"Leveraging Cross-Industry Know-How for Thermodynamic Cycles & Component Innovation"

Wednesday, June 17, 2015 – Stage Presentation ASME TURBOEXPO 2015

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 1 About SoftInWay

Founded in 1999, we are an international engineering company headquartered in Burlington, Massachusetts.

SoftInWay Inc. specializes in developing efficient turbomachinery by offering our flagship software, AxSTREAM™ (for flow path design, redesign, analysis and optimization and AxCYCLE™ (for cycle design and analysis), as well as consulting services and educational We have five offices worldwide: courses.  Burlington, Massachusetts  New York City, New York We provide more than 200 companies  Zug, Switzerland with our software and with 50+ engineers  Bangalore, India and more than 600 years of combined  Kharkov, Ukraine experience

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 2 Capabilities & Reach


Engineering Services New Product Development

Education and Training Services SoftInWay Turbomachinery University

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 3 Projects Executed in 2014 - 2015

1. Design and Development of multiple frames of API Steam Turbines from 50kW to 3MW

2. Redesign of a 126MW Heavy Duty Gas Turbine for performance improvement

3. Feasibility study on a 600 MW thermal power plant for improvement in heat rate

4. Redesign of a 250 MW steam turbine for increasing power output by 20 MW

5. Development of a Waste Heat Recovery Turbo-Expander

6. Redesign and retrofit of a 4 stage centrifugal

7. Design and optimization of impeller of API 610 BB4 type pump

8. Design of highly loaded low pressure compressor for aviation engine

We have executed more than 90 consulting projects to Industry and Research Organizations globally in various verticals

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 4 Aerospace to Home Appliances

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 5 Vacuum Blower Development

Client: Home Appliance Company in USA

Requirement: High performance for vacuum application. To achieve efficiency of >80% from current product efficiency of <60%.


 SoftInWay team studied limitation in current product in terms of cost, performance, manufacturing, size and weight. Initial  Set goals and constraints for achievable Designs performance leveraging the knowhow from centrifugal of turbocharger and aerospace compressor.

 Performed preliminary design with constraints and technical specifications as specified by client.

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 6 Vacuum Blower Development

Studies on effect of RPM on Studies on effect of rotor mean Multiple configurations efficiency diameter on efficiency were studied

Studies on effect of axial length on Studies on effect of rotor hub efficiency diameter on efficiency

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 7 Vacuum Blower Development

Multiple configurations of flow path were studied and optimized to meet the dimensional constraints and performance objectives.

The designed vacuum blower was 16% more efficient than the existing product line simultaneously meeting the design constraint and performance with minimal changes in manufacturing requirements.

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 8 Power Generation to Automobile

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 9 Power Generation

SoftInWay has been offering cutting edge solutions for heat rate improvement in power plants with expertise on working in fossil fired power plants up to 800 MW and combined cycle plants of up to 300MW

We have also been offering R&M solutions for existing plants for improving heat rate as well as for uprates of the plant by redesigning the turbine

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 10 Power Generation – Bottoming Cycles

100 MW Combined cycle plant designed Bottoming cycle based on ORC for waste in AxCYCLE™ heat recovery in Industrial process at source temperature of 350 C

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 11 Power Generation from Waste Heat

ORC units designed by SoftInWay for generating 250 KW for application in Industrial waste heat recovery

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 12 WHRS for Automobile

Client: Gas Engine Manufacturer

Requirement: Reduce Fuel consumption and increase power output.


 SoftInWay team studied current performance of engine for different operating conditions.

 Performed Exergy analysis on the engine to identify possible areas of minimizing Exergy destruction.

 Based on Exergy analysis bottoming cycle was developed leveraging the knowhow from combined cycle and waste heat recovery systems.

 Our goal was to develop high efficiency Waste Heat Recovery System for powerful and super powerful IC Gas Engines based on ORC principles to provide optimal waste heat utilization with moderate system complexity.

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 13 WHRS for Automobile

Heat Balance Diagram of ICE Distribution of Heat Flows Option of Heat Utilization According to Temperatures


 Heat is extracted from the waste heat sources at different pressure levels  Advanced heat utilization from low temperature sources

Where LP and HP – low pressure and high pressure; LT and HT – low temperature and high temperature; CAC – charge air cooler ; JW – jacket water.

