`. 10 VOL. XIX, No. 2 November - December, 2016 Cover.indd 7 10/26/2016 12:04:34 PM Original ink sketch of Arunachala by Sri Ramana Maharshi from Kunju Swami's notebook VOLUME XIX ISSUE 2 NOVEMBER - DECEMBER, 2016 CONTENTS Editorial - Transformational Experience Shiromani Vijay 3 Bhagavan on the death of a loved one Neera Kashyap 5 Poems Akka Mahadevi 10 Deepam Day*: An occasion to reinforce our inner quest Dr. Vijay Vancheswar 11 Kendra Bulletin 14 Adi Sankara - Saint Missionary Commentator and Reformer P.N.Vijay 15 The Dance of ‘I’ Dr. Sarada Natarajan 19 Sri Ramana Maharshi seen through David Godman’s Lens Rochie Rana 23 Aksharamanamalai -1 Dr. T.M.P Mahadevan 31 Jh je.k egf"kZ ds laLej.k 35 Jh je.k egf"kZ ls ckrphr 39 ri vFkok riL;k Mk + lq/kk xksjkokjk 43 Editor : Shiromani Vijay - e-mail:
[email protected] Editorial Board : Dr. Tuk Tuk Kumar, Neera Kashyap and R. Seetharaman Website: www.ramanakendradelhi.org ; E Mail:
[email protected] Final Direct path.indd 1 10/27/2016 11:33:22 AM Letters to the Editor Readers are welcome to express their views on the articles printed (in not more than 200 words) and send them to
[email protected] Direct Path team would like to place on record the invaluable contribution of Dr. Vijay Vancheswar as the Editor of Direct Path for the past 10 years. An unassuming personality, Vijay is steeped in Bhagavan’s teachings and it reflected in his editorials and articles. His guidance and contribution would continue to be available to us.