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June 1986 Daily Egyptian 1986

6-18-1986 The aiD ly Egyptian, June 18, 1986 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1986 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1986 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ------_._-- Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois Univer£ity at Carbondaie Wedneiday, June 18, 1986, Vol. 72, No, 160 20 Pages Burger' to retire post after 17 years· WASHINGTON ( 11'1) - time of great change." Rer.gan Chief Justice Warren Burger said "all Americans will be will retire this summer to grateful" /.,.. work on tile concentrate on plarming the Constitution celebration. Constitutioo's 200th birthday whicb be caUed "a momentous p:aciy, President Reagan occasion in our country's annoullC<'..d Tuesday. saying be history." wants Justice William Burger. 78. said be had Rehnquist to become the new decided to surrender his leader of the Supreme {;ourt. lifetime appointment on the Reagan .iilso said bt~ will court to pursue his work as the nominate 50-year-old federal head of the commission appeals Judge Antonin ScoUa planning tbe bicentennial 10 fill the associate justice's celebration of the adoption of seal vacated if - as expected tbe Constitution. which will - tbe Senate confirms begin Sept 17. 1987. That date ReJu.l9uist as the nation's 16th also will be Burger's 80th chief Justice. birthday. Although there were some At a rare news conference at diss~.nting voices.· immediate the Supreme Court late ' reaction suggested neitber Monday. four hours after RebTlqui!.!, 61 . nor Scalia. Reagan's announcement at tbe would have serious difficulty White House. Bui'ger reflected winning approval and m06t on his long tenure at tbe court observers doubted the mov... as be sat beneath a portrait of would immediately generate a Chief Justice John MarsbaU...... giant buIIbIea. He waa INIIdIl9 the substantial shift m the DiD&­ the early 19th century jurist blot. 011 South 1i.1 ...... A__ . member high court's direc­ who forged the high court into tion . . a more powerful wing of tbe . While praising the cour! Changes unlikely to sway future Court .decisions, scholars say By LIN EIMn""_ SWlWrtlllr !be .... associate I .... tice stAid. ~ SeaIIa. be - could Moving Rehnquist to the III>Im of !be court would be . thea.s::;:,: ~... ~ ~T.~...... "C;e!!: irre:!evanl in te,rms of by President Reagan TUesday ~~_.,_ ~ the outcoole of <;as;;:; would have little effect on tbe Strickland said &<;alia is a rev;ewea by the jv..:

Reg . $13,50 NOW $11.50 Perm Special

Reg . $J;.CO NOW $25.00 Offer Expirl'S June lOth NeW'Concept . HalrShoil 300 E. Main Hunter Building Tina Johnston·Stylist C3l"bOiulale 457... " - . Fletch H.rtline · B.r~ Canadian official Deever hired to lobby - :.- dei11e1 O1TAWA (UPI) - A Wp Canadian official denied TuMday that M1t.:bael Deaver _ bIred by Call1l4ia 10 lobby !be United . States about acid rain, but c:oDceded !he former VI'lite Bouse aide a'-leoded a meeting Jut fall ";111 eavoys from both nations . External Affairs 1iiinIob!r Joe Clm testified befen a CanadWI .: · D~adI.ine · ToApply For. Parliament COIIIJIIittee studYinl the gClnll1llllent's contract with Deaver. . . . .: :Student ~ical Senator tak.. on, critics aplnat Contra aid WASHINGTON (uPl) - TIle cbairman of !be Senate Foreign Relations ctlmmittee. criticizinl I!beraJa lirA conservatives alike 'I'UeadIIj., said military aid to the N\can.guan Contrao is a Benefit Fee Refund must for peace in Central Ameriu. Sen. Richard Lugar, R·Ind., cbaslizeil unidentified critics wbo be said W"-'It 10 abaDdoo !be Contrao and leave NiC8f'111U8 10 the Sovi.ets. Cubans and ' . ·FR~bAY, JUN.E 27 Marxist·Jed~tas. . to' .pply for ...... tudo .. t ...""; . , .._nt hl.,ho. lnau.. nee policy ...... d.~ Strlk... AT &lagr.. on tentative contract . Or tho ...... u .. of ItenofIta .1..... with tho WASHINGTON (UPI) · - AT.&T and !be striltiJ;g Coin· .. . lnauninee _lIet I.D ....., to tho lfullent r..!U!!iutions Workers of America agreed on a tentative national ~_I'h Pr...... lnauronee OffIo.. K_. contract Tuesday for 155,000 employees and the union said its Holl •. a_ 11.. All .tudont.. 1... 1 .... 1 ... bitles' three-weet walkout could end this weekend. Despite !be .-...... 1 ..... for. c.r-I.. tt.o tentative deal, however, !be strike 'Mill continue wbile . W.I".. .,...... _t y.t polo•• bargaining continues in New Jeney on essentially " local" issues """,t D,.,ly fOr tho ...... tho invcilvingAT&T's six· corporate divisions...... 111_ '. ltudonta 17 ..... u ...... -..I • po"";t·...... turo. Hou.. r8jecta ·tax.... or~efen .. • proposel WASHINGTON (UPI) - House ~~otialor!l rejected a Senate "taJas.lor-defenae" budget TuMday and in· slad SUIIested limiting revenues and lowering military ' spending next year. TIle proposaJ and COUD~'0p0681 tactics . indicated budget c:on:promise on a nearly $1 trillion flSC8l t987 budget is ~ ba."der 10 fi1Id. ..CDnvenienr WE SELL ,. Food MarE . Lotto Tickets ~cedrhl maker asks for voluntary recalJ AUBURN, :Wasb. (UPI) - TIle lA8Dllfadurer or Extra· Strength ExcOOrin called Tuesday for a voo.ntary IlOtioowide • COCA' COLA removal of all bottles of the piJJs as • .-It. of 'the app!!l"l!ftt .•.. PRAiRIE' FARM random cyanide poiE~niJ)g death of " Seattle area woman. Laboratory !A!sto completed late Moad&y showed Sue Snow, 40, . FRUIT. DRINK%;;. Au.'lum, died of a cyanide poisoning June 11 aries' taJ:ing !be 179 av'JI'-tbe-counter headache remedy . .gg C. 1 gai. $ state i LaRouchite calls it. quits, !t WHITE BREAD !I sa'fs 'whole thing stinks' :I 6 Pack By UnHM f' __ In~uan.J . ~ II!! .. . 16oz.noreturn • Saying " !be ",bole thing .tinb" and claiming be bas received C numerous threats, an Illinois congressional canciidate backed by I BANANAS' right·wing extremist LyndOll H. LaRouche Jr. baa dropped out oj . . .39 ~. the race. William · J . BreIDCI'. 60, one of two LaRouche COII8>"!'S8iOllBl candidates wbo scilnld victories wblle nmning · 1Ib.~' ~ unoppoaeQ In !be Democratic priJr..ary Jut March, was 10 face incumbent Republican Edward R. Madigan in the November ~... ~~~ ...... ·-- ...- ·...... tI ~ eJection. Men on.probatlon for digging without pennlt · · ~~~TO .~ . 3 Ibs./S·IOO BENTON (UPI) - A aecood IndiAna man bas been sentenced to five years probation for diUinI in an IlIdIan buriallr'Olmd at CHIPS ~ the Sbawnee National For~fWitliout a permit, authot'ltls say. U.S. Attorney Frederick H... :'5 said Tuesilay tllat Glen E. Qu.U!n, a, MowIt Vernon, Ind., .... ~tenced by U.S. District Ji.>dge I 9ge James L. Fonman. 7.5 OZ. All Flavors PublisbOO daily in tile Joumoliam aDdl~ lAboratory Mooday AI. 51 I ...... [111 Ad. • C8IIIand8Ie, __ Ibrough Friday durin8 reaWar oem ...... ;=t 1'Iddoy Ibrough Friday ~ summer term by ~tbem lIUnoio University, Communications B<.dIding, Carbondale. IL Socood cluI paolo,., peld It Carbondale. • n.. _I. WEACCEPT~ EdiIDrial and busi ..... offices located in Communications Building, North Wing. Pbnne51!&-3SlI, W. Manion !'~""'. !lsealolflCel'. SubocriptIou rotes are $40 per year ..- SIS 1..- lis moatbo within !!>e DeU Coffee Produce Ic~ Sandwiches United SIa... aDd 'Ulli per year ... !IllS 1..- six m ...JIo in aU fareip COUIIIrioo. Soda Snac~s Ice Cream Candy farty Trays ~ : SeD! ebuJce 01 __ to Daily f;optiaa, SoIII...... lllIDoIa Uni_ty,Cu1IaaoIe, n._1. Zambia to grow with help of Ag De·partment By Carolyn Schmldl '1_.nbians had the education Staff Writer equivalent to a bachelor's degree, he said. R~:'l Hud!!:e:-.. , plant and soil sci~Jlce profe;sor who One of ZA'>IARE's most returned [rom Za mbia irt impo"lant impacts has been in Janual)', says the 'Iroject traini ng 7.ambian students in Zamlna n Agricultural America n universities to Research and Extension not return and make r.lgnificant only aids the people ", Zambia, contributions to Za mbian but also s tren J~thens the agriculture, Hudge,.. said. Agrlcul'.ure Dep"rlment. Involvement in the program MOST OF the students at­ adds to tile international tenrl one of the three Imi ver­ ilimension (Of education at SIU- sities involved in the project, C.hesaid. . although they are not ob li ga ~ to do so, Hudgens said. Nine HUDGENS WAS part of a Zambian students nave field team sent to Zambia in received training at SIU-C. 1982 to research the problems Most of them an! gradua te _nd needs of Zambian farmers students in plant and soil and to extend technology and science, headded. education to solve tbose problems. Hudgens ser\'es as super­ Hudgens and Paul Gibson, a visor for the Guidance Com­ professor in plant and soil mittee fO!' Zambian Students. science who wiU ..e turn from The student.s will fiU important Za~ Jbia in August, worked ~ Iots in the government wh~'11 with coll eagues fror., the ;,hey finish training, Hudgens Universtiy of Illinois· and the said. Universtiy of Maryland­ Eastern Shares. The fi v:;-year JOYCE MULlLA, a student Robert Hudgans, profO$SO< of, p"nt aOO soU sclenca who ratunled from Zambia In January. project ;s funded by UJe U.S. in plant and soil scieace, is one Agenc.y for Internatiollal of two Zambian Development a :J d im ­ 30 . acres. he ~ '!i d . Land I impro, 'ed. This meant coo­ Sorghum and millet are the students in the United ::ltates pleml'.llted by 1Ilf. Zarnl>ian resources and cash are limited ductint~ several sociological country's main commodities, working to complete a doctoral Ministry of ,A$iculture and and. and other studie& using formal but the government asked for degree. Hudgens said the Water Develpm~Jl t. chemicals are unavailable, he ' questionnaires .to generate a assistance in developing the Zambian students are Illeasaot . added. .' data base, he S8ld . . other crops because of the to work with, and added there IN DEVELOPING re.;earch country's sbortage of cooking is no language barrier because and extensill:'J programs in the THE RESPONSIBILITY of HUDGENS' TEAM, which oils, Hudgens said. Eng\ish is commonly spoken in south central African nation, the teams witbin certain was located two miles north of Zambia. the !eams had to adapt to geographic, I areas included the capital city of Lusau, mE NEED for educating ?' .. mbia'·s non-technical surveying the farmers , ~.onducted experiments on 182 Zambians came in the mia American and Zambian culture and system. identifying problems and farms ~isint eight crop;, 1960s whell Zl!!:lbia gained its students both benefit (rom the " They werp traditional working closely with extension induojing corn, soybeans, indepen., accepted in'" the Bym said. The program is in painas. Pearce was also the media. p. ogram, students must have its third year.

