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The BG News February 2, 2001

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News February 2, 2001" (2001). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6754.

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MEN'S BASKETBALL: RAIN Falcons look for second HIGH24ILOW 13 straight at Miami; PAGE 10 RfrlWS VOLUME 90 ISSUE 89 Greeks review their role on campus By Laura Neidert supporting the University as "I think all students need leadership skills, growth is important to the chap- As for Delta Zeta, a newly colo- GREEK UFE REPORTER much as we should, we're not as ters. They need to find ways to nizing chapter on campus, they The University's Greek com- involved as we should be, and whether they're termed Greek, or UAO or improve their retention rates and need 95 more members to be ini- munity is striving to determine those are some of the things we USG or just part of the general alumni involvement as well as to tiated as an official chapter. what their role and purpose is on want to consider." draw chapters back to campus. Iris Brooks, Delta Zeta house campus. Greek administrators, What needs looked at, accord- student population." Kappa Sigma, among other director, said that there are 80 chapter presidents and other ing to Waple, is overall growth of chapters, stressed growth during members now. members of the Greek communi- the Greek community, leadership JEFFREY WAPLE, DIRECTOR OF GREEK AFFAIRS one of the most important "The girls who are a part of it ty are working on a plan to development, campus integra- plan to address these concerns, have set down in writing and put recruiting times. now can almost taste initiation," address what the Greeks want to tion, a focus on learning commu- which will be presented April 29 into practice ideas that we believe "We have really stressed rush Brooks said. achieve in the future. nities, and marketing and out- at the Greek Awards Banquet. in. We can't expect immediate this semester in terms of talking Waple would also like to see the "The Greek community on reach. The plan will be implemented in answers, but they should come if to guys, getting ads up, and community increase its stan- campus is very insular as a The Office of Residence Life the fall 2001 semester. it goes well," Waple said. putting out a lot of overall effort," dards to those of Miami whole," said Jeffrey Waple, direc- and the chapter presidents have "It will be a set of ideals to guide Because only 11 percent of the said Corey Fast, president of tor of Greek Affairs. "We're not out been working this semester on a the community, where we will University population is Greek, Kappa Sigma. GREEK. PAGE 5 3rd U. rape Federal reported Glover, Reserve for year Justice reduces By Craig Gilford CHIEf REPORTER rates A female University student was raped yesterday morning. By lames Seay The victim called the campus BUSINESS REPORTER police at Ham. on Jan.31 and said honor On Wednesday afternoon, a that the rape took place at 3 a.m. major decision was made that that morning. had an immediate effect on the Dick Gullufsen, information stock market. officer, said that it is being called The Federal Reserve slashed an acquaintance rape, since the interest rates by half a percentage victim knew her perpetrator. heroes point. By cutting interest rates the According to Gullufsen, this is federal-funds mark was reduced the third acquaintance rape to By Marie Chiche to 5.5 percent take place on campus this year. WORLD AND NATION REPORTER The current cut in inierest rates, It reportedly occurred at the together with another half-point Kappa Sigma fraternity house. Two very influential African-American actors will present Saturday in celebration of Black History Month cut earlier this year, marks the It is unsure whether or not the Fed's most hard-line rate easing alleged rapist was a member of Danny Glover and Felix Justice will come to campus Saturday at 8 p.m. and will speak in 101 Olscamp Hall. since 1982. the fraternity, but the incident did Alan Greenspan, chair of the take place in one of its rooms. Organized by the Black Student Union (BSU), the event, called "An Evening with Langston and Martin," serves as a kjekoff for Federal Reserve, cited the declin- "The Kappa Sigma fraternity is ing confidence in the economy as not involved in this in any way," Black History Month. The two actors will be using the words of poet Langston a reason for ihe recent cutback. said Dick Gullufsen, police infor- Kevin I. Quinn, professor of mation officer. "It jusl happened Hughes and Martin Luther King, Ir. to perpetrate a message of freedom and equality. Economics at the University, said to occur there." that the rate cut would not correel Gullufsen said that there has Actor and director Justice will start the celebration with his crit- ically acclaimed portrayal of Martin Luther King, Ir. He will inter- the economy anytime in the near been no sign of alcohol having future. been involved in what took place, pret two of the civil right leader's most memorable speeches. Glover will follow him, performing theatrical readings from the "The economy will nol auto- although 80% of these types of matically be better again after the rape are triggered by substance work of Langston Hughes. He will also talk about ways Hughes's writings have influenced his life. rate cuts," Quinn said. use. Although the economy will not Whoever is found guilty of the Question and answer time will follow the presentation. Rickie Waugh, president of the Black Student Union, said be greatly impacted, the stock rape may be sentenced three to 10 market rallied in anticipation of years in prison, Gullufsen said. that Glover became interested in participating in the University's Black History Month celebration after the Fed's cut. reading its program. "The market has been up lately BGSU CAMPUS The Black Student Union had to go through the in anticipation of the rate cut, so CRIME REPORTS Greater Talent agency to have access to Glover and investors took the opportunity to Sexual Offenses-Forcible are lustice and bringing such personalities to BGSU has a take profits after the move took any sexual acf directed against price. This performance cost the BSU $20,000. Waugh had to ask place," said Pat Davis, head of another person, forcibly and/or for co-sponsorships. NASDAQ trading desk at Paine against that person's will; ot "I went to all the organizations, department and colleges," Webber. Davis said that the market's not forcibly or against the per- GLOVER, PAGE 5 volatility after a rate adjustment is son's will where the victim is common. Hence the old saying incapable of giving consent. "buy on rumor, sell on the news." The following forcible offenses VfJ^-^ Despite the effect such a move were reported at BGSU's main could cause in the economy, campus. University students seemed indif- ferent about the decline in rates. When one University student was asked about the rate cut, he was puzzled and responded with 4 uncertainty. "Who knows," the student said. Another student responded with a more informed answer. 1997 1998 1999 "Maybe the rate, cut will add Source mm bgu edtVoftiCFS utefy some excitement to my portfolio," tanfcrliMtaBGNM said the student. New York Times back UCF seeks volunteers to teach on the rack in dorms By Jordan Foots which is designed to give home- The program was started THE BO NEWS RELIGION REPORTER work assistance to children from about seven years ago by stu- "It's a good way other. However, Zentmeyer said For some organizations, find- kindergarten through seventh dents returning from a mission- to help people If you've noticed lately, you the New York Times will return. ing volunteers can be challeng- grade, said Brian Rose, program ary trip, according to Rose. They realize they're can't get "all the news that's fit to "We're planning on continuing ing. director. wanted to do something for the print" like you used to. "Every semester is a struggle. Rose said the average number community, so they began work- privileged, and to to receive them," he said. "We'll People think they're too busy, or of volunteers is 40 to 50; Miller ing in Amherst Village share their The New York Times has been be getting them any day now, they don't realize there's a need, would like to see about 100 vol- Apartments with single-parent conspicously missing this probably at the latest on that there are impoverished peo- unteers for this semester. families or families with both education with semester from the racks of free Monday." ple |in Bowling Green]," said "It takes them out of the scope parents working. "It was a tool to others who might newspapers located in the resi- About a year ago, the Mande Miller, a sixth year senior of being a college student and help them out," Rose said. dence haJJs and coordinator of UCF's three gives them a bigger picture," Volunteering was later be struggling with Residence Student Association's locations. Miller said. "It's a good way to expanded to four days a week at school." According to Jim Zentmeyer, Readership Program was imple- UCR the "Center for Spiritual help people realize they're privi- three locations, from 3:30-530 associate director of housing mented and free issues of the and Community Development," leged, and to share their educa- operations, there have been a Times, the Toledo Blade and USA p.m. Each day may see about MANDE MILLER. is looking for volunteers for their tion with others who might be few "bumps" in the road with Today were available alongside after-school tutoring program, struggling with schooL" UCF, PAGE 5 SENIOR delivery trucks meeting each The BG News. > Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted For Sale For Rent

S10 AN HOUR j COMMISSION!!!!!! Mature, loving nanny needed to care Summer Work for Students Trugreen-Chemlawn is currently S9 AN HOUR!!! 1996 Oldsmobile Achieva SC "Needed immedVown room. 1 le- Men willing to learn and work on 2 door, automatic, A/C, cruise, looking (or flnerQetic candidates who We're looking lor enthusiastic peo- for our child in our BG home. M-F male/21( related, located at 729 4th seek to make good money while im- ple who enjoy talking on the phone (10-4). References and transporta- wood floors, including gym floors. cassette. 108,000 miles St S225/450/mo. Call 353-0325. proving their communication skills and working in a lun environment!! tion required. Call Jenny or Leslie at Starting when school is out lor the $5,000 obo 373-6039 after 6:30pm. No. Selling Required! summer until the end of August. 3-4 subleasers needed from May- through telephone sales. 823-7017. Computer: Compaq Presario, Penti- Aucj. fum. 3 bedrooms.. S800/mo Opportunity lor increased earnings Work consists of operating equip- - Make up to $15 an hour!!! Part-time childcare stall positions, um III 700 MHZ, 128 MB RAM, 20 373-1712. - $200 Sign on Bonus!!! Fun Work Environment ment, including floor buffers and available, please call 352-2506. GB Hard Drive. CD-ROM, CD-RW, ■01-02 Houses. Apts., 4 Efficiencies - No experience necessary!! Part-Time Mon-Thurs: 5-9pm floor sanding machines. Also meas- 56K Modem, 10/100 MB Ethernet, •729 4th St 4 bedroom, C/A • Work in a fun environment wilh lun Sat.: 9am-12pm RESIDENTIAL ASSISTANT posi- unng, laying out and painting game 15" Monitor, Windows 98 SE. . people!! Industry Leader: Trugrqep-Chem tion assisting persons with mental lines and art work. And applying •311 4 316 E. Merry, 2 bedroom Apt $1400. 372-3968. Email: •146 S. College, off., incl utils, W/D. - Work for an employer who is will- lawn retardation/developmental disabili- gym floor finishes. We will thorough- [email protected]. ing to work around your existing Call Neal O (419)874-5004 or lax ly train you in all phases ol the work •309 1/2 E. Merry, rooms incl. utils. ties in daily living skills in a Residen- Call 353-0325 9am-9pm. school or work schedule!! resume to 1419)874-7107 to see tial setting. Part-Time, and Sub posi- job pays $8.00 per hour. You can LOSE 2-200 + LBSI Fast/Safe/All-Natural ALSO Pro- - Full and Part-Time Positions Avail! tions avail, ranging Irom 28 lo 70 expect between 40-50 hours per Apt. lor rent, 2 bdrm, furnished. 704 - No cold calling-leads are provided!! further your career!! week. Hours can be flexible. Must grams lor Athletes & Body-Builders! 5th Street. Available May, Aug. or hrs. biweekly. Salary is S7.55/hr. for This Ad = 15% OFF! CALL 330 • Give us a call-we'll talk to every- first 90 days, thereafter beginning at be punctual and reliable and willing Summer leases, 352-3445 one!! "Child Care Needed" 7" to accept responsibility. 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Full and County Board ol MR/DD. 11160 part-time available Please call Tru- East Gypsy Lane Rd . Bowling HONDAS FROM $500! Police im- For Rent House for rent, 1 block from cam- Green Chemlawn at 874-3575, ask Green, Ent. B. Monday-Friday. pounds and tax repos! For listings 1- pus. Excellent cond. Siblings & 2 for Jeff. 8:00am-4:30pm. E.O.E. 800-719-3001 ext4558. roommates. S1400. 353-9102. Management Inc. Available immediately: 1 large bdrm. in cozy, rooming Houses, 1, 2, & 3 bdrm. apts. begin- SIGNING LEASES :sQ<><>frSK><><>fr^ house Great location. S235/mo. ning May 01. 9 4 12 mo. leases including utilities. 352-7454. NOW For info call 373-1905 Inexpensive 2 Bdrm. apartment, close to campus, available March, 2001/2002 xxx>o<>ooo<> large yard Call Oxana 353-1113, grineva@bgnet. Now Leasing 'OI/HU AfEfcCA Mi, 14 1999 Management Inc. 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.'. ■ ftj -> ftj ■ •. | ■mf'^fWii UMT^Iml Mm f^im • Bowling Green State University FRIDAY February 2, imlJi 'OTTO 2001 MEN'S BASKF.TBALL: ^^k % I 1/ 1/ I 1 RAIN Falcons look for second Wm\ I 1 J I I I I HIGH: 24 I LOW: 13 straight at Miami; PAGE 10 I 1 -^ ■ -■—^ ■ ' ^---^ VOLUME 90 ISSUE 89

Greeks review their role on campus By Laura Neidert supporting the University as "I think all students need leadership skills, growth is important to the chap- As for Delta Zeta, a newly colo- GREEK LIFE REPORTER much as we should, we're not as ters. They need to find ways to nizing chapter on campus, they The University's Greek com- involved as we should be, and whether they're termed Greek, or UAO or improve their retention rates and need 95 more members to be ini- munity is striving to determine those are some of the things we USG or just part of the general alumni involvement as well as to tiated as an official chapter. what their role and purpose is on want to consider." draw chapters back to campus. Iris Brooks, Delta Zeta house campus. Greek administrators, What needs looked at, accord- student population." Kappa Sigma, among other director, said that there are 80 chapter presidents and other ing to Waple, is overall growth of chapters, stressed growth during members now. members of the Greek communi- the Greek community, leadership JEFFREY WAPLE, DIRECTOR OF GREEK AFFAIRS one of the most important "The girls who are a pan of it ty are working on a plan to development, campus integra- plan to address these concerns, have set down in writing and put recruiting times. now can almost taste initiation," address what the Greeks want to tion, a focus on learning commu- which will be presented April 29 into practice ideas that we believe "We have really stressed rush Brooks said. achieve in the future. nities, and marketing and out- at the Greek Awards Banquet. in. We can't expect immediate this semester in terms of talking Waple would also like to see the "The Greek community on reach. The plan will be implemented in answers, but they should come if to guys, getting ads up, and community increase its stan- campus is very insular as a The Offiv^ of Residence Life the fall 2001 semester. it goes well," Waple said. putting out a lot of overall effort," dards to those of Miami whole," said leffrey Waple, direc- and the chapter presidents have " It will be a set of ideals to guide Because only 11 percent of the said Corey Fast, president of tor of Greek Affairs. "We're not out been working this semester on a the community, where we will University population is Greek, Kappa Sigma. GREEK. PAGE 5 3rd U. rape Federal reported Glover, Reserve for year Justice reduces By Craig Eiflord CHIEI REPORTER rates A female University student was raped yesterday morning. By lames Seay The victim called the campus BUSINESS REPORTER police at 6 a.m. on Ian. 31 and said honor On Wednesday afternoon, a that the rape took place at 3 am. major decision was made that that morning. had an immediate effect on the Dick Gullufsen, information stock market. officer, said that it is being called The Federal Reserve slashed an acquaintance rape, since the interest rates by half a percentage victim knew her perpetrator. heroes point. By cutting interest rates the According to Gullufsen, this is federal-funds mark was reduced the third acquaintance rape to By Marie Chiche to 5.5 percent take place on campus this year. W0R1D AND NATION REPORTER The current cut in interest rates, It reportedly occurred at the Two very influencial African-American actors will present together with another half-point Kappa Sigma fraternity house. cut earlier this year, marks the It is unsure whether or not the Saturday in celebration of Black History Month Danny Glover and Felix Justice will come to campus Saturday Fed's most hard-line rate easing alleged rapist was a member of at 8 p.m. and will speak in 101 Olscamp Hall. since 1982. the fraternity, but the incident did Organized by the Black Student Union (BSU), the event, called Alan Greenspan, chair of the take place in one of its rooms "An Evening with Langston and Martin," serves as a ku knit for Federal Reserve, cited the declin- "The Kappa Sigma fraternity is Black History Month. ing confidence in the economy as not involved in this in any way," The two actors will be using the words of poet Langston a reason for the recent cutback. said Dick Gullufsen, police infor- Hughes and Martin Luther King, Ir. to perpetrate a message of Kevin I. Quinn, professor of mation officer. "It just happened freedom and equality. Economics at the University, said to occur there." Actor and director justice will start the celebration with his crit- that the rate cut would not correct Gullufsen said that there has ically acclaimed portrayal of Martin Luther King, )r. He wiU inter- the economy anytime in the near been no sign of alcohol having pret two of the civil right leader's most memorable speeches. future. been involved in what took place, "The economy will not auto- although 80% of these types of Glover will follow him, performing theatrical readings from the work of Langston Hughes. He will also talk about ways Hughes's matically be better again after the rape arc triggered by substance writings have influenced his life. rate cuts," Quinn said. use. Question and answer time will follow the presentation. Although the economy will not Whoever is found guilty of the Rickie Waugh, president of the Black Student Union, said be greatly impacted, the stock rape may be sentenced three to 10 that Glover became interested in participating in the market rallied in anticipation of years in prison, Gullufsen said. University's Black History Month celebration after the Fed's cut. reading its program. "The market has been up lately BGSU CAMPUS The Black Student Union had to go through the in anticipation of the rate cut, so CRIME REPORTS Greater Talent agency to have access to Glover and investors took the opportunity to take profits after the move took Sexual Offenses-Forcible are Justice and bringing such personalities to BGSU has a place," said Pat Davis, head of any sexual act directed against price. This performance cost the BSU $20,000. Waugh had to ask NASDAQ trading desk at Paine another person, forcibly and/or for co-sponsorships. against that person's will; or "I went to all the organizations, departments and colleges," Webber. Davis said that the market's not forcibly or against the per- GLOVER, PAGE 5 volatility after a rate adjustment is son's will where the victim is common. Hence the old saying incapable ot giving consent "buy on rumor, sell on the news." The following forcible offenses Vfl*^—' Despite the effect such a move were reported at BGSU's main could cause in the economy, campus. University students seemed indif- ferent about the decline in rates. When one University student was asked about the rate cut, he was puzzled and responded with uncertainty. "Who knows," the student said. Another student responded with a more informed answer. 1997 1998 1999 "Maybe the rate, cut will add Source MM bgvu etWoH en Mtfty some excitement to my portfolio," ttiMttr tocttta BG Htm said the student. New York Times back UCF seeks volunteers to teach on the rack in dorms By Jordan Foots which is designed to give home- The program was started "It's a good way THE BG NEWS RELIGION REPORTER work assistance to children from about seven years ago by stu- other. However, Zentmeyer said For some organizations, find- kindergarten through seventh dents returning from a mission- to help people If you've noticed lately, you the New York Times will return. ing volunteers can be challeng- grade, said Brian Rose, program ary trip, according to Rose. They realize they're can't get "all the news that's fit to "We're planning on continuing ing. director. wanted to do something for the print" like you used to "Every semester is a struggle. Rose said the average number community, so they began work- privileged, and to to receive them," he said. "We'll People think they're too busy, or of volunteers is 40 to 50; Miller ing in Amherst Village share their The New York Times has been be getting them any day now, they don't realize there's a need, would like to see about 100 vol- Apartments with single-parent conspicously missing this probably at the latest on that there are impoverished peo- unteers for this semester. families or families with both education with semester from the racks of free Monday." ple |in Bowling Green]," said "It takes them out of the scope parents working. "It was a tool to others who might newspapers located in the resi- About a year ago, the Mande Miller, a sixth year senior of being a college student and help them out," Rose said. dence halls. and coordinator of UCF's three gives them a bigger picture," volunteering was later be struggling with Residence Student Association's locations. Miller said. "It's a good way to expanded to four days a week at school." According to Jim Zentmeyer, Readership Program was imple- UCE the "Center for Spiritual help people realize they're privi- three locations, from 3:30-5:30 associate director of housing mented and free issues of the and Community Development," leged, and to share their educa- p.m. Each day may see about operations, there have been a Tunes, the Toledo Blade and USA MANDE MILLER, is looking for volunteers for their tion with others who might be few "bumps" in the road with Today were available alongside after-school tutoring program, struggling with school." UCF, PAGE 5 SENIOR delivery trucks meeting each The BG News.

