With Slgns Giants for One Year-Sports Boom Starts at Yale mg Eli Athletic Star Outfielder Will Again Wear a New York or Columbia o oegin Work Uniform Huston offices yesterday and said he expected Bluc and White Aiiu to En- (Copyright, 1910, New York Tribune "Cap" Too Busy to be mustered out of the navy in Inc.) Members Will plenty of time to join tho Yanks on in the Start Practice their ter a Crew Fjo- Saying"Howdy" to Talk Sou^>>rn training trip. Bob was HOW TO GROW THIN o'n Vet- in the paymaster department abroad Monday.Many ot.e of the posed American Henley TACK SPRATT could eat no Much Baseball warships, which waited ** fat; erans Back at College vainly in tho North Sea for the Ger¬ His wife would buy no lean; man fleet to come out. ial action has been So when the family Hooverized -..-... Athletic NEW By Charles A. Taylor taken by the Columbia University ath¬ greiv his mien. HAVEN, Jan. 3. -Orders were with reference to the to-day given to all of Yale's winter Benny Kauff and his whole wardrobe letic authorities ARITHMETIC up with the Giants Games 011 sport teams-, and to crew signed .;;u::ce of intercollegiate rowing the and track yesterday Eight One into one leaves one. Illustration: Jonah and thc whale teams of the afternoon for one year. What stipend at Moroingside Heights this year, spring sport organiza¬ tions to start Benny is to receive for his services was ere already under way for the AMONG THE RUINS training on Monday for Schedule for plans thc season not made pubiic, but it is fair to as- of a schedtfle and Columbia "hirlc a of 1910. ng fell from ring," captioi says sume that his will far at the meeting of dire Only one professional coach mas been monthly wage v.-ill be represented (Oh, catastrophe). exceed that he obtained from Uncle N. Y. appointed, as U. Tive' American C 11 ge Rowing Associa- We wonder as we Issy Winters, wrestling the scarvthe line: instructor for the twelfth Sam during his few months' experience ;on, which to be held tn Philadel- "Poor consecutive sexton, whcrc is he?" season. as a soldier boy. tihia next week to discuss tho proposal Captain Avery, Galt, Gray. New York RISE AND FALL Jones and Mead of last season's wrest¬ It will be remembered that Benny University. basketball :o bave a real Henley regatta for col- OF A NATION team Forty years of team have waa called to Camp Sherman just when completed its first week of inten- crews d .: season. prcpnration. ling returned. A short sive lefre Three and a half years of schedule is rhe were cutting big training yesterday afternoon with is : these exullation. being arranged. a It prac Six months of exaspcratlon. Basketball will be slices off the tremendoua lead the snappy two-hour drill in the Uni¬ att re Col regarded the lead¬ plans Eternity of reprobation. ing winter sport. The members of thc Giants had pilcd up in the pennant race versity Heights gyrnnasium. Under the jented h of of Intercollegiate League have not last ycar. In fact, many of the coaching Captain Floyd FAMOUS DOUBLES agreed eri jefficientEgan the '. ies and that had squad has progressed in the Childs on and Sodom and to allow the games to count for the dopesters figured lonp fW Gomorrah. Not to mention stridea and should soon Pew -;. Ivan ia In 1 nineteen-nineteen. possession of thc cup which will be ined with the McGrawmen reach its best Cup the Cu ivou never have swung form. LOTT OF DIFFERENCE given to thc winner of three seasonal through to the -u-,. will car in heights. Twenty men have reported the Qluo and White. It Now if Lott's wife had only turned into a pillar of sugar thc heirs championships. Yale will meet all thc But, as fond as Benny was of swing- regularly, ing his old home run bat to tho acclaim among whom are three men ; K liev d that, in add might by now have had on the well cther members of the league. 