DATE : 27/03/2018 COUNTY COUNCIL TIME : 09:56:08 PAGE : 1 P L A N N I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM 05/03/18 TO 09/03/18 under section 34 of the Act the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused; The use of the personal details of planning applicants, including for marketing purposes, maybe unlawful under the Data Protection Acts 1988 - 2003 and may result in action by the Data Protection Commissioner, against the sender, including prosecution

FILE APP. DATE DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION EIS PROT. IPC WASTE NUMBER APPLICANTS NAME TYPE RECEIVED RECD. STRU LIC. LIC. 18/81 Sean Sweeney O 05/03/2018 Outline permission to construct a two storey dwelling, garage, new site entrance, sewage treatment system, percolation area and associated site works Gortnawhinny Clones Co. Monaghan

18/82 Brian Quinn P 05/03/2018 Permission to construct a single storey dwelling house, wastewater treatment system, form new entrance onto public road and all associated site development works Corderryduff Co. Monaghan

18/83 Adena & Seamus Bruen P 05/03/2018 Permission to erect a two storey dwelling house with detached domestic garage type structure including a proprietary wastewater treatment system & mounded polishing filter, new vehicular entrance accessing site plus associated site works Killylaragh Co. Monaghan DATE : 27/03/2018 MONAGHAN COUNTY COUNCIL TIME : 09:56:08 PAGE : 2 P L A N N I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM 05/03/18 TO 09/03/18 under section 34 of the Act the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused; The use of the personal details of planning applicants, including for marketing purposes, maybe unlawful under the Data Protection Acts 1988 - 2003 and may result in action by the Data Protection Commissioner, against the sender, including prosecution

FILE APP. DATE DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION EIS PROT. IPC WASTE NUMBER APPLICANTS NAME TYPE RECEIVED RECD. STRU LIC. LIC. 18/84 Killeevan Sarsfields GFC P 05/03/2018 Permission to construct (1) A single storey extension to the northern side of the existing two storey (Dormer) club rooms with associated elevational changes (2) The construction of an adjoining two storey building on the northern side of existing clubrooms to be used as changing rooms, toilets, gymnasium including new signage fixed to building and new first floor linked corridor connection to dormer roof section of existing clubrooms. (3) New external fire escape stairs serving first floor dormer at southern gable of existing clubrooms. (4) Re-location of bunded gas underground storage tank. (5) New northern boundary wall treatment opposite new building frontage. (6) Removal of existing main pitch vehicular entrance wing walls to accommodate sight visibility splays and replacement walls behind sight splays. (7) New vehicular parking spaces adjacent to main pitch area (8) All associated site works Killeevan Sarsfields GFC Guardhill Co. Monaghan 18/85 Thomas Boyle P 06/03/2018 Permission to construct a new agricultural machine shed and all associated siteworks Derryolam Co. Monaghan DATE : 27/03/2018 MONAGHAN COUNTY COUNCIL TIME : 09:56:08 PAGE : 3 P L A N N I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM 05/03/18 TO 09/03/18 under section 34 of the Act the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused; The use of the personal details of planning applicants, including for marketing purposes, maybe unlawful under the Data Protection Acts 1988 - 2003 and may result in action by the Data Protection Commissioner, against the sender, including prosecution

FILE APP. DATE DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION EIS PROT. IPC WASTE NUMBER APPLICANTS NAME TYPE RECEIVED RECD. STRU LIC. LIC. 18/86 Rory Daly P 07/03/2018 Permission to construct a domestic garage to include a games room and storage with all associated site works Bocks Middle Laragh Castleblayney Co. Monaghan 18/87 Peter Shevlin P 07/03/2018 Permission to (1) Demolish existing bar, lounge and store to rear, demolish existing first and second floor apartments (2) Construct a new replacement 3 storey building comprised of 3 No. apartment units (2 No. 3 bed & 1 No. 2 bed) (3) construct 2 No. two storey 2 bed mews townhouses (4) Pedestrian access steps to existing McGrath road public car park (5) connect to public storm, foul and water mains and all associated and ancillary site works Muckno Street Drumillard Little Castleblayney Co. Monaghan DATE : 27/03/2018 MONAGHAN COUNTY COUNCIL TIME : 09:56:08 PAGE : 4 P L A N N I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM 05/03/18 TO 09/03/18 under section 34 of the Act the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused; The use of the personal details of planning applicants, including for marketing purposes, maybe unlawful under the Data Protection Acts 1988 - 2003 and may result in action by the Data Protection Commissioner, against the sender, including prosecution

FILE APP. DATE DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION EIS PROT. IPC WASTE NUMBER APPLICANTS NAME TYPE RECEIVED RECD. STRU LIC. LIC. 18/88 John McMahon P 07/03/2018 Permission to demolish existing single storey dwelling house and replacement with a new single storey dwelling house, single storey domestic garage, wastewater treatment system, sand polishing filter & reed bed, new vehicular entrance, entrance walls and piers together with all ancillary site development works Kilmurry Culloville Castleblayney Co. Monaghan 18/89 Tom McEneaney R 07/03/2018 Permission to retain ground works and associated deposit of inert material to facilitate use of land as agricultural field Ardragh Carrickmacross Co. Monaghan

18/90 Kevin McCahey P 07/03/2018 Permission to remove septic tank and installation of proprietary waste water treatment system and percolation area and new boundaries and associated site works Dunoge Carrickmacross Co Monaghan DATE : 27/03/2018 MONAGHAN COUNTY COUNCIL TIME : 09:56:08 PAGE : 5 P L A N N I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM 05/03/18 TO 09/03/18 under section 34 of the Act the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused; The use of the personal details of planning applicants, including for marketing purposes, maybe unlawful under the Data Protection Acts 1988 - 2003 and may result in action by the Data Protection Commissioner, against the sender, including prosecution

