רמה כ ז מל ו תשר מה ו ד י ע י ן ( למ מ" ) רמה כרמ כ ז ז מל מה ו י תשר עד מל מה ו ד ו י ד ע י י ע ן י ן ו ל ( רט למ ו מ" ר ) כרמ ז מה י עד מל ו ד י ע י ן ו ל רט ו ר

Muhammad Sawalha, a senior operative living in Britain, recently participated in a Hamas delegation to Russia. In an attempt to conceal the presence of a Britain-based senior operative, Hamas did not report his participation.

July 25, 2019


On July 15, 2019, a Hamas delegation headed by Musa Abu Marzouq, a member of the Hamas political bureau, visited Russia. The delegation met with Mikhail Bogdanov, deputy Russian foreign minister and the Russian presidential representative for the Middle East and Africa. Also a member of the delegation was Muhammad Sawalha, a senior Hamas operative who lives in London, where he collaborates with the Muslim Brotherhood (Britain is the European center of their activities). Hamas tries to conceal or at least downplay Muhammad Sawalha's activities to keep the British authorities from making life difficult for him. So far Britain has not taken effective steps to prevent Muhammad Sawalha from functioning as a Hamas operative.

Muhammad Sawalha, senior Britain-based Hamas operative (al-Hiwar YouTube channel, April 23, 2019)

The Hezbollah-affiliated Lebanese newspaper al-Akhbar reported that the official Hamas delegation that recently visited Russia included Muhammad Kazem Sawalha, a member of Hamas' political bureau and its ministry of international relations (al-Akhbar, July 16, 2019). His participation was downplayed by Hamas. His name was not mentioned in Hamas' formal reports about the visit and he was not clearly visible in pictures of the meetings. However, his presence in Russia was revealed during the visit (July 16, 2019) when the Musa Abu Marzouq and Muhammad Sawalha met with the Russian Council of Muftis. The meeting

172-19 2 was held in a mosque in Moscow and Muhammad Sawalha is clearly visible in the photographs published by the Russian Council of Muftis (Russian Council of Muftis' website, July 16, 2019).

Muhammad Muhammad Sawalha Sawalha

Muhammad Sawalha and Musa Abu Marzouq meet with the Russian Council of Muftis (Russian Council of Muftis' website, July 16, 2019).

On September 19, 2017, a previous Hamas delegation to Russia headed by Musa Abu Marzouq and Saleh al-'Arouri also included Muhammad Sawalha, but at that time no effort was made by Hamas to conceal his participation.1 His visit was reported in the media, leading the British authorities to take an interest in him (see below). In ITIC assessment, that is why this time Hamas did not expose his participation in the current delegation. Moreover, having learned the lesson of the previous visit to Russia, Sawalha he kept a low profile when he joined other Hamas operatives at the pro-Hamas political convention in Istanbul (January 9, 2019). The convention was held to examine the legal issues resulting from the Palestinian Authority's disbandment of the Palestinian Legislative Council, which Hamas strongly opposed.2

1 For further information about the previous Hamas delegation to Russia, see the October 19, 2017 bulletin, "One of the members of a recent Hamas delegation to Russia was Muhammad Sawalha, a London-based Hamas operative engaged in extensive anti- activities." 2 For further information, see the January 24, 2019 bulletin, "Muhammad Sawalha, senior Hamas operative living in London, continues participating in Hamas-supported political activities."

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Muhammad Sawalha (next to Musa Abu Marzouq) during the previous visit of a Hamas political bureau delegation to Moscow, meeting with Mikhail Bogdanov, the deputy Russian foreign minister (al-Ghad YouTube channel, September 19, 2017). Muhammad Sawalha's Activity in Britain – Overview

Muhammad Kazem Sawalha is a senior Hamas operative based in London who has held military and political positions in Hamas. At the end of the nineteen eighties he was a senior operative in Hamas' military infrastructure in Judea and Samaria. After the infrastructure was exposed by the Israeli security forces Sawalha was put on Israel's wanted list. He fled to Jordan with forged identity papers (October 1990) and from there to Britain. Since then, he has lived in Britain and continues to operate in the ranks of Hamas. Muhammad Sawalha operates in Britain in several areas: in practical terms, he continues his involvement in Hamas activity and carries out political missions (Moscow, Istanbul.). In the battle for hearts and minds in Britain, he is involved in spreading the radical Islamic doctrines of the Muslim Brotherhood to the Muslim community in Britain. In anti-Israeli activities, he has been involved in the flotillas to the , in spreading propaganda denying the right of the State of Israel to exist, supporting the BDS campaign and lawfare against Israel. In the past he was involved in the transfer of funds from the United States to Hamas operatives in Judea and Samaria (see Appendix).