FRAME MAKERS June Special 15 % off All WQOd & Metal Mouldings University Aikido Club in conjunction with the 100 •. " ..... ,.... 41 University Martial Arts Club ,,,,\LY III: will present an ~~ While ~'1 Orientation, Demonstration .., You ";a Walt and Class - Ring SIzing -Chain hpalr TODAY, June 18th -MIx. Jewelry htK:'r 6-8 pm --~ 20%0" at the Rec Center with this ad East Patio l.aDW. :tll1ln. C.,rbond"la call 549-4479 "7-7011 ,.,..,..... Opinion & C-onimentary

s,ud.n, EdltO"' -In-Chtef. paulo Buckner: Editoriol Poe- Editor. Scott Freemon; Anod al. Edtloriol Pop editor. Ken s..Mt; Foailty Managing Editor. Wililom _mono New chancellor for SIU system IN HIRING Lawrence K. Pettit as SIU System chaocelltt. the Board oC Trustees appean; to bave Cound a man who is im­ minenUy qualified Cor such a post. -.=- ~ -~--===---~ - The chancellon;hip requires someone with a base oC knowledge and experience in both academia and politiroS, and '>ettit's Itst 0( qualifications in both fields is impressive. He is currenUy chanceUor Cor the Civ,!-unit University System I " " " EJO,? / ::// ' of South Texas - penaing reporting ctJoard at SIU on Julr I - _ J and WhS in charge oC aU state institutions of higher edc::ation ;1I Monuno. his home state: He taught at Penn State and at Mon­ tal18 State. where he headed the political sclencedejiartment. In th.~ political arpna.· he was campaign manager - suc­ cessCuUy - Cor a M,;ntan.; gubern:!torial campaign, served liS the governor's administrative assistant, was an aide to two Montana U.S. senatun;, lind ran - unsuccessfuUy - Cor the U.S. House in Montana as a Democrlltic candidate. .Pat Ropertson for president: IN INTERVIEWS published in the Daily Egyptian nnd SIU Courier, Petti t bas come across 2.S straightforward, accustomed to the rela.tively high visibility th ~ t goes with public o(fice, with definite ideas about wbat the crumcellon;hil' is aU about, but is he a new Jesse :Jackson ? open-minded lind nexible about how to make It work best Cor the By Tob)' Eckert SIUSystem. StaffWrirer leadinl! GOP' presidential He bas a sen.e of humor, too. Of his ili-Cated Cora)" into politics contenden; Rep. Jack Kemp !If as a ca!ldidate for Congress, he said it convinced bun tile people WHEN THE NAME Pat ·Viewpoin~ New York and Vice President he wanted to represent would never elpot .. PI> D. to Coruuess Robertson was first bandied George Bush in the exercise. and tbat tbeexperience was.for h;;'", :.~ ; east , "0 3CUOCtionaI." about earlier this yea\' as a president, lie would.horior the The efCort apparenUy paid ofC . It's predictable tbat Pettit may bave SOD,' dystuoctional possible contender for the'l988 separatioo 0( church and stare Robertson reportedly had experiences In oven;eeing and representing to poIiij,; l8JlS and to Republican presidential and allow state legislatures to more petitions Cor precinct the public tr.e c!U'-nung SIU System, not to mention dealing with nolt\ination, many CoUowen;:of dedde the abortioo issue. delegate slots filed in his Ca~or campus presidents with ideas oC their own. But he iooks like he things political shook their UulU!e SOOle other well-known than either B~h or Kt!mp. can bandle i l heads and smiled. tele:vision evangelists who A TV pi... "'chp.r and self- have become involved in fREEDOM COUNCIL proclaimed Ca,tiI l1ealer for politics in recent yean;, activists also won 'I majority Opinions . president? Come now. Such a Robertson appears ready to 0( delepte positions in recent candidate would surely appeal compromise, a fact tbat L-ould R"JlUblican prccinct caucuses from elsewhere to only a ~""Y narrow segment . wi" him the su!lllOrt 0( many ir, Des Moines. Iowa, alang of vnters, and it is doubtful he moderate -Republican with Michigan, will held lile could capture enough voles In rQlitician& and voters. '!8rliest presidential caucuses. the primaries to pose a seri<¥1iS Ano:her thing working i" A Robertson vicll>ry - or even threat to GOP Cront-runners. Robertson's Cavor sbould God a second-ptaN> finish - in Pro-life terrorisrn . But when political pundits ~"II on him to run, as he puts it, either State could unleash a and media analysts started is the Christian Broadcasting political juggernaut that would St.Louis Pos !~'is ... tch looking below the surface, the be bar

Doonesbury BY GARRY TPUDEAU Editorial Policies Signed a."1kl .., Including l."-". VlewpcMnh: and THl5IS'II'(RlYflCl4LLl5TtF II AI54 B(OI57tlI(A~OW 11 ItKXlPfTBt NO.oatr __ c:onwnentar ... ,...... apinionI of .... CII.Ifto.on 'only. Uns6gned r.iltorial. rept'eMnt a con~.~ of the II 001.,. ~~~ ~torial Commi ..... whoM members N/I)~ow;f&'DIl€ARAf6)~~¥~ 1E1S~70"'U:l1l.CJ=~::::a.:n'~ I Il/IfIIIi1IItJE:t-::"'~ . ~~_/fJPa/ . en .... PUdent«h:w~ ...... :Iitoriol pop editor. (j(}/U/ /IIfIl.E51T7It6/N 7/£ STA6!Sa/¥lQII/.iII;XXIlIINV I61EiIIllr _ 5f.00:. •a newa.toff__ member Sc'-l1ocv'1y. "faculty ...... monoging. editor ood JQJSe a=- \ l5JIf1E!5. " ~- I /DIPS __.... A.;>; La...,. 10 the ..:lito." ...., be ,ubmltted by mall Of" dirKtt,o to the editorial pop ..,i;~ , lJloom 12. 7 ~_ -...-. thould boo_. doui)le .pouod, All letters ore r.ubiec' ..., edltl,. ond t;~ will be :'mited ,., 500 words, letterY of 1... Hton 250 ...... a."'!t .... ~for;;ublicotian . SI..-dent. must identify ,~ by ck-."I ' ond motor, f«vh.., ~.., rank and deportrr.ent, non·ocodemk Iloff by poa, .... and.....-t. \.etters submitted .., moll ~houad Inch. me outhor', odd,.... ond .e'-Phon. :-.umt..r, lette" tOt which verificotlon of outhonhip connot be mode will not be ...... hod . P ..... DaiIJ 1!'4JpII...... 11,1- Ode to the manly beer belly A RECENT magui,," s~ by. a . fat survey shows that the ayerage American male worM"" more It was always Slab' dream about the size of his !>elly than to ".ave a I>clJy like h .. Uncle any other part of his body. Frank's. But nature didn't That probably surprise; inte.'1d it. H~ was so s~'nn yor. people who think that the could actually see 11'_ . him sexual revolution would have in a bright light. At the ~ch , provoked concern about other he Ollce drank ton much physical attrit.ates, but the straw~ pop and looi:esllike m.agazine " Psy chology Mike a tall!rmomete.r. Tliday" says it ain't so. Royko Nature d.'lCided that Slats' The survey shows that the llhysicaJ disUnctiOll would be ••. is jvlSt a block from ~ ~ stay-young-and-leall syndrome Ills remarkably long. hoot-.ed has cbanged the attitude Tribune Company toward a II'?l belly, which wes -"".V!'1>eo Slats was bo:"D, his Wgd: 2 for 1 Drinks once ,'onsldered a rme thing father tooi: ooe looi: and said to for a " 0UDg man to have. He claimed his stomach was the mll'8e: "What do we feed it 8-2 No Cover If rbe survey had been taken the secret of his legendary -birdseed?" 3!i yorhond. p1lW!ed him." So did all the civic leAders, He scratched it wben be was n:;;- Candy store man told such es the desk sergeant, the tired, and rubI>ed it wbP!! de him: "What yoo got, kid, is a bookie and the tavern owner. was hungry. And wben he was Romannose." 1~1Il greatest stomach in our angry, be would thrust it Slats Ibought about that,· neighllorhond belonged to Slats forward and use it as a !ben.threw a rod< through the Groboik's uncle, Beer-BeDy weapon. Those who felt the candy store wi/MIOw. "Nobody Frank Grobnik. wrath of his belly said it was cancaJI mea Dqo," be said. Marti is Rad'io Free Cuba Cl'O A COOL morning "ruch would affirm Marti's recently, Yay Mallin was appeal. Marti, with 60 coolly telli:.l/J a reporte.r that Wilespoodenb!, ("$'-' just no the radio "tatiOll (er which miI1ion a1lllU8lly, _ Wan ooe Mallin WO!'D as news director .dvan~ 6gbter pIaDe. Marti cannot be - heaven forfend I is a magnlfic:enUy cost­ ~ "blamed" for successful effective we:apon...... ""'... -~ escapes (rom Cuba. Cubans are ravenous for befr..... W.'_ got everything Granted, Ra Marti's news from AUlola and .....m juity.-""'...dwicNs weatber reporU, J)roadcast George. Ethiopia, where 400,000 and hofbakad potatoes with from. WashingtrJD and tran­ Cubans (half of them civilians) an kinds "'lopping. 10 0 ...tad smitted from Florida, are Will bave nerved Soviet purposes. bar "!fIn. no ~ In sigh!l. mOl'P Jetailed thar. reports Castro's wonbip of Soviet brol8dcast by (''''oon govern­ WashingtoD Post tecbnolngy ca.-J a four~y So come on In or visit our ment radio. Marti's I~-te.rm Writers Group . . stwmed sileDce in the Cuban drlve' thru, and you11 ... forecasts and informatiOll 011 press after Cbemobyl. Marti how good I.:.! food can be. tides are closely listened to, 1957-1958. H~ left CUba in 1960, lDSlantl>: broadcast not only especiaUy by persons - often when Castro's anti-democratic the news, but a nuclear of military draft age - who intentions becam~ clear. glossarv, and interviews with are cilosidering dangerous Marti's impact is measured milled CUban scientists about a WHY•• ", QeM EAT illAX floats to freedom on inner-tube anecdotally, but by lots of nuclear plant Soviet rafts. . . There are in­ tl!Chnicians. are ' building in Rax Roast Any Baked Granted, also, such people terviews with 'travelers from Cuba. are especially apt to listen to · Cuba, survey:; of CJ1lgraots Beca\lile Cuba ;;, governed Beef Potato Marti, the U.S. government lrom Cube. (often arriving by " scientific socialism," Spanish-language station now tlJrougu third countries) and there Bft', by definition, no 99C' 99C beginninj; its second year of correspondence from CubB to crimes · Ilf 'other serious ..... ,.;.....-.-.-..-."...... Onot broadcasting to Cuba. But relatives here. Hail to and defl'lCts. B\1WeYeo', since Marti coupon P" ~ . ~ . Nol 'tOhd Marti is prevented hy Its strict from Cuba is measured in tons. bas been l'roadcasting about 1nc~ .... mOl"fO...... CD ...... chart."., as well as the wisdom Thirty-thousand telephone developments in Cuba, OHet gaoodOlpon~ ~ onIy . No~~ . ""oOcJ""""!'1 of ill. admi:tistrators, from caDs are attempted daily from Cubanbroadcaab! bave bee:n ~toId . c-h~_ tv- U2!M . incitanents. Miami and 6,000 get through. giving more attention to . (limit.) . ~ Mallin toIera tes no name­ Castro does not attempt "Crimes and to probJems like caJUng. Casl!'o is referred to as maximum jamming of MartI, AIDS ("ruch, until recently, the Ie3der. Mallin baa bad partly because of the cost. Cuban authorities aaid did not Castro on his mind for many Cuba is a mendicant nalioa, exist there). years. selling ib! young men as soldiers in ex=~:;... Soviet FROM MARTI. Cubans BORN' IN 111Z7 in New York llUbf.idies. J is ex­ lean8I of the ~ of intc lUI American fn.lnily with pensive. 1be $wiet UaiIlIl doaaB of young pIqIIe when two getleratiODS 'd roola in speIIds about. $480 III lion a pIua and ...... a Cuba. be was worllln& for·Time ,... U> jam U.S. __£ngIIab magazin ,~ during the broadcasb! to the SovIet IIDiaIL =:~-:r= revorutiOlL During Castro's S;;ch U.s. tra Soriet east about the a~ kid­ vietuy lD8J'I:h to Havana In mIIIIaa. AD II8IIIIiD& of a cabaat1erec:tar by Jawary. 1f4il, the lead car aDUlling_ Involves .111.000 CdJU -~ GIfJdU In carried l;asb"O, the -'car at 2,000 jamaIIng IIa\Irid. IIuti ... npIIItIId his IleC'lIrity --. a.e \'tdrd ~ tatlon•• 1 costlnl .p­ the ...... "caba·...... cartb1T1JDe.LifeCCJllllnge.ot. praxlmawy $1 bI11Ion an­ E1!at..\ Betaocourt, .11'. =iIuaJ1y. Mt.V.. director, supported 6: .. _.I revoluUoo In (be ltIIOI and ASIDE FBOIII 'I1IE ~ ... IlIaD It pUt _ 'It, ~l:;t represented . Ca.tro' . castro'. vu\tJ ea_ ~~!II ==~==-:Bloc ...... to pay t .... S!JvIet moveme:nt in WaaIIinIt!m iii avoid full-lC8le jaDllDll'-lS, ...... Univer'sity Honors Program More than 30 pOSitions open for varied jobs on Obelisk II names Englist 1 prof ~irector BY Ellen L--v management IiJId accrunting SIaIf Writer to recommend and nomina te students for the yearbook By M.J. StIIrsltok since 1975, Collins has alsO More than 30 pers!'us are positions. SIafIWrtler served on the Hono_'s being IIOUIdlt for about a dozen For the positirAl of editor. .in ­ Program's advisory board as different bods of jobs on the chief, Warnelis said he is KenMth K. Coll ~ ns , welf as h.1ving taught several 1987 Obelisk n Yearbook staff. looking for someone wbo muy as:!eral Arts. comfortably into the . cl Liberal Arts' Oul£tanding approach the faculty from obtain an applicalioo 0be1isI< Jackson expressed positive program's plans and direc- Teacher Award in 1113, _ departmenb; such as design, n ofCtce, 100 S. Fore:t St., thoughts about Collins' ap­ tion." . SID-C's Amoco Foundation commercial grapbics, pboto bet--. 2 and 5 p.m. Ap­ pointment, wtich is effective A membe{ of SIU-C's OutstandingTeacberA~in production tecbnology, pIIca~ muat be reIunled by Aug. IS. EngIisb Department fa£U1ty 1985 joUrDaliam, publ!c relations, ~a