A 2 Friday, February 2,2001 BGNEWS Gender inequality discussed in higher ed. By Maria Dunn responsibilities. With only three attendees, Committee was charged last cussed at the meeting on their passed by the MIT pledge," she U-WIIC "Institutions of higher educa- Perm was tied with Cal Tech for spring with reviewing and mon- own campuses. said. PHILADELPHIA - tion have an obligation, both for the lowest attendance at the itoring gender issues on cam- "I'm realty looking forward to Many females at the confer- Pennsylvania Slate University themselves and for the nation, meeting. In total, forty university pus. Last October, a progress what each university president ence said they had personal administrators joined represen- to fully develop and utilize all the presidents, provosts and profes- report presented to the plans to do - not what they connections to the meeting's tatives from eight other research creative talent available," the sors attended the meeting. University Council showed that think should be done," said Yale topic universities to examine gender statement read. "We recognize The attendees tried to identify only 13 percent of Wharton Chemistry Professor Alanna "I don't recall ever having a inequity in higher education on that barriers still exist to the full strategies for increasing the School faculty and 6 percent of Schepartz, who attended the female professor in math, sci- Monday. participation of women in sci- number of science and engi- the School of Engineering facul- MIT meeting. ence or engineering," Stanford The meeting -- held at the ence and engineering." neering females with doctorate ty are women. "Someone trustworthy needs professor Margaret Brandeau Massachusetts Institute of Provost Robert Barchi, degrees that enter academia. Leboy declined to comment to be watching and looking to said. "One of the things that Technology -- was prompted by Associate Provost Barbara The group also examined the about the current progress of the make sure that salary, space and came out loud and clear... was MIT's Gender Equity Project, a Lowery and Biochemistry m, ii gin all za tii in of female facul- committee. the groups of things that I refer that the problem has no single 1999 study that found gender Professor Phoebe Leboy trav- ty Many of the meeting's repre- to as the 'perks of the profes- cause and no single solution." bias within universities. eled to Cambridge on behalf of "The general exhortation that sentatives said they felt the dis- sion,' are all distributed on the The group agreed to recon- In a statement authored by Perm. sexual discrimination is a bad cussion was productive basis of merit," she added. vene and discuss progress at a the leaders of the nine universi- Representatives from the thing doesn't work." said Leboy, "The fact that these steps will University President Judith later date, most likely in a year, ties present, the schools agreed California Institute of who, with Lowery, co-chairs a be taken by these nine leading Rodin said in an e-mail state- according to Campbell. to work for greater diversity Technology, Harvard, MIT, Perm committee to look into research universities is very ment that Perm was working on "Then we'll see who is serious among faculty and increased Princeton, Stanford, University gender equity at the University. encouraging indeed," MIT issues surrounding gender equi- about confronting this problem equity for women faculty. The of California at Berkeley, "It has to go beyond simply spokesman Ken Campbell said. ty far before the conference. and who isn't," Schepartz said. statement also pledged to University of Michigan and Yale encouraging people not to dis- And now, the individual uni- "Of course, Perm has an effort Daily Pennsylvanian staff decrease disadvantages to indi- were also present at the criminate." versities are working on initia- well underway which is actually writer Rob Steinman contributed viduals with family meeting. Penn's Gender Equity tives to tackle the problems dis- much broader than that encom- to the article. Students find alternative ways to file taxes By Lauren Adams negative perception of taxes, they mail that contains all the neces- The Quicken Tax Freedom H&R Block, said the biggest ben- the first two weeks of February U'WIIE can be done easily and bring sary instructions. Nome said the Project is a free option for taxpay- efit of hiring a professional is the are our busiest times," Freese LINCOLN, Neb. - A college stu- financial benefits, said Kim department sends the booklet to ers who make less than $25,000 a guarantee they send out with said. dent with extra money is about as Nome, a spokeswoman at the all taxpayers who qualify — any- year. The Quicken Project is the each return. It only takes about a half hour uncommon as predictable Nebraska Department of one who filed taxes last year. same as the Electronic Filing, "We have a computer system to get all the information filed weather in Nebraska. Revenue. The Electronic Filing program except it's free. The Quicken Tax that will check the accuracy of and sent out, Freese said. The Keeping your checking Not only could filing your can be used to file both federal Freedom Project can be accessed each return, and we know exactly return may qualify in as little as account out of the red can be income tax get you some quick and state income taxes. For a fee at when the IRS receives the paper- two to three days. An IRS check cash, but you don't even have to of about $10, taxpayers are guid- Students can get more infor- work." Freese said. will take approximately two to especially difficult this time of three weeks. leave home. The Nebraska ed through an online tax return mation on TeleFile and Electronic Not only is it accurate, she said, year. Tuition bills, spring break Filing at Department of Revenue has form. Because of the simple lay- but the tax consultants try to Freese advised students to and that special Valentine's Day out, no tax knowledge is neces- Freshman pre-veterinary major begin gathering records of three different tax programs that make the process as simple as gift all compete for the last few can be done from the comfort of sary to fill out the form. The Laura Krause said even though it expenses to bring into an dollars sitting in your bank your residence hall room, greek returns are received within six to sounded convenient, she felt she possible. appointment. Freese said she account. house or apartment. 10 days, Nome said. lacked the knowledge to file taxes "Students can call in and make encouraged students to ask any Donating plasma, getting The Nebraska TeleFile system "The real benefit of filing your online. an appointment to come in and questions they may have. H&R another job or reducing spending allows taxpayers to file income taxes online is that you get the Some students may feel more discuss their situation with a con - Block representatives will answer aren't the only options to get tax returns over the phone. All the return faster, and it's all electron- comfortable hiring professionals sultant," she said. questions for free. some cash. Filing an income tax necessary information can be ically done," Nome said. to do their taxes. Freese recommended students "If a student has any questions return could actually get you entered on the telephone keypad. Nome said there is less than a 1 Krause gets her taxes done by wait until after Feb. 10 to call for about their taxes, they can come some extra money. Eligible taxpayers will receive a percent error rate when filing H&R Block. an appointment. in, and we'll be happy to answer Although most students have a Nebraska TeleFile booklet in the taxes online. Deb Freese, a tax consultant at "The last week of January and them," Freese said. BG News welcomes your ideas for future stories Call us af 372-6966 v / Show your sweetheart how much you care with a Valentine's pay Personal in the BG News

] These special GLBf Valentine's pay ads will lb my dearest Valentine Georgia, be published Monday; I'm missing February (H. ^ you like/^ can^fLovc. Bobby Mine is Monday, 1x3 •$I5.00 February (i 2x2 •$20.00 H E V ADAM. * Cometo2(WWkst Will you be my BG Hall to place your ad Valentine? or call 372-6077 Love. NIKKI NEWS for more information V ¥

- - -_v* * lit! j : ; . BG NEWS Friday, February 2,2001 3

MASH MANIA: CROSSWORD We're not talking Jamie ACROSS Farr, we're talking the fun I Exchange ■'■•»•'■••» • 5 Buttorlly snare ■ 1 game of our youth! 8 Filling "Lethal Weapon rocks!" 14 stadium level Everything is all laid out 15 Olympic 'Dream ■•* Team' lor you .. jusi pick a 16 Interior limpg of eyes i fT qr number from 1-10 and 17 Eradicated ■■ m 19 Proclamations count along the lines, 20 Fatalities " JPT n_ 21 Network ot pF mm crossing off the ones you "Nalur»- 23 Pass over ' _T M" land on. The remaining 24 Thanksgiving guest or honor'' *PH' -M" line in each category will 25 Angkor's rods .■i 27 Expert 28 Show teeth be your future. You can 30 Sketched out 32 Longpenodof :5i.:i':0 LJ„ I =:!! go clock-wise or counter time clock-wise it does not 33 Modestly 34 Field research ■ |" 36 Struck out matter. Go wild! 40 Current* C not *.IB— MMI itntm mc ■" ■" measuring turn instruments 42 Norm,I _" 43 Bishops aides 6 Wind Or PROBLEMS? 46 Overdo the TLC 7 Poll wog 47 First ol a count 8 Oscar-night VIPs 48 Laurel and Miklta 9 Carmine, eg About to trade in 49 Scottish cap 10 Elevator iran' 50 Small bottle 11 N...J your shadow for 52 Part ol TGIF 12 Lure the answer to 1 down? 53 Asiatic deer 13 Spoke roughly 56 Motionless 18 Resistance Fear not, faithful reader. 58 Deceptive measure 60 Premier passive 22 Vision reslnctors We have the answers, and are MASH predicts your future protester 25 Ale like a quite willing to part with them. 61 Also chicken 62 A single time 26 Oilers to buyers All you need to do is check the 63 Compositions 26 Solidity Significant Other 64 Slangy 29 Caviar base answer key, still located on this affirmative 30 Skm problem 65 Loch lor 31 Gobs' very page. We think. Danny Glover/ Rebecca Romijn-Stamos monsters agreement 33 Cupolas DOWN 35 Open nosWitws 43 Unusually tall 51 Clytemneslra's Sidney Ribeau/ Wanda Overland 1 Ornamental 37 Brass seasoning plant mother button instrument 44 Loos and Louise 53 Swill 2 Rub over 38 Take m food 45 Eats one's heart 54 Circle parts Fozzie / Miss Piggy 3 Ventilating 39 Sandra or Ruby oul 55 Bread choices 4 Positive particle 41 Slate ol being on 46 Eurasian plum 57 Rebcenl Automobile 5 Bonkers edge 49 Greek letter 59 Buds sidekick John Cusack/ Molly Ringwald Residence

A Red Canyonero Bowling Green, Oh OHIO WEATHER Friday, February 2 AceuWeather* forecast for daytime conditions, low/high 1982 Rusted-out temperatures Dodge Stratus Intercourse, PA 2002 Mercedes Benz MASH Maui One of those lame / trendy scooters with one flat tire and a Mansion Apartment Shack House engine powered by Crustedbutte, CO a mouse running on a treadmill. Salary

$5.25 per hour $ 75,000 a year

©2001 AccuWeather, inc 125,000,000 a year $ 125,000,000 per at bat /*■ - &b && £ifc ^ <@fr ffff 6&m: A Sunny Pr Cloudy Cloudy Showers T storms Ran Fk»i«s Snow Ice Tony Rec;nik BG New Val AuocVM PfM


GIBBOUS "There is no way this winter Saturday Sunday Monday Pronunciation: 'ji-J- Is is EVER going to end as Function: adjective longas that groundhog Etymology: Middle English, keeps seeing his shadow. I i from Middle French gibbeux don 'I see any way out of it. Date: 14th century Mostly Snow Snow 1a: marked by convexity or He's got to be stopped. And I Cloudy swelling b: of the moon or a have to stop him." planet-, seen or more than half High: 32* High:41* High: 37* Low: 10* Low: 27* low: 28* but not all of the apparent disk BILL MURRY illuminated GROUNDHOG DAY (1993) 2: having a hump also: Page 3 WASTED: So they call it a A MOVIE ABOUT LIFE, REPETITION has a "hunch" you are going party school? Yessss! Now it's AND THINGS GETTING OLD REALLY ANSWERS to enjoy the page today... sorry okay for everyone to play in the FAST! S that was so not boss! garbage! s S 1 NH.I n * i 5 s ^ N MO ' t 1 0 1 ■ : 0 ■I ■ a N • 'i G B n 1 1 '■i hi 1 u * V ii A v s | s I -" 1 A rt V . 1 :; ". V 1 s 1 3 N O Interesting website worth checking out 1 i c a i s e 1 ;i v i K A y l "Your mother was a hamster, 1 V " 1 s h i 1 3 r« r, ■ 1 0 M U 1- J i I I j o 1 « h 3 1 www.astrocen and your father smelt of elder- |N BILL FOR THE SAKE OF * I 1 N ■ D 3 i O 3 BILL It's a Cinderella story! berries." 11 * i V 3 ■J 3 a | N 0 O .tell em' that my astro-soul mate Erik sent ya'! -i 0 v 1 S 3 1 0 d | >> u . .( 1 w 1 s u < 1 s H 1 V 3 a s 1 3 1 a 3 1 O o a d n V ■ ■- I J 1 u|v s ■ i i Double your swami, double your fun H 1 r 0 H dl. 1 N|H * t For the weekend of Feb 2-4 January20) roommate eventually will Your lucky computer Ziggy Page 3 presents two You wiD. become indignant kill you in your sleep. This swamies. Direct from their this weekend after reading a wilTbe after a nine hour Owens Community College heartbreaking story about "Mystery Science Theater Leo (July 23-August 22) graduation ceremonv the cruel way popular Easter 3000" marathon. As we Being the sign of the lion, Heather Heban and Bobby J. treat "peeps are made. mentioned before, there has you will attack and kill a Szozda grace you with their been no astrological train- ON-LINE CONTEST!!! celestjaTknowledge. With a Your lucky pastime: restor- ing. So, dont freak out. helpless emu this weekend; prestigious associates degree ing Pintos don't worry it's just the chain in astrology, the two togeth- Your lucky rap performers: of nature. It is Darwinism or Party Guy Kevin Aeh suggests that er, will predict your week- Aquarius (January 21 - something like that end! Sit back, relax and ■, February 18) remind yourself that this is You are a very laid back a wine and cheese party would be all just a joke, much like life. human. You are so laid back Your lucky former Knick that you didn't com- Taurus (April 20-May star Dave Debuscher great. Well, as much as we would Scorpio (October 24- plain a bit when the November22) , , absent minded jl Diamond Virgo (August 23-September You will have a lovely time Page 3 editor did- Philips 22) like to, Page 3 can't give away wine. this weekend despite the n't run your You will bug the crap out of loss of your genitalia horoscope last Sur lucky tint of your love interest That's The next best thing is of course ... Saturday night. Explaining weelcTTiankyou ige is beige this to your parents will be and sorry. For right, I'm talking to you, difficult, especially while that you will Gemini (May 21- creepy person that's sitting Easy Cheese! To win a can, all you attempting not to utter the have a fun and rjune22) all alone in Founders! words "Denise" "can open- fruitful weekend. There is a roller have to do isjog on to er and "watusi'. Keep the good vibes coaster at Cedar going! Point named after you. Your lucky mom: yours That is really not something lews.cdrnJpage; Your lucky construction Your lucky cereal: to brag about so calm down. apparatus: backhoe Frankenberries Anyhow, you're going to Libra (September 23- have an average weekend. October23) Sagittarius (November 23- Pisces (February 19- March December21) 20) ' Your lucky hair band: You are so damn kewl that Jim Morrison was a "What are you doing?" Winger you know all that the week- Sagittarius, so try not to die end will bring. Get down bloated, drunk and over- Your lucky commercial: Cancer (June 22- July 22) weight in a Parisian hotel Budweiser white guys You will try to play it off all with you bad self and work legit when your significant it! Your lucky Doors song "LA. Aries (March 21-April 19) other discovers your com- Woman" You will complain about Efete collection of Quantum your life so much that your sap on tape. Your lucky phrase is "I'm out Capricorn (December 22- of waffles" 4 Friday, February 2,2001 BGNEWS CHILD, MOTHER KIDNAPPED BY EX-BOYFRIEND EULESS, Texas (AP) — A 17-year-old girl and her tod- dler daughter were abducted from her parents' home by her former boyfriend Thursday, police said. An arrest warrant was issued charging Delfino Romero, 21, with aggravated kidnapping. Police hunted for all three. 0HNICN EDITORIAL Approach economy with caution

