Each applicant for a license to possess and use particularly in locations vital to the functioning of of special nuclear material in a plutonium processing and confinement barriers and systems, to methods fuel fabrication plant as defined in §70.4(r) of 10 CFR controlling radioactive materials within the facility, and Part 70, "Special Nuclear Material," must satisfy the to the maintenance of safety control functions. The provisions of §70.23, "Requirements for the Approval adverse effects of fires and explosions on structures, of Applications." Paragraphs (aX3) and (4) of §70.23 systems, and components important to safety can be require that the applicant's proposed equipment and minimized by providing systems with sufficient capacity facilities and proposed procedures be adequate to and capability for detecting and suppressing explosions protect health and minimize danger to life or property. and fires and. transmitting alarms to one or more central control areas. It is important in the design of the plant At plutonium processing and fuel fabrication plants, and fire-suppression systems to Include provisions to a principal risk to health and safety is the release and protect against adverse effects in the event of dispersal of radioactive materials from a fire or fire-suppression system operation or failure. explosion. Fire protection programs for these plants should prevent, detect, extinguish, limit, or control fires Implementation of the above entails an evaluation and explosions and their concomitant hazards and of such factors as the expected maximum amount of damaging effects. This guide presents methods combustible material in each area of the plant; severity, acceptable to the Regulatory staff for complying with intensity, and duration of credible fires; assurance of §§70.23(aX3) and (aX4) with respect to fire protection confinement of radioactive and other potentially for plutonium processing and fuel fabrication plants. dangerous contaminants; arrangements and structural design features of buildings for control of smoke, heat, L. DISCUSSION flame, and combustible and explosive ; and systems for fire detection, confinement, control, and The principal purposes of a fire protection program suppression. for a plutonium processing and fuel fabrication plant are the protection of the general public from radioactive and Water should be the principal fire suppressor, and material, protection of plant personnel, and toxic special consideration should be given to selection of against loss of confinement. protection water sources, water distribution systems, fire pumps, systems to systems, and components important to and automatic and manual fire extinguidsing Structures, fire in any area. should be designed and located so they can control and extinguish a credible safety should be continue to perform their safety functions effectively Automatic sprinkler or equivalent coverage provisions for Under credible fire and explosion exposure conditions. provided throughout the facility with Heat-resistant and noncombustible materials should be special hazard fire control measures where particular used wherever practical throughout the facility, hazards exist.

USAEC REGULATORY GUIDES copses at ps*mshed guids amy be obtulnad by -au-t bhidtflm0*~ dlhom terdto the US. Awn*i 9 00 caiin~lon. mzWishntonVC- 20"58. Attestien: Dikctor of Regulatwoy Sun*ds. Commna mid ugg9iorm for RegulatomrGuides ae Issued to decibe and msks "laitis to tht pubic parts of i"WroW~fiwtt. lIn thems ftdmwe -io~**d tbo,4W Wmithe SaaatarV amtods acoeptable to the AEC Regulato suff of Imhpemnstn speaic of thu Cammwmalon, U.S. Atomic Emhnon W q . oDio . 2045. on. Commtisscn reaukatIiw. to delimete ftcUr.Iqu Wed bv the auW in Attention: C¢i•. PwdficvRmeiap ant". ewauliagkgedhlic Probbemt of poatstatad accidents. or tlpovde- guidance to apkslwis. Reulatory Gwidm nat Kmiautsia, ftorrtepulatiom a e wnpierel The VAl*' we WooMi Me fo umbiOn bind iXvidom: mith them I not 8u8lird. Mathods Ond sohlusom different trom t at out in ,Idmw~lbesemlala Nthey proide a baue for the "Idnge oMgulai 01) t. Poi•w Reactors L Podu =emi t" fapulanoprm or ",am by theCommission. 2. Rmmerch mid Tast Reactors 7. 1importaon . Pueb and Materieal Pamltift 18. OMationl• asl 4. Enrwronnental a•d "ot 3. Anttnat• Review Pubtishd =uldatwill be revild parkodsllly. a appropriate. so accommodate L Maerisard Plant Pi ioan 10. General eofwnwmiend to ma'fa w eorntrution or experience. Incipient fires may be controlled by portable fire c. Southern Standard Building Code of the extinguishers. This phase of fire control is particularly Southern Building Code Congress important, even though automatic sprinklers have been d. Basic Building Code of the Building provided. Consideration should be given io the selection Officials Conference of America of portable fire extinguishers suitable for use on specific hazards that may be encountered. C. REGULATORY POSITION

The need for fire detection devices and the type Plutonium processing and fuel fabrication plants most desirable should be related to combinations of should be designed to assure the confinement of hazards involved, extinguishing controls available, and hazardous materials during normal or abnormal public and private fire departments. Various detection conditions including fires and explosions. The release of devices operating on different principles for detecting radioactive material to the environment or to an area in fire are available. These include the principles of fixed which levels of radioactivity are normally sufficiently temperature, rate of temperature rise, presence of low to permit personnel access should be reduced to a combustion and products, or various level as low as practicable in accordance with the combinations of these principles. provisions of 10 CFR Part 20.