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FUl CoIKerIs eYel)' n-sdAy ... 8 .... st--'ed by Spc. die Student Center."'" die PM Dlstrkt T·TH Mexico finance minister resigns ~~...... ~~ooo MEXICO CITY (UPI) ·- foreign debt of $UlO milli on, the la Madrid took office in Tot-v..,. PG AT KERASOTES THEATRES Finance Minister Jesus Sil va second·largest in the world, December 1982. (12: 15. 2'''' 12.25) 7,,5. 9,3> ' SI Mexico's staggering forcign source told Cltited Press in· ternational banking com· ( 12 : ~ . 2:"5. 5:15 @ 12:25)7:45 l' h~ ' Mone y Pil IlC J 1.009:00 debt problem, r esigned lernationaIlas.tweek thatdela munity to .~rrange an Tuesday, the go 'ernment Madrid was angered when economic rescu" package .--.....7 It (1.2:30. 2 : ~ . 5:15 . 12.25) 7:30, 9: SAlUKI announced. Silva Herzog recenUy hinted designed to head off a debt Cob ' ~ (R J President Migl '~' de la that Mexico might ~uspend the moratorium and to ' reach _ ...... PG f~" il 8u~ lI e"i Madrid named Gustavo interest payments if no agreement with the' In· Oi\yOff(PCl l) Petricicli, direch'r of the agreement was reached with lernational MOAetary Fund on (!:!>IS. :-cD. "IS 012.25)7"". 9,iS Nacional Financie>'. a state- ::reditors. a standby loan agr~ent to owned investment ~, 'lIt , to Silva Herzog was !lot im· help Mexico make its interest replace Silva Herzog. mediately available for payments. Caltom Bilell to School (PC IJ)5:15 7.15 9:15 Short Circuit(PC) 5:00 1.00 9:00 ~"Omment. Ramet Stringing An unllsually terse, six·liiK! No . e tr e~t (PC) $:]07)0 The t:llks wlth the lMF, Involden from M,Jri (PC) announcement from de la 'The : l·year-' AU litOWS WOI\E 6 P.M. DAILY Kate Smith dies WASHINGTO '.~

Tuesday at theageof,9. Comm('rce Department ;aid, qll8rter of 1985 from a record C ..m .. 'n ... p .. .. . nd ....J-!\' , .... ,..c>d Smith died of resp:ratory Tuesday. . $36.6 billion to $33.7 billion, still o ...... 'I ...... I 'hd.... • ...... MI ...... "'..,..·.-dh.. 'h...... " ... 11!1" * arrest in the Raleigh Com· a record hil!b. ...t..... hl"'!l ...... rwlm ... ' ...... - ...t mllitity Hospital shorUy after The tracie figllres released .."oct .... , .... ' .... p." n .J,...,.Mon she was '''9ught to the< by the Bur.l8u of Economic The current account . im· f. I .OlU' .. 2 ...... J emergency room about 2:25 Analysis arc · hased on the balance, also knowh as th(' ~.I ."d~un ]0 ' .. 2 ..... p.m. EDT, hospital spokesman ba1ance of payments in balance of payments 'deficit, 204W . <.:o ll ~Q"bond"l t: ~ Michael Leisey said. merchandise trade, ~ervice was $117.68 billion in 1985, "Her family was with bet trade and investment. The compared with a merchanriise when she came in, tI Leisey figllreS -Give a broader pictllre trade deficit of $148.48 billion. said. President Reagan, upon learlting of Smith's death. African leader decrys U.S. said: " All Anlerica loved her and she loved America." for missing U. N ..meeting "She thrilled w; all with her PAl11S (UP!) - The leader He also said then were stirringrenditionoi 'GodBless of the African National unconfirmed reports of America' and sang with a . Co::gress cl~ed the Ultited massacres in South Alrica on passiQO which left few eyes States, Brita'" and West Monday - the lOth all· dry," Reagan said in a written Gecmany Tuesday with niversary of a l~mootb w!ave statement. "For many years, "aiding and ahetting" South· o( riots that began June 16, Kate Smith touched our hearts . Africa's white·minority 11176 in the Soweto township and souls and made us all swell government and called for outside Johannesburg. The with the special pride of being blacks to " steel for war." South Alrican government Americans. Addressing a ~nation U.N. said 11 people died Monday in conference on sanctions racial unrest. Smith underwent sllrgery for against Pretoria, Oliver " Unless the world takes hreast cancer at the hospital in Tambo, acting president of tho> ~!s~'!~ :;.ction in South Africa May ar,d last Jan. 12, lIoctnrs AN C black nationalist a bloodbath .. is inevitable," amputated her right leg above movement, hailed a general Tambo said. " As the regime the knee because of cir· strike in South Alrica on grows more desperate, so will clllatory complications from Monday lIE a " resOUl!ding it seek to wreak havoc diabetes. success." throughout tne region."

Washington: StU-C I!"ITRAMURAl SPORTS Big FU'n spo'1sors poil favoring CCIitch to force hom ~ the tie­ breaking run and JeJtz also coaxed a walk to PUI the PbiUies ahead, 6-4. Guy Hoffman relieved Baller. and gave up a run­ scoring single to pinch bitter Greg Gross. Rick Scbu then reacroed base on an error by shortstop Shawon Dunston that scored another run and put the Phillies ahead, 8-4. After striking oot two bat­ Stiff Fhotc.,y BI!! Wi sl ters, Hoffman gave up a tw<>­ Milton Jung, COIIch .oI the WMtern aquad, .howa hi. offen.1ft the practice field ..... the A'"::NI. JUnll ia ~rlng hl. V-jlllld run single to Schmidt that IIna the naxt pboy to be run at the elatan.,. TuMClay morning 0" lor the ujlCOmlng Southam 1II1:1<11a P,. AlloSta. C ....Ic. ended the scoring with Philadelphia in fJ"Ollt 10-4. The_ ~bs got a run in the Top prep players meet at All-Star Classic s .. CUBS, P_ga 10 By 5t.". MarT/it Assistant Sports Editor at McAndrew Stadium at Coaches are picked on a Cedric Brown of Murphysboro Sp.m. rotaflng basis, with players and Marty Nutter and David Pittsburgh wins The best Soothern llIinois The game pits the best being picked on all-Southern RndIey of Do Quoin, who hoth High School pr('p football seniors in Southern llIinois in and all-conference status. signed letters of intents with a temporary one seniors will be displaying their an East-West format, with the Coaching the West squad is Arkansas State. PITTSBURGH

Beer • Wine Available .. ,-. ~ \. NA dtRJS' New Lunch Menu $1.40 - $2.50 Cold Chicken Noodles SUMMER 86 WORKSHOPS__ CIou Lunch Buffet ...... a. ....,...... ,2_ $3.95 '• u .oo ...... , __ ...... "...... ,. 1\;)0. 7.)0 " .... -_...... 12000 ...... (Corry o uts a va ilable' 701 IlIInoll Aft 549-50 0.0-_ ...... ".....,.., .... ~ ...... z,. ""'...... ' ;00- 70«1._ ...... ;00• • .00"_ It...... -­ --. .,• .00 ...... ~ Galaxy Stvnro Electronic Svrvlce Yount"'" ...... / .... ".JI • .AtlttlL'.... ""' - 1_~ , CenMr ...... ,• •00 ...."_ ...... ""'17."'''. ,.. :n ...... , ---­.. ---...... --• ••...... ". ... "...,~• .•,.. .CD ..,»0 :>. ""O ..,,.... _ ... u ...... IlIIIIO - TV - vat _- . _Ain

I DlPtal Ca.· Stereo> $79.95 ulftlr..c w_", Car Stereo lDItalJation ...... '_ 01 wher. Pur.boood lve· FlONEER·_ . F_..... A ...... __ .c.ft.', ...... :tS (For JO a.....IoI a..-..... IIN S.III•• n.. C'...... ' ...... ". ""'116 111\ ---_- 417·ZS.' "'" - 1 U.S.D.A. CHOICE . CENTER CUT ~ GR_AT BEEF FLAVORI ·· chuck Was 1.89Lb. r·oast




GREAT SNACKIN' FRUITI CALIFORNIA. RED seed Ie•• Holy cow! Don't blame Jim Frey dS

Th.c problems of the (''hicago over the rest 01 the pack. Then ~~-~ Cubs binge nn much more !han the injuries began. who's flashing the signs in the In 1986, long before the first FREE SAIL DAYS C;:alt Dan Thomsen dugout, and it should be ob­ banging curvE hall was thrown at Crall Orchard Lake at 529 - ~ , !}56 or vious to everyone, including by the Cubs' staff of one­ 536-2301 . ext. 269 season wonders in the J im Frey and Dallas Greer.. set JUNE 21 noon - 6 rides available Frey-dllY the 13th carne a . allitition seasOn, Frey was little early for Jim, but now told his job was on !be line. !hat part of the game is over All this to a man wbo landed. and one must wonder if Green manager of u,., year awards in " .... TICKII' TO thinks something as cosmetic From the two of his four seasons as a big as a change in skippers will league manager. All of this to a j ••O ••IM. Press Box I man wbo JIfO'ided the city of : See a production fr.. . In ,,~char.gtt for ushering. i:I.~1 ~l ~utot!~~ ' Chicago with something tbe.y : R"'"""sible .tua.nts contact: badn'tseen si!\- ' - stead (If Little Leaguers. Steve Merritt ( ~ ~ . : TommyWesterfieldaU53-57., or.57-2089 What's wrong with the Cubs? "';"';-;"";;'~;';;';;;;;':':""--l_ ~n ~m~ ~l"':!::t For one thing, they're paying 1: ~ .!!:av.nam.~d number. too much to too many wbo contracts art' up and fmll .249 hading li"erage': C3n he ._.: 'rI.. J_ 27: Set•• Ju_ 21: produce too little. With players minor leaguers to fill vacant be blamed for a Jekyl and : Sun.. "-29~ ThU1' .. July 3: 'rl .. July 4: : like Ron Cey making ~ , ti.."O spots on the roster, but if Hyde pitdring staff? : Set .. July S ..... Sun .. July. t plus bonuses and Gary Mat­ you're going to lose then you Pinch hitter and role out­ thews getting twG-year con­ might as well lose willi a yOWl!l fielder Thad Bosley summed it tracts after a winter filled with play\!!, who will learn from his up pretty well when be was ~------~------~~------knee surgeries, one must mistakes. quoted as saying tbat Frey Golden Scissors of Rich's wonder about the decisions Should Frey be blamed for "wasn't swinging the bat for made above tbe field the multi-YPAr, million dollar me." manager's level: contracts? Should be he . You can't fU'l! the whole 10 Tans for S15 Did Frey pick up such bas­ blamed for fat, out-d..mape team, nor can you bench them (Regular $35) beens as Manny Trillo, Chris pitchers who pU\lleg muscles all, but someone has to take ' Speier and Terry Francona? on the way to first base? U new the beat. The Jogical choice, of Offer Expires 6-14·86 Did Frey trade the services of coach Gent: Michael doesn't course, is tile manager. such yo'UDg and promising produce rather quickly, Green And no matter what happens . tan else Sessions At AnyTime! players as Billy Hatcher, Joe could flod his neck on tile to Dallail Green 01' Gene Carter, Mel Hall and Craig chopping block next. After all, Michael or the Cubs players 519-5989 i Lefferts? bow many mana(;ers does it themselves, one tbiGg still The Cubs could save some take to show management that stands out as needing to be la W cst Park Man (Anon fro. the 1l...... !!.~J money and give some youngP.T the slriPl .... is not the problem. said . . I layers the cb&nce to grow and In 1984, the Cubs won the Thanks, Jim, for 1984. It was I r,earn at the iMjor league Eastern Division title and fun while it lasted and we Limo Special I level They ought to buy bus Frey was !18med the National thank· you fl.. something we' I tickets for Trillo, Slteier, League Manager of the Year. don't get til't opportunity to I Francona, Cey and Mattbews In 1985, the Cubs had 1".18n.qged enjoy very often - Ii winning I and send them on their merry to post the best record in the season. Some Cub fans wiD ~ I way. Sure, the Cubs would NL at :14-19, goro er.oogb for a remember that for a long time g50 fur 2-hour Limo service I have to foot the bill until their three and " half game lead to come. I I free batHe of Cllampagne . I PROTEST, from Page 8--"""-- Jacques Bouti.que . Limo Service 24 Hr. ~ 529-·5522 Pirates' contention that Kibler game. comply with official baseball called the game prematurely A game ·called after five full ,we 3..10 c, and the footnote of and in violation of National innings have been completed is this rule," Feeney's directive League Bullelio No. 24 and The considered official; a game said. "Tl>erefore the protest by "EWPUPPIES Official RulES of Baseball. called before five innings have the Pittsburgh club is upheld, . Accordir.g to the National been played is resumed at the and the same sball be COm­ YORKIES -,eague Green Book, tbe point of susJ>I'DSioo. pleted .from" the point of in­ SCOTflES bulletin requires umpires to Feeney said in his ~tive terruption ... wait at least 75 minutes during Kibler had concurred with the POODLES an initial weather interrupiioo facts as presented to him by Kibler said be made a and 45 during a second before the Pirates. mistake and called Feeney RED CHOWS calling a game. " From these facts, it is late Monday to tell him that. S.3seball rule 3.lOC requires apparent that the umpires did "I told him, 'I've b2.d time tte crew chief to wait at least not comply with league and I've tboui!bt it OVol;". I BRBY BIRD SRLE 30 minutes before calling a bulletin No. 24 and also did not fouled it up, '" Kibler said. FERREn! CUBS,from MITRED eONaRE $55 $79 (REG $99) Page 8---- SABLE COLORED bottom of the eighth when Leon Durham's grounder ONLY 3 LEFT (REG $79) drove in Davey Lopes from third. Scbu doubled home a run in the ninth to put the l'tIillies ahead 11-5, but the Cubs added THE FISH NET three run:! in the ninth on a tWG-run single by Jerry Murdale Shopping Center Mumphrey and a throwing 1 errorb y SCbu. Kent Tekulve, H , notc.'led \hi, victory in relief. The Cubs got four coo­ SIU-C INTR~!~~AL SPORTS Oi1urbun, a run­ I une 26. ~RC Room 1 58 1';- scoring double by Keith ENTIIES D\l£i9:00 pm. June 26. ' If you can't Break the Bank MoreIallll and a two-run singie SRC Info rmation Desk - at Monte Carlo, Break the Red Jug off the mCillDd by Jody [,,,,vis

