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Mind & Spirit Daily Processes

Mind & Spirit Daily Processes

Mind & Spirit Daily Processes EFT – Tapping

In this cleanse I am recommending you tap in the morning when you wake up and in the evening before going to bed. I have included morning and evening tapping scripts. There is a clearing script if you are feeling any followed by an affirmation script. If you are in a place of joy and peace just use the affirmation script to anchor it in. If you are feeling any stress do the clearing script first and then the affirmations. Try it for the week. Remember each time you tap you release and DHEA into your body to calm you and restore your cells.

Tapping Morning Scripts Tapping Evening Scripts

Here are some links to additional tapping scripts: EFT for Anger with Brad Yates Video

Script - EFT For Cravings Video – EFT for Cravings Script - EFT For Stress Video Tapping to Reduce Stress

Grounding to the Earth’s Field

For 15-20 minutes each day, stand, sit, or walk barefoot on the earth. You can combine this with your . It is good to sit in the sunlight early in the morning. Studies have shown that earthing or grounding improves blood viscosity, heart rate variability, inflammation, cortisol dynamics, sleep, autonomic (ANS) balance, and reduces effects of stress. For more information on this read my full article on Earthing.

Before Eating Heart Coherence

As always I like to do some type of centering process before eating. Do this right before you eat somewhat like saying grace to yourself. When you take the time to do a quick breathing exercise before you eat you will release stress and boost your metabolism. The studies have shown when you are stressed your digestion is off because your body is in fight or flight mode. When you are relaxed you breathe in more oxygen and burn food more fully, your digestion is awake.

• Place your hand on your heart • Imagine breathing in from your heart as if there was a big nose there • On the first in breath, breathe in LOVE, breath out normally • On the second in breath, breathe in COMPASSION, breath out normally • On the third in breath, breathe in EASE, breath out normally.

Repeat this process for 2 or 3 times before eating or anytime you want to feel more at ease in your body.

Connecting to The Love Within Meditation

The practice of meditation is to tune in, to find the peace within and to get in touch with the field infinite possibilities. The ultimate goal is to drop into the space between your thoughts. This is the corridor to the infinite mind – infinite creativity and infinite imagination. While the health benefits of meditation are well documented, most of us have had a hard time incorporating a daily practice into our lives. If you do not already have a daily practice, follow these guidelines.

• Meditate at the same time every day • Meditate when you wake up in the morning. If you need to set your alarm clock earlier, do so. This is a beneficial time, for not only do our busy schedules always give us new excuses to postpone the practice, it also is the best time to achieve optimal brainwave states. • Meditate in the same place. Sit in a comfortable place with a back rest if necessary, don’t slouch. If you have to, lie down, but it is better sitting up. Have your feet uncrossed and your hands open.

I learned meditation from Deepak Chopra many years ago at the Chopra Center in California. He has many different . I have included a video of a breathing meditation as part of this cleanse if you would like to be guided by Deepak with music. Breathing Meditation Deepak Chopra I like mantra meditation so below is a description of one of my favorites from Deepak.

Deepak Chopra’s Connecting to the Love Within Meditation This mantra meditation is to connect to the love and compassion within. When we connect to the love we have inside of us our whole life can harmonize. Love attracts everything possible, heals our wounds and calms our worries. Love is our true nature, who we really are.

Let’s Start: Find a comfortable position with your hands in your lap. Set a timer for 5-15 minutes. Place your palms upward, close your eyes. Allow your breath to flow naturally and effortlessly. Connect with your body and notice ay tension you might be holding. Send loving thoughts to any area in need of attention and invite your body to release any stress. As you inhale and exhale allow yourself to fee calmer and more relaxed.

Gently bring in the mantra VAM. The repetition of this mantra VAM during meditation helps you connect with your heart and open to the flow that is your essential nature, love. Repeat the mantra VAM silently to yourself. Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises or physical sensations simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra VAM, VAM, VAM.

When your timer goes off. Let go of the mantra and bring your attention back into your body. When you feel ready open your eyes. As you go through your day remain open to the flow of abundant love as you consider the thought “my love and compassion are within”. Namaste.