Fire protection systems may be subject to effects of 1. General Features natural phenomena such as seismic motion and floods, missiles, fire and explosion, and other accidents. These a. Fire protection systems for plutonium systems should continue to perform their safety processig and fuel fabrication plants should be designed functions effectively under credible accident conditions. to assure that any credible fire or explosion will not Where possible, continuity of fire protection systems prevent the operation or use of structures, systems, should be assured by such means as standby equipment equipment, and components whose continued integrity and fail-safe control systems. and/or operability are esential to assure confinement of radioactive materials, hereafter designated as "essential The ability of the systems to perform their safety items." functions effectively can be assured by periodic testing b. Where possible, each fire protection system of safety-related components during normal operation of should be designed so that the filure of any one the systems to demonstrate their ability to perform at component (equipment or control device) will not design efficiency and to verify their availability for disable the entire fire protection system. Fire protection K emergencies. systems and components should have fall-safe features with provision for operation and trouble alarm An important aspect of a fire protection program is indication. training of a fiue-fighting organization and maintenance c. Onsite emergency power supply systems should of its competence with periodic drills. be provided -to operate applicable fire protection systems and components as well as other systems and The fire protection program should provide for the components important to safety. Fire protection ise of appliances, equipment, and materials listed by systems should be capable of operating during normal such testing organizations as the Underwriters' power outage. The onsite emergency power sources and Laboratories, Inc. (UL) and the Factory Mutual the electrical distribution circuits should have Research Corp. (FM) as meeting their standards. independence and testability to assre performance of their safety functions assuming any single failure. Fire protection programs should conformnto the d. The design of fire-suppression systems should provisions of the following codes and standards as include provisions ,to protect agains adverse effects it applicable: the event of system operation or failure. For example, collection systems should be provided for runoff water I. National Fire Codes of the National Fire in the event of normal or abnormal flow from an Protection Association (NFPA). automatic sprinkler system. 2. Fire Prevention Code of the American e. The fire protection systems should be designed Insurance Association (AIA). to withstand tornado conditions without loss of 3. Fire Protection Standards and Bulletins of the operating capability due to mechanical damage to the Factory Insurance Association (FIA). systems or components to the extent that they will 4. Standards of the American Petroleum Institute prevent the uncontrolled release of radioactive materials. (API). f. Components of fire protection systems should 5. One of the four model building codes: be designed to withstand the effects of earthquakes and a. National Building Code of the AIA remain functional to the extent that they will prevent b. Uniform Building Code of the the uncontrolled release of radioactive materials. International Conference of Building g. Criteria for fire protection equipment, systems, N. Officials (ICBO) % components, and programs should comply with the