,·ournamenl. wiil be played Saturday and I I at Riverview Gardens pU'::p~W:~~at4-4 with Sunday. June 28 & 29 at Camp,,, Beach a run in the mth. - 1·50 yards out at the driving range.

Munlalelhoppl... Cent... .-.,-m The Rnnaal Sielewalk Sale anel Craft Festival July 11·12 100mto5pm We . ieo Have ... ,Make your BocI!h R_rvotlonl * p.a.neBoa.. * Battlna Cace a\ The FI_~x or Call 529·1561 * Tennil Coum * Mlnlal".JrC Golf CavaUers select Daugherty Former Carrier Mills eager to play with Saluk~ squad By 51 .... fIlerriH in round one of NBA draft Assistant Spor:: Editor ~ ~c::~~ ~~::! ~~;isf~l.~ NEW YORK (uP)) - North his .:rial. He was found in- ' the Year a: ~er scoring 23.2 Erik C ,....!fin. a former considered to be a solid Carolina forward Brad Docent of sha 'Iing points off polnts a game as a senior. The staDdout lOt the Carrier Mills defensive player. Daug'lerty was selected NO. 1 games in "'hicl> he played at Celtics got bim as a result of a basketball aquaa, made his Herrin said be Ii~es Griffin's oV ~i all by the Cleveland 'J'ulane. 1984 trade that sent guard verbal corrumtmenl to SIU-C quickness and leaping abilit>, Cavaliers Tuesday in an NBA In another trade, Gerald Henderson to SeatUe. official by signing a letter of aDd thinks Griffin should help draft spiced b~ nunlerous Phil ~ delp·.i a sent center intent to play haske'ball this the team as a freshman. trades and ir.!iuenced by a , forward Terr:t Golden State then took fall for Coach Rich Herrin. In what is considered as a court decision 1,200 miles CaUedge, its second fltSt­ Washburn, who scored 17 Griffin, who averaged 18.5 slim r ecruiting year for away. round draft choice and a 1988 points a game as a sophomore points aDd 10.8 rebounds per Herrin, Griffin joins Bentc~.. s The 6-foot-1.1 Daugherty, a draft choice to Washington for at N.C. State. Tbe l'-foot-ll game in his senior year at J:lY Schafer, Hoopston-East college center projected as a Jeff Ruland and Cliff Robin· Washburn missed much of his Carrier Mills, had made a Lynn's David Buoch, Chicago power forward in the pros, W:lS SOlI. freshman year after he was verbal commitment to Herrin King's Darryl Liberty, and ch

