Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago WEEK 2     MATERIALS flashlight month Do youevernoticehowthenightskychangesaboveyou?Themoon’sshapethroughout EXPERIMENT: STARLIGHT FLASHLIGHT ANDMOON JOURNAL GOODNIGHT, MOON (ANDSTARS)

Moon journal(msichicago 18-ounce cups(Styrofoam Paper Flashlight intense hereitcanmeltlead of activevolcanoes I’m coveredbythickcloudsandlots I maybesimilarinsizetoEarth VENUS , andtheconstellationschangewithseasons , andobservethemoon’sphasesbytrackingitsshapeinajournal   . The heatisso

Rubber bands Aluminum foil . org/summerbrain) , paperorplastic) ! , but

   smooth anysharpedgesifyou’reusingaplastic cup hole tohelpthecupfitmoresnugly If needed to makesuretheflashlightfitssnuglyinsidehole Cut outthebottomofacupsothere’shole the lens electrical tapeandreassembletheflashlightwithout and removethelens reflective surfacearoundthebulb focused beamoflight Your starlightflashlightwillworkbestwithabright INSTRUCTIONS make arealconstellation to pokeholes inaconstellationpattern secure itinplacewitha rubber band the openmouthofcup Cut apieceofaluminum foil bigenoughtofitover . Make yourownconstellationsshinewithastar

Pen orpencil Duct ormaskingtape Scissors orutilityknife . , applysometapearoundtheedgesof Apply electricaltapeoverthereflector . Cover thereflectorwithblack . If yourflashlighthasashiny , ordesignyour own . . Place itoverthecupand  

Pushpin Electrical tape , ; unscrewthetop thiscanalso . Use apushpin . You can ! .


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. . part ofthemoon youseeislightreflected fromthesun new moon gibbous crescent It takesaboutfourweeks togothroughallitsphases The moonchangesshapebecauseofitsorbitaround theEarth positions rotating onitsaxisthatcausestheconstellations toshift across theskybutit’sactuallymovementof the by ancientGreekastronomers of whichwerenamedafteranimalsormythological characters pattern orpicture A constellationisagroupofstarsthatappearstoform WHAT’S HAPPENING? it takesforthemoontoreturnsameshape see themoon observation that appearsdark the moononaclearnightandshadeinpartof in a moonjournal (available at msichicago Check outtherealnightskyandtrackphasesofmoon can changewhatyouseeinyournightsky flashlight atthewall Turn ontheflashlightinadarkenedroomandaimstarlight Insert theflashlightintoholeatbottomofcup , thirdquarterandwaning crescentbeforethenext , . firstquarter . The moondoesn’tgiveoff itsownlight . . Make an As youmakeyourobservations . . You canalsonotethedateandtimeofyour There are88officialconstellations . Make severalconstellationcupssoyou “ , X waxinggibbous ” ifit’scloudyorrainyandyoucan’t . seemtomove the flashlighthere Cut outaholeandinsert , fullmoon . org/summerbrain) ! Rubber bands Aluminum foil , noticehowlong , ; waning . thebright . : , waxing many . . .

Find . Jacqueline Mitton Animal Constellations “ by H “ READING RECOMMENDED the nightsky help youfindyourwayaround Use skymaps(skymaps WITH THENIGHTSKY MORE WAYS TO PLAY because themoonglowsred light design foryourstarlightflash Create yourownconstellation GAME ON feet head chalk tomakedotsatyour pose andhaveafrienduse on thesidewalkinaninteresting —justlaydown Or tryturningyourselfintoa other charactersinyourstory constellation designsforthe your friends up astoryaboutit This isalsocalleda in 2012 July 2) moon inamonth(thefirstison a The fullmoononJuly31willbe TIPS your constellation connect thedotstocreate lunar eclipseonSeptember28 Zoo intheSky Find theConstellations “ blue moon , . , , andgiveitaname knees shoulders A . . . Therewillbeatotal Thelastbluemoonwas Rey , etc . . ” Create other —thesecondfull : ABookof , . elbows Stand upand ! , andtell “ blood moon ” by by . com) to , . ” hands



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2 Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago WEEK Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago WEEK 2     MATERIALS light flashlight month Do youevernoticehowthenightskychangesaboveyou?Themoon’sshapethroughout EXPERIMENT: STARLIGHT FLASHLIGHT ANDMOON JOURNAL GOODNIGHT, MOON (ANDSTARS)

Moon journal(msichicago 18-ounce cups(Styrofoam Paper Flashlight intense hereitcanmeltlead of activevolcanoes I’m coveredbythickcloudsandlots I maybesimilarinsizetoEarth VENUS , andtheconstellationschangewithseasons , andobservethemoon’sphasesbytrackingitsshapeinajournal   . The heatisso

