Vol. 3, No. 17 SUMMERLAND. B.C., NOVEMBER 26, 1910 Whole No. 121

SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL. THE HOSPITAL BALL. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. si. The annual meeting of the Women's Institute On Saturday last the Council met in the On Friday last the first annual ball on behalf met in the parlors of the Men's Club, last Fri- Municipal Building at West Summerland, all of this popular institution was held in the day. The following officers were elected: the members being present. packing shed near the wharf. The top room President Mrs. G. J. C. White. |, The chief business was the reading of the of this building made a splendid ball-room, Vice-president Mrs. W. H. Hayes. I report of the proposed electric light extension, with the walls and supports decorated with, Secretary Treasurer Mrs. G. Anderson. | prepared by T. P. Thornber. muslin the colors of the Empire, and Oregon Directors: Mesdames Logie, Robson, Mor• He proposed pole line extensions from the vine, and each end of the -.building par• gan, Hogg, and Downton. Flat to Prairie Valley, from Giant's Head to titioned off: The dining room occupied the After the interesting and encouraging talk Trout Creek, from the Flat to Garnett Valley, farther end of the hall and the dressing rooms : given by Miss Rose, it is hoped that a large fjom Peach Orchard to Jones Flat. The total were just behind the entrance. number of the ladies will attend the meetings length of the proposed extensions is about "About 150 people put in an appearance, and this season and help the to interest others in nine miles. a very happy party they made. Everybody this work. As th's is the beginning of another > The Power Station to have an addition seemed possessed with a desire to be as agre- year the time is due to pay the annual sub• built on to it, with an oil enigne,. generater, eable as possible, and to make: the affair go scription, which is only fifty cents. exciter, switchboard, etc., an allowance being along with a.real hearty swing. This.feeling ( Miss Rose spoke of one Institute that was made in the plan for an addition of similar or made the ball the best that has yet been held started last year, and when she returned re• larger units as required. in Summerland. The organizers and all 'the cently had a membership of 65. We are - not Value of thé presaent plant $17,500 hard workers— and they were legion— are to quite up to that yet, but hope to be before an• Value of proposed extensions 15,655 be complimented upon the success attained. . other year. The. next meeting in December The hours seemed to chase each other, trying- will be mostly for Christmas cooking. < v $33,165 to get through the work with the utmost, des• patch , and it was midnight ere one realized Estimated revenue 7,000 that the ball had begun, and the happy dancers THE COLLEGE GYMNASIUM. Approximate cost of fuel and the many who. did not dance trekked along The gymnasium is now equipped and ready Wages, 2,160 to the supper room where tables were ; spread Repairs etc., - - 250 for business. The College classes are now: with cold viands of every description provided running full blast, and the young people are --—2,860 by the many interested citizens and citizen- ' , ' —$4,140 very much interested in the work. It is pre - esses; • ••-1 Anon the band struck up again and Shewing an estimated return of about 12^ posed to ^ once more the fascinating waltz held sway.. It per cent, without allowing for sinking fund. will be conducted on Tuesday and Thursday af- To increase the plant as suggested, it will was in the late hours of the early morning that ternoons beginning at 3.30, and on Saturday

be necessary to raise the assessment another the program came to an end, much to the sor- afternoons from 2 to 4. Evening classes for

$50,000 before the Municipality can borrow row of a good many devotees of the light and men will be organized on Tuesday evening the mjney for this purpose/This means that a by• entrancing dance. 29th inst., at 8 oclock, and will meet every law will have to be submitted to the rat^pay-: The committee wish to thank very sincerely Tuesday Thursday and Saturday evenings from

ers, embodying the improvements suggested in the many who donated refreshments for the 8 to m The fees for the boys' classes will be

the report, so that some little time mast el• evening, and especially those who, though pre- $5 per year> and for men $10 per yeart The

apse ere the proposed improvements can be judiced against this form of amusement, still' gymnasiurrj is pretty well equipped with appar-

