PACEMAKEBCRtlWN AND $PEED GRAPHIC instruction and reference manual pASEMAKER GRAeHIG GAMERAs sr-.s . 2 Modets Ifs The instructions in this manual are applicable to all Pacemaker Graphic . Speed,Graphic Cameras have a focal plane while Crown Graphics do not. Althqugh most illustrations are of the larger 45 size, the instructions are equally applicableto the smaller 23 and 34 Cameras.AII directions, left and right, are from the operator's position behind the . Most instructions apply to the Graflok Back and the Graphic accessoriesac- cepted by them. For information concerning the use of the Back and the Graflex film accessoriesaccepted by them see Page 25. Every effort has been made to make your camera dependable,convenient and easy to use. The following pages will review basic operation and will explain the -purpose and use of the many features built into the eamera. For those who wish more detailed information on lighting, and other areasof photograFhy, a bibliography has been provided on Page 45.

, pASEMAKER GRApHtc GAMERAs f g =r-.s . 2 Modets I The instructions in this manual are applicable to all Pacemaker Graphic Cameras. Speed,Graphic Cameras have a focal plane shutter while Crown Graphics do not. Although most illustrations are of the larger 45 size, the instructions are equally applicableto the smaller 23 and 34 Cameras.AII directions,left and right, are from the operator's position behind the eamera. Most instructions apply to the Graflok Back and the Graphic accessoriesac- cepted by them. For information concerningthe use of the Graflex Back and the Graflex film accessoriesaccepted by them see Page 25. Every effort has been made to make your camera dependable, eonvenient and easy to use. The following pages will review basic operation and will explain the purpose and use of the many features built into the camefa. For those who wish more detailed information on lighting, exposure and other areasof photography, a bibliography has been provided on Page 45.


I I *-r{... x ltl o =

Openingthe Camera...... 6 ScaleFocusing ....21 BellowsExtension...... 31 Closingthe Camera...... T Ground Glass Focusing. .22 Grafmatic . . .33 fnterchangeable Lenses. . . 8 FocusingPanel ....24 SheetFilm Holders...... 34 InfinityStops ...... 9 GraflexBack. ....25 Film Pack Adapter...... 35 Lens Fitting Service...... 9 Graflex Film Holders. . . .2b Holder...... 36 Shutter Data..10, 11,, 12, lg Front Standard Adjust- Polaroid Graphex Back. ....37 Shutters...... 10 ment . . . .26, 27, 28, 29, 30 Supermatic Graflok Dividing Back. . . 38 Shutters. . . . . 11 RisingFront ..-....27 Compur Shutters Graflarger ...... 39 . . .. .72,lg SideShifting Front. Focal Plane . . .. .28 Stroboflash . .. .40,41 TiltingFront Shutter. .L5, L6,17 ... ..29 Graflite Extension ...... 42 Rangefinder ChangingLenses...... 8 Teleflash . . .42 Focusing. 18, 19, Z0 Body Release .. .. .L4 AccessoryLenses ...... 44 Graphic Light Beamfocusing.. ...20 PhotographicBooks . . .. .45 Rangefinder.. . .18, 1g, Z0 Optical Viewfinder...... Zg CameraCare...... 46 Kalart Rangefinder...... 20 Drop Bed CarryingCase. ....43

^;"* * .a-,,-r'*n-iiq.. i ".r*&.. Sports Viewfinder Frome

Sporti Viewfind er Eyep iece Opticol Viewfinder Eyep iece


Slide Locks ShutterWinding Key

FocusingPonel ReleoseArm

ShutterSpeed Window

ShutterSelector Slide Groflite Mounting Brocket


Dork Slide Clip Focol Plone Shutter FloshFitting

FocusingH ood Lotch FocusingPonel ReleoseArm Slide Locks Body Releose

Speed Control Lever Viewfinder Window Rongelite Switch Bed Releose Button --'2 Lensboord Slide Lock Body ReleoseArm RisingFront Lock Nut Socket Front Stondord Bed Broce

