Incertae Sedis
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416 GENERA INCERTAE SEDIS Genera INCERTAE SEDIS Notes.-- The sevengenera to follow havepresented taxonomic challenges for morethan a century.Allozyme and DNA hybridizationdata suggestthat the enigmaticgenus Sapayoa is an outgroupto all other Tyrannoidea(S. M. Lanyon 1985, Sibley and Ahlquist1990), whereassyringeal characters suggest that Sapayoais allied as a sistergroup to, or within, the Tyrannidae(Prum 1990). Summarizingnumerous morphological characters, Prum and Lanyon (1989) hypothesizedthat Schiffornis,Laniocera, and Pachyramphus,along with three SouthAmerican genera, constitute a monophyleticassemblage. This "Schiffornis group"appears to be alliedto Piprites,Lipaugus, and Tityra,but cannotbe placedwithin the otherwiserather well-defined, monophyletic assemblages here referred to asthe families Tyrannidae,Cotingidae, and Pipridae(see also Prum 1990). We list theseseven genera as a group,incertae sedis, to acknowledgethat they are unequivocally tyrannoid but of uncertain affinity within the superfamily. Genus SAPAYOA Harterr SapayoaHarterr, 1903, Novit. Zool. 10: 117. Type, by original designation,Sapayoa aenigma Harterr. Sapayoaaenigma Hartert. Sapayoa. Sapayoaaenigma Hartert, 1903, Novit. Zool. 10:117. (Rio Sapayo[= SapalloGrande], prov. Esmeraldas,Ecuador.) Habitat.--Tropical LowlandEvergreen Forest (0-1350 m; Tropicaland lower Subtropical zones). Distribution.--Residenton the Pacificslope of easternPanama (west to the Canalarea), westernColombia (upper Sinfi valley, C6rdoba),and northwesternEcuador (Esmeraldas). Notes.--Formerlyknown as Broad-billed Manakin; called Broad-billed Sapayoa by Sibley and Monroe (1990) and Ridgely and Tudor (1994). GenusSCHIFFORNIS Bonaparte $chiffornisBonaparte, 1854, Ateneo Ital. 2:314. Type,by monotypy,Muscicapa turdina Wied. Heteropelma"Schiff" (not Wesma•l, 1849) Bonaparte,1854, Consp.Voluc. Anisod., p. 4. Type, by monotypy,Muscicapa turdina Wied. $cotothorusOberholser, 1899, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 51: 208. New name for HeteropelmaBonaparte, preoccupied. Schiffornisturdinus (Wied). Thrush-likeSchiffornis. Muscicapaturdina Wied, 1831, Beitr. Naturgesch.Bras. 3(2): 817. (easternBrazil = Bahia.) Habitat.--Tropical Lowland EvergreenForest, Montane EvergreenForest (0-1500 m; Tropicaland lower Subtropicalzones). Distribution.--Resident[veraepacis group] on the Gulf-Caribbeanslope of Middle Amer- ica from southernVeracruz, northernOaxaca, Tabasco,northern Chiapas, Campecheand QuintanaRoo southto Nicaragua,and on both slopesof CostaRica (absentfrom the dry northwest)and Panama (east to Coc16and western Panam• province, and on CerroTacarcuna andCerro Pirre in easternDari6n); and [turdinusgroup] in centraland eastern Panama (west to the Canal area), and in SouthAmerica from Colombia, southernVenezuela and the Guianas south, west of the Andes to western Ecuador,and east of the Andes to northernBolivia and central and southeastern Brazil. Notes.--Groups:$. veraepacis(Sclater and Salvin, 1860) [Brown Schiffornis]and $. turdinus [Thrush-likeSchiffornis]. Vocal and plumage differencesexist betweenthese groups,including between the highlandand lowlandforms that approachone anotherin easternPanama. Similar differencesalso exist between highland and lowlandforms in South America.It is certainthat two or morespecies are involved, but the complexrequires careful GENERA INCERTAE SEDIS 4 ! 7 studyacross its entirerange, including attention to the relationshipsof thesegroups to the form S. virescensfrom southeasternBrazil. We chooseto retainthe groupsunder a single nameuntil the taxonomyand biogeographyof the complexare clarified. Genus PIPRITES Cabanis PipritesCabanis, 1847, Arch. Naturgesch.13: 234. Type, by monotypy,Pipra pileata Temminck. Pipritesgriseiceps Salvin. Gray-headedPiprites. Pipritesgriseiceps Salvin, 1865, Proc.Zool. Soc. London(1864), p. 583. (Tucurruque [= Tucurriquq, Costa Rica.) Habitat.--TropicalLowland Evergreen Forest (0-800 m; TropicalZone). Distribution.--Residenton the Caribbeanslope of easternGuatemala (near Izabal), east- ern Honduras(Olancho), Nicaragua and CostaRica (southto Suretka). Notes.-- P. griseicepsand P. chloris(Temminck, 1822) [Wing-barredPiprites], a wide- spreadpolytypic species in SouthAmerica, constitute a superspecies. Genus LIPA UGUS B oie Lipangus[typo. error = Lipaugus]Boie, 1828, Isis von Oken, col. 318. Type, by subsequentdesignation (G. R. Gray, 1840),Muscicapa plumbea Licht. = Muscicapa vociferans Wied. Lipaugus unirufus Sclater.Rufous Piha. Lipaugusunirufus Sclater, 1859, Proc. Zool. Soc. London,p. 385. (Playa Vicente, Oaxaca,Mexico, and Coban,Vera Paz, Guatemala= Playa Vicente, Veracruz;Bin- ford, 1989, Ornithol.Monogr. 43, p. 341-342.) Habitat.--Tropical LowlandEvergreen Forest (0-1200 m; TropicalZone). Distribution.