1911-1912 Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale University
Ji UNI\fc.RSJTY OBITUARY RECORD OF YALE GRADUATES PUBLISHED By THE UNIVERSITY NEW HAVEN Eighth Series No 9 July 1912 BULLETIN OF YALE UNIVERSITY Entered as second-class matter, August 30, 1906, at the post- office at New Haven, Conn , under the Act of Congress of July 16, 1894. The Bulletin, which is issued monthly, includes : 1. The University tatalogue. 2 The Reports of the President, Treasurer, and Librarian 3. The Pamphlets of the Several Departments. 1 THE TU1TLE, MOREHOUSE 4 TAYI OK COMPANY, NEW HAVEN, CONN OBITUARY RECORD OF GRADUATES OF YALE MYERSITY Deceased during the year endingf JUNE 1, 1912, INCLUDING THE RECORD OF A FEW WHO DIED PREVIOUSLY HITHERTO UNREPORTED [No 2 of the Sixth Printed Series, and So 71 of the whole Record The present Series •will consist of fi\e numbers ] OBITUARY RECORD OF GRADUATES OF YALE UNIVERSITY Deceased during the year ending JUNE I, 1912, Including the Record of a few who died previously, hitherto unreported [No 2 of the Sixth Printed Series, and No 71 of the whole Record The present Series will consist of five numbers ] YALE COLLEGE (ACADEMICAL DEPARTMENT) 1838 HENRY PARSONS HEDGES, third of four sons and fourth of the six children of Zephaniah and Phebe P (Osborn) Hedges, was born at Wamscott in East Hampton, Long Island, N Y, October 13, 1817 His grandfather, Deacon David Hedges, was a member of the Colonial Congress at Kingston, N. Y, and a member of the Constitutional Con- vention of the State of New York which ratified the constitution of the United States Since the death of his classmate, Chester Dutton, July 1, 1909, he had been the oldest living graduate of the University He was the last survivor of his class He attended the Yale Commencement exercises in 1910, and made an addiess at the Alumni Meetmg, and was also an honored guest in 1911 He was fitted for college at Clinton Academy, East Hampton, and entered his class in college Sophomore year After graduation he spent a year at home and a year in the Yale Law School, and then continued his law studies I66 YALE COLLEGE with Hon David L.
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