Lensboord Slide Lock Front Stondord Lock Lever Loterol Shift Releose Tilting Front Lock Nut Infinity Stops Seriol Number on this Plcite FocusingScoles Trock FocusingKnobs Comero Bed Trock Lock OPENING THE CAMERA: 1. Press the bed releasebutton at the tion. (See Page 9 about additional top center or top left eorner of the stops for multiple lens use.) eamera body (appearsas a bump in 4. Relock the front standard. covering). 5. The sports viewfinder frame may be 2. Lower door or bed until it locks in a lifted by pinching inward against the horizontal position. sideof the extendableframe and pull- ing upward as far as possible.Swing 3. Swing the front standard lock lever the sports viewfinder eyepieceto an out straight and pull it outward on upright position. Adjust parallax for the track to the infinity stops; these 6', 8', L5', or infinity. (See page 23 stops are hinged and should be in an for use of optical viewfinder.) On 45 upright position. Fold the infinity Cameras adjustment is on eyepiece stops down to move the front stand- --on 23 and 34 Camerasadjustment ard beyond the normal working posi- is on lower viewfinder frame. 6 GLOSING THE CAMERA: b. the lensboardbaek to its nor- mal, vertical position. Lock it. the sports viewfinder frame. 1. Close e. Bring the shift of the front stand- Pressevenly on both sidesor tap the ard to neutral. top member with'the flat of thehand. its 2. Swing down the sports viewfinder 4. Rack the track back to the limit of eyepieceat the back of the camera. movement. 3. If the front standard movements D. Unlock the front standard and Push have been used, return them to nor- it back into the eamerabody. Lock it. mal as follows: 6. Press down on the bed braces to re- a. Drop the lensboard to the lowest lease and close the bed. It will lock position and lock. closed with a click. INTERCHANGEABLE uell as the top and botto'm will fi.t the front of the Super Graphic althou,ghthey wiII not allow LENSES the use of the hfiernal electrical systent,o.f tltat The long bellows extension of the Pacemaker cQmera.

CHANGING LENSES 1. To remove the lens and its board: slide both lensboard slide loeks laterally to the full out position. Lift the lens and shutter assembly out. lormally used although the Graphic Range- 2. To instalJ a lens: insert the lensboard as- finder on the 45 models will accept eams sembly with the shutter release toward matching all lenses normally used with the the side of the eamera as shown. The body camera. release arm should engage the shutter re- Lenses mou.nted on Super Graphic lensboard lease lever as shown. Press lensboard assemblies tnaA be used on the P acemaker firmly into the front frame and slide both Graphic l*5 Cameras. Pacemaker Graphic t+s lensboard slide locks to the full "in" lensboards with raised bosses on the sides os position.

8 INFINITY STOPS and properly located for each lens. For A set of infinity stops must be correctly eameras equipped with a Graphic positioned for each lens used on the Rangefinder each lens must be measured eamera.(See Pg. 5.) optically for exact so that a If infinity stops have not been factory matching rangefinder eam ean be sup- installed, they must be very carefully plied with the lens. Be sure to identify located square with the film plane and and recprd each lens, matching eam and locked firmly in place. set of infinily stops for future referenee. Lensboards with 8 raised bosseswill fit Super Graphic Cameras but must LENS FITTING be tripped externally. Lens and shutter combinations may be Lenses mounted on Pacemaker 4E mounted on lensboards by your local Lensboardsmay be used on the Graphie Service Dealer or Graflex Service Cen- View through the use of the special dr. Focusing scalesshould be provided Graphic View lensboard adapter. GRAPHEX(X) SHUTTER o Gnpher Full Sync. o AllSizes Cock:Move lever 4 to the right for all speedsincluding B & T. Trip: Press lever 1 down. ShutlerSpeedr: Revolve knurled ring 2 until desired number is over the index arrow head. Extra effort is r6quired-shutter to overcome the booster spring at 1 1400. B. will stay open as long as lever I is held down. T. Press lever 1 to open shutter, press again to elose. Prer Focur:Cock shutter (any speed setting). To OppN: Pull down and in on lever 5. To Closp: Lift lever 5 up. sorfinsr: Set lever 8 opposite f- num- B:Tl'.:ffi cqbte Releore:Attach at 3. Use straight tip or All-Metal. Flo:h conneclion:ASA Bi-Post at 6. IJse Graflite eords270L, 2702,and 2810. SYNCHRONIZATIONO GRAPHEX (X) Gl EtectronicFlorh: Internal contacts operate every o v time shutter is cocked and released. Butbr: Use external synchronized solenoid for type M bulbs. SYNCHRONIZATIONo GRAPHEX FUtt SYNC. ElectronicFlorh: Set lever 7 at F-X. Cock and release.Use any shutter speed. SM,SF, M-2 ond M-25Bulbg:-Set lever 7 at F-X. Cock and release.Use red shutter speedsonly. TypeM Bulbs:(Includes M-5 Bulbs). Set lever 7 at black M. Cock and release.Use black shutter speedsonly. Set lever 7 at red M. Coek and release. Use red shutter speeds. This permits use of slightly higher guide numbers b-ecauseof more complete use of bulb output at these lower speeds. Graphex fully synchronized shutter can be synehronized must be at 10 with- solenoid. When so used, lever 7 "Of". SUPERMATIC(X) SHUTTERO ITASHSUPERMATIC SHUTTER cock: Move lever 3_to right for all speedsincluding B and T. Trip:Press lever 1 down. Shutl_erSpeeds: Revolve knurled ring until index arrow is over de- sired shutter speed number. Black arrow over black rp"edr. Red arrow over red speeds. B: Shutter will stay open as long as lever 1 is held down. T: Presslever I tq open shutter. Press again to close. PressFocus: Cock shutter (any speed). o To oppu: Pressin on button 4 whiie pulling down lever 1. To Closo: Reeoek shutter. DiophrogmSeiling: Set lever 7 opposite f- number desired. Coble Release: Attach in cable release socket behind lever 1. Generally filled with a small plug which can be iemoved. 45t _ O\ FloshConnection: ASA Bi-Post at 5 on No. Z shutters. At 6 on No. 3 shutters. Ifse Graflite cords 270L, 2702,2810. SYNCHRONfZATIONo SuPERttiATtC(X) ElectronicFlosh: Internal contacts operate every time shutter is eoeked and released. Bulbs: Use external, synchronized solenoid for Type M bulbs. SYNCHRONIZATIONo FIASH SUPERMAT|CSHUTTER ElectronicFlosh: Internal contacts operate every time shutter is eoekedand released. sl^, sF,M-2 ond trn-25Butbs: Set lever 8 at F. Cock shutter with lever 3. Add_itionally p-ull down cocking lever g. (ltt-2, Wt-is Bulbs use 1/50 sec. or slower.) Releaseriith lever 1. fyp" M Bulbs:(Includes M-5 Bulbs.) Set lever 8 at M. Cock with lever 3. Additionally pull down cbcking lever 9 and trip witn lever 1. Supermatic Shutter must not be used with solenoid. 11

