spanish and continued on page 23... Augustine’s Junior School danced English peoples.


revista_new.indd 17 17/03/2011 23:35 IN FOCUS

UK/SPANISH TRADE Diana Gonzalo Our correspondent in Madrid interviews Char- lotte Fraser-Pryne, National Director of the to extend the contacts that we have British Chamber of Commerce in Spain and develop the contracts between Diana Gonzalo: What do you think are hurdles that Spain must overcome. companies and the Government. Our the challenges facing British compa- DG: What can the Chamber of Com- objective is to promote the services nies who want to invest in Spain? merce do to improve trade relations and products of our members. This Charlotte Fraser-Pryne: There are vari- between both countries in this situa- year we have a new sales person in ous problems which British companies tion? our team who will work from Ma- in Spain now face, for example the C F-P: The best thing that we can do drid called Laura Tuck and she will Labour Law. During an event that we is to maintain confidence and open provide support in the recruitment held with the Spanish government last communication channels between the and management of our members. year, the British companies expressed two countries. We have been nurtur- At the moment we are working on a their desire to change labour legisla- ing a mutually prosperous relationship project called “The Chamber Experi- tion which is inhibiting investment for a long time. In spite of the current ence” with the help of our Governing in Spain. In addition, Spain is at a problems in the Euro Zone, we see Council to evaluate our services and disadvantage because of the slow rate that Spain is fortunate in that it has improve the benefits that we offer our of recovery from the crisis and thus commercial relations with countries members. On the 24th March we have its inability to expand. At the moment outside of this zone. We can count an AGM with all of our members, Spain is developing at a slower rate on the support of people such as the and we will get their views about than other regions of Europe, which respective ambassadors of both coun- the Chamber and the services that is why British companies are hesitant tries and directors of Governmental we offer. We are confident that 2011 to invest their money in Spain. Spain departments of investment. will be a good year for us and for the does not export as much as countries DG: What are the objectives and plans members of the British Chamber of such as France or who have for the British Chamber of Commerce Commerce in Spain. recovered much more rapidly. The low in 2011? Diana Gonzalo is a Madrid-based growth rate and high unemployment C F-P: The Chamber is constantly im- journalist specialising in International rate are indicators of some significant proving its services. In 2011 we plan Commerce.


revista_new.indd 18 17/03/2011 23:35 FIRST PERSON

In conversation with Nicole Crespo O’Donoghue

In the run up to the Society’s third annual Clas- most important thing for me is not the sical Concert on April 4th, 19-year-old violinist venue but the people; I love playing Nicole Crespo O’Donoghue, who will be per- but I love playing for the people. I find plenty of Spanish home- forming again this year in a recital organized comforts in London. I like the many by the Anglo-Spanish Society, speaks to La Re- Spanish tapas bars and restaurants including El Pirata in Mayfair or vista about her Irish-Spanish heritage and her Nueva Costa Dorada off Tottenham musical ambitions. Court Road. I also love shopping at Zara. And of course the Anglo-Spanish The petite musician with a giant talent bao, that was such an honour! And I Society puts on some great events to won a scholarship from the Diputación have to mention the Ashbourne Musi- get involved in! Foral de Bizkaia to attend the Royal cal Festival in Ireland where I had the If I had to recommend one place Academy of Music and has her sights pleasure of opening the festival with a to visit in Spain it would be Bilbao set on Carnegie Hall. solo recital. without a doubt. It has something for “My mother is Irish, born in Dublin If I could perform in any venue in the everyone. Besides the green moun- and I, like my father was born in Bil- world it would be magnificent to play tains, beaches and dazzling blue sea bao but spent long summers in Ireland. in Carnegie Hall in New York. I would it is a cultural and architectural city I always knew I would play the violin. love to play in the Euskalduna in Bil- home to museums like the Guggen- I insisted so much that eventually bao and The National Concert Hall in heim, the Museo de Bellas Artes, the when I was six my parents arranged Dublin too for obvious reasons. This Euskalduna Conference and Music for private classes with Professor An- Spring I’ll be playing at the Anglo- Centre which hosts many operas, and tonio Mendía until I was able to enter Spanish Society Classical Concert the elegant Arriaga Theatre. I love the Conservatorio in Leioa. Professor and also on the 4th of March in Dukes the Casco viejo (the old part of the Antonio Mendía was my teacher and Hall with the Royal Academy Concert city) with its winding streets and local mentor for the next 11 years until I Orchestra under the baton of Simon cafés. You can stop in any small place entered into the Royal Academy of Rattle, which will be very exciting. I or village in the Basque Country and Music in London where I now study give a regular number of recitals at eat magnificently and economically with Professor Mateja Marinkovic. lunchtime concerts in churches and with typical dishes, pintxos and wines, I have many musical heroes! But at local hospices. Sometimes people but most importantly the people are firstly I would say Jascha Heifetz, are so sick they have to stay in their very welcoming”. who is the god of violin playing. I also rooms and I play in the corridor. The Interview by Emily Cooper, a member look up to Maxim Vengerov. I feel of the Society’s Executive Council so related to him in his ambition as a child to become a soloist, I see myself reflected in a mirror with the same dif- ASS Grants ficulties and ambitions and hope I will someday play as well as him. Then Policy there is the beautiful and romantic touch of Joshua Bell’s playing, Itzhak Perlman who is extraordinary, and of Thanks to the generosity of our Prin- course the elegant Anne Sophie Mut- cipal Supporters - BBVA, Ferrovial, ter. It would be a dream come true to Santander and Telefónica - and other come anywhere near their careers as a generous sponsors, the Society is able violinist. to extend its support for Spanish and I’ve had my fair share of career high- British postgraduate students. Details lights so far, including the loan of the of the Grants Policy can be found on Dalla Costa violin from The Royal the Society’s website - Academy of Music, who I would like - and to thank for their confidence in me. students should study this before mak- It has made a huge difference in the ing an application to the development of my playing and has Grants Secretary: made possible many opportunities in [email protected]. my career as a violinist. Also playing The closing date for next year’s ap- for Prince Felipe and Princess Leticia plications is 31st January 2012 of Spain at the Arriaga Theatre in Bil-