For as long as most students numerous, and a degree equated What happens when a word is confidence. In its latest ten-year Not to hop up and down on the can remember, Bill Clinton has to one of those many jobs. YOU DECIDE used too much? projection, America will have a fence, but they both are. been the President of the Good The years of Clinton and Gore It tends to lose its meaning. larger budget surplus than was Cutting taxes will give more 01' United States. have been synonymous with What do you think about the By the time we get sick of hear- originally thought. money to consumers. Money With the former Arkansas gov- economic prosperity, though nei- latest economic forecasts? ing the same adjective used for "Huzzah!" cry the politicians that they can spend, resulting in ernor came one of the best ther of them could really claim Let us know at our country's financial stability, The new president and his more money flowing through the economies that the American credit for the hand that fate dealt [email protected] edu we night need a new one. And Republican supporters use this as economy and strengthening it. public has ever seen. We've grown them. not one that is a synonym. evidence to back Bush's proposed But caution is necessary here. up prosperous. We've grown up Even though most students Lately, the United States econ- tax cuts. If too much is cut, and the fore- alongside the Internet. We've couldn't explain it if we were n't matter how the government omy has become sluggish. We, "Whoa!" cry the Democratic casts were even a couple percent - grown accustomed to asked on the spot, we have heard uses this surplus. To us, it's a con- the American public, are exhibit- critics. Five-year plans have age points off, that surplus will and its fellow enough political banter about stant reminder of the prosperous ing the lowest amount of confi- already proved to be inaccurate, become a deficit. blooming Internet companies. what to do with the large budget American economy. dence in our economy since and even the Budget Committee What is needed, then, is for We've grown up with the with- surplus that the next decade will That word has been used to 1993. the year that Clinton took admits that a ten-year forecast is both sides to cooperate. Let's ered face of Alan Greenspan, the provide. describe the economy for many a over. likely to be as inaccurate. Instead, hope that the new administra- wizard of the American Tax cuts. Social Security. year now. "Prosperous.'' "We are The Congressional Budget we should keep on going as tion and the new Congress can Economy. Jobs have been Medicare or any number of gov- living in a time of prosperity." Office, however, has provided fire usual, just in case. do just that. ernment projects, it almost does- "Our economy prospers." to rekindle the fading light of our Who is right? U-WiRE COLUMN Napster joins PEOPLE Falun Gong beneficial ON THE STREET AT ISSUE Falun Gong is a peaceful organization with a reverence for human life, If you could relive one not an evil cult used for financial gain. "The Industry* day over and over, My name is Jun Wang and I am will clearly see that the language JUN like the film a Falun Gong practitioner in used and the actions exhibited by WANG AT ISSUE While Napster has kept itself alive, it is no 'Groundhog Day,' BGSU. I read an article about them are foreign to genuine longer the rebellious crusader. Falun Gong in the section of Falun Gong practitioners Guest Columnist what would happen? opinion on the BG News, January because the teachings of Falun STANFORD, Calif. - Now that DREW 31, 2001, and would like to dis- Gong strictly prohibit any form of titled "Persecuted Falun Gong Napster is becoming a HARRIS cuss with all of you a few points of killing, including suicide. practitioner flees to Troy— "respectable'' dot-com, we have mine. I do want to point out that I Let's look at the first question Woman vows to stay with daugh- lost the most prominent champi- Stanford U. totally disagree with Tong Sun's raised above regarding Falun ter until China's policy changes" on for alternative views of copy- statement on this issue. Gong teaching. The paragraph at the following address: right. First of all. I really do not below was quoted from Chapter A recent press release by the understand why Tong Sun wrote Seven of Z^iuan Falun, the main tro/OOll/28/dOl -154491.htm. Bertelsmann media group being used to limit consumer "The leader Li Hongzhi is a work of Mr. Li Hongzhi, founder Despite the unprecedented announced that Napster will be choice. cheater. From what I can see. he of Falun Gong. suppression by the Chinese gov- charging a subscription fee by A major exception to this trend CANDICE CONLEY wants to cheat for money." This "The issue of killing is very sen- ernment, Falun Gong practition- June or July. In addition, Napster was which weathered statement is absolutely nonsense. sitive. For practitioners, we have ers still follow the principles of has recently settled its lawsuit lawsuit after lawsuit to establish FRESHMAN I have been practicing Falun set the strict requirement that Truth—Compassion—Tolerance. with TVT Records. the right of consumers to choose BUSINESS Gong for more than three years they cannot kill lives. Whether it is No matter where they are, they As Napster's and Bertelsmann's CDs or MP3s. No doubt if the but do not pay a penny to learn or of the Buddha School, the Tao endure silently and they bear no operations begin to blur, the Recording Industry Association of "1 would watch do this kind of exercise. Neither School, or the Qimen School, hatred but compassion toward other lawsuits will likely be America initially had its way, pos- Passions over and do other practitioners. regardless of which school or everyone. We are not against our dropped as well, and Napster will sessing MP3s would be illegal, or over and over" Another fact is that anybody practice it is, as long as it is an government. As a matter of fact, likely join Amazon and eBay as a at least possess a stigma of crimi- can download all the material upright cultivation practice, it will in his article "A Brief Statement of respected dot-com giant. While nality. By fighting for a legal right and videos about Falun Gong consider this issue very absolute Mine" published on July 22.1999, this legitimacy is good for Napster to convert your CDs into MP3s from the Internet for free. If and pi i il ill in killing—this is for Master Li says: "We are not and MP3 distribution in general, and play them anywhere, compa- Master Li wanted to get some sure. Because the consequence of against the government now, nor it is not without cost. nies like, Diamond money, why is everything about killing a life is so serious, we must will we be in the future. Other Napster, together with famed Multimedia (makers of the Rio Falun Gong is on the Internet and address it in detail." people may treat us badly, but we lawyer David Boies, was primed portable MP3 player) and others everything is free? Clearly, killing a life Is prohibit- do not treat others badly, nor do to take on the recording industry have helped make MP3s the As Tong Sun mentioned in his ed in Falun Gong. In another we treat people as enemies." and redefine intellectual property "killer app" they are today. article: "Who knows how many widely published Falun Gong Falun Gong practitioners fol- rights. The Recording Industry Napster signified the next step other people will be lead to sui- book Lecture in Sydney (pub- low "Truth, Compassion, Association of America, along — the right to distribute digital AMYLADD cide by Li Hongzhi?" which lished in 1996), Mr. U explained Tolerance" in all circumstances. with its movie industry twin, the media to whomever you want. FRESHMAN means that he believes all the the issue of suicide explicitly with We simply want to point out to Motion Picture Association of According to the industry's view HUMAN RESOURCE Chinese state-run media's report. his statement that "Committing the government that what they America, has been pressing its of intellectual property, Napster's He also wrote: "Falun Gong is full suicide is sinful." Mr. Li has are doing is wrong. We simply interpretation of intellectual services were certainly illegal. MANAGEMENT of lies anyway." This sentence is stressed that Falun Gong practi- want to tell the truth about Falun property rights in both the courts Napster might have lost in really irresponsible. tioners must follow the principles Gong to the rest of the world. All and Congress. court (as it nearly did), and intel- "I would be on vaca- Here is a list of facts. A week in these books. we request Is a legal environment For the most part, they have lectual property law would have tion." ago, the Chinese government If anyone claims to be a Falun in which people can practice in been winning. The industry- continued mostly unchanged claimed that there were five so- Gong practitioner, he must con- the park and read Falun Gong sponsored 1998 Digital since the time of books. But if called Falun Gong practitioners duct himself according to these books. Millennium Copyright Act set Napster had won, by showing who attempted self-immolation principles. Therefore, people who Falun Gong is not an evil cult. strict limits on digital copying and that the digital era should change on Tiananmen Square. But now tried to commit suicide are not The current campaign against distribution. Lawsuits have shut how we look at copyrights, then a the Chinese press adds two more Falun Gong practitioners (note Falun Gong in China is a severe down companies like Scour (a legal revolution would have taken persons to the group, bringing that there is a big conspiracy of human rights violation. As a mat- less well-funded version of place. the total to seven. They are now Chinese government attempting ter of fact, the benefits of practic- Napster). Thanks to their legions But Napster made a deal with claiming that one of those to forge suicide scenes and com- ing Falun Gong are numerous of lobbyist and lawyers, the radio Bertelsmann, and David Boies involved was a 12 year-old girl. mit murders against Falun Cong and varied, including improved and movie associations have went on to represent Gore in the CARAJONES CNN eyewitness reports had said practitioners). health, stress relief and peace of become the dominant voices election lawsuits. The legal con- FRESHMAN that there were only five people Tong Sun wrote: "more than mind. It is my true experience articulating what copyrights frontation between Napster and involved, one man and four 1000 Falun Gong believers had and feeling about Falun Gong. mean in the digital age. the industry is unlikely to happen EARLY CHILDHOOD women, in which the woman was died because the FLG leader told Aside from the obvious conflict now. Napster is part of the indus- EDUCATION known to have died from her them that they should not take Jun Wang can be contacted at of interest in such matters, there try. injuries. medicine when they are ill." This [email protected]. are three problems with allowing This is good for Napster and "I would go skiing." What is the real story? From the is also a lie. Master Li never tells these groups to set the standard music lovers everywhere. Soon, above facts, we all have an idea anyone not to take medicine for intellectual property protec- legal music downloading and who is hying. By the way. I believe when they are ill. SUBMISSION POLICY tion. First, they do not directly swapping will be allowed, making that the best way to know who The Interesting thing is that represent the artists — the true The BG News pjadry prints [ music more available and cheap- lies is to allow independent third- there are more and more people to the E#or and Guest f copyright holders — but rather er than ever before. party Investigation by interna- outside from China that get to the distributors. Second, embrac- isr^taiessjignao; Who will be left to pick up the tional human rights groups, know and practice Falun Gong. ; and Guest f ing the radio association's strin- torch and battle the behemoths United Nations and the world There are also lots of governmen- gent standards would make mil- for a new concept of digital intel- press. Otherwise, we can not tal awards and recognition of )tD70pwardvN»T%j lions of Americans criminals. (It is lectual property rights? Many randacttvBsj know the truth and we can not Falun Gong from other countries, ftayeriftcatkn. i worth noting that earlier copy- groups currently advocate new HOLLY HAINES say anything without evidence. while it is illegal in mainland right laws regulating videotape ideas, groups ranging from the As a practitioner, in my opin- China. copying failed). Finally, the mil- Electronic Frontier Foundation to FRESHMAN ion, the Chinese state-run media What does it mean? People can lions of consumers and potential the hacker Webzine 2600. EARLY CHILDHOOD has made a mockery of itself by practice Falun Gong in Taiwan, *s& copyright-infringers lack the But despite having tremendous EDUCATION producing a so-called Falun Hong Kong, or all other countries, funds and organization to voice popularity and the best lawyers Gong suicide story. There is no but tf you practice Falun Gong In their own concerns in the evolu- money can buy, Napster's best "The day Pepsi and proof that these people in this China, you would be arrested and tion of intellectual property law. option was to step out of the ring. the University signed Xinhua News report are Falun tortured even to death. There is a As a result, the Digital Millennium It could be years before a con- Gong practitioners. Those who real story about it wrote By Copyright Act law is effectively tender goes the distance. 'The Contract.'" have read books of Falun Gong Shawn D. Lewis In Detroit News


t ,-• rJ-.-M •#-.» BG NEWS Friday, February 2,2001 5 Glover, Justice to speak GLOVER. FROM PAGE 1 birthday. "When they presented it to us, Myers added that USG we were very impressed," he he said. believed it would be beneficial added. UAO will also provide The Undergraduate Student for all students, especially for ushers for the performance. Government was one of the those not familiar with black Tickets can be purchased at organizations that decided to co- issues. the University Copy Center in sponsor the event. Matt Lafticcia, concert director University Hall They are $10 "This will bring more exposure for the University Activities (bursarable) for University stu- to the campus," said Amanda Organization said UAO decided dents with student l.D. General Myers, explaining why USG to co-sponsor the BSU event admission is $20. became involved with the cele- because it was a great Doors open for the perfor- bration of Martin Luther King's opportunity. mance at 7 p.m. UCF looking for tutors UCF, FROM PAGE 1 lot of time involved aside from include games, snacks and crafts, just coming here." or a combination of these, such eight tutors working with 10tol5 One of the students who as gingerbread houses. "That's kids, although Miller said she tutored last semester was Megan my favorite thing to do," said wants to see an equal pairing. Halko, a junior. She said the l.ii ul i Myers, 9, one of the tutored Associated Press Ptwto Besides being a service to the experience helped her with children. He also said he enjoys children, Rose said tutoring is classroom management skills, playing outside and reading PROFESSOR SURVIVES FALL Rescuers from Kentucky and Indiana work on stabilizing Western also a chance for growth. "It's a Kentucky University professor Chris Groves after he was trapped in a cave near Mammoth Cave patience and relating to children. Zechariah 1 tin Kin. 11, enjoys good opportunity for those in National Park, near Cave City, Ky.. on Thursday. Grove's ordeal began when a piece of limestone that he education and social work to see "The kids appreciated having snacks the most. "Pizza is my someone there to help them with was standing on inside of the cave broke, sending him down into a 30-foot pit. Approximately 100 if it's what they want to do." favorite." he said. "It's cool when What is required of the stu- their homework," she said. "It's rescuers worked to remove him from the cave. Groves has done research in caves across the world. dents who volunteer is that they good for anyone, even if you're we go places." Field trips are also be committed to attend the ses- not an education major." the favorite of 8-year-old Amelia sions, Miller said. "There's not a Pre-homework activities may Stull. Western Kentucky U. Greeks plan for growth CREEK. FROM PAGE 1 just part of the general student getting a faculty member into prof, rescued from cave population" Waple said. each house and creating more University in Oxford, Ohio. They Waple also said that leadership academic programs. Overall By Caroline lynch squads, totaling more than a "The ledge broke and he fell, have served as a model for this development closely ties in with there is a desire to create a more U-«I8[ hundred people, had spent the hit another ledge, kind of rico- initiative, as many national chap- another part of the plan, campus scholarly atmosphere in all the BOWLING GREEN, Ky. - It was last 15 hours pulling Groves cheted off it, and landed in the ters were started there, and integration. By participating in houses. 3:58 Thursday morning when 1,450 feet through the narrow water," said graduate student Miami developed a similar plan, groups like UAO, University Outreach covers how the the team of cave rescue workers Sides Cave, which connects to Katie Seadler, who was at the the "Miami Model for Greek Ambassadors, and tour guides, University can best market the strained for a final time to pull Mammoth Cave in the scene. "He was totally under." Excellence." in 1995-1996. he felt that it can only enhance Greek community to faculty, Chris Groves' bruised body Mammoth Cave National Park. Meiman climbed down after Waple hopes that by develop- the image of the Greek commu- staff, students, parents, and the above ground. The rescuers sliced through him and pulled Groves, semi- Groves' black cotton shirt and nity. community. In addition, it hopes Wrapped in layers of protec- conscious, out of the water and ing leadership opportunities for purple sweat pants, both soaked the undergraduate chapter Under the current Greek struc- to unify the information that tive material, with only his nose onto a dryer ledge. When Groves ture, several of the elements are with muddy water and sweat, members and the graduate goes out to students who are and mustache showing Groves, awoke, Leech stayed with him in place, such as a common a 43-year-old geography associ- exposing his naked body. house staff, it can lead to more interest, close atmosphere, com- interested in Greek life. Groves, along with park and Meiman went for help. involvement in outside activities Waple said, "What we say, ate professor, could barely be Groves had a broken shoulder, mon activities and experiences. recognized as the same man hydrologist foe Mciman, and on campus. The only thing that is missing, what we do, and even what we graduate student Bryce Leech, broken rib and several cuts and wear is all part of outreach and who disappeared into the cave bruises. "1 think all students need lead- in Waple's opinion, is the acade- on a research experiment 17 entered the cave at 11 a.m. Around six Thursday morning ership skills, whether they're mic component. trying to have a better Greek hours before. Wednesday to retrieve dye packs termed Greek, or UAO or USG or Itot of the plan may involve image." they had left to help track under- he was flown to University of His wife Deana rushed to him ground water flow. For two Louisville Hospital where he was as Groves kept repeating weakly, hours they crawled through listed in fair condition at 10 a.m. "I'm okay, I'm okay." spaces that, at times, were no But his entire body shook Groves, who has been at wider than their bodies. They Western for nine years, has stud- Feel The Need to Advertise? from the cold as three rescuers covered the length of four foot- began to cut away the red and ied caves for more than 20. He ball fields, splashing through frequents Mammoth Cave and orange wrap that encased his water the whole way. It was 54 its surrounding systems, but was body. One rescuer pulled a glove degrees. from Groves' left hand, and col- not on cave property when he At 1:10 p.m. Groves stepped took his fall. Sides cave, in Hart Classified page is the armerl orless, limp fingers appeared. onto a limestone ledge, roughly County, is owned by Stan Sides, His worn, gold wedding band the size of a desk top, to avoid a shimmered in the yellow light deep hole in the cave. When the who holds property adjacent to Call 372-6977 from lamps on the rescue team's ledge broke under his weight, the park hard hats. The rescuer took a Groves fell 30 feet into the pit. Most of the rescuers, rangers Race You Ad Today! moment to rub Groves' fingers which was only four to five feet and researchers that worked to to warm them. wide. He landed in two and a pull Groves out of the cave knew Three teams of cave rescue half feet of water. him personally.

