Group Areas DISPUTE OVER VOTE "LEGAL ROBBERY" OF NON- Victims In Cape PLANS IN CENTRAL AERICAN EEDERATION EUROPEAN PROPERTY OWNERS 4 FEW years ago the Central African Federation qualify for the B roll. double storey building opposite Dr. Xuma’s house in Toby Street. On was created out of the three territories of The B roll will include all the voters on the A roil March 2, 1957 the owner was told Southern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia and Nyasa- plus persons with an annual income of £200 and his property had been valued at and. At the time, those responsible for the Federa­ who have a knowledge, both written and oral, of Group Areas Board Valuations Result In £5,450, On May 11, 1957 the same tion made great promises about a new era of ‘racial English. partnership’ between the peoples of the three terri­ Board valued the same property at tories. In practical terms, this means that most of the £3,950, thus reducing its own valu­ The overwhelming majority seats will be voted for by Whites only, while a few ation. The owner had not objected seats will be voted for |by Europeans plus a tiny Heavy Losses to the original valuaton. On May of Africans, particularly those 29 he received a letter from the re­ (iV t \ ^ in Northern Rhodesia and minority of Africans. Nominally there is no colour bar m the franchise. In practice the colour bar is gional representatives of the De­ Nyasaland, were bitterly op­ From Ruth First an extra £25 in an amount of partment of Lands which offered to posed to the Federation. They virtually complete. £1,000, but most property owners Mrs. Asa Parker, of Matroosfon­ purchase his property at £2,200 tein: “1 would rather die than said that ‘partnership’ would S.R. FRANCHISE JOHANNESBURG. are getting only a fraction of the plus, in terms of section 24(2) of turn out to be apartheid under Group Areas amount they have valued their pro­ move to Rylands E!state.” The Todd franchise proposed for Southern Rhode­ ^O N -E U R O PE A N property the Group Areas Development Act, a British name. perties at. £1,400. The owner is therefore How right they have turned sia is also clearly designed to perpetuate White domi­ owners, traders and resi­ The standholders have been given nation of the country. being offered about 90 per cent out to be! Victims dents are fighting to save as nine days to lodge objections to (more than usual) of the difference At the iiKHneiit two sets of The present qualification for the common roll of much as they can of their pro­ these forced values. between the valuation and the price franchise proposals are beinx perty investments before the A test case on the removal orders offered for the property. But it is debated the Federation. Above: What is to happen to this against standholders is now being committees of the Group Areas far below the original valuation of The one is for the Federation as a whole, the other handsome mosque in Elsies River prepared. the property. is for Southern Rhodesia, which retains a larxe degree now proclaimed to be a Coloured Development Board and the Re­ The standholders point out that of autonomy within the Federation. area after 3 years? The plans for settlement Board (which deals the Resettlement Board is the valu­ Other valuations by the Board Sponsoring the Federal franchise proposals is Sir WORLD STAGE this £9,000 building were passed ator, the buyer, the decision-making have been a third and less of the Roy Welensky, Prime Minister of the Federation. by the Goodwood Cmincil less with African properties). But body and the authority that forces values placed on the properties by Sponsoring the Southern Rhodesian franchise pro­ By Spectator ~ than two years ago, and the build­ one thing is becoming starkly their owners and archite^. posals is Mr. Garfield Todd, Prime Minister of ing is not yet completed. In addi­ clear. SALVAGE BATTLE Just one last point: property Southern Rhodesia. tion to the mosque, the building Indian and Coloured ' property owners are told that they have a houses a Moslem school catering The law makes it possible for owners in turn are having their own chance to lodge objections to the SIR ROY AND TODD £240 annual income will remain. In addition there for 100 children which was ap­ the Group Areas Development battle to save salvage what they values placed on their properties can of their properties before the A comparison between the two personalities gives will be a ‘special’ roll consisting of persons who do proved by the education authori­ Board to carry out the most, but it is not clear from the notice_s some idea of the differences between the two plans. not earn that amount but who have passed Standard ties within the last year. committee of the Group Areas De­ when they are to do