3.16-2 inr t cr applicable provisions of the National Fit e lubricating, cooling, and insulating fluids should be Cooe% of the NFPA. Fire protection appliance s, protected from fire and its spread by use of minimum ecqaii.ment, and materials that have been examined by volumes of fluids, by use of fire-resistant fluids, by fire and meet the standards of such nationally recognize d barrier isolation, by provision for automatic fire testing organizations as UL and FM should be used. suppression, and by installation of curbs, catch basins, or other confinement designs that minimize the spread of fluid leakage. Fadlities 2. Building Construction and h. Provision should be made for protection of the damage. fuel fabrication plant against lightning a. The plutonium processing and 9g i. Protective barriers should be provided around be designed and constructed using buildir plant should k high-pressure or other potentially dangerous systems. components of heat-resistant and noncombustibi material wherever practicable, particularly In locatiot is vital to the functioning of confinement barriers an d 3. Ventilation Systems systems. practicable, materials and equipmer it The ventilation systems should be designed to b. Where any credible fire and explosion and continue designed for minimum fire potential should be selecteed. withstand Structural members including walls, partitions, column LS, to act as confinement barriers. Fire protection for C, ventilation systems is discussed in Regulatory Guide beams, floors, and roofs should be of noncombustibli ;s 3.12. fire-resistive construction with fire-resimace ratini sufficient for protection against credible fire exposure c. Assuming failure of any fire suppressio systein 4. Glove Boxes, Hoods, uad Other Pracem Endosuns which is not designed as an essential item, the structur; shell (and Its supporting members) surrounding any ar4:a a. Glove boxes and process'enclosures should be handling plutonium, where the plutonium could 1:ie provided with fire stops in connecting tunnels to prevent accidentally dispersed and cause exposure to eith4er the spread of fire. The fire stops between enclosures operating personnel or the public, should be designe:d should normally be dosed. Where operations require with sufficient fire resistance that it will remain standiri that the fire stops be in the open position, they should and continue to act as a confinement structure durn 4g be designed to be 'closed automatically upon operation any credible accident conditions resulting from fires. of the fire-detection system. Provision should also be The fire resistance rating of the shell shluld not be le:Is made for manual operation of fire stops. than 2 hours. I Penetrations in this shell thoulId b. Chemical fume or particulate exhaust hoods incorporate, as a minimum, equivalent protection again st should be equipped with full-closing sashes and provided credible fire exposures. with fire detectors. Provisions should be made for d. Suspended ceilings and their supports should t ie manual fire suppression where fire or explosion hazards of noncombustible construction as listed by UL2 (or exist. FM. 3 Insulation for pipes and ducts, sound attenuatir19 c. Additional fire protection features of glove materials, and their adhesives should also t le boxes and other process enclosures are disussed in noncombustible. Concealed spaces should be devoid c)f Regulatory Guide 3.12. combustibles. Materials used should have a rating of 2:5 or less with respect to flame spread, fuel contributioiM9 S. Sprinkler System and smoke development. • ruing e. Exits from plutonium processing areas an4d a. Automatic water sprinkler coverage rooms should be strategically located so that radiaticn components listed by UL ' or FM s'hiould be provided exposure of personnel will be minimal during evacuatic n throughout the facility except in areas where nuclear of the area or room through a confinement barrier in tt ke criticality or other hazards specifically preclude its use. event of a breach of processing equipment confinememit Nonaqueous systems, ruing components listed by UL ' resulting from fires and explosions. Such a barrier woul d or FM 3 should be- used in areas not protected by a partition separating two different air zones, Tt Le automatic water sprinklers (see regulatory position C.6) be n or for other special applications. through the barrier should be In the directio air flow water-type extinguishing systems opposite to the exit travel. b. Automatic Include wet-pipe, preaction sprinkler, open head deluge. f Electrical wiring systems and their supportir (i.e., conduits, trays, troughs, raceways, and water spray, and systems utilizing automatic "on.off" members e flow control. Selection of a specific type of system distribution frames) servicing essential items should t re should take into account parameters such as speed of protected against fire. Cable enclosures, fire stops at fu barrier walls, floors, and ceilings, and operation, ambient temperature, and required volume non-flame-propagating electrical insulation should Iie and optimum ue of water. design of electrical wiring systems t 0o c. Wet-pipe conventional automatic sprinklers used in the facility. minimize the spread of fire. should be used in nonprocess areas of the g. Structures, systems, equipment. an d d. For process areas, the sprinkler system selected used, the components in processing areas requiring hydrauliia, should minmnsze the quantity of water

3.16-3 ,unitentional operation of sprinkler heads, the spread of should be selected so that the maximum water demand contamination by water, the extent of cleanup for firo fighting will be supplied with the largest pump I'l. ,operations, and the possibility of criticality. out of service. Alarms for pump startup and operation and for 6. Special Automatic Extinguishing Systems power failure should be provided for the pump system and arranged to sound in a constantly attended location. a. Areas not protected by automatic water A small pressurizing pump should be provided to sprinklers should be protected by some other fire automatically maintain the desired static pressure on the suppression agents such as inert , , fue protection water supply system and minimize high-expansion foam, or , halogenated organic unnecessary operation of the fire water pumps. compounds. e. Water should be supplied to each water spray b. Selection of a carbon dioxide extinguishing extinguishing system from the water main loop around system should take into account such considerations as the facility. A water spray system may be used for heat type of fire hazard, protection of personnel, and process removal for the high-efficiency filtration system serving' enclosure pressurization. as a final means of effluent cleaning for the ventilation c. Selection of a halogenated extinguishing system systems. This water spray system should have a should take into account such considerations as process dedicated water supply, in addition to the normal water enclosure pressurization, protection of personnel, type supply, sized to operate the system during a credible fire of fire hazard, adverse reaction with pyrophoric metals, or explosion even if all other water supplies fail. and corrosive thermal decomposition products. f. Collection systems should be provided for d. For other special applications, such as solvent runoff water from fire-fighting activities and all other extraction areas, consideration should be given to inert water breaks or leaks in process areas. Nuclear criticality, gas, dry chemical, high-expansion foam, and "wet confinement, sampling, volume determination, and water" fire extinguishing systems. Dry chemical systems retrievability of liquids and solids should be considered should not be used in the vicinity of filter installations in in the design of collection systems. The size of the order to minimize fouling of filters. collection system for fire-fighting water should be based on the maximum amount of water which could be used 7. Fire Protection Water Systems in fighting a credible fre.

