Still Digging: G20 Governments Continue to Finance the Climate Crisis
STILL DIGGING: G20 GOVERNMENTS CONTINUE TO FINANCE THE CLIMATE CRISIS MAY 2020 This report was researched and written by Bronwen Tucker Published by Oil Change International ( (Oil Change International) and Kate DeAngelis (Friends of the and Friends of the Earth U.S. (, and endorsed by: Earth US) with contributions from Alex Doukas (Oil Change, World Wildlife Fund, Transnational Institute, Centre International). Data for the Shift the Subsidies data was collected for Financial Accountability, Asian Peoples Movement on Debt by Ken Bossong of the SUN DAY Campaign for and Development, Les Amis de la Terre, JA! Justica Ambiental Oil Change International. (Friends of the Earth Mozambique), Solutions for Our Climate, Korea Federation for Environmental Movements, Re:Common, The authors are grateful for feedback from the following reviewers: VedvarendeEnergi, Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, Kelly Trout of Oil Change International, Doug Norlen of Friends Both ENDS, Friends of the Earth Japan, Common-Wealth, of the Earth US, Lorne Stockman of Oil Change International, Gastivists, Above Ground, Legambiente,, Rainforest Katharine Lu of Friends of the Earth US, Sophie Bartosch of Action Network, Christian Aid, Big Shift Global, CEE Bankwatch Germanwatch, Sejong Youn of Solutions for our Climate, Wawa Network, Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN), Wang of Vedvarende Energi, Cécile Marchand of Les Amis de Environmental Defence Canada, Catholic Agency for Overseas la Terre, Elena Gerebizza
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