this before Sir Roy, once an engine driver, is a tough man 8 (what a commentary—near-matriculants earning Right: Mr. A. Allie (left) flagrant acts of “legal robbery” velopment Board. the Board. A great many people in whose opportunism and otuspoken racialism have ss than £20 per month!) serves customers over the counter yet perpetrated in South African In the case of ten properties that the affected areas have also not helped him to the top of the Federal tree over the a of his Matroosfontein shop which history. have come before the Board, it itself understood the notices. heads of better-bred rivals. He is spokesman for the The number of ‘special’ voters to be admitted to he is forced to vacate within the increased its original valuation by policy of vigorous industrial development of the the roll on these high educational qualifications will next year. One after another property owners an average of 61 per cent. But this Meanwhile the date for removal Federation, crushing the powerful opposition in be limited by law to a maximum of one-fifth of the are being offered wretched prices was after architect’s evidence and conies steadily nearer, and ruination Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland, and firmly en­ total number of registered voters in the country. for their stands and buildings. legal argument had been brought of Non-Eur6pean home-owners and Mr. M. H. Khan, of Elsies River: trenching White supremacy over the whole Federal At present the electorate consists of about 70,000 Those who can afford legal repre­ before the Board and lengthy pro­ businessmen, which has been “We must fight this unjust Act.” area. Europeans and 560 Africans. Hie new proposals will sentatives are able at least to argue ceedings held. threatening for so long, now stares In yaluing properties the. Board them in the face. (See “Group Areas Shock For He makes no bones about his attitude to the Afri­ allow for about 8,000 African voters in the near Group Areas Shock For Cape their case and manoeuvre their way Cape” on this page.) cans. This, for example was what he had to say at future, about one-tenth of the total vote. (There are round the complicated formula for seems to have taken into account a recent bye-election meeting; about 178,000 Europeans and 2,290,000 Africans in only the municipal yaluations. In shocked by the proclamation and property purchase under the Group “We have got to show that the tolerance and inte­ S. Rhodesia.) (Continued from page 1) THE NON-COLOUREDS OF Areas Act. Those who have no legal the majority of cases. New Age is grity that has been traditional in the Federation is MATROOSFONTEIN HAVE 01^ didn’t know what to do. She had informed, the municipal values are These proposals are only slightly more liberal (or, about 500 has been thrown into ab­ been told she would have to move men to argue for them are lost, in not going to be upset by the vaipourings of so-called LY ONE YEAR TO GET OUT.’ most cases. lower than the real values. African leaders and their bowlings for self-govern­ rather, less permeated with the spirit of White baas- solute despair by the proclamation. This has come as a terrible shock to Rylands Estate, but “I don’t The land value in the areas is to 96 Durban Strikers Not ment for the Africans, or by such incidents as the skap) than those for the Federal area. “We’ll have to fight this,” Mr. to them, as Matroosfontein was not know where it is or what I must do HOW IT IS DONE be assessed, under the Act, as M. H. Khan, Vice-chairman of the even mentioned during the heatings there. I would rather die. How can though no proclamation has taken Matimba case.” (Patrick Matimba was a Southern COLONIAL OFFICE Elsies River and District Traders’ A committee of valuators is ap­ Rhodesian African who committed the ‘crime’ of of the Land Tenure Board last year. I make a living for my small child­ place. The purpose is to avoid spe­ Negotiations are going on between the Federal Association, told New Age. ren? The Government should rather pointed by the Group Areas Deve­ Yet Re-employed coming home from Holland with European wife and lopment Board to inspect properties culation aher the proclamation child.) Party, under the leadership of Sir Roy, and the S.R. “There is no future for the In­ “I have been so worried I couldn’t kill everybody than make them which may increase or decrease the United Party, led by Todd, for a merger between dian people at Rylands Estate. suffer like this.” in the areas and to fix their basic value of the land. Todd is a more complex character. He too wants dleep,” Mr. A. Allies, one of the value. If any property is sold sub­ to see that the Federation remains in ‘civilised hands,’ the two organisations. There are already enough shops Dr. Donges