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12-10-1991 Newspeak Volume 19, Issue 25, December 10, 1991 The tudeS nts of Worcester Polytechnic Institute

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Recommended Citation The tudeS nts of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, "Newspeak Volume 19, Issue 25, December 10, 1991" (1991). Newspeak All Issues. Book 401. http://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/newspeak/401

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspeak at DigitalCommons@WPI. It has been accepted for inclusion in Newspeak All Issues by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@WPI. Record attendance at open meeting airs issues by Joe Porker One lopsided d"cu:.'>ion "'a.' cen­ leammg an the count ry I!> without one. feet of noor space. Thi!> number is cltne in the qualtty ofdaka food, whtch News Editor tered on l!>'lues of Greek life. Many except WPJ. Many students brought almol!t twice the area which wn~ pro­ prompted some students to approach Greek stude nts mode th eir views up the notion that one of the rcao;ons po~cd in and independent survey. people from dakn directly. A plan, Monday. November25 saw Pe1111uh known. Most of those expressed dis· for the poor social life at WPI is S tu de nt ~ <;cern convinced that there suggested by the management ofdaka. Lecture Hall filled pa\1 capacity. an sati sfaction with the way they are becau~e there si mply is not a place for is a direct corrolation between social is now in the works to '>upply daka outstanding ~how of ~ uppon for the treated by the admanistration. and the students to meet and simply enjoy lafe and the campu center. One stu· with recipes the students would like to open meeting held to discuss issues general opinion of Greeks held by themselves. Many students mentioned dent accurately described that during see prepared. regarding Residential and Social life non-Greeks. Points brought up in· that schools like Clark University have introductory tours. prospecti ve stu­ Another expressed concern th at at WPJ. Issues as daverse as the Cam­ cluded the lack of an eft1cient and a very nice and active campus center, dents are given the impression that the WPI club spons did not receive ac­ pus Police, daka. the long-proposed coherent way of governmg the Greeks where students can meet. talk, play wedge acts as a kand of student union. ceptable travel accomodations and that campus center, Greek life. and how to system. admini~tration 's tendency not games. and just stmply relax. An­ The reality is that most students do not there should be an increase an, and improve Residential Hall life were to deal with the chapters head-to-head, other reason for a campus center would like to frequent the wedge, for various better school support of, varsity sports. brought up for the Committee on Resi­ and discussion of probation and entire be to have a central location for stu­ reasons. This brings up another very Another lengthy discussion was dential and Social Life by the student chapters being held accountable for dcm activity groups· offices and meet­ valid point: because student'! do not focused on the Residential Halls. The body. the ac tions of one or a few of its ing areas. The reasons mentioned in generally mix with people unlike them· school was lauded for their efforts to The format of the meeting was members. There were few. if any. favor of the campus center were many selves, there as quite a bit of prejudice, supply the halls with more study and simple: students were asked to bring views expressed contrary to what the and quite often poignant. and in some cases downright hatred of lounge areas. But complaints were up any issues they thought relevant to Greeks said. While many of the points This portion of the meeting was some groups on campus. A campus expressed regarding the fumishings the Committee's work. The commit· made in favor of the Greeks system unofficially brought 10 an end when center would allow people from di­ of the Ellsworth/Fuller apartments, tee did not propose any solutions to were valid. the lack of descending Professor Frank Defalco formally ve~ majors. races, and backgrounds the expense of on-campus housi ng. any of the issues at that time. but views from a student body that has in presented plans drawn up in an MQP 10 meet and talk without the barriers the janitorial service. and the lack of instead would rake note of what the the past held such high anti-Greek by WPJ students for a campus center of Greek, non-Greek, wedge rat. jock, on-campus housing for those students students thought was important for sentiment was odd. The reasons for located beneath the quad. The ben­ etc. which currently hinder free dis· who are interested in it. discu!>sion and decision making at a this are debatable. efits of this plan would be that the cuss ion and the ability of students to From the size of the turnout and later d:lte. The reason for the one sided dis­ quad's general appearance would be accept people with different views diversity of the issues expressed make The meeting was dominated by the cussion of the campus center is simply left intact, including grass, trees. and from thei rs. it obvious that students at WPI do care discussion of two very one-sided is­ Slated, there is no reason that WPI walkway, no views would be hin­ Other students brought up valid about the Residential and Social is· sues: the campus center and Greek should not have a Campus Center. No dered, and the result would be a cam­ complaints on varied subjects. One sues on campus, and feel that it i:. long Life. other four-year institution of higher pus center with some 80.000 square student mantioned the continuing de- past time for changes to be made.

The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute Volume 19, Number 25 Thesday, December 10, 1991 Moliere's ''Tartuffe'' satirizes religious hypocrisy and and by Peur Vasilopoulos upholstery. depict an expensive but in Big Business, Ou1 of Bound, and 1 riage of Marrianne Valere, his desires, and finaJiy, with his pants Cllm of '95 not overly elaborate house. The cos­ know my Name js Stej)hen) playing enlighten Orgon. Laurie Walter's fa­ down runs to embrace Elmire and tumes of the cast are elaborate and Tanuffe. cial expressions, perfectJy timed lines instead runs into Orgon. Moliere •s "Tartuffe". a French neo­ polychromatic in design. The cos­ Orgon, a gullible character•. takes against Orgon 's stupidity and naivety, The finale of the play is fabulous. classic play satirizing religious hy· tumes also show the richness of the the criminal, Tartuffe, into his house; and her frantic movements around the When Tartuffe on the verge of victory pocrisy, has been playing at the Hun­ neoclassical era. Huntington theater gives his daughter's hand in marriage stage whiJe tracking down the two has ruined an honest man, rescue tington 11leater in Boston for the last allowed the audience sitting even in to him: disinherits his son; and gives stubborn lovers. impressed, humored, comes from the himself, and four weeks during the theater's tenth the balcony to be close to the stage. the deed to his house away to him, and captivaled me. Tanuffe is taken as prisoner. Tile anniversary. Directed by Jacques This proximity makes the audience because he is fooled by Tartuffe's The most interesting pan of the virt uous officer of the King. played by Canier and performed by a famous feel captivated by the costumes, the religious hypocrisy. Does a play about play, when the audience as well I as James Bodge. rises to the top of the cast, the play made everyone in the setting, and the wonderful perfor­ a gullible man seem humorous to you? bursted out with laughter, is the scene stairs as if to give a monologue. The audience, including this theater-goer mance. II is when everyone else in the family where Tartuffe is tricked by Elmire lights on the stage tum yellow and the laugh loudly. Although the whole cast does an except Orgon 'smother knows Tartuffe into showing his amorous desire for officer removes his black coat reveal­ Although the action of the play excellent job, the three cast members is a religious hypocrite. One of the her. While Orgon, at Elmire's sug­ ing n royal-gold glittering costume. takes place in the house of Orgon, who captivate the audience with their reasons why the comedy is so enter· gestion to witness Tartuffe's evil de· The dramatic finale of the perfor· played by Louis Turenne. The setting spectacular performance are: Laurie taining and funny is because of Laurie sires. is hiding underneath the table, mance is done well in light of a com· manifests the seventeenth century in a Walters playing Dorine, Joan Walter's performance. She holds the Tanuffe, the sex-crazed religious edy which honesty finil.lx prevails convincing manner. A long hard· McMurtrey (who also has appeared in attention of the audience with her hypocrite, runs around the stage im­ over hypocracy. It is an excellent play wood staircase, a large vase resting on popularfilmssuch as No Way Out and dynamic role playing of a lady's maid pulsively checking to see that Orgon of the seventeenth century performed a small table covered with an oriental OutcastFonune)playingOrgon'swife, to Orgon daughter Marrianne. who is not around, then he removes his by a great cast, directed well, and rug. and the elegant chairs with the red Elm ire. and John Vickery (who starred tries to preserve the upcoming mar· collar so that it will not interfere with deserves to be seen by all. Orientation Leader selection begins WPI drives to the hoop However. applications are available sion wall be combined during D term. by Nancy Hunler De~t~tey Asstisumt Dean of Stuthnt Life NOW in the Student Life Office. These sessions will explore commu- Daniels Hall. Completed application:. nication skills. di versity appreciation, Every year new students arrive to are due to the Student Life Office by WPJ 's academic and student affairs campu\ with great expectations and Wednesday, December 18, 1991. programs and provide numerous op- lots of "stuff' for their rooms. They Candidates who are selected to con- port unities for students to interact wuh are quickly greeted by smiling faces. tinue in the proce s will be invited to faculty and staff on a more informal cheerful hello's and a hand 10 help auend "selection day" on Saturday, basis. OL training will conclude the with the unloading of their most prized January 18. This day is a wonderful beginning of April. WPI rises to po~ ssion s. Who are these people opportunity to meet other students Now that you know what it take to who try to assist new students during and administrators involved an the become an OL. you might ask your- the occassioo as their first few days at WPI? The selection process. The day will begin self if you HAVE what it takes. Quali- #40 climbs over answer: Orientation Leaders! at 9:30a.m. and conclude after lunch. ficntions for OL's include students the defense in a The process of Orientation Leader Group exercises are used during the with a sense of responsibility, confi· game against selection is about to begin. On Mon­ moming as a means of observing dence m interacting wi th and address- day. December 16 at Noon or at4:30 candidate's personality aod ability to ing groups of people, ability to relate Babson College p.m. in Gompei's Function Room, get along with others. By January 24, to a variety of personality types. ere· held at WPI last Orientalaon Leader Informational studcntb who were selected to be OL 's ativity, leadership potential, appre· Wednesday night Meetings will be held for all students wi ll be notified. ciation for diversity and a desire to in Harrington who are considering applying for the A comprehensive training program have some senous rewarding fun . Auditorium. "OL" position. This meeting will commences with an overnight train- If you are interested, please plan on review the responsibiliti e<> and ex pee· ing program at Camp Harrington on auending one of the upcoming infor- tations for the position. as we ll as February 21-22. This will involve mational meetings and complete an briefly overview new student orienta· rerurning OL's and new OL's who application form which are available tion 1992 The program for next year will engage in a variety of Learn buald· now in the Srudent Life Office. New has been shortened to four days began · ing and leadership development ac- student orientation i sponsored by ning with the Saturday, August 22. tivitie!.. The remaaning five trnaning the Student Life Office. For specific This meeting is mandatory for anyone sessions will be held during C w1d D information. please contact Nancy interested in the OL position. Appli­ terms on different nights of the week. Hunter Denney. Assistant Dean of NEWSft!Ait STAJ'I' I'II(Yl"' I ADAM Olt l'lliNCit cations will be distributed at this time. OLandRctcd ..... ~....-. I lib. Amenca working the Montevideo of· ,....,...... u be••aniedd"nna the lq••~"'aoi'C'"""" SCHAUM fices of the CIA. The mam focus of SpoMOI'td be the W1'1 Won:lcM A...,..... _ ...... ~~~~------~ ·------'