proceeded with. gave of their store to help along the good of atus including horizontal and vaulting bars, It was resolved that T. P. Thornber be plac• the hospital. Also the Supply Company, who, parallel bars, flying rings, punching bag outfit, ed in charge of the electric light plant, and with their usual generosity kindly provided Indian clubs, dumbells , wands, mats, Basket that he be requested to investigate the same, all the crockery, and thanks are also due to ball and indoor baseball outfits. The Physical with a view to increasing the working capa• Mr. J. M. Sutherland for so kindly lending his Director, A. W. McLeod, is well qualified by city, as well as tiaking charge of plant and piano. long experience to prescribe work to suit all running it from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. as dir• ages and conditions. It is proposed in the ected. HOSPITAL BALL RECEIPTS. near future to give an exhibition illustrating Also resolved that C. P. Nelson be engaged the work in the gymnasium, The following is a financial statemnt of the to audit the books of the Municipality for the Hospital Ball:— year. >... IMPROVING THE SERVICE. Receipts $327.55 Expenditure Extensive improvements to the service given NOT A SUFFRAGETTE. Sweeping $1.25 at present in are planned by the • Cartage, chairs, etc., 9,00 Lakeshore Telephone Co. and the Government Lord Cromer,—"The British Empire was \ Carpenter work 20,75 Telegraph system, and early next spring the made by men, and should in future be gov• Lighting, wiring, etc. 11.25 work and arrangements in connection with Music and expenses 63.00 erned by men and not by women. We look to these improvements are expected to be comple• Printing etc, 15.25 ted. women to preserve our family life on which 1.20 Tchgram A copper line will be Btrung from Vernon to the greatness of any nation must rest but we Penticton and take the place of the present do not want them to govern us." 121.70 Balance in hand 205.85 iron ground wire which is not so satisfactory a medium of transmission for the voice as CARD OF THANKS. $327.55 tho other lines. A telegraph service will also bo insituted here and the wire now in use for Mrs. William Millford East desires to thank Tho'balanco shown includes a handsome don• telephone communication will probably bo uti• tho friends of Summerland for their kind sym• ation from Mr. C. W. Haddrell in the shapo lized solely as a telegraph wire. —Penticton pathy and help during her hours of sorrow. of a cheque for $10. Herald. The Summerland Review

