Rusk Says Ban Wouldn't Harm Security of U.S
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■'ti \ * \., Avtngs D i ^ Net Prew Itoa TI m W i s A e r Ver tiM Week Kaded M - s t of D . fo W s a t e i A w t M ia ^ U M Cloaiy m M eaal tealgBl. U itr M 13,590 te itL Ta ihOTIW ta afteraim or m t HHlfpe r e(the Aa«t i e ( ' n gharo isndSii ManchetHer— A City of Village Charm VOL, LXXXn, MO. IM CroOBTBEM PAG&S) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1968 ea face IS) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Scientist Challenges Rusk Says Ban Space Weapons Cry BLACKSBURG, Vs. (AP)tv»rfta«* . Poijrtechmc Inatitute^inight/be necessary to create a —A government scioitist to here, NeweU aaid NASA division "for developing "We do not wiah to develop a military applications from ^ the Wouldn’t Harm day challenged critics who Ifaglnot Line In qwce, only to civil apace techniques as they w i^ moie emphasis on space have It flanked by forcea of great evolve.” Hearings are scheduled weapons development, saying er flexibUlty. We need to develop this year. the present U.S. ^xtce pro in a broad way our apace capa Six Republican ■ congressmen re bility . ao that we will have the cently Issued a statement, express gram is laying a bnied base ablUty to .move in any direction ing concern over what they for both scientific and mili required by future eventa to meet termed the tack of a defined mil tary operations. any threats along whatever lines itary space program. Security of U.S. Homer K. Newell, 'director o< might develop. ' Major m ilita^ space efforts are speee adenee for the Natiooal Newell’s defense of the space aimed at development of recon Aeronautlca Snd ^ «ee Admlida- program came at a time when naissance satellites by the Ah: trathm, eeld: many defense officials and some Force, cmnmunicationa satellites Cites Physical, Mental Condition “thoee who am e that we -congresamen are taking a doaer by the Army, and navigation Senate Unit nshould dlapenae wlui the frllle of look . at military needs in space. satdlites by the Navy. Bclence and apace ejqploiaUan and The services, primarily the Air The Air Force is training aistro- concentrate on die neceaaitlea of Force, long have pressed for a nauts for NASA’a^tiwo-man ProJ- military development, forget that larger military spsuie role. Bhr ' ect Oemlni orbltaTand rendeavoua Negro in Alabama Witness Put we ean’t really aay what the mil this fiscal year,: Praddent Ken fUgbts. Later, Air Phree astro itary neceaaltiee in apace wBl be nedy asked |l.dT billion for mlU- nauts will fly Gemini capsules and tt would be foolhardy to pre tary tg m e» activities, compared modified for mUitary missions tend that we can.” with 1S T MOkm asked fo r NASA. and the Dyna-Soar manned space Under Oath In a qmech prepared for an RecaaBy, the House Jclence and gnaw. Leaving University arttfldal satellite conference at Astronautics Oominlttea Advocates of a strong military program think the United States WASfflNGTON (AP) — Miould be woridng on macecraft TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (AP)t'»<^‘y member from giving him Secretary of State Dean Rnsk to spy on enemy satellites .and ..« « .A «« mr\an **A»*"A urged the Senate today to destroy them if they are carrying —^The withdrawal of Negro —That Hood accused a state of nuclear bombs. Some say this na student James A. Hood from ratify the limited nuclear Halleck Supporters ficial of cursing him in a dormi test-ban treaty, saying it tion dwuld develop orbiting nU' the University of Alabama tory. clear bombs of its own. could mean the end of his A trustee who would not be iden should slow the arms race NeweU agreed the U.S. must tified said that in his opinion the without damage to the secur have a stre^ mlUtary space pos brief career as a student at charges against Hood could be ture,' but aaid: "This is a eai the schoeJ^^ following his ity of the United States. Drive for GOP Nod grounds for refusal of the univer Rusk testified before toe Senate billty that we wlU have from I stormy enrollment two sity to admit him for the fall Foreign Relations Oommittee as term, which begins Sept. 20. (Oontkaied en Fags Foar) months ago. lead-off witness in toe Kennedy WASHmOTON (AP) — Od-f Halleck has harbored high po- Hood’s attorney announced the The trustee said that Hood still administration's drive for senate leagues o f Rep. Cbartas -A. Han- llUcal ambitions for some time. withdrawal smd said the 20-year- would be subject to a hearing ' «- approval of toe U.S., British and eok e< Ridlana have quietly and La IMS be came witbln an inch old Gadsden, Ala., student wras fore