Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1986 Daily Egyptian 1986 6-18-1986 The aiD ly Egyptian, June 18, 1986 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_June1986 Volume72, Issue 160 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, June 18, 1986." (Jun 1986). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1986 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1986 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -------------_._-- Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois Univer£ity at Carbondaie Wedneiday, June 18, 1986, Vol. 72, No, 160 20 Pages Burger' to retire post after 17 years· WASHINGTON ( 11'1) - time of great change." Rer.gan Chief Justice Warren Burger said "all Americans will be will retire this summer to grateful" /.,.. t-.is work on tile concentrate on plarming the Constitution celebration. Constitutioo's 200th birthday whicb be caUed "a momentous p:aciy, President Reagan occasion in our country's annoullC<'..d Tuesday. saying be history." wants Justice William Burger. 78. said be had Rehnquist to become the new decided to surrender his leader of the Supreme {;ourt. lifetime appointment on the Reagan .iilso said bt~ will court to pursue his work as the nominate 50-year-old federal head of the commission appeals Judge Antonin ScoUa planning tbe bicentennial 10 fill the associate justice's celebration of the adoption of seal vacated if - as expected tbe Constitution. which will - tbe Senate confirms begin Sept 17. 1987. That date ReJu.l9uist as the nation's 16th also will be Burger's 80th chief Justice. birthday. Although there were some At a rare news conference at diss~.nting voices.· immediate the Supreme Court late ' reaction suggested neitber Monday. four hours after RebTlqui!.!, 61 . nor Scalia. Reagan's announcement at tbe would have serious difficulty White House. Bui'ger reflected winning approval and m06t on his long tenure at tbe court observers doubted the mov... as be sat beneath a portrait of would immediately generate a Chief Justice John MarsbaU. ..... giant buIIbIea. He waa INIIdIl9 the substantial shift m the DiD&­ the early 19th century jurist .....ng blot. 011 South 1i.1 ...... A__ . member high court's direc­ who forged the high court into tion . a more powerful wing of tbe . While praising the cour! Changes unlikely to sway future Court .decisions, scholars say By LIN EIMn""_ SWlWrtlllr !be .... associate I .... tice stAid. ~ SeaIIa. be - could Moving Rehnquist to the III>Im of !be court would be . thea.s::;:,: ~... ~ ~T.~...... "C;e!!: irre:!evanl in te,rms of by President Reagan TUesday ~~_.,_ ~ the outcoole of <;as;;:; would have little effect on tbe Strickland said &<;alia is a rev;ewea by the jv..:<tices. be thrust of future decisions. two "fll'St-class intelleCtualv who said, because li the chief local law scholars predict. is known and respected for his justice does ~r'Jy ad­ Randall Nelsoo. pl'ofessor integrity by other members of ministrative types nf::bings." emeritus in political science. the legal establishment. "He is Nelson said- that although and Rennard Stricltland. dean tbe kind of man you hope to news of Burger's pl.!!ns to of tbe School of Law. said that have on tbe Supreme Court." retire came as an absolute replacing Chief Justice Strickland said. surprise to him. be was not Warren Burger with William Scalia. who was on tbe surpdsed by Reagan's choice Rehnquist and moving Antonio faculty of the University of for a replacement. Scalia into Rebn9uist's Virginia Law School when He said the political vacated associate justice slot Stricltland was a graduate philo.ophy of Rehnquist. is not likely to sway future student there. bas been given considered me of tbe court's court decisions any further to high marts by law scho!a!'S M­ most conservative members, tbe left or right decisions be has handed down "is certaih!:v along tbe lines of However. Stricltland said as a iudile on the U.S. Circuit Reagan's ptu:06ophy." that because of the quaUty of Court of Appeals. Strickland Phone committee asks for donors ByNolac-..m especially Deedea in the SWlWrite, Volunteers include Steve Serrot from tbe Mobilization of summer. Volunteers Tuesda.y night Volunteer Effort; Ray Dorr. Because of summer began telephoning !he about SaJuki footbaU head coact.; vacatiOiJii and a decreased 8.000 graduate and un­ and members of the Annwty s!lv:!e!!! ~tion at sru-C. dergraduate s t udents Associati"Q and tbe Joint blood hanks have difficulty i.