TWELFTH NIGHT. wlUuk " ' ...... (}. ... ' On Wednesday last in the Men's Club, Mr. | :: Notes :: | t Local News Items. ; Walker's Shakespearean Repetoire. Company •• ••• • ••- presented the above-play to a well-filled house,;! and a thoroughly appreciative one. Although Mr. and Mrs. J. M.Schreck expect to leave The" Women's Guild of St/Stephen's"Church' : next Thursday on"an extended "visit to their the lights went, out, and the play was one and will hold a Sale of Work in Empire Hall on former home in Buffalo. Friday, the 16th of December. A supper will a half hours behind the advertised time, and be served. even the players were very heavily handicap- . Mr. Howard Rounds entertained a party of ped both as regards dressing and stage room;, young folk hs: Saturday night at his home on T. P. Thornber, who has been placed in with all1 this, which must have surely have . the benches. The time passed pleasantly with r charge of the Municipal ElEctrical plant, will tried their tempers, they gave a splendid re? a few hands of cards at first and later on with have on test some Tungsten and carbon lights production of this favourite comedy by the a few familar parlor: games.. The dainty lunch• at the Power Station, and anyone interested in Bard of the Avon. . As Jacques says in ' '.As eon served toward the close of the evening was. f the matter of current consumption of the two You Like It," Each man in his time plays an enjoyable feature lamps should call any time between 3 and 10 many parts, and while.this may be truly said ; p.m. Two whist parties in one week is a record. of all people, yet it is especially so with those But that is to make up' for the absence of fun On Monday evening next the 28th., there who follow the stage as a profession, but it is next week. On Tuesday evening the Married • will be a meeting of the Farmers' Institute in f given to few to fill the many parts so admii- couples club played whist at the home of Mr. the Municipal Hall at the lakefront. The sub• ably as do Mr. Wm. . Yule and Miss Violet and Mrs. C. W. Johnson. Thursday evening T ject for discussion is the past season's work; in ; Eddy. the1 Athletic*.Club ^entertained at whist at the the orchard, and its general results. Every• These were the. only two we recognized of home of President H. J. Wells. body is welcome and should make a point of the,- . and they are ever welcome; being present 'i they are at all interested in any the other members of the company were well.: Thursday being the date for Thanksgiving with bur friends south of the border, a number phase of the fruit industry. , adapted to their many mparts, and on the whole' of our American friends celebrated' at a big Mr. William Millford East passed away • it would be a good combination which could, excel them. In the part of Orsino, Mr. dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. early last Saturday morning. Mr. East was Wells. • Amongst those present were : Mr. and ' born in Ontario thirtyfour years ago. After McAllister was quite at home, and his rich round voice was given full scope as was - also Mrs. George Cook, Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Rounds, farming at-Innisfree Alta. for five-years he Master Wesley Rounds, Mrs. Campbell, Messrs. came to Summerland a year: ago last June in his histrionical talent. Miss McHugh as Mar• ia, made an excellent serving women,: and H. Rounds, '•' H. Endacott, T- Kenyon, W. search of health. He was a member of the Nuttall, W. Land. ;; Church; of the Disciples;: and was also an Odd Maivolio in the hands of Mr. Edwards was Fellow. His wife, mother, four sisters and six splendidly played—a most difficult part, and Sometimes we hear talk about dear meat brothers survive him. The loving sympathy of one which would mar or make the whole play. but this week and last the cry is from the man the Summerland friends is extended to the The whole caste was strong, and it is with who dispenses the needful. He was heard to family of Mr; East whose'- geniality and pat• great pleasure that we look forward to many exclaim "Oh the DEER meat!"1 ience were an inspiration; The body was tak• entertainments in our town presented by Mr. en to Innisfree for interment. Yule and his company. The Siwash Flat Debating and Literary Soc• CHRISTMAS iety purpose holding their first discussion on SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRY. Tuesday November 29th, Rev. H .A. Solly The Raymond Hustler, in a recent issue, has kindly consented to open the discussion presents some good points in favour of support• by presenting one phase of the subject. Mem- ing home industry. It says: "projtect your own GIFTS! bars and others have the privilege of expres• town, and therebfy show that you are in favor sing their views after the discussion has been of protection. If protection is good for the Select from our Stock and get opened. Subject: The Drink Question. Meet• nation it is good for the town. As towns• good value for your money. ing to be held in the Public School building people we should favor our town above every on the Flat, at 7.45 p.m. Doors open 7.30. other town as the growth and the develop• Something in the Jewelry Nov• Everybody welcome. ment of it will enhance the value of all pro• elty line is always appreciated, and The sensational rural comedy drama "Joshua perty in and about it. Then buy your dry we can fill all demands for : Simpkins," will be produced at Empire Hall, goods, groceries, .hardware, furniture, etc., at home; have your printing,,, your black- Diamond and Pearl Pendants, Thursday December 1st. The play has an in• Diamond Rings and Rings of all classes. . teresting and intelliigble plot, but it is not smithing, your shoemaking done at home. Watches and Chains, Bracelet Watches. allowed to interfere with the fun, which is Patronize home in every instance that you can. Pins and Broaches of,the finest. Genuine said to be in abundance. During the run of The success of our merchants and mechanics Cut Glassand Hand Painted China. Brass the play, some startling scenes and situations means new business houses and residences, ad• Goods. Good assortment of • are seen the principal of which is said to be the' ditional demands for labor of varions kinds. saw-mill, in the third act; shown in complete To the farmer a first clsass town affords a bet• CLOCKS, operation, cutting up real timber. The saw ter market for his grain, a better trading point including China, Four Hundred Day, Eight used is the genuine article the same as usually and such a town is bound to increase the val• Day, Carriago, etc., etc. Also a good assort• seen in average country saw-mills. An excel• ue of his land. Unquestionably 'in union there ment of Silverware—Sterling or Plated, and lent band and a fine orchestra accompanies this is strength'. Let us protect our town. Fancy SpoonB, Cake Forks, Pie Knives, etc. attraction. The band will parade at noon, when some good music may be looked for, and Mr. Alex. Miller of spent a few We Solicit Your Patronage. airthe musicisns will be dressed as farmers. days last week end visiting his invalid Seats on sale at the Drug Store. daughter here. Mrs. and Miss Miller have left the Anderson house and now occupy the re• /. ROWLEY, St. Stephen's Church. (Anglican.) sidence recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. J. Advent Sunday November 27. Sunday J. Wallace in Peach Orchard. Miss Miller con• Jowellor and Optician. Summorland, B.C. School 10 a.m. Matins 11. Evensong 7 p.m. tinues to make excellent progress toward com• Manager - - T. G Orr. II. A. Solly, Rector. plete recovery. The Summerland Review