Cock:Move lever 6 to the right for all speeds including B & T. Trlp: Press lever 1 down. ShutterSpeedr: Revolve knurled ring 5 until desired shutter speed number is ovq the index line. Extra effort is required to overcome the booster spiing at 1/400. B: Shutter will stay open as lbng as lever 1 is held down. T: Press lever I to open shutter, press again to close. PrerrFocur: Graphic Compur-Cock shutter (any speed setting). To OppN: Pres! down and in on lever ?. To Closn: Lift lever 7 up. Compur (other types)-Cock shutter (any speedsetting). To OrnN: Pressback on lever 7 while tripping-will shutter.* To Closp: Recock shutter (shutter blades have to close before it ean be fully re- cocked). Diophrogm Setfing: Set lever 8 opposite f- number desired. Coble Releoge:Attach at 2. Use tapered tip type or Kodak All-Metal. Florh Connection:ASA Bayonet at 4. Use Cat. No. 2808 Cord. DIN or PC Connectorat 4. Use Cat. No. 282L or 272L Cord. SYNGI{RONIZAIION: ElecfronlcFlsrh: Set lever 3 at X. Cock and release. Slt, SF,,{-2 cnd ltl-25 Eulbr: Set lever 3 at X. Use shutter speed 1/100 or slower. (M-2, M-25 Bulbs 1/50 or slower.) Cock and release. Typexl Bulbr:(Include M-5 Bulbs.) Set lever 3 at M. Cock and release. tSnrr-Trurn: Compur (rol Graphic Conpur). Some of thes shutters will not have the Press Focus lever de- scribed but will have a self-timer. When lever ? is prewd back, lever 6 can be moved over farther to the richt. When le_verf-is presed, shutter blades will open in about 8-12 *conds. For ground glas focusing, set shuTter at B and use locking type cable release to hold shutter open.

13 BODY RELEASE The Pacemaker Graphic is equipped with a conveniently located body release.On Camerasa selector slide is also provided. When the selectorslide is in the "FRONT" position the arm on the front standard will engagethe shutter releaselever and trip the shutter. With the selectorslide in the "BACK" position the focal plane shutter will be tripped. To set the selector slide push in and.up or down to the desired setting. The selector slide may be used to releasethe focal plane shutter without firing a flash lamp and is useful when it becomesneeessary to change shutter speeds. To releaseshutter push in and up as far as it will go. (Trip) NOTE:When using the front shutter the focal plane shutter must be open and when using the focal plane shutter the front shutter must be open.

L4 Pacemaker Speed Graphic Cameras are equipped with a focal plane shutter at the back of the damera. This shutter has a wide selection of aecurate speeds in a generally higher range than between the lens shutters. rt provides for the use of telephoto or other lenses which may- not be mounted in shutters. Generally speaking, the focal plane shutter has more motioir'Where stopping ability than between the lens shutters. ttrere is duplication of shutter speeds, either focal plane qr front shutter may be used bt prdrerenceof the user. If shutter speedsslower than U30 of a seeondare required, use the front shutter. To use the focal plane shutter: 1. Ope! the front shutter. (Set at "T" and open it or use Press Focus feature.) 2. Set the selectorslide at "back." (SeePage 14.) 3. Turn the shutter winding key until the desired shutter_speedappears in the shutter speed window. FOGAL With the speed control lever moved toward the back of the eamera the mask in the shutter soeed PLAN E window will be raised to expose the following shut- SHUTTER ter speeds: 50, 250, 1000. With the lever moved forward a speed control governor is engaged-shutter and the following figures will- be seen in tf,e speedwindow: 30, L25,500. Thesenumbers indicate the ex-posuretime in terms of fractional parts of a second. cAurloN: Do Not Wind The Focal Plane Shutter with the dark slide removed from the holder as the film will be exposed. To- maint-ain peak efficieney of the focal plane shutter, it is advis- able to allow the curtain to run down ro the open (o) oi fully closed position before putting the eamera away.