revista_new.indd 19 17/03/2011 23:35 sports Page

Spain’s golden boy turns blue Carlos Oppe

and on their web site. Remarkably A Madrid-based Chelsea fan takes a look at a there was a 40% increase in the sales of Torres Nº 9 shirts compared with huge football transfer deal his arrival at Liverpool in 2007. And The very day Chelsea FC announced Ronaldo, Zidane, Ibrahimovic, Kaká Torres was the highest-selling shirt in a loss of £71 million for 2010, they and Figo). However, Torres became the Premier over the last two years, broke the Premier League transfer the most expensive Spanish player, but even surpassing Cristiano Ronaldo record when they signed Fernando bought by an English club and not a in his last year at Manchester United. Torres from Liverpool for a fee of £50 Spanish one! This results in a marketing bonanza million. Curiously, another statistical gem is for Chelsea Football Club. The Torres transfer brought to an end that three of the top four players, in One must not forget the intense rivalry a crazy day of wheeling and deal- relation to the total amount of money in the Premier. Liverpool and Chelsea ing where £225 million were spent paid for them in transfer fees, have have clashed in the Champions league on players in the January transfer played for Chelsea (Anelka, Crespo on many occasions and the Liver- window in a country where austerity and Verón, and Zidane being the odd pool supporters, proud of their recent and recession are common words. The man out), with Anelka, at present play- history and jealous of rivals, despise Premier League main rival, the Liga of ing for Chelsea, coming out on top Chelsea as they see the club as having Spain, saw transfer activity of just £23 with a total of £115 million clocked up bought their way into the top. The million, ten times less. So the football by the eight clubs he has played for. Chelsea fans have had to endure chant world was drawn to a spectacle where So if clubs continue to spend vast after chant of their loathed “you ain’t the Premier league was battling for a sums to ensure the top spots and got no history” song, which is in fact Spanish forward, breaking all records trophies, will Torres have been a good quite untrue as Chelsea actually won while la Liga remained virtually inac- investment? The last year has not been the Cup Winners’ Cup against Real tive. a good one for him. He has had a suc- Madrid in 1970, well before Liverpool In Spain, La Liga is dominated by just cession of injuries to his knee which had won a single European trophy! two clubs, Real Madrid and Barce- raises a question as to his overall So it was no surprise that at the lona. Both these clubs have for many fitness, and he is not performing well, Chelsea league game two days after decades spent more on players than neither for club nor country. He is also the transfer, Chelsea supporters were any other European club. Barcelona a player that has won nothing with heard to sing the following song, with in the last three years has spent nearly Liverpool since 2007 and no trophies the obligatory reference to the as- £200 million on new players, mostly with Atlético Madrid. A risky invest- sumed criminal nature of the “scous- from overseas, and Real Madrid’s ment, or maybe his desire to win at 26 ers”, or Liverpudlians!: “He once was Cristiano Ronaldo and Kaká cost the may inspire him more than an already Red, now he’s Blue, Torres Torres; He club £150 million. The result is that successful player. left the Kop to join the Shed, Torres Barcelona in the last Interestingly, the ex-Liverpool man- Torres; He used to go out on the rob three years has spent ager, Rafa Benítez, said that his sale but now he’s got a proper job, Fer- was being negotiated last summer for nan-do Torres, Chelsea’s Number 9!” nearly £200 million on a fee of £70 million and the price tag Carlos Oppe lives and works in Ma- new players, mostly of £50 million was a mistake by the drid as a consultant on environmental Liverpool Board, so have Chelsea in issues. from overseas fact got a good deal? Liverpool cer- between them they dominate La Liga tainly appeared to have, and the Champions League. These two as he was bought in July clubs have won eight Ligas in the last 2007 for a fee of £30 ten years and the Champions League million and thanks to his four times. So perhaps spending vast sale, the club bought two sums on players does reap rewards. top class strikers to cover Torres, “el Niño” or The Kid from his position. Fuenlabrada (Madrid), became the From a marketing point sixth most expensive player in the to view, Chelsea have world when bought by Chelsea. also appeared to strike Interestingly the five other players gold. Three days after were all non-Spanish players bought his transfer, Chelsea by the two dominant Spanish clubs, launched the Torres Nº Real Madrid and Barcelona (Cristiano 9 shirt in their shops