'varsity something known citizen of Pocantico of thc baseball popuiace, he took from last year. wce, "bftbly a dual conte: I will be who started iife's successful A basketball coach will be selected his up Captain Egan, Marin irranprt d to fill '. It is struggle with an empty oi'l can. military joh with all seriousness and Sternberg make up this trio and by next week. Captain Stradella will and lof. the serviee as a He sergeant. are already some of take it: not THE HEIGHT OF FOLLY return to college from Camp Zachary was anxious to get overseas, but fate showing their old will part so" time form. :aces. Taylor, 1. The mem¬ therwise, Benny remained Delaney, Brown, Holman Correspondence via the Xew York-Chicago aero postal serviee. February other in camp in his home state until Mr. land As yet no n made for bers of the team who Brody, of last year's crack fresh- registered to-day Armistice cut short his military career. man Canadian were Van Slyck, Dann, Augur, Ho.ton, team, are also working hard to Racing Revived Borders and Welton. Record Well Known gain places on the squad. Among the of .'1 of the ncw-comers who bid fair to American turf will be pleased to learn that the Captain Hincks of the swimming As far as his baseball prowess is make a freshraan r; J~\EVOTEES team in thc name t'or Ihems.ehAes are the '' Canadian circuit to expects membership of the concerned, there is no need to delve Draffen, Princel ;uui racing plans operate in 1919. This will he wel¬ watermen the into basrbali nnd football star: Hausor have eome news to thc enthusiasts of tlie veterans Vorys, Loeb, deeply the records of the diamond Ivrani and Harvard, East for the East has more than Badger and Thurston, one of the to bring it once again to the surface. Bartlett. their usu .- horses to Prospects for a freshman team that enough supply the metropolitan demands and the more tracks strongest ag^regations gathcred in the Benny has not been away from the bat should outshine last Carnegie in years. to a season_ star five that operate.provided there are pool bag long enough require recapitu- '"' always enough thoroughbreds of class Dave ingalls, freshman hoekey star lation of his history and deeds. very bright. Most prominent are N<, irthcoming to maintain class two Edelstein, Cherry and Bush Mgh competition.the better it is for thc sport. scasons ago, has returned to col- lt might be recalled, however, that, Wicks crack PorfT, from O and X. ,1. Wier had a brief and trio, who starred in the ar, Western horses and horsemen have been a thorn in lc-ge, Smith, Sargent, Benny unsatisfactory scholastic world y< always the side Day, and Wilson arc veterans trial with the Yankees back in last year. Ferguson it ¦. f Boyd 1912. lhe star fhis Bubj it, yesterday, racing at the Eastern tracks. And this was true last season who will for the short season But it was with the all-around athlete from Lou- recer ation at thc especialiy report departed Feds that :siana, whose jfouid when the death of r, ssitated thc lack of an ice he lirst to wield the old war club speed showed up so well -,"..: n irs of the racing elsewhere sent the Western stables to this by rink. began on the football field part For the crew Captain Winter Mead, with such fift'ect as to attract the this fall, should inivers tion. of the country. Much of the apparent concerned Western espe- make the team with little troublc has manipulation McHenry, Vail, Knox, Borders, Patter- cial attention of fandom. John J. Mc¬ Others to Until ; plan interests. for son and are ehow up well in practice po Empire City. instance, always has been a hotbed i'or morc Austin back in college Graw, of the Giants, watched tar are Professor Mather his career with the Goeller and Hatterer, of Stuy ce will be or less sharp practice for the from Abbott will again "insurgents" close- vesant; of boys Missouri. direct the and when the "break" came thc Xew Nelson, Manual, and Greene .-¦ed. who f. coaching. ly asmus. WOODBINE York club put up a large-sized bundle !'