1$ What day oft® Woodland Mall Sthc year are «*» Health Fair "Catch The Rhythm" ^most collect^ February 3rd & 4th

Jj Celebrate Bob Marle/s * |alls made??! woodlond moll * Birthday With Us! J> 1234 North Main 9 Units WE'LL MY *Get up, YOU $35,000+ Goinng TOWARD YOUR stand up," Quic DIPLOMA. Wv GREENBRIAR, INC. You can earn more than and join in $18,000 during a standard 224 E. Wooster Army Reserve enlistment... 352-0717 and over $7,000 if you the Jamaican qualify for the Montgomery GI Bill.. .plus help in paying Experience! off a qualified student loan up to $10,000. if eligible. E. Merry Avenue (516) You'll usually serve one weekend a month plus two Field Manor weeks' Annual Training. Frazee Avenue And you'll serve with an Army Reserve unit near When: February 6th, your campus. Bob Marley's Birthday All Units Include: Over $35,000 toward 2 Bedrooms college - for part-time service. Time: 4:30pm - 7:30pm B^^ G s u 2 Baths Think about it Dishwasher Then think about us. Where: Streetside Dining Room TV* ™ Garbage Disposal And call today: McDonald Dining Center 1 Sft «_i $675 / mo. + electric (4 person rate) 419-352-7541 Why: Celebrate the Birthday MALL YOU CAM M." of this Legendary ARMY RESERVE Reggae Star CMICWOI snxxn W*JB 4 Friday. Febnjary 2.2001 BGNEWS

CHILD, MOTHER KIDNAPPED BY EX-BOYFRIEND EULESS, Texas (AP) — A 17-year-old girl and her tod- dler daughter were abducted from her parents' home by her former boyfriend Thursday, police said. An arrest warrant was issued charging Delfino Romero, 21, with aggravated kidnapping. Police hunted for all three. OPINION EDITORIAL Approach economy with caution For as long as most students numerous, and a degree equated What happens when a word is confidence. In its latest ten-year Not to hop up and down on the can remember. Bill Clinton has to one of those many jobs. YOU DECIDE used too much? projection. America will have a fence, but they both are. been the President of the Good The years of Clinton and Gore It tends to lose Its meaning. larger budget surplus than was Cutting taxes will give more 01' United States. have been synonymous with What do you think about the By the time we get sick of hear- originally thought. money to consumers. Money With the former Arkansas gov- economic prosperity, though nei- latest economic forecasts? ing the same adjective used for "Huzzah!" cry the politicians. that they can spend, resulting in ernor came one of the best ther of them could really claim Let us know at our country's financial stability, The new president and his more money (towing through the economies that the American credit for the hand that fate dealt [email protected] we night need a new one. And Republican supporters use this as economy and strengthening it. public has ever seen. We've grown them. not one that is a synonym. evidence to back Bush's proposed But caution is necessary here. up prosperous. We've grown up Even though most students Lately, the United States econ- tax cuts. If too much is cut, and the fore- alongside the Internet. We've couldn't explain it if we were n't matter how the government omy has become sluggish. We. "Whoa!" cry the Democratic casts were even a couple percent- grown accustomed to asked on the spot, we have heard uses this surplus. To us, it's a con- the American public, are exhibit- critics. Five-year plans have age points off, that surplus will and its fellow enough political banter about stant reminder of the prosperous ing the lowest amount of confi- already proved to be inaccurate, become a deficit. blooming Internet companies. what to do with the large budget American economy. dence In our economy since and even the Budget Committee What is needed, then, is for We've grown up with the with- surplus that the next decade will That word has been used to 1993, the year that Clinton took admits that a ten-year forecast is both sides to cooperate. Let's ered face of Alan Greenspan, the provide. describe the economy for many a over. likely to be as inaccurate. Instead, hope that the new administra- wizard of the American Tax cuts. Social Security, year now. "Prosperous." "We are The Congressional Budget we should keep on going as tion and the new Congress can Economy. Jobs have been Medicare or any number of gov- living in a time of prosperity." Office, however, has provided fire usual, just in case. do just that. ernment projects, it almost does- "Our economy prospers." to rekindle the fading light of our Who is right? U-WIRE COLUMN Napster joins PEOPLE Falun Gong beneficial ON THE STREET AT ISSUE Falun Gong is a peaceful organization with a reverence for human life, If you could relive one not an evil cult used for financial gain. 'The Industry' day over and over, My name is Jun Wang and I am will clearly see that the language JUN like the film a Falun Gong practitioner in used and the actions exhibited by WANG BGSU. I read an article about them are foreign to genuine AT ISSUE While Napster has kept itself alive, it is no 'Groundhog Day' longer the rebellious crusader. Falun Gong in the section of Falun Gong practitioners Guest Columnist what would happen? opinion on the BG News, January because the teachings of Falun STANFORD, Calif. - Now that DREW 31, 2001. and would like to dis- Gong strictly prohibit any form of titled "Persecuted Falun Gong Napster is becoming a HARRIS cuss with all of you a few points of killing, including suicide. practitioner flees to Troy- "respectable" dot-com, we have mine. I do want to point out that I Let's look at the first question Woman vows to stay with daugh- lost the most prominent champi- Stanford U. totally disagree with Tong Sun's raised above regarding Falun ter until China's policy changes" on for alternative views of copy- statement on this issue. Gong teaching. The paragraph at the following address: right. First of all. I really do not below was quoted from Chapter A recent press release by the understand why Tong Sun wrote Seven of /Jiuan Falun, the main tro/0011/28/d01-154491.htm. Bertelsmann media group being used to limit consumer "The leader Li Hongzhi is a work of Mr. Li Hongzhi, founder Despite the unprecedented announced that Napster will be choice. cheater. From what I can see, he of Falun Gong. suppression by the Chinese gov- charging a subscription fee by A major exception to this trend CANDICE C0NLEY wants to cheat for money." This "The issue of killing is very sen- ernment, Falun Cong practition- June or July. In addition, Napster was, which weathered statement is absolutely nonsense. sitive. For practitioners, we have ers still follow the principles of has recently settled its lawsuit lawsuit after lawsuit to establish FRESHMAN I have been practicing Falun set the strict requirement that Truth—Compassion—Tolerance. with TVT Records. the right of consumers to choose BUSINESS Gong for more than three years they cannot kill lives. Whether it is No matter where they are, they As Napster's and Bertelsmann's CDs or MP3s. No doubt if the but do not pay a penny to learn or of the Buddha School, the Tao endure silently and they bear no operations begin to blur, the Recording Industry Association of 7 would watch do this kind of exercise. Neither School, or the Qimen School, hatred but compassion toward other lawsuits will likely be America initially had its way, pos- Passions over and do other practitioners. regardless of which school or everyone. We are not against our dropped as well, and Napster will sessing MP3s would be illegal, or over and over" Another fact is that anybody practice it is. as long as it is an government. As a matter of fact, likely join Amazon and eBay as a at least possess a stigma of crimi- can download all the material upright cultivation practice, it will in his article "A Brief Statement of respected dot-com giant. While nality. By fighting for a legal right and videos about Falun Gong consider this issue very absolute Mine" published on July 22.1999, this legitimacy is good for Napster to convert your CDs into MP3s from the Internet for free. If and prohibit killing—this is for Master Li says: "We are not and MIM distribution in general, and play them anywhere, compa- Master Li wanted to get some sure. Because the consequence of against the government now, nor it is not without cost. nies like Diamond money, why is everything about killing a life is so serious, we must will we be in the future. Other Napster, together with famed Multimedia (makers of the Rio Falun Gong is on the Internet and address it in detail." people may treat us badly, but we lawyer David Boies, was primed portable MP3 player) and others everything is free? Clearly, killing a life is prohibit- do not treat others badly, nor do to take on the recording industry have helped make MP3s the As Tong Sun mentioned in his ed in Falun Gong. In another we treat people as enemies." and redefine intellectual property "killer app" they are today. article: "Who knows how many widely published Falun Gong Falun Gong practitioners fol- rights. The Recording Industry Napster signified the next step other people will be lead to sui- book Lecture In Sydney (pub- low "Truth, Compassion, Association of America, along — the right to distribute digital AMYLAJJO cide by Li Hongzhi?" which lished in 1996). Mr. Li explained Tolerance" in all circumstances. with its movie industry twin, the media to whomever you want. FRESHMAN means that he believes all the the issue of suicide explicitly with We simply want to point out to Motion Picture Association of According to the industry's view HUMAN RESOURCE Chinese state-run media's report. his statement that "Committing the government that what they America, has been pressing its of intellectual property. Napster's He also wrote: "Falun Gong is full suicide is sinful." Mr. Li has are doing is wrong. We simply interpretation of intellectual services were certainly illegal. MANAGEMENT of lies anyway." This sentence is stressed that Falun Gong practi- want to tell the truth about Falun property rights in both the courts Napster might have lost in really irresponsible. tioners must follow the principles Gong to the rest of the world. All and Congress. court (as it nearly did), and intel- "I would be on vaca- Here is a list of facts. A week in these books. we request is a legal environment For the most part, they have lectual property law would have tion." ago. the Chinese government If anyone claims to be a Falun in which people can practice in been winning. The industry- continued mostly unchanged claimed that there were five so- Gong practitioner, he must con- the park and read Falun Gong sponsored 1998 Digital since the time of books. But if called Falun Gong practitioners duct himself according to these books. Millennium Copyright Act set Napster had won. by showing who attempted self-immolation principles. Therefore, people who Falun Gong is not an evil cult. strict limits on digital copying and that the digital era should change on Tiananmen Square. But now tried to commit suicide are not The current campaign against distribution. Lawsuits have shut how we look at copyrights, then a the Chinese press adds two more Falun Gong practitioners (note Falun Gong in China is a severe down companies like Scour (a legal revolution would have taken persons to the group, bringing that there is a big conspiracy of human rights violation. As a mat- less well-funded version of place. the total to seven. They are now Chinese government attempting ter of fact, the benefits of practic- Napster). Thanks to their legions But Napster made a deal with claiming that one of those to forge suicide scenes and com- ing Falun Cong are numerous of lobbyist and lawyers, the radio Bertelsmann, and David Boies involved was a 12 year-old girl. mit murders against Falun Gong and varied, including improved and movie associations have went on to represent Gore in the CARA JONES CNN eyewitness reports had said practitioners). health, stress relief and peace of become the dominant voices election lawsuits. The legal con- FRESHMAN that there were only five people Tong Sun wrote: "more than mind. It is my true experience articulating what copyrights frontation between Napster and involved, one man and four 1000 Falun Gong believers had and feeling about Falun Cong. mean in the digital age. the industry is unlikely to happen EARLY CHILDHOOD women, in which the woman was died because the FLG leader told Aside from the obvious conflict now. Napster is part of the indus- EDUCATION known to have died from her them that they should not take Jun Wang can be contacted at of interest in such matters, there tiy injuries. medicine when they are ill." This [email protected]. are three problems with allowing This is good for Napster and "I would go skiing." What is the real story? From the is also a lie. Master Li never tells these groups to set the standard music lovers everywhere. Soon, above facts, we all have an Idea anyone not to take medicine for Intellectual property protec- legal music downloading and who is lying. By the way, I believe when they are ill. SUBMISSION POLICY tion. First, they do not directly swapping will be allowed, making that the best way to know who The interesting thing is that The BGNews gladly prints { represent the artists — the true music more available and cheap- lies is to allow independent third- there are more and more people copyright holders — but rather er than ever before. party investigation by interna- outside from China that get to > the Edtor and Guest f the distributors. Second, embrac- Who will be left to pick up the tional human rights groups, know and practice Falun Gong. sshouldtalBsst ing the radio association's strin- torch and battle the behemoths United Nations and the world There are also lots of governmen- sand Guest f gent standards would make mil- for a new concept of digital intel- press. Otherwise, we can not tal awards and recognition of ) to 700 words. Name, | lions of Americans criminals. (It is lectual property rights? Many know the truth and we can not Falun Gong from other countries, rand address* worth noting that earlier copy- groups currently advocate new HOLLY HAINES say anything without evidence. while It Is Illegal in mainland IforwrtkauonJ ., right laws regulating videotape ideas, groups ranging from the As a practitioner, in my opin- China. s may be edited^ copying failed). Finally, the mil- Electronic Frontier Foundation to FRESHMAN ion, the Chinese state-run media What does it mean? People can ijandeiartyfiiBBrjnalj lions of consumers and potential the hacker Webzine 2600. EARLY CHILDHOOD has made a mockery of itself by practice Falun Gong in Taiwan, (and anonymous 3 copyright-infringers lack the But despite having tremendous producing a so-called Falun Hong Kong, or all other countries, $vtf not be printed. Sand" EDUCATION $ to topping,-- funds and organization to voice popularity and the best lawyers Gong suicide story. There is no but If you practice Falun Gong in their own concerns in the evolu- money can buy. Napster's best "The day Pepsi and proof that these people in this China, you would be arrested and tion of intellectual property law. option was to step out of the ring. the University signed Xinhua News report are Falun tortured even to death. There is a As a result, the Digital Millennium It could be years before a con- Gong practitioners. Those who real story about it wrote By Copyright Act law Is effectively tender goes the distance. 'The Contract." have read books of Falun Gong Shawn D. Lewis in Detroit News cdurm.


' - i .- .-; .•-.! • r~* ■*-■* *»«-i B6 NEWS Friday, February 2,2001 5 Glover, Justice to speak GLOVER. FROM PAGE 1 birthday. "When they presented it to us, Myers added that USG we were very impressed," he he said. believed it would be beneficial added. UAO will also provide The Undergraduate Student for all students, especially for ushers for the performance. Government was one of the those not familiar with black Tickets can be purchased at organizations that decided to co- issues. the University Copy Center in sponsor the event. Matt LaRiccia, concert director University Hall. They are $10 "This will bring more exposure for the University Activities (bursarable) for University stu- to the campus," said Amanda Organization said UAO decided dents with student I.D. General Myers, explaining why USG to co-sponsor the BSU event admission is $20. became involved with the cele- because it was a great Doors open for the perfor- bration of Martin Luther King's opportunity. mance at 7 p.m. UCF looking for tutors UCF, FROM PAGE 1 lot of time involved aside from include games, snacks and crafts, just coming here." or a combination of these, such eight tutors working with 10 to 15 One of the students who as gingerbread houses. "That's kids, although Miller said she tutored last semester was Megan my favorite thing to do," said wants to sec an equal pairing. Halko, a junior. She said the lacob Myers, 9, one of the tutored Besides being a service to the Associated Press Photo experience helped her with children. He also said he enjoys children, Rose said tutoring is classroom management skills, PROFESSOR SURVIVES FALL Rescuers from Kentucky and Indiana work on stabilizing Western also a chance for growth. "It's a playing outside and reading. patience and relating to children. Kentucky University professor Chris Groves after he was trapped in a cave near Mammoth Cave good opportunity for those in Zechariah Binion, 11, enjoys "The kids appreciated having National Park, near Cave City, Ky., on Thursday. Grove's ordeal began when a piece of limestone that he education and social work to see snacks the most. "Pizza is my someone there to help them with was standing on inside of the cave broke, sending him down into a 30-foot pit. Approximately 100 if it's what they want to do." favorite," he said. "It's cool when rescuers worked to remove him from the cave. Groves has done research in caves across the world. What is required of the stu- their homework," she said. "It's we go places." Field trips are also dents who volunteer is that they good for anyone, even if you're be committed to attend the ses- not an education major." the favorite of 8-year-old Amelia sions, Miller said. "There's not a Pre-homework activities may Stull. Western Kentucky U. Greeks plan for growth GREEK. FROM PAGE 1 just part of the general student getting a faculty member into prof, rescued from cave population" Waple said. each house and creating more University in Oxford, Ohio. They Waple also said that leadership academic programs. Overall By Caroline Lynch squads, totaling more than a "The ledge broke and he fell, u- wine have served as a model for this development closely ties in with there is a desire to create a more hundred people, had spent the hit another ledge, kind of rico- initiative, as many national chap- another part of the plan, campus scholarly atmosphere in all the BOWLING GREEN, Ky. - It was last 15 hours pulling Groves cheted off it. and landed in the ters were started there, and integration. By participating in houses. 3:58 Thursday morning when 1,450 feet through the narrow water," said graduate student Miami developed a similar plan, groups like UAO, University Outreach covers how the the team of cave rescue workers Sides Cave, which connects to Katie Seadler, who was at the Mammoth Cave in the the "Miami Model for Greek Ambassadors, and tour guides, University can best market the strained for a final time to pull scene. "He was totally under." Mammoth Cave National Park. Excellence," in 1995-1996. he felt that it can only enhance Greek community to faculty, Chris Groves' bruised body Meiman climbed down after The rescuers sliced through Waplc hopes that by develop- the image of the Greek commu- staff, students, parents, and the above ground. him and pulled Groves, semi- nity. Groves' black cotton shirt and ing leadership opportunities for community. In addition, it hopes Wrapped in layers of protec- conscious, out of the water and Under the current Greek struc- purple sweat pants, both soaked the undergraduate chapter to unify the information that tive material, with only his nose onto a dryer ledge. When Groves ture, several of the elements are with muddy water and sweat, goes out to students who are and mustache showing, Groves, awoke, Leech stayed with him members and the graduate in place, such as a common exposing his naked body. house staff, it can lead to more interested in Greek life. a 43-year-old geography associ- and Meiman went for help. interest, close atmosphere, com- ate professor, could barely be Groves, along with park involvement in outside activities Waple said, "What we say, Groves had a broken shoulder, mon activities and experiences. recognized as the same man hydrologist loe Meiman, and on campus. what we do, and even what we broken rib and several cuts and The only thing that is missing who disappeared into the cave graduate student Bryce Leech, "I think all students need lead- wear is all part of outreach and bruises. in Waple's opinion, is the acade- on a research experiment 17 entered the cave at 11 a.m. ership skills, whether they're trying to have a better Greek Around six Thursday morning mic component. hours before. Wednesday to retrieve dye packs termed Greek, or UAO or USG or Part of the plan may involve image." they had left to help track under- he was flown to University of His wife Deana rushed to him ground water flow. For two Louisville Hospital where he was as Groves kept repeating weakly, hours they crawled through listed in fair condition at 10 a.m. "I'm okay, I'm okay." spaces that, at times, were no Groves, who has been at But his entire body shook wider than their bodies. They Feel The Need to Advertise? from the cold as three rescuers Western for nine years, has stud- covered the length of four foot- ied caves for more than 20. He began to cut away the red and ball fields, splashing through frequents Mammoth Cave and orange wrap that encased his water the whole way. It was 54 its surrounding systems, but was body. One rescuer pulled a glove degrees. not on cave property when he from Groves' left hand, and col- At 1:10 p.m. Groves stepped took his fall. Sides cave, in Han Classified page is the atmerl orless, limp fingers appeared. onto a limestone ledge, roughly County, is owned by Stan Sides, His worn, gold wedding band the size of a desk top, to avoid a shimmered in the yellow light deep hole in the cave. When the who holds property adjacent to Call 372-6977 from lamps on the rescue team's ledge broke under his weight, the park. hard hats. The rescuer took a Groves fell 30 feet into the pit, Most of the rescuers, rangers Pface You Ad Today! moment to rub Groves' fingers which was only four to five feet and researchers that worked to to warm them. wide. He landed in two and a pull Groves out of the cave knew Three teams of cave rescue half feet of water. him personally.