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So far the British authorities have not taken effective preventive measures to put an end to Muhammad Sawalha's activities for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. Following the public exposure of his visit to Russia (2017), and in view of the fact that he was a member of the board of trustees of the Finsbury Park Mosque,3 an inquiry into his activities was held by the British Charity Commission. However, it found he had committed no offense because Hamas is not designated as a terrorist group in Britain; only the activities of its military wing are banned, not the entire organization.4

In the wake of the British Charity Commission inquiry, Sawalha resigned from the mosque's board of trustees "...due to his intensive work engagements" (The Times, January 11, 2019). (The inquiry apparently also caused him to lower the profile of his public activities in other Muslim Brotherhood institutions.) However, his activity in the ranks of Hamas continues, as illustrated by his recent visit to Moscow. Concealing Ties to Hamas and Keeping a Low Media Profile

While in London Muhammad Sawalha is careful not to publicly admit he is a member of Hamas, and certainly not the fact that he is a senior Hamas operative. Hamas also avoids mentioning his position in its ranks. For example, in the formal announcement issued about the visit of the Hamas delegation to Moscow, Hamas spokesman abroad Husam Badran reported that the delegation headed by Musa Abu Marzouq had arrived but did not give the names of the delegates. In addition, in information about the Hamas delegation's meeting with Mikhail Bogdanov only Musa Abu Marzouq was mentioned. In pictures of the meeting on

3 The Finsbury Part Mosque in northern London was, in the 1990s, notorious because of its imam, Abu Hamza al-Masri (an al-Qaeda supporter who was deported to the United States and is currently serving a life term in an American prison). After Muslim jihadist extremists took control of the mosque its board of trustees was disbanded and replaced by a new board of members from organizations affiliated with the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood in Britain. From 2010 Muhammad Sawalha was one of the mosque's six trustees until he resigned following the British Charity Commission investigation. 4 Calling Muhammad Sawalha a political activist is incorrect, since Hamas "political" figures often carry out military activities, while military operatives carry out "political" activities. Until the end of the 1980s Muhammad Sawalha was a senior Hamas operative in Judea and Samaria and involved in establishing Hamas' headquarters. He instructed regional Hamas commanders to set up military networks and became wanted by the Israeli security forces. He fled to Jordan (October 1990) using forged documents and from Jordan went to Britain, where he still lives. At the beginning of the 1990s he used to travel back and forth between the United States, Britain, Israel, Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip to transfer funds from the United States, meant for the support of Hamas' terrorist activities. For that reason Sawalha was indicted by the United States (for further information see the October 19, 2017 bulletin).

172-19 5 the Hamas website Muhammad Sawalha is sitting with his back to the camera (Hamas website, July 15 and 16, 2019). His participation in the delegation was exposed by pictures in a Hezbollah-affiliated Lebanese newspaper and on the website of the Russian Council of Muftis.

Hamas delegation, headed by Musa Abu Marzouq, meets in Moscow with Mikhail Bogdanov, the deputy Russian foreign minister. Muhammad Sawalha is second from left with his back to the camera (headquarters, July 16, 2019).

Only the Lebanese newspaper al-Akhbar published a report mentioning that Muhammad Kazem Sawalha was a member of the Hamas delegation to Russia (al- Akhbar, July 16, 2019). Other media that reported his presence were quoting the item in al- Akhbar. It is possible that the correspondent who wrote the report in a Hezbollah- affiliated newspaper was not aware of the sensitivity of reporting Muhammad Sawalha's name and role.

Al-Akhbar reports Muhammad Sawalha is a member of Hamas' political bureau and as visiting Moscow with Musa Abu Marzouq (al-Akhbar, Lebanon, July 16, 2019).

The names of the members of Hamas' political bureau appear on its website, but the name and picture of Muhammad Sawalha are lacking (Hamas website, July 24, 2019).

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Pictures of the Hamas political bureau on its website (Hamas website, July 24, 2019). Muhammad Sawalha's name and picture do not appear, in ITIC assessment to keep him from encountering difficulties in operating in Britain.

In the internal British arena, Muhammad Sawalha is often interviewed by the Arab and Muslim media. During the interviews he is careful to conceal his membership and role in Hamas. He is represented as a political commentator, or an expert and researcher of Palestinian issues, or a Palestinian researcher or a researcher of Islamic studies. His role as senior Hamas operative is never mentioned. For example: On June 7, 2019, Muhammad Sawalha was interviewed on the Palestinian Panorama program, broadcast by the al-Hiwar TV channel in London. The program was presented by Zaher Birawi and dealt with the "deal of the century." Sawalha was introduced as "an expert and researcher of Palestinian issues" (al-Hiwar TV Twitter account, July 7, 2019).

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Right: Muhammad Sawalha in an interview on al-Hiwar's Palestinian Panorama program. He is represented as an "expert and researcher of Palestinian issues" (al-Hiwar TV Twitter account, June 7, 2019).

On an al-Hiwar TV program broadcast on May 21, 2019, Muhammad Sawalha was introduced as a "Palestinian writer and researcher" (al-Hiwar TV Twitter account, May 21, 2019).

Muhammad Sawalha represented as a "Palestinian writer and researcher" (al-Hiwar TV Twitter account, May 21, 2019).

On an al-Hiwar TV religious program broadcast on April 23, 2019, which dealt with the significance of in Islam, Muhammad Sawalha was introduced at the beginning of the program as a "researcher of Islamic studies" (al-Hiwar TV Twitter account, April 23, 2019).

