ClE««N COHERE UWARY ;<JUTH CA8«UKA C9LltCT.0N Bridge Tournament South Carolina's Oldest A duplicate bridge tournament is being held in Clemson today begining at 2:00 In the Clemson The Tiger House with Men's and Women's Pairs. All interest- ed students are invited to participate. College Newspaper ii He Roars for Clemson University Circulation—7,000 CLEMSON, SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1964 Vol. LVIII—No. 23 Lord! Sir Charles TAPS Selects New Staff Hambright Cops Editorship By DICK MILEY has a high goal to be sure, but year; he was director of the Kappa Delta social fraternity, i Features editor Tate Horton is j Al Roach is from Atlanta, Geor- Clemson's national award win- I have the utmost confidence Miss Clemson College Contest Harvey, a junior from Jackson- an economics major from Burl- gia and an Industrial Manage- ning TAPS staff elected new that they can attain this goal." and Chief Prosecuting Attorney ville, Florida, is majoring in ington, North Carolina. Tate is ment major; he is also a mem- senior staff positions last Tues- Hambright Optimistic for the High Court. math and English; he is a a junior class senior, a member ber of Kappa Delta Chi fratern- day night. Jim Hambright, for- Planning for next year Ham- member of the YMCA and Kap- of Blue Key, Tiger Brotherhood, ity and is treasurer of th» mer co-organization editor, will bright commented, "With the Yankee Designer pa Delta Chi fraternity. land Kappa Delta Chi fraternity. I sophomore class. serve as editor of the TAPS excellent staff chosen to work Lee Bearsch, next year's de- next year. with me, I feel that we can con- signer, is a fourth year archi- Hambright's Staff tinue in the tradition being a tecture major from Binghamton, Ed Lominack was elected book of which the students, fac- N. Y. He is a member of Sigma business manager, and Lee ulty, administration, and alum- Bearsch will be designer. Co- ni can be justly proud." Alpha Zeta social fraternity, designer will be Pete Sherratt. The new business manager, the senior CDA staff, and the Ed Munnerlyn will edit the fa- Ed Lominack, is from Newber- AIA. He served as last year's culty and administration section ry and a biology major. Lomi- TAPS designer. of the annual next year. Mak- nack is a member of the Blue Pete Sherratt will be co-de- ing up the activities section will Key, Kappa Delta Chi social signer for the TAPS next year. be Charles Harmon and John fraternity, Alpha Zeta, and Del- Pete is an architecture major Lee will handle photography. ta Sigma Nu. He served as sec- from Toms River, New Jersey Ed Tennent will edit sports; retary of the junior class this and a junior this year. He was Royal reminiscences of the famed Alfred Lord Tennyson, Goz Segars will compile the on the Junior Follies committee, English poet laureate, were shared with Clemson College stu- section of classes. a member of the Numeral So- dents and faculty during a visit of his grandson, Sir Charles Acting as co-organizations ed- ciety, and is a member of the Tennyson (right), lively gentleman of 84, poet and author itors will be Mac Brooks and Competition student chapter of AIA. in his own right. Reviewing with him one of the great Ten- Harvey Springer. Tate Horton Munnerlyn nyson poems is Dr. Claude Green, a member of the English will edit the features section. faculty. Faculty and Administration Rounding out the senior staff Eliminates AH editor Ed Munnerlyn is from positions is Al Roach as copy Greenwood; he is a member of editor. the CDA junior staff and of College Services Kennedy Cites Goal Except Five Delta Kappa Alpha. JIM HAMBRIGHT Hambright, an economics ma- Final competition for the Trus- Charles Harmon, activities ed- ED LOMINACK LEE BEARSCH jor from Blacksburg, is a mem- tees Medal for Public Speaking itor, is from Greenville and a ber of Blue Key, the Tiger Bro- will be held Monday night, member of Delta Sigma Nu and AAUP ANNOUNCES RESULTS Will Cost More therhood, the High Court, and April 20 in the Chemistry Audi- Sigma Alpha Zeta. Kappa Sigma Nu social fratern- Head photographer John Lee Wednesday the Board of remain in force. There will be torium at 6:30 p.m. Sixteen ity. Jim is taking over the posi- contestants vie for the honor of is an industrial engineering ma- Trustees approved a new table no increase in the cost of meals tion from Wayne Kennedy who jor from College Park, Ga. Ed- of rates for the services which for the summer session this competing in semi-final action stated: "My staff has been a last Monday night. iting sports will be Ed Tennent, the college provides for stu- year, however, in 1965 the