4»What day 019 Woodland Mall S:the year arej Health Fair "Catch The Rhythm" 4>most collect^ February 3rd & 4th ^ Celebrate Bob Marle/s * |alls made??! 3*ujoodlonc) moll Birthday With Us! ^ 234 North Main Units WE'LL PAT "Get up, ^K^M^I YOU $35,000+ Going TOWARD YOUR stand up," DIPLOMA. Quickly! GREENBRIAR, INC. You can earn more than and join in $18,000 during a standard 224 E. Wooster Army Reserve enlistment... 352-0717 and over $7,000 if you the Jamaican qualify for the Montgomery GI Bill.. .plus help in paying Experience! off a qualified student loan E. Merry Avenue (516) up to $10,000, if eligible. You'll usually serve one Field Manor weekend a month plus two weeks' Annual Training. Frazee Avenue And you'll serve with an Army Reserve unit near When: February 6th, your campus. Bob Marley's Birthday All Units Include: Over $35,000 toward 2 Bedrooms college - for part-time service. Time: 4:30pm -7:30pm ^G S U 2 Baths Think about it Dishwasher Then think about us. Where: Streetside Dining Room rj? SJ Garbage Disposal And call today: McDonald Dining Center J&. *J $675 / mo. + electric (4 person rate) 419-353-75*1

Why: Celebrate the Birthday jjjj^*J MALL TOO CAM K: of this Legendary BTffffiS ARMY RESERVE Reggae Star SERVICES 6 Friday. February 2, 2001 WORLD BG NEWS Disaster volunteers exhaust search By in lawless to distribute relief supplies," said tax hike Thursday to help pay for only take so much. If we'd stayed ASSOCIMID PRESS WRIKR Ken Maclean, the west India rep- relief and rebuilding after India's a couple more days we'd rescue resentative for Catholic Relief worst earthquake in 50 years one or two more people. Now BHUJ. India — Some interna- Services of Baltimore. The U.S. Geological Survey we'll move into relief and save tional rescue teams made the The hint at what downgraded the quake's initial thousands of lives." wrenching decision Thursday to relief organizations face. So far, 7.9 magnitude measurement to The United States, which has abandon the search for possible 14,241 bodies have been recov- 7.7, saying it wasa normal adjust- allotted $5 million to Indian earthquake survivors, as a lack of ered, Gujarat officials said ment as it examined additional quake, relief, also sent a relief coordination appeared to ham- Thursday, estimating the final toll data. per the other task — feeding and would reach 35,000. The full toll As British. Russian, Turkish and team of seven people to Bhuj on housing the living and treating may never be known, because Japanese crews who arrived in Thursday. One of the four water their wounds many of the dead may have been the wake of the quake were leav- purification systems they Aid was reaching many, but cremated in remote villages or ing, Spanish and French teams brought was set up in Bhuj on bundles of blankets, bags of rice remain buried under flattened were just arriving. At least five Thursday and a second will be and lentils, cartons of mineral towns and cities. people were pulled alive from the water and other supplies were working in Bhachua by Friday, In Washington. State nibble in three towns on Associated Press Photo heaped outside the railway said team leader William S. Berg' Department spokesman Richard Wednesday; there was one report EARTHQUAKE: Kishor Kayala recuperates from head would in a freight office in Ahmedabad, the Boucher said a fourth American of a rescue Thursday. No outbreaks have been main staging point for the relief reported yet. but malaria, cholera Bhuj, India Thursday Feb. 1,2001. More than 600,000 people are died in the quake, but he Rescue workers concede there homeless by the earquake. effort and the commercial center declined to give details. are likely still a few people and severe diarrhea were among of the western state of Gujarat, More than 60,000 people were trapped alive under ruined build- the threats facing the homeless preventing the spread of disease." victims. China offered about wherethe epicenter of the Jan. 26 injured as chunks of concrete and ings, but say they have exhausted crowded into camps with no run- said FK. Lahiri, a top bureaucrat $600,000, saying it was "very quake was located. ning water or toilets and relying stone rained down from collaps- their resources. in the Gujarat government. much concerned" about the "It's beginning to clog up the ing buildings. About 600.000 peo- "It's not an easy decision," said on communal kitchens for food. The European Commission, system, because there is no coor- scale of the disaster. Israel ple were left homeless. Although James Brown, who was leaving Gujarat was already suffering which earlier pledged $2.8 mil- dination. In some cases you have from a severe drought for the sec- responded with its biggest mili- it has released no official damage Thursday with the British team. lion, announced it was freeing up people just throwing stuff off of estimate, the central government "The guys have big hearts, they'd ond consecutive year, which "will tary disaster-relief mission in two a further $9.4 million to help the trucks. And that is not a good way announced a 2 percent income carry on forever, but the body can further aggravate the problem of decades. Unpaid ransom results in U.S. oil workers death

By Monte Hayes ored overalls and leather boots work closely with the Ecuadorean the tragic loss of Ron Sander and Sander, whose body was flown had stalled over the amount of ASSOCIAUI) PRESS WRIIER and covered with a white sheet government to "bring the authors extend our deepest sympathy back to Quito, was seized Oct. 12 ransom. Sources close to the scrawled with the words in of this horrible crime to justice." and prayers to his family and from oil camps in Ecuador's El investigation said the kidnappers QUITO, Ecuador - A Missouri Spanish: "I am a gringo. For non- "These are really bad guys." ."' said Hans Helmerich, Coca region, about 150 miles east refused to budge from an initial oil worker kidnapped with four payment of ransom. HP compa- U.S. Ambassador Gwen Clare the company's president and of Quito. $80 million ransom demand. other Americans has been found ny." said in an interview, "but I can tell chief executive officer. The other Americans have Oil industry and military dead, shot five times in the back The killing sent fear through you that the Department of "Ron had over 24 years of faith- been identified as David Bradley, sources said the kidnappers were and covered with a sheet that said the oil camps in Ecuador's petro- Justice and the FBI are working ful service to the company and of Casper. Wyo.. an oil field plat- believed responsible for deadly he had been killed because the oil leum-rich northeastern jungles, very hard.... This year I feel more his loss will be felt throughout our form foreman for Helmerich & dynamite attacks in December company refused to pay ransom, where the U.S. Embassy esti- confident that the kidnappers organization." Payne: and Arnold Alford. Steve against the country's main oil authorities said Thursday. mates some 300 Americans work will be brought to American jus- Sander, 54, worked as a tool- Derry and Jason Weber, all pipeline. The victim was identified as — a number that could double tice." pusher on a Helmerich & Payne employees of the Oregon-based A top oil company executive, Ronald Sander, a technician with when construction begins on a "It's a bloodthirsty, totally crim- drilling rig when he was abduct- Erickson Air-Crane Co., and resi speaking on condition of Tulsa, Okla.-based Helmerich & new pipeline later this year. inal organization. It's not politi- ed, the company said. Sander is dents of Gold Hill. Ore. anonymity, told The Associated Payne Inc., who was seized in The U.S. Embassy issued a cal, "she said. from Missouri, but Helmerich & Also among the kidnap victims Press the blasts began after the October in a jungle region near statement Thursday demanding Sander was found in an isolat- Payne declined to release his are a Chilean, an Argentine and a kidnappers rejected a counterof- the Colombia border that has "the immediate and uncondi- ed jungle region known as El hometown. Officials said the New Zealander Two Frenchmen fer of $500,000. The first explo- grown increasingly lawless in tional release" of the four Condor, about 110 miles north- company had been working for also were seized, but escaped sion, on Dec. 9, destroyed a sec- recent years. Americans and three other for- east of the capital, Quito, police four months to attempt to win days later. tion of pipeline in an isolated jun - Sander's body was discovered eigners seized with Sander. It said said. the release of Sander and the Ecuadorean authorities said gle area, 80 miles northeast of Wednesday dressed in khaki-col- U.S. officials would continue to "We are deeply saddened by other hostages. negotiations with the kidnappers Quito. &T Seniors, this is your life...

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ALL SENIORS PHOTOGRAPHED ARE ELIGIBLE TO WIN A SPRING BREAK TRIP FOR TWO TO CANCUN. CALL NOW! ,__3K-. HI-FI: Dan Nied says American Hi-Fi's debut release would have FRIDAY been great in 1997. Also, Linkin Park and February 2, ex-Pavement member, 2001 ', lat- est are reviewed. PAGE 8 BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY VOLUME 90 ISSUE 89

Hypnotized Network says 'South Park* creators can't depict first family incest by Franko and other thoughts AS

DAN MATLOCK Associated Press Photo Erttrtainmen: NOT ON MY WATCH: President Bush is one of the many targets of the South Park creators' new comedy, "That's My Bush." FOLK Last Saturday night at the Cla- By David Bauder something worth fighting." scrutiny, much like former Zel Theatre I was one out of 18 AP TELEVISION WRITER Comedy Central agreed short- President Clinton did with his brave people in the crowd to be NEW YORK — Comedy ly before Election Day to air the daughter, Chelsea. hypnotized by Franko (Classic Centra] has ordered producers of live-action comedy, which will Executives at Comedy Central, use the first family to satirize TV part-owned by Viacom and AOL Productions: Contemporary an upcoming comedy series about the first family to remove sitcoms. It was originally sup- Time Warner, got calls of con- Theatre). At free will. For an all references to President Bush's posed to start next month, but cent from their corporate over- hour and a half I experienced a twin daughters. the protracted election battle has seers, Viacom's Washington lob- pushed the premiere to April or byist and viewers, Fox said. No wild, DemOU and hilarious ride. The series, by "South Park" later. one from the Bush administra- producers Trey Parker and Matt I have now realized that hypnosis The series was tided "Family tion contacted the network, he Stone, had attracted notoriety said. is indeed true because 1 felt and when a proposed script leaked First," but after Comedy Central learned the Mormon Church "No one has told us you can't did things that I would never out with the 19-year-old girls, had rights to the name, the tide do this," Fox said. "The network even imagine. Jcnna and Barbara, portrayed as was changed to "That's My incestuous lesbian lovers. weighed ail of its options and Bush." decided that we weren't going to At first. I stared at a blue light in Parker and Stone had already The idea of portraying the have the twins in the show." the center of the stage for 10 min- distanced themselves from that Bush twins as lesbian lovers was idea, but Comedy Central execu- I '•■ii ker said he understands in a prospective sketch by one of the decision even if he disagrees utes. At this time, Iranko tives — who had received many Paikcr and Stone's writers. with it. instructed us to feel a warm fluid complaints — told them this After it was publicized, the "They're a corporation, and as go through our bodies. It started week the girls could not be included in their series at all. conservative Web site much as we like everyone over at our feet, then moved to our loudCitizen asked its followers there and think it's the best place "We aren't comfortable with to sign a petition urging Comedy knees, thighs, pelvises, chests, we can possibly be, they're still a them being in the show," said Central not to air "That's My corporation," he said. "The bot- and heads. Comedy Central stKikesman Bush." The American Family tom line is it's not about freedom Tony Fox on Friday. "There's Association on Friday called on for them, it's about making He then told us to walk down a some c 11 ii 'st inn about their status Comedy Central to pull the plug. money." flight of 10 stairs to a hot, sandy as public figures." "'That's My Bush' will serve no The creators are using "The BAD FORM: Comedy Central and President Bush doen't find humor beach. As Franko counted down Parker said he believed the purpose other than generating Dick Van Dyke Show" as a twins were fair game for parody. disrespect, with President Bush's in Parker (Left) and Stone's jokes about the Bush family. slowly 1 felt twice as relaxed as model. One script they are work- but that the way the series had daughters in the cross hairs," ing on has the president trying to each number went by. By now evolved, the creators didn't need said Don Wildmon, president of attend two dinners at the same the daughters to Ix1 involved. the American Family Parker said it's ironic dtat he to lionize Bush, not ridicule him. my body felt unusually yet com- time: one with leaders of the "If we felt creatively that we Association. anti-abortion movement, and and Stone are getting heat, as "What we're trying to do is way fortably relaxed, dreamy, and needed them in, we would fight The Bush family has sought to the other a romantic one with they personally lean Republican more subversive." he said. "We're eerie. I slowly unbottoncd my it," Parker said. "It's just not shield the girls from public his wife. and because their series intends going to make you love dtis guy." shin and took off my shoes. After my shin came off Franko then informed us that we were stuck in a huge snowstorm. The woman next to me put her arms Englishman Ellis andAmeriean around me and clung on way too tight while screaming how cold she was. Gassadayhitthemaikiviih'I^netoiy After we settled down Iranko Cory Sedlmeier a covert trio whose goal is to track recreate the universe. Brass and a der as everything from poured everyone a few drinks. ENTERTAINMENT WRITER down the secret history of the group of pulp-styled heroes Manhattan Project experiments 20th century. The Planetary orga- designed the machine in the twi- gone wrong to John Woo films to First a double followed by two nization, seemingly limitless in light of World War II in attempt to Doc Savage pulps to 90s "B" Sci- triples. As we all stood up the Who cares about die Queen? funding and resources is reputed- end the war by recreating the uni- Fi flicks are utilized as story vehi- "alcohol" kicked in. I leaned on God save Warren Ellis. ly run by an unseen figurehead verse—but the universe stared cles for the Planetary's discover- Warren Ellis just so happens to known only as The Fourth Man. back, and all of its possibilities ies. the man next to me because I be the Englishman currently Snow is team with the physically became potential. Planetary is available in single- could barely stay standing up. responsible for giving American invulnerable Jakita Wagner and The genius here is that the issue format for $2.50 on a bi- mainstream comics their fare the Gen X-styied "Drummer," entire palette of genres and story- monthly basis from Wildstonn, Throughout the show Franko share of brains. Along widt col- who has the ability to communi- telling media that in effect told an imprint of DC Comics, or in kept putting us to sleep and wak- laborator, John Cassaday (who cate with all things electronic. the story of the 20th century are trade paperback form as ing us up again while using and happens to be from this side of After locating a highly sophisti- fair game for Ellis and Cassaday. Planetary; All Over the World and pond), Ellis is mining the creative cated hidden base in the This creates all the metaphor and Other Stories collecting issues 1 - making different sounds and depths of comics and genre fic- Adirondack Mountains, the context of Neil Gaiman's 6 for $14.95. Late March will see body movements. tion on a bi-monthly basis in Planetary discover a man by the Sandman widi an X-Files-esque the publication of the second col- Planetary. name of Doc Brass, who has ambiance firmly supported by lection. The Fourth Man collect- A middle-aged woman kept Centered around a cynical pro- spent the past 54 years awake, Cassadays detailed line and cine- ing issues 7- 12. complaining that a young man tagonist with the curious birth protecting the world from a matic style. Ellis'selection of gen- For more information visit date of lanuary 1. 1900, Elijah quantum computer able to gen- res and pacing creates a continu- sitting next to her kept pinching Snow Planetary tells of stories of erate a fractal "snowtlake" able to al sense of amazement and won- tran_3/reviews.html her bun. Franko kept stealing another man's nose while the man chased him around the stage to get it back. Gilbert brings more than folk to shows Towards the end of the show all BenScharf wanted to support the Cla-Zel Gilbert started playing guitar preview of his show at the Cla- yours. of the men, including myself, ENTERTAINMENT WRITER with Gilbert's show. in college and graduated in 1979. Zel. He's released three studio Gilbert truly gives everything showed each other our stomachs Vance Gilbert's voice is an He won't be intimidated by the After a brief stint cooking in albums on the Rounder/Philo he can while on-stage. "When restaurants, he "was always at record label since 1994, as we were about to give birth. instrument that can make you size of the theater as Gilbert has I'm done with a show, I'm really feel like crying with joy and sad- been performing across the work with a guitar." Edgewise, Fugitives, and the self- done. I need to chill," he said. With the aid of two women, three ness at the same time. He can country for nearly ten years, play- He used the guitar for teaching produced Shaking Off Gravity. This will be his third appearance men successfully gave birth to stand on stage, bantering and ing everywhere from living rooms multicultural arts for children He was also named Kerrville in Bowling Green. to giant folk festivals. He current- until he began writing his own Music Award's Vocalist of the year beautiful, healthy babies. teasing the crowd between songs, Tracy first heard Gilbert at the and then belt out an a capeUa ly plays about 140 shows a year. songs and performing in the in 1997, and continually impress- Falcon Ridge Folk Festival in Michael Santora, another tune that gives everyone in the This leg of touring includes a Boston area. es critics across the country. upstate New York where he made audience goosebumps. On working with children, Somerville Live is Gilbert's first a big impression. "He stood on- BGSU freshman, was also hypno- performance at a prison in New Gilbert's performances are a jersey. "I have no idea what that's Gilbert said, "They're a very self released album, sold at con- stage and sang without a micro- tized. He said afterwards, "I was blend of folk music and stand up going to be like," Gilbert said, "I'm demanding audience. I really certs and at his website phone in front of 20,000 people. really relaxed and so 'out of it' comedy. His music might be going in there with open eyes, but respect kids; it's harder to pull the Gilbert It's really powerful," she said. considered folk, but it's full of soul I don't know what they're expect- wool over their eyes than adults." said he "didn't really do much to Tracy encourages music fans onstage. He (Franko) has a great and witty lyrical observations. He ing from me." His experience with younger have it promoted. What I basical- to "support the Cla-Zel as a venue presence about him." performs at the Cla-Zel Whatever the gig, Gilbert audiences might account for ly did was put it out and sell it out for live music. We've never had a Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. always makes a personal connec- Gilbert's playful, childlike exuber- of the back of my car." venue this size until now." If given any opportunity, GET The concert is presented by tion with the crowd. His style of ance onstage. His songs mix the The liner notes in the album Of course, Tracy says, "come for HYPNOTIZED. It is too much Anne Tracy's A Trace of Folk performing is influenced by naive joy of childhood with the show Gilbert's dedication to his the simple reason that you fun to explain in words. Franko Productions, and marks their first everyone from comedians like reality of adulthood. fans: "You probably won't see this wouldn't want to miss a Vance show at the Cla-Zel, Most con- Richard Pryor and Bill Cosby to Gilbert's latest release, album in the stores or hear it Gilbert show if you have the will return to BG again next certs by A Trace of Folk take place like Al Jarreau and Ellis Somerville Live, captures the much on the radio. That's not opportunity to see him." October 26 and 27. at (unction, but Tracy says she Paul. essence of Gilbert in concert, a what it's about. This one is Gilbert performs Wednesday.