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-'""'-..-$ ,. Pack . . ,Hunte...... 9 ..... A •• Meat ~~...... ~ ...... - ce..II...... a.t._. ___ YombS.. n. Clllclren ...... Golden R.p. 1 2 $5. 5.~ 39~ r~ ...~ •O''() ." 04fVY CAVAi.lU. tn.-· ID . S.W. J ... beh.". IlOO r,q It. quiet ttlce hc.!;.nl CondJllon Cfte owrter. I f. fomlly room wl ft I,,torcyc'", AM·FN. , p., pb...... 55" . duded. 0"0 0 Morlltt )01·)0 Co,II 529· 6·:'1-·16 , . . ••••••• O)()6Aol6l :.~~~~c:u~~:. .1jJ~ '2n ~ 10 ' p.m. Moo,do 108, ..ert.ct .hope. • new 6·2S·I6 •• •.• OI6fA.I64 "­ "" ' OYOTA crUeA GT 5·apHd, " ..... Si ISO . • 53·Sn• . MoItIl.It_ ACo ~" ••tr. "ero. ~--br . st. 6·25"'6 . . .• . • •• OlllAol64 bc.l/efll condition. SI.IfI ·roof. snoo HONDA 900 F. V.t~ 7••• MIKellanttG:... 0I0S4'-4N6 "" MAZOA Gte. custom. , 01. ... fo','"" .~ . olr, AM, ·f'M .t__ • J6 tnPSl • tn''', Atk,..." JlUO. Will _,, .;0 1/ .." ...... '" •.•• 02'OlAol63 "0'. SeC'· IJ96 • ~1ec:trOft I .. ..cel"nt condition. Ml,I. t s.1I onl. 6·10-16 ••• . ••...... O1l1Ac/62 76MAVElriCK SJSOQ'O '1OCodlllo< S21.50 54'·5813 Peto & Suppll.. KAWASAKI 1CU.50, 1700 010. Of5/(. I f OS. TAIlES, l ~ , C'OU ~-h . !2SO 0.0. MIIII 5.1'- J29·SQ94. 6·2"-16 .••.•. •• . O/J7Aol6J "n 6· 1f·86 . . •. •• • 9273Ao161 ~'m.' . ntv.r Ind. Coli Oct" • . 529. AIr Cond'itloners. low prk n 529· "'·.5.5 519-5700 pu!oIlco_. Th. Doily Egyption (0:,"0'1 b., r•• pon,lbl. for more thon on. oi o.,'. Incorrect in •• rllon. "d.... r'I •• n or. r •• po",lbl. 'or COMING SOON checking ...... oct"..-tlMfMnts 'eM" ..-ron. tN'on not ... fouft tot ... FOIl SALlIY JULY 15. 1986 octv.niMf' wMe:h ieaM'n .... valw of ,h. od .... ,tl.m."' will b. WMCh me Dally Es;yprian for ., beautiful remodeled home odlulted. II .. ou, od opp.ora louted In Murphysboro. 1IIII'M)Is on 4 1n StrHt In 1M incorrecn,. or ~ you wWI to c:onceI LUI end. Quiet. pc~fu' iOColllon near a school. with your od. ·;011 :s:J6.3311 before 12:OD v.rlousueesSl.trroundl"S Includtns Dogwood. Redbud. noon 'or canceliatkwl in the ....t H.ckbelT)'. Mimosa. o.k, tim. L lots of White _,.I.."e . Pines. t...rar sun deck. 7 spaciOUS (()OfN, bAsement. fintshed h.atdwood (toan.. lots of kltcMn c.blnets. J'4al"d • Any oci whid\ i. ~. r.ancefled room. Mtt, ~om reno¥.tlons by lohn ....r ..nd . 1"1 .~ will be ~ 0 12.00 for. '.mlly. Will le.ue with .an opllcn to bUy. V~ Mf'Yk . .... An, refund .,..., You c.-n buy th15.1 9 .5'" Intterftt wllh down ..No_wIII ..., ...... __ . . for up to JO J"NB flNlncl"5- a..ifIM ...... 1,. """t '" ...... _ .. S55.000. ----.poW"_._-- ...... ---...... '·IJ4J _A4-6IIJJ ZONING MAK.II',S I"IS 3 hdroo.... i IORM fU~NISHfD espl • .lO5 I . 3.00M fUIN{SHfD oportment. f. (A.IONDAU. 2 . f OlOOM ~--ts . FAa. aoSf TO SI U. ..fro nice. Lok. Helslht •. Clo •• '0 C'Ompu' o nd of M'II 0r0. ummel Ind uded AC. fumlsMd ot IInfurnlshed. LorQe I 2.3. OM 4. bdrm . 111m .. In. hollS. perlect fo:- breI" ..... 1'.,..... "'t •• "tlS~ Moll A\I'OII In Aug. 579·25JJ. oll .fee. 614.-4772 modem. olr. carpel. loundry. JIIroted. no pets. S ...~ . ortd · one roomOli" QuI. ,. _ II 1. 1''''' •••••••. 994580114 6 · 19-8~ ..•.•.••...• 99S280161 S]OO ·SJ50. CholuoqllO Apf• • 1 · '~ ...... 900610 119 molntolned. Centrol IU,. WosMr· MU.PHYSI O.O FU.NIS HED NEW MOOEI H 2 belrm. eleon ond CAUONOAtE. 2 .fD' OOM Fl!U 1 vt o1.:J F bit lob mill. nov.e Wtlghl Ptoperly Monogem.r.I. ??;~:.e :h405~;; I .SI~rll Augul' EF;:ICIfHCY. CIe,n. nice neigh. otrrc • •:to • • qll"l oreo. !',19· I"39 ot 579· 1101. furnl,hed or IInfllrn l. hed. I ond twolt.". eood 10"':'. pet. 10... 5 kIds borhood. IlM IKr.OII 0II1y. no 519· 1501 ofler 5. O/'Ie· holf both. . wullr 'oco""pus. 6·25-8' .••• • ••••• 9957Sh-I64 Nf194 lo~ of ,_ ~' · 39n osk IOf" 7. " ." •.••...•••.. 924310/1" M_ pel., depotlt. ColI': · ~ 43' 7 . 6·26-86 ••• ..•.•...• Ol O68oI6S CA.IONDALf. EFFICffNOfS. I S400 to $450. Freemon VCtl:'y. 500 CAR'O!llDAL f 4 IIfDROOM 1IfI· , . " ... , •• 927110160 fFF/OEN CY APAU MfNTS. fot W. frMmOtl. Wrlghl 'roperly fumlshed. "ef'Y good eondmon, ~ . 1I46 . OI09Ahl60 ~ . oil 1I"IIfI,, 'nclllded. o lr. rent linC'O/n Vllloge ApI •. Clo.. to ~t . S19 · I80 1. OWlII Augllll, 1 ~. leers • • No pell. fFflClENCY APAn/AfNTS lot corpetlng. lOllndry. ocross fM • "..., from compvr. SU'I'I'Imet 7· " ·" ••• • •••.•. 992310114 579· /786 . rent lincoln VII/og .. Apts. C/O•• to ren.s ~~~ :::'~~ ' ·~' I d~~';;:. 0II1y. 1/95-1250. 1_, Holl. 7O!i W. CA •• ONDAlf. ffflClfNClES. 6·" ... 6 ...... 9297.b165 M Ill . WrI g h t P roperly FU.NISHlD...... ,11r to compvt:. C DAtD JPlM furn:. corpel. one yr. ~~.::J:'h ::'i;:" ·~· I O~er'::;. '990. leers. In refef-.nce. Grod s tudents . L-.r;:: .. 7· " ·86 ...... 923110/ 14 , ...."., ~, 10llntky J IM 10 1110. Su:nmer ...... 529· 1101. 6990 . NICE APA. TMENT IN CO\it.rly neot 1· 1/·86 ...... 92oU1ol64 {'Ofe' only. • OI~ ApI• . 601 S. No pe' " Clos. 10 SIU ewe!1 A",. I 1. 11-86 •..• 92Jllol 74 Cobcen. Greerl "I.w : ... U ·4OI' Woshlngton. Wrlg h' ' rojSet fy 519--5878. 2 .Jcvau: I Nllhlkl wom. olympic SO UTH POPlA. Snf£T oporf· C"UONOALf. 2 .EO.OOM . U OC' per manito . IlIrnlshed o r unflhnllMd. wulk to Moroooem·nl. 579· 1101. ' .27-86 ...... 'Hl tlbl66 " sp. ••• conti. , Peupeol mens m.n'" 0tJ#I room. . JIIA' A cr"01' rondo 6·25·116 ••.....•..• "'«10166 1. 11-16 .•...••...• 92.... 0 /74 AOIfOtpd.V.GD. 529·" '61 StrlHif fro Compu• • f",t Horlh 01 C'Ompu •. o lr. corpel. UOO pw mo. ~~~~f S=~~~!;"~Y"J00Uh!.7f CA ••O NDALE. OUlfT. IUfAl,fot 511"'1'1'1'" role only. Logotnhlr9 : .UIONOALE . EfFICl fNCIES , I days. ~"' · 7404 ....n . Un"'. lIbrory. Furnbhed OM· bolto • • C\Ii'om 6.XJ-I6 •••• •• 1.12"AII, ' pro" II ~ I'tO I •. 1100 oH Is' mo. op'.. 607 S. t ogon. WrIght fmd 2 bf'droom. furnllhed 0(' con,rol &Ir. corpeled, ledr.'lOn'I. 2·hdtOOl'r'l. 4·bedroom. renl cHef' flOOd '" Jlln. lOfh. 5"· klleM n. .to... ort4 2 SCHWfNN 10 spe«h; 1 or..n·, . " ond .·Hld. nc:y. Owners In COl'" I1OtOge, flreploee. o ...r ocr. 101. women'• . ue. lI. nl econdltilm S 125 ...... 7. :r.~J .~~~':':~'~ 5;:~:::7" I:~~~~~ ::: ~t;: ,~TC;:~ bi>ndol., preYlde nIght .llghli. ' ·21·11 6 ...... 9OJOIol66 Sl2S. Slimme r ro'" only. Wolnll' r.fIlS. plekllp. wvt. r. gt OU EfHOfNCY APAU"'ENT$ Fa« each. "n ·slOt. TH.Ef .flMOOMS AaOSS frOffl ren' . lincoln VII. Aptl. Close 10 ~ . 25(. S. l .....b lit. Wtlghl ~:.;,~ or;:: ";'=~l.fu;,,: ' ~ ' :"5:,Ie; 6.70-16 ...... o;:,03AII 62 mowIng. pe" control. ortd . now month. No pets. 54,·, 505. . M ,I_ library. clos. '0 SIU. Summer 'to. ~ Mo nOQefYletl l . 529· ' 101. 23 SPOIT TOU Ii'ING I lk.. Mony r. mo\l'OI from CIty IJd_'OIIn . Very oot 12 ,_ th. . 401 Monroe. 579· ~.:,:'h ::~'e;' I4 5~ er'::,~ 7·' 1-16 ...... 924010 114 6·"·" •. • .•••.••••• 01141& 166 n_ C'Ol'I'Iponents. "5 7'()5 1~ sno. compe"" ". rot • • . Coli 07· 7352 1324 or l 79· I5J9. CAlIOHOAl ~. EFFICJENClfS. I HIIGE 2 IfNOOM hous. . qIIlel. o nd 579·5n1 10 . _ If whol y ~ '990. oker 6. 7· 17·16 •..••••. . .. f023Io i:! bedroom •• fllr n" h ,.td o r " '" N.W. Iocorlon, lorve rooms. IrofIt 6.10-16 • • •. •.• ••. . O;'-~JA I 162 6· 19-16 •••.•••.•.. 170210174 'NOn' Is o\l'Olloble wMn you _It' 1 II D«M .. HEAT. hal weIer pd.. 2 IlEO': OOM fU.N'SNED furnlsMd 'NO:1r to Unl...,.,I".. Moll. pordI wffh .wlng. beamed c.III"fI'I SIIO.oomo. "OW Sycon_"57. TowrInov.. cr,--.menl. J IO W. ,s / 7S 10 UIA. Slimmef' rol.1 011.,. "1.3 ." ...... 996110161 I~ ~:~bt~=s l~;:, . ~n;;.g room. 6193 Tim or leo... m.u oge. College. A" :lllotJe Moy IS. No Sugomc. Ar-!' 1195 E. Wolnlll. W£ST MIU Sf_ffT oporfmenfs (of 6- 15"'6 .....•... 012610164 pets. S«ItI. ~29 ·:.5l3 . Wtlgh, r.~ "'~novet"etI' 579· [ Sportl... - $oulto Jam .. Str_ ') CotbotMfol• • EFFICIENCY APAUMENT TO ' ·XJ·'f ...... ' 42910 162 110 1. ~;;:~ACUiA;, ~. ·iio.~~: Jill' Acroll Str_ t from Compvt: Slibleos. fot foil. (lind on Monor). LOVEl \' , 'EIAtOOMS. Unllltn. or 1· " "'6 ...... 924110114 I neOl" Ito. l ee Cenle, . !;':llh1'dro1 TownhollS'e f ty le. 2 bedroom. ond ~ IIIng . ce /:/ng Ion. 1I'III.ry room. , $641. C'OI/54, .7,96. filM. AlT. ~ ~ . C'Oble TV. Moy 0' CAUONDALf 3 IIfO.O OM. 10 HP. HONOA 4.cyd. oulboord bo,h lip. U". .oem. . 'e. dowri. ' ·2. ·16 ...... 02-tJ1Io 163 A,'" ( .. tr." .1y n Jce;I S29·2117. IlIml'~ Ot IIn'urnlsl'ted. eotpe'. bolh •• • n.rgy .HI,,.!),. ook fl OOf'S . Furnished on:, with . ,~ " tiM I'tOpetl. leo,., 549·3913. motor. 20 HIiS. USED. $600. 54'· 2 BORM BASEMENT ApI.. ugl, bul ".2• .r~ ...•... .•.... 1 71610 1" o lr pool IlWndry. $loo to I-UJ. 1161. r.'r/QefOfOf'. bul u.~ It'IInll hlng' cheep. 1110 mo. Deposit. Very NIC1: l ord 2 b.d'tOOffI furn',Md Scnnmef' ro tu. onfy . Country Clll b 1·3"'6 . • •...... OJ02.bl6' 6. " .86 ...... OI!ll: •• '60 oft.n oWl llobl. Jocolly. ()w.-n..... In dose 10 «Impu• • 605 W. f reemcm. ..porlm . nts. dose 10 C'Omf-lIS , Otc/. . III E. Wo lnlll. WrIght NICE 3 IDIM C'Otpel " .g. o lr. 011 110" Corbondol.: FH'OVlde IIlghl fjghl. , CONNEllY SIROCCO $J\IlI OARO Coil 549· 1139. O\I'ollo W. for foll. 193-403J . PropJrly M' mogemenl 579· 1801. .hady yord U 15. AIle; 2 belrm SJOO. with .~Iro 5011 . r.toll SIJOO . ••11 refuse p lc""p. gl"OJS mov" ng ond 6·19 ... 6 .•...•. . 011910 161 1· 1 I·" ...... 9142110 1 4 54,· )930. S29· 12 18 snow,,"o l ftonl C lIy 1·1 ... 6 ...... 9UOIo171 S65O. ""·3nl. NICE 2 6EDIOOM DupIn. eiJPl. , I AND 2 belr. op',,; cleon. qul.,. 6·25. 6 ... . ••. Ol7Jllbl64 sld.welk• • Very competme tot.s. 6. 1' ·', .. . '27ZJ.!; I60 Ig yord. Pa tio, Aug 10. 2 0 :10 •• 10 eempus. $·.".,~r lervlco; "AND NEW. 3 b.droom 2 "ory CoIl {51 13520rtd S29 · '~? ~'t s_ lf ' " n , HOB IE Compl. ,. wllh Itoll., Emereld. S310 mo. 579·)811 o rtlir ""oil. Moy or A, gllS l. 617· 1' 11. lownhom.. 2 both.. . ll dln" "lOll ,,"' l'Ot YO" _:"It Is O'Iollebl. wfoten c-· ~ door 10 potlo. ly -flY S2.5OO. 457-4611. 5 '3(1. 7· 15·16 ...... 901910175 ..... ' .2"'6 . •..• 021JAk162 (Ouwenl /' 6.20." ...... (.11 4110162 I II f1)ROOM "", PT5 . fot Jllly or . I block from Ihe .ec 1.3-86 1011' 016' fOOSIALL TABLE $150 Good lAltGf EFt-iCIEN CY APARTMENT. 2 Aug"" . Very nice. qlll.'. " 51· C.",.,. no pell 54'·3913 Chrl. Ot C'Ondltfon Coli 519·J779 • NfW APA.TMEN '" 51' S. " eplct blk. . from compll.. ,.'; 1I111mon 2SOJ. ~;:"~. .. ~~~~Sc . ~~:!,~~:~h:; : 457·' 194 Corol. , . " ... 6 0lJIAkl61 I '0<.,"" fllrnldli'd. SlImm . .. ot foil. pold bul /l g~.. o\l'OlkrbJ. 1m· 7· ""'6 •.•••.••••.. 990210114 7·3"'6 ...... •. OJOl ll bl6' 54' ·3315. Jim lomberl. WANT TO KNOW oboul some of ,h. ~ ?O · 35" o~ 529· 1120 medlcl_"'. deposit. CoIl ."enlnll' a OSE TO S/ U. Flilly f llrnllhed, 5 7·1 7... 6 ...... 01211bl 71 b.U .b' ... . . "'31Abl64 54' ·1011. bdr.. AC. co lor ''''. loI'V. yord AS7. bes' n.w hallA lng In Cdole? ' ·1·3 b.droom . J un. ond A lig. ;:OR .ENY 2 8drm opl. fl" room, 6·20-86 •. . ..•. OI6SlIo l6' 2503 01" 549-4265. C .,urnlture ] bolh, k lteh~n . on. bJodl f~om MURPHYSBQliO I AND ' Jd,m.. 1· /1 ·" ...... 990110/14 OYCI lkrbfllry. Chrll 5-49·397J. Corof C'Ompus SlIm",. t l l5(,. slngl. S/30 oppl.. we'er ond trosh. leose ond 451" '94. 1..J-8' . . .••.•. OJOS lb169 per mOlllh ~"" . A2Il. deF-". Call 6IA·6nS. ~~~~~2 . ~:,~:,~m~t::~~·~~,i WIHAVI SPIDE R Wf6 BUY ond •• " lI.ed 6.20 ... , . ~680 162 '·24." •••.•••• • .:9'910163 Clyde S_ ntan 579·5294. SPAOOUS . Pt ,,,NISHED. 0« lin· '} ROOM DOWNTOWN 7·2 It ...... 922710161 lurnlshed. 3,4. or 5 b.d'toom hom• • '"rnlt",.. o nd ~" :' que •. S on old 5 I -",,.,.) ANt: HOUSfS dOl. '0 S/U '1HIHOUSI Co li $ 4' . I 712, IInfllrnlshed: 126 S. lllinol. . Coli I AND 2 bf!dtoom. furnl.Md 0(' oil . lec1rle . • n.rgy.. fflcl.,,' . btkJ., 1. 2. 3 belrm. Film. Ilimm., 0(' fol' IInfllrnlshed. ;'C. corpet. houses 457·S216. 6· " .d , • . . ,693Aml60 529·3581 0: 579· 1120. 0 7·SOIO. 'fNHY', ANITOUES AND IIs~d , .XJ·" •.•.•...•• 0 11Ho162 01'Cl1/0"". 579·17J5. "57·e9S6. PO. YO, 6·20-46 •••.••.• ••• '.2t'1b162 6·25"" •..•• ... .• 993610164 NICE J ·ROOM Apor1n'lenl, f lit· KEfP SUMMER coo:. In your 3 ot 4 f\lmfttlt'.'l tuy ond ••11 O ld IJ '!',.s,. TOP CDALE lDCA nONS. I bdrm nlshed. UrlIlI., poid. Air. Ho p9ft. Ivrl'.,$Ovth 01 tl-kllOttd In n T:;".,.n. go ond 2 bdrm .. f'Jl'nlshed opt. .. no ~.oo: ;nu!"r~~' h:! •. w~ : ~r,~ 3 , ... ,., S4'-f ..... n' Qul. ' C'OUntry ,"rrolll'lding. 617... 2 - 10 cedroo;:" pel• • yeor I ~u• • deposit. coli 614. t.spon,"':e ",ndIord. 1;14·591 7. ':':I'-&e . ,...... 8118"'1'1'1 163 4145. 1267. 2 SOFAS f:.E'E ro onron.. who C'On 6·24-86 ••••••.•••. 9602110163 ROYfiL 6·2U6 • ...... ' ."abI63 1.Jt;.a6 ...... 99J2Io184 houses. large pk kllp 457-4021 F~ A HO,/Sf 1/)01 I. 0 hc: ..... 2.3 ot lWC'UfII'Y. FURNIStfED fFFIClfNCY. 4 bedroom •. Coli 451-6518 6 · 20~ ••• : .... 0122 ..1'1'1 " 2 nfoOt SIU. gtod• . on',.. no peft. AI'AtrTMiNTS and small Ol!lEN .sIZE WArE/rIED. h~ ,·25-16 ...... \':~~8bl64 y.orleol• • deposit. coli """.... , 45 REHTfiLS 2 IEDII~M HOUSf. 9/ 5 W w·mlnor. • t'm",'loofo Hon moltre.. . 7·30·86 . ...• . . .. 99JIIoI84 SIU AI'I'IIOYED pededol w·6 drawers. 011 1M e. · Srcomore SlOCI mo.. rortJy lilt· DfSCOUNT SUMMft:, IIM CcorodItk-..... ~ r.;"w leasing trc. Or lgln o ~ 11000. 6 mos. o ld nll~ ::. blg rord. no p9ls. I yr leerse RfA SON~ Ilf fol/ through .prlng :~",rooI o-toc.....,. S55O • .s.c' ·i692. Lambert Re.lty :..vlnl Aug. IS. 529·2496. Olt. bdrtr . furnlsMd opts .. 2 1'1'1 1", ,.....,~ a--IGrtt .. 1"'""' ...... oo171b170 , · 19-16 .•• . OJ 44A.m16 1 _sI of e dol • • • omodo Inn. Coli Efficiencies 10) 5, 11. FOU. 8E0lt00M AC. gas heot. wosh 614 .... , 4) •• SUMMBONLY ~ 1 & 2 bedroom a pt. Carbondo:e Call: ond dry. n_ poln'. S460 0 ~ ffo 7·30·" ...... • 99.:380184 54'· 1l15. M...... f Ate TH.OU GH SPRING , Effklend.. t· 31c1rm Apts Mobil e Hon:es 529·1 082 6· 19-16 .•.•....•••... 99111£16' I~ reundry Facilities Newlv constructed Z bedroom Townhouses .457·1'941 I=, H-.4y~. NIce , • Wate<. Trash I s.w.. ... H-ii ...... """62 Cleon & Quiet now available. C1JA1f J ... turn.. ~ . PI '*". _".. ,.... ond~ . NoPeis GnNI .~ . No ,.n. a... '0 ...5111'1..... A""'_Aue ...... I. S29-5I7I 921 J.'1O. For Information I Appt. J "IDRM. ~f . bodryard. 549-6610 .. Bening Real Estate ,:;r:;;.~ to 51U ond MoB. Ccff Imperial Mec-4XI 205 East Main 457 ·2134 ., __ ..... It. .[ ; . , ~ . iO:iUR: 'c;.;;:Z!'.:.,' rt.... n .. ~.. ;;c.=...== n~'.~.~.. ~ J =/;;.. I,.. ,'" ...... =."t.'-':-- ~ al_'O' GOlUHf' IIOIAE IMP,qOVEMEHT. mobil. ho.,.,. ond r.,ld. Mlof. plumbIng• • I. ,.-IC'Of. ~ ' ry. o"d 20 J'ftII'" lob 1'<'loolmo''''. /l . 529·;>I2. •11.;;«. '_ . ""' 6-25"' .....•...... 97• • ft ... UCENU O OA yCAfE HOME hoi op.,,'ng.. . , perf. nc.d. lO"" " i .,.Irlronm.m. C;OI. ' 0 ()P ~PUI 519· 2:16< . -, • .,6 .. . . •• . .. OI6Of l 6J ".:CiUlAPHY · WIlL PHOTOGV.f'H r:-;:,~:,:,:: g ~'t;: 9~:,s~-:: S49 . ' 7~for App f . 6· 1"", .. ,1·BUi· GOtD·SltVf'. UOf(EN ,.-Jry. ~.. Dupl.".. ~" ' . • ,.,';"g. d c... rlrtgl • • 'c. Jortd - J Col"• . 121 5. III. "S7·6131 . CA'ec)HDAtf'S HfWEST,.AIf( 2 ond 5-Z7.J6 . _ ...... _ •... 9ICHF 1l6 l~ . _ond"b_. WANTEO Alt CONOITIONEU. Ioundrc..--"ot. prt...vt. potid,.. poflo, Sl'AootIS. fU.NISHfO 0It ur fvmllhecf. l bdrm. t :'idc. 0'" COfI· '-urwt'''i« ,"". 0"0 ul/',Iy troll .... dlllOtted. oil .Iedric, bill yord• ."., Coli 529..JS6J. ~·. 5;:.~=:..':'tfId . 7-15-16 ••• . .. 02(Uf176 7.JO.N ...... "'.114 oreo 457·5276 6·20-16 •...• . •.••.• '7'71"61. "19 I"It/Cl5 IN ' '''' S125 fot- toto' u"tf. 2 bds" corpef. 0"'. fIOf. golI. 2 1ftMt()()M TOWNHOUSE, lit. Vety niN' I 5.9·lI5O. ~ . unfum. AIIO IIoi* Aug. 10. Off 1· " -16 ...... " ' .... ,7" II. 13 Eot' 5"'.. 5" . 1* · ':Jn·"iti~ SI"£CJAt SUMME' .... TES. 2 ond 3 7· /1"" ...... 00751" 7. bedr-n• . _ 1ft- to CDmpVI. Prlcft " o r ' Of 1 12S. 52'-...... 3 IfDIt()QM UHfU'HI$HfO. 109 N. 7-11-'6 .... _ .. _ ..• _ •. 92.J7lel 7. $prl ~ . S270.utnmw. SJ60 foll. no peh. 549. 14.7. EXT.A NIO ' ''' WkM. f cmd • hdroom. C."f. A ir. fum/shed. 6·27"" ...... ·.... 98;);".. Quiet Pri. No P.II ,.'eGI... )49· NICE 2 lOW. OupIu . c:grpe'. SO'7. wo.her oM dryw heokup. ".,. , ·15-16 ..•.....•. : ... ' U J1e16.(l _ .... ortd ''"In'' Indllded. 3 .'VAILAItf. ONE bedroom fur · Co lI . ' S ~ · 2'27. " 'Ih.d. Woter IfldudeJ. prk-Ml from J . I-I6 .. ,. . ...• 92tIIf/67 J1O.51 JO . 54 • .,fJ.... . 6-20-16 •...••••.••••. Wlle162 TOP CAtIOHDAtE tOCA TIOH. 2 bdrm fumlltt.d troll... 10 . SO " 0 ".,.. c., II 614-4 l .. S. !lOOMS. CAtlOHDAI.f. SOUTH E--Lob 7-10-16 •.• _.. . .•...• ""ie'''' jI~ S"..,. Jus. ~ crt'".1 S,,-, 2 IOINI . •'.:l 0iJlE '-"-I. 230 S. 'rom c.vmpr:. 'UI ' Norffl of UnJ .... U&l"'o'y. fo, W~ ·1 ~tI . l " 0.' ::U~-;::;: InC:;;. ;;, .~ ond hdroom ~ ...... In .t. 7·" -1' ...... 994.f,k'7. fkfeMy. ~ In G..-bondoI• • 1.2.3. bec."-"oom. C'eflfroJ olr. nI~ . p"-Ovfde night I",,",. r.tllt. pldrup. ca--.. good 00-.-. ___ ftIfTI~ ~~_ ~II ut""," . P'O" mowfnsJ. pel' lum",., rote• . S29· 132i' ~.S7"'JI . ~. ~ , otrl.I'IOW~ ' fromQIy 6·27-16 ...... OOftkii6 .~ ,...... Very compel",.... rotes. I AHD 2 bedroom, '2' ottd , . . . ColI . ~ / · 7.JS1 ond 52t·Sm,0 ... If ~ . « . flood I_Hon, ""' pets. wflc-J ,ov won. fI Ch'OIIobIe wMorI S4'-O(I" . J'CK,--.,Jt . ..27-16 ...... f9721c166 7·3-16 • .... . •••. • •. . • H2Idl" C'DAtE. fXC. COHO.. 12 OM 14 SUM."D AHD fAll, priW)t. room • • wtcIotscnooll. _ • • utnm ... orfoll. All uHIHfft '" dllf!«l. d o.. to ....· 2663«.57·7102. comp"'. Sp.clol .ummr. :-0,.. ·1100 5·27-16 ...... 9f008c166 ".,. montn. ~S7· SOIO doyI:; 519· 1547 12X60. 2 If~ . H.- c.vmpc-'. • ....n lrtg5. o fr eoncf"' ~ , cvrpef . • • tro ." . 6·10·" .. , ..•...... 9OJ4Idl62 suloflon. cobI.. f lltn l .~ . l lSO 1 AND OHE HALf BLOCKS 'rom IIIm _ . 1225 fo /l. eo:1 457-4 705 « C'CdI'Ipvs slnille rooml , corpetH . S1t·20t. 'urnl.h.;l. r.'r' ".ro' or. 1110 7·2"' •..•.•...... ~16I lummer. I I' :" foil IfId.m.. WI!. 549· NO. 13. T ortd C. 2 bdrrn. ~. 5596 '---aove. 1120_. 54,.7110. 7·.JO.I6 . . . . . "'lid,.., 6·20...... 003'71d62 2 101M MOU.E ~ . .moll tlM/TED HO. CN I"'OOtftI O¥OI' . .J02 S. privofe coc.w1. Counlry • .n;!Ig I ItS 0 1'oJMtr. Stay._of16"-1IfW'ffh -"", AC. lII't'fW. ",.h ntfftOYOI. _,.... '2 mo. l'rted •.MM . ",. "-" moInf. rnd. 529-3052. ..26-N ...... O " s.d'~ 6·2." ...... OU4kl" lNGl J amaooM.. 2 bofhs. _, S751U MONTH. 4tIO W"' oJok CoIl -5294m-. t. -'-'". GNcIt far ...... n.· .. " ...... * ( " ""'" ..... ItOOMS AYAL IN ...... ,.,...,. 7·17" ...... t2J7Ic1n HUM8fI lJ, T AND C. 2 bdrm. 1IvM. I bII from W . S,.,.,.,. A .... SI)S mo. • hore utlI. wt·54n. ~ . 1I20.~. ~ · 711O . ' ·25-16 ...... 029'9fidl" 6-20-46 ...... , ...... 003'7Ic162 HfCf tOOM$ lot ._. A.c.. . CAMlItOJ.. '0 M,HtIT(S from CcriIondoI• . Ih65. 2 bMroom. Ium"hed. cfme. 't) COfftPU, . ~57·25" w· or 54 ..... D. C.,.,.d oIr AC • ....,., 1'I1r;e. Alto, 2'65. 10dO. 1 bci~ ...... ;'".. pri...o" 7·11"" ...... '2621d,7. Iof. tn:sh oM Ivwn cor. prolrlded. ::.::!l~-6l36 ~ 6 pm. 7· "" ...... Ol5llc171 ] 21lO1O

