Spanish Surnames. Southwest Regional Laboratory (SWRL) Technical Note No

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Spanish Surnames. Southwest Regional Laboratory (SWRL) Technical Note No DOCUMENT RESUME ED 107 423 RC 008 551 AUTHOR Hein, William H., Jr. TITLE Spanish Surnames. Southwest Regional Laboratory (SWRL) Technical Note No. TN 1-72-08. INSTITUTION Southwest Regional Laboratory for Educational Research and Development, Los Alamitos, Calif. SPONS AGENCY Department of Labor, Washington, D.C. REPORT NO TN-1-72-08 PUB DATE 8 Sep 72 NOTE 47p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 MC-$1.95 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS Classification; *CodificationC*Demography; *Ethnic Grouping; *Grouping Procedures; Identification; *Spanish Culture; Spelling IDENTIFIERS *Spanish Surname ABSTRACT An excerpt from the U.S. Census General Coding Procedures Manual, this paper consists of: (1) an abbreviated list of common Spanish surnames and (2) a detailed list of Spanish surnames. These lists are used to determine Spanish surnames by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. More than 2,000 names are listed in alphabetical order. Spelling variations which may be formed by adding a letter or letters to the end of the surname are shown in parentheses after the name. Other spelling variations are listed separately. (NQ) Cn SOUTHWEST REGIONAL LABORATORY l`r\ TECHNICAL NOTE (-N! DATE September 8, 1972 N0 TN 1-72-08 LLJ TITLE SPANISH SURNAMES AUTHOR William H. Hein, Jr. ABSTRACT An excerpt from the U.S. Census General Coding Procedures Manual that includes an abbreviated list of common names and a detailed list of names. U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION &WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO OUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY ertAfttt! Infernal cleftIrtr Ott. Inn A1124 "Ale Pren a nn toApr Intekr_ q, j rp..tkI1 J.0 .=.1,. CAN 11.11NNWMI 00000 .610.1 t 4665 Lampson Ave.,Los Alamitos, 11 SPANISH SURNAMES William H. Hein, Jr. Article 6 (e) of the General Provisions ofthe Laboratory's Operating Program Contract with theFederal Government requires the Laboratory to furnish all information and reportsrequired by Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24,1965, and by the rules regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor.Under this Article, the Laboratory is required to submit anEEO-1 annual report to the Department of Labor. This document reports the number of minority group employees in designated job categories.One of the Minority groups is described as"Spanish-Surname Americans". (Equal Employment Opportunity; Compliance and Affirmative Action. 1969, National Association of Manufacturers and Plans for Progress, p. 78.) The attached lists will be used to determine Spanish surnames. 