Congressional Record—Senate S12017
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October 27, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S12017 ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’, but there has been no reso- Affairs, and as the Chair of the Select Com- swept a World Series after playing every lution; mittee on Aging; game of the regular season while in first Whereas the Chicago White Sox are the Whereas in 1971, Congressman Roybal was place; 2005 American League Champions, and will selected to serve on the Committee on Ap- Whereas the White Sox pitching staff tied compete in the World Series for the first propriations, where he remained for the rest a Major League playoff record of 4 straight time since 1959; of his tenure in the House of Representatives complete game wins and did not allow a sin- Whereas ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jackson helped and eventually chaired the Subcommittee on gle run in the last 15 innings of the World Se- lead the Chicago White Sox to their last Treasury, Postal Service, and General Gov- ries; World Series Championship in 1917; and ernment in 1981; Whereas Manager Ozzie Guillen, General Whereas it is appropriate for Major League Whereas, while serving as a member of the Manager Kenny Williams, and owners Jerry Baseball to remove the taint upon the mem- Committee on Appropriations, Edward Roy- Reinsdorf and Eddie Einhorn have put to- ory of ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jackson and honor his bal was a powerful advocate for the funding gether and led a great organization; outstanding baseball accomplishments: Now, of education, civil rights, and health pro- Whereas all 25 players on the playoff therefore, be it grams and was 1 of the first members of Con- squad, whose sole goal was winning the Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate gress to press for and obtain funding for HIV World Series rather than chasing individual that Joseph Jefferson ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jack- and AIDS research; glory, contributed to the victory, including son should be appropriately honored for his Whereas Congressman Roybal was com- World Series Most Valuable Player, outstanding baseball accomplishments. mitted to providing opportunities for Span- Jermaine Dye, as well as Scott Podsednik, f ish-speaking Americans, helped establish a Tadahito Iguchi, Joe Crede, Aaron Rowand, Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for Paul Konerko, Juan Uribe, A.J. Pierzynski, SENATE RESOLUTION 290—HON- Spanish-speaking people in 1968 with the Carl Everett, Freddy Garcia, Geoff Blum, ORING THE LIFE AND EXPRESS- goal of improving education, housing, and Willie Harris, Timo Perez, Chris Widger, ING THE DEEPEST CONDO- employment opportunities for Spanish- Pablo Ozuna, Mark Buehrle , Jose Contreras, LENCES OF CONGRESS ON THE speaking Americans, and authored the first Neal Cotts , Jon Garland, Dustin Hermanson, PASSING OF EDWARD ROYBAL, education bill to provide local school dis- Orlando Hernandez, Bobby Jenks, Damaso FORMER UNITED STATES CON- tricts with assistance with special bilingual Marte, Cliff Politte, and Luis Vizcaino; teaching programs; Whereas other players, such as Frank GRESSMAN Whereas in 1976, the County of Los Angeles Thomas and Brandon McCarthy, made im- Mr. SALAZAR (for himself, Mr. opened the Edward R. Roybal Clinic in East portant contributions to get the White Sox BINGAMAN, Mrs. CLINTON, Mrs. FEIN- Los Angeles; to the playoffs, but were unable to be placed Whereas in 1976, Congressman Roybal was 1 STEIN, Mr. KERRY, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Mr. on the playoff roster; of the founding members and became the Whereas this current group of White Sox OBAMA, Mr. REID, Mrs. BOXER, Mr. first chair of the Congressional Hispanic players follows in the giant footsteps of the PRYOR, Mr. DURBIN, and Mr. REED) sub- Caucus, a legislative service organization of great players in White Sox history who have mitted the following resolution; which the House of Representatives that today is had their numbers retired, players such as was considered and agreed to: comprised of 21 Representatives; Nellie Fox (#2), Harold Baines (#3), Luke S. RES. 290 Whereas Congressman Roybal was instru- Appling (#4), Minnie Minoso (#9), Luis mental in the establishment of several na- Whereas Edward Roybal was born on Feb- Aparicio (#11), Ted Lyons (#16), Billy Pierce tional nonprofit organizations dedicated to ruary 10, 1916, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, (#19), and Carlton Fisk (#72); advancing and promoting a new generation and moved at the age of 6 with his family to Whereas the city of Chicago and White Sox of Latino leaders, such as the Congressional the Boyle Heights barrio of Los Angeles; fans have faithfully stuck by their team dur- Hispanic Caucus Institute and the National Whereas his