deluding the following, coming from, ,the Comments. north:— Telephones: Stables, Bll ; Residence, All. Mrs.Bulyea, of Peachland. Revs. Pattison and Ritchie, Mrs. James I Summerland Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Mr. James Ritchie returned to Summerland Ritchie, Dr. and Mrs. Lipsett Mr. Hayes, Mr. < after spending several days here. and Mrs. English. ? Prop:- R. H. English. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Preston, with their Rev. F. W. Auvache being in Winnipeg was baby daughter, have returned here, after spend• represented by his son Will. Jack Steven, Contracts given for all kinds of Draying, ing some months-at. Penticton. Lenonard Grey, and Harry, .Pitman also.came\ Grading and Orchard Work. Draying at from Penticton. Mr. J Ritchie was present •: lowest rates. First class Drivers and Rigs. The Government road through Kaleden from also. ' After a beautiful service in the home of Commercial Travellers Trade a Specialty. Penticton to the falls, is now complete, a very Horses of all kinds bought and sold. Mr. Simpson, conducted by Revs. Pattison and substantial bridge—-the last piece of work, : Ritchie, during which Mrs.; 'Biilyea sang baing finished. ''Goodnight Beloved" the funeral cortege pro• Some heavy rain and cold south winds have ceeded to the local cemetery where" the remains broken upon our spring-like weather. But we were reverently laid to rest. ] Geo. H. Broughton, all say let us be thankful: it is doing some Mrs. Bulyea, Mrs. Simpson's sister, is re• B.C.;and D.L.S., Grad. S:RS. . good. The atmosphere generally keeps mild,: maining with her for a few days. CIVIL ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR, and building operations are likely to be lively PENTICTON, B.C. for the next few weeks. P. O. Box 228. McLellan--Garnett. Mr. James Ritchie has given instructions for an early start to be made on his handsome A quiet but very pretty wedding was cele• large hotel here, the main block of which is to brated on Wednesday afternoon at 4 oclock at be 10Q feet in .length. ;v Work will v commence the home of Mr, -and Mrs. George Wi 1 liams, as soon as labor arrives on the ground., and Gartrell,; when Mr. Murdock John'McLellan, W.RITCHIE, we shall be proud to give the details of the un• popularly known as 'Bert,' and Miss Edna May DEALER IN ique nature of the details of the structure, Garnett, one of Summerlands' most popular, All Kinds of Lumber. in the immediate future. The hotel will young ladies, were united in bonds of holy occupy a commanding position in the centre of matrimony. Rev. James Hood, pastor of St. the town, the property reserved extending to Andrew's Church, performed the ceremony in the lakefront. Mr. Purvis is also building the presence*of the immediate friends of the contracting parties. After the ceremony all Windows, Doors, Lime, Cement, himself a house on the gentle slopes of the hill sat. down,to ;a;.lavishly filled table and after• to the south of town, overlooking the lake. wards spent, the evening in social fellowship. Shingles, Etc. About seven o'clock, the happy couple amid Last Wedesday, one of our best beloved and « Also a Stock of Buggies and Democrats. most highly esteemed [residents, was called. showers of rice arid old\ boots, left for their Home to higher service. Rev. N. K. Simp• new home in Falls. The bride look• son, formerly of Peachland and Summerland, ed charming in her dress of cream silk, inset .with eyelet rind insertion, with the customary Yard : Parkdalê.' TELEPHON E was riding horseback along the main street at BROWN 8 a rapid pace shortly after 4 p.m.; in the pew , .veil and orange blossoms. Her travelling gown was of brown cloth, trimmed with silk. formance of his duties! as Superintendent of She wore with this a beautiful set of brown the Kaleden Water System. He was carrying furs, with a fur hat to? match. The presents a long handled shovel over his shoulder.; Sud• were pretty and numerous, and testify to the denly, owing to his horse stumbling, -good esteem in which the young lady is held by her E. SHARP, horseman though he was; he was thrown, with friends. All wish for Mr. and Mrs. McLellan Milliner, t3rriffic force to the ground, his horse "rolling" a long and happy life. and dragging him a considerable distance. TROUT CREEK, SUMMERLAND. When picked up he was found to have suffered considerable injuries, and was unconscious. INSANITY AND DIVORCE. NOTICE. He was carried on a stretcher as quickly as pos• Further interesting evidence on the subject sible to his house 200 yards away, whereby of insanity and divorce has been given before LAND ACT--0SOYOOS LAND DISTRICT. the able assistance of Miss McWille, a trained the Divorce Commission by Sir James Crichton- nurse lately from New York, every means was Brown. It will be remembered that a number DISTRICT OF YALE. resorted to to restore consciousness and main• TAKE NOTICE that William James Robinson of of well-known medical men have given evi• Summerland. occupation. Real Estate Agent, in• tain the circulation. Dr. White of Penticton dence in favor of granting divorce on the tends to apply for permission to purchase the fol• arrived at 5.45 and discovered a displacement ground of insanity of any duration. Sir Jam• lowing described land : Commencing at a post plan• ted at the south-east corner of Lot No. 2557, thence of the left shoulder which he rectified, but es said that to recognize this would, in his north sixty chains, thence following the water found more serious injuries had been received opinion, encourage imprudence in marriage, course line..of Darke's Lake in a south-westerly, conduce to the instability of the matrimonial direction to point of commencement, and contain-, internally. Ice was sent for to Penticton to ing 40 acres, more or less. stop hemorrhage, but all in vain. Mr Sim• state, and still further impair the sanctity of William James Robinson. pson never recovered consciousness and passed family life. Insanity was simply a bodily dis- * Summerland, B,C, beyond the veil at 10.80 p.m. ease, manifesting itself in mental derange• September 14th, 1910. ment, and if it was to be recognized as a He indeed had fought a good fight, and kept sufficient reason for. divorce, he did not see the Faith; His'was the Master's "well done, why many other bodily diseases should not be Property Owners wishing to Sell good and faithful servant.'' Loved by young also. Let them once admit that any kind of or Exchange should consult and old alike, wheresoever \ his beautiful disease might justify divorce, and they might Christlike influence extended, his departure ultimately come to have small-pox and lupus means irreparable loss, not only to his widow as disfiguring diseases, epilepsy and angina Mr. F. D. COOPER, and daughter, but also to the Baptist Church pectoris as alarming diseases, and leprosy and Real Estate Broker, at Kaleden and the commnity as a whole. ozena as disgusting diseases, pleaded as Peach Orchard, Summerland. The funeral which took place'on Friday the grounds for emancipation from the matrimo• 18th., was largely attended, many friends, in- nial bonds. The Summèrland Revieja