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 14 WHRS for Automobile

Dual Loop Parameter Unit R245fa

Total Heat Transferred to kW 3162 Cycle Total Mass Flow kg/s 11.63 Net Power kW 581 Production Power Boost for % 19.73 the CAT Engine Total System Efficiency % 49.09 (ICE+WHRS)

*SORC – Supercritical Organic Rankine Cycle

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 15 WHRS for Automobile

HPT lPT Performance data and crucial dimensions of the turbines Parameter Unit HPT LPT Internal total-to-static efficiency % 85 91 Power kW 211 394 Shaft rotational speed rpm 40000 7914 Impeller diameter at inlet mm 106 459 Mean impeller diameter at outlet mm 70 260 Blade height at inlet mm 6.7 30.9 Blade height at outlet mm 25.1 122.8 Blade number 13 12

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 16 Aerospace to Nuclear Turbines

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 17 LP Turbine for Nuclear Plant

Client: Nuclear Turbine OEM in Russia

Requirement: Reduction of overall foot print without compromising performance


 SoftInWay team benchmarked existing turbine for detailed performance and stresses and studied the limitations in terms of extraction locations, axial and radial dimensions.

 The objective was to investigate the possibility of reducing double flow LP turbine axial length by leveraging the knowhow of radial turbine design and addressing various challenges during the project.  The first two-stage performance was evaluated with the objective of replacing it with one radial stage.

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 18 LP Turbine for Nuclear Plant

The 5-stage turbine modelled in AxSTREAM™ for Benchmarking

Original LP turbine with 5 stages double flow path and LSB height =1000 mm ( 39.5 inch) The LSB converted from Cold to Hot condition

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 19 LP Turbine for Nuclear Plant

The entry to the turbine has to be modified to accommodate radial entry to the rotor LE and also incorporate the nozzles.

The exit from the radial stages should provide minimal incidence angle entry to the axial stages.

Reaction should be near 50% for radial stages and the stage should have high efficiency and reliability.

The first two axial stages replaced by a single radial stage

The radial stage designed in AxSTREAM™ with nozzles

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 20 LP Turbine for Nuclear Plant

The streamlines of the flow in the radial Full machine CFD analysis was stage from CFD Analysis performed to study the flow interaction and flow characteristics in the designed Detailed comparison of Results from radial + Axial Turbine configuration AxSTREAM was done with CFD analysis and results are in agreement

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 21 LP Turbine for Nuclear Plant

One of the challenges was in attaching the radial blades with the rotor. Different concepts were evaluated and analyzed for structural requirements.

Radial blades connected to disk with Radial blades welded to disc curved axial entry dovetails

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 22 LP Turbine for Nuclear Plant

Different configurations for root attachment were studied and analyzed which confirm structural strength and reliability. 13.1% reduction in length and performance maintained as per axial stages

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 23 Counter-Rotating Turbomachinery

 Counter–rotating turbines and propellers are frequently used in Aviation Industry because they possess the advantages of compact size and reduced weight.

 Contra-rotating propellers have been found to be between 6% and 16% more efficient than normal propellers[1].

 There is also many patents on Counter Rotating Fan and core compressors i.e US H2032 H1, US 4790133 A (GE)

Tu-95MS - Soviet Strategic Bomber Powered by four Kuznetsov NK-12M turboprop engines. Each engine is rated at 8,948 kW


SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered Counter-Rotating Turbomachinery

Client: A Green Energy Company in USA

Requirement: Design of a high performance for non-condensable gas processing from a geothermal power plant surface condenser


 SoftInWay team took an innovative approach to design this compressor by utilizing counter-rotating designs.

Total-to-total efficiency of 84.98%

Both rotors operating at 8000 rpm in counter directions.

Maximal tip diameter of 520mm and overall axial length of 700 mm.

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered Contact

United States (HQ) Contact: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Phone: 1‐781‐685‐4942 [email protected] 15 New England Executive Park [email protected] Burlington, MA 01803

Visit www.SoftInWay.com for detailed information

SoftInWay: Turbomachinery Mastered 26