~ registered for the summer Benefits Committee. maintaining supplies for ac· semester to personally ask cid.ent victims, surgery them to donate blood June 26 Vivian Ugeni. area director patients and those who need '- and 'Zl in tbe Student Center for the Red Cross. said tbe blood on" !""gUlar basis. _ p_ by.lo_ Quigg BaUroomD. steering committee is making The student. faculty and the calls to let students know Students from sru-c and SIIlukl looIbIIlI coec:h "'" Dorr. lett, .nc! delen.... c:omerbeck staff volunteers will continue " in a personal way" hov: much local high schools donate about Ira D...... right, __ ., the SlU Fo-~r,datlon T","', night calling students on Wed· tbey are needed because of an 25 percent of the blood calling potential donora tor the Reel err_ blood cIrIwe June 28 nesday. Thursday. Mooday extreJ;ne shortage of blood. coUected from this area. Ugent • nd27, and Tuesday . Ugent said d?nors are said. This Moming Joblin, Council debate June deadline ',Amadeus' heads B, Toby Eckert Joblin was caIJed before the ilI'Oject. SIal! Writer SiUmmer Playhouse City Council to address ('.00- , The issues were first raised Gm~~ Robert Joblin. tbe developer cerns about ~Js ability to to. memo dated June 13. 19116. -PagelI' chosen for Carbondale's fmance tbe conventioo cent«. from ~~ty Manager Bm Dixon c!~town conventioo center. Joblin answered questions to the City Council outlining Daugherty chosen assured the City Council 00 coacerning his conliillled In­ several of the project's Qua ..,. the _,.,..,_ Monday that be will be able to vOJ.vement in :: foreclOll\l!"1! problems that have surfaced in in 1 st round. draft finance his share of the lawsuit involving his hot.,j in !be past five mooths. __ '.n', making much proj..'lCt. Racine. WJS.. and addrY Sled The memo !IOtes that it is ................ 11 ::.ut.' __ .... 01 IH'. con- But City Manager William COUDCiI e<aICer'IIS over Ilk lack - Sports. Page 11 =:3:..lllat ftll8l the dty will DIxon and counclI members of a firm equity cammllmeot qreemeot •• It... ,., ' ••,.r. .nd remai-aed UII8UI'e that. •IobIin for the COIIY1!IIIiaa center. willi JabIiD W.ft the JU!it: 30 ....... ........., em­ ......., ....... C/O!! .meet a J_ 30 IkladJine EquIty .. a deveIopIr'. own - fnr a fIDaJ....-t. nau.:IaI cammltmeot to a ...,... ... -:..... ladies Cut & Style Reg . $13,50 NOW $11.50 Perm Special Reg . $J;.CO NOW $25.00 Offer Expirl'S June lOth NeW'Concept . HalrShoil 300 E. Main Hunter Building Tina Johnston·Stylist C3l"bOiulale 457... " - . Fletch H.rtline · B.r~ Canadian official Deever hired to lobby - :.- dei11e1 O1TAWA (UPI) - A Wp Canadian official denied TuMday that M1t.:bael Deaver _ bIred by Call1l4ia 10 lobby !be United . States about acid rain, but c:oDceded !he former VI'lite Bouse aide a'-leoded a meeting Jut fall ";111 eavoys from both nations . External Affairs 1iiinIob!r Joe Clm testified befen a CanadWI .: · D~adI.ine · ToApply For. Parliament COIIIJIIittee studYinl the gClnll1llllent's contract with Deaver. .: :Student ~ical Senator tak.. on, critics aplnat Contra aid WASHINGTON (uPl) - TIle cbairman of !be Senate Foreign Relations ctlmmittee. criticizinl I!beraJa lirA conservatives alike 'I'UeadIIj., said military aid to the N\can.guan Contrao is a Benefit Fee Refund must for peace in Central Ameriu. Sen. Richard Lugar, R·Ind., cbaslizeil unidentified critics wbo be said W"-'It 10 abaDdoo !be Contrao and leave NiC8f'111U8 10 the Sovi.ets. Cubans and ' . ·FR~bAY, JUN.E 27 Marxist·Jed~tas. to' .pply for ..............tudo .. t ...""; . , .._nt hl.,ho. lnau.. nee policy ........d.~ Strlk... AT &lagr.. on tentative contract . Or tho .......u .. of ItenofIta .1..... with tho WASHINGTON (UPI) · - AT.&T and !be striltiJ;g Coin· .. lnauninee _lIet I.D ....., to tho lfullent r..!U!!iutions Workers of America agreed on a tentative national ~_I'h Pr........ lnauronee OffIo.. K_. contract Tuesday for 155,000 employees and the union said its Holl •. a_ 11.. All .tudont.. 1... 1 .... 1 ... bitles' three-weet walkout could end this weekend. Despite !be .-. ...............1 ..... for. c.r-I.. tt.o tentative deal, however, !be strike 'Mill continue wbile . W.I".. .,... ............... _t y.t polo•• bargaining continues in New Jeney on essentially " local" issues """,t D,.,ly fOr tho ................... tho invcilvingAT&T's six· corporate divisions. ......111_ '. ltudonta 17 ..... u ...... -..I • po"";t·....... turo. Hou.. r8jecta ·tax.... or~efen .. • proposel WASHINGTON (UPI) - House ~~otialor!l rejected a Senate "taJas.lor-defenae" budget TuMday and in· slad SUIIested limiting revenues and lowering military ' spending next year. TIle proposaJ and COUD~'0p0681 tactics . indicated budget c:on:promise on a nearly $1 trillion flSC8l t987 budget is ~ ba."der 10 fi1Id. ..CDnvenienr WE SELL ,. Food MarE . Lotto Tickets ~cedrhl maker asks for voluntary recalJ AUBURN, :Wasb. (UPI) - TIle lA8Dllfadurer or Extra· Strength ExcOOrin called Tuesday for a voo.ntary IlOtioowide • COCA' COLA removal of all bottles of the piJJs as • .-It. of 'the app!!l"l!ftt .•.. PRAiRIE' FARM random cyanide poiE~niJ)g death of " Seattle area woman.
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