Page4 NEWSPEAK Tuesday December 10, 1991 Another reaction to the Commission meeting by John Grossi ces, received what they lacked in their prcviou' War protests. TI1e commission ts now drafting repon!" Newspeak Stqff meetings nnd focus groups. they got opinionb their repon to Pre'>idcnt Strauss in answer to I urge everyone who was unable to auend and facts about life here at WPI outside of the his charge to di!,cover how Goal Four of the the commi ssions meeting to moil Dean Tuesday November 25, 1991 the Residen­ classroom. Strategic Plan for 1990-2000 can be better Schachterlc by e-mail or campus mail care of tial and Social Life Commission was to have When Professor Jonathan Barnett addressed implemented. How can Residential and Social the Project Center their thoughts and com· met in Olin 107 as hundreds of pololers saying student government a week or so before the Life be improved on WPI 's campus? ments on Social and Residential Life here at "It's Back'' and ''The Need Won 't Go Away" meeting he stated that the tum out of the focu~ I can not help but remember the student in WPI signed or anonymously. pointed out to anyone who used any of the group meetings with Freshman, Greeks, Up­ the back of the room who got up and said: Only by your continued show of interest facilities on campus. perclassmen, and many other sub-groups on " I have seen all the prior repons filed in the does the varied projects in the area.~ of Residen­ Though this campaign WI.! geared toward campus. had abysmal turnouts and gave the library with no action havtng been taken on tial and Social Life move forward. The admin­ the campus center issue and over ume became commisston next to no data from whtch to them. several recommending a campus center. istration and the Trustees. who met over thi known to people as solely "The Campus Center fonnulate logical conclusions that represented What's to say this latest of Blue Ribbon Com­ past weekend have no clue about Residential meeting". This misnomer was commiued in a synthesis of need on campus. missions will not also have it's repon fi led and Social Life on our campus as they do not the interest of keeping the issue simple whilst At the meeting the issues of the campus away like previous commissions?" experience it. Their only clue is by expressing still arousing as much undergrnduateand gradu­ center, lack of computer tenninals, greek life, Dean Lance Schachterle who chaired the your opinions. If they know you r opinions they ate student interest as possible, which did not the need to refurnish the Ellswonh-Fuller Apan­ meeting answered with something along the can make infonned decisions on what needs to prove to be hard on this vital issue. ments. Alcohol, Re-opening the now defunct li nes of: be done in the aforementioned areas. The ad campaign's filers aroused so much Goat's Head Pub. and many other issues of "That wi ll not happen to this commissions mterestthat the commission moved the meet­ imponance to the WPI community were brought ing from Olin 107 to Perreault Lecture Hall, up an discussed in much detail. Enough detail which had been reserved earl ier in the week by to give the commission almost all the data it student government when they began to grasp needs to fonnulate an answer to President An odyssey of the mind ... the full scope and extent of student interest in Strauss's charge that is truly representative of the vital issues that this commission was deal­ the campus opinion as a whole and in each of by U sa Hastings team) who will develop and present a solution ing with. the many sub-groups which this campu!. b to either the problem cited above (called HY­ When the meeting finally convened, a lillie divided into, subgroups with different needs You're asked to design. build and run live BRID RELAYS) or a problem called ALICE on the late side because of the 600 to 700 people and wan ts. The meeting was sold so well that small vehicles. Each must be powered in a IN OMERLAND. We're looking for creativ­ stuffmg Perreault Hall, as well as an additional President Strauss and Vice-President Brown different way. but must include mechanical ity, technical expenise, commitment and a 200 to 300 people in other lecture halls across were in ancndancc to hear the students opin­ energy, pneumatics, and electri c. The vehicles sense of adventure! WPI will be the first campus who were watching the proceedings ions. must run a course. overcome obstacles and college in Massachusetts to enter a team in the via closed circuit television which the IMC The meeting was a resounding success. I ultimately break a balloon targct .... CAN YOU competition. Lnb provided on very shon notice. heard comment\ after the meeting from one of DOITI There will be an information meeting about From about 7:00 PM to about 9:00PM that the faculty around that it was the biggc~t Mu­ A new cour.e at WPI'? An IQP? No, ih Odyssey of the Mind on Friday, December 13. evenmg the memben. of the commi,\lon: Staff. dcnt turnout on WPI's campu<> for anythtng Odyssey of the Mind, the tntemational creative 199 1 from 3:00- 4:00pm in Morgan A. Inter­ Stude nt ~. Administrator\. Alumnt. nnd Trust- smce the mtd-196(h and the era of Vietnam problem solving compelttton for 'tudents of all ested '>tudents must be prepared to begin work­ ages. Thts coming year. on Saturday. April II. tog together (we already have a coach for the WPI will host the Ma">sachuscu., ~tate finals team) at the beginning of C-Term tn order to for Ody~sey of the Mind. 3.000 teachers. mccttheAprilllthpre~entationdate. lfyou're CARL comes to Gordon Library parents and friend' will descend upon the tnterestcd m JOtning a team or would like to by Lora Brueck The library staff believes that this new on campus to watch 11tudcnt~ prc~ent their uni1.1ue help hoM the event in April, please plan to Catalog l.ibraria11 line catalog will benefit our patron\ and we :.olutions to one of six complex problems. attend the infonnation meeting or contact Pro­ look forward to helping you use it. An upcom With the linab coming to campus. WPI has fessor Jasperson, Physics Depanment (831- Gordon Library is looktng forward to the mg aniclc will tell you more about CARL and a unique opponuntty not only to showcase our 5392). L1sa Hastings. Alumni Office (831- school. but also to showcase our students. 5072) or Fronk Trainor. Interdisciplinary Stud­ tn~tallation of a new on-line catalog 'YMem how you can currently search CARL member about the beginning of C tcnn. The new librancs. like Nonheru.tem Universtty or the We'd like to enter a team (!>even students to a ies (831-5707). system-CARL (Colorado Alltance ofRe~arch Colorado School of Mines. using the Internet. Llbranes. Inc.}- will be provided by C/W MARS. the library consonium of which WPI has been a member for nearly ten years. Mem­ bership in C/W MARS (Centrni/Westem Mas­ sachusens Automated Resource Sharing) has meant greater access for WPI library users to holdings in the sixty-eight academic. public "/WAS NOT C NGED and medical member libraries, including Clark University. UMass Med School. and the Worcester Public Library. Thts has been ac­ complished at a fraction of cost of buying and ENOUGH ATMY OW SCHOOL maintaining a library system on the WPI cam­ pus. C/W MARS has its own staff and com­ puter facilities, located at Anna Maria College in Paxton. The cost savings have made it SO I TRANSFERRED possible for Gordon Library to make available other automated serv ices such as the CD-ROM indeJtes (Wilsondisc, NTIS, Compendex, and Moody's Company Data). Recentl y. we have TO NORTHEASTERN." also made Uncover, an index of periodical contents. available on the library program. -Glenn B. Castle, Class of '92. The software for the existing on-line cata­ log has been provided to C/W MARS by Utlas, Inc. Due to changes at Utla'>. C/W MARS began looking for a new software vendor last February. CARL was selected as the best candidate. The CARL on-1 inc catalog will give patrons information about library holdings in a IOLally different fonnat than our present sys­ tem. Searching in CARL is done by entering only a word or name. Words can easily be added to the search to limit the results. Other features include title and call number brows­ mg. and a search history function which wi ll allow you to review previous searches. Re­ "I wasn't unhappy at the school I was attending, but I needed sponse time is expected to be greatly im­ proved. more. I found it at Northeastern University in Boston. In addition to being inteUectually challenged, through the Cooperative Education Program I'm getting almost two years of practical work experience, while earning money towards my tujtion. And the Northeastern faculty is outstanding and truly committed to undergraduate teaching. That's important to me. Although Northeastern is a large unjversity, you won't get lost. The average class size is less than 25 and the student to faculty ratio is a very impressive 11-to-1. So if you want to hit the books and build up your resum~. come on over to Northeastern." For more information about transferring to Northeastern please call 617-437-2200 or write to: Department of Undergraduate Admissions, Northeastern Unjversity, 150 Richards Hall, Boston, MA 02115 . Northeastern • University l%lcome to the real world. An tq..W opponunity/ lflinnatJvt ldion educabOnal institution. Tuesday December 10, 1991 NEWSPEAK PageS SPORTS WPI Computer Science Hockey Update Department Seminar/Meeting Schedule Univer;ity of Rhode hland. WPI wa!> not comment on their mind the team went out and by Scott Pinto December 12-16. 1991 supposed to beat this team. the sman money did just that. WPI won, plain and simple 5-3. Class of '94 was against them. Things looked bad until With the team back on track the rest of the Worcester Polytechnic lnslltute's Ice team captain and ~ uper hero Andrew Hoyen year looks to be successful. At 7-1 WPI is Hockey team has come alive. 11·., been a few rose to speak, ··Guy lool... just go out and play definitely a contender for the league champi­ Thursday, December 12 weeks since the last article and in that time lhree periods of hockey.•· With that powerful onship. period the team has become a winning ma­ AIRG chine. With a 4-0 record the team entered last (Artificial Intelligence Research Group) week hungry for more. The firM victim fell II :00. FL 3 11 quick to the Engineers attack. Offensive power (Prof. David Brown, coordinator) provided by the gray. maroon. orange, and red Audio tape presentation: lines proved tOO much for Bryant College. The Chinese Room Thoughl Experiment: WPI skated away to an eulty 5-1 win. After the Searle vs. Boden game the infnmous Johnny M. spoke. "don 't mes~ with the gray line ... we can 't be Mopped." Upon returning to the palatial Northstar Forum WPI cominucd to roll. Defense was Friday, December 13 stellar. led by Mike Canniff and the rest of the F-troop crew, holding the Keene State Black­ Colloquium hnwl..s to just one goal. With the fort !>ecured I I :00. FL 320 it wa.'~ the front mcn'l> tum to wort... All four MS TheliS Presemation: lines turned 11 up. churned th em out. and Using Atc ribute Grammars for Semanlic burned it 10. When the final bua.er ~oundcd Analysis of Obj«t-Oriented Languages Keene State wa~ staring at a 10-1 loss. Mary Ann O 'Connor The th1rd game was WPI' ~ liro,t s1gn of Digital Equipment Corp. weakness. After going up 3- 1 WPI let up and allowed MIT to get back 10to the game. The game turned out to be WPI '!. firM lol>S of the season. Final score: 4-3. After the loss WPI came back with a venge­ ance. On a m1ssion from God the team fired up PEDS Organizational Meeling the boiler and once again rolled 10 victory. (Performance Evaluation of Despite bad refs. cheap shot 'I, and rock hard ice WPI won 30-28 against NYU on Saturday afternoon. Distributed Systems) the team rose to the occasion and defeated II :00, FL 246 (Prof. David Finkel & Prof. Craig Wills. coordinators)

