Reading List

(Unless otherwise stated all stories are by Clive Cussler only)

Dirk Pitt Series

Pacific Vortex 's First, Most Terrifying Adventure! Dirk Pitt, death-defying adventurer and deep-sea expert, is put to the ultimate test as he plunges into the perilous waters of the Pacific Vortex- a fog-shrouded sea zone where dozens of ships have vanished without a trace.

The Mediterranean Caper (aka Mayday!) Dirk Pitt is up against an international drug smuggling ring and the evil Bruno Von Till, a German pilot who survived both World Wars to become one of the most ruthless smugglers in history.

Iceberg Frozen inside a million-ton mass of ice-the charred remains of a long missing luxury yacht, vanished en route to a secret White House rendezvous. The only clue to the ship's priceless-and missing-cargo: nine ornately carved rings and the horribly burned bodies of its crew.

Raise the Titanic! tells the story of efforts to bring the remains of the ill-fated ocean liner RMS Titanic to the surface of the Atlantic Ocean in order to recover a stockpile of an exotic mineral that was being carried aboard.

Vixen 03 1954: Vixen 03 is down. The plane, bound for the Pacific carrying thirty-six Doomsday Bombs—canisters armed with quick-death germs of unbelievable potency—vanishes. Vixen has in fact crashed into an ice-covered lake in Colorado.

Night Probe! The world is in the throes of an energy crunch and the United States is on the brink of financial disaster. Desperate to find any solution that can save the nation from national bankruptcy, the President of the United States looks to Dirk Pitt and NUMA to pull off an audacious double salvage operation.

Deep Six A deadly tide of poison flows into ocean waters. A ghost ship drifts across the empty northern Pacific. A luxury Soviet liner blazes into a funeral pyre. The Presidential yacht cruises the Potomac night and the President disappears without a trace.

Cyclops A wealthy American financier disappears on a hunt in an antique blimp. From Cuban waters, the blimp drifts toward Florida with a crew of dead men -- Soviet cosmonauts.

Treasure The "treasure" that Pitt seeks, against all the odds, is none other than the Great Library and Museum of Alexandria, the chief wonder of the ancient world, containing an incredible mass of literature, art and knowledge.

Dragon A bomber, carrying a third nuclear bomb to Japan in 1945, is shot down in the Sea of Japan. Now, terrorists want to restore Japan's former glory by taking out the United States economy by planting nuclear bombs.

Sahara Searching for a treasure on the Nile, Dirk Pitt thwarts the attempted assassination of a beautiful U.N. scientist who’s investigating a disease that is driving thousands of North Africans into madness, cannibalism, and death.

Inca Gold A chance rescue of two divers trapped in a Peruvian sinkhole leads series hero Dirk Pitt into a search for lost treasure that involves grave robbers, art thieves and ancient curses.

Shock Wave Dirk is investigating the baffling deaths of thousands of Antarctic marine animals when he stumbles on something even more chilling. The passengers and crew of a cruise ship all died simultaneously and instantly, leaving stranded on a remote island whaling station, a small party of tourists.

Flood Tide Dirk must rescue illegal immigrants from a Chinese tycoon and locate the bones of the Peking Man, the famous lost example of Homo erectus.

Atlantis Found An Antarctic whaler stumbles across an aged wreck—her frozen crew guarding a priceless treasure. A team of anthropologists is buried under a mountain by a deliberate explosion. A ship that should have died fifty-six years ago reappears, and almost sinks a National Underwater and Marine Agency ship. Dirk Pitt knows that somehow these events are connected.

Valhalla Rising It is July 2003. In the middle of its maiden voyage, the luxury cruise ship Emerald Dolphin suddenly catches fire and sinks. What caused it? Why didn't the alarms go off? What was its connection to the revolutionary new engines powering the ship? NUMA special projects director Dirk Pitt races to rescue the passengers and investigate the disaster.

Trojan Odyssey Dirk Pitt battles his most dangerous foe ever - with help from a very unexpected source. There is a black tide infesting the ocean off the shore of Nicaragua. Whilst trying to determine its origin, startling things begin to occur and the inhabitants of a floating resort find themselves directly in the path of a violent storm.