15 TIME EXPOSURES: FOGAL PLANE SHUTTER Time exposure may be made with the focal FLASH SYNGHRONIZATION plane shutter. l. Move the speed control lever Since the length of eurtain travel is different toward the for eaeh size Paeemaker back of the camera to disengage the of Speed Graphic governor. Camera, the effective flash peak require- ments 2. Wind or release the focal plane shutter vary. Henee, instructions for flash synehronization with the Speed 23 until letter "T" appears in the shutter Graphi c peed window. Camera vary slightly from those for the larger 3. Press the body releaseto allow the focal Speed Graphi c 34 and 45 Cameras. plane shutter to run down to the full open 1. Attach the Graflite Battery Case to the position. eamera. 4. Press the body release again to close the 2. Plug the Graflite eord into the synchro- shutter at the end of the exposure time. nizer outlet on the camera and the shutter NoTE: It is preferable to release the shutter outlet in the battery case by means of a heavy duty metal cable re- Make the exposure by pressing the body lease threaded into the cable release socket release. (Do not press the switch button of the body release. on the battery case.) s p EE D GRA p H r c i,;"rrlj"tL/lrf,,?*. Snll i*l'l; a"*{lllf; 23 GAM E RAS *"y be used at 1/1000 shutter speed only. 16 Use only the No. 31 and No. 2A flash lamps at shutter speedsof 1/1000 and L1250of a seeond. Synchronization ean not be obtained at other instantaneous speeds.Speeds marked in red serve as a reminder that they are not to be used for flash synchrcnization. All types of flash lamps as well as high speed eleetronie flash units may be used with the Time exposure setting FOR by means of the built-in contacts. The curtain should be set for the making of a Time exposure, previously out- SPEED GRAPHIG lined. (SeePage 16.) The lamp will be fired as the curtain reaehesthe full position. 34 and 45 open The Graflex focal plane shutter will not fire a flash lamp CAMERAS when the shutter eurtain is wound or when the shutter is released with the shutter seleetor slide since a secondary switeh connected to the body release makes it neeessary to release the focal plane shutter by the body release in order to fire the flash lamp. NorE: If the focal plane shutter has not been used re- eently, the contacts may have becomeoxidized. To insure good contact wind and release the curtain occasionally, or at least a few times before using for flash.

L7 RANGEFINDER FOCUSING made to match a specific lens. Cams for the interchanged TO USE: Graphic Rangefi,ndernLaU not be with thosefor the Super Graphic Rangefi,nder. 1. Open camera as described on page 6. With the proper cam in position the range- 2. Move the front standard against the in- finder and parallax correcting viewfinder will finity stops. Lo,ok, into thg rangefinder indicate true focus and field coverage of the eyepieceand raek the traek forward until lens [unless the front standard adjustments the image of your subject as seen in the (SeePages 26, 27, 28, 29,80) are usedl. central, moving field exactly coincides with the larger stationary image. The KALART RANGEFINDER field moves horizontally in the Graphic AND EXTRA LENSES Rangefinder and vertically in the Kalart. Additional lensesfitted to (Track cameras equipped 3. Lock the track. lock not required with Kalart Rangefindersmust be focusedby on 23 Cameras.) ground glass or focusing scale. The Kalart GRAPHIG RANGEFINDER Rangefinder may be focused on the subject and the distance read from the focusing AND EXTRA LENSES scale matching the lens for which the Kalart The Graphic Rangefinder is an integral part Rangefinder is adjusted and this reading of the Pacemaker Graphic Camera body and transferred to the foeusing scale for the lens functions with interchangeable eams each being used. 18 TO CHANGE THE GRAPHIG RANGEFINDER GAM: 1. Ope4 tlt" eamera and pull the front standard forward. 2. Rack the track forward about Z" (until the actuator bracket clears the plurig"ri. 3. Hold down the rangefinder access door located under the top of the camera. 4. To remove the eam, pull the free end for- ward and out. 5. To fit cam into rangefinder, hold it with the long smooth edge facing the front oi the camera. Slide the narrow end of the cam into the slot of the tube and under t!t" rangefinder follower arm. Compres- sion of the spring in the tube will hold the cam in place agbinst the plunger. If the

19 LIGHT BEAM FOCUSING FOR 1. To install new batteries press in and to the left on the left end of the battery eompartment cover at the back of the Whenit is too dark to seethe imageclearly rangefinder housing. by looking through the rangefinder,this 2. Remove old batteries. rangefinder may still be used to obtain proper 3. Insert two f resh photoflash penlite bat- focus by the projection of light from the bwo teries side by side in the battery eompart- front windows of the rangefinder out to the ment. Position batteries so that they are lined in series, positive to as shown. NoTE: Old batteries sometimes leak causing corrosion. Do not store the camera with old or well used batteries in place. The Kolorl Focuspotm&f be attached to the top of the Kalart Rangefinder to provide beam f oeusing. A eonnecting eord f rom it to a Graflite battery case with standard size D batteries will provide the electrical energy. of the camera. Full instructions aecompany each Focuspot.