and Dr. Van Rens- In the case of the Western Areas, DURBAN. day, July 8, a further 19 will go On there. What are the rest of us sup­ burg, the author and the administra­ sequently for more than this basic though the group areas proclama­ to a whole week’s short time. All but he stands for a policy of relaxing the colour bar There can 'be little doubt that such a merger would In£an shoinkeepers told New Age. value the Group Areas Development ^ F the 600 workers at a Durban so as to allow a few middle class Africans to edge posed to do when we get there? tor of the Group Areas Act, will tion was issued only in August 1956, short time in any section has so far result in Sir Roy becoming boss of the whole federal This will mean absolute ruin for “This means absolute ruin to us, probably sleep soundly in their beds Board takes 50 per cent of the diffe- the fate of the area was quite clear ^ textile mill who went out on been confined to ex-strikers only; their way across the border from ‘uncivilisatkHi’ to area. rence^ between their valuation and strike at the beginning of June as ‘civiNsation.’ A devout Christian, he still has visions all who have to move. tonight, full of arrogant Nationalist before that. The Native Resettle­ and in an interview with union complacency. They should be made the higher price offered. If the offer ment Act was passed in 1954. The a protest against the retrenchment officials, one of the directors of the of partnership one day meaning more than having At one stage the British Colonial Office tried hard “To achieve something we must “I have been in my shop here is less than the valuation the Board of 200 of their fellow-workers, 96 fight this Nationalist Government. since 1939, and my father was a to understand that by their shame­ result was that the land had NO firm stated that it was not the po­ the African as the working partner with no rights, to keep up the pretence of being the protector of the ful acts they have brought tragedy in turn pays 80 per cent of the remain who have not yet been re­ and the European a$ the directing partner with all Africans, and hence would have been more likely to The Group Areas Act is unjust. shop-keeper in the Peninsula for market value because it has been licy of the firm to put its ‘loyal into thousands of Peninsula homes difference to the property owner. clear that the area would be taken employed. workers’ on to short time. the rights. support a man like Todd. Why can’t we go on as we have about 50 years before me. I have a ,A man who manages to sell his done in the past, without distinc­ this week—and benefited nobody. from Non-Europeans, made into a This is in spite of the fact that While the South African Government is busy split­ wife and 9 small children as well as property at a higher price than that The bosses also refused to meet ting the trade unions in terms of the I.C. Act, the Not so with the present Tories. With the blood of tions and without friction?” an aged mother and two brothers White area, and the properties on June 21 it was agreed between determined by the Board does not would go for a song. the Textile Workers’ Union and the a Textile [Workers’ Union deputa­ Southern Rhodesian Parliament has adopted a law more than 10,000 Kenya Africans hardly dry on their to look after. There is no space for therefore reap the whole benefit. A tion which included African repre­ hands, they prefer to back someone like Sir Roy, PROPERTY VALUES us at Rylands Estate. Here I have management of the mill that all the enshrining the principle of non-racial trade unionism percentage uf the increased price he EXAMPLES strikers should be taken back to sentatives working in the mill, TTiey (though many Africans have opposed the Act on the who will ensure quick profits while putting the ‘Black Mr. Khan told New Age that In­ a business worth about £10,000, Nine Men Charged could get goes into the funds of the gave as their reason for this the fact grounds that it is designed to counteract African trade upstarts’ in their place. dian properties in Elsies River are which I must now lose. Numerous examples could be work before the end of June. Development Board to pay for the given of the low offers made to Furthermore, 16 of the ex­ that they had been told by an offi­ union militancy). worth hundreds of thousands of “We are opposed to the Group development of the very group cial of the Department of Labour Similarly, while the South African Government is Sipping drinks in Johan­ pounds. All would have to be dis­ Areas Act. TTiere is nothing in it With Assanlt property owners for their stands strikers who went back to work on nesburg at the beginning of areas—for another racial group— and buildings, and their struggle to Monday, July 