Black Wind The novel centers around a North Korean plot to launch a biological warfare attack on the United States, creating an opportunity for the invasion and annexation of South Korea. Dirk Pitt Jr., his father, and his sister Summer must foil the plot and expose and stop the antagonists before a deadly toxin can be spread in released over Los Angeles. (co-author Dirk Cussler)

Treasure of Khan The book is about a Mongolian oil tycoon and his attempts to gain control over the world petroleum markets. It also has a secondary plot of a search for the treasures in of Genghis Khan and Khublai Khan. (co-author Dirk Cussler)

Arctic Drift A potential breakthrough discovery to reverse global warming...a series of unexplained sudden deaths in British Columbia...a rash of international incidents between the United States and one of its closest allies that threatens to erupt into an actual shooting war. (co-author Dirk Cussler)

Crescent Dawn In A.D. 327, a Roman galley barely escapes a pirate attack with its extraordinary cargo. In 1916, a British warship mysteriously explodes in the middle of the North Sea. In the present day, a cluster of important mosques in Turkey and Egypt are wracked by explosions. Does anything tie them together? (co-author Dirk Cussler)

Poseidon’s Arrow This book is about a secret prototype attack submarine the United States is developing and the efforts of a ruthless multimillionaire who wants to seize it by any means and sell it for a hefty profit. This millionaire antagonist also is bent on monopolizing most of the world's rare earth mining operations and sell these minerals for a huge profit. (co-author Dirk Cussler)

NUMA Series

Serpent The main plot is about a group of men who call themselves "The Brotherhood" and have ties to a 15th-century religious order. The group in modern times has attempted to hide and destroy all evidence of pre-Columbian contact between the New and Old Worlds. (co-author Paul Kemprecos)

Blue Gold is about attempting to control the world's water at any cost, including mass murder. Kurt Austin and Joe Zavala must stop these events from happening with the help of a scientist who discovered how to purify water and collect free energy from it. (co-author Paul Kemprecos)

Fire Ice In this novel, a Russian businessman with Tsarist ambitions masterminds a plot against America, which involves triggering a set of earthquakes on the ocean floor, creating a number of tsunami to hit the USA coastline. It is up to Kurt and his team, and some new allies, to stop his plans. (co-author Paul Kemprecos)

White Death In this novel, the main character Kurt Austin has to destroy an overpowered fish farm that makes mutant fish before the entire eco-system is changed. (co-author Paul Kemprecos)

Lost City An enzyme that will dramatically prolong life has been discovered two thousand feet down in the North Atlantic, in an area known as 'Lost City'. But why are the people attempting to harvest it getting killed? (co-author Paul Kemprecos)

Polar Shift Giant freak waves send an unsinkable cargo ship to the bottom of the Atlantic and a herd of killer whales attack a party of kayakers in the Pacific - random events, or evidence of Polar Shift? (co-author Paul Kemprecos)

The Navigator Years ago, an ancient Phoenician statue known as the Navigator was stolen from the Baghdad Museum, and there are men who would do anything to get their hands on it. (co-author Paul Kemprecos)

Medusa Mysterious undersea events lead Kurt Austin and the NUMA team to discover a hideous series of medical experiments, an extraordinarily ambitious Chinese criminal organization, and a secret new virus that threatens to set off a world-wide pandemic. (co-author Paul Kemprecos)

Devil’s Gate A Japanese cargo ship bursts into flames near the Azores, and a gang of pirates speeds to take advantage of the disaster—but their boat explodes. What on earth is happening? Is it connected to the kidnapping of a top scientist from the streets of Geneva? Or the discovery of an extraordinary underwater graveyard of ships and planes littered across the seafloor? (co-author Graham Brown)

The Storm In the middle of the Indian Ocean, a NUMA research vessel is taking water samples at sunset, when a crew member spots a sheen of black oil ahead of them. But it is not oil. Like a horde of army ants, a swarm of black particles suddenly attacks the ship, killing everyone aboard, while the ship itself goes up in flames. (co-author Graham Brown)

