Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law Publication Copyright and open-access policy The Cambridge Journal of International The CJICL is an open-access publication gov- and Comparative Law is an open- erned by our publishing and licensing agree- access publication available online at ment. Any commercial use and any form of <>. Hardcopies can republication of material in the Journal is sub- be ordered on request. Each volume consists of two or more main issues and a special is- ject to the express permission of the Editors sue examining the jurisprudence of the UK in Chief. Supreme Court. Contact information Editorial Policy Cambridge Journal of International and Com- All submissions are subject to a double-blind parative Law peer-review editorial process by our Aca- Faculty of law, 10 West Road demic Review Board and/or our Editorial Team. Cambridge, CB3 9DZ United Kingdom Submissions The journal accepts the following types of E-mail:
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