Nature Trails in the C Anar Y Island S

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Nature Trails in the C Anar Y Island S NIPO: 013-17-167-6 NIPO: 013-17-167-6 ISLANDS MORE INFORMATION: MORE IN THE CANARY THE IN NATURE TRAILS NATURE Cumbres de La Gomera NT Gomera La de Cumbres Biosphere Reserve sites as granted by the UNESCO. UNESCO. the by granted as sites Reserve Biosphere which allows them to enjoy these islands and their seven seven their and islands these enjoy to them allows which The visitor is welcomed by a mild climate all year long, long, year all climate mild a by welcomed is visitor The and diverse orography with stunning shapes and colours. colours. and shapes stunning with orography diverse and the Teide as its finest example), are hidden away on a rich rich a on away hidden are example), finest its as Teide the spurge), the laurel forest of Canarian high mountains (with (with mountains high Canarian of forest laurel the spurge), as the cardonal-tabaibal (characterised by the Canarian Canarian the by (characterised cardonal-tabaibal the as Atlantic ocean breeze, in which unique ecosystems, such such ecosystems, unique which in breeze, ocean Atlantic Volcanic islands, caressed by the trade winds and the the and winds trade the by caressed islands, Volcanic BIODIVERSITY A MAGICAL GEOLOGY, A UNIQUE UNIQUE A GEOLOGY, MAGICAL A responsibility. responsibility. NT along the Traditional Paths of El Hierro El of Paths Traditional the along NT found it. The conservation of these pathways is also your your also is pathways these of conservation The it. found thing of you: do not forget to leave everything as you you as everything leave to forget not do you: of thing and offer you the keys to enjoy the trip. We only ask one one ask only We trip. the enjoy to keys the you offer and We invite you to visit the Nature Trails in the Canary Islands Islands Canary the in Trails Nature the visit to you invite We part of the unique cultural landscape of our country. our of landscape cultural unique the of part discover the villages, sights, traditions and people that are are that people and traditions sights, villages, the discover of Spain of diversity and beauty of our precious natural heritage, and and heritage, natural precious our of beauty and diversity Trails - bio the discover to countryside the to us take routes These Nature le trails and traditional routes, for public use and enjoyment. and use public for routes, traditional and trails le - catt tracks, railway as such infrastructures transport former Guide to the the to Guide and the Environment’s Nature Trails Program aims to restore restore to aims Program Trails Nature Environment’s the and Since 1993 the Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries, Food Food Fisheries, and Agriculture for Ministry the 1993 Since NATURE TRAILS IN THE CANARY ISLANDS In the following pages, the 7 Nature Trails running a beautiful landscape that crosses the woodland and peaks Cumbres de La Gomera (Province of Tenerife). of the island of Tenerife. During the walk, the traveller may through the Canary Islands are briefly described. Two ty- Almost the entire layout of this 44.1 km trails coincides with admire the marked contrasts of the Tenerife landscape, pes of trails may be distinguished: circle trails and trails the GR-131 footpath. The traveller may enjoy the distincti- from the lush vegetation of the Macizo de Anaga (granted that run along the GR-131 footpath which aims to connect ve vegetation of the island when crossing the Garajonay Biosphere Reserve status in 2015) to the whismical shapes all islands. The circle routes are: La Palma Nature Trail Natural Park, and the changing orography of the island, of volcanic rock, over which looms the Teide, at 3,718 m the (GR-130); the Circle Route along Traditional Paths of El