BUfS~fJlA ~AVENT YOU Tau Beta Pi J.ttARD ABOUT 11-tE initiates new APPl£ CO'-\ PUreR. LOAN ? members

by Kevin Goroway CIDss of'92

On Thursday, Deccmber51h, WPI'schapter of Tau Beta Pi initiated sixty one new mem­ bers. Tau Beta Pi is a national engineering honor society that serves to recognize indi­ viduals for their accomplishments. Each year, WPI holds two initiations, inviting a ponion of the top of the Junior and Senior classes. The following students are to be congratulated for their accomplishments in both academics and character: Eric Allen, Aran Anderson, Scott Armiger, Corien Bakermans, Brian Beaure­ gard, Russel Beavis, Brett Borghetti, Matthew Boutell, Kathleen Boyle. Michael Bradford, Amy Brideau. Stephanie Buhl, Peter Cavallo. David Chan, Kwok Cheung. Dana Coombs, Christine Correia, Thomas Cosker Jr.. Jennifer Creamer, Kevin Dahm, James Daigle, Chris­ tine Easton, Thomas Ericsson, Jay Files, Michael Foley. Michael Fontana, Benjamin Frank, Kim Gabis, James Gerren, Andrea Gothing. Christopher Haley. Christopher The Apple Computer Loan. Hanle. Kevin Horsley. Corey Jenks, Bill Kawnan, John KembJe. Alexander Khein, Myron Kibbee, Gregory Kopka, Deborah Now, you can't afford oot to own Les lie, John Lyman, Peyman Maghsoudlou, Roben Mitchell, Gregory Moeller. Charles Moulton, Reinaldo Niella, Kaan Oztuncer, Mehool Patel, Rebecca Peach, William Price, a Macintosh computer. Anthony Putorti, Jeffrey Rembold, Louis Rob­ ens. Pierre Schrappe, Richard Smith, Mark Stasiewski, Ramin Taraz, James Themis, Now you can finance any Macintosh• Craig Thompson, Douglas Whittaker, and computer you want, as well as printers, David Windoloski. Congratulations to all of you! Kevin Gor­ monitors, CD-ROM drives, scanners ... oway - Corresponding Secretary, Tau Beta Pi even software. All for a monthly payment that won't even put a big dent in your pizza budget. See your Authorized Apple Campus Reseller right away for more details and our simple, one-page application fonn. For further information on products, pricing or to place an order stop by College Computer Services Room 821, Fuller labs or call Arline Koontz at 831-5194 Page6 NEWSPEAK Tuesday December 10, 1991 ORIENTATION LEADER SELECTION 1991

Are you: o A Potential Leader? o Responsible and Motivated? o Willing to help others? o A good communicator? 0 "OL" material?

BELitVE IT OR N~ TBIS GUY OL INFORMATION MEETING IS IN CLASS. ExCltement and adventure tS the course descnp­ Monday, December 16 tion, and Army ROTC is the name. It~ the one col­ lege electave that builds your self-confidence, develops your leadership potential and helps you NOON or 4:30 PM in Gompei's take on the challenges of command. There~ no obligation until your Junior year, so (All new candidates must attend) theres no reason not to try it out nght now.

ARMY ROTC THE SMARTEST COWGE OL Applications now available! COURSE YOU CAJII TAKE. In the Student Life Office. Deadline For more Information oontact Major Bette A. Sayre at (508) 752-7209 or 831 -5268 Wednesday, December 18.

Attention W.P.I BANDS: l 1992 W.;. ·.1. Battle of the Bands!

January 18,1992 in Gompei's Place this year the Battle will be sponsored by a National Advertising Agency Representing The Dodge Corporation The winner will have a chance to go to a regional battle

and then have a chance to go to a National battle at


winner will perform on M1V SPRING BREAK..

Including the oportunity to cut an album in a studio. $20,000 worth of prizes will be awarded!! Don't delay.

W.P.I. winners will also recieve prizes from SocComm!

Return to Studenl Activities L991 Battltoltlleb&Ddltllllyf- Deadline: Dec. 13, 1991 Off ice Band Name Bud ~JJA&nt: Bud l'llooe #:---- Player'sName:_____ Bull:.___ hu~·---- Pbowtl:__ _ Player's Name:_____ Box II: laslr1l~~~a~t n.ooe #:__ _ ~~ Nanx: Box #: laatrva.at: l'llooc II:__ _ Pla~.r's Name: Box II: h tSlnlmut Pbooe II:--- Tuesday December 10, 1991 NEWSPEAK Page7 NEWSPEAK HUMOR