. t t O MEETING ASSURED of Manag.r Buckley has had considc Jim Rici .11 t the for cash co land Benjamin. able Racing in Canada, which was for The McGraw cor- difficulty in arranging a achedulc. car.dii.it. n is ;ued discontinued "the duration of the T\vo Commodores Win judgment of proved tut hard Hy for a hi by work has formed a pro t'or a week or two war," especialiy at the Woodbine track of Toronto and around Montrea] rect, Benny proved mighty Ip gramme of At Creseent bal and as guardian of centre eight games, with conteata has ever been of an that cannot fail to benefit turf. Range !!" had still pending with Wesleynn and Lafav- li r edifying type the Comrhodore Wilson nnd his slumps and got his ette. way Effingham but one ordi r That Woodbine is preparing to open as usual next May we have. on the pannings, asset Benny always The Commodore James A. Still won the con- Lo endear him to the man¬ schedule follows: word of E. of the 7 Joseph Seagram president Ontario Jockey Club. A few tests for the Sterling revolver and ager and the and that was the 11. Rutgera. at home; lg, Amhsrat. .: The rovs ng machines. a: usual, will cup fan, ¦vn. at details remain to be tne h" in his work. wns Wa^liloftm; Febniarr ... ;i-..| ih<, adjusted before the announcement of dates. The sterling rifle trophy respectively, spirit put Benny doing hi.-. darndest all the and no in the half-milers must be for one Mr. made this which just ended at, the range of the time, tone: 28. Lcblgh, at squelched thing. Seagram one felt more over his at home; March 8. c?C V T up for official Crescent Athletic Club of peevish some- C. 17 N, V. ual in- announcement at the Guelph (Ont.) ;'- rse Show recently. Mr. Brooklyn. what frequent strilce-outs with three Hendrie's announcement as to for Woodbine were further verified Following are the scores for the on than little Benny himself. plans New York is tickled to reach the admissions of W. P. trophies and the monthly high scores: mightily Meadowbrook Club Mav by Fraser, secretary of the Ontario Jockey Club. Sl ERLING its arms out wide and far to weleome REVOLVER CUP return to the fold. Commodore E. Wilson. i'TS 10 yards Benny's Not Hold Indoor Games Still Hope for England *Tan* Erasmus Win 1-- G. Dollion. 912 10 Lieutenant Colonel Huston, part lo(PI,i\VAI]EI\PniA' 8.While the Boys IKE infielder of the world Boston Red yards local Meadowbrook Club intends to eon¬ \,'T McNALLY, champion Sox, v;:i :;" owner of the is t- ,.- ,. , yards Yankees, beginning to duct iVJL ¦¦¦¦ its nnnual carnival on w}-l0 haci tne 0f last 4 after K- Smitli. S9H 10 yards believe that hands if carried it March 15 Hoc pieasure mitting King George July par- Slii shaking has as yet been unable to obtain thc Rough keyGame 20yardi to excess is a strain comparablc with use of the ticipating in a game played between teams representing the United STERLING RIFLE TROPHY railroads Commercial Coliseum. which Golf Gossip building and bridges under is still in the hands of the From Commercials States Army and Navy, is home from serviee with Uncle Sam's fleet. Commodore .1. A. Still. 240a shejl fire. Yesterday, the second day ment. The govcrn 17 G. Delbon...'. 9391 of the club is making everv effort McNally says that hc believes baseball is going to become Dr. Do Witt C. "Cap's" furlough here, was a to secure this popular Smith.".. 2305 < of his building, as it'is the in summer C. W. Watson. .¦;,-! arl Anderson will leave on repetition Thursday experience. only adequate place in this England. Last he said he learned that quite a few schools a. r. for Monday Wherever "Cap" went about town it wh citv in i'.r?.''-::. :¦- Hall won a rough and Meiii.»...::::::: 2302 a three months' tour of the South. ch the games could be held. had baseball clubs and were several a E. K. Smith. .)"%:, was greeting after greeting. m organized playing games times W*H be joined al Pinehursl bv Tom However, a decision has been reached tamble game fr tl H. B. . ;'" ln hc has been so week. In other he also the were an Saltcr.'