1, were put on to that he was the only spokesman for attempting to enforce complete apartheid in the posed of within the next three for us.” PORT ELIZABETH. th^t ruined him! African workers in Durban. Universities, Todd has played a leading role in the this year. Colonial Secretary years. get the values increased. two days* short time, and on Mon- Lennox-Boyd told delighted But there are also extensive Euro­ FOR 30 YEARS Last week, police and sp>ecial Take the case of one property, a establishment of the Central African University, branch men were led around New AFRICAN OWNERS Officials of the union have been which is open to people of all races, though it prac­ South African reporters that pean properties in Elsies River, and Another who will have to move ALSO AFFECTED visited late at night by detectives of there were too many “irre­ it will Ibe interesting to see what from Matroosfontein is Mr. S. M, Brighton by a woman, who pointed tises a fair measure of social apartheid. out certain people who were imme­ the Special Branch, and questioned sponsible Africans” in Nyasa­ happens to them. They include cine­ Mukuddem, who has kept shop in There is yet another iniquitous about the possibility of the union’s Yet mild though Todd’s liberalism is, he is rapidly land. He spoke about the mas, cafes, general dealers, drapers, the area for 30 years, the last 3 in diately arrested and taken in the aspect of the clearing of the Wes­ kwela kwela to the police cells calling a boycott of the blankets of losing the support of the members of his own party mental superiority of the bottle stores, chemists, doctors, his present shop in Matroosfontein tern areas of all Non-Europeans, the firm concerned. (United Rhodesia Party), as was shown by the fact White man, and said that hotels, butchers, a dairy-farm and which represents an investment of where they spent two days before Africans under the Resettlement Act that he stood almost alone in his party against the many of the White settlers in scrap metal dealers. between £5 and £6,000. He has a they were released on payment of and Indians, Coloureds, Chinese The oflBcials were told that all en­ recently passed ‘immorality’ laws. Nyasaland had more right to At present there are no Non- family of a wife and seven child­ £90 bail. and Malays under the Group Areas be there than had the “na­ This woman alleged that four of Act. African property owners have trances to Basutoland—where most European bottle-storekeepers, hotel- ren aged from 15 to 4 years of tiie blankets are sold—were FEDERAL FRANCHISE tives.” owners or chemists. Will licences “What is going to happen to us?” the nine men charged, including a to sell to the Resettlement Board Here are the details of the franchise policies pro­ be granted to Non-Europeans to he asked. “It is as if we are being man in his seventies had assaulted but eventually the whole area will beng carefully watched by the posed by Sir Roy for the Federation, and by Todd AFRICAN DEMAND provide these services to “their own put into a grave.” her one night at her home T^e fall under the Group Areas Deve­ police. for S. Rhodesia. Meanwhile the debate goes on between those people in their own areas”—and “We should be left as we are. others are charged with assaulting lopment Board. TJie low prices at Europeans who say that the proposed franchises are make “their own profits” out of serving the public witii a spirit of a young man who is the brother of which the Resettlement Board ac­ First, the Welensky Federal franchise. too radical and liberal, and those who say that it is these lucrative businesses like the goodwill. There has never been any Barret Tyesi who was recently' ex­ quires properties means that the better to get the support of the African elite against Whites have been doing in the past? trouble here. We Indians are a part pelled by the New Brighton branch Development Board will eventually There are to be two common rolls. The A roll, of the ANC. get them at a low price: one arm which will elect three-quarters of the members of the their fellow-Africans. Or will the Group Areas Board of the community. I am a patron of TREASON FUND hold that there are no suitable cgii- many Coloured clubs here, president The branch secretary told New of the Government handing the Federal Parliament, will consist of persons satisfyin»» None of these politicians seem to bother about Age that Tyesi, a former cultural other gifts, at the expense of the high qualifications. They are; didates from amongst the Non- of the Coloured sport board, man­ what the Africans themselves think on the subject. Europeans, and allow the Europeans ager of a Moslem school and secre­ club leader, was engaging in activi­ people. REGISTERED 1. Annual income of £700 and an