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0 0 ®"' ~ 0 PageS NEWSPEAK Tuesday December '10, '199'1 LETTERS Challenging One man's view of WPI's social life Yourself To the Editor: management skills and guidance they be made to accomodate those students tioning what's going on. and enough need from the professor. This prob­ who are in noisy halls or who cann ot place for a large group of students to The open meeting held by the Com­ As WPI student'\. there are many lem is much less ~o for MQPs. panly study late in their rooms. hang out in. (Take MIT's Mudent mission on Residential and Social Life concerns that we have about the qual­ because the student has already suf­ - The food service is closed during center as a model.) on November25 spoke volumes about ity of residential, social. and academic fered through an IQP. and panly be­ Thanksgiving and some other break ~. Why have a campus center? the misunderstandingand lack ofcom­ life that is being provided to us. most cause professors take it more seri­ This i inconvenient for American - Students have nowhere to go to munication between va.rious segments of which were brought up at the open ously. students who live far away and inter­ hang out between the hours of 8pm of the student populauon. meeting by the Commiss•on on Resi­ - As WPI moves towards having national tudents. Note that this break and Sam. a period of twelve hours. A casual observer noted, that al­ dential and Social Life at WPI that more social science a.nd humanities is not mentioned in the food contract while the average college student t.leeps though the meeting was held so that took place in Perreault Halltwoweeks majors, it needs to have more library as presented to us students. 6 hours a night. This has resulted in students could address issues to the ago. I have sent each point that is resourcestosuppon th is change. Note - The residence halls are closed the WPI library being very noisy in Commission, many students spent mentioned here to various members that students could use the same li­ over Christmas. This is inconvenient the evenings, and has probably in­ much of the time addressing their of the administmtion, depending on brary facilities for their IQPs and and expensive for some international creased the amount of underage drink­ concerns to other students. Stereo­ what each is responsible for. Now all sufficiencies as well , for which Gor­ students. ing. Some students hang out in the types were discussed, actions were that remains to be seen is whether and don library i highl y inadequate. This - The computer services and the wedge. too. considered and people felt safe to how long WPI will take to respond to may be a result or cause of the prob­ library are closed or have far reduced - WPI is practically the only full ­ broach previously hushed topics. This these concerns. This letter is to in­ lem mentioned above. hours during some breaks. This is time 4-year nationally-accredited un­ is a wonderful stan towards better form the general WPI community of - Some professors are very diffi­ very inconvenient for graduate stu­ dergraduate college without a campus feelings between all students; it is what issues l feel are of significance cult to contact (never in their offices dents. who often work in the evenings. center. Are all the other colleges unfonunate that it happens only in to a large number of students, and to because they prefer to woric at home. and for whom classes continue unin­ wrong? Even at WPI, repons have times of distress. encourage public discussion and de­ are constantly travelling. or whatever). terrupted. beenproducedwhichprovideadequate How can a bener sense of accep­ bate on this issue. Some professors cannot for the life of - The health services are not open evidence of the need for one, but these tance and understanding among stu­ Academic concerns: them explain what is on their mind during weekends and evenings. It is have somehow slipped underthe table. dents be fostered on this campus all - Many undergraduate students face concisely and accurately. When prob­ very inconvenient to go far away for a - It would help attract a wider vari­ the time? Perhaps it can begin with the problem that, although they are lems like these come up, it is impor­ -up. if you feel a little unwell, ety of students to WPI. three simple words: Communication, expected to do a number of group tant for others to know about it in but are not sure if you are sick, espe­ - Very few profs know their under­ Cooperation and Consideration. It projects at WPl, they are not taught addition to the professors involved. cially if you have a lot of work to do graduate students outside of class. II was painfully evident at the open meet­ project management skills, or how to Some professors have become like that weekend. would faci litate student -teacher inter­ ing that this campus lacks adequate handle problems in group projects. this after they get ten ure, so it's not - Daka's hours could be extended action, which would promote the cur­ faci lities to allow students of differing before they actually do one. II would always new professors. If WPI is in the evenings - since most people rent WPI emphasis on high quality of opinions to engage in informal or for­ be nice to have some of these skills really concerned about the quality of Lay up late. everyone's always hun­ undergraduate teaching. Many pro­ mal discussions about shared concerns. taught to student before they embark its undergraduate teaching, there gry by then. Maybe there could be a fessors and TA 's, woric late and long Therefore, opportunities must be cre­ on a project. should be a !>ystem to inform a person provision to have a snack available hours, and would like a better social ated to do so. Perhap organizations - The IQP is not taken very c;en­ who can help the professor involved between II pm and midnight - some life. A campus center would have the such as the Student Government As­ ously by professors. for whom MQPs when it become!> evident that lhere are colleges have that. They should make faci lities to cater to these needs as sociation. the Greek Leadership. are usually more researchy. and there­ serious deficiencies in a professor's sure they NEVER run out of vegetar­ we ll as the needs of undergrnduate Newspeak, SocComm, etc. could spon­ fore more to their liking, which has teaching. ian food for people with food restric­ students. sor more open discussion nighl!> fo­ encouraged WPI Mudents to take it Facility concerns: tions on campus. - While WPI emphasizes (orTRI ES cusing on topics of concern. Perhaps lightly. too. This fundamental prob­ - The library is open only until - It is very difficult to get an impor­ !o emphasi.te) the Two Tower'i tradi­ creating opponunities to "let off lem has resulted in many IQPs being midnight. A mujontyofWPI students tant message to the rest of the WPI tion. it has not made any concerted steam" will help avoid \Ome of the extended for more than 3 temll>. be­ are up unul 2am at lca!>l once or twice community. This is why people effon to help its students achieve a intolerable confrontation' de~cnbed cause the ' tudcnh lad.. the project a week. Maybe <,orne provision should brought up their concerns at the open dual 'itrength in academics AND ex­ m Newspeak last year. meeting v. ithout regard to the spec1fic tra-curricular activnics to gam a v.ell­ Another approach that goc' hand m \UbjeCt Of diSCUSSiOn. rounded education. A campus center hand w11h commun1cauon "coopera­ A campu'> center would facilitate "ould be the right step m thi' d1rec- tion. It wa\ e\ 1dent from the com­ ''Hats off to WPI'' thl'> •I 11 had an mformation de'>k. and 11on ments of a lot of student that \OCial hfc h.1d lot' of posters in one place men- AJay Khanna i' lacJ...ing on this campu... Much of To the WPI C'ommunuy: we have h1gh hope' that our effon'> what was defined a~ social life: 1.e .. hang10g out. playing pool. dancing will lead to u comput1ble donor for Doug tmd talking. happens 10 I ratemity The "lnveM in llorvath'!t Doug or for one of the 19,000 other Future" campaign wi,hc~ to thank you mdividual\ 10 need a bone marro\1. Save DAKA hou'c'. Perhups orgnnitation' 'uch ur a;. the Residence Hall Counc1l. the for your gcncro.,ity dunng the•rrcccnt tran,plunt nuuonally. create an American, lntemationul meal lnterfratt:rnll) Council and the fund roi!>ing and blood te,ung dravc~ llat' off to the WPI communi I) for To the Editor: In a shmmgexamplc of"' hat can be your mvaluablc contributiOn. "'one of pl.m "11h Daka. Panhellemc Counctl could a'~"t the Socml C'ommmee 10 prov1dmg wc­ accomplbhed through the combmed thl\ would have been po.,,,hJe without E xpcricnced the "daJ...a effecr'" A' cngmeering ~tudent' and future cngmcer. and sc•entl\t\, the cnvtron­ ce!>,ful '>OCial progmm., on carnpu". effon <; of many. the WPI communi!) )Our elton., Would you hJ...c to o;ee Improvement' raised in exec'~ of Slt 'iOO and tc,tcd ment I!> our respon~ib•ht). We 'hould W1th the rc~tructunng ol the Student m the food'' If \0. JOin the revoluuon Government As!tociallon over the last more than 520 md•v•dual<, a' (10\\ible Smcerely. to 'ave DaJ...a. by 'iUbmittmg recipe' u'e our Intellects to create the best year. funds are now availahlc tO thc'oC bone marrow donor\. Although we for your nuuvc (American or lntcma­ pos~>ib l e working environment pos­ organitutions to provide such "all­ will not hear about ony po~!>iblc The lnve:.t In Doug Horvath '~> llonal ) dishes you would li ke 10 1-ec on ''blc at WPI. matches before at lea't !! week~ Lime. Future Committee Clint Charlton campu~" programs. It is only through the meal plan. Help World Hou-.e cooperation rather than competition that a healthy social life wi ll be devel­ oped on campus. Finally. a little considerollon goes Student Government here for YOU! a long way. Anytime ind1viduals from different walks of life get together to To the Eduor: Additionally the new charge machine only 25 cents on a soda as oppo~ to nny questions. concerns. or ugges­ d1scuss common problems. a few toes gives you quarter<; back for one dollar the 65 cents you would have feed mto t•ons. please contact me (X5565, are going to be stepped on. It isn't our Many thanks to those hundreds of and five dollar bills. Next time you a machine. X5040) or any one of the other 34 of animosity or vi ndictiveness. it is students whose presence at the open are doing laundry. plan ahead and get Plea~e feel free to top by our of­ member in SGA. And remember. usually out of a lack of understanding meeting he lped make it such an over­ your change from us! fice anytime. Our hours are Monday­ we're here for you!!! for any viewpoint other than one's whelming success. It's great to see Also available in our office are 12 Friday 9:00am -5:30pm. We will be own. Students on both sides of an that students can get excited about oz can of soda for twenty-five cents. extending these hours for C-Term and Ellen Madigan issue should attempt to consider the somelhing. Always remember: you We're talking real can of Coke, Diet 0 -Term. We need your suppon now, '92 Presidem of the other perspective rather than letting do have a powerful voice when you Coke, Sprite, etc. Whenever you're in so that in the future we can provide Student Government their own opinion cloud the intelligent unite. the Wedge area, come in and spend other student services. If you have conclusion that "reality" isn't one di­ Student Government (as many of mensional. you may have noticed) has been mak­ Hopefully, the open meeting will ing great effons to provide services to be a staning point; for admm•strattve all students th1 s year. For the first acri•·n to beuer residential and social time in many years. our office in the life. and for student initiati ve in solv­ Wedge is open all day every day. ing some of their own problems. We've renovated and updated our of­ The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute Challenge Yourself. fice to make it mo re attracuve so that WPI Box 2700, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609 students feel welcome to come in and Phone (508) 831-5464 share campus concerns wi th us. We have attempted to identi fy ser­ Edtlot:::ln::Chltl Hlwa.Edltoc GCIQh!ca Editor flc:uttxAdxlaor vices that students need, and as a Heldt Lundy Joe Parker Kevjn Parker Thomas Ketl result, our office i ~ now equipped with ehiiiSKIDIQbX Ellllll! ftatuma Ellllor G11Dhk:J Slllf Auoclalt EllltQ(I a photocopier and a change machine. Enc KNSloll Jennifer KavQ William 8any Raymond Ben Ourcopier i!> a high-tech model which Rodlard ltvnan Chris L'Hommedieu Aaslllllll ftlslloarWIX liilftllll Wdtjng S1aft Tom S.C:O has the ability to enlarge and reduce Byron Raymond lltlndon Coley Chris~ Advtttlllog liiiiiiiU (by any percentage). collate, .md !.on. EnkCurm Troy Thompeon Uz Sleww1 Double sided cop1e'o and various pa­ etloiOQraphy SIIH Jonttn.n Drummey PtiUI Cr,.ll Jolv1 c..ow lluatnua Ellblll gaa.daiiiiD IIIDIIIItt per sizes are also available at no extra Adam OeP11nct Amendil HUIIng Ty Panagoplot ~Cyr cost. Copitl> are only Oyc ccms each. P-.man Fano ~ay Khamll M•ke Pereira Oomouy Mlilcovsky IIIIIIDUIAAIIIIIDI 611ii:IIDI ~lr.g~IIIIIID lllllllllr that 's half of what the li brary charges! Oave WdU1 Scon Runstrom Bran~ Smllh Enk Currin $111\18 Sousa Soo!li.EIIIIO! IxRlll Jason E~bMe Oenn~ Oble

WPI ....,...,._ 01 Worcesta< Potytechnlc lnribiUia. IOfmeriy lhe Ttch News. !las been publiShed weollly during lhe IICademic year. ·~~ durng colege Newspeak needs you! vacetiQnS. sonce 1909 Newapeall hal t.en pnnted on recyded paper-J.touary. 1991 Lenart to llle .010r Should be 1ypec1 (double spaced) and musl conta1n !he lyped or pmled n•me olllle aulhot as -a as fit aulhOt'SIIgnaiUia ltld telephone numOe< lor v.,..latoOedlng publabon ArtiCIM may be U<1l va llle Encore by ma• •ng lhem to our IOCOUIII ("NawspaiUI'") n.. .o-1 • wnnan ~ • "*~'~bar 011 l!*nblls ollha Nlw1lpaak SWI " does no1 -nty relltcllhe cp,._ olllle 8llbre Newapttll ~ ~ ~ 10 lila Collegiate"'-SeMc:e Pnn~~ng Ia done by Satrus Press Forst au. po11age paJCiat Wotces~a<. ~ SUtiiiC:tlia>n ,_ ll S20 00 par Khool year. songla copiM 75 cents Wlthon the conltflanlal Un"ed Slates Make al ctlaclkl payatH 10 WI> I NewspeM Tuesday December 10, 1991 NEWSPEAK Page9 ( Reviews a Poppin ) by Shawn Zimmerman opposite. This part icular abomina­ been the •neady unifyang force of lead man Underoos on h i~ head, Churchill this idol. it WQuld bring their tribe tion was named Kris Steel. They singer and fl autist, Ian Anderson. put on weight, and Adolf decided that good crops. healthy children. and earl y Newspt~ak Staff played generic, cliched heavy metal. Note: fl autist means he plays the flute, rugs hove o nice minty taste. stock returns. In order to determine "As a dog returneth to his vomit , so They were not impressive in the slight ­ it has absolutely nothing to do with 1957. Joeseph McCarthy, under who would have the honor of repre­ retumeth a man to his folly". I thought est, but they obviously put a lot of Fl ute-0-Phones. For those of you the influence of little men singing sent the village for the annual sacri­ I'd paid my literary dues last year with energy into the whole affair. I can who have yet to joan the American Italian opera into his head, institutes fice, contests were held. These brutal, my stunningly sensitive review of appreciate that, but I have to ask Society for the Prevention of Cruelty mandatory Flute-0-Phone practice for viciou games demanding strength. Europe. I mean, you can't reall y beat "Why?" All that energy could have to Animals: Flute-0-Phone division, anyone in public schools. The punish­ courage, and loyalty to the village. criuquing an entire continent. But. gone towards something useful, like and is consequently in the dark about ment for noncompliance is participa­ Among these were cliff djving, saber tonight at the Jethro Tull concert, that making a million macramed owls or this whole Flute-0 -Phone thing, here tion in the Christmas play,Saota Meets tooth llama hunts, and a nasty version dark. murky part of my brain regul at­ building a gigantic card of houses like is a small history of that evil instru­ the Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles and of rugby played with an inflated saber ing creati vity rose like a kundalini in that neat Brady Bunch episode. ment: Projectile Vomits Chocolate Chips. tooth llama stomach. But the most serpent and throttled everything else Of course, nobody ever goes to a 1905. Mr. Patrick O'Phone, fed up So. you can see that it should come gruelling, nerve wracking event in the and won't let go until I review Tull. concert to see the opening band (un­ to here with his derogatory nickname, as a great relief to you that there are entire week long competition was the And I can't promise that this will be: less it's a 10,000 Maniacs concert Flute, which referred to his ample absolutely no Flute-0 -Phones con­ Sunflower Chain. Whoever could the last one, either. It seems to have a with the Black Velvet Band opening). nasal protuberance. decided to do nected in any way to Jethro Tull. weave the longest sunflower chain notion that it would like to compose so it's only fair that I stop whining something about it. Reconstructive The concert was a standard con­ was generally considered to be the reviews of other things that happen to about them and stan babbling about surgery being many years away, he cert. They played new stuff. They bravest, least queasy member of the irritate or excite me. Maybe, if you' re Jethro Tull. But first, some basic info. decided to inflict his pain and humili­ played old stuff. Neither of which tribe. The injuries in this one event lucky, my powerful innate laziness Jethro Tull is a way cool band that ation upon generation upon genera­ you'd enjoy if you don't enjoy them al one frequently reduced the popula­ will overcome this beast and we' ll all has been around longer than you've tion ofun suspecting children and their on CD. They did, however, throw tion by as much as 1/4. Thus, by be free of its dread influence. But I been alive, bucko. Jethro Tull was a parents. Thus was the Flute- 0 -Phone enormous balloons that could have displaying the twirling sunflower, wouldn't count on it. Scottish farmer who invented a plow developed. A frighteningly potent been prophylactics for King Kong or Jethro Tull announced to those ca­ So, Jethro Tull played the Centrum that seeded while it plowed - early combination of plastic, al ien mind giant Jell-o molds into the crowd. pable of understanding their disdain onSaturday, I6Novemberat8o'clock. multi-tasking. The reason the band is control technology, and mad genius. They also projected pictures of of modem convience stores, loss of They'vejust released an album, "Cat­ named that is because they were so this instrument of pain is able to pro­ twirling sunflowers onto a screen be· traditional values, and a general ennui fish Rising", and decided to celebrate bad that they had to keep changing duce two whole notres, neither of hind the band. This might not seem all with regard to the entire metric sys­ by being wierd all over the world. Of their name in order to get gigs. and which is pleasant. that significant to you, the standard tem. course, before they did this, they had that happened to be their name when 191 5. Lenin unearths a cache of uninformed layman. Luckily for you, OK, maybe I made up that bit about to inflict an opening band on us. they were 'discovered'. Neat, huh? Flute-0-Phones while on holiday in I know a bit of ancient Peruvian his­ the anc ient Peruvian tribe, but it had to I have noticed a disturbing trend in Use some of those facts the next time Guam. A devious plan to dominate tory. be more interesting to read than the concerts lately. It seems that the main you're trying to pick up chicks, and the world is hatched. Several thousand years ago, an an­ general crud you hear about the gui ­ act is congenitally unable to book a just try to keep them away! 1939. The Naz.is, after d iscovering cient Peruvian tribe in the isolated tars player's proclivity and how ' tight' decent opening band. I mean, it used Through the years, Tull has adopted a warehouse full of Flute-0- Phones, plateaus of the Andes worshipped a the band was. I mean, with all due to be that someone like Led Zeppelin many styles, starting out as mostly decide to save gas and use the white portrait of Elvis done on black velvet respec t to the First Amendment, that would open forSha Na Na orTinyTim blues. and moving through the range and red plastics monstrosities instead. that fell through a time warp. They is kind of personal. I know I don' t or someone like that. However, we of orchestral rock to medeival punk to As a re.~ult of the resultant vibrations. felt that if they sacriliced their stron­ want total strangers to know how tight are now experiencing very much the straight rock. But through it all has Goebbels started wearing his Super- gest men and women and livestock to I am. Noteworthy changes in IFC Alcohol Policy The InterFraternity Counc il ~ ~n a couple other change m the alcohol policy over the past much different campu~ . Did you know this advocating the abandonment of BYOB or the of noteworthy events take place this past wec~ ­ couple of years. Thi!> past week I had an campus used to have students from other schools dry campus. but I do feel that something needs end. They pulled together the Greek memben. opportunity to talk w1th a charming junior m come over for parties? In fact WPI used to to change. As a member of the IFC l .,..,ould like and ran the United Way auction. Last year they Phi Sig Sig about the changes in the alcohol allow tudent!t to bring legs to football game~. to ma~e '>Orne of the~;c changes. I senc;ed \Orne were able to raise a considerable amount of policy at WPian the pa~t few year-; and what I There u~cd to be a wec~end event an the spnng hostihty toward the administration dunn~ the money with this event and if you were there found out V.ll!> remarkable. which brought the whole \ludent bod> out of open meetang w1th the commi,~ion a few weeks you probably witnessed a simil ar succe,s. I'm only a sophomore and, like mo~t of the their rooms and together. They u~cd to have ago and I feel these are some of the reru.ons. A change this past weekend is the IFC is no sophomores and fre~ hmen here at WPI, I've tailgate partie!>. Brother.. in fraterni ti es were Perhap~ un adjustment of these policies could longer going around to check part1cs. We now reall y only known ahc.Jut the dry campus with free to walk in to the pan ics of our chapters. strengthen some communi ty spirit. If you have have girb from sororities going around and the Mrict BYOB policies. By talking with Most of those thing., could be found on any \uggcstiom. plea\c send them to me at Box \ecretly checking on panic~. Thio, 1\ yet an- uppercla~;smcn and ulumm I learned about a campu'> only four or five year~ ago. I'm not 236. ThunJ.. y~1u for your auention.

IFC Alcohol Policy 3. ADMITTANCE A) Moniton. mu t be at all entrances and exits and mu\t cOn\ISt of at least one imllated member We the members of the Interfraternity Council. in order to promote the rc'pons1blc use of alcohol from the fraternity in a soc10l M'lling and reduce the liability of every fraternity. arc propo'>ing the following policy. We believe that thi s policy is in the bcM mtere!>t ofevery member fraternity and will allow for the growth B) Monitors will checJ.. identification from all people entering a party. Those in possession of of individual responsibility as well us the reduction of liability which IS inherent in a social selling alcohol must prove they arc of legal drinking age. where alcohol is present. C) All parties must have a guest list that will be checked at the entrance. I. NO COMMON CONTAINERS D) There can be no exchange of money where alcohol is present. (Fraternities will reserve the right A) A "common container" is defined as any alcohol which htl!> unrestricted public access and or to deny entrance or exit to anyone who is intoxicated) is for the purpose of mass consumption. (i.e. kegs. beer balls, barrels of beer, etc... ) 4. TRANSPORTATION OF ALCOHOL 2. NO COLLECTIVE FUNDS A) Any alcohol transported from a fraternity must be concealed and closed when transported. A) No collective funds will be allowed for the purpose of purchasi ng alcohol. (Included in this Monitors at the exits will be responsible for insuri ng that all alcohol is being properly transported is any type of "slush" fund, passing the hat, or th.rough the social funds of a fraternity) or disposed of properly.

B) No chapter may sponsor or finance a function where alcohol is purchased for general B) No person under the age of 2 1 will be allowed to bring alcohol to a social function consumption. 5. DISPENSING OF ALCOHOL

A) The actual mechanism of alcohol dispensing will be left up to the individual fraternity, however. no fraternity may knowingly d1spense alcohol to anyone under the age of 2 1.

B) Each fraternity will submit a written proposal explaining the mechanism that will be used for Students - Faculty - Staff alcohol dispensing at their panics. This proposal will be subject to IFC approval. (This proposal must deal with glass containers.) AlcohoHsm research project seeks 6. PARTY REGISTRATION

A) All parties must be registered wi th the IFC 48 hours prior to the event, in compliance with the MALE VOLUNTEERS previous guidelines adopted in 2/90. • Ages 20 to 45 • Father and paternal grandfather are or were alcoholic B) All parties wi ll be subject to the outlines of this policy. • Your drug/alcohol use must not be substantial/ excessive ALCO HOL AWARENESS AND RISK MANAGEMENT

Paid $35 for participating To msure the constant growth of md1vidual responsibility towards alcohol use, the Interfraternity Council believes that educauon IS necessary. We strongly suggest that each house involves itself, Telephone interview · Testing session - Questionnaires and particularly its pledges, 10 the alcohol awareness and risk management prognlms provided by the IFC. Greek System. ln. tiiUie, the city of Worcester, the state of Massachusetts. and all national Contact: Russell Surveyer, Ph.D(cand) organiz.ations.

Testing done in an office in the Elm Park SIZE OF PARTIES area of Worcester. You may call collect: The IFCencourageseach fraternity to beawareofthe1rhouse lire codes and the numberofmax1mum (508) 4 78-2576 occupancy. w.ing this a) a max1mum cap on the size of their party

The Risk Management Committee will develop an enforcement mecharu m for this pohcy. Unul \uch a mechanism 1s m place, the IFC Executive Board reserves the right to investigate nay alleged v1olations of this policy. This policy goes into effect on Friday. February 1. 199 1. It is understood that no chapter may host an event until they have satasfied the requ;rement of Article 5. Section B. NEWSPEAK Tuesday December 10, 199.1

PEACE CORPS WORLD WISE PuZZLE For further information about Peace Corps, write Bo:c 896, Wasflingto11 DC 20526 INSTRUCTIONS: The Peace Corps has volunteers serving in nearly 90 nations a round the world. By solving this puzzle, you will learn about one of these countries. Solve the four numbered puzzle words and then unscramble the letters in the squares to produce the name of the country darkened on the map at the right.

A landlocked nation In south central Africa once known as Southern Rhodesia. I I 1. Major agricultural product of this nation used in the production of cigarettes. 2. A policy of strict legal segregation of the races. 3. Neighboring nation to the east which borders Indian Ocean. 4. Location of this nation relative to c losest ocean.