ST U DE N T SPEC I AL ' - .. FREE ~S R'{N1. Rat~s I ...... 1A.1I1 •• INQUI RE NOW! r.T Starting at - ... LP_ CHRYSALIS A '&I .....00m. ~-~--.~ n pt'"C"Yiom esp.!rience.. call for an 1nta"Y1-'cw and ~ when you .a: our 8lllTcu:t.Y. tHo k;"d aI NURSING IS DIfFEIIENT, rrs A SPEClAi.1Y AND IT TAKES ".ery speclal" Nuna. eoa.c Join us! For Clauflied and Duplay Adyertfafng CaD 536-33J J or.topby 1 Commu,dcatloM BulldfnB Room lZ5~ W ' · Mozart plays second fiddle to rival Salieri in 'Amadeus' By Ma'Y Wisniewski nature .'of ~enius . '" Stevens effecl Staff Writer &tid. The IlOrnt 01 all tbe plal'." A scrim is a wide piece of is that get'ius is a divine 11,ft cloth whicb can be lit from !be .. AmadetlS," a ptay by Peter and car.not tie earned, be saId. bad, to produce siJoubetteE. of Shaffer that opens Thursday at perf..-mers behind it. Slides 01 McLeod n._t2l' is no: about SAUERI TRIES to destroy sce.. es from P :ague alld Mozart bec2use !tfo cannot Vienna will be projected on 3- ~~M:lfO!ga= UDderstand why God would by 4-foot screeI\S above tbe about tbe 18th century or even cboose such an obnoxious sceN!ry. about com;;;lSing music. persoo as his Earthly voice. The Temy Awanl-winniiIg "Mozart is really a bat­ "11IE PROJECI'IONS will play, wblcb opened OrJ t1etP'o!md fO!: Salieri'" ftght have two fwtetions," Pilac Broadway in 1980 and a.ll with God," Stevens ex· ~ . ''The first is to Academy Award.winnl'.ag rum plain",!." . esla!llisb tbe locale. Tbe in 1984, is tcld from tbe ~. Tbe Part 01 Salieri is very 8O!Cono.1 is to show that !be play Camp",c Quality spective 01 Mozart's nval demanding, since the is in Sa\ieri'" memory. So tbe ACROSS FROM AMTRAK. C'OAlE composer Actonio Salieri. cbarach1r spealas baH tbe pictures will be a little oul of 1t'7N. PAIIKAVE .. HERRIN 457-5221 Graduate student Henry Odum play's ill"", and is required to l~ and all of one color." plays Mozart. be em stage for tbe entire " Amadeus is tbe ftrst in a " Jt is Salieri's play com­ perfonr.ance. Bowman, who run of lour plays to be pletely," says di._tor David acted and directed in Con­ presented by tbe Department Stevens. " It doe!;u't even bave necticut for about 18 years of Tbeater and tbe 1ttusic m.ucb to do witb Mozart." before enlerttg tbe sru-c Summer Playbouse. Per­ du.mmE.'t Master 01 Fiue Arts program, !ormances also are 8Cbeduled IN THE PLAY, Salieri, royal says that be bas his own Friday, Saturday and Sunday. m'JSiClan for tbe late l'tb conception of tbe role. Tbe other pre&eotatiOl\l! are cent'll,), Imperial Austr'.an "George M.," June 2':-29- and Court, pledges hlmself to '.iod "'SALlERI IS A man July:Hi; "Chapter TO/o," July on tbe condition wt be hi- . possessed by jealousy and it ~.!!:t~~:CarouseI,,, July 18- made tbe l:reatest compc,.;er uC has twisted his mind," his age. '\I ben Salieri reallzes Bowman said. Sali",i .... a Uta 1 GOO bas chosen tbe sort of idol worship for Mozart, CUR1:AIN TIME for all "obscene ,' hiJd" Mozart to be alooR witb an urge to destroy shows is 8 p.m. Tickets are $6 his instrument on Eartb, bIm,besaid. for Thursday and Sunday Salieri 1_.$ his faitb and The perspective of Salieri performances and $7 for curses God's justice. will even be reflected in tbe li'tiday and Saturday 1_­ " Peter Shaffer bas bP.en re­ scenery. Since tbe play con­ formances. Rusb tickets, LADIES FRSHIONS writing tbe same play for sists of Salier;'s flashbacks, which can be purcbased just vears" Stevents said '''The scene designer MiJan Pilac. before curtain, -will be ~ ' !ur Royai Hunt 01 tbe Sun; (1984), will be making special use 01 students. C""tact tbe 'Equus' (1970) and 'Amadeus' several scrims and about eight Playbouse BOIl: Offtce at 45S- all deal witb God and tb" .lides to achieve a mneumonic 3001 for tickets or information. W est Park Plaza Philatelic center offers special stamps '2471 W . Malo Carbondale 549-2212