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Muhammad Sawalha presented at the beginning of a religious program about jihad in Islam, represented as "a researcher into Islamic studies" (al-Hiwar TV YouTube channel, April 23, 2019).

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Portrait of Muhammad Sawalha and His Anti-Israeli Activity

Muhammad Sawalha (Palinfo, July 21, 2007).

Muhammad Kazem Rashid Maaruf Sawalha (Abu 'Abada) was born in (Samaria) in 1961. In 1980 he went Jordan and studied Islamic law at Amman University. In 1988 he received a degree in Islamic law. He then returned to Judea and Samaria and lived in al-Bireh until he fled to Britain. In Judea and Samaria he worked in the school for Islamic law in al- Ram and the College of Dawah and Religious Principles in Beit Hanina in east . He also represented the Dubai Human Appeal in Judea and Samaria. At the same time as he carried out civilian activities, he was involved in establishing Hamas headquarters in Judea and Samaria (at the end of 1989 and throughout 1990). He was in communication with Hamas headquarters in the Gaza Strip. Part of his role was directing the regional commanders of Hamas to establish military networks in Judea and Samaria. After the Hamas infrastructure in Judea and Samaria was exposed Sawalha made an effort to reestablish it. He continued handling Hamas operatives who had not been detained by the Israeli security forces and instructed them to replace regional commanders who had been detained. When the Israeli security forces put him on their wanted list he fled to Jordan (October 1990) with forged documents. From Jordan he went to Britain, where he lives today. Muhammad Sawalha's anti-Israeli activity during his stay in Britain

While in Britain Muhammad Sawalha strove to establish his position as one of Hamas' senior "external" figures. His stay in Britain did not prevent Sawalha from continuing and expanding his political and military activities. In 1992 he participated in Hamas-PLO

172-19 10 reconciliation talks held in Sudan. During the first half of the nineteen nineties he was in contact with Hamas operatives in the United States, Judea and Samaria. He met with Hamas operatives in the United States who dealt with raising funds. En route to the Middle East, he instructed them to which operatives in Judea and Samaria to transfer the funds donated in the United States. His activities were exposed by the American authorities. Muhammad Sawalha's name and activities were mentioned in an indictment handed down by the United States against Muhammad Hamid Khalil Saleh (Abu Ahmed). Muhammad Saleh was a Hamas operative born in Jerusalem who emigrated to the United States, where he raised funds and transferred them to Hamas operatives in Judea and Samaria. Another Hamas operative in the United States was also involved in the activity was Musa Abu Marzouq (who is currently a senior Hamas figure). According to the indictment handed down in 2003, between 1992 and 1993 Muhammad Saleh, accompanied on his trips by another operative, customarily met in London with Muhammad Sawalha en route from the United States to Israel, Judea and Samaria. During the meetings they received instructions from Sawalha about specific Hamas-related activities they were supposed to carry out while in Israel, Judea and Samaria, and the Gaza Strip. At the meetings Muhammad Sawalha gave Muhammad Salah the names of Hamas operatives in Judea and Samaria who could be handled. One of them was Saleh al-'Arouri (who became a senior Hamas figure in Judea and Samaria and today is deputy head of Hamas' political bureau). Another was Ahmed Awadallah (who commanded Hamas' military-terrorist wing in Judea and Samaria and orchestrated deadly suicide bombing attacks in Jerusalem) (investigativeproject.org).

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American indictment for Muhammad Saleh, Musa Abu Marzouq and Abd al-Hamid Ashqar.

The exposure of Muhammad Sawalha's military activity during the trial held in the United States clearly proved he acted as a senior Hamas military operative while living in London and continued his involvement in terrorist activities in Judea and Samaria.

In 2009 and 2010 Muhammad Sawalha was involved in sending aid convoys to the Gaza Strip, called "Lifeline" convoys. They were organized by the British organization , headed by (a pro-Hamas anti-Israel former member of the British parliament). Muhammad Sawalha was involved in planning the convoys and flotillas, and in several instances actively participated in them. The Lifeline 3 convoy, which left Britain on December 6, 2009, was composed of about 500 activists from several countries (about half from , IHH activists prominent among them). The convoy was involved in a violent clash with the Egyptian security forces, after which Galloway was declared persona non-grata in . Muhammad Sawalha participated in the preparations for the IHH-organized and led Mavi Marmara flotilla. He attended the ceremony when the ship set sail from Istanbul but did not join the flotilla (probably because he was concerned he would be detained by Israel, where he was on the wanted list because of his military activities in Judea and Samaria).

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Egyptian security forces clash with the Lifeline 3 operatives in El Arish to enforce Egypt's refusal to allow some of the trucks to enter the Gaza Strip through the Rafah Crossing (.org.tr, January 2010).

In recent years Muhammad Sawalha has participated in Hamas delegations abroad. He was a member of the delegation that visited Russia in September 2017, Turkey in January 2017, and most recently Russia again, July 2019. It is reasonable to assume he participates in other Hamas activities, about which we have no information. In addition to his anti-Israel and Hamas activities, he carries out extensive propagandist activities within the Muslim community in Britain, in collaboration with the Muslim Brotherhood [not dealt with in this report].