Zero Hour It is called zero point energy, and it really exists—a state of energy contained in all matter everywhere, and thus all but unlimited. Nobody has ever found a way to tap into it, however— until one scientist discovers a way. (co-author Graham Brown)

Ghost Ship When Kurt Austin is injured attempting to rescue the passengers and crew from a sinking yacht, he wakes with fragmented and conflicted memories. Did he see an old friend and her children drown, or was the yacht abandoned when he came aboard? (co-author Graham Brown)

Isaac Bell Series

The Chase A no- nonsense detective is on the trail of the sharpest and deadliest criminal mind he has ever encountered: a serial robber who murders any and all witnesses in cold-blood.

The Wrecker A man known only as the Wrecker is sabotaging the Southern Pacific Railroad's Cascades express line. Whoever he is, whatever his motives, he's building up to a grand act unlike anything ever committed before. And only private detective Isaac Bell can stop him. (co-author Justin Scott)

The Spy Someone is murdering the leading lights of America's naval research and development. When the indefatigable Bell looks into the supposed suicide of chief gun designer Arthur Langner, he uncovers a succession of possible international suspects, all of whom are attempting to disrupt America's development of a fleet of dreadnought battleships. (co-author Justin Scott)

The Race It is 1910, the age of flying machines is still in its infancy, and newspaper publisher Preston Whiteway is offering $50,000 for the first daring aviator to cross America in less than fifty days. He is even sponsoring one of the prime candidates-an intrepid woman named Josephine Frost-and that's where Bell, chief investigator for the Van Dorn Detective Agency, comes in.(co-author Justin Scott)

The Thief On the ocean liner Mauretania, two European scientists with a groundbreaking new invention are rescued from abduction by the Van Dorn Detective Agency's intrepid chief investigator, Isaac Bell. Unfortunately, they are not so lucky when the thugs attack a second time. (co-author Justin Scott)

The Striker In we meet Isaac Bell early in his career in an adventure that would show him just how dangerous and exciting his chosen profession would turn out to be. (co-author Justin Scott)

The Bootlegger It is 1920, and both Prohibition and bootlegging are in full swing. When Isaac Bell’s boss and lifelong friend Joseph Van Dorn is shot and nearly killed leading the high-speed chase of a rum-running vessel, Bell swears to him that he will hunt down the lawbreakers. (co-author Justin Scott)

Fargo Series

Spartan Gold Treasure hunters Sam and Remi Fargo are shocked to discover a bottle of a rare wine taken from Napoleon's lost cellar. However, someone else is also searching for this treasure. (co- author Grant Blackwood)

Lost Empire While vacationing and scuba diving near Zanzibar, the Fargos discover a ship's bell that they soon determine belonged to the Confederate warship Shenandoah, which after the Civil War had been sold to the Sultan of Zanzibar before mysteriously disappearing. As soon as they raise the bell, they find someone else wants it badly enough to kill to obtain it. (co-author Grant Blackwood)

The Kingdom The Fargos are used to hunting for treasure, not people. But then a Texas oil baron contacts them with a personal plea: an investigator friend of the Fargos' was on a mission to find the oil baron's missing father-and now the investigator is missing, too. Would Sam and Remi be willing to look for them both? (co-author Grant Blackwood)

The Tombs Husband-and-wife team Sam and Remi Fargo are intrigued when an archaeologist friend requests their help excavating a top secret historical site. What they find will set them on a hunt for a prize greater than they could ever imagine. (co-author Thomas Perry) Fargo Series (cont.)