revista_new.indd 20 17/03/2011 23:35 COCIDO La Cocina de Mabel MADRILEÑO or chickpeas stew Isabel Marañón (Serves 6) & Maria-Belen Parker Ingredients: Chickpeas 300 gr Charles I and his son Felipe II where (dried chickpeas soaked overnight very fond of cocido. Under Felipe III or canned), 1 kg french cabagge it was a common dish in court. Ana chopped into eights, ½ kg carrots de Austria, married to Louis XIII, is cut into mediumsize pieces,1 onion known to have had her cocido on her chopped in quarters,1 small turnip valet’s chambers, away from the main halved,6 medium potatoes,Shin 500 refectory. The Bourbons where also gr, 4 marrow bone,2 chicken breast, great cocido lovers. Ferdinad VI had it 1 chorizo, 2 morcillas or black pud- everyday except during summer time. ding, 150 gr piece of salted back fat The wife of Conde-Duque de Olivares or pancetta,1 piece of serrano ham , 1 offered a banquet to Cardinal Barbieri garlic bulb, Fine noodles or vermicel- which consisted of only one dish: co- lifont (40 gr per person aprox.) cido. Elizabeth II used to go to Restau- Soak the chickpeas the previous rant Lhardy to have cocido and Infanta evening in a large pot of hot water Isabel, la Chata, Alphonse XII’s sister, adding a handful of sea salt for at used to go La Bola Restaurant also to least 12 hours. Bear in mind that have cocido. garbanzo beans are much harder than other types of beans. Be sure that the CREMA CATALANA water covers the chickpeas entirely. 6 Eggs ; 1Litre milk; 250 grms caster In the pressure cooker with 1 litre and sugar; peel of one lemon; 1 cinnamon 1/2 of water put the beef, marrow- stick; bone, tocino and ham. Bring water 2 tablespoons of cornflour. to boil and skimm any fat from the Put milk in saucepan with four top. Add the chicken, garbanzo beans tablespoons of sugar, the lemon peel previously drained, turnip, carrots and and the cinnamon stick. Bring to the onion. Turn off the fire. Let it rest for boil. Beat the eggs yold with tow a few minutes until it stops boiling. tablespoons of sugar and the two Add ½ litre of water and position tablespoons of cornflour. Make sure the lid and lock in place. Cook for mixture is smooth and lump free. Take about 25 to 30 minutes. Open the half the pan of boiling milk and add pressure cooker and add the potatoes, gradually to the beaten egg mixture. chorizo, morcilla, and cabbage. You Stir until eggs dissolves. may cook the cabagge on the side if Pour the milk and egg mixture inot the you don’t have enough space. Close pan with the rest of the milk stirring the pressure cooker again and let it constantly and heat for five minutes cook for about 10 minutes. If you use till thickened. Do not allow the mix- canned chickpeas add them after you ture to boil. Remove lemon peel and have used the pressure cooker the first cinnamon stick and pour into one serv- time. ing dish or six individual ones. Allow This delicious cocido madrileño is to cool. Before serving sprinkle with served in two dishes: the broth with sugar and use a blow torch or very hot the fine noodles as a first course. As grill to make a caramelised crust. a second course, drain the garbanzo Recommended by The Editor as a con- beans and serve it on one side of a big ciliatory dessert to have before or after plate and on the other side place the a Real Madrid-FC Barcelona match! beef, cabbage, potatoes and sausages cut in half. Let your guests mix the ingredients and enjoy. There are many kinds of cocidos de- pending on the region: cocido mara- gato, cocido montañés, cocido anda- luz and so on. Each one has a special characteristic and is different from the rest. According to historical records | LA REVISTA | SPRING ISSUE | 21

