Herald of Holiness Volume 55 Number 10 (1966) W
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Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today Church of the Nazarene 4-27-1966 Herald of Holiness Volume 55 Number 10 (1966) W. T. Purkiser (Editor) Nazarene Publishing House Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Practical Theology Commons Recommended Citation Purkiser, W. T. (Editor), "Herald of Holiness Volume 55 Number 10 (1966)" (1966). Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today. 435. https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh/435 This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Church of the Nazarene at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact [email protected]. When Does the Service Church of the Nazarene Cradle Roll: All You Add Is Love (See page 13.) UmtThm Me? General Superintendent Coulter . t The demands of Christian discipleship are himself to save, to heal, to comfort, and to clear and concise. strengthen others. His own personal comforts “Follow me” was the simple, yet all- were set aside to serve others. His own pref inclusive challenge Jesus gave to His first erences were made secondary so that He might disciples. In every age this is the supreme meet the needs of others. challenge confronting the human soul. For many, religion is just a cold, rational But following Jesus means much more than acceptance of a creed. Some would make it the mechanical acceptance of a creed or even a mere sentimental attitude tow'ard God. But the discharge of “religious” duties. Creed is Jesus taught that it must be a living, leaping vital. Conduct is important. But Jesus in flame of love which draws us into harmony jected a new element into religion which with His divine will. And its practical result makes true Christianity unique and exciting. is that it drives us into pathways of service He summed up the whole law of religion for Jesus. in terms of love. “Thou shalt love the Lord Following the Resurrection, a memorable thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy experience took place on the shores of Galilee. soul, and with all thy strength, and with all Three times Jesus asked Peter, “Lovest thou thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.” Fol me?” Three times Peter gave his Lord assur lowing Jesus involves obedience to this law. ance that he did love Him. Three times Jesus Jesus lived by this law himself. There was gave the command, “Feed my sheep.” But at in Him a passionate and persistent desire to the close of this conversation Jesus gave Peter have fellowship with His Heavenly Father. the very same command He had given when This desire was so deep and so genuine that they first met, “Follow me.” He constantly sacrificed His own comfort and rest in order to keep open the channels of Love changed Peter’s trembling faith into communion with God. His love for God drew' confident following. Love made his creed a Him away from the multitudes to the solitude living conviction. Love changed Peter’s vacil of the mountain for prayer and meditation. lation into rocklike stability. But love for God had a practical side to it. Peter’s answer should be ours. “Yea, Lord; For Jesus it meant a prodigal spending of thou knowest that I love thee.” FOR TOO MANY Christians, as the Moslems pictured above on Holy Day, the service is confined to a religious ritual. Dr. Grider in the ensuing article suggests that service to Christ should begin ivhen the meeting is over. • By J. KENNETH GKIDEIl "WHEN DOES the service be service to the least and the lost of but a means to the end of witness gin?” whispered a visitor to the this world begins after the wor ing to the world outside the church. person beside him when the Spirit shiper, with the sinews of his soul One goes along to church with did not seem to move anyone to flexed by church attendance, leaves happy heart, or even with heavy break the silence of a Quaker the church and walks in the busy heart, to receive the kind of help meeting. Came the hushed answer, ways of men. The church is there he needs for his full-time service through all the days of the week. "The service begins when the fore a place for refueling—or even meeting is over.” for an overhauling. Attendance AS ONE ENTERS a certain And so it is—or should be. The there is not simply an end in itself. chapel in Indiana he sees the words. APRIL 27, 1966 • (187) 3 “Jesus is Lord.” As one leaves, he who will carry the tang of Christ is faced at the back of the chapel to the unsavory world,” Dr. Donald with the command, “Go make dis Starr said recently in the Nazarene "Night Will ciples of all men.” Because Christ Theological Seminary chapel. is Lord—our Lord—He has sover One translation of Acts 8:4 has Pass By" eign charge of the Christian’s life. it that the early Christians went By KATHRYN B. PECK At church, the Christian compre everywhere “gossiping the Gospel” hends afresh Christ’s lordship. —making Christ the talk of every In sleepless hours how heavily Outside the church, the Christian town. Why not? He lives—and they weigh— makes disciples of all men. is the most captivating and compel The nagging cares and problems The Lord wants “salty Christians ling of any subject on which the of the day! Distorted then by anxious, minds of mortals may dwell. tear-dimmed eyes, St. Paul likes to call the Church We see them magnified to the body of Christ. This means giant size. that it is the kind of embodiment About This Issue . the ascended Christ now has in the Discouragement draws near on . And all you add is love” world. On Sundays (and mid sable wings is an advertising slogan which week) the church comes together. And brings to memory forgotten we would assume is bringing On Mondays, at about seven o’clock things— favorable response to its spon Deep-scarring words—mistakes sor, a pet food manufacturer, to eight in the morning, it is hav and its advertising agency. If that made us weep— ing breakfast in homes. At mid Disturbing peace of mind and you make something important morning it is having coffee breaks enough, the American public routing sleep. will buy it, even to the extent in factories and offices and schools. of a “higher priced” dog food. Dear troubled heart, reviewing The reasoning (and apparently TRUE, THE church is the build one by one it works) capitalizes on the ing on the corner of “Wayward Old hurts and disappointments claim that the food includes all R o a d ” an d “N ew H a v e n D riv e .” thou hast known, the nourishment necessary to But, more important, it is individ And dreading more, perhaps, satisfy vigorous dog appetites and nutrients ample enough to ual Christians on weekdays, out those yet to be, make any burr-matted hound’s there in the big and bursting Reach out—thy God is near to coat as luxurious as ermine. world, rubbing thoughts with two comfort thee. Snarf now has everything he or three or four persons who are needs but your love. Thy Father God, who hears thy trying to find their way from the The catch phrase has some sig faintest prayer. nificance to those people who “city of nowhere” to the “city of Who bidd’st thee cast on Him thy are interested in ministering to somewhere.” people’s needs and building the every care— Kingdom. Mrs. Betty Bowes (see Many Christians have enough Who knows thy frame, re page 13) has for religion to make them decent, but members thou art dust— the past three not enough to make them dynamic. Who asks thee only to hold years been updat fast, and trust. ing the Cradle It is said that all organiza Roll program. tions pass through three stages: Night will pass by! A brighter , Among the items (1) when those connected with it morn will break! is a basic tool, an work for a dream; (2) when they So rest, dear heart—thv Father is attractively done nursery-Cradle work for the organization itself; awake; and (3) when they work to pre And, oh, be very sure, despite *— mh TS'sC serve their place in the organiza the pain. Toward, God. This and other ele tion. Even churches tend to go What seemeth loss to thee. He ments provide everything neces maketh gain. sary to help make the young through these stages. Frequent re newal of the church is necessary if couple (while they may still Child of the Father, faith will be only casually interested in the dream stage is to be main calm the flood. church) want their child to he tained. And the dream stage ob included. “. And all you add | Soon you may say, “He meant is love.” tains when the church members it all for good!" —Managing Editor see that the church exists primarily But now—t h i s m o m e n t— for those not yet in it. breathe a trusting prayer; Needed, then, is the insight that Simply reach out and touch “the service begins when the meet Him—He is there! ing is over.” Volume 55, Number 10, APRIL 27, 1966; Whole Number 2818.