Internal Structure and Volcanic Hazard Potential of Mt Tongariro, New Zealand, from 3D Gravity and Magnetic Models

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Internal Structure and Volcanic Hazard Potential of Mt Tongariro, New Zealand, from 3D Gravity and Magnetic Models Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 319 (2016) 12–28 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research journal homepage: Internal structure and volcanic hazard potential of Mt Tongariro, New Zealand, from 3D gravity and magnetic models Craig A. Miller a,b,⁎, Glyn Williams-Jones b a Department of Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada b GNS Science, Wairakei Research Centre, Private Bag 2000, Taupo 3352, New Zealand article info abstract Article history: A new 3D geophysical model of the Mt Tongariro Volcanic Massif (TgVM), New Zealand, provides a high resolu- Received 14 November 2015 tion view of the volcano's internal structure and hydrothermal system, from which we derive implications for Received in revised form 14 March 2016 volcanic hazards. Geologically constrained 3D inversions of potential field data provides a greater level of insight Accepted 16 March 2016 into the volcanic structure than is possible from unconstrained models. A complex region of gravity highs and Available online 19 March 2016 lows (±6 mGal) is set within a broader, ~20 mGal gravity low. A magnetic high (1300 nT) is associated with Keywords: Mt Ngauruhoe, while a substantial, thick, demagnetised area occurs to the north, coincident with a gravity low Gravity and interpreted as representing the hydrothermal system. The hydrothermal system is constrained to the west Magnetic by major faults, interpreted as an impermeable barrier to fluid migration and extends to basement depth. 3D modelling These faults are considered low probability areas for future eruption sites, as there is little to indicate they Volcanic hazard have acted as magmatic pathways. Where the hydrothermal system coincides with steep topographic slopes, Hydrothermal system an increased likelihood of landslides is present and the newly delineated hydrothermal system maps the area Volcanic structure most likely to have phreatic eruptions. Such eruptions, while small on a global scale, are important hazards at the TgVM as it is a popular hiking area with hundreds of visitors per day in close proximity to eruption sites. The model shows that the volume of volcanic material erupted over the lifespan of the TgVM is five to six times greater than previous estimates, suggesting a higher rate of magma supply, in line with global rates of an- desite production. We suggest that our model of physical property distribution can be used to provide constraints for other models of dynamic geophysical processes occurring at the TgVM. © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction with magma pathways provides important information on the likeli- hood of such eruptions and allows suitable hazard mitigation to be Knowledge of a volcano's internal structure is important for many put in place (Potter et al., 2014). Long-lived hydrothermal systems con- aspects of volcanology and volcanic hazard assessment. This is especial- siderably alter and mechanically weaken large volumes of rock, which if ly so in complex multi-vent systems where there is no central vent coincident with steep slopes presents a considerable landslide, lahar through which most eruptions occur and where multiple vents have and flank collapse hazard (e.g., López and Williams, 1993, Day, 1996; been active in historic times. By geophysically imaging the volcano Finn et al., 2001; Reid et al., 2002; Moon et al., 2005; Tontini et al., 2013). plumbing system and structures in the basement below the volcanic Geophysical knowledge of a volcano's internal physical property edifice, it is possible to assess the importance of these structures in con- distribution also provides context within which processes that occur trolling magma ascent paths and vent locations. In addition, knowledge during volcanic unrest can be interpreted. Often, geophysical models of the extent of a volcano's hydrothermal system provides important in- of volcano unrest are limited by use of an unrealistic uniform halfspace formation on the likely style of eruptions. Hydrothermal systems often or simple 1D model: the necessary geophysical context required for manifest as scenic surface features, attracting hikers and tourists, but more detailed modelling is unknown (Cannavò et al., 2015). This results when over-pressurised can produce small, but dangerous phreatic in inaccurate models which impedes scientists' ability to make informed eruptions with very little warning (e.g., Raoul Island, Christenson decisions during times of volcanic unrest. et al., 2007; Te Maari, Procter et al., 2014;Ontake,Sano et al., 2015) Here we present a new, detailed, 3D geophysical model of the multi- and are often overlooked in volcanic hazard assessments. As such, vent Mt Tongariro volcanic massif (TgVM), New