By John Baldwin StalfWrit", ,- Tbe Carbondale Post Office at 1301 E . Main bas 0PeDed a window called tbe Littfe Egypt Pil.ilatelic Center specificiilly for stamp collector.;. Stamps oot ordinarily sold at regular post office windows and stamp colJe'ting kits are available at tbe .. indow, which begaoOS(M!l:l1tion J :me7. The wiDdow is CI,?eD from 9 to 11 a.m. on TI;esdays and Saturdays, tut Debor~h Gyalri, acting manager for Cltncellell:>i1 .... by Ruth Ann ~ of the Ina IlL Poet retail saka. said tbe window 0ftIce. Courteey of .... Cltrtlolldot.. i'oet ~. boors may increase cIepeodjnj( Marylynoe Shuler, who works tbe Idt aide 01 tbe de8tgD, and on tbe demand. She also saiiI at Centralia Post Office, tbe window ..ill remain open the four bo..-izontai lines and tbe created tbe winning cacbet words "se.-ving y",," as the past 11 a _m. ii customers are waiting. design. Rutb Ann Crocker, who right side of Lite design. works at tbe Ina Post Office, Tbe cachet e;1veIope> bave a Gyati "aid postal em­ created tbe cancellation ployees, including tbose 22-ceD: postage stamp affIXed qualified t? operate a design. and an: sold for 75 cents. The Shuler's design shows the cancellatioo stA-I'IP is used philatelic windo''', cannot bead of a spbinx ac­ only when requested for operate tbe window when it is companyinl! tbe address o! the closed. collection. PUiJatelic Center. Crocker's . Tbe Little Egypt Philatelic POltai workers who operate design bas tbree concentric tbe .... indow are required to Center is ~ Only philatelic circles covering a triangle as center in tbis region. bave fOla' boors of training hi become acquainted witb termS and pbn;ses I\E'CeSS81')' It> ~ . \~. operate a philatelic center, SIU-C INTRAMURAL SPORTS Gyalri ""id. The extra training sponsors ~Q."O ENTER NOW is in addition to tbe 120 hours of c..ON-6 COREC VOI,UYBALL traicinC required to work a reguJar window, sbe said. (Double Elimination - No Officials) i:(l\,1>c,Q." baby Awards were gtven a t tbe .Rosters available at SRC Info Desk opening ceremonies for best desigoI ." a cachet 1!I1VeIot--.e and C8ncellatiol! stamp. of-the .. year CONTEST Puzzle answers Yo ur baby's photograph could win up to . $1.I00in prizes from A Special PIQ~e . B & A Trovel , World of Oz Child Devebpm"'nt RUNNER'S "'c Center Ilnd Vogler Ford. SAUCONY'SDIXON~ Entry forms available at those locations, BUT all er.try forms mlJst be I e turned to:

.. * A Special PI"ce K-Mart Plaza Carbondale '1/2 ~I,S!~ . W,· ,(,loc.atCl'dbelw('f"·nf( MOilund KI~ oPtJO~,,,, J C PCII~Y& St._ .. ' Ight If,lh,·,,,,ddicoi OUI bu' ...... I...hopp.~ =.~~~ SHOES ".. ' STaFF ,." szt-Jon - ACROSS

1 Tone down . \ 5 Glided 9 Radar Images l"oday's l 14 fotlow rules SUMMER 1986 Student-to­ I51', Recreation Center. Late 'need of indiVIduals to serve ,,~ 15 Exhort Student G,aDt applicati:.ns for rosters accepted until 5 p.m. community suppa:t volunteers 16 Seree wearer undergraduate international Friday with a $2 late fee or persons to volunteer time in 17 Ocean . students are no,. available a! Intramural sports will also a new drop-in center and day movement Puzzle International Programs and sponsor a 12- and 16-inch treatment program. Anyone '8 Cobb ....s 19 Nomlnatl4 Services, 910 S. Forest St. softball tournament. Men's. who is interested, c(\nta~t Sue . 20 Fruit drink Application deadline in .June women's and Cl>-J"(<: teams Walsh or Marilyn Smer'ken at 21 Ties up 25. For more information, <:all may participate. Captlins' 54!HlO22. 22-_ puzzle answers Barbara Brundage at 453-5774. meeting will be held at 4 p.m . BI!:oox-Arts Thursday in Room 1;vi . ?:; Renting A M'ORRIS Library RecreaticiJ Center. Late COMPUTING AFFAIRS will 25 labyrinth are on Page 16 27 Kicker's prop librarian will teach an in­ rosters will be accepted until 5 arfer a workshop on Lotus 28 G" alie's feat troductory session OD the p.m. with a $2 late fee. Mllcros from 2 to 3:30 p.m. 29 Pronoun Library Computer System We,1nesday in Faner 1028. To 32 " - - , SO "'3 European 30 Print styte: (LCSJ at , p.ln. Thursday in THE JACKSON County register, call 453-4361, ex· goodl" ~ Poverty abbr. the Central Card Catalog .....I0 1i1 Community Health Center is in t.enr.ion260. 35 Having no will 65 Schedule of 31 DiSOfder on the main floor. Call "'" 37 Range part 32 London area Social Studies Library at 4.53- 38 Sr'l~ak"'" 33 Across 39 "So sorryl" 00_ 34 Expk>lt 2708 to register in advance: Complete Combo Store ~'" hc'!Scli , Complete 35 --- gain: Space is limited. problems 2 Remain' 1001 GUITARS 42 Bovines 3 Sorceress 36 Needle INTRAMURAL SPORTS lbenez • Aria Pro II • Fender • 43 LiI'ftover .. Witness 38 Spirit will sponsor a Ihree-on-three G jb~on 4" Monstrous 5 Listless 41 Easterner basketball toarnament. Son,e as low as 40 % Or:F 45 Ashy 6 Squeeze 42 Infamous 46 Island city 7 Hoary 45 Frittered Captains' meeting will be held 47 H)cs • 8 Meal buddies 46 Tramped at4:30p.m. Thursday in Room Shure Mlkl!s 51 Hisperic 9 Zephyrs 41 Arab or Turk 54 Pronoun 10 Weapon 48 Wear Busch named 57's, 58's 40% OFF 56 Scull 11 Within 49 Next to 57 Elicit 12 Bark Sverige 58 Wrongful civil '3 Wi.hered 50 Sugary Alumni director e New Roland TR 505 Digital Drum Machine e acl 21 Utter 51 Smaller c. Thomas Busch has been All Midi Accessories 59 Blood 24 Tripod 52 Maiotain IL -'led ' dirI:!Ctor of SIU-C's Within Everyone', Price R~nl e 60 Lesions 26 Avouch 53 ~pl it OfiiCf', of Alumni Services and 6' " Or-I" • 28 MaJlcious 55 Gotfer's goal 62 Boundary 29 House area 59.stone executive director of the SIU Alumni Association. . Digital Samplers as low os $3.2~ Busch, a 1971 SIU-C graduate, most recently tbenez Digital Reverb In Stock !j erved as assistant to ---- President Albert Somit. ··Roland Cosio Syntheslsers He has been ~cti!1g director of Alumni Services and acting executive .director of ' the Ask How You Can Qualify Alumni Association since July For Our Low Combo R.nt.II 1985, when he replaced J .C. Garavalia, who became acting director of the Office of ~ BY~~S.. ~~ ST K'~~~~~~9~ CO. Regional Research and Ser­ vice. • '7lw Most Music ~ Ful S.cre in Southern lIIi no i~" Busch will oversee activities and sel'vices for about 120,000 alumni and 10,000 Alumni Associatiun members. , I l WF ~ GUARANTEED STUDENT lOAN INFORMATION Monday, June 23, is the last 'Jay·to submit a 1986 Spring/Summer or a 1986 Summer Semester Guaranteed Student Loan application. Suomit the loan application to Student Work and Financ'ial Assistance. Woody Hall. a Wing. Third Floor for by the Office of Student Work ann Fi nancial Assistance SUMMER BOWLING LEAGUES NOW BEING FORMED For fun ..laxation a s well as the competitive challange and oacial aspect. . form a team ond Ilgn up edrly. .