0003 Attachment J1 4970 CENSUS GENERAL CODING PROCEDURES MANUAL ABBREVIATED LIST OF COMMON SPANISH SURNAMES (spelling variations are not always listed separately. Spelling variations in may be formed by theaddition to surnames of a letter or letters shown Avalo, Avalon, parenthesis. For example, Avalo(n)(s) represents the surnames and Avalos.) "A" Alonzo Arias Benitez Abeitia Aloy Armendariz Benuelos Abeitya Altamira(no) Armenta Berm6dez Abeyta(s) Altamirez Armijo Bernal(es) Abeytia Arredond6-- Betancourt Abril Alvarado Arreola Betran Acebedo Alvarez Arriola Blanc(o) Acebes Alvidrez Arroyo Bojorquez Acedo Alvires Arroyuelo Bonilla Acevedo Alviso Arteaga Borquez Aceves Alvisu Arvizu Bracammte Acosta Alvizo Avalo(n)(s) Bravo Acuna Amabisca Avelar Bribiesca Adame(s) Amado Avendano Briceno Aguayo Amador Avila Buen(o) Aguila(r) Amavisca Aviles Burgos Aguilera Ayala(s) Burruel Aguirre Amaya(s) "B" Bustamante Ainsa Amescua Baca Bustamente Ainza Amparan Badilla Bustillo Alanis Anaya Badillo Busto(s) Alaniz Andasola Balboa "C" Alarcon Andazola Baldenegro Caballero Alazan Andrade Balderas Caballo Alba(rado) Anguiano Balderrama Cabral(es) Albidrez Angulo Ballesteros Cabrer(a) Albizo Anparan Baltierra Caldera Albizu Anton(i)(io) Banuelos Calderon Alcalg Aparicio Barajas Calle(s) -Alcantar(a) Apodaca Barbosa Calleja(s) Alcaraz Aponte Barela Cailejo(n) Alcazar Aquila(r) Barraggn Camacho Alcocer Aragon Barraza Camarena Aldan Araiza Barrera(s) Camargo Aldana Arambula Barrio(s) Camarillo Alday Aranda Basurto Alderete Arcadia Batista Campa Aldrete Arcadio Bautista Campo(s) Alegria Arcaraz Becerra Canal(es) Alemgn Arce(11a) Bedoya Canchola Almada Arctiuleta Be"jar(ano) Canisales Almanza(s) Arellan(es)(o) Bela Canizales Almeida Arguelles Beltran(o) Cano(s)(sa) Almendariz Arguello Benavide(s)(z) Cantu III-III-A-Attachment J1-1 0004 Carbajal. Colon Dle-go Fierro(s) Cardenas Compas "21'ilas Figueroa Carpena Conejo D.osdado Fimb res Carranza Contreras Flores Carrasco(sa) Corder(a) (o) .111.;u,z Fiore?. Carrion Cordova Dcrant,. Fonseca Carrera(s) Corona(do) Dozal Fraga Carrero(s) Corral Duarte Franco Carrillo Correa Lluenas Frausto Carrion Co rre ra 2uque Fregoso Carrizoza Cortes Durgin(te) Frentes Cartagena Cortez L'unSn Frias Carvajal Costilla "E" Fuentes Casada(s) Cota Echevarri(a) "G" Casado Covar5ubias Echeveste Gabalda__ Casare(s)(z) Crispin Elias Gaitgn Casas CristObal Ellzondo Galarza Casillas Cruz, Encinal Galaviz Casillo Cuaron Encinas Galaz Caso Cuell r Encinos Galindo Castaneda Cuen Enriques Gallardo Castellgn(o)(os) Cueva(s) Enriquez Gallego(s) Castillo(n) Cuevo Escalante Galvan Castro Curiel Escamilla Galv6z Cavazos ItEr Escanda Gama Ceballos Dario Escarcega Gamboa Cedillo Davila(s) Escobar Gamez Ceja De Alba Escobedo Gaona Celaya De Anda Escoto Garcgs Ceniceros De Avila Escudera Garcia Cepeda De La Barrera Escudero Garduno AIR Cerbantes De La Cruz Esparza Garibay Cerda De La Fuente(s) Espejo Garza Cervantes De La Garza Espindola Gastelo Cervera De La Huerta Espino(s)(sa)(z)(za)Gastelum Cevallos De La 0 Esqueda Gaxiola Chac6n De La Rosa Esquer Gaytan Chagolla De La Torre Esquibel Gil(es) Chagoya De La Vega Esquivel Gira Chaires Del Campo Estrada Godfnes Chapa Del Castillo Estrella Godinez Chavarria De Lea 'F" Godoy Chaves Delgadilla Fabela aimez Chavez Delgado Fabregas Gonsales Chavi ra De Luna Facio Gonsalez Chiquete Del Mar Fajardo Gonsalos Cienfuegos Del Rio Favela Gonsaloz Cifuentes Del Valle Gonzales Cisneros Dias Fernnd(ez) (o) Gonzalez Collazo Diaz Ferri Goya Gradillas III-III-A-Attachment J1-2 0005 Mata Oliva Griego Lara, Medina Olivare(s)(z) Grijalva Larin Larios Medrano Olivera(s) Guerra Mega Oliveres Guerrero LarraKaga