The Mayan Secrets Husband-and-wife team Sam and Remi Fargo are in Mexico, when they come upon a remarkable discovery—the skeleton of a man clutching an ancient sealed pot, and within the pot, a Mayan book, larger than anyone has ever seen. (co-author Thomas Perry)

The Eye of Heaven Baffin Island: Husband-and-wife team Sami and Remi Fargo are on a climate- control expedition in the Arctic, when to their astonishment they discover a Viking ship in the ice, perfectly preserved—and filled with pre–Columbian artifacts from Mexico. How can that be? (co- author Justin Scott)

Oregon Series

Golden Buddha The team is hired to find and recover a stolen statue, the , stolen in 1959 from the Dalai Lama. The success of the team will determine the future of Tibet. (co-author Craig Dirgo)

Sacred Stone Two opposing groups seek a 50,000-year-old radioactive meteorite known as the . Muslim extremists have stolen a nuclear device and need the stone to give them the power to vaporize any city in the west. A megalomaniacal industrialist leads a group seeking to carry out the utter annihilation of Islam itself. (co-author Craig Dirgo)

Dark Watch A consortium of Japanese shipping magnates employ the Oregon to help prevent attacks by brutal pirates trawling the waters of Southeast Asia. Normally, such attacks on the high seas are limited to smaller ships and foreign owned yachts - easy targets on the open ocean. Now, however, giant commercial freighters are disappearing. (co-author )

Skeleton Coast Juan Cabrillo and the crew of the covert combat ship Oregon have barely escaped a mission on the Congo River when they intercept a mayday from a defenseless boat under fire off the African coast. Cabrillo takes action, saving the beautiful Sloane Macintyre - who's looking for a long- submerged ship that may hold a fortune in diamonds. (co-author Jack Du Brul)

Plague Ship The crew of the Oregon have just completed a top secret mission against Iran in the Persian Gulf, when they come across a cruise ship adrift in the sea. Hundreds of bodies litter its deck. (co-author Jack Du Brul)

Corsair The book follows the corporation team's mission to recover the US Secretary of State, Fiona Katamora, before the upcoming peace summit. They discover that all is not as it seems and that the plane crash that brought her down may not have been an accident. (co-author Jack Du Brul)

The Silent Sea Five brothers exploring a shaft on a small island off the coast of Washington State make an extraordinary discovery, only to be interrupted by news of Pearl Harbor. In the present, Cabrillo, chasing the remnants of a crashed satellite in the Argentine jungle, stumbles upon a shocking revelation of his own. (co-author Jack Du Brul)

The Jungle The Corporation is hired by a very wealthy man to find his adventurer daughter, who appears to have gotten into trouble in the jungles of Myanmar. What follows is an adventure that takes the Oregon crew to many locations around the world and at sea. (co-author Jack Du Brul)

Mirage In October 1943, a U.S. destroyer sailed out of Philadelphia and supposedly vanished, the result of a Navy experiment with electromagnetic radiation. The story was considered a hoax—but now Juan Cabrillo and his Oregon colleagues aren’t so sure. (co-author Jack Du Brul)


The Sea Hunters: True Adventures with Famous Shipwrecks. This work details the authors search for famous shipwrecks with his nonprofit organization NUMA. There is also a television series titled The Sea Hunters which is based on the book.

Clive Cussler and Dirk Pitt Revealed Now with this truly unique insider’s guide, you can dive in and explore the worlds of both Clive Cussler and Dirk Pitt.

The Sea Hunters ll: Diving the World’s Seas for Famous Shipwrecks. This volume documents the search for the final resting places of fourteen additional ships or other historical sunken artifacts not documented in the first work.

Built for Adventure: The Classic Automobiles of Clive Cussler and Dirk Pitt. Fans of Clive Cussler's bestselling Dirk Pitt series know that his hero has a soft spot for rare and classic automobiles...and that the vehicles that appear in the novels are actually part of Cussler's own vast collection.

Childrens Books

The Adventures of Vin Fiz Ten-year-old twins Lacey and Casey Nicefolk have always wanted to fly, but kids can’t fly . . . or can they? They can if they know the mysterious Sucoh Sucop.

The Adventures of Hotsy Totsy Casey and Lacey Nicefolk seem like two regular, all-American kids. But these twins have a secret: a magical box that can turn any small object life-size! So they dream up a plan to turn a toy boat into the life-size Hotsy Totsy and enter a national boat race.

This guide was created by: Tom Thorburn. Director and Life Member of Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts