D~ECTORy.J HERTFORDSHIRE. '• 215 . Meux and Bethlehem Hospital. The area i!! 1,898 acres; Pillar Letter Box, Queen's mad, cleared 8, 9·45 &; u·45 rateable value, £ ; the population in 1891 of the a.m. & 4, 6, 8 & 10.15 p.m. week days only ~ ecclesiastical paris-h was 4,387. Schools, .Post, M. 0.- & T. 0., T. M. 0., Expres~ Delivery, Parcel Post, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. John Turner Trinity National, for 450 children, viz. 150 boys, 150 girl!t -Barrett, p{lstmaster. Letters dispatched at 10. IQ &; & 150 infants; average attendance, 140 hoys, 170 girls 12.10 a.m. &; 4.20, 8.45, 9.30 & 11.30 p.m.; sundays, & 150 infants; John Vines, master; Mrs. Hannah Maria , 9 & 9·45 p.m. Deliveries at 6.30 &; 8.30 a.m. & 1.50 &; Downes, mistress; Mrs. Elizabeth Goodman, infants· 6.45 p.m.; sundays, 6.30 a.m. Money orders granted mistress &; paid from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Telegraph busines's from New Waltham, Alexand['a road (mixed), built in 187.h &; 8 a.m. till 8 p.m.; sundays, 8 to 10 a.m . enlarged in r893 for 339 children average attendance, !lost, M. 0., S. B. &; Annuity & Insurance Office, New 300; William H. Hallett Knott, master; Mrs. Florenc& Town.-Mrs. Mary A. Pain, sub-postmistress. Letters Knott, mistress . dispatched at 8, 9.30 &; 11.5° a.m. & 3.45, 7· 50 &; 9·45 Catholic, Eleanor road (mixed), built in 1893-4 for 124; p.m. ;-collection on sunday, :12.30 p.m. Wall Box, average attendance, 138; Miss Annie MoOann, mistrESS Waltham Cross Railway bridge, cleared at 8, 9.45 &; .Railway Stations. ;II·55 a.m. &; 4, 6, 7.55 &; 10 p.m.; sundays at 12·30 p.m. The neare>:t telegraph office is at Walt.bam Oros's Waltham Cross, James Will;am Mannall, station masteI" Wall Box, Tbeobalds Grove Railway hridge, cleared at 8, 'l'heobald~ Grcve, Francis Hopkinson, station master 9.30 & 11.55 a.m. &; 4.5, 6, 7.55 &; IL15 p.m.; sunday, Carriers to &; from -Mark Mercer & .i. & E. 11.45 a.m Standingford, daily • PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Barker John, tobacconist, 181 Eleanor Cook Chas. carpenter,20 Alexandra I'd .Allison Oharles Hunt, 132 EleanOl Oross road Cooper Ohas. A. tailor, 179 Hi!!h I'd Cross road Barnett Geo.tailor,I8sEleanorCrossl rd Corkett Elizabeth C.\1:rs.), coffee house, Avis Mrs. 35 . road Barrett In. Turner, postmstr. High I'd 77 HiQ'h road . Eest Frederick H. de G..159 High I'd Bavin Fanny (Miss), dress maker, SI Come Charles, tailor, 190 High road Blane Miss, 161 High road. . York road Coward Emily (Mrs.), beer retailer, Ilronsgeest Rev. Edward (Catholic), Bax George, furniture dlr. 131 High I'd 228 Rig-h road St. Joseph's presbytery, Eleanor I'd Beale Jas.boot repairer, 254 High I'd Coxshall John, market gdnr. Park la Chiffins Mrs. 180 Higili road Bedford Edward, grocer, 162 ·E~ea.nor Dawson Oharles W. watch maker &; ()lark, FrederickE.33 Eleanor Oross I'd Cross road jeweller, 137 High road Claxk Olive'r Sidney, 135 Hig-h road Bentley George, carpenter, 148 Elea- Dorman .A1bert, cattle dealer, 99 Elea~ Dewey In. Strathlea, EleanorCross I'd nor Cross road nOr Cross road Douglas Rev. Thomas. (Baptist), Best Frederick H. de G., M.R.O.S., DormanEdward, White Hart P.R, 8 Elea.nO'I" road L.R.O.P. physician & surgeon & 191 Hi,Q'h road Fidler Ydk. Theobalds 10.Theobalds la public vaccina.tor, 159 High road Dpnock Harriett (Mrs.), cor:fection~r, Fox Oharles John, 'l'heobalds park Big'Q' William, stationer & fancy re- 191 EleanoT Cross road . Gardener William, 73 -High road pository, 184 High road Edwards George, wardrobe dealer, 1-69 Gardner Ernest H. 166 High road Blaine Charles, butcher, 188 High rd Eleanor Cross road Gough Hubrt. Rendlesham 10. High I'd Blaine George, hakeI', 197 High road Enfield Highway Co.-op. Society Lirn, Goulding Wilham Purdham, The Bolton Herbt. Jas. dairy, 171 lligh rd (G. H. New, sec.), grocers, High rd Lodge, High mad Boston Edwd. grooer, King Edward I'd Epps Nathaniel, see Maybrook & E'pp~ Granville Mrs. 214 High road Bradstock Rosa Fanny (Miss), teacher Ermt John E. Four Swans hotel. Halsted William Wilfred, High road of music, 103 High road Higoh road Hamilton Thomas, High road Brarlstock William, hair dresser, 103 Evans Edward, hair dresser, 4 Eleanor Hanchet Edwd.J.Laurel viis.Station I'd High road Cross road Horsey Ernest Percival, Theobalds gro Brewster Harry, builder,86 Eleanor rd Everard James, carpenter~ Park lane Runt Miss, 37 Eleanor Cross road Brldgman & Son, auctioneers, sur- Everard Joseph, machinist, High road Ketteringham Michael S. 128 High rd veyors, valuers, land & estate agts. Fell Bros. cycle makers, 147 High rd James Steven, Park lme Oheshunt; Waltham Cross; &; at Fishpool Ernest, furnisher &; clothier, Larman Mrs.Boundary lodge, High I'd . See advert High road . Mackett Frederick Geo. 170 High I'd Bridgman Emest J-ohn, auctioneer, see Poster Allen, photo.gmpher, 31 Elea~ Meux Lady, Theobalds park Bridgrn.an & Son nor Oross road .Morton Thomas S. 159 High road Brice Arthur O. farrier, Park lane Four Swans Commercial Hotel (John 'Parker John, 29 Eleanor Cross road Bright Arthur Charles, ironmonger &; E. Ernst, proprietor), High road Paul Dudley M. 71 High road smith, 129 High road Fox Charles John, land agent to Lady , Paul, William, Waltham ho. High road Britron Richd. fly propr. 93 EIeanor I'd Maux, 'l'heobalds park Richa.rdson George, Eleanor Cross road Brooker Nellie (Miss), dress maker, Franklin Joseph B. music teacher, 'Rosenthal Sigmund A. K. 39 Eleanor 68 Queen's road 171 High road Cross road Brown Geo. grocr.I65 Eleanor Cross I'd French In. watch maker, 182 High rd Rutherlor