any decision .would be made Soviet Union pMt to outlaw nu informally launched an effort to of winning second place on the dropping' out because of his jfoys- concerning his readmittsmee. clear explosions except those un win the 19M Republican presiden GOP presidential ticket headed by Service G>rps, leal and mental ccmdltlon. Another Negro student. Auther- derground. tial nominatfota far the House mi Thomas Dewey of New York. ine Lucy, was expelled from the The university confirmed Hood’s university in 1966 for unproved Rusk was put imder oath on toe nority leader. He first won natlana) politicid withdrawal Sunday and announced motion of Republican committee they are aoundtng out some top recognttfon in IMO when he made College Bills charges that school authorities that a meeting of the board conspired 'with a white mob which m em bers. Republican laadera and report a ths noaomting speech for Wen trustees called to consider charges Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper, favmable reacticn. dell WDlkle at tbs K^bU caa Na- had driven her from the campua Before Senate resulting from a speech Hood She was the first Negro to at R-Iowa, said aU witnesses on toe Halleck himself would not ooro- tiqurii OoBvention in FMladelplila. made in Gadsden July 16 had treaty would be sworn. mant, but persona close to him Ha headed the Republican Cmi- tend the university. Hood’s depar been canceled. ture leaves Miss Malone cf Mo Invited to toe session were said he is doing nothing to n^ grsssionsl Oommittee in IMS WASHINGTON (AP) — Two of members of toe Senate Armed when the GOP won control of the President Kennedy’s major pro University officials had sent a bile, Ala., u the only Negro stu fan move, thmr represent him as Jloim.Kennedy Jr.< t\ k , ntrato out of the Otis Air Fonoe Base hos letter to Hood notifying him of the Services and Joint Atomic Energy being "avaUame" for the nomina- House and was nsajority floor posals face action this weSk on pital with hte fother after paying his fiiwt viellit to his mother dent in toe school. A third Negro, charges against him and asking Dave M. McGlathery, is attmid- committees. tfoa and ready to make a fight leader in the Rmi^Uoan-oon- Capitol HUl. The House wlU vote sinoe the Fkwt Lady eritered the boaptoal kust weuk. (AP Fho- Rusk emphasized that toe sign for It if viotory should appear wnlt- troOed SOOi and SSrd Oangrssses. on a n.i-bllUon coUege construc- tota x.) him to be present before the dean ing the university branch at Hunts of men at 3 p.m. today. ville. ing of toe treaty by Efost Germany in reerh In UBS Halleck ousted me ve^ tion bm, the Senate <m a measure wUI in tM way imply United The' Hsllsdc baokerl claim that eran R^p. Joseph W. Martin of to ersate a National Service The letter stipulated these The three ware admitted to toe .chargee: States recogtiition of toe Commu of all the RepubUcans who have Massachusetts as House R m bll- Owps. university under fedmal court or nist East Oennan regime. bean mentlcned as Presidential can leader, and has held the Tm voting wUI eome after the —That Hood accused the univer der. Ha said East German autiwri- possiminieB,Tmfffthjlh t v , Oiame post ever staico. Senate mens hearings on toe Um- Illll sity of a conspiracy in. setting Hood’s attorney, Arthur Shores tiea wlU aubscriba to toa tnaty hardddtttngnardddtting nTsaM ld Efoc While Halledi's baokera ware its4 mielear test bsn trsato snd ‘Where’s a news c<»aference for him in an of Birmingham, said toe Negro in M oscow. attempt to yioUite a rule against amoim the mom widely knoknown na- ing down Gddwatsr’s chsnces toe house starts writiag a civil student has been advised to avoid "The Soviet Union may notify ttonady. Bis position as House the nomination, Sen, Richard biin. student news conforencss. The routine duties and activity until nils was imposed when he us c i that act. We are under no OOP leader and as one of tto r B. Bhssen, D-Ga., said foe ^Art- busy waqk Mntliluaa the an his eondition is Improved "in or obligation to accept that notifica sonan probably carry Qeor. admitted- to - the ihreraity with aSsra ef fha weilkhr SM' <»rezktod i»oe setrt last_ _ week______ when John Jr. der 4o avoid a complete mental tion and wa have qo totantion of ■1) I anrUe Show" sponsored for ^ if GCldwater were the Senate passed a big mlUi another Negro stodent. Vlvism J. and phyaleal breakdown." President Kennedy in a Malone, to. doing so, but the EaM German broadcast by congressional Re pey increase b(U and two |6.6-blf- Shores said Hood had been ad- regime would have committed it publicans have ke^ him in the tial election today.