20 focused at 6 ft. focused at 15 ft. focused at infinity

SGALE indicated are from film position to the sub- ject. Each focusing scalehas been calibrated FOCUSTNG especially for the lens supplied with it. If this seale is used with any other lens, even of the same make, speed and focal length, A foeusing seale, and index scale for eaeh lens out of foeus pictures may result sinee lenses to be used on the Paeemaker Graphic should do vary somewhat from their indicated focal be installed on the bed and traek-along with length. Each lens must have its own focusing a properly identified pair of infinity stops for seale,calibrated especiallyfor it. each lens to be used on the eamera. Be sure Foeus on greater distanees by matching to use the proper set of infinity stops. the figures for the measuredsubject distance The foeusing seales on Pacemakei Graphic indicated on eaehseale. For shorter distanees Cameras are of the modified vernier fype use the pointer at the front of the short index with one part carried on the camera bed and scale set opposite the figure representing the the other on the sliding track. The distances subject distance.



This is built into the Graphic Rangefinder and has automatic parallax compensation. The optical finder is a separate item on other Graphics, all sizes. The optical viewfinder is often preferred to the open frame finder in order to more clearly define the limits of the field since it may be fitted with masks of different sizesto correspond with the field eover- age of various focal length lensesand different film sizes used with the eamera. Both finders are used to best advantage when the eye is held as closely as possibleto the rear elemeht. For parallar adjustment, set the eyepiece dial by placing the number which most closely corresponds to the distance from the subject opposite the line along the top center of the finder.

(Seepage I*3 for Tableof Masksfor OpticalView fi,nder)



FOGUSING PANEL To remove the Graflex Focusing Panel open the slide locks at the top and bottom of the camera by sliding them to the side. These same slide locks are used to attach and hold to the camera the various Graflex Film Holders listed below. Graflex Holders may be identified by the grooved light traping at the head end of the holder while Graphic holders have a ridge. (See Illustration.)


Comero Size

2Vt x 3Vt 1il2 I t49 I r46 3% x lVt 1il3 I t50 r l17 1 x5 | | 14 I l5l r r48 FRONT STANDARD ADJUSTMENT

The Pacemaker Graphic has three im- portant adjustments to shift, rise and It is generally desirable to keep the tilt the lens and shutter. Each move- back of the camera parallel to the sub- ment may be used independently, or ject, unless special effects are desired. with the others. Wateh the ground glass The area which will be included in sharp image for the improvement or eorrection focus () will be generally that each movement contributes to the parallel to the lensboard.Turning a lens appearaneeof the image. All focusing toward a plane at an angle to the eamera and composing must be done on the will bring more of that subj'ect into ground glass. Remember that some sharp focus on the film. Note the subject lenses,notably short focal length lenses, matter not included on this plane or may not adequately eover the entire area may not eome into sharp foeus, negative with a clear, sharp image when even though closing the diaphragm will moved or tilted from the normal position. help somewhat.


The rising front of a Pacemaker Graphic permits raising the lens above its normal position and is useful for vertically centering the image.Bringing the top of a build- ing into the picture area without tilting the camera will "straighten up" a tall building and remove un- wanted foreground. 1. Loosen both rising front lock nuts. Compose and focus your picture on the ground glass-lift the lensboard frame as needed. 2. Tighten the rising front lock nuts before taking the picture. NOTE:Short focal length lensesmay not eover the entire negative, in- clusive of the eornerswhen they are raised, tilted or otherwise shifted from the normal position. The side shift permits laterally eentering the image without swinging the eamera, which changesperspec- tive and may eauseundesirable distortion. 1. Releasethe front standard lock. SIDE 2. Pressdown on the lateral shift releaseand slide the SHIFTING front standard left or right as desired, while ob- I FRONT serving the effect on the ground glassimage. 3. When the adjustments are about as you want them by ground glassinspection, tighten the front stand- ard lock slightly, recheck the adjustments and then lock eaeh seeurely. 28

"lf tr

li u'\.ut, iit' F TILTING FRONT 3. Tighten the lock nuts seeurely before The tilting front changesthe location of taking the picture. the plane of sharp focus and is thus often DROP BED consideredto provide control over depth The drop bed of the Pacemaker Graphic of field. When tilted back, it is useful for Camera is used for three imPortant photographingareas above the camera. I functions: To Tilt: 1. To provide downward or forward tilt (see 1. Loosenthe tilting front lock nuts. of the lens next Page). opposite I (out- 2. To lower the lensboard-the I 2. Tilt the lensboard backwards (Page 27). ward at the bottom) as desiredwhile effect of "rising front" checkingthe appearanceof the image 3. To eliminate cut-off when wide angle on the ground glass. lenses are used. 29 --