Melgndez Ontiveros Guevara La Vega Mgndez Orda.z., Guillen Leal Mendoza Ordones Guiteras Ledesma Mercado Ordorica Guiterrez Leija Lemus Mesa OrdUila Gusman Ornelas Leon(el)(es) Meza Gutierrez Oronez Lerma Miramon(tes) Guzman Oropesa Levario Miranda "H" Orozco Leyva(s) Mirele s Haro Orozco Limas Molin(a)(ar) Heredia Ortega Limon Molino(s) Hernandez) Ortegon Linares Moncivaiz Herrera Ortiz Lira Mondrag6n Herrero Osario Lizarraga Monreal -- Hidalgo Osorio- Llamas Montarla(s)(z) Higuera Osuna Lobato Montane(s)(z) Hinojosa Montago Otero Holguin Lomelino Lop Monte(negro)(s)(z) , Holguin Montiel Ozuna Hoya(s) Lope spn Lopez Montijo Hoyo Pacheco Loya Montoya Huerta Padilla Lozano Mora Hurtado Palacio(s) Lucero Moraga "I" Moralss- Palma Ibarra Palomares Lujan Moralez Iglesias Pantaja Luna Moran Imperial Moreno Pardo(s) Infante Paredes AM. Macias Moroyoqui Parra Maciel Muniz Irigoygn Pena Madero Munoz Isaguirre Murillo Peralta Islas Madrid "N" Peraza tuff Madrigal Perea Maestas Najera Jgcome Nava Perez Jaramillo Maldonado Navarrete Pi!Bentel Jaso Manzanares Manzanedo Navarro Tina Jauregui Pineda Marco(s) Negrete Jerez Pinedo Mare(s)(z) Nevarez Jimenez PinzOn Marin(a) Nieto Jiminez Ponce Mariscal Nieves Juan(es) Porras MEyques Noriega Juarez Portilla Marquez Nunez Julia(n) Portal() Marroquin, "0" Jurado Prado(s) Marrujo Obreg6n "L", Preciado ;Martin Ochoa Laguna Prieto Martinez Ojeda Lama Olguin Pulido Landin (0) Mascarenas III-III-A-Attachment J1-3 0006 f221 Rubia Telleo Vera Quezada(s) Rubio Verdugo Quevedo Ruiz Tnorio Verduzco nqn Quezada(s) Vicente Quihuis Saavedra 'yerIna Vidages) Quinone(s)(z) Saenz :inajero Vidaurre Nintaila Saenz -toma(s) Vigil Salas Tcre(s)(z) Villa QuLntano Salaz(ar) rovar Villalobos Qui/Itero Salcedo Trejo Villalovos Quir6ga Salcido revino Villanueva Quiroz Saldana Trujillo Villareal "R" \ Salinas "U" Villarreal Rajas Sanchez Ulibarri Villa senor Ramirez \ Sandoval Ulloa Villavaso Ramo(s) San Jose '3riarte Villegas Rangel San Juan Vindiola Real(es) San Marti(n) Uribe Reina San Pedro Urquic3s Ximenes Reinoso San Sebastian Urrutia Rend6n Ximenez Uzarraga fly Renteria 1. Santa Maria "V" Yanez Resendez Vantana Vaca Ybarra Reveles Wtiago Valadez Yzaguirre Rey STiptillgn Valderrama Reyeros Sakos Valdes Zaldivar Reyes Sand; o Valdez Zambrano Reynos Saucela Valdivia Zamora Reynosa Saucea Valencia Zapata Reynoso Segovia% Valenquela Zapien Rico, Sepulved Valenzuela Zaragoza Ripcon Serda Valle Zarzoza Rios Serpa Vallejo Zavala Rivas Serrano Valles Zelaya- Rivera(s) Sierra Valtierra Zepeda Rivero(s) Silva Valverde Zomora Robledo Varela Zozaya Robles Solis Varga(s) Zuniga Rocha Soliz 'largos Rodarte Solorzano lsquez Rodrigues Sosa quez Rodriguez Sot& Ve (s) Rodrigues Sotelo Veg Rodriquez Soto Velas Rojas Suarez Velasc. Romera Velasq0) Romero Tabailas Valasque0. Rosa(les)(lez) Tafoya Velazques'... Rosas /rapia Velazquez Roybal Tejed Velez Rubalcaba Tejeda Venegas Rubalcava Tejedo Ventura III-III-A-Attachment J1-4 0 0 0 '7 Attachment J2 1970 CENSUS GENERAL CODING PROCEDURES MANUAL DETAILED LIST OF SPANISH SURNAMES (Spelling variations are not always listed separately. Spelling variations may be formed by the addition to surnames of a letter or letters shown in
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