cost very hard working one, a staff a chemical engineering major C. F. Porter Wins Library Contest; dents. The general increase of meals will increase from $10 which has produced what we Contestants who spoke on from Spartanburg who belongs will affect virtually all students to $11 per week. feel to be an excellent book. April 13, out of these sixteen, to Phi Kappa Delta fraternity who are here next September, The new rates at the college Next year's staff, under the judges narrowed the field down and the American Institute of leadership of Jim Hambright, to five finalists. These finalists Chemical Engineering. adding about fifty dollars per laundry are not yet available are: James R. Daniel, John E. year to the cost of attending but there will be approximately Goz Segars is an agronomy Qualifies For U. S. Competition Lee, James E. Reinhardt; Ar- major from Hartsville and is a Clemson. The new table also a 10% increase in cost at the thur West, and James C. Wil- C. Franklyn Porter, junior bio- Letters dents who are "book conscious" includes, for the first time, a laundry. These increases were CDA Reveals member of Delta Kappa Alpha liams, Jr. social fraternity. logy major from Pickens, South Letters of commendation were here at Clemson, and that many price differential between the made necessary by rising labor Advance Plans Judges for the finals include Carolina won first prize in the also sent to Daniel H. Hunt of of our students have libraries "old" and "new" dormitories. and materials cost, according The Central Dance Associa- Dean Walter T. Cox and Dean Co-Organization Editors best personal library contest North Augusta for an outstand- that will compare favorably Beginning in September, the to a college source. Even be- tion has announced that it W. D. Trevillian. A third jud?; Mac Brooks and Harvey sponsored by the Clemson Chap- ing library in a particular field with those of any other univer- rental on the fourth, fifth, sixth, fore the recent rate increase will present a formal dance is to be named sometime just Springer are the new co-organ- ter of the American Association of chemical engineering and to sity, especailly state supported seventh, and eighth dorms as for state employees, which has in the Field House Friday prior to the competition Mon- ization editors. Mac, an Indus- of University Professors and the Stephen C. King of Williamston ones. well as the group known as the been passed by the legislature, night on May 8. day night. This judge is to be trial Management major from College Book Store. for an outstanding collection in "We hope to expand the con- "tin cans" will be $110 per these college services have Activities on Saturday chosen from outside the admin- Newberry, is a member of Phi Winners his specialty, mathematics. test next year to make it even istration or faculty of the more attractive, and broaden semester. The new men's been operating at below the May 9 will include a concert John W. Coyle, Riverside, N. National Contest dormitories, including new "A" breakeven point. in the Ampitheater during the school. The results of the con- the areas in which awards can test will not be announced until J., a chemical engineering ma- Porter will become eligible to be given. This contest, like the and new "F" will cost $118 per A $3 per month increase in afternoon and another dance Next Monday Set jor won second prize, while Pe- enter the Amy Loveman Natio- semester. The new rate for the rent at the Littlejohn, and pre- in the Field House that night. Honors Day with the presenta- reactivation of the Calhoun Li- tion of the Trustees Medal to ter J. Davenport, Startford, nal Award contest by virtue of terary Society is indicative of Women's Residence Hall will fab apartments was also ap- Before the dance Saturday his win. He may enter both this the junior class will sponsor the winner. For Nominations Conn, a architecture student a growing interest here in the be $126 per semester. proved. Rent at East Campus "The finals are open to the captured the third award. year and next in the national A $10 raise from $180 to $190 the annual Junior-Senior Ban- well rounded man with a keen will increase to $48 per month. public and we cordially invite The judges emphasised that contest, but he will not be eli- interest in the humanities and will be made in the dining hall Faculty apartments will under- quet. the basis of the award was over- gible again in the local contest. The CDA will announce the student body, faculty, and Of Class Officers the social sciences as well as fee in the fall.
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