oral knowledge special dispensation to continue tary of the Welfare Society. ties aimed at wrecking the ANC in Up to now the Africans moved Apart from a few virtual .stooges in S. Rhodesia, New Brighton. The woman until from the Western areas have all JOHANNESBOJRG. of English, or the Africans are unanimous in condemning both sets where they are? “What can I do at Rylands The same problems exist in Ath- Estate? There is no chance of mak­ recently worked under Tyesi as been tenants. Now the first 50 Afri­ The Treason Trial Defence Fund 2. Annual income of £480 and Standard Five of franchise proposals. Their demand is quite .simple: club leader. can standholders have been ordered has at last been granted registration no A rolls and B roils and ‘special’ voters, but ‘one lone, if possible on a larger scale. ing a living there. We can only go education, or there to be buried.” by the Resettlement Board to quit by the National Social Welfare man, one vote!’ ONE YEAR TO GO iniiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii for Meadowlands or stands in Diep- Board, it has been announced here. 3. Annual income of £300 and matriculation. WIDOW’S MITE kloof by certain specified dates in This will mean that only an infinitesimal number As long as political power remains in the hands of In Matroosfontein there are about the Europeans, the Africans realise that they will 10 shops—1 belonging to a Chinese, Just down the road is the dairy July and August. Properties have This means that the Fund is a re­ of Africans will qualify for the A roll. shop of Mrs. Asa Parker, a widow HELP SELL been valued at figures far below gistered welfare organisation and never emerge from their present state of oppression 1 to a Coloured man, one to a has the legal right to collet funds The remaining quarter of the seats (including the and indignity. That is why they will not be taken in European, and seven to Indians. aged 38 with six small children to their worth. Objections to the Board by thin deceptions, and will continue to fight for the They serve a community of about look after. NEW ACE! have here and there resulted in an Mr. S. M. Mukuddem, of Matroosfontein, stands to lose about from the public for the aid of the six Africans, who must be dedted in terms of * £5,000 if he is forced to move to Rylands E ^ te . accused and their dependants. Federal constitution) will be voted for by those who full franchise which is their right. 4,(X)0 people. She told New Age she had been lilllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllll increased amount, in some cases, of If any of the 156 treason accused now appearing at the Drill Hall should be committed for trial we offer this- advice: where Non- Europeans intrude among Euro­ at the end of the preparatory examination, Mr. Oswald Pirow, Q.C., wdl lead the prosecution team, it peans throw them out on their necks. Where Europeans entice was reported in the press recently. them, and play with them, throw these renegades out with them. There are many occasions when Other members of the prosecuting team would be Mr. Japie de Vos, Q.C., who was a member of a blow of the fist is a sign of vitality and not of lack of refine­ the Governments team in the constitutional case; Mr. M. S. Louw, a son of Eric Louw, the Minister of ment.” He was fined £10 or two External Affairs; Mr. G. C. Hoexter, a son of the Judge of Appeal, and Mr. J. Trengove, a months. barrister. Anti-Communism Pirow spent his last few years in Parliament trying to persuade the Government to fight against the Communists instead of the Nazis. The Star described the WHO IS THIS MAH speech with which he iritroduced his anti-Communist Bill as “this rather worn-out attempt to ape the Nazi scare technique .... Mr. Pirow’s attempt to make the flesh creep with a Communist plot failed rather dismally from PIROW? the start.” (February 11, 1952.) Said the Sunday Times: “A Q SW ALD Pirow is no longer tens of thousands were workless has fallen in the van of the fight damp squib.” practising at the bar. as a result of the great economic against Bolshevism. He was the The war had no sooner come slump. greatest man of his age, and one to an end in Europe than Pirow Most of the time he is busy His second contribution to the of the greatest of all times.” called upon the Western powers to producing pineapples and army was the bush cart. South When Goering and his pals launch an immediate attack on bananas on his farm at Bush- ’s “secret weapon.” Just were executed after the Nurem­ the . The Cape buckridge, in the , how effective it was may be berg trial. Die Nuwe Orde printed Times commented: “The most charitable comment one can make so that for all practical pur­ gauged by the following quotation a special edition. The whole