revista_new.indd 21 17/03/2011 23:35 INVESTMENT

SPAIN’S BUSINESS WITH BRITAIN Anglo-Spanish journalist and author Tom Burns examines the motivation and pres- Tom Burns Marañón ence of Spanish companies in the UK market Financial PR say, Brazil, Chile and Mexico. expand abroad because their home consultant, A UK participant at the bilateral brain- market is on life support. 2) Spanish examines the storming wanted to know what British companies became cash rich as they presence of direct investment in Spain looked like. rode the wave of Spain’s spectacu- large Spanish Another table companion, a former lar former growth and branched out companies in Madrid government minister who into Iberoamérica. 3) There is noth- the UK now sits on the boards of umpteen ing much left for them to acquire For more blue chip companies, provided the that they have not already bought in years than I answer. UK investment flows to Spain Latin America which is their stamping can remem- were mostly channelled by private ground of choice. 4) The UK offers ber I have equity firms that see, or think they takeover opportunities that are unim- been attend- see, bargain-basement opportunities in aginable elsewhere. It is simply not ing an annual Spain’s current economic meltdown. possible for a Spanish company, or for UK-Spain reunion that ostensibly The broad picture was therefore that any other “non-native” company, to brings together a sampling of the Spanish had a clear buy a big domestic banking network in brightest and the best of both coun- growth plan that consisted in snapping France, or a power group in Germany, tries. The meetings, which discuss up whatever crown jewels of British or a mobile operator in Italy. In such matters of common interest, take the business were available, whereas UK countries, national champions reign form of country house weekends in investors were dithering about whether supreme because their governments scenic locations that allow the partici- they could make a killing by acquiring duly protect them. pants to break off from their high-oc- part of, say, a bankrupt Spanish shop- What is very interesting is how Span- tane debates and be wined and dined ping mall. ish companies that have a foothold in like kings. At one such breakout in the UK investors were dither- the UK now positively boast about latest of these get-togethers, one of the ing about whether they their business in Britain. Santander, participants pointed out that Spanish for example, crowed about the fact direct investment in the UK had last could make a killing by that in the third quarter of 2010 its year overtaken the colossal sums that acquiring part of, say, a earnings from its UK banking network Spain had routed over the past twenty bankrupt Spanish shop- were for the first time greater than years towards Latin America. ping mall. those from its Spanish one. Similar Iberoamérica, as Madrid officialdom messages are delivered by Telefónica, likes to term it, is the proverbial Now you don’t have to be privy to which is all too conscious that the backyard for Spanish corporations that such dinner party chat and gossip to weak link in its global business is its have the multinational bit between pick up this narrative. Reading the home base in Spain where earnings their teeth. Like the Conquistadors in business press makes it perfectly plain are more or less flat. the past, they have scooped up most that a sea change has taken place. Big Spanish companies are very of Latin America’s family silver. But What used to happen was that, around anxious in these debt crisis times that right now, this forthright dinner-table the world, UK companies would have made Spain a sick man of the companion was saying – he was a take centre stage in the key industrial Eurozone to play down their Spanish- Spaniard of course – Spain’s conquer- sectors of emerging economies – and ness. They quite properly need to tell ing drive is focussed on the UK. Spain was an emerging economy until the markets that they are geographi- I understood, as would anyone, what the day before yesterday. That was the cally ultra-diversified. If, in addition, he was saying. Think Santander, think past and now Britain runs the most they can claim that they are best-in- Scottish Power, aka Iberdrola, and liberal and open domestic market any- the-class in the UK, then they can O2, which is owned by Telefónica. where. This means non-UK companies rightly expect favourable reviews. So Think British Airports Authority, are rushing into Britain and it appears expect more Spanish assaults on the which is controlled by Ferrovial and that Spanish ones seem to be punching and Britain’s High is a polemical acquisition that bucks above their weight. You could say that Streets. This Armada is for real. the trend. For very sunny invest- they have all the canniness of a Rafael Tom Burns Marañón is a director ments think Zara and the other Inditex Nadal passing shot and all the power of the Madrid-based communica- fashion retail brands that are stamping of a Fernando Torres creating spaces tions and financial PR consultancy a giant footprint on the UK’s High in the goal mouth. Eurocofin. He writes for El Mundo Streets. Spanish companies appear to The truth is more or less as follows. and Expansion. be as present in the UK as they are in, 1) Big Spanish companies have to 22 | LA REVISTA | SPRING ISSUE |

