Criminal Time Track: A History of High Crimes Against Scientology Criminal Time Track: A History of High Crimes Against Scientology Sun, 9 Jan 2000 11:39:23 Copyright © Theta &
[email protected], 1998, 1999, 2000. All rights reserved. Here's a useful index to sections of this document: • An open letter to all Scientologists from Theta • CRIMINAL TIME TRACK: History of High Crimes • Decade of the 1970's • Decade of the 1980's • Delivery of OT 7, SOLO NOTS, begins. • REIGN OF TERROR • THE GOLDEN AGE OF SQUIRRELING • The GOLDEN AGE OF SQUIRRELING has just begun • Hubbard was found dead at 8:00 PM • Decade of the 1990's • Authorization of Altered LRH Materials • A message from Theta: Answering Questions An open letter to all Scientologists: Issue II Greetings and by way of introduction, I am a Class 8, OT 8, who has been in the Church for many decades and I am in good standing with the Church. I am a lover of LRH's technology and that is my motivation in writing you and in doing what I am now doing. It came to my attention, sometime in the not too distant past, that the current top management of the Church, particularly David Miscavige, is off source. One of the ways he is off-source is that he has made the same mistake as the old Guardian's Office staff made, engaging in criminal activities to solve problems. Furthermore, he and RTC have betrayed Ron's trust to keep the technology true to source. Along this line he has allowed thousands of alterations to LRH issues in books, HCOBs, and tapes.