of the from the Monitor of March 22, front page was devoted to a me­ about Pirow, who has been mak­ poses he would be emerging 1946: morial “in memory of the martyrs ing speeches again, is that his head from retirement to conduct “The country will never forgive of Nuremberg,” whose names ought to be examined.” the prosecution in the treason Pirow for his pro-German stand. were printed in huge type inside The paper added: “Can demo- trial. As Minister of Defence he was a heavy black border. cfliacy reasonably allow its free­ voted a fairly large sum of money Even , who had doms to be abused by people Pirow's name is little known to shortly before the war broke out. been Pirow’s first political leader, the new generation of South Afri­ Nevertheless, some six months was forced to repudiate him in whose declared purpose is to sub­ cans. But in the 20s and 30s he later his new army was found by the 30s as a “Little Hitler.” vert democracy and eliminate was a leading member of the General Smuts, who succeeded freedoms? In other words, how Pirow at the outbreak of the war, Union Government, Minister of much longer is any half-witted Justice and Minister of Defence, to be a ‘paper bush-cart’ army The New Order well known as an admirer of the . . . In these days of giant tanks After his disappearance from Nazi who feels so inclined going Nazis abroad, one of the authors and armoured cars, it seems in­ the front rank of politics, Pirow to be allowed to carry on with of the Riotous Assemblies Act as credible that in 1939, after Pirow devoted himself to the spreading the work of undermining all for we know it today. had seen the German military ma­ of fascist ideas in which South Africa fought?” Pirow was born in the Xr^nis- chine with his own eyes, he still through his New Order move­ vaal in 1891, of German descent. toyed with wooden bushcarts ment. (Cape Times, August 20, 1945.) In his youth he was a champion pulled by oxen. He explained that- This is what he had to say Is there any more to say? This boxer and weight-lifter, won these bushcarts would be a power­ about the Jews in his newsletter is the man who has been chosen, competitions and was ful weapon in bushveld warfare.” of October 1945: a formidable wrestler and a com­ Only 40 of these carts had been from amongst all others, to pre­ petent horseman. “1 firmly believe that if every sent the Government’s charge of built by the time war broke out, Jew could vanish from the earth, though a further 600 were under the world as a whole would be a treason against the 156. Perhaps Entered Cabinet construction. better place.” it would be fitting to end this pro­ “During the war these bushcarts file with Oswald Pirow’s own defi­ did see service in militaiy camps. During the war, when brave He started his career as an ad­ They were reinforced with corru­ South Africans were dying to save nition of treason contained in the vocate, and eventually became a the world from Nazism, Pirow final paragraph of his New Order: K.C. In June. 1929, he entered gated iron and used as dirt re­ movers!” had the effrontery to publish his “Our party will have to develop Hertzog’s Nationalist Govemmen fascist blue-print for our country, as Minister of Justice in place ol The racialists did, of course, entitled “The New Order for into a wide and embracing Na­ Tielman Roos, who had resigned forgive Pirow his Nazi sympa- | South Africa as revealed to Os­ tional movement, and all other on account of ill-health. thies; but the country could never ^ wald Pirow.” It was described by forget his bushcart fiasco. A great parties 'will have to disappear. We One of his first acts as Minister the late E. B. Dawson in the Sun­ can dispute the actual form of the was to frame amendments to the gust of laughter accompanied Pi- day Express at the time as “an Riotous Assemblies Act giving row's departure from the F>olitical exact model of the Nazi constitu­ republic, but he who wants to him the power to ban meetings stage, and must have haunted him tion.” strike a compromise over its and deport “undesirables” from in his years of wandering in the nature commits treason.” one area of the Union to another, wilderness thereafter. Note the use of the word “ re­ without trial—provisions which vealed.” Pirow claims divine guidance for his fascism. were later taken over and ex­ Admired Hitler Oswald Pirow, as seen by an The first aim in this document panded in the Suppression of Just how Nazi-minded was Pi artist in 1942. Randfontein’s Bus Communism Act by the present row? is; Minister of Justice Swart. The rejection in form and Bpycott Victory As a measure of the esteem in He visited twice in the thirties, and met the leaders of all character of democracy and the Transvaler (October 5, 1944) which he was