a. Potable and process water systems should be 8. Manual Fire-Fighting Equipment arranged so they can be shut down without affecting the water supply to the fire systems. Fire protection water a. Provision should be made for portable fire supply and distribution systems required for essential extingulshers listed by UL 6 or FM 3 and suitable for use item protection should be designed and constructed so on specific hazards that may be encountered. The that continuity of protection in the event of any number of fire extinguishers required should be credible accident conditions is assured. determined considering the area and arrangement of the b. The water supply for the permanent fire plant or occupancy, the severity of. the hazards, the protection installation should have a minimum of two anticipated classes of fires, and the distances to be reliable, independent sources and sufficient capacity traveled to reach extinguishers. (based on the maximum water demand) for fire fighting b. Standpipe and hose systems using components until other sources of water become available. Water listed by UL ' or FM 3 should be provided and Installed supplies containing salt or other materials deleterious to in both process and nonprocesa areas. Standpipes should the fire protection systems should be avoided wherever be so located that they are protected against mechanical possible. and fire damage. Hose outlets should be easily accessIle. e. Water for fire fighting and fire suppression systems should be furnished to the site by a loop 9. Fin Detection, Signal, and Alrm Systems distribution system encircling the site buildings. Hydrants served by this system should be strategically a. Provision should be made for fire detection and located around the loop. Valves or valve assemblies listed alarm systems using components listed by UL I or FM. ' by UL' or FM3 should be provided for proper These systems should consist of fire detectors, signaling sectional control of the loop. devices, and audible and visual indicators in a constantly d. Fire water pumps should be equipped with attended location, as well as in appropriate locations automatic-starting features and be listed by ULI or about the plant. A means should be provided to monitor FM 3 for fire service. Where water supply pressure is the status and functioning of the fire-detection, signal, provided by pumps only, there should be a minimum of and alatm systems as well as other fire protection system two pumps, at least: one of which should be driven by components located throughout the plant. Provision nonelectrical means, preferably diesel engine. Emergency should be made for periodic testing and checkout of power should be supplied to an electric-driven fire pump these systems. in the event of failure of the normal power supply (see b. A plant-wide public address and two-way regulatory position CJ.c)- Multiple fire' water pumps communication system should be provided.