BELLOWS EXTENSION Double bellows extension of the Pacemaker Graphic permits the use of telephoto lenses and long focal lenses-also per- mits the making of 1:1 copieswith normal lenses. 1. To extend bellows, tip the infinity stops down, release the front standard lock, pull forward and relock. Rack the track forward as needed. 2. Unless using front adjustments, use care to make sure that the front standard is square with the traek. (Lens- board parallel to film plane.) When the lens is foeusedupon subjects eloserthan 31h', it is neeessary to reealeulate the "f" number in order to de- termine correct exposure. 1. Divide the marked focal length of the lens into the bellows extension you are using to determine the "bellows extension factor." Bellows Extension Rotio of lmoge Exposure Foctor to Obiect Size Foctor 2. Opposite the "bellows extension faetor" on the chart below you can locate the ratio of l.t 25 l:8 l:25 the image size between the image and the 1.25 121 l:5 object you are photographing. 1.5 1:2 2225 3. Use the exposure factor to determine the 1.75 l:1.5 3:0 correct exposure just as you would use a 2.O I 'l 1zO filter faetor. If the factor is 4, increaseyour exposure two full stops beyond normal.

Exomplc: Normol focol lcngth lcns {4x5 Comcro) cquols l52mm (6"). "Bcllowr Exlcnsion Fq_-ctor"for closc-up cquols 304nm ll2'l; 12 + 6 cquolr "Bcllows Ert.nrion Foctor" of two which in lurn requircs "Exposurc Foctor" of 4; o$uming o notmol opartura olfl22lorthc photo,youwouldurcf/ll 31 FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY. GRAFLITE To mount the Graflite Battery case, fit the bottom battery case elamp to the bottom lug of the mounting plate and press the top clamp against the top of the mounting plate until it snaps into place.

32 GRAFMATIC FILM HOLDER To fit the Grafmatic film holder, slide it under the focusing panel and lock in place with top and bottom slide locks. If more convenient, remove the focusing panel first (see page24), and then lock the Grafmatic in place with the slide locks. The Graphic Grafmatic film holder is one of the most useful accessoriesfor the Pacemaker Graphic. It is a magazine-type holder about as thick as a film pack adapter holding 6 sheets of film. Film can be changed in seconds with simple, pull-push motion, making this accessorymost convenient for normal and rapid sequenceuse. An identification panel is eonveniently located on the back. Each film is automatically numbered during each exposure(4 x 5 only). Loading instructions accompany each Graphic Grafmatic film holder.

Cqt. No. 1268 for 4x5 Comeros Cot. No. I 266 for 2t/rx3t/+ Comerqs

Seepage 25 for Grafler Grafmatic listings. HOLDERS Sheet film holders hold two sheets of film, one on each side. To fit to the eamera, slide it under the foeusing panel as far as possible. The dark slide, when withdrawtr, can be held in the dark slide clip (45 Cameras). Sheet film, which is available in the greatest variety of emulsions, eomes packed in a box with eaeh piece of film interleaved with a sheet of black paper. It must be loaded and unloaded in total darkness, but has the ad- vantage of allowing the processing of one or more exposed negatives as desired. While the following instructions may help you, we urge you to practice in the light with a piece of exposed film. To load the holder, withdraw the slide and open the end flap. Handle the film by the edges only, keeping the film eode noteh in the upper right eorner as shown. Slide the film all the way into the channels formed by the metal flanges or lips on all three sides of the film septum in the holder. If the bottom flap does not seat smoothly, the film has not been pushed under the upper end of the septum. Insert the dark slide with the raised dots on the 2t/e x 3t/e-Cot. No. 1212 bright side of the handle facing outward, indicabing that 3t/q x 4Vt-Cot. No. l2l3 the film is ready to be exposed. Turn the cateh or hook to prevent unintentional withdrawal. After exposing 4 x 5 Ritewoy Cot. No. 1284 film, reinsert the slide with the black side of the handle facing outward-to indicate exposed film.

NoTE:Riteway film holders with hard rubber slides required for use with certain types of film can be ordered.


To fit the Graphic film pack adapt- €r, slide it under the focusing panel. If desired,the focusing panel may be removed (seepage 24) and the adapter ean be locked in position with the slide loeks. The Graphic film pack adapter holds a lZ-exposure film pack which ean be loaded in daylight. Film packs are readily 'are 2Vt x 3Vt-Cot. No. 1232 obtained and processed, light and 3tA x lVt-Col. No. 1233 easy to earry. Instructions coaering the I x 5 -Cot. No. 1234 Ioading of the film pack into the adapter will be found on the instruction sheet, paekedwith the fi,lm pack itself.

35 GRAPHIG ROLL HOLDERS To fit the Graphic Roll Holders, remove the focusing panel (seepage 24) and lock the holder in position with the slide locks. Graphic roll holders have automatic exposureeounter, use eeonomical I20 roll films and are equipped with dark slides, so that the holder ean be removed at any time, even if unexposedfilm remains. The holders are available in two models (2%x2tz4 and,2t/x!t/) and three sizes to fit 23,34,45. Use either or color films with these holders.

