Missionary Advocate
MISSIONARY ADVOCATE. HIS DOMINION SHALL BE FROM SEA EVEN TO SEA, AND FROM THE RIVER EVEN TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH. #_ VOLUME XIII. NEW-YORK, NOVEMBER, 1857. NUMBER 8. love-feast, and we had a blessed tim e; we felt disposed ble, zealous, and faithful. I shall give him a letter to NORWAY AND SWEDEN. to say, It is good for us to be here. The brethren and Brother Leihy, the superintendent of the Norwegian sisters spoke to the honor of God of what he had done district in the West: perhaps there may be an opening The First M ethodist Episcopal Church in for their souls, and it was a time of edification for us for Brother Haagensen. I pray most earnestly, dear all. It is deeply affecting to listen to them relating sir, that you send us another young man in his place, N o r w a y , the cut of which is now before our readers, their experience, while the big tears rolk down their and let him come out this fall as early as possible. We is erected at Sarpsburg, the center of our infant mis cheeks. At ten o’clock I preached to a large and very need more men yet; there is work for them, could they sion. The members of our Church there, out of their attentive congregation, from Luke xix, 41, 42. After come this fall or by next spring; but do let us have preaching, the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was ad one in Brother Haagensen’s place p s soon as possible.
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