..r%! Boyd, of the- Fox Hills Golf fact, busy saving thal should the School in a c i'rook- classes, said, people showing interest J. 11. Yi uns. .;; 2i,-,0 Club, and that he has not had a .Meadowbrook Club fail High the pair will team up together and "howdy" chance to secure the Coliseum it will afa in the game, and while he doubts the American can cricket MONTHLY HIGH SCORE REVOLVER in paly to the lyn-Lons; Isla tic H ockey sport replace many matches with other get posted regarding politics the idea of eonriuctinc the indoor meel TEN YARDS m profcssion- of baseball. When asked if he favored In .' laat as the Englishman's favorite outdoor amusement, he. does look for base¬ als, addition to comneting in all tlie its stead it ia planned to hold ai Leagn tlace, Commodore i: ii one-maa commission "Cap" replied E. Wilson. 100 open urnaments held al the various outdoor carnival on F nklin Field on night, by a score ball to become one of the country's leading sports. M. M. Sterling. 100 Plans that it would naturally depend on the a 17 G. Carpentier .bouthern resorts. A few of their matches baturday afternoon during the month Hanual ned a vic¬ McNally also took occasion to rcfer to the remarkable dis¬ Delbon. 97 nsivc been and man. He was very much interested of April. pitching .1. <;. D ntz. 97 already arranged, Boyd, in of the offer to ex- over - on who leaves for learning made tory Boj played by Herb Pennock in the games played in England by the Navy Dr. De Wit! ('. Smith. Ring Bttttles the South on Sunday, President Taft Bf 2 to I-. S. Hyatt. may arrangc many more before he by Harry Hempstead, games team. Iie said the left-hander's old weakness of poor control was over¬ .1. 17 meets Anderson of the New York club, tl .Ianual Hurlej. ;,;, at Pinehurst during! and head oi" the Boston TRAVEL played come and that he showed more stuff than ever before. He II. H. Pelcrson. 93 Leaving Army the latter par! of the month. Harry Frazee, se red o predicts big Dr. W. Eraser. :% The American leaguers. Aside from pay- star, be followed by for Pennock when he returns to thc matches thal have already been Callahar from scr.im- things major leagues. MONTHLY HIGH SCORE PISTOL TEN arranged are: At with ing tribute to the qualitications of Mr. Jan. 3..Gcorges Sommerville, Taft for such a said -' YARDS PjARIS, !,,|ii M.uldrew, the home post, "Cap" again mage pl the Boy profc sional, he was not. to M. M. Sterling. 100 Carpentier, European and Pat Doyle. of Deal; at Charleston, just ready express any High c. Commodore 17 Wilson. 99 1 with thc home profi ssional and his opinions, so R;n Johnson will have to Thc- lii 17 C Delbon. 97 : Partner; at be patient. AlNfCHOR heavyweight champion, Savannah, with Jimmy i'uaapn.Pr nml Cargro Kerrlcet ll (0 Dr. De Witt C. Smith. 95 wil] be Floyd, the home professional, and his] F. S. Hyatt. 95 demobilized from the partner; at Brunswick, Ga., and After looking over ihe theatrical at¬ NEW YORK TO '.'. i Z.'.'.'.'Z. fc> -I. G. Dentz. 9;j Island, with thc Jekyl tract ions. the "Cap" ordered seats for LIVERPOOL Mi c. p. J. F. Hurley. 95 French army with his class professionals and their "The Girl Behind the Gun" and nobody MAURETANIA. ^^4 ': j partners; at the Miami Beach B v FRED HA W MONTHLY HIGH Golf was i. W. THORNE. SCORE REVOLVER probably late in April or the Ciub, with Charles Thorn, the local surprised at his selection. S»*°ma.J.n. 4 TWENTY YARDS professional, who is at ....Jan. 8 John "Restless" Reisler, the erst- twenty round bout in this city. Jess month. Shinnecock A report comes from Boston that ^armani* Willard Commodore E. Wilson. 95 following The French Hills ni the summer, ;unl his partner; the Braves have been <;.-°1i« .Jan. 20 while little shaver and all-round bar- ignored." M. M. Sterling. 9". at Palm Beach, with the professionals' purchased by °rduna.Feb. d Can you imagine how hurt. Jess will J'. (I. Delbon. Sfl prigilist is understood to be in former JMayor Curley and Charles ¦; of West Forty-fifth Street, but charge; al Rock Ledge, on the Indian be? llc'll feel just as as the !¦- S. Hyatt. ,V, , 7.7;.. the lattcr a banker, for $100,000, NEW YORK TO ...... badly to with William GLASGOW .'.'.'] now <»iie of thc kings" of Okla¬ Prussian Guards felt when Captain Wilder. 83 eager return to thc ring, River, Entwistle and the new owners 78 cent of "oily "told the parl I..M-: at tlobe Sound. with Joe securing per Oriana. p^ g i 11. H. Peterson. 