23 22 (g-2tAx3tA exposure3per rolll ll2-2Vtx2Vt exposuresper roll) 2Vtx3Vt Comeros Col. No. I 216 Cot. No. | 219 3VtxlVt Comeros Cot. No. | 217 Col. No. | 250 1 x5 Cqmeros Cot. No. | 218 Cot. No. | 25 |

For roll holders for Grofier Bocks,see poge 25. Optical viewfinder mask (seepage 43) is supplied to define the smaller area included on roll film. For sports viewfinder frame on 4 x 5 camera only, order 9102 Mask.


For PacemakerGraphic l*5 onlY. To fit the Graphic Polaroid Back, lemove the focusing panel .(qeep?ge ?4)..ald, lock the aecessoryln position with the slide locks. The design of this aceessory requires-r9l-oc3tilB the Jront standard about Lt/z' behind the normal position. By using thg track spacer providedfor this purpose,the front standard POLAROID FOCUSING ban be located correctly so that the range- finder and focusing scale can be used PANEL normally. For full size ground glass focusing, qorypoli- The Graphic Polaroid Bac\, Cat. No. tion and moie critical use of the Polaroid No. 9108, lets iot combine the advantages .of Back, the Polaroid FoeusingPanel,--Cat. 60-second photography with the versatile 9288,' is available. Rqquired for all clo.seup lensesand other photilgraphy. This panel attaches exactly shifts,tilts,-interchangeable "t featuresof.the Pacemaker Graphic 45 Cam- tne p6taioiit Back. The ground glass is at era.It is useful for checkinglighting arrange- exactly the same plane of focus as the film in ments, models' poses, real estat-e- photog- back. raphy, recording--data of important laboratory Four-Sided Metal Viewing Hood , Cat. No. and engineering as well as many other 9146, may be used with the focusing panel if purposes. desired.

g7 GRAFLOK DIVIDING BAGK For Pacemaker Graphtc I*S onlA. The Graflok Dividing Back, Cat. No. 9109, is useful for making two exposures on a single 4 x 5 film for law enforeement photography, conservation of film, for test purposes or low eost . The back moves from side to side, eliminating the need of twisting the eamera, thereby disturbing linear perspeetive. Remove the focusing panel (see page 42). Attach the Graflok Dividing Back by the slide loeks. To foeus the image on the new film plane, which will be oceupied by the holder and the Dividing Baek, attach foeus- ing panel to dividing back. All holders used on the Pacemaker Graphic 4 x 5 Camera can then be attached to the Graflok Dividing Back just as they are at- tached to the back of the Paeemaker Graphic Camera itself. Note that this will require re- GARRYING GASE locating the front standard in order [o bring subject matter into foeus. If desired, an addi- tional set of infinity stops ean be added, so that the rangefinder ean be used in a normal manner. Cat. No. 9014 Graflex Dividing Back fits 4xSGraflexBaeks.

38 GRAFLARGER The Graflarger eonverts your camera for use GRAFTARGERSTAND. This is useful for hold- as an . Attach to the eamera after the ing the camera vertically or horizontally focusing panel is removed. With the front while enlarging or copying. Large east tri- movements of the Pacemaker Graphie, you angular base with 8" sides assures solid sup- can eorrect, or otherwise alter undesirable port, may be bolted or elamped down. 30o linear perspective in the negative. high with adjustable horizontal arm extend- The- Aristo Cold Gridlite built into the ing outward from 6r"2' to 10 rf" f.tom upright Graflarger is balanced for variable contrast column. Cat. No. 6040. papers u"9 their proper. filters. No chalge in exposure is required when chapging filters. Eicellent for all black and white enlarging papers. The Graflarger is -eomplete with helvy duty transformer, and self-contained glassless negative earrier. U.L. approved.

2t/e x 3t/t-Cot. No. 6017 3t/t x 1tA-Cot. No. 6018 4 x S-Col. No. 6019


Stroboflash represents the finest in electronic flash equipment and is the result of years of experience in the design and construction and the supplying of fine electronic flash equipment for news, commercial and other exacting photographic requirements. Thyr.a- tron triggering insures against damage to shutter contacts and permits easy stave opera- tion with an inexpensive photo-tube aecessory. The complete Stroboflash line includes three different power packs with lampheads, extension cords, Battery Booster, as well as other useful accessories.Each outfit is sold complete with Power pack, lamphead, rubber battery case adapter and L-Bracket. stroboflash synchronizes with any "X" con- tact in the shutter. Full instructions accompany each unit.

STROBOFLASH I A light-weight, compact unit for most con- venient operation.

EnergySlorogeo o...... 50 woll-sec.

E.C.P.S.Roting...... 1 2OO

FfoshDurotion...... o. ..lll4OO sgc.

RecyclingTime (with FreshBofieries)...... 3 sec.