revista_new.indd 22 17/03/2011 23:35 ASS Christmas media Party Album

Jonathan Smith ...continued from page 17 The new biography of Catherine of Aragon was the subject of a lively ‘tertulia’ between its author Giles Tremlett and La Revista’s Editor Jimmy Burns Nothing pleases British journalists personality and role in Tudor England. quite as much as a good old-fashioned But the book – the first new biography sex scandal – even when the scribes of Catherine since 1938 – reveals her in question are serious writers such as to have been a fiercely loyal, intelli- Giles Tremlett, Madrid correspondent gent and strong woman. for The Guardian, and Jimmy Burns, In fact, Tremlett believes that despite who enjoyed a distinguished career on our popular image of an all-powerful, the Financial Times. overweight and overbearing King, So despite (or perhaps because of) the Henry VIII was in fact the weaker presence of two senior judges in the character in his marriage – and front row at the Instituto Cervantes between them, Catherine and Anne London – packed ‘hasta la bandera’- Boleyn “ran rings around him”. Lady Lindsay when Tremlett launched his book Tremlett went on to tell how Catherine & The Spanish Ambassador Catherine of Aragon: Henry’s Spanish maintained her dignity in the face of Queen, the two journalists spent much an often-hostile and xenophobic pub- Amongst the guests was the Spanish of the evening discussing the unfortu- lic, and remained true to her Catholic Ambassador, HE Carles Casajuana I nate Catherine’s sex life. beliefs at great personal cost. Palet, who said a few words of praise This was no gratuitous gossip-fest, Much of the Henry and Catherine for our work at the Society. Following however, since the question of story has been popularised in the TV the speech, the annual Santa Cruz prize whether Catherine had consummated series The Tudors, shown in Spain as for the most outstanding contribution her earlier brief marriage to Henry’s well as here, but Tremlett rejected any to La Revista was presented by its brother Arthur was of fundamental comparison with his book, which has outgoing Editor Adrian Wright,to free- importance, as was her succession of been widely acclaimed as a rigorous lance writer Joe Duggan for his article failed pregnancies. study of his subject’s life. He told of on San Sebastian’s La Tamborrada There was no Wikileaks back in Tudor many months spent poring over origi- festival in Issue number 227 . times, nor even any newspapers, but nal 16th century documents and other In recognition of his years as Editor of Tremlett told how it was still inevita- references. the Anglo-Spanish Review (renamed ble that royal secrets and sex scandals The result, according to Burns and La Revista) Adrian himself (pictured would escape and become common Instituto Cervantes director Isabel with his wife below) was presented knowledge – with the same kind of Lorda, is “un libro que engancha” – a with an early edition of Dr Gregorio damaging consequences suffered by thoroughly gripping read. So gripping, Marañon’s El Conde Duque de Oli- modern-day footballers and cabinet in fact, that someone snaffled the re- vares donated by the late physician’s ministers. view copy from your correspondent’s grandson Jimmy Burns Marañon and Questioning Tremlett about his work, desk and has yet to return it. signed by members of the Society’s Burns admitted he had been expecting *Jonathan Smith is a national newspa- Executive Council. some kind of attack on Catherine’s per journalist and press officer at the As always, the best of the event was Instituto Cervantes London the company of friends and colleagues from the Anglo-Spanish Society. The party gave all of us a marvellous chance to catch up, mingle and enjoy Catherine of Aragon: the start of Henry’s Spanish the festive Queen, is published season in by Faber & Faber. a perfectly It was reviewed in Anglo-Span- Revista 227 ish way!


revista_new.indd 23 17/03/2011 23:35 revista_new.indd 24 17/03/2011 23:35