i ( 8 Friday, February 2,2001 NOW SOUNDS BG NEWS American Hi-Fi is derivative fun; Linkin Park defines dumb; Malkmus enchants with solo debut AMERICAN HI-FI LINKIN PARK frtfri^tbfFt STEPHEN MALKMUS

SELF TITLED HYBRID THEORY SELF TITLED B- C- A- Island/Def Jam Wamer Bros. Matador Records

Maybe if American Hi-Fi front- Flavor of the Wealc, the first Right off the bat, this CD don't get this at all. If you have to Stephen Malkmus' self-titled man Stacy Jones hadn't spent the sounds like a carbon copy of read the liner notes to under- ous etiorts, tocusingon the gen- single, reeks a little too much of debut is the first solo effort from tler side of his song-writing abili- 90s behind the drums for Veruca Stroke 9's "Little Black Backpack" Papa Roach. This is just what the stand what someone is saying, the fronrman/ of Salt and , he could world needs. It looks like more no matter what the genre, you ties. to feign creativity. However, Pavement. This is a fine follow up to have been the biggest thing since under the surface of American and more bands are taking the have a problem. Pavement disbanded in late Rick Springfield. rock/rap mix. Sometimes it On the Dipside, "In The End" Pavement past. As Malkmus Hi-Fi lies songs with guitar riffs 1999, leaving an immeasurable said on the Matador Records But, alas, when American Hi- more likelv to come from works, and sometimes it doesn't holds a lot of promise. It demon- impression on the independent Fi's brand of pop-rock was domi- Overall, this album is not that strates that you can have a good website, it could be called "a con- Everclear and retro basslines college rock scene with their lo-fi tinuation of the espiritdu nating stereos in the mid and late brought back by Lit. bad, but it offers nothing really rock song that is not totally based recording techniques and 90s (ones was merely a percus- new. If you are jumping into a on screaming. "Cure for the Itch" Pavement." Even a hint of rap/rock makes intriguing, unpredictable lyrics. The players on the album sion slave to bands that didn't its way onto "My Only Enemy" genre, you have to come up with is a very well done instrumental The record's twelve songs keep come close to AHF's commercial something fresh. You can't offer track. By far it is the highlight on have no trouble finding their while "Another perfect Day" pre- faithful to the Pavement tradition place. , of the potential. sents the balance of a brooding listeners reheated styles from the CD. "Pushing Me Away" is as unique, with arrangements Their self-titled debut would ballad. other bands. another notable track. Maroons, is on drums and per- that can be compared to the last cussion, and , from have been the perfect wine to the A bevy of radio ready jigs make The first major single off of There are bright spots, but Pavement record, Terror Twilight. meat and potatoes of the poppy the album, "One Step Closer", overall Hybrid Theory offers audi- Calamity Jane and the Minders, sure the pop-rock junkies get Most are dark and spacious, is on bass. Third-Eye Blind and Matchbox their cotton candy fill. sounds like a Papa Roach meets ences nothing new stylistically. If crafted around intricate and 20's debuts. In fact, AHF may be ROD. rip-off. Again, there is you like screaming, then this is No music fan who has an But that can't make up for the catchy guitar lines, like the inkling of interest in Pavement in the missing link of the pop-rock fact that "American Hi-Fi" is nothing new to be found. It the one for you. But if you want album's first (and arguably best) triumvirate. sounds like a Limp Bizkit num- some good rock/rap hybrid the past or the progression of the about four years overdue. If this song, "Black Book." college rock scene should miss Even though this album wasn't was 1997. Stacy Jones would ber. "Forgotten" has slightly bet- music, go out and buy a Kom, Other highlights include the on the shelves in 1997, Jones and ter vocal performances, but Fred Limp Bizkit, or Papa Roach CD, out on this record. Don't be have an instant classic on his first single, "Discretion Grove" scared; it's no radical musical his backers certainly weave their hands. But in 2001 he does little Durst is still better. for cryin'out loud. and "Jo Jo's Jacket," a tribute to way through a 13-track album "By Myself' is nothing more departure for Malkmus, though more than add a twig to an Yul Brynner. neither is it more of the same. that is more eclectic than most already dwindling fire. than unintelligible yelling and -LisaBettinger The album has a more laid -Scoff Wagner would permit in their genre. -DanNied screaming. Maybe it's me, but 1 back feel than Malkmus' previ- Marvel relaunches franchises with great success

By lames Eldred Marvel actually has done the was exposed to an unknown the story of the helpful mutants Both comics are great impossible; they have taken clas- radiation. Soon, Peter finds him- and their evil foe Magneto, with- ENTERIAINMENl WRITER because of their writing, but sic comics and updated them self with incredible strength and out as much as a single issue of Marvel's new Ultimate Spider- perfectly, supplying both comics the abilities to climb walls and set-up. Fortunately, unlike the what really makes them stand- Man and Ultimate X-men books with the best young creative sense danger. other multitude of X-Men books are remarkable comics. This is out there, this one doesn't have out is their amazing, jaw-drop- teams in ages. What separates Ultimate amazing considering how dumb 30 years of convoluted back- Spider-Man from the classic sto- ping artwork. Mark Bagley, with the idea behind them is. . Ultimate Spitler-Man creative story behind it, so it actually team of writer Brian Michael ries (aside from its modem set- works quite well as the story is his simple, cartoon-like style, is It sounded like a disaster wait- Hi 'i ii I is and artist Mark Bagley ting) is its slow, deliberate pac- very simple: Professor Xavier and quite possibly Spider-Man's best ing to happen. Last year, Marvel are giving the classic web- ing. In the original Spider-Man, his students (the X-Men) must announced it was taking it's two crawler a new look that is decid- Peter was bitten by the spider, save a humanity that fears them, artist since Erik Larsen in the most beloved and best-selling edly grounded in the 1960s developed his powers and from Magneto, an evil mutant comics and giving them new works of Stan Lee and Steve became a superhero in a single who won't be happy until all early 90s. Adam Kubert's over- series that would not only take Ditko (the original team behind issue; here it takes four. It gives humans are his slaves. the-top explosive work on X- place outside of the Marvel uni- Spider-Man.) Together they give the stories more depth and even verse (meaning they would not readers new interest on a makes them somewhat more It's that simple, gone are the Men is also amazing, fitting the alternate futures, alien empires, interact with any other Marvel decades-old story. realistic. It also helps that Bendis book to a "T." comics) but they would start writes some of the best dialogue time-traveling characters and Peter Parker is the down on his everything else that has cluttered them over from ground-zero, in comics. luck high-school geek that every- up the X-comics for the past 30 These are the some of the best and set them in modem times. Ultimate X-Men, on the other one hates. One day, while on a years. What is left is a simple, yet books Marvel has put out in It sounded like a bad idea, but field trip to Osboume Industries, hand, takes a completely differ- mesmerizing story of reluctant for some reason, it works greaL Peter is bitten by a spider that ent approach, diving right into superheroes. years. LOCATION, PRICE AND SELECTION Live music invades Qa-Zel; Argument ensues at Easystreet You Will Find The Best Housing With US! By Justin Hemrninger I Erik Pepple Aphrodisiac Plane Crash (featur- artists as Busta Rhymes, 521 R. MKRRV . Two Bedrooms, 1 Bath. Furnished. School Year - Two Person Rate - $675.00 ENtERTAINMENT WRITERS ing former members of The Marvelous 3 and The Big Creak, One Year ■ Two Person Rale - $560.00 Jinkees). The show is free and the band finds itself in Bowling 80S THIRSTIN - Two Bedrooms, 1 Bath, Furnished. The newly remodeled Cla-Zel open to the public Green for the second time. School Year - Two Person Rate - $620.00 Theater in downtown Bowling One Year - Two Person Rate - $520.00 Green will be opening its doors Before the local music show- "Our last Bowling Green show 517 E. REED - At Thuratln. One Bedroom, 1 Bath, to its first live music events, in case at the Qa-Zel, Easystreet was a huge success, and we look Furnished or Unfurnished. Cafe plays host to popular West forward to coming back," said School Year - Two Person Rate • $495.00 recent history this coming week. One Year - Two Person Rale - $425.00 Virginia band, The Argument guitarist and vocalist Matt 451 THI.RSTIN - Across from Oflenluiicr. On Thursday, Feb. 8th, The tonight at 10 p.m. Warder. Furnished Efficiencies with full bath. Cla-Zel opens its doors to Free Photo Provided School Year - One Person Rate - $370.00 Jam, a local music showcase fea- Citing influences as diverse as The band describes their One Year - One Person Rate - $335.00 turing garage rockers The Ben Folds Five, Barenaked sound as pop/rock with 4 part ARGUMENT: Members of The 505 CLOUCH - Campus Manor. Orgones, new-wave hardcore Ladies, Jellyfish and Moxy vocal harmonies. Argument enjoying toys (not Two Bedroom Furnished. One Bath Plus Vanity. Fruvous, the band is on,tour to the Robin Williams film). School Year - Two Person Rale - $620.00 pioneers Srylex. heartfelt indie- Their live shows are known for One Year - Two Person Rate - $550.00 rockers Ten Dollar Typewriter, as support its latest release, Your the band's humorous interaction Favorite New Band The Argument shares the stage 605 SECOND - One Bedroom Unfurnished. well as Bowling Green newcom- onstage as well as occasional with Bancroft. School Year - One Person Rale - $385.00 One Year - One P«rson Rale - $340.00 ers Robots In Boxes and After performing with such audience participation. 615 SECOND - Two Bedroom Furnished, 1 Bath. School Year • Two Person Rate - $600.00 One Year - Two Person Rate - $505.00 720 SECOND - One Bedroom Furnished. The Black Issues Conference Planning Committee Fall 2001 Leasing School Year - One Person Rate - $415.00 would like to thank the following sponsors. Without One Year - One Person Rale - $360.00 them, the Black Issues Conference would not have 707. 711. 715. 719. 723. 727 THIRD One Bedroom Unfurnished and Furnished. been possible: Units Going Fast! School Year - Furnished - One Person - $385.00 One Year - Furnished ■ One Person - $345.00 402 HIGH Two Bedrooms, 1 Bath, Fum. or Unfurn. $100 $100 School Year • Furnished - Two Person • $575.00 African American Graduate Student Senate Mercer Manor Apartments One Year - Furnished - Two Person - $480.00 Bee Gee Bookstore 825 THIRD - One Bedroom Furnished. 1 Bath, BGSU Bookstore 323 and 331 Mercer Road (limit 5 people) School Year - One Person Rate • $450.00 Black Student Union 3 bedroom, furnished. Units have fireplaces, One Year - One Person Rale - $400.00 Bowling Green Student Development Association (CSP) 701 FOURTH - Two Bedroom Furnished. A/C, dishwashers, microwaves, and 1 Bath Plus Vanity in BR. The Center for Multicultural Affairs and Academic Initiatives School Year • Two Person Rale - $580.00 ECAP garbage disposals. One Year - Two Person Rate - $505.00 Ethnic Studies Department 649 SIXTH - Two Bedrooms, 1 Bath, Vanity in Hall. Finders Music Store $100 OFF with coupon for Furnished - School Year - Two Person Rate - $555.00 Founders Hall Council Furnished - One Year - Two Person Rale - $460.00 Gospel Choir Apartments rented 1/30 • 2/19. 707 SIXTH - Two Bedrooms, 1 Bath. Vanity in Hall. Furnished - School Year • Two Person Rale - $545.00 Graduate Student Senate Furnished - One Year ■ Two Person Rate - $450.00 Honors Student Association 802 SIXTH - Two Bedroom. Dishwasher, 1 Bath Plus Vanity. j Juntos $100 HURRY! Expires 2/19/01 $100 Furnished - School Year - Two Person Rale - $585.00 Kreischer AB Community Board Furnished - One Year - Two Person Rate - $500.00 Kreiacher CD Hall Council 840-850 SIXTH ■ Rock Ltd* Manor. Latino Student Union Two Bedrooms, 2 Full Baths, Dishwashers. Furnished - School Year - Two Person Rate - $615.00 McDonald Hall Council Furnished - One Year • Two Person Rate - $525.00 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People c ntiiff? w 818 SEVENTH Two Bedrooms, 1 Bath. Vanity in Hall. National Panhellenic Council Come in today" Furnished - School Year - Two Person Rale - $545.00 Offenhauer Hall Council Furnished - One Year - Two Person Rate - $450.00 The Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs before it is Too Late ML 724 S. COI-I-EKE - Cambridge Commons. ■ Two Bedroom Unfurnished, 1.5 Baths, Dishwashers. Resident Student Association School Year - Two Person Rate - $620.00 SMART Program GREENBRIAR, INC. One Year - Two Person Rate - $520.00 Undergraduate Student Government Hours: 352-0717 I all .Mill\ XEWLOVE University Activities Organization 22't E. IVooster III \1 IM VTE. IXC. World Student Association Mon.-Fri. 9am - 5pm Vision Bowling Green Kcntal Office :>54-22(ifl Saturday 9ain - 1 pin I . n, in, U, \r, I Oil 43402 t\i PI i,r strwl... I BG NEWS NOW CALENDAR OF EVENTS Friday, February 2,2001 9