PowgrPock Weight...... o.....3 lbs.2 oz. Powgr Pock Sizg...... 5 Vz"x|l/l"xl yto

40 STROBOFLASH II General purposeunit, representsoptimum balaneeof fight ou.!put_ald performanee with portability and battery life. Twice fhe light output of t6reStroboliash I.

EnergyStoroge...... 100 wott-sec.

FfoshDurotion ...... o..111000 sec. RecyclingTime (with Fresh Botteries) ...... 3 sec. Power Psck Weight...... 7 lbs. 8 oz. PowerPqckSize...... 61/z"x7"x4Vz"

STROBOFLASH IV He.av.v {gt.y, uJl purpose_unif, .outpui 4-way power switch. Four times the light cif the StroboflashI. t/e Selecior Setting V2 3/t f ull Nominolwott seconds..... 50 100 150 200 FloshDurotion (opprox.). . . I ll2OO l/800 tl600 ll4oo E. C. P. S. Rotins I I 0O 2200 3300 4400 RecyclingTime (opprox.)... 2 sec. 3 sec. 5 sec. 6 sec. (with FreshBotteries) Guide Numbers: Color-AS A 32 45 66 8l 94 B&W-ASA 200 I l5 l 65 200 235 Power Pock Weighr. . 9 lbrJ PowerPock Size..... ".

4l GRAFLITE EXTENSION FLASH, GAT. NO.2778 Has adjustablerubber-eovered spring clamp, 15' cord and separatecircuits tr for B-C as well as D cell use. Plugs into "Extension" outlet of Graflite Battery Case,aeeepts Graflite reflec- tors, $tt-Qv1. No. 2745,for bayonet base lamps, and 7", Cat. No. 2747, for medium screwbaselamps.

TELEFLASH, GAT. NO.2(,^24 For Bayonet Base Flash LamPs complete, self-contained flash unit with built-in B-C power supply, trig- gered by light sensitive phototube for "Slave" operation. Sold with four 30-volt miniature batteries, Quick Change C clamp, adiustable swivel and phototube.


Toble Showing Stondord Mosks ond Lenses Mosks for Wide Angle Viewflnders For Vcrious Film Sizes (nol comero size) Negolive Size

2%x3% 4Y2'- 4yr' s',- 5h 4 3rsAan- 4y2' 65mm I 4 3Y1'- 3/8' 4r3Aa'- SYtn SrsAa'- 6YB' 3 4e/ro'- 5" l4 4 | nonerequired 3r5/rs'- 4Yz' 55As'- 6' 6tAo'- 6Ye' 2 5r/ron- 6' t5 I I nonerequired 4sAo'- 5' 6Vrs'- 8Yz' 6rrAa'- SYzn 9 6rAg"- 8' t7 80mml g I A | *'' SVroo- 6' 7rAa"- 8n 9sAs"- 9r/z' l0 9sAo,_lll%, l3 lO0mml ** | g I 4 6tAs'- 7Yz' SYra'- 8Yz' 9e/ra'-10Y2' ll +Wedo nothave a maskrecommended forthe TeAo'- 7yt'- geTrr'-12' l1eAs'-l3yz" 8 65mmlens when gvz' usedwith the CrownGraphic 7r3/rs'- l?Vro'-l3ys' l3sAa'-15' 7 "34" Camera,since this lens indudes ion- 9eAs'-LLh' l3ryre,_l6n liVrc'-16/e' 6 siderablymore angle of viewthan can be seen lllt%e'-l3n l6Vra'-20o l6t%e'-20n 5 throughthe viewfinderwith no maskat all. *tlens indicatednot recommendedfor use with I thiscamera. 43 AGGESSORY LENSES Basically, there are 3 groups of lenses:Normal, Wide Angle and Telephgto. All lenses, regardlesi of-the focal length or design, have standard diaphragm openings and require no changein exposurecaleulations. The angular fieldbf view-and ihe size of the-image are important essentialsin selecting a lens, although maximum or speed is a consideration. A normal lens usually has a focal lenfth equal to either the long side or diagonal of the film area. Its maximum aperture or speedmay vary greatly, but f/4.5 is usual. These lenses have a medium angular field for general purpose work. A wide angle leni is especially designe


- ^trc.7:.;L--U.:g.**igEffiP!F :q,-r*-" :eilhewler-"*. ..-..'-- - . *-*-. PHOTOGRAPHIG BOOKS AUTHOR Advanced Flash Photography. 'Arnold n"ti. Photo Series ' 'Adams Bigger & Better, The Book of Enlarging.. " 'Nibbelink ; Coi6r-How to Seeand Use It ' 'Bond Commercial Photography KePPler F f"i"i"g"t on Photdlt"pttv A l.\ \ (GRAFT-,EX.l r?Bii*tk COMPANY

A iubsidiarE of Generul Precision Equi.pment Corporati,on


FormNo. 2621 7-959 ..:--.=r--#*; t"i :4