FILE APP. DATE DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION EIS PROT. IPC WASTE NUMBER APPLICANTS NAME TYPE RECEIVED RECD. STRU LIC. LIC. 18/91 John Noel McGivney P 06/03/2018 Permission to construct an ESB sub-station building together with all ancillary site development works Drumbear Nursing Home Drumbear and Dunsinare Cootehill Road Monaghan 18/92 Mark McCarey P 07/03/2018 Permission to construct 1 No. poultry house together with all ancillary structures and site works associated with the above development. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (E.I.A.R.) will be submitted with this planning application. Barratitoppy Upper Co. Monaghan

18/93 Vodafone Ireland Ltd R 07/03/2018 Permission to retain (previously granted under register ref: 11/337 for a temporary 5 year period which has expired) for existing 21m high multi-operator telecommunications support structure carrying associated telecommunications equipment, and associated equipment cabinets and cabin within a fenced compound. The development will continue to form part of the existing and future telecommunications and broadband networks Drummaconor Co. Monaghan DATE : 27/03/2018 MONAGHAN COUNTY COUNCIL TIME : 09:56:08 PAGE : 6 P L A N N I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM 05/03/18 TO 09/03/18 under section 34 of the Act the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused; The use of the personal details of planning applicants, including for marketing purposes, maybe unlawful under the Data Protection Acts 1988 - 2003 and may result in action by the Data Protection Commissioner, against the sender, including prosecution

FILE APP. DATE DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION EIS PROT. IPC WASTE NUMBER APPLICANTS NAME TYPE RECEIVED RECD. STRU LIC. LIC. 18/94 David Heasty P 07/03/2018 Permission to construct a free range laying hen house with attached egg/equipment stores and manure elevator, associated underground washings storage tank, concrete aprons, meal bins and all associated site works Killygrallen Co Monaghan

18/95 Woodburn Farms LTD P 07/03/2018 Permission to construct a Free Range Laying Hen House with attached egg/equipment stores and manure elevator, associated underground washings storage tank, concrete aprons, meal bins and all associated site works to include site access lane and site entrance Cappog (Dartree by) Newbliss Co. Monaghan DATE : 27/03/2018 MONAGHAN COUNTY COUNCIL TIME : 09:56:08 PAGE : 7 P L A N N I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM 05/03/18 TO 09/03/18 under section 34 of the Act the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused; The use of the personal details of planning applicants, including for marketing purposes, maybe unlawful under the Data Protection Acts 1988 - 2003 and may result in action by the Data Protection Commissioner, against the sender, including prosecution

FILE APP. DATE DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION EIS PROT. IPC WASTE NUMBER APPLICANTS NAME TYPE RECEIVED RECD. STRU LIC. LIC. 18/96 Oaklee Housing P 08/03/2018 (1) Permission to develop 16 no. single storey semi-detached dwelling units and 4 no. two storey semi-detached dwelling units. (Total 20 no. dwelling units to be provided).(2) To provide new on-site service roads, turning areas, car parking spaces, public open spaces, landscaping, connect to all existing public services and include all ancillary site works. (3) Provide new boundary treatment fencing to associated site and amend existing pedestrian footpath along public road to facilitate vehicular access for new development. Liseggerton Clones Co. Monaghan

18/97 Peter MacCann R 08/03/2018 Permission to retain existing single storey building, formerly Killyrane National School, which is a proposed protected structure, as a residential building. Retention and use of existing entrance gates. Elevational changes and construction of a new single storey flat roofed extension to North West elevation. Elevational changes to South West elevation and all ancillary site development Killyrane National School Killyrean Upper Emyvale Co. Monaghan DATE : 27/03/2018 MONAGHAN COUNTY COUNCIL TIME : 09:56:08 PAGE : 8 P L A N N I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM 05/03/18 TO 09/03/18 under section 34 of the Act the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused; The use of the personal details of planning applicants, including for marketing purposes, maybe unlawful under the Data Protection Acts 1988 - 2003 and may result in action by the Data Protection Commissioner, against the sender, including prosecution

FILE APP. DATE DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION EIS PROT. IPC WASTE NUMBER APPLICANTS NAME TYPE RECEIVED RECD. STRU LIC. LIC. 18/98 Colin Creighton P 08/03/2018 Permission to construct a single storey extension to the side and rear of existing dwelling house and all associated and ancillary site works Carrickashedoge Carrickmacross Co. Monaghan

18/99 Sylvia Sherry & Matthew P 08/03/2018 Permission to erect a two storey style dwelling house McCague with detached domestic garage, packaged wastewater treatment system & mounded polishing filter, new vehicular entrance/piers, fencing and all associated site works Drumcoo (Brady) Co Monaghan

18/100 Brendan McShane C 09/03/2018 Permission to construct a two-storey dwelling house, domestic garage, wastewater treatment system, form new entrance onto public road and all associated site development works Clonavogy Castleblayney Co. Monaghan DATE : 27/03/2018 MONAGHAN COUNTY COUNCIL TIME : 09:56:08 PAGE : 9 P L A N N I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM 05/03/18 TO 09/03/18 under section 34 of the Act the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused; The use of the personal details of planning applicants, including for marketing purposes, maybe unlawful under the Data Protection Acts 1988 - 2003 and may result in action by the Data Protection Commissioner, against the sender, including prosecution

FILE APP. DATE DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION EIS PROT. IPC WASTE NUMBER APPLICANTS NAME TYPE RECEIVED RECD. STRU LIC. LIC. 18/101 Margaret Cassidy P 09/03/2018 Permission to construct a single storey extension to the side of existing dwelling house and all associated site works Carrickmaclim Carrickmacross Co. Monaghan

Total: 21