Zealand, combining an knowledge of the extent of a hydrothermal system and its interaction extensive new gravity dataset with aeromagnetic and geological data. We use a geologically constrained inverse modelling technique not pre- viously applied to complex multi-vent andesite stratovolcanoes (cf. ⁎ Corresponding author at: Department of Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada. Blaikie et al., 2014), to produce a geologically sound and geophysically E-mail address: [email protected] (C.A. Miller). accurate model of the TgVM. This model enables examination of 0377-0273/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. C.A. Miller, G. Williams-Jones / Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 319 (2016) 12–28 13 1) the basement surface and faulting under the edifice, 2) the bulk inter- east, these are the National Park fault, Waihi fault zone, Poutu fault nal structure of the volcano and 3) the extent of the hydrothermal sys- zone and the inferred location of the northwest dipping Rangipo fault tem. Furthermore, we assess the volcanic hazard implications of (Fig. 1). features in our model. For example the distribution of hydrothermally Jurassic age basement rocks of the Torlesse Terrane outcrop in the altered rock has an influence on future landslide potential and we Kaimanawa Ranges on the east, while Waipapa Terrane rocks outcrop consider the likelihood of basement faults acting as future magma in the far west of the model area. In the centre of the Mt Ruapehu pathways. graben, basement rocks are inferred to be overlain by a thin layer (100 m) of Tertiary sediments. Tunnels drilled as part of the Tongariro 2. Geologic setting and existing geophysical data power scheme in the far north-west of the study area intersected Waipapa Terrane greywacke beneath surface Tertiary sediments at a Interest in the TgVM has increased since early 2000 when unusual depth of around 100 m (Beetham and Watters, 1985). tornillo-type earthquakes were detected (Hagerty and Benites, 2003) Here we refer to the TgVM as the various eruptive centres that make around the Te Maari craters (Fig. 1). In 2005–2009, a long sequence of up Mt Tongariro, including Mt Ngauruhoe (2280 m). The TgVM is con- small volcanic earthquakes occurred close to Mt Ngauruhoe (Jolly structed of at least 17 overlapping vents built during 6 main cone build- et al., 2012), 30 years after its last eruption, and in 2012 two eruptions ing episodes and covers an area of 5 by 13 km (Hobden et al., 1999). The occurred from the Upper Te Maari Crater, the first confirmed eruptions massif has been extensively modified by glaciation since the first erup- from this vent in over 100 years (Scott and Potter, 2014). tions around 275 ka, thus surface exposures of early vents are obscured The TgVM lies at the southern end of the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), by later eruptions or have been removed by erosion. in a back-arc setting resulting from the westward subduction of the Earliest activity began in the area of Lower Tama Lake (Tama Pacific plate beneath the North Island of New Zealand. Within the 1) (Fig. 1), followed by activity around 200 ka at a nearby centre, back-arc setting is an extensional environment known as the Taupo Tama 2. A long lived cone north of Oturere Valley (Northeastern or Ruaumoko Rift (Rowland and Sibson, 2001, Acocella et al., 2003). Oturere, Mangahouhounui lavas) was built between 105 and 130 ka Extension across this rift is accommodated by segments or domains during which time a vent near Pukekaikiore was also active. Another of sub-parallel north-west and south-east dipping normal faults centre, Tongariro Trig formed between 65 and 110 ka, while contempo- (Seebeck et al., 2014). The TgVM is located at the northern end of the raneously a cone formed to the south of Oturere Valley (Southwestern Ruapehu or Tongariro domain, an area dominated by andesitic volca- Oturere, Waihohonu lavas) (Hobden et al., 1996). Around 25 ka, activity nism, south of the dominantly rhyolitic Taupo domain. The geologic ex- started at Te Maari, Tama Lakes, Red Crater, North Crater, Blue Lake and tension rate across the graben (Mt Ruapehu graben) formed by normal Pukekaikiore (Nairn, 2000). Since around 7 ka, activity has been domi- faulting in the Tongariro domain is estimated by Villamor and nated by the growth of Mt Ngauruhoe cone (Moebis et al., 2011) Berryman, (2006b) to be 2.3 ± 1.2 mm/year. Several sub-parallel faults while historic activity has been from Mt Ngauruhoe, Red Crater and and fault zones delineate the graben in our study area; from west to Upper Te Maari (Scott and Potter, 2014). Fig. 1. Simplified geological map of the TgVM. The inset map shows the North Island of New Zealand with the TVZ and model area outlined in black. The dashed red line is the Pacific/ Australian plate boundary. Coordinates are easting and northing in m using the NZTM projection. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 14 C.A.
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