held in the demo­ establishment of a South African RANDFONTEIN. cratic movement, his effigy was the fascist countries during -his quoted him as saying that “there tours of Europe. jlj Christian European National So­ were more than half-a-dozen ways Randfontein people scored a re­ burnt by Africans at a public pro­ cialistic Republic founded on sounding victory last week when test meeting at the time. Writing in his paper Die Nuwe I] of getting into power. Although Orde of February 14, 1946, of his | state authority and civilian disci­ force was stupid at the present they won a reduction in bus fares He also had a hand in framing pline. following their twenty-week boycott the “Native Bills,” eventually meeting with Hitler in 1938, Pirow »' time, he did not bind himself to said: | Think of the Freedom Charter’s exclude unconstitutional and ille­ of the Greyhound bus services. passed in 1936, which deprived The fares on all the routes from the Cape Africans of their vote “His words came in a flood, but promise of equality, and read gal methods if the interests of the this from Pirow’s charter: volk should demand it.” the locations to the town have been on the common roll. the ideas were logical, crystal reduced by two-pence. As Minister of Justice, the man clear and strong. No. strong is not “No influence which might * While South Africans were During the boycott leading mem­ resjwnsible for the conduct of the the right word. They were as create the possibility, even in the fighting on the battlefield. Pirow bers of the residents’ transport police force, Pirow always took a gigantic as the mountains outside remotest future, of any form of was praising “{the discipfined commttee were arrested no less than “tough” line against the people’s (at Berchtesgaden) and like the equality between European and youth, the Ossewa Brandwag, who five times on a variety of petty organisations. mountains they stretched lo the Non-European will be tolerated.” will be for us'the stormtroopers charges. The people, however, stood horizon. It was the language, the As for immigration into the of South Africa.” And being firm and refused to be intimidated. Defence Minister philosophy of the 20th, the revo­ coui.try. he stipulated that “The greeted at public meetings with The leaders of the people have lutionary century. When the Hertzog-Smuts coali­ entrance of Jews and other un­ cries of “ Heil Pirow.” dismissed with contempt the sugges­ “When we left a few hours desirable persons will be pre­ In 1947 he even forgot himself tion by the local Native Administra­ tion was formed in 1933, Pirow later, I said to my friends: ‘He is became Minister of Railways and vented.” ( so far as to lay himself open to tion I^partment that in future the the greatest man of his age, per­ a charge of public violence. In­ African people should first consult Defence, and was responsible for haps the greatest of the last 1,000 Naturally, in Pirow's Nazi state the preparation of South Africa’s there could only be one function censed by the refusal of the stu­ their ‘Township father, the location years.’ THAT IS STILL MY dents of Wits to introduce apart­ superintendent’ when they have military strength for the war OPINION TODAY!” for the Non-Europeans to fulfil: which eventually broke out in “The Non-Europeans will be sub­ heid in their Rag procession, he complaints against the bus services. 1939. Similarly he described Musso­ ject to compulsory labour ser­ wrote in Die Nuwe Orde: -o- His first contribution to the lini as "one of the greatest men vice.’’ “The time has come for firm army was the special service bat­ of his time . . . He introduced the action from the nation itself and ZEERUST TRIBESMEN FINED talion (S.S.B.) organised on the Revolution of the 20th Centuiv physical violence. TTie young men Nazi model as an auxiliary to the and later generations will honour Use of Violence of white South Africa shall re­ Seven 2!eerust tribesmen who permanent force. Each unit con­ him for it.” move from the public these out­ pleaded guilty to epnvening or ad­ sisted of 1,200 men, mostly poor When Soviet troops marched Pirow has not always been so growths of a spiritual destruction. dressing an unlawful gathering whites who had little prospect of into Berlin, and Hitler was killed, keen on constitutional methods of Although it is an offence to incite were fined a total of £365 last week. other employment at a time when Pirow mourned: “ struggle as he appears today. Die people to public violence, today They are lodging an appeal.

Collection Number: AG2887 Collection Name: Publications, New Age, 1954-1962


Publisher: Historical Papers Research Archive, University of the Location: Johannesburg ©2016


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