MEMO 98 – Media Monitoring Findings, Final Summary Report 2 Dr. Susanne Spahn - Thüringen – eine Region mit starken Bindungen zu Russland 47 Alan Posener - Wenn die AfD klingt wie die antiimperialistischen Linken, Welt 73 Boris Schumatsky - Ein Schweizer ist Putins fleißigster Internetkrieger, Die Welt 78 Boris Schumatsky – The Epoch Times 83 Democracy Digest - Ways to neutralize Russia’s disinformation (at least partially) 93 Henk Van Ess & Jane Lytvynenko - This Russian Hacker Says His Twitter Bots Are Spreading 97 Messages To Help Germany’s Far Right Party In The Election, Buzzfeed Henk Van Ess - Anleitung: Tipps um Fake Tweets zu entlarven, ZDF 102 Konstantin von Hammerstein, Roman Höfner and Marcel Rosenbach - March of the Trolls: 120 Right-Wing Activists Take Aim at German Election, Spiegel Online Nikolai Klimeniouk – Einmal Speck und Diesel, FAZ 127 Nikolai Klimeniouk - Eine Minderheit, die keine sein will, Welt 128 GERMANY Parliamentary Elections | 24 September 2017 Media Monitoring Findings FINAL Summary Report (8 July - 22 September 2017) 24 November 2017 MEMO 98 Martinengova 8, 811 02 Bratislava, Slovakia |,
[email protected], +421 903 581 591 2 MEMO 98 1. INTRODUCTION MEMO 98, in cooperation with Internews Ukraine, monitored five Russian-speaking channels and three other outlets prior to the 24 September 2017 parliamentary elections in Germany.1 The monitoring was carried out in three different periods between 8 July and 22 September 2017. The methodology included quantitative and qualitative analysis developed by MEMO 98 that conducted similar projects in more than 50 countries over the course oF twenty years since 1998. Given its comprehensive and content-oriented approach, the methodology was specially designed to provide in-depth Feedback on pluralism in media reporting, including coverage of chosen subjects and topics.