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Alpha Phi Omega work. All these are aspects of Christmas. but toward the body. Be l>Ure not to bend the wrist. Pat. Give em hell! the moM imponant pan of Christmas il> Chri\t. The pulling hand fi ts into the ~oft spot of the Have a good Chri<>tma~ guys (and gals). Greetings!! Or Seasons Greeting's whtch What a wonderful gift from God! You can have chel!t below the sternum. Remember firM thing next term. nominations ever the case may be. Lots of new and exciting eternal life through Jesus Christ. All you need Testsui-uke is the hammer block. made in for orriccrs will be taken. POWER!!! And stuff to cover this week. First of all, old news: to do is invite Him into your life, and accept zenkutsu-dachi (front stance). Picture yourself anyone interested in what's happening with we raised over $90 for turkeys for the Thanks­ him as the savior for your sins. After that, with a stick that has a me tal ball attached by a Alden. talk to the pres after next Monday. giving Food Drive. We were able to till 14 food everything el~e wtll fall into place. chain at the end. With right foot forward the baskets for Worcester families. Sue Heath Funhermore. this gift is without charge or right and left hands reach out. and then swing Newman Club send~ a big THANK YOU to everyone who obligation. So, 1f you are hopeful lor a JOyou~ inward toward the body. Swing the stick down helped. New Business: the new officer:. have Chri~tma:.. celebrate it with Christ in your life. towards you and the metal ball wtll follow. There will beChnsmasCarohngon Decem­ been elected. and the wmners are...... Presi­ We 'II be carolling this Friday around Worc­ Thi' block is primarily used for mid level ber II- good (and bad) voices are needed to dent: Dave Friedman, SVP: Jenmfa Gosling. eMer. It will be our la ~t meeting of the term and attacks. help bnng some Christmas cheer to other...­ MVP: Aline Sangrey. FVP: Sue Carlson. the laM chance to meet some of our outgomg Gyaku-zuk1 is the rever...e punch we use at refre~hmen t s will follow. The group leave!> Tren~urer : Chris Bowen, RccSec: Rebecca senio~. ~everyone is invited to come and let the end of our blocking sequence in sparring. It from Founders at 6:30. Christma Mas<, will be McFarland) CorrespondingSec: Chri'> Char­ your he an'> 1.1ng. Cull 791-2410 for more ~~ executed with the h•P' ~pringmg to a full held this Sunday at 9:00pm in Founders Dining lund. AlumniScc: John Gurb. Hi~torian : details. frontal position from a half-facing (hanmi) Hall. The Bishop will be saying Muss und a get Sylvia Khatchadourhm. Coun Jester: Chad In lieu of o verse of the week. we'vcdccidcd position with the cocked right fist (lefl leg together with refreshments willtuke place im­ Council. Ohh Yeah, then there b the wonderful to focu!> on u well known Christmas hymn: forwu rd ) being thrust forward in a movement med iately afterward~. Merry Christma•.! Jen Kavka who will be taking my place as "Joy to the World, the Lord has come." ,ync:hronized w1th the hip\. During the attack Publicity Chair. More service new\: a blood Chmt i~ coming :Jgain ! Only then. tt will be the fist is rotated l>O thatn ex tendo, to the center Pershing Rines drive will be taking place next Wedne-.day and too late for non-believer... So why not \tan a in fron t with the finger!. downward. S•muha• Thursday. Brother Induction '' on the 12 at fre l> h new. etem:JI life now? neously.the left liM IS rotnted and drawn bad.. HUA ECIIO TROOP! Congratulation'> to 8.00. Please be in Gompe•·, at 7:30. The to be cocled at the wai~t with the fingers all new PR initiate~ for a job well done la.~t lloliday Pany ~~on the 14th at 7:00 at Buhl' ~. European Students' Association upward. The technique ,., called Saturday! A good time Wall had by all prior PR Recycling is going on allthi'> ""eek. There w1ll "reversc_punch" becau ..e the forward foot and and hopefully the ex-pledges :1.'> well. So. be a collect10g table 10 the wedge tomorrow. What '~ going on?! If you read Shawn attacking ti~t arc on opposite ~•des. plcdg ... oh. \Orry (I dropped myself) new inui­ Thi~> Sunday is carolling. The literacy project Zimmerman·!> anicle a few weeks ago. you Here arc the number' I through I 0 in Japa- ate!t. we hope you enjoyed you!'l>elf as much ao, i' on Wednesday. The two l>hifts will be !>hould be farmliur with the EC Expo Januury nese: we dtd. although we lnow probably dido 't. We leaving at I 0:30 and I: 00. Let me wish Chad 29th. Thi!t is the ALL YO WANTEO TO One ichi (ee_chee) welcome all of you into ECH0-12. Back to u helated binhday, and finally, let me oftically KNOW ABOUT THE COMMON MAR­ Two ni (nee) business though. there will be a meeting on Dc-WEENIEify Mr. Rob Turr. Please find it KET OUT WERE AFRAID TO ASK ~cml­ Three san (sahn ) I I DEC. its the last one this year so be there, 10 your he an to forgive me. BORG. If you had nar that the European Students' Association il> Four shi (shee) it'll be wonh it. That 's about it forth1s term or voted. I would have won!!! Boy, il> he mad!! sponsoring. together with the Global Affatr\ Five go (goh) 'emester (for you non WPI-types), have an Mar\. is an odd chi ld!! It doesn't matter to me. Puny. Six roku (roh_koo) intense Christmas break and remember: I'm carefully trying to stear clear of "those" The EC Expo will go on most of Wednc-.­ Seven shich1 (shce_chee) ECHO TROOP STANDING TALL. things. Suckers!!! Yeah, s1x. that'\ right. she day. January 29, and will include discu~!tion Eight hachi (hah_chee) FIRST TO FIGHT LAST TO FALL. was six years old. what's your point? You tables. vtdcO'i. guest '>peakers and display!. by N10e ku (koo) know, l really don't know. My th i~ is exciting! variou~o European countries repre!>ented at Ten ju (joo) Elec tions. Things that make you go, Nice WPI. Our hope l!t to illustrate the powerful I hope that everyone who came to Sunday's Alpine Ski Team Glasses. Sure, Mark's an odd child. It's an effect the Common Market has had on Europe practice had an enjoyable time. You can really official requirement to get into APO. Rush, and will have on the United States. feel the spirit when a large group is practicing. We're back again. Hope you all had a great Rush, Rush! !! Dec 10 Bill. Tuesday Things What can you do?! Ifyou want to be part of This is one imponant reason to have everyone Thanksgiving. Now there are only eight days like this make me sick .... Dave J- Where are the team and help us in the making of the expo in class. The more people the better t.he spirit, until a real break. For those people who have you? I finally showed up at a meeting and you you !>hould talk to me. Stefan Randholm, or to and this will help you do things you thought panictpatcd in Dry-land '91, we hope you had aren't here! John has two of them! You can't Helene Andersson who is in charge of the you could not do. We can do so much more a good time and come out of it in better shape ~hop for love when you are hopping at sears. Publicity Committee. If you have a ~>pecial than we think we can. We have not even come than going into 11 . Now let's give it 110% for Joe. don't get lost on the way to the pledge interest in a particular European country you close to pushing ourselves as much as we can. this last week-especially tho e who will be ~rvtce project. I am mad, ah ah ah!! (laughing can contact one of our contingency representa­ We will be practicing next Monday, so if you skiing over break and plan to attend ski camp. backwards) Shep. are you ever on lime for tives. They are need a studybreak then we will be in the ROTC And don't forget to exercise over break be­ anything? Sorry, Jen K,l hope I dtd not offend. room. lf you would like to purchase a ghi cause ume trials are January 13 at Berkshire DJF. Hi, Iii brother- Your big bro. WOW!! Leo Gestetner. England 791-7930 box (karate uniform. belt included) then bring $22 East and on-snow practices will be Marting that Thanks to everyone who helped with the Invest 3100 for Chris HanJe. See you Thursday. Tuesday! in Doug's Future Campaign, The total raised Nicolas Pujol, France 791-5511 box Sweatshins and T-shins should be in before (from all groups) was over $8,5001! Great 3096 Lens and Lights Christmas break so save some money if you go job!! Reduce, Reuse. Recycle Peace in the Klaus Putzhammer, Germany 799-5431 Christmas shopping (The prices will be ap­ valley, Peace in the city, Peace in your soul! In Ryan Marcotte, Italy 792-2965 box 30-1 Well it is almost time to be fat and pudgy for proximately $ 10 for T -shirts and $35 for the this case. I'U get away with it. .... Consume, Giulio Grandinetti, Italy 756-0855 box the holidays. lsn 't that wonderful... now don't Champion-quality sweatshirts) create, compound ... Well, that's all for now. 2263 you wish you had bought the next larger size Anyone who would like to attend dry-land See Ya Later-ME. Adam Szymktevicz. Poland 752-8921 ~h1n at the last meeting? For those interested. training just to get in shape for X-mas is more box 111 3 all shins, hats and Hishams jacket are for sale than welcome (4:30 Monday through Friday at Association or Computing Machinery Duma Revener, Spain 793-2055 box (or is the jacket free? Ask the treasurer) Harrington Auditorium.) BE THERE! 924 Thanks for showing up for the yearbook ATTENTION!!!! Sophocles Metsis, Greece 754-7062 box picture (though I left ... sorry the E. Coli were Vegetarian Society ACM Members, CS faculty, CS grad uate 2996 waiting for me to innoculate them... excuses Mudents. and CS majors you are all invited to Helene Andersson, Sweden 831 -7437 excuses) Hopefully the pictures will make it to Hello everyone. Sorry it's been so long attend the ACM Winter Social, This special box 26 14 the Peddler in time for the yearbook. watch for since we've appeared in Club Comer. We event will be held on fuesday, December 10 it! would still like to have a fund-raising activity from 6 - 8 pm, in the Fu ller Atrium (if you No matter what nationaJity you are, the on­ For all those ab~ent (physically or mentally) for the Mustard Seed (or maybe a different aren't sure where that is just come to Fuller and going changes in Europe will have a great at the meeting. it was voted (rather unani­ organizati on?) similar to last year's. Since it's I'm sure you'll lind us). impact on your future career. The EC Expo mously) to have the pany on Friday. Notices too late to plan anything before the holidays. Don't worry about missmg dinner, there will be a great source to learn about the impli­ will go out sometime this week as to the lets plan on gett ing something organized early will be free FOOD. including piua. So forget cations of un•fied European Economic Com­ specifics. It will also be announced at the next next semester. Maybe we could make our about eating at DAKA, this will be much munity. meeting (December II. HLI09, 4:30). plans at another falafel fest (?). Well. happy better. Once again, congratulations to our two holidays and remember, we'll be organizing Dues will be collected for non members Stephan Randholm Helene members who have been appointed to our activity early next semester! who wish to join. Andersson financial class committee in SOA: Greg and See you there. President, ESA Chief of Information ' INFORMATION Womens Bowling Club Box 2995 Box 2614 792-9308 831-7427 Well we made it to 4th place! It's a big Email: Stefan Email: Lelle climb to 3rd. but we can do it! Here are some Military Specialist to Speak highlights of the fil'l>t four tournament~: Green Earth Movement Hey Jill. what's that word? It starts with a Probing the future of the Military "P"! Just how many five pins have we missed Here IS a shon progress repon on what th1s anyway? I guess we should try screaming the newly-established environmental club has by Globol Affairs Party Nation. We have stnncd by making small cut pins down on the first ball so we don't have to been up to: Over the last term. we've been backs in the military. But what does the future worry about spares. "Up! Up! Mix! Mix!"­ focusing our effons on evaluating WPI's cur­ Steven Foght, a Professor at the Navy War hold? What will the military's role be in the clap, clap (or kick the light guard into the next rent recycling program and/or ex panding it. A College in Newpon, Rhode Island, will speak New World Order? Will America serve as lane). What 's wrong with my bowling shin? few weeks ago. some of our members visited on the future of the military, and of nuclear mercenaries in the future... being paid to tight, We aren't lost, we just missed the exit. Clark University's Recycling Center. We weapons Wednesday, December I I, in Newell if the cause is right? Heather, you're dating WHO? What a guy toured their facility and spoke to its 2 creators, Lecture Hall at 7:30. Foght is one of America's The questions are many and a few of the magnet! Hey Gibby what do you want for seeking advice and suggestions. We now have foremost expens on military strategy. on nu­ answers may be provide tomorrow night in this Christmas? A pocketbook'! A lighter? A a lot of new tdeas so hopefully we'll get a clear weapons, and is involved in war gaming discussion that is guaranteed to be interesting, ofspades? Evil Knieval. can you do that concrete propo al put together next term for at the Navy War College. He will also speak and Insightful. Come and talk or just listen on again? Shelly still needs a nickname! Let's be improving our own recycling program. If you about Argentina, from which he returned last this topic that affects aJI of us. P-mtimidating next semester! Have a great are interested in joining GEM or just see what week. break and come back ready for more fun! This it'~ about stop by our next meeting December The fall of the Soviet Union, of the Eastern article was sponsored by the letter "P" and the 12 at 5:30 in Atwater-Kent 233. Bloc, and the war in the Gulf with Iraq has lefl Clark paper under number "5". Amenca at a crO!>\ roads with our military. Karate Club What will happen from here is on the minds of investigation Christian Bible Fellowship most anyone following the mi litary. Many The two blocks that we have learned arc people would like to cut back on military NSNS -The Skllrkl. the student newspaper "Jesus is the reason for the season," is a shuto-uke, and tctsui-uke. Shuto-uke is made spending and try to spend our way out of our of Clark University, is under investigation by great description of this Chri tmas time. This in kokutsu-dachi (back stance). With the right current recession with that money. If this Clark's Committee on Organizations after rc­ is one of the most significant times of the foot forward. bring the right sword hand to a occurs ROTC is one program that will urely be fusmg to retract a story about a clash between Chn tian year especially since the Advent point above the left \houlder and swmg 11 hll hard. A smaller military needs fewer lead­ campus police and students of color on cam­ ~ason 1.S one of ant1cipauon. Just as we awrut acro~c;toward the right c;ide in as hghtly down. ers. or so some . ay. W1ll there be a need for pus. Christmas Day. we can reflect on our wall for ward mot ton of deflecting a front attack of an such extensive ROTC programs in the future? The m10onty students involved in the inci­ Chmt to return. opponent. Stop the block wtth the elbow above And where w•ll our mtlltary emphas1s tum to? dent demanded that the original news o;tory be However, what doe" ChriMmas mean? To the nght left. bent 10 a right angle and hooked In this discussion the Global Affai~ Pany i~ retracted after the ~ rcfu!>ed 10 allow l>Ome, II'!> famiJy. To other... g1ft~. Many slightly mwnrd toward the body. The eye!>, lookmg at how our government w11l respond to them to write the•r own account of the mctdent c;tudent-. look forward to the ttme off from blockmg hand, and front foot should be pointed the dramatic change in military threat to our in the news section of the paper. Tuesday December 10, 1991 NEWSPEAK Page13 GREEK CORNER