--Residentfrom southern Veracruz, northern Oaxaca, Tabasco and Chiapas southon the Caribbeanslope of CentralAmerica to Nicaragua,on both slopesof Costa Rica (absentfrom dry northwest)and Panama(more common on Caribbeanslope), and in western Colombia and northwestern Ecuador. Genus LANIOCERA Lesson Laniocera Lesson,1840, Rev. Zool. [Paris] 3: 353. Type, by monotypy,Laniocera sanguinaria Lesson = Ampelis hypopyrra Vieillot. Laniocera rufescens(Sclater). SpeckledMourner. Lipaugusrufescens Sclater, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. London (1857), p. 276. (In rep. Guatimalensiprope urbem Coban = northernAlta Verapaz,Guatemala.) Habitat.mTropical Lowland EvergreenForest (0-750 m, to 1350 m in easternPanama and SouthAmerica; Tropical Zone). Distribution.--Residentlocally on the Gulf-Caribbeanslope from southernMexico (northernOaxaca, Chiapas) south through Central America to CostaRica (alsoGulfo Dulce region on Pacific slope,north to Quepos)and Panama(Caribbean slope throughout, and rarely on Pacificslope from the Canal areaeastward), and in northernand western Colombia and northwestern Ecuador. Notes.--L. rufescensand the SouthAmerican L. hypopyrra(Vieillot, 1817) [Cinereous Mourner] constitutea superspecies. GenusPACHYRAMPHUS Gray PachyrarnphusG. R. Gray, 1840,List GeneraBirds, p. 31. Type,by originaldesignation, Psaris cuvierii Swainson = Tityra viridis Vieillot. 418 GENERA INCERTAE SEDIS Platypsaris[subgenus] Sclater, 1857, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 72. Type, by sub- sequentdesignation (Sclater, 1888), Pachyrhynchusaglaiae Lafresnaye. Pachyramphusversicolor (Hartlaub). Barred Becard. Vireo versicolor Hartlaub, 1843, Rev. Zool. [Pads] 6: 289. (du la Nouvelle-Grenade = Bogotfi, Colombia.) Habitat.--Montane EvergreenForest, Elfin Forest(1500-3000 m; Subtropicaland lower Temperatezones). Distribution.--Resident in the mountainsof Costa Rica (Cordillera Central, Cordillera de Talamanca,Dota Mountains, rare in Cordillera de Tilaran), western Panama (western Chiriqui), and in South America from Colombia and northwesternVenezuela south, in the western Andes to northwestern Peru, and in the eastern Andes to northern Bolivia. Pachyramphusrufus (Boddaert).Cinereous Becard. Muscicapa rufa Boddaert, 1783, Table PlanchesEnlum., p. 27. Based on "Le Gobe- moucheroux, de Cayenne" Daubenton,Planches Enlum., pl. 453, fig. 1. (Cayenne.) Habitat.--River-edge Forest,Gallery Forest,Secondary Forest, Tropical Lowland Ev- ergreenForest Edge (0-1500 m; Tropicaland lower Subtropicalzones). Distribution.--Resident locally in centraland easternPanama (from the Canal area, at least formerly, and easternPanamfi province and Dari6n, also a doubtfulrecord from "Ver- agua"), and in South America from central and northern Colombia east acrossnorthern Venezuela to the Guianas, and south, east of the Andes, to northeasternPeru, thence eastward acrossAmazonian Brazil to Par• (includingMaraj6 and Mexiana islands). Notes.--P. rufus and P. spodiurusSclater, 1860 [Slaty Becard], of westernEcuador and northwesternPeru, constitutea superspecies. Pachyramphuscinnamomeus Lawrence. Cinnamon Becard. Pachyramphuscinnamomeus Lawrence, 1861, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N.Y. 7: 295. (on the Atlantic side of the Isthmus of Panama,along the line of PanamaRailroad -- Lion Hill, Canal Zone.) Habitat.--Tropical Lowland Evergreen Forest and edge, SecondaryForest (0-750, to 1200 m in easternPanama and SouthAmerica; Tropical and lower Subtropicalzones). Distribution.--Residenton the Gulf-Caribbeanslope of Middle America from north- easternOaxaca, Tabascoand Chiapas south to Nicaragua, on both slopesof Costa Rica (absentfrom the dry northwest)and Panama(more commonly on the Caribbeanslope), and in South America west of the Andes southto southwesternEcuador, and in northern Colombia and northwestern Venezuela. Notes.--P. cinnamomeusand the SouthAmerican P. castaneus(Jardine and Selby, 1827) constitutea superspecies. Pachyramphuspolychopterus (Vieillot). White-winged Becard. Platyrhynchuspolychopterus Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat. (nouv. 6d.) 27: 10. (Nouvelle-Hollande, error = Bahia, Brazil.) Habitat.--Tropical Lowland EvergreenForest Edge, River-edgeForest, Gallery Forest, SecondaryForest (0-1200 m, to 1800 m in SouthAmerica; Tropical and lower Subtropical zones). Distribution.--Resident on the Caribbeanslope of easternGuatemala, southern Belize and Honduras,on both slopesof Nicaragua,Costa Rica (lesscommon in the dry northwest) and Panama,and in South America from Colombia,Venezuela, Tobago, Trinidad and the Guianassouth, mostly east of the Andes, to easternPeru, northernand easternBolivia, northernArgentina, Uruguay and southernBrazil. Southernmostpopulations in SouthAmer- ica move northwardin nonbreedingseason. Reported but not verified from extremesouth- easternMexico (Chiapas). GENERA INCERTAE