~niItots TUMday6~ andWedr-my 6~ Teams will coiIli.t of 4-_1. (4 men. 4 women or ony cambinatia., of 4) Team members mUI' be Itudents, faculty. [,toff or _MS. leagu.. will Itort the ...... of Jun. 24. Pick up 0 team entry blank at the Student Center Bowling Alley.

t· '. Ify ou are an employee of the most respected and RIIIDOM ..O M COSTLY help you avoid trouble, too. So state of llllnr,Is, June Is decision pick out the pharmacies you DIIIUCmUI. we g1;re you 100% on month for you. LlJrewlse if you prefer for JOur prescrt ptlons. lotal He'.llt.'l Care pa.ys every· checkups, shots for the kids, work for any company whose You doo't have to go to a hosp.tal thing right from doll8l' E-?slc Health dB-tuctibles every year: We'll helpyou elJ.minate all the maintenance organization that 1'1.. , 1. 'futal Health care elimiru:.tes claim forms - the work, wait and rea.lly sets you tree: Total oo-pa,yments lor hospital room ITAY WIll.. WOO, AleITAY wo,'ty with them. With Total Health care, luc. and. services except for mental COVDID. Healt.'l care, you come out health and emargeney room. 'Ibtal Health care wants to virtually paperwor\<; ::rae. NOW YOU DON'T ""VI 10 • 11ID 10 A PUla Of CAllING THlIAYINOS Aft A RUL IlIA, DOISWT CAllI.. THERE'S A HOSTAGE .....,100. Ifyou don't like the Idea of Compare 'Ibtal Health Car-, to crowded clinics, long waits, and Similar ~ll ·option choices short tempers, 1btal Health care CR.. IN under the State Basic Health Is your answer. Plan or other HMO options. SOUTHERN ILUNOIS You'll find our costs fully RILU.SID 10 III YOUR OWN comparable or actually lower. DOCIOIt. With us, you're not hostage to YOU COULD SOLVE ASK YOUR OWN DOCIOIt. whomever someone else picks OR CAl&. US A' 993-2263 OR out for you. Over 90 physicians BY JUNE 28TH. 549·4343 .. CAItIIo.AU in this area are oew participants Chances !Ore yG1.Ll' doctor Is with Total Health care. Chances associated with Tota.! Health are you see your OW'...l doctor in care now or AOOn will be. Ifyou the privacy cfyour own doctor's appreciate a plan that appreci· office. And you and your doctor ates yOu and your freedom of choose the special1sts when choice, freedom from problems they're reqUired. .and unnecessary expenses, cut yourst, lf loose befors it's too MORI..-oMOfCllOlClFOit late - tell YiJur employer you IIOIRTALS ...... au. waut'Ibtal Health care now. Tota.! Health care gives you the right to choose the area's

TOTAL HEAlTH CARE. It'syour:freedom we have tD offer. ~~~~~~~~ ____~~ .J I I

John Prine hits. a clinker- . HAPPY HOUR SPEtW. with 'German Afternoons' "II.,_~ is a weakly carried take- an Otherwise ternoons." It is a gocic!. .We're ·Leaving &Must Sell Everything! originals seem .studiedly standaMtune. sounding album wi!ll some iiruple, tbey dlsp,lay his The bite 01 Prine's s"cial weD·made SOII{;S. But with II. SeIectians .. good ~ tremendous lyrical gifts. Prine satire, however, is deClOitely simple love ballads and rather iuuI not forgotten that tile missing and missed from ordinary country in· . Spurts Apparel . At least 40% off ~ sound of tile lyric is also part of "German Afternoons." Only s trumentation, "German $part sa.s At least 35% off ~~ tile music. On " Bad Boy" for two sonp make allY kind of" d~ not seem to example, tile phrase "I've swipe at tile system, which try very hard. . Spurts EqIipIMnt-At least ...~ been a bad boy, I've been long elnerges without a scratch. And maybe another absolute Jl%off gone, I haven't been there, I " Paradise " which aco..-.;es ' SS' truth in music is that· Joim (Somebaseball~ ~ didn't pbone boDIe," thumps some _med coal company Prine fans have come to ex· .c.. like the bass that aCCllmpanies of hauling it away, is mild and pect something more sub­ & softballs ~" it. nostalgic while "Out of Love" stantial. excluded) ~~~

Apartheid comonly misconceived Store Fixtures & Equipment For Sale ALSO, by U.S., says d09toral s~udent By .....tua w.. ttw.bJ Jr, o . West Park Pisla sUrL'ounded by beautiful from South Africa, said South S1aIf Wrtter • ' 0 243SW. M.a in. Carbondale beaches aDd llbundspt plan· African blccilS are voteless, .. Across from Ramada Inn 457·2623 A common misconception in Uife, and the blacks, who Iiv" declared DilII-citizens aDd their Open 9:30-6:00 M·Sat. the '!nited States is that tile in rotting wooden townshi)lS 'IIalionality on travel B issue in South Africa is ceo· IRIITOUIIded by crumbling dirt ~ Is duaifled as tered em • powtr etnaIe' and """""uaallatrlnes. . . ."UDcIetermiDed. ~ . among blaclts, said Nono A' person risb being im· Maltbudu, a doctoral can· LUKE TRIPP, coordinator prisoned if be or sbe .were to dida te !n educational 01 Blad< American Studies, speak out against tile living psychology, during a slide said there is a white racist CODditions in South Africa presect.~tifAI about apartheid. Arri~ty at. w­ ill Zulu and Setswana. to the same 0C5ion borinIt countries came to il-...... lwdu ~ \.0 show aid ol blacb in South A!ric.., ~ . ~udl[UQl'teJW I the United States and Great !be start cootrast 01 Iivtne r::.-uw:r u:'!tsIde !:id The most cornpii,le stock nalUral Britain would asaiat tile South at I et.."ldltiODl between the whilel, react toil?"'1IaltIIudu said. focxts and vitamins in Southern Illinois I wbo live In attractive cities Maltb:Jdu, who ill • student African gOftrJlJDent. 100 West Jackson St. I Campus to resound during handbell fest (Between North Illinois and the railrOllld ) I The Ame!ican Guild of p.m. Tlu.say in SIIryoclt AU are open to "" ...... "" ,... Haur'a: 9:00 to S:lO NeWt -Set. , perr __ ..... ",.. SundIy 12 to 5 Phone Sf9.17.. , I EnglI&\I HaDdheIl RiDgers will Aw.Iitaila. The beD cboIr II tile pciIlIlc: at 110 c:harIe. present lis ...... w regional made IqI 01 higb school Local II"!UP& or !ndlvldua1s SOFT FROZEN YOGURT: festival Thursday througb &tiJdenta aad bas played at interested in bandbell ringing :'?~',.....<' 1 Satunlay on campl!ll. festivala~tllec:tT.mtry . may regi&ter for the COIl- B~ ~'" In a cup or cone I Men tblllllOO rinlera from Solo PlriIftlWlCel' will 6e at fereoce an a walk-In baals at A" ..... _ '" Ice aoem- plus .... _ Ihings at '-" I I'dIooIIandcollelesli!II\inaI& SIIryodt AadltorIum at ':30 tlleStudeDtCeater: Handbe1Ia, Higt: in taft. tow ir, 'at. Natural rr",it flaYOr"s I bR, ~. MJ.ouri 8Dil iMIL 1:30 P.IIL and 7 p.m. on bandbeIl muaic: and other F_s o.mon _"tv. I NeInIU ao:e e"qIIIded IU Fri.1tlJ, aDd 1 :SO p,m. ___ will be 011 cIlIpIay Thlo:oupon ond 2.C entitles bearer II atteDd. Sablrda). in Ballroom B during the 24 C too reg. t\.'P or cone of DANNY· YO RiI.IiIIia lram the SL James 'nil...... araap 01 ... eaaI-. uaatea ...... CIIan:b ID ~ will daie tIie fwtival ,...... , festiva) IsIlJlClllSOi"ed by bpI'"7.:!, __ UtIle ... AIL, will fIIIUI the ,..Ifa a 7:1t{UD. ~ tile DIYIIIaa 01 CODtiDuIaC 5 eclal festiva) willi a eaDCIIit at I 8IIl\a'daJID.Areaa. EdueatIaD. POST, from Page 1------,-- goverilment than thl! founding In preo;enting his choices, were liIet with dismay in some Although it had been Burger, Rehnquist and Scalia falbers expected it to be. Reagan ·lOioted to " the respect quarters. Eleanor Smeal, sDflCulated AtlonY,y General in the White House press· room. "Seventeen years is a pretty he (Ret. >QUist) "njoys among president. of the Naliob81 Edwin Meese, a iooIItime Burger, nominated as chief good time " he said adding " I his col\eagues" - a vital ()rgaIili. .tion for Women, said friend (1nd aide of Reagan's, justice by President Nixon in would ha~e enjoyfd staying commodity fo r the <: hiel the elevation of Rebnquist Willi &T5pect for a high 1969, led the high ccr.... t in a ;;noIber two or three years, but justice, wbo plays an im· " puts the Jea~ opponent court , a WhIte House period of withdrawal from the bicentennial story is more port-..r.t role is assuring the against women's rillbts to the officla said only littlng activism of the late 19505 and i' .1portant." members of the court are able lop of the beach in tI.e position federal JUdges were COll- 60s .ymbolized by his Burger, wbo went to night towcri: tOllclber. As for Scalia, of chief justice." . sidered. eeae was amOllll tLo: predeces~or , Chief Justice school in st. Paul. MiM, to Reagan applallded " the depth Scalia, sbe said, has taken aides wbo helped Reagan Earl WIll·ren, wbo championed earn his law degree, saia be of his understanding of our posit.'Oll8 ..gainst women on make the decision. aggre;;.~ive court actioo to wanted to spend time with his constituti0ll81 jurisr :-udence. " s""ua! harassment cases. Ol.tlaw segregation and ad­ grandchildren . and his wife, Jerry Falwell, leader of the to a snrprise announcement With the decision to elevate vance civil riJdlts on other Elvera. He added that he had Moral Majority, caUed the broecl:ast nationwide, Reagan Rebnquisl, it meant Reagan fronts that ponticians were promised to lake her to lunch cboice of Rebnquist " very said BWller ftrst told him May alao had to find a nominee to re!uc ~nt to tackle. as soon as this term ends - wise," and t:b ~ conservative Tl that be intended to resign. fill the associate Justice seat. late this month or c..~rly next­ Heritage Foundation praised Reagan said he !ben ordered The process was a tightly Lite Burger aod Sc&Ua because " neilhes- of us could Scalia, saF'8' " He is a star in aides to begin. wiMowing beId secret IUIII tber'e was no Rebnquest (avors · a literai remember that I'd ever taken our eyes.' ~!""'tive nominees for the inkIlnI! of what would haJlPl'll interpretation of the C0n­ her to lunch in 17 years." '!'be selections, predictably, ~ ~'I on . until Reagan appeared with stitution. JOBLIN, from Page 1-----~------

deadline agreed. to in a will bolster his fmancial status Db;"" .wer the withdrawal of Preliminary Memo of Intent, mitment from the Ira H. preliminary Memo of Intent and that the suit .ftooJd be Joblin associ3te Ralph A. the city will be free to consider Hardin Co. of Atlanta, to signed by Joblin and approved resolved by the eod of.1u1)·. Stogner from involvement in proposals from other construct the hotcl-eonvention by the City Councilin March. Joblin said he w""ld be the project were also ad­ developerS. center; a "strong expression Dixon said Monday that the UIlJlble to make a ftrm ",,'!lty dressed by Joblin. SloI!Der. of .Dixon called Joblin's report of intErest" from the Hilton City Council would be reluc- commitment until any Atlanta. was to have been the to the council a ·'good statu. Hotel .:bain in a ira.1chise for tant to issue industrial revenue potential partoers Mve a project construction manager report," but added that be was !be facility ; and a preliminary bonds to finance the project chance to reYI"'" fmancing and an equity ~ ;'1 ~ stili concerned. "I don't want resolution from the lIIinois until the questions raised in his data for the l~room botel and project. _ to overstate my concern," Development Finance mll/llo are resolved. convention center, but that the J !lb!in said Stogner with­ Dixon said, "but on the olhes­ authority to is.

$1_00LA ROttffS~~I off lI32oz. ;:;Oi a'Pc' -'!I -..1...... with "'"very of ..,.. 11 ~ I or X-'«... or medium pluo , I . . PlDII . 2/ 320z. Peps;"s I Rivc,rtown limit one per pizza with ••,... or X.kI.... a Of1'ENA rilAMEVElvo.-,YEXCEH SUNOAYS 529.1344 I Dlscoant Center Southern II/inois Gem Co. I S North Main Downtown Cape Girardeau 314-334-2500 WELCOME BACKI Come in and see our new inventory.of Japanese Pearls Rlverfest sal"flbratlo~. 10% OFF this month! Come to the Riverboat Room

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