Bo Hard Hat Cafe Think Mothertuckm' Liay Co turn bus \ GEU Events Ann Arbor VISIT 2friday Events 3saJ,iuday lie EASYSTREET CAFE The Argument NEWPORT Les Claypool's Frog Brigade. 3saUirday Galactic, Lake Trout THE, HOWARDS CLUB H Crazy Eddie, Goiterjelry BLIND PIG I Mascis and The Fog, Mustard's 6lucsday Campus Retreat , , 3saturdav Al ROSA VILLA Oownset, E-Town Concrete, Cleveland Relative Ash, Factory 81 ART Events EASYSTREn CAFE Oval Opus LITTLE BROTHER'S J Mascis & The Fog 2lriday HOWARDS CLUB H Studabaker lohn and the Events 101 OLSCAMP HALL "An evening with Hawks 2lriday NEWPORT Vertical Horizon, Sister Hazel BUILDING Martin and Langston" starring Danny GROG SHOP Euphone. The Lonesome Glover & Fein Justice $20 ($10 w/ BGSU Organist ID.) 7 Wednesday CLA-ZEL THEATRE Vance Gilbert, 7:30p.m. 3 sal unlay Detroit THIS 4suiiday Events BRYAN RECITAL HAU. Faculty Artist Series: 8lhursday AGORA Fear Factory, Kittie, Slaves On Dope, lay Miglia - |azz saxophone at 3p.m. CLA-2EL THEATRE The Orgones, Stylo. Ten Union Underground, Boy Hits Car 2fridav YEAR.. Dollar Typewriter, Robots in Boxes, ODEON Everlast, Dexter Freebush HARPO'S Fear Factory, Kittie, Slaves On Aphrodisiac Dope, Union Underground, Boy Hits Car 7 Wednesday Plane Crash 5pm. tree 107 HANNAH HAU Lite and Community in 5mondav ST. ANDREWS Everlast, Dexter Freebish Brooklyn, New York, Womens Center 12p.m. Toledo Events MORA Oownset, E-Town Concrete, Relative 3saliii'day 111 OLSCAMP HALL Movie Sceening: Ash, Factory 81 LIKE HARPO'S Downset, E-Town Concrete Remember The Titans, 5:15p.m. and GROG SHOP JMascic and The Fog 9:15pm 4sunday PALACE OF AUBURN HILLS Alan lackson, Sara Evans MAIN EVENT Downset. Relative Ash, E- Btuesday HAV- Town, Factory 81 8lhursdav AGORA Les Claypool's Frog Bngade. GISH FILM THEATRE Movie Screening: Galactic, Drums & Tuba 4sunday Mikan no taikyoku/ The Go Masters STATE THEATRE Les Claypool's Frog ING 7:30p.m. 7 Wednesday de. Galactic, Lake Trout BOTTLEROCKET Cadillac Blindside, Small 7 Wednesday Bown Bike, The Honor System, Hand Over AGORA Vertical Horizon, Sister Hazel 5moiiday YOUR Eyes ROYAL OAK MUSIC THEATRE lackyl OWN MUSEUM 'Head' heels to mediocrity ON

By Malcolm Hitler young models hides in lim's this movie may be for you. of these spying sessions. The CAMPUS. ASSOCIATED PRESS WRlHR shower stall — don't ask why— Potter, who played opposite cops don't buy it, so it's up to "Head Over Heels" is a roman- gagging as they and the audience Robin Williams in "Patch Amanda and her model friends tic comedy about the very com- are treated to the sounds of his Adams," stars here as an art to find out the truth while she plicated relationship between a potty stop in loud and grotesque restorer who's unlucky in love. pursues her romance with him. young woman and a man she detail. She shares a fantastic apartment The plot folds in some inter- comes to suspect of murder. You probably don't want to with four models (Sarah O'Hare, national intrigue and finally gets I Subtle, it ain't. take Mom to this movie. It's also Shalom Harlow, Ivana Milicevic exciting toward the end, includ- STAIN GLASS You know our heroine a little too silly to work as a mys- and Tomiko Fraser) who need ing the capture of some genuine I Amanda (Monica Potter) is in tery; you never really believe our only hold up a restaurant check bad guys at a fashion show. GLASS BLOWING love when her knees buckle and hero guy killed anybody. to make guys scramble for it "Head Over Heels," a Universa I she gels tongue-lied, babbling, And the romance at its core Their motto: "We don't pay, we're Pictures release, is rated PG-13.1 f PAINTING "I've got the runs" when she doesn't quite click on screen, models." contains sexual language and means to say, "I've got to run." despite Potter's fine perfor- Amanda falls in love with sensual images (and let's not for-1 SCULPTURE She meets her true love Jim mance. Blame Prinze — hand- neighbor lim, whom she can get that Great Dane). It's directed | PHOTOGRAPHY (Freddie Prinze lr.) in an apart- some as always, but unconvinc- conveniently spy on through her by Mark Waters ("The House of ment building lobby after a Great ing as a lover. apartment window. Yes"). Four — count 'em — peo- GRAPHIC DESIGN Dane knocks her down and tries But if you like bawdy humor In a shameless rip-off of the ple are responsible for the story to get friendly — well, more than and the chance to ogle four Hitchcock classic "Rear and script: Ed Decter, lohn J. COMPUTER ART friendly — with her. models who spend an awful lot Window," Amanda believes she Strauss, Ron Burch and David FABRIC Later, a group of attractive of time dressed very, very well, sees lim kill a woman during one Kidd. PR AWING AND MORE.... SAG nominees offer variety Cla-Zel Theatre By The Associated Press picture: "Almost Famous," "Billy Falco, "The Sopranos"; Sally Downtown BG * 353-1361 List of nominees for the 7th Elliot," "Chocolat," "Gladiator," Field, "ER"; Lauren Graham, www.hollywood com annual Screen Actors Guild "Traffic." "Gilmore Girls"; Allison Janney, awards, announced Tuesday: Television "The West Wing"; SelaWard, Motion Pictures 6. Actor, movie made for tele- "Once and Again." Moonstruck 1. Male leading role: lamie vision or miniseries: Alec 10. Actor, comedy series: PG Bell, "Billy Klliot"; Russell Crowe, Baldwin, "Nuremberg"; Brian Robert Downey, Jr., "Ally "Gladiator"; Benicio DelToro, Cox, "Nuremberg"; Brian McBeal"; , Fri Sat Sun 5:00 9:00 "Traffic"; Tom Hanks "Cast Dennchy, "Arthur Miller's Death ""; , "Will & Away"; Geoffrey Rush, "Quills." of a Salesman"; Danny Glover, Grace"; Peter MacNicol, "Ally 2. Female leading role: loan "Freedom Song"; John Lithgow, McBeal"; , MASH Allen, "The Contender"; luliette "Don Quixote"; James Woods, "Frasier." 0>(/> Binoche, "Chocolat"; Ellen "Dirty Pictures." 11. Actress, comedy series: Fri Sat Sun 7:00 Burstyn, "Requiem for a Dream"; 7. Actress, movie made for , "Ally McBeal"; Laura Linney, "You Can Count television or miniseries: Stockard Jane Kaczmarek. "Malcolm in the on Me"; Julia Roberts, "Erin Charming, "The Truth About Middle"; Debra Messing, "Will & Snow Days Brockovich." Jane"; Judi Dench, "The Last of Grace"; Megan Mullally, "Will & PC 3. Male supporting role: Jeff the Blonde Bombshells"; Sally Grace"; Sarah Jessica Parker, "Sex Bridges, "The Contender"; Field, "David Copperfield": in the City." Sat Sun 1:003:00 Willem Dafoe, "Shadow of the Elizabeth Franz, "Arthur Miller's 12. Ensemble, drama scries: Vampire"; Albert Finney, "Erin Death of a Salesman"; Vanessa "ER,""Law& Order," "The Brockovich"; Gary Oldman, "The Redgrave, "If These Walls Could Practice," "The Sopranos," "The Contender"; loaquin Phoenix, Talk 2." West Wing." "Gladiator." 8. Actor, drama series: Tim 13. Ensemble, comedy series: 4. Female supporting role: Judi Daly, "The Fugitive"; Anthony "Ally McBeal," "Frasier," Sat Midnight Dench, "Chocolat"; Kate Edwards, 'JER"; Dennis Franz, "Friends," "Sex and the City"; Hudson, "Almost Famous"; "NYPD Blue"; James Gandolfini, "Will & Grace." Frances McDormand, "Almost "The Sopranos"; Martin Sheen, SAG 37th Annual Life Famous"; Julie Walters, "Billy "The West Wing." Achievement Award: Ossie Davis Elliot"; Kate Winslet, "Quills." 9. Actress, drama series: Gillian and Ruby Dee. GREENBRIAR INC. 5. Cast in theatrical motion Anderson, "The X-Files"; Edie Time Is Running Out For Fall 2001 224 E.WOOSTER 352-0717 We've only got a few apartments left... 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Mid Am Management Checkout our Website for a complete 641 Third #4 BG listing of all our properties. 352-4380 FALCONS ON AIR FRIDAY HOCKEY NCAA HOOPS: UNCC GETS PAST CINCINNATI IN LAST MINUTE. PAGE 11 BG v. LAKE SUPERIOR RADIO: 88 1 IM WI3GU PREGAME: 6:30 p.m. Zkjgy Zoombas FRIDAY BROADCASTERS: Erik Bell and Nick Schepis February 2,

SATURDAY 2001 MENS HOOPS BG vs. Miami RADIO: 88.1 FMWBGU PREGAME11:30ZIGGY ZOOMBAS BOWIINC GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY BROADCASTERS: MATT BRYAN and ANDY BARCH Tumblers BG looks BG ready ^revenge hope to to get be big Cat back on MIAMI at Classic LINEUP By Enk Cassano SPORTS REPORTER track As the BG gymnastics team heads into the Cat Classic, a C£ four-team, two-day meet which will start tonight in By Erik Cassano Columbia, MO, they ate Sports Reporter O coming off a meet against BG women's basketball coach Western Michigan in which Dee Knoblauch reached the the broke the school record point of exasperation with her MIKE LEN for overall score. The last team's foul troubles following time the BG gymnastics team their 86-70 loss at Western ENSMINGER MATELA followed up a great weekend Michigan Wednesday. The loss like that, they faltered terribly. was the Falcons' fourth straight That was two weeks ago at in the Mid-American Conference the All-Ohio Championships, after starting their conference when the Falcons finished in schedule 4-0. last place. Following the "Fouls...I have nothing to say," drubbing. BG coach Dan she said. "They outshot us 31 to Connelly spoke of how hard it two [at the free-throw line]. I is to come back after a great don't think I need to comment meet and perform as well at on that. We lost the game at the MATT BRANDON the next meet. line." JAMESON PARDON The Falcons are hoping For the second straight game, that they can defy their bur- the Falcons scored more field geoning pattern this week- goals than their opponent, hit- end against competition that ring 31 shots to the Broncos' 29, will be just as difficult as Ohio but neutralized it with a large dis- State and Kent State, their parity at the free-throw line. led IMMkM News opponents at All-Ohio. The Knoblauch said the game was Cat Classic will feature winnable, but the Falcons could- BIG GAME: Junior Brigham Young, Illinois State, n't get the defensive stops they center Len Matela and and host Missouri along with needed, and committed too BG will go for their sec- BG. many turnovers, then commit- JASON ond straight win against KEITH "It is going to be some big ted fouls trying to get the ball GRUNKEMEYER Miami Saturday at noon. MCLE00 competition." said Connelly. back in haste. 'BYU has been averaging Western Michigan's Karen about a 194 |score|. Illinois Deurloo had a game-leading State about a 194 to 196, and double-double, with 26 points BG looks for paybacks against Missouri about 190 to 192. so and 15 rebounds, but BG did a it should be an exciting good job of keeping their deficit meet." close until the game's waning last years MAC tourney-spoiler Brigham Young will come minutes. The Falcons trailed 65- into the meet well-rested. 61 with just over six minutes to 1 < MckHurm loss could be considered as one The Cougars, who rank 12th ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR play, but the Broncos pulled of the leading causes why the nationally with an average ALEX BRENT away with a 12-0 run over the If Don McLean is a Bowling Falcons didn't get an invitation all-around score of 194.300. next four minutes. Six of the SHORTS Green basketball fan, he might to the NCAA Tournament. KLASSEN have not been in action since points came from the free-throw have changed the words to his It is drawing close to a year Jan. 20. They placed first at line. famous hit song "American Pie" since that fateful day and the the Rocky Mountain open in Sophomore Kim Griech led on one starry night last March. Falcons have not seen Miami Colorado Springs, defeating the Falcon offense with 15 For the Falcons and every BG since. That is until this weekend Air Force and the University points. Junior Fran Miller and supporter, that day in March when BG travels to Oxford to of Denver with a score of seniors Afra Smith and Jackie was "the day the tourney bid take on the team that stole the 194.325. BYU Is led by all- Adlington all scored in double died." It was the day that the music from their chance at the around gymnast Kelly figures as well (14, 10 and 10 e Miami RedHawks shocked the Big Dance. Parkinson, who ranks fifth in respectively). Knoblauch was 1 - 1 top-seeded Falcons in overtime BG (7-10 overall, 3-5 in the the nation with an average to boot BG out of the Mid- MAC) is coming off what coach especially pleased to see Griech's JULIUS TRENT all-around score of 39.287 performance. American Conference "Kim had a great game, which JOHNSON Tournament. The quarter-final MEN, PAGE 12 JACKSON CAT. PAGE 11 was good to see." Knoblauch said. "I made a highlight film for her to watch. Sometimes, she is too hard on herself.but she played great, she just needs to learn that she won't play the per- Points on line for hockey fect game." Clark says job Kent State By Dan Med and Derek McCord The Golden Flashes come to SPORTS WRIItRS town tomorrow for a noon tip-off Last year, the Bowling Green which will be televised state- hockey team went to Lake remains same wide on Fox Sports Ohio. It is a Superior State and swept the re-match of the Jan. 22 game at third seeded Lakers in the first By torn Withers Kent, when the Flashes pounded round of the CCHA playoffs AP SPORTS WRIICR "I'm rooting for the Fakons 92-55. Knoblauch This weekend marks the first points to that game when she CLEVELAND - When Butch Butch as much as chance the Lakers get a Davis was hired as coach of the talks about BG's recent tendency redemption as they invade the anyone here." to play not to lose, instead of the Cleveland Browns, he didn't get Ice Arena for a two game set Dwight Clark's job, too. DWtGHT CLARK. BROWNS DIRECTOR with the confidence that got But vengeance isn't the top them off to their 4-0 MAC start. Clark, Cleveland's director of priority of this series for either football operations, said shots for draft picks who haven't team. At stake is tenth and WOMEN PAGE 11 Thursday nothing has changed panned out and for his inability eleventh place in the CCHA. An in the (rant-office hierarchy fol- to grab players off the waiver unenviable position in most lowing the hiring of Davis. wire. eyes, but for these teams it No demotions. No reshuffling. Palmer was the one fired, but means the difference between Status quo. many were calling for Clark's staying home for the post sea- There has been rampant spec- head as well. son and keeping a faint flicker ulation around the NFL that Clark was candid in assessing of light in the playoffs Davis only came to the Browns his job performance. He admit- Currently the Lakers have a after being promised lull control ted he's made mistakes and has shaky hold on that final spot, of personnel matters by team to do a better job. And Palmer however, the 11th place Falcons president Carmen Policy, In shouldn't be blamed for all the are only two point behind. That effect stripping Clark's power. Browns' problems. these teams are so close makes "I dont think so," Clark said. "I "Some of it has merit," Clark these the biggest games of the talked to Carmen again today. said of the criticism. "The coach season to date for both teams. Actually, I know so. I know there and I are in there together mak- "If we were playing Michigan has been no change in our sys- ing the decisions, but I dont or Western Michigan or another tem." think he was let go because of top team these games would n't Clark has been on the hot seat personnel decisions.... be as important." said senior HUM In Cleveland even longer than "That's why it's so important Falcon forward Ryan Murphy. ATTACK: A Falcon icers stays right on the back of his opponent. Chris Palmer, fired Jan. II after that the head coach be good at "This is an eight point series. If going 5-27 In two seasons. making personnel decisions we get four points, they lose helped until tonight. their team defense on track, Clark, hand-picked by Policy because we're going to ultimate- four points. It could mean a big "We were heavy on defense Lake Superior might be the to run the Browns, has been crit- ly put that in his hands. And if it swing in the standings." this week," said BG head coach team to do It against. The icized by fans and in the media doesn't work out down the line, After giving up 13 goals in Buddy Powers of the practice Lakers already have the worst for many personnel decisions then it will be on my shoulders. their last two games, BG workload. "We'll know if It offense in the CCHA at that that haven't worked out I'm rooting for Butch as much as File Photo worked mainly on team worked in time. It's impossible they've lost one of their top In Cleveland's expansion sea- anyone here." defense in practice this week. TRAPPED: BG junior Francine to simulate a game. In practice scorers In Jason Nightingale son, the Browns loaded up on Clark said the Browns' system The Falcons seemed to make Miller gets caught in a press you don't see the same level of who is out for the season with a veteran free agents only to see of evaluating talent will remain strides. However no one will during a" previous game. BG intensity. many of them either traded or the same under Davis as it was know If the extra practice has lost four straight. If the Falcons want to get ICERS, PAGE 1^ released. Clark also has taken during Palmer's tenure. BG NEWS SPORTS Friday. February 2,200111 Tennis gets tougher 'No more pressure' for BG WckHurm together. When you play on it ASSISTANT SPOB; , F 01rOK everything is a lot faster. It's a pressure's off," she said. 'But I to make the season a success is Last weekend the Bowling huge advantage for the home WOMEN. FROM PAGE 10 think |televising the game| raises far from closed. Green tennis team proved to be team and one of the hardest the excitement level....I think you "We had a bad stretch, but we the heavyweight champion, venues to play in." She feels that the incentive'is are going to see a heck of a differ- are trying to move forward." she beating lightweights Dayton, Hanls is not necessarily most there to perform well in front of a ent game than you saw at Kent." said. "We are committed to turn- IUPUI and Youngstown State. concerned about wins at this state-wide audience, but there Knoblauch held a team meet- ing this season around, and BG can bask with its 3-0 record point as he is with his team should be no additional pressure ing yesterday to try and re-focus focusing on our mission, which is for now, but this weekend the showing constant Improve- on her team. her players She feels It went well, to get to Cleveland [for the MAC competition will stiirt getting a ment. The team will have to do "We've lost four straight, the and the window of opportunity tournament]." little heavier. The Falcons will without junior Ed Kuresman hit the road with a Friday for the weekend who is out match in Cincinnati against with an injury. This will chal- Photographer Name BG News Xavier and a Saturday affair in lenge the Falcons depth. UPSET: UNCC'sgetsabig Indianapolis against Butler. "It will hurt us with Ed being win over Cincinnati. BG coach jay Hanls com- out," Harris said. He was play- Witness says'flirf involved pared Butler to a middle of the ing well. With him out though pack Mid-American maybe it also helps us in a STooM Richmond UNCC Conference team. The Bulldogs strange way so we can get some SOCIAItt) PRtSS WRirER may not be the strongest, but experience to some other WAUKESHA. Wis. -Theteen they have bite. guys." who accused Mark Chmura of "Butler is always a tough Xavier proved to be not sexual assault flirted with the for- nips team to face." Harris said. "We much of a challenge for the mer Green Bay Packers player at haven't beaten them in three Falcons in the fall at both the a post-prom party, a high school years. Our goal will be to go Bowling Green and Toledo football player testified Bearcats there and play complete ln\ nationals BG stomped on Thursday. matches to shut them down." the Musketeers with a com- Michael Kleber testified One of Bulter's biggest bined record of 14-0 in singles Thursday that he watched 58-56 advantages according to Harris and doubles play. The BG Chmura's accuser go willingly is their home court which he match is the season opener for into a bathroom where the By Jema Fryer referees to as a bubble. Unless a the Musketeers. alleged assault took place. «P SPORTS WItlllR team has played on it. the court Butler, who have beat the "I said, 'what are you ... doing,' CHARLOTTE. N.C. — is hard to get use to. Falcons in two of the last three or 'don't even think about it,"' James Zimmerman hil a go- "It's a portable club." Hanls meetings, lost its season open- Kleber said he told Chmura's Associated Press Photo ahead 3-pointer with 101 to said. "The walls are a lot closer er to Western Michigan. accuser. "She walked up to the CHMURA: Packer Mark Chmura speaks to wife Lynda during court. play. then blocked bathroom, turned around, pressured Kleber into changing Cincinnati's final two shots, to smiled or grinned." teen as saying. his statement. lift Charlotte to a 60-58 victory Kleber said she put her hand Kleber told defense attorney over the Bearcats on Thursday on the knob, opened the door Gerald Boyle that during a drink- The defense opened its case night. BG ready to roll and walked in. ing game Chmura's accuser and Wednesday by callinR Mary Gay, It was an intense matchup Chmura's accuser, a former another teen were flirting with a Virginia nurse certified to inter- between the two bitter rivals CAT, FROM PAGE 10 one senior on their team, Ann baby sitter for Chmura's two sons, Chmura. He said Chmura kept view and examine sex assault vic- and one of the closest finishes calling his accuser "Hilary" arid tims. Illinois State, who ranks 10th Gitler, who fronts the squad testified that Chmura pulled her she kept telling him that wasn't She told Boyle that, based on in the series' history. The nationally, are led by Michelle along with Shannon Brown. In into the bathroom and had sex her experience and hundreds of game see-sawed through the Houston, Denise Houda, and their last meet, sophomore with her without her consent her name. entire second half, with nei- "She was extremely nice," interviews, she thought it was Heather Mohler in the all- Alina Hamm posted the high- during the party at the home of ther team ever leading by around. They are coming off a est all-around score in school his friend Robert Gessert April 9. Kleber said. strange the teen couldn't remem- more than six points. second-place finish at Ball history with a 39.225. but the Chmura, 31, has pleaded inno- Kleber also said he could ber if the lights were on in the Charlotte led 55-49 when State, which has not lost at Tigers fell to Nebraska 197.025- cent to third-degree sexual remember everything that hap- bathroom or what Chmura was Steve Logan sparked a 9-1 run home in nearly fou; years. 194.425. assault and child enticement pened at the party even though wearing. by scoring seven points. He hil "We are going to treat Marny's mini-dynasty charges, both felonies. He could he had been drinking. "It's etched in your mind." Gay four free throws, then put the |tonight| like any other compe- If BG junior Mamy Oestreng face up to 40 years in prison and Kleber originally told authori- said. "The information I was Bearcats up 58-56 on a three- tition." said Illinois State head keeps this up, she will be to $20,000 in fines. ties he saw Chmura's accuser go privy to has a lot of inconsisten- point play with 1:32 to go. coach Jill Hollembeak on the Mid-American Conference Kleber. an All-State offensive into the bathroom with a smile. A cies for a rape case." But Zimmerman put Redbirds' web site. " Our goals Gymnast of the Week honors lineman from Waukesha Catholic month after the party, he The teen has testified she does- Charlotte (12-8. 4-4 are always to improve our per- what the Yankees are to base- Memorial High School, said changed his statement and said n't remember if the lights were off Conference USA) back on top formances, be consistent, and ball. This week, she won a moments after he told the teen- he didn't see Chmura's accuser go or on in the bathroom. She first when lie drilled one of Ihe have fun." share of the award for the sec- ager not to go into the bathroom, into the bathroom and didn't told police Chmura removed 4'Jers' 10 3-pointers with 1:01 ond time in three weeks, gar- Host University of Missouri, he watched her collapse in the remember specific conversations boxer underwear and a dark left on the clock. nering co-gymnast honors ironically, may have the most basement and asked her what or observations because he was towel he was wearing before the Cincinnati (14-7. 4-4) came with Eastern Michigan's Natalie uphill battle of the meet, even happened. drunk. He later said he would tes- assault and kissed her on the up empty on its next trip Hashimoto. Oestreng tied her in front of their home fans. "She said 'Nothing. I swear on tify to the first statement. mouth. She has since testified she down the floor wlien KenKay While the other three teams season-best all-around score of my life. I swear on the Holy Bible. Jones blocked Logan's jump- Boyle has said Waukesha doesn't know what he was wear- rank 22 or higher nationally, the 39.125 against Western I swear on my parents' life. shot. District Attorney Paul Bucher ing and he kissed her on the neck- Tigers rank 52nd. They have Michigan. Nothing," Kleber quoted the ALWAY5 LOOKING FOR N6W TAL6NT' XXX NASTY GIRL Stop \r\ and ALISHA see us at KLASS LIV6 ON STAGC MARCH 1ST-3RD MARDI cftW YQL7 JAY §^£ GRAS w PARTY F€B. 33 & 841 RRv FREE COVER EVERY SUNDAY WITH VALID COLLEGE ID! W-E-B B-A-S-E-D SIO DANCES EVERY MONDAY E-M-A-l-L LMM 135 5 BYRNE RO TOLEDO 531-0079 WWW DC JAVU COM " I ■