3.16.4 c. Manual fire alarm stations should be installed handling of flammable, toxic, and explosive gases, throughout the facility at readily accessible locations. chemicals, and materials admitted to the plutonium These stations should be connected to the plant-wide handling areas. Solvents and other flammable liquids, alarm system. other than small quantities in use, should be stored in a d. Fires should be indicated audibly by alarms separate building or unexposed storage area. Safety cam that are set off by fire suppression and detection listed by UL I I or FM' should be used for flammable systems. Each sprinkler system should be equipped with liquids. Where practicable, covered noncombustible a flow alarm on the plant-wide alarm system. containers listed by UL Ior FMs should be provided €. Glove boxes and enclosures should be equipped for combustible wastes. with fire and/or smoke detectors to provide both a local b. Provisions should be made for isolation alarm and a zone and location signal on the plant-wlde between incompatible chemicals, materials, and, alarm system. processes such a solvent extraction. L. The inlet duct to a multistage high-efficiency c. Flammable and combustible materials should filter plenum serving as a final means of effluent cleaning not be stored in finished product storage areas or for the ventilation systems should be provided with heat shipping areas. and smoke detectors that actuate a local alarm and an automatic fire alarm station on the plant-wide alarm 12. Quality Anra= Program system. 10. Gas-Handling Equipment A quality assurance program should be established for the design, construction, testing, operation, and a. Hydrogen should be prenixed to a maintenance of all structures, systems, equipment, and -nonflammable percentage with inert gas prior to components of fire protection systems in accordance introduction into the plant. to control the potential with the criteria In Appendix B of 10 CFR Part SO. hazard. The storage of unmixed gases should be external to the plant proper. Mixing should be performed before 13. Procedures, Ospnlzation, and Training or at the plant entry point. b. A nonflammable inert-gas-H% mixture within a. Fire emergency procedures should be the flammability limits of gases and vapors listed In established for plant personnel. A plant fire protection Bureau of Mines Bulletins S03 1 and 627 9 should be organization should be trained and equipped to deal used in reducing gas atmosphere furnaces to preclude a effectively with fire or explosion emergencies. Selected hydrogen explosion. This atmosphere should be personnel should be specifically tained in fire-fighting monitored by a suitable continuous monitoring system techniques, industrial hygiene, health physics, and as specified In Regulatory Guide 3.7. ' In the event that nuclear safety. Operating personnel and new employees pure hydrogen is required for process reasons, an should be periodically inmtructed in the proper use of enclosed offgas burner or other suitable means of offgas plant fire-fighting equipment and emergency fire disposal should be used. procedure. Decontamination procedures should be c. Entry of air into a furnace operating with covered in training programs. Drills should be held reducing gas should be precluded by the ue of periodically. inert-ps-purged locks or other suitable means at the b. Arrangements should be made with offsite fie furnace entry and exit. Furnace gas should be exhausted departments for assistance to the plant fire protection through an enclosed, ditered offgas system. organization in the event of an onsite fire. Offilte fire d. Process furnaces should be provided with a departments should be familiarized with plant fire system for automatically shutting off the furnace gas emergency procedures, fire protection organization. and purging with inert gas in the event of power failure, layout, and unusual hazards. Drills shiould be hell loss of coolant water, loss of exhaust fan, periodically. overtemperature, or detection of hydrogen in the c. An approved recorded watchman service, vicinity of the furnace. central station supervisory service, or constant e. Flammable gas should not be introduced into occupancy of all Important areas should be provided to plutonium processing'buildings except when specifically maintain a satisfactory degree of surveillance of the required for process reasons. property at all times. d. In establishing the programs in this section, 11. Flammable Materials consideration should be given to criteria implementing the Commission's regulations for the protection of a. Special control should be exercised over the special nuclear material in fuel manufacturing facilities.



1. ANSI A2.1-1972, "Methods of Fire Tests of 6. Underwriters' Laboratories Fire Protection Building Construction and Maters," American Equipment Lis (latest edition). Copies may be National Standards Institute, (also designated ASTM obtlined from Underwriters! Laboratories, Inc., 207 El 19-71). Copies may be obtained from Am East Ohb Street, ChicaSo, 1. 60611. National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, Ne* York, N.Y. 10018. 7. IL F. Coward and G. W. Jones, "Limits of Flammability of Gases and Vapors," Bureau of 2. Underwriters' Laboratodes Building Materials List Mines Bulletin 503. 1952. Copies may be obtained (latest edition). Copies may be obtained from from the Superintendent of Documints, U.S. Underwriters' Laboratorie Inc., 207 East Ohio Government PAnting Office, Wuhington, D.C. Street, Chicago, Ill. 60611. 20402.

3. Factory Mutual Approval Guide (latest edition) 8.M. G. Zabetakis "Flammability Characteristics of Copies may be obtained -from Factory Mutual Combustible Gum and Vapos," Bureau of Mines Research Corporation, 1151 Boston-Providence Bulletin 627, 1965. Copies may be obtained from Turnpie, Norwood, Mass. 02062. the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washintoa, D.C. 4. ASTM. E84-70, "Method of Test fot Surface 20402. Burning Characteristics of Building Materials," American Society for Testing and Materials. Copies 9. Regulatory Guide 3.7. "Monitorin of Combustible may be obtained from American Society for Testing Gases and Vapors in Plutonium Processing and Fuel and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelpha Pa. Fabrication Pants," Directorate of Regulatory 19103. Standards, WSAEC.

S. Regulatory Guide 3.12, "General Design Guide for 10. Underwriter' laboratories Gas and Oil Equipment Ventilation Systems of Plutonium Processing and List (latest edition). Copies may be obtained from Fuel Fabrication Pats," Directorate of Regulatory Underwnters' Laboratories. Inc., 207 Fast Ohio Standards, USAEC. Stree, Chicago, I1.60611. K