which is scattered with lone rocks in whismical shapes and highest peak in Spain. Hierro Nature Trail, and the La Gomera Coastline Nature deep ravines. Trail (GR-132). Besides, there are six Nature Trails which La Gomera Coastal (Province of Tenerife). are included in the GR-131 footpath; El Bastón (GR-131), in Traditional Paths of El Hierro (Province of Tenerife). the island of La Palma, included in La Palma Nature Trail; This Nature Trail runs along the coast of the La Gomera is- the Anaga-Chasna Nature Trail in Tenerife; the GR 131 Path This Nature Trail across the El Hierro island, Biosphere land and coincides with the GR-132 footpath. When walking in the Traditional Paths of El Hierro Nature Trail, GR-131, Reserve since 2000, is formed by two trails. The first one this trail, the traveller will enjoy the stunning landscape if the Cumbres de la Gomera Nature Trail, the Órzola-Playa is a 104 km long Circle Route, which consists of 15 stages this island (declared Biosphere Reserve in 2012), criss-cros- Blanca Nature Trail in Lanzarote (still to be recognised), and runs along the so-called “traditional paths” of the is- sed by deep ravines and high cliffs. and the Fuerteventura Nature Trail. This last trail includes, lands, among woods, crops and ravines, and on which the Órzola-Playa Blanca (Province of Gran Canaria). in fact, a network of 13 smaller trials. walker will find viewpoints, volcanic areas and juniper trees. This trail, 72.6 km long, crosses the volcanic island of La Palma (Province of Tenerife). The second one is the 42 km GR-131 path crosses the cen- tre of the island its first stage coincides with the Camino Lanzarote in a northeast-southwest direction, so the trave- The Nature Trail that runs across the island of La Palma de la Virgen, in ancient times the island’s main road and ller may enjoy the beauty of this island declared Biosphere (Biosphere Reserve since 1983) is composed by two main backbone. Reserve by UNESCO in 1993, and more than 40% of the sur- paths GR-130 and GR-131. The fist of them is a circle rou- face if which belongs to the Canarian Network of Protected te of 159 km which runs along the old roads used to go Natural Spaces. from one village to another, and is called the Camino Fuerteventura (Province of Gran Canaria) . Real de la Costa (Royal Coastline Road) or Camino Real de Medianías (Royal Ravine Road). The second path is From Isla de Lobos to Punta de Jandía, the GR-131 runs 153 86.9 km long and was born from the union of the Volcano km characterised by the marked diversity of Fuerteventura’s Route and the Peak Route, which runs along the peaks of nature; in fact, the whole island was declared a Biosphere the Caldera de Tarburiente National Park. Reserve by the Unesco in 2009. This trail is completed by 13 short trails (97 km in total) which run, among other sites, by the volcanic cone of Tindaya. Anaga-Chasna (Province of Tenerife). The Anaga-Chasna Nature Trail, 85.7 km long, runs along La Gomera Coastal NT La Palma NT Fuerteventura NT LOS SAUCES La Palma NT LOS LLANOS DE ARIDANE SANTA CRUZ TAZACORTE DE LA PALMA SAN PEDRO LA PALMA LANZAROTE HARÍA ARRIETA Órzola - Playa Blanca NT TEGUISE SAN CRISTOBAL SAN BARTOLOMÉ DE LA LAGUNA TAHÍCHE ARRECIFE PUERTO DE YAIZA LA CRUZ SANTA CRUZ TÍAS DE TENERIFE UGA LA OROTAVA PUERTO DEL CANDELARIA CARMEN Anaga-Chasna NT Cumbres de La Gomera NT GÜÍMAR PLAYA BLANCA La Gomera Costal NT VALLEHERMOSO LA CALERA CORRALEJO SAN SEBASTIÁN ADEJE DE LA GOMERA EL COTILLO LAJARES PLAYA DE SANTIAGO EL HIERRO LA GOMERA TENERIFE LA OLIVA VALVERDE FRONTERA EL PINAR PUERTO DEL NT along the ROSARIO Traditional Fuerteventura NT Paths of El Hierro ANTIGUA PÁJARA GRAN TARAJAL LANZAROTE LA PALMA FUERTEVENTURA TENERIFE MORRO JABLE FUERTEVENTURA LA GOMERA GRAN CANARIA EL HIERRO.
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