Alpha Chi Rho dance. Thank you 'il'iter-mom ·~for our pledge more question. do you '>1111 leave your front people \tan stcahng cans of oup the whole book\! They can be described in one door unlocked? sy\lem messes up. Heany Chicken will not do Wow, a mere eight dnylt remain till the end ~ord .... AW ESOME! We love you guy<;! Now h 'eems as though a few ~is ter.. have been for a replacement. Oh by the way everyone of the term! Thi ~ mean' that the year w1ll be go get signatures .... Happy binhday to Jean. excellmg liS far as academics are concerned. knowlt about Rob '~ date Friday night. ( I will half over! Amazing ... All right everybody. if Kri sten Sullivan. Erica. and Jcn Deluca! The So. when you see Julie V.. Nikki. Amy C.. give you the film Iuter). Well. from all us guys you haven't noticed. there is a hole in the front Big 18! .... Thursday night we all ate dinner Maryellen, and Tricu1 congratulate them for with the rad haircut!> sec you next week. How step! Remind AI whenever you see him. together a'i a pledge cia.~\. Well. even though getting A's on their Biology exam!.. And a doe'> It feel to be ha1ed by every other house on Oh no! Henry has warned us that we are the food was, well you know DAKA: the spec1al congrats to Tina. Amy B.• and Jen campus Theta Chi '? nearing the realm of financial destruction! company was grcat. ... Ho.ho,ho. It 's that time Creamer for being ind ucted into the academic (That means to pay your housebills) Rumor has of year again. Did you get your secret Santa? honor society. On a soc1al note. AC and CF are Tau Kappa Epsilon it that 'ol Mikey has been extoning bucks for Playing Santa is so much fun . but don't forget, officially single now and free for dates! And a the last two years ... he just drives that car to mum's the word! Only one more week until few of us would like to know if Beama and I guess that especially since I missed it, I diven any suspicion away from himself. Christmas break!! Hours of sleep and great Johanna followed their game plan Saturday should first mention that our basketball team is Speaking of cars, what ' up Stacy'? Or shall I food! Can't wait!!!! Don't forget to "keep our night? on a rampage. Our A team once again squeezed say. "What's down?" a tree limb perhap '? eye on the Alpha Gam~ (pledges that is!)" A pecial hello goes out to those awesome out a two point margin. Man he has had no luck with automobiles this pledges. You guys arc great keep up the This term is almoM over. and I just want to year. (Remember the "I ran out of gas then I Alpha Tau Omega psyche! Now fora little din. I heard that Heidi remind everybody that on January 15th, some locked my keys in then I got a ticket" esca­ and Nick really enjoyed their broccoli pizza 50 odd Tekes will make their presence known pade'?) Would the professor who helped a crazy old and ketchup. I hope you guys know that you at the Bruins/Whalen bash. Personally, ! don't Plans are in the air to wall off the basement lady DRIVE down the pathway and the stairs shouldn't play with your food (I don't know even like hockey. especially the Whalers. be­ to protect the pool table from being repoed by between the Project Center and Washburn what that's all about. I just write the column). cause they suck: and even though the Bruins the rightful owners. My vote is to have the please identify himself. We know that you are Hey Pledge Pres Jocelyn your Big Sis Jenn is are from Boston, they also suck. I know I don't postulants hide down there for a raid, lhen wall a witness and we don 't believe that the Becker proud of you: Hayle you only wish you had the have too many friends anymore, but I just had off lhe entire basement! Jr. alumnus lady did it. So if you could. please coolest lillie sister! And Paui your Big Sis says to say that. in general, hockey just sucks. The Brother's Christmas pany was its usual let us know exactly how funny it was. Other to keep being the best little siMer. Becky. your Anyway. despite my lack of interest in the blast! Poor Santa! (First and Second string). news: Snory has turned nocturnal and sleeplt Big S1~ wants you to have a great Chnstmas. <> pon. I will go along and try to get into it. Boy was Woppo aggressive these past few up ide down during the day. So for the sorori­ And lastly. we all want Kylie to guard that I wa ~ glad to -;ee that the genene party weeks ... thanks for paring U!> all the "funy" ties that like to vandaliLe our house, watch out second pmt with her life. Fnday night went along just fine. especially details! for Snory. Which bri ng~ up another point. Well I thmk I got everything. Hope the since we had mandatory auen enjoyed carolling at the nursing home .,hould have permanent mandatory auendance pizza. you sure won't have a future as a Dom­ spray painted our sidewalk and AGO wntten last night ! Oh before I forget I just want to \ay for (\Orne of) the people we invite. too. ino's delivery man! Everyone is looking for­ permanently on the side of the house? It's \On that Jen Shi el i<; the coolest Phi Sig ever. Well. we will be having our annual faculty ward to the arrival of the library's new uper of cooky. "Please. come pamt crap on our Awesome job on the fundra1ser. we arc proud Chmtma\ pany today staning at 4:30pm. A'3 computer! Remember to tramferall your files house and litter our front lawn with toilet paper of you!!! Until next \\CCL ... always. it will be a lot of fun. 'O don't even promptly. and we'll laugh. clean it up, and throw you a think of not comm g. Those guy' in the wellnc'>S cia.~!- arc having social.'' 11 doesn't make <.,ense! But hey. keep Sigma Alpha Epsilon On another note. I would just like to wtsh fun. just a~k Dave! up the good work! In ttnothcr part of the P1g Pen. AK-Bob, Lu\h. and Craty Dave the Check out the nu be.' on Tonnmg! That \\a' house .... C1vils are domi nating the beer can llappy Tue...clay Our apologies to any fac­ be..,t of luck as they will be leaving at the end of a nervy '>lam re~ponse to the task Jolt gave hm1! recychng program. h mu'>t rcall} suck to be a uh} or administration \\hO noticed our error m thl\ year. We 're gonna mM you guy'> '>Ocome (po~ ted on the phone bulletin bon rd. where H' '' rench head. oh I mean ME. Guns and RtN!'> our lll\t Greek Comer un1cle. John Uiggm'> around alot. not suppo!.cd to be) I <;uppo!>c the brotherhood Mopped by Friday night after the conccn to wa<, not a president uf WPI. Everything cl\e Al,o. to a lithe outgomg officer~ and chair­ would be in,ulted if it wa' onyone but Gerry ... puny in the Box. They're u wild, CraJ'Y bunch. was tru e. however. Th i'> next SAE fact i.., men: thanks. we had an awe~ome year. that lead' me 10 the final subject of lhe da} .. For all the brother'> who failed or are fa1hng correct: our founder. Noble Le ... he OcVotie TKE- The Time i~ NOW. The Top Four Uses of Gerry a.k.a. "Jolt" cla.-;.<;e~. we'll be having a pany in my mom wa-. thc fiN man to d1e m the Civil War. Noble 4) Source of emf every mght until break. Pat Miller i' ava1lable. DeVouc wa~ a pa,tor 111 Selma. Alabam back There \\ 1ll be a sign up h.,t on hi!. door for enh-.tcd a-. a chaplam m the Confederate Arm} bencr than a punching bag. ap J>Oin tmc nt ~. ~o try to beat the rush and come (SAE is a sou them fratcmuy). On February 12. Arrrrmghhh! I don't know why! You 2) Depression Inducer early. Fiacco will be giving ice cube I C~'>On s 1861 , he made a mi ~s tep while boarding a cannot mi x ice and w11ter? Coincidence we I) Mel-Fry disposal sy,tem staning out wi th chapter I. Make Sure You steamer at Fon Morgan. Ala. He fell into the were juo;ttalking aboutlan and his Ma1den. 0. See ya all next week for the la.\1 column of Don't Push Too Hard. The ATO Pledge Clas<, nver and h1 'i body wn' recovered th ree day~ -put your balls away'! Woog wa' hom that h1, the term! (A nd year) Mormon Ch1or Group would like to w1sh later, thus making him the fil">t man todu: 1n the and then he just grew ha1r after that! Steve lh\. Nanny a happy binhday. And to that certain Civ1l War. whip don't drink foliage my friend. I now Alpha Gamma Delta professor. I put a dime in your mailbox. so go It '!. been a while but Mr. Ducharme Ill back pronounce you ... Jesu.., Christ... Get a life all buy a clue. in Newspeak. Although he doesn't know how you Pudge punch drinkers. Why did we go the Hi! In Alpha Gam news this week, I hope he got them. Gerry received a visit from a Acapulco anyway at four in the morning'? Save everyone had a great Thanksgiving break and Della Phi Ep lion friendly group of parn ~i t es. Being from Maine. that guy for later ch Woog? It's MY ~adistic is finbhing up studies to begin Christmas he wa p yched until he reahzed these were not communication dev1ce I'll make it how I break. I know we're all looking forward to all Bonjour mes soeurs mignonnes!! (That\ edible crustations. Watch out. they can repon­ WANT! MH doesn't stand for Monkey lhattime ofn In an aerobic update I am pleased French), Hoi a mis hermanas hermosas ! ! edly jump l>ix feet! Our pledges have finally Hmges. Gosh didn't you know that you idioL to announce that no one has punted aerobics as {That 's Spanish, I think) gotten themselves a Sunday. Disney's ef· Our College bowl team went unundefeated of yet and it looks like we all will make it to the ANNOUNCING, TWO NEW PLEDGES • forts to prevent thi ~ inevitably failed. Keep it {notice the double negative) for a record of 0- end of the term. However. Beth still remains Lori Jensen and Usa Cigal! We're so glad you up, guys! Rumor has it that the pledges' 9 and experienced overwhelming amounts of out ofcommiss1on with a back injury. We hope guys signed! I hope all the pledges enjoyed the favorite station lately has been the weather panhegenesis and correct political statements. she recovers in time forC-term NO-IMPACT! late-night breakfast some of the Sisters made channel. You know. shovelling is a lot easier Something about full gamma for An's life or In other news. lhe Christmas Formal is Friday for you (I know we did). Now that you have the if everyone participates. A certain cocky something. Sounds like a bad trade to me. If night. (Friday the 13th mind you.) Good luck pledge pins you've been dying for (Kim - Amy pledge who we shall refrain from naming this first section seems weird it's not my fault! to Cafa and Lhe committee in the arrangements. - Jenith), WEAR THEM!!!! (Num) is apparently couning a new girlfriend. A lot of this is old stuff man. ­ Don't stress on us! If anyone still needs a date As for lhe Christm as Formal - it was a They <;pend their days together from morning leam it. play it, love it, live it. Try to beat Art - let us know. There must be some eligible blast!!! Many thanks to Teri and all those who to night with a number of chaperones (they that \tinker. Merkle thought Fred would be lhe bachelors somewhere! Roses to Nicki on the helped. better have at least six ). It could be love .... last per..on to become President freshman year. Standards program which I must say was ex­ Matt Tapley - what are you doi ng tonight? With Christmas coming. the brothers are e)C­ Thanks Merk. New Officers - President - ceptional in that .... well ..... it was different. Don' t even try hiding from us • those pledge!> clled about getting their g1fts from the pledges. Kruegar Parmenter. Vice Prestdent - Lucas Thanks to everyone who helped out with the can see all. Amy and JcniLh, the wandering Which sophomore i~ going to get Bnckcd'! It · Mi Iitant -Michael' Young. Secretary - George IFC/Panhel auction Sunday. The United Way mall rats, need to Jearn to follow the Queen~ . ha' been said that Charlie Brown b going to ·Pane-Coors Li ght ' KostopoloU',, Corre­ is a great cause and we appreciate everyone'\ We know you guys don't get out much. but C­ join in the fe5tivitie-.. He's cenamly welcome a Christmas tree. How would it look in - Shane Stanek. S1gma 'unethical weapon Cross! Go over to the Cross and enjoy because Cheryl who both celebrate on December 16th. the pond'? This year's Santa competition was holder' Rho - Steven Tomas, uhh .. that 's it. I don't think they'll ever be coming to WPI. That should be two cake.~. right'? panicularly lame but we do have a wmner. Don' ttalktoBillorJake. l'ts FLOWING! You Special hellos this week go out to Toni, Kim. Wanda, did you Like what Waldo C lau ~ gave Weeme IS getting ready to don the red suit oblational, ostentatious. felicious. Bacon-like and Tara (my off!.pring of sorts). Hello also to you for Christmas'? All the gifts were awesome following in the footstep<; of Merlm and dudc.'l better do your house jobs. Talisman is the 23 most wonderful girls on campus and you - because Deephers have great tillite! Francis. He cenainly has some big shoes to just not that good of a game. Associate broth­ know who you are! OOp~! I almost forgot - Before I sign off. a few announcements - the fill . He will be easier to carry than Bumble ers come down to the house and hang out with Congrats to everyone on a very successful A Leadership Conference is tonight, and Renee's would. though. Oink shouldn't be hard either. us oreachother, get interviews done, and leam term. Beth W. tells us that our GPA's were pledge day is tomorrow. then we have Christ­ What a team! On a more serious note, let's get your stuff. Would all you experiencing a outstaodm&! Keep it up! Anyway I want to mas Carolling on Saturday - and I know you ready for the Friendly House kids' pany wilh CURSE FROM HELL please raise your wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a have all have had the Chnstmas Spirit since the Phi Sig Sig. Also, the MDA will be benefitting hand ... thank you ... through the rotating Happy New Year. On a more serious note · our Formal. from a fundraiser come January. Until next knives .. excuse me.. did you say rotating parting thought; Make the holidays safe - STAY PSYCHED! AND STAY WARM! time- Cinco Mansanas knives? Blaam it 's a Package Deal. G&R was Don't drink and drive. awesome right Woog'? Oh yeah you didn't go­ JSL Sigma Pi bummer. NlTICE! Paning poem: Toodles w ....- ...1 can see, hear. feel. think. say. and do Welcome back! Hope everyone had a great I have the tools to suTVive, to be close to others. Phi Sigma Sigma Thanksgiving break. For all of you lhat were to be productive. and to make serue and order out stuck in the stick~ of Mamc well, better luck of the world of people and things outside of me. I hope everyone had a great time at the next year. (Just kidding Hogger). It looks like I own me, and therefore I can engineer me Christmas Dance Saturday. I like to commend our "brittle" pledges are staning to come lam me Tisha, Amy and the rest of the social commit­ around. Keep up the psyche and initiation l.AMQKA.Y. tee for doing such an awesome job. And a should be right after Christmas!!! (NOT). Tom special thanks to Laura and the rest of her is making a nasty habit of those late night 4 apanment for getting things off to a great stan. hour tnps to the store. It always seems they Alpha Gamma Delta Pledges It couldn't have been possible without you coincide with a certain female's trip home. guys - many Standing O 's. Will Tom break down and profess his love or We're the Alpha Gamma pledges. and we Well it seems like our Greek Comer th is will this just be another in a long series of are the be ~ t !! I hope everyone had fun over week is ded1cated to the brothers of Alpha Tau emotional disappointments for the most sensi­ Thanksgiving break. But what a wake-up on Omega. Three ce.nain Phi Sig sisters would tive brother in the house. Lama has gone mto our return to WPI! Pledge meetings. compos­ just like to say three things. "next time you deep depressiOn over the Joss of this true love, ite picture~ . a social with Theta Chi, and who decorate the car so close to Christmas you the Rally couch. Speaking of Jove the Snow­ could forget the Christmas Formal! Do you could use a little more holiday spirit, if you flake was a great time for brothers and maggots have your dress and date yet'? If not, beller waited until later the paper towels would have to enjoy their date ~. huny! Lcssthanoneweek beforethebignight' been frozen to the car, and next time you pull We work very hard to keep up the qualuy This Alpha Gam pledge can't wait until the a tasteless ra1d don't s1gn your name." Oh. one and con isteney of our food at the P1 and when ''The ultimate action-adventure movie.'' ARNOLD JEFF CIAKi, SliD SECOND REVIEW IS BACK!