pioneering efforts in the Con- ing the decades it spent in baseball’s wilder- Association of Latino Elected and Appointed gress for civil rights and social justice on be- ness; Officials; and half of the elderly, Hispanics, and others has Whereas a new generation of young fans in Whereas Congressman Roybal received nu- inspired generations of Americans; Chicago and around Illinois are discovering merous honors and awards, including two Whereas Edward Roybal attended public the joy of world championship baseball; and honorary doctor of law degrees from Pacific schools, graduating from Roosevelt High Whereas the Boston Red Sox, the Los An- States University and from Claremont Grad- School in 1934, and subsequently studying at geles Angels of Anaheim, and the Houston uate School, as well as the prestigious Presi- the University of California in Los Angeles Astros proved worthy and honorable adver- dential Citizens Medal of Honor from Presi- and Southwestern University; saries and also deserve recognition, and: dent William Jefferson Clinton; Now, there- Whereas Edward Roybal is a distinguished Now, therefore, be it fore, be it veteran who served in the United States Resolved, that the Senate— Resolved, That the United States Congress Army during World War II; (1) congratulates the Chicago White Sox on honors the trail-blazing life and pioneering Whereas Edward Roybal worked as a public winning the 2005 World Series Championship; accomplishments of Congressman Edward health educator for the California Tuber- (2) commends the fans, players, and man- Roybal and expresses its condolences on his culosis Association, and eventually served as agement of the Houston Astros for allowing passing. Director of Health Education for the Los An- the Chicago White Sox and their many sup- geles County Tuberculosis and Health Asso- f porters to celebrate their first World Series ciation until 1949; title in 88 years at Minute Maid Park, the SENATE RESOLUTION 291—TO CON- home field of the Houston Astros; and Whereas Edward Roybal founded the Com- GRATULATE THE CHICAGO munity Service Organization in 1947 with (3) respectfully directs the Enrolling Clerk Fred Ross and a group of Mexican Americans WHITE SOX ON WINNING THE 2005 of the Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of forging a partnership between the Mexican- WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONSHIP this resolution to— American and Jewish communities of East Mr. OBAMA (for himself and Mr. (A) the 2005 Chicago White Sox baseball club; Los Angeles , and as the President of the or- DURBIN) submitted the following reso- ganization, fought against discrimination in (B) White Sox owners, Jerry Reinsdorf and lution; which was considered and Eddie Einhorn. housing, employment, voting rights, and agreed to: education; Whereas Edward Roybal was elected to the S. RES. 291 f Los Angeles City Council in 1949 and, as the Whereas, on October 26, 2005, the Chicago first Hispanic to serve on the city council in White Sox baseball club won the 2005 World SENATE RESOLUTION 292—CALL- more than a century, served for 13 years; Series; ING ON THE PRESIDENT TO CON- Whereas on November 6, 1962, Edward Roy- Whereas this is the first championship for DEMN THE ANTI-ISRAEL SENTI- bal became the first Hispanic elected from the White Sox since 1917, when Woodrow Wil- MENTS EXPRESSED BY THE California to serve in the House of Rep- son was president and the United States was PRESIDENT OF IRAN, MAHMOUD resentatives since 1879, and served for 30 fighting in World War I; AHMADINEJAD, ON OCTOBER 26, years; Whereas this is the first World Series ap- Whereas during his 3 decades of service in pearance for the White Sox since 1959; 2005. the House of Representatives, Roybal worked Whereas the White Sox posted a regular Mr. LAUTENBERG (for himself, Mr. to protect the rights of minorities, the elder- season record of 99–63 and dominated their SMITH, Mr. DODD, Mrs. DOLE, Mr. NEL- ly, and the physically-challenged; opponents during the playoffs, compiling 11 SON of Florida, Mr. CORZINE, Mr. SALA- Whereas during his tenure in the House of wins and only 1 loss, and finishing with an 8- ZAR, Mr. FEINGOLD, Mr. LEVIN, Mrs. Representatives, Congressman Roybal served game win streak that included a sweep in the on several important congressional commit- Fall Classic; CLINTON, Mr. COLEMAN, and Mrs. FEIN- tees, including the Committee on the Post Whereas the White Sox joined the 1990 Cin- STEIN) submitted the following resolu- Office and Civil Service, the Committee on cinnati Reds and the legendary 1927 New tion; which was considered and agreed Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Veterans’ York Yankees as the only teams who have to: VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:40 Jan 30, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2005SENATE\S27OC5.REC S27OC5 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.