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Defense improved Personals Help Wanted

MEN. I ROM PAGE 10 somedays we're not decent." BIOLOGY SCHOLARSHIP APPLI- interior house painters needed. $50 Miami coach Charlie Coles said. Good Luck to CATIONS are now available; 2nd per room. References requested. "It's a daily process with us. I've Dan Dakicli considered the Punxsutawney Phil floor, LSC. Application deadline: Call 1-888-942-0650. been really blessed...that we Feb. 9. teams besl defensive perfor- always play very, very hard. This this morning- Summer Work tor Students mance of the season. The Falcons NEWS FST ISO Wild Fun! Love sports & Men willing to learn and work on year, we have just had a problem held Ihe Brooms to a season low being social meet me lor pizza wood Moors, including gym floors. being consistent in practice and Mon. Feb. 5th 9pm. BA 1007. 61 points. Starling when school is out for the in games." Classified summer until the end of August. The win may l>e the spark the Give BG While Miami may have trouble it's coming... Work consists of operating equip- Falcons needed to get out of their Ads ment, including floor buffers and with BG's potent offense, the, defensive drought. BG's chances Give BG floor sanding machines. Also meas- tables turn on the Falcons when of holding the Red Hawks to a low 372-6977 Li-JVC your legacy uring, laying out and painting game they are challenged by Miami's score looks bright considering The BGNwiHilliMikno»infl> accept «i-rt lines and art work. And applying defense which is ranked first in tiirmena* tlu' dmnuuiute or entouraef dii- Give BG gym floor finishes. We will thorough- Miami has the worst scoring cnrniiuiioti if a inn in) individual or group on Make your mark the MAC. ihe li.iviv of race, iri color, cmd. rrltfion. ly train you in all phases of the work. offense in th# league. Last year's national ©njtn. wiual act* nut ton. diubilny. Mirage Salon Specials-Women's Job pays $8.00 per hour. You can Notes tialui at a vcicraii. oi on liar bain ol any orhcr offensive threat Jason toll highlight starting at $45, expect between 40-50 hours per • The Falcons downed the ktalt) protected Halm Gunkemeyer has been off and on women's cap highlight starting at week. Hours can be flexible. Must RedHawks in both meetings dur- The BG St*t menei the right to decline, dit- $25, men's haircut and highlight be punctual and reliable and willing all season for the RedHawks. He conrmue or revise m> adveniiemcni i«h »i ing! he regular season includinga $15, women's haircut $15 for new to accept responsibility. Please con- isaveraging 11.6 points per game. thene found to be defamatory, lacking in factu- 66-60 victory on in Oxford last al bam. rnivlr.iil.iir or false in nature Alt clients, men's cllppercuts $5 tor tact Bob Koch-419-385-5814 or tax Miami has a 10-11 record, but the ' lub)Ctt IO editing and new clients. Specials valid thru resume to 419-385-6483 season. Miami holds the overall team holds 6 4 in the MAC. They March 10, 2001. 354-2016. series lead 67-38. are coming off a 62-48 romping • BG is 1-0 when they start the Round Trip Ticket to Florida $99. of Eastern Michigan. But Miami's Greyhound Bus. 352-2329 call for game with their coach wearing Happy Groundhog day Lost/Found For Sale inconsistency is something that info. his jacket backwards. Will the has plagued the team this whole & Unlimited tanning $30 a month, new Dakich turn around trend con- year. FOUND-Men's watch under the bulbs, campus tanning 352-7889 1996 Oldsmobile Achieva SC tinue? Will Cosmo sends photog- 2 door, automatic. A/C, cruise, "Somedays we're decent, Happy Friday!!! thaw. Still works Call 372-2823. raphers? Stay tuned. (Sandy). Describe it to claim. cassette. 108,000 miles. $5,000 obo 373-6039 after 6:30pm Wanted Brand New queen size mattress & Travel box spring w/ accessories. $325 or Roommate needed to share 7th St. best offer 262-5481. apt. Own bedroom. 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C/A Cinema 5 include kitchens. To book your June 23 thru August 19th 5:30-Live • lop wages reservation, call 1-850-234-3997. •311 4 316 E. Merry, 2 bedroom Apt Mln. 19 yrs . "146 S College, etf„ incl. utils. W/D FAX (914) 693-7678 For Showtimes call Re-broadcast at • Flexible Hours Si -my BUM- Panama City. Dayto- •309 1/2 E Merry, rooms incl utils na Beach, South Beach Florida 1-800-5B-CAMP2 Call 353-0325 9am-9pm • Paid Vacations 354-0558 10pm & 7:30am • Health/Dental Insurance Best parties, hotels, and condos! 3-4 subleasers needed from May- Lowest prices! Fitness Aug.. furn. 3 bedrooms . $800/mo. • Quarterly incentive bonuses Woodland Mall - N.Main St. Now on Fridays! Now accepting applications for 373-1712 1-800-575-2026 full/part time help Floor Irainersiex- Apply in person Apt. lor rent. 2 bdrm. lurmshod, 704 Wood County* s Mon. - fit 2-4 ercise science students), front desk, or log on to ffl |ffi member services, SI James Health 5th Street, Available May, Aug. or only LIVE local 401 W. Dussel Road Club. Toledo. (419)841-5597 Summer leases, 352-3445 Regiser to.recieve Television news Maumee, OH 43537 Available immediately: Services Offered Lawn care specialist, up to S10/hr 1 large bdrm. in cozy, rooming (Just a few minutes from SGI or more with experience. Full and showtimes via email! w source Take 1-475W to Duuel-tum rtght.) house. Great location. $235/mo. part-time available. Please call Tru- including utilities. LONG DISTANCE Green Chemlawn at 874-3575. ask For info call 373-1905 1.4tf per minute lor Jeff www Female subleaser needed. S225/in- Mature, loving nanny needed to care cluding utilities, except electric and for our child in our BG home M-F phone Own room, available ASAP (10-4). References and transporta- Phone • 354-1249 or 354-3456. r\ The BG News Classified tion required Call Jenny or Leslie al Personals 823-7017 For Rent, 1 bdrm duplex, 2 blks trom campus. Very private. Aug. I) Part-time childcare staff positions, lease. 1 person Call 352 9392 Xii KZ XO K). X!i Ki XSl KI available, please call 352-2506. Fax/Mail-in Form House lor rent. 1 block Irom cam- Congratulations Io Holly Lacey on her lavalienng to Steve Drickham- RESIDENTIAL ASSISTANT poii pus Excellent cond Siblings & 2 mer. Good i-uck in South Carolina! lion assisting persons with menial roommates. $1400 353-9102 The BG News reserves the right to release the names of individuals who place retardation/developmental disabili- XH Ki. XI) KJ. XS1 KJ. XSJ KI Houses. 1, 2, & 3 bdrm apis begin- J advertising in The News.The decision whether to release this information shall ties in daily living skills in a Residen- EDUCATIONAL BACKPACKING ning May 01. 9 « 12 mo leases be made by the management of The B6 News.The purpose of this policy is to tial setting Part-Time, and Sub posi- 352-7454 TRIP TO THE NAVAJO RESERVA- tions avail ranging from 28 to 70 discourage the placement of advertising that may be cruel or unnecessarily TION IN THE HIGH DESERT hrs biweekly Salary is S7 55/hr tor Now Leasing '01/"02 i MOUNTAINS OF NEW MEXICO first 90 days, thereafter beginning at Georgetown Manor, 600 3rd St 1 & B mG iss u embarrassing to individuals or organizations. Cases of fraud can be prosecuted. AND ARIZONA $10.24/hr. based upon experience 2 bdrms , 616 2nd St 1 bdrm and May 13 to May 26. 2001. Earn 3 hrs High school diploma or GED re- efficiency Call 354-9740 lor more THE BG NEWS WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS DUE TO ILLEGIBILITY OR credit. It interested e-mail Bill quired; no experience necessary into Thompson at Positions avail in Bowling Green Room lor rent, avail, immed. at 724 INCOMPLETE INFORMATION. [email protected] edu or phone and Portage areas. Application E. Woosler. across from campus at 352-7534 packet may be obtained Irom Wood $225 . utils CaH 352-8444 or 330- Information meeting at 102 BA DEADLINE: 1 day prior to publication by 2p.m. County Board of MR/DD. 11160 725-6796. Bldg on Thurs., Feb. 8 at 7:30 pm. East Gypsy Lane Rd , Bowling Subleaser needed ASAP Green. Ent. B Monday-Friday. Small, 2 bedroom house RATES PER DAY: $1,00 per line (approx. 35-45 spaces per line); $3.00 minimum charge 8:00am-4:30pm E.O.E. Call tor details 75C extra on TOTAL BOLD type each day 353-1484 Subleaser needed. 208 E Merry Apt CLASSIFIED 1 x 1 box 8 lines maximum $8.00 per insertion C, 1 bdrm , S2B5toto. ♦ utili.. un- turn., lease til Aug.. new carpel, ask DISPLAY: 1 x 2 box 16 lines maximum $15.00 per insertion Management Inc. tor Anna 353-1780 SIGNING LEASES NOW SUNDAYS 2001/2002 AfEfcCA Management Inc. Ilillsdale Apts. 1082 Fairvicw. I Bdrm & 2 Bdrm Air condition/Dishwasher Garbage Disposal 2 Bdrm washer/dryer hook-up Starts at S390-Call 353-5800

/CfEfcCA Too Much Management Inc. Flavor! CLASSIFIED MAIL ORDER FORM: Evergreen Apt. 215 EPoe Studios & Large 1 Bdrms Laundry on site STEAKHOUSE Name/Dept: Starts at S250-Call 353-5800 146 NORTH MAIN 10*1 H HUN Address: 163 SOUTH MAIN ST.-BOWLING GREEN Management Incv Start Date: Number of Days:. lleinzsite Apts. 710 N. Enterprise I & 2 Bdrm/Air Condition Dishwasher/Garbage Disposal BGSU# AREA ORG OBJ 5030 2 Bdrms have washer/dryer in them Starts at S4I0 Call 353-5800 Days of the Week: M T W TH FRI OOQQQ&-\

PIN # POO Category. Management Inc. Willow House Apts. 830 Fourth St. 100 Campus Events' 170 Help Wanted I h.lriii. A ir Condition Dishwasher/Garbage Disposal 110 City Events 180 For Sale Fax To: 372-0202 Starts at S400 - Call 353-5800 120 Lost/Found 190 For Rent ATTN:BG News Classifieds 130 Travel 200 Valentines Afl&CA 140 Services Offered 210 Holiday Personal Management Inc. 150 Personals" 220 Senior Farewells Or Mail To: 204 West Hall Stop by our office at 160 Wanted Bowling Green State University 1045 N. Main St. for complete listing or 1628 E Wooster-Bowling Green » 354-2535 'Comput Ertnts and Ptnonah must be placed in Across from the BGSU Stadium person at 204 West Hall. Bowling Green, OH 43403 Call 353-5800. L. m m