Rubber bands Aluminum foil . org/summerbrain) , paperorplastic) ! , but

 smooth anysharpedgesifyou’reusingaplastic cup hole tohelpthecupfitmoresnugly If needed to makesuretheflashlightfitssnuglyinsidehole Cut outthebottomofacupsothere’shole the lens electrical tapeandreassembletheflashlightwithout and removethelens reflective surfacearoundthebulb focused beamoflight Your starlightflashlightwillworkbestwithabright INSTRUCTIONS   make arealconstellation to pokeholes inaconstellationpattern secure itinplacewitha rubber band the openmouthofcup Cut apieceofaluminum foil bigenoughtofitover . Make yourownconstellationsshinewithastar

Pen orpencil Duct ormaskingtape Scissors orutilityknife . , applysometapearoundtheedgesof Apply electricaltapeoverthereflector . Cover thereflectorwithblack . If yourflashlighthasashiny , ordesignyour own . . Place itoverthecupand  

Pushpin Electrical tape , ; unscrewthetop thiscanalso . Use apushpin . You can ! .


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. . part ofthemoon youseeislightreflected fromthesun new moon gibbous crescent It takesaboutfourweeks togothroughallitsphases The moonchangesshapebecauseofitsorbitaround theEarth positions rotating onitsaxisthatcausestheconstellations toshift across theskybutit’sactuallymovementof the Earth by ancientGreekastronomers of whichwerenamedafteranimalsormythological characters pattern orpicture A constellationisagroupofstarsthatappearstoform WHAT’S HAPPENING? it takesforthemoontoreturnsameshape see themoon observation that appearsdark the moononaclearnightandshadeinpartof in a moonjournal (available at msichicago Check outtherealnightskyandtrackphasesofmoon can changewhatyouseeinyournightsky flashlight atthewall Turn ontheflashlightinadarkenedroomandaimstarlight Insert theflashlightintoholeatbottomofcup , thirdquarterandwaning crescentbeforethenext , . firstquarter . The moondoesn’tgiveoff itsownlight . . Make an As youmakeyourobservations . . You canalsonotethedateandtimeofyour There are88officialconstellations . Make severalconstellationcupssoyou “ , X waxinggibbous ” ifit’scloudyorrainyandyoucan’t . Constellations seemtomove the flashlighthere Cut outaholeandinsert , fullmoon . org/summerbrain) ! Rubber bands Aluminum foil , noticehowlong , ; waning . thebright . : , waxing many . . .

Find . Jacqueline Mitton Animal Constellations “ by H “ READING RECOMMENDED the nightsky help youfindyourwayaround Use skymaps(skymaps WITH THENIGHTSKY MORE WAYS TO PLAY because themoonglowsred light design foryourstarlightflash Create yourownconstellation GAME ON feet head chalk tomakedotsatyour pose andhaveafrienduse on thesidewalkinaninteresting constellation —justlaydown Or tryturningyourselfintoa other charactersinyourstory constellation designsforthe your friends up astoryaboutit This isalsocalleda in 2012 July 2) moon inamonth(thefirstison a The fullmoononJuly31willbe TIPS your constellation connect thedotstocreate lunar eclipseonSeptember28 Zoo intheSky Find theConstellations “ blue moon , . , , andgiveitaname knees shoulders A . . . Therewillbeatotal Thelastbluemoonwas Rey , etc . . ” Create other —thesecondfull : ABookof , . elbows Stand upand ! , andtell “ blood moon ” by by . com) to , . ” hands



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2 Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago WEEK MOON JOURNAL MOON

5700 S. Lake Shore Drive | Chicago, IL 60637 | >>> Find the moon on a clear or day and shade in the part of the moon that appears dark. Note the date and time of your observation. Make an “X” on the moon if it’s cloudy or rainy and you can’t see the moon. Notice how long it takes for the moon to return to the same shape.


AUGUST ______: ______A.M. | P.M. 02 03 04 05 07 08 09

______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. 31

______: ______A.M. | P.M. >>> Find the moon on a clear night or day and shade in the part of the moon that appears dark. Note the date and time of your observation. Make an “X” on the moon if it’s cloudy or rainy and you can’t see the moon. Notice how long it takes for the moon to return to the same shape.

SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 01 02 03 04 05 06

______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. 28 29 30

______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. JUNE >>> Find the moon on a clear night or day and shade in the part of the moon that appears dark. Note the date and time of your observation. Make an “X” on the moon if it’s cloudy or rainy and you can’t see the moon. Notice how long it takes for the moon to return to the same shape.


JULY ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. 05 06 07 08 09 10 11

______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. 26 27 28 29 30 31

______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M. ______: ______A.M. | P.M.