THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2020 FREE IN PRINT, FREE ON-LINE • WWW.NEWFOUNDLANDING.COM COMPLIMENTARY KYLE MATZKE — COURTESY Ninety-tree-year-old Bebe Wood, who was a ski instructor at Ragged Mountain for forty years, KYLE MATZKE — COURTESY took a nostalgic trip up the chairlift last week with friends and staff from Golden View Health On a trip to Ragged Mountain last Thursday, residents and staff of Golden View Healthcare Care’s Assisted Living program. Enjoying the ride that day were (left to right) Ski Patrolman Scott celebrated their assisted living program’s 20th year in operation by spending a few hours at Brown, Wood, friend Judy Hoeckele, Wood’s son Ken and Golden View staff member Kathy White. Ragged Mountain Ski Area where resident Bebe Wood was a ski instructor for four decades. Bebe Wood returns to Ragged Mountain BY DONNA RHODES one of the most famil- for 40 years, then a this place! They’re Wood that day was last week was a spe-
[email protected] iar faces not only on volunteer Ambassador all like family to me,” Nursing Administra- cial one though. It had DANBURY – Last the slopes, but in the to the resort until her said Wood when she tor Rosemary Simi- been eight years since week, former Bristol lodge and everywhere recent move to Golden arrived last Thursday no, Assisted Living she had ridden a chair- resident Bebe Wood in between. She began View Healthcare’s As- afternoon. Administrator Hei- lift to the summit of took a trip back to formulating her lega- sisted Living program Golden View’s As- di Murray and a few the mountain, a jour- Ragged Mountain Ski cy at Ragged Mountain in Meredith.