Sunday December 1 Sth

2:00, 6:30 & 9:30PM Perreault Hall

$2.00 Sponsored by Films Committee admission

PUB COMMITTEE PRESENTS: "THE MIGHTY MIGHTY BOSSTONES" (with opening band "Antfarm") Saturday, December 14th Doors open at 7:45 PM for WPI Students, and at 8:00 PM for general public $1.00 admission charge

Tickets will be on sale starting Tuesday for WPI and Friday for the general public. Check the ticket booth for hours! CLASSIFIEDS

Room available on Elbridge St for Jan. Resp. pe rson wanted for varied, r------,Newspeelc wo• run dasllloed$ fr• lot el WPI Aldenls, lacul!y, lind IQH Free c:laaifiecis.,. hmitec!IO sis (6) ltnes Ads -May. Some furniture, parking, heat and occassional household tasks on vacant ot a cammen:oaJ naiU

WEDNESDAY NIGHT VIDEO: '11 Clockwork Orange"

December 11th 8:00PM Gompei's Place FREE ADMISSION Page16 NEWSPEAK Tuesday December 10, 1991

Wednesday, December II, 1991 8 pm - Video: "A Clockwork Orange" . Gompei's Place, Admission: Free.

Friday, December 13, 1991 1 pm - Holy Cross, Film: "Le Femme Nikita,'' Kimball Theatre. Admission: $1.50.

Saturday, December 14, 1991 ***FINALS*** 7 pm - Holy C ross, Film: "Le Femme Nildta," Kimball Theatre. Admission: $1.50. Sunday, December 15, 1991 6:30 to 9:30 pm - Film: "Terminator 2: Judgement Day", Perreault HaJJ, Fuller Laborato­ ries, Admission: $2.00

POLICE NEWS 'Tis the season to be cautious' of: - Solicitors and con schemes -Car thieves -Burglarious activity (in the home or from your vehicles) -Poorly lighted areas -Travelling alone -Slippery roads and walk ways -Intoxicated persons

' Prevention means'

-Securing the 'homefront ' (doors and windows) -Securing your valuables in the trunk -Not leaving valuable equipment or merchandise in your apartment or room during break THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 -Travelling in well lighted area and in groups -Not overloading yourself with bundles/groceries (susceptible to victimization) 7:00 - 9:00PM -Knowing your surroundings (where emergency phones are, travelling in open areas) -Trusting your instincts HIGGINS LABS 109 -Leuing someone know where you are going and when you'll return -Reponing suspicious activity or persons immediately to the WPI Police (832-5555 or 831-5433) -Using the escon service especially during the hours of darkness Featuring: Auto theft, vandalism and burglarious activity continue to be of primary concern to your "Q", "The Wizzards", "The Four Horsemen", and police department. Our surveillance, preventative patrols and collaborative effons "The Wonders of the Universe" w1th the Worcester Police department require community suppon and INVOLVE­ MENT to be successful. Also: Have a safe and happy holiday! A faculty challenge against the winning team. MEMBERS OF THE WPI POLICE DEPARTMENT Come join the annual W.P.I. Christmas Mass 1nIll Founders Sunday, December 15 9:00PM

Bishop Harrington will be celebrant. Christmas Party immediately following the Mass.

Come - Bring a friend - All are invited Let us celebrate Christmas on campus.

There is no other Sunday Mass on campus Sunday, Dec. 15.