80 the itock of club...... Vout homa, is back in town for the briefest armistice had been signed and they and has Mitchell and partner; al the Gulf Shore the Along with thc could no longer light with the Vankeo MONTH I.Y RIFLE HIGH SCORE practically completed rumor came a story that Johnny Evera NEW YORK TO LONDON ;¦.".. of visits, in conncction with his gush- Golf Club, Boca Grande, with Harry would ',->4j--!¦¦-,. "doughboys". F. <.. Delbon. 214 arrangements for two rnatches. Cowic and partner, an.l at supplant as Pannonia.pe}j 7 ».-._-, itig intercsts out West. John buzzed Commodore J. A. Still. 24 I ; Belleair, manager of the t-i'iim. tl-24 S1..TE ('. W. Watson. 210 One will be at with Alec Smith and partner. STKKET. NEW TORJt, us on the telephone last night, put- Only one pound of Benny Leonard is fough'. Stras- Anderson will visil thc A. Schwarzman. 237 1 many golf coursea Leslie Mann, Cub outfielder, is on ting himself in ri^htat the start of the delaying scheduled eight-iround Dr. De Witt C. Smith. 229 I bourg in July and the other in before he reaches Pinehurst, where he his from bout at the Newark Sportsmen's Club C. A. 221 way Camp Grant, at Houston, Eastern conversation by wishlng us a "Happy K,-]|y. will remain from January --I to ."0. to confer with Fred Mitchell. League Ready on January 20, between thc lightweight Captain Wilder. 223 London in October. At in the of Feb- Tex., WHITE STAR LINE New Yeor." champion nnd Johnny Dundcc. !!. B. Saller. 220 according Camden, early part former manager tind now president of To Into "Scotty" to ruary, Anderson. and Boyd expect to the club, the NEW YORK.LIVERPOOL Jump King We hope it will be, John, but we Montieth, Dundce's manager, insis'ts present plans. Bombardier play against Peter O'Hara and William Chicago regarding play¬ Jan 3..The er'- services this season. . HARTFORD, Conn., that Leonard wcigh in at, 135 pounds as Lapland .Jan. 22 Megantic.. Jan. 31 uttern will be in the baseball don't know. The way things look nevr, while Wells, thc English heavy- Skelly, O'Hara will be his assistant League ringside, Billy Gibson holds out Fails this winter and will report for duty be¬ of Adriatic. .Jan. 25 Baltic.Feb. 1 '¦-':3 this year, declared President a fellow will have to sport at least two for 136 pounds at the same hour for Barney Dreyfuss is Harry Sparrow, secretary the weight, expected to be Car- tween now and 15. New York will Lapland. . .Feb. 19 ter a meeting of the v.ound stripes on his sleeve before he Benny. To Reach January Yankees, start for Meeting Florida within a or so to DKAFTS AND MONEY cjin claim he has a right to live. Our Dave Mackay, matchmnker and man¬ FRENCH Jan. 8,-The pentier's opponent in one bat- day arrange ORDEKS ib owners look forward to idea of the most uscless of fur- of LICK, Ind., for the Southern training trip of tho Britain.IrelaoU.Italy.Scaadtnawla 1919 piece ager thc club, which will seat 11,000 committee Red Cross Pians Bouls "fith rei onfidence despite the niture in the world is the "over here" persons, says he expects to have the major league here to draft tle. Xew York club. Jacksonville, Orlando Office*, 9 Br.adway, New York '"jct that boob and San ford are the places will the rei next summer, when the "khaki rival managers come to terms at an¬ tlie 1919 schedule failed to get down For Wounded Soldiers Harry Bet beei '. the kid" begins to light the battle of other rrun'tiiig to be held to-day, and to work to-night, because President visit, with the probability that Jack¬ P"-».t ' over and to The American Red Cross will havo where the Ath- tbree years. hateau rhierry a^ain, that Leonard can easily make the of sonville, Philadelphia The directors and club owners distribute his Croix de Guerre, D. S. C. but, is back Barney Dreyfuss the Pittsburgh Manzo Sends entire charge of thc recreation. enter le-tics have been training, will be the pres- weight demanded, holding club wns delnyed, here late Scrgeanl tainment and Bt were Benjamin Moulton, Provi- C. among the doting "frails" foi- reasons of "pride." reaching vocational training -of place selected. a COflP/iRHfR GW_fMLETBPJ