CRIME IN CANADA. The annual repeort of the minister of jus- tice shows that crime like everything else in Canada, is on the increase," though. appar-, ently the growth is much slower than in other and better things. There were 15,350 charges : But Going Rapi and 11,449 convictions for. indictable offences : during the year ending September 30, 1909, ah increase of 110 charges and 115 convictions j Wheat, Oats, x x chop for poultry, x x x during the year. Both charges and convictionsJ Chbp'fbr horses, barley chop, whole corn, have increased during the year in Prince Ed• ward Island, Saskatchewan and Alberta, while cracked corn in 50ts. and 100ts., shorts, they have decreased in New Brunswick, Que-j- middlings, red dog-feed flour, flax seed meal, bec, Manitoba and ; as for j Ontario and the Yukon, the figures show a de• oil cakemeal, chicken bone, oyster shell, crease in charges and an increase in convict- . blood^meat & bone, &c, Timothy and ions; whereas in Nova Scotiia the charges are'

higher and covictions lower in 1909 than they Alfalfa: hay.

were the year tbefore. The percentage of ac-;; quittals for 1909 is lower than the general: G. J. Coulter White. Gilbert V. White. average in New Brunswick, Quebec, Manitoba, British Columbia and the Yukon and higher ins , _ TELEPHONE 19. TELEPHONE 19 Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Ontario Saskatchewan and Alberta. In proportion to population the share of cri-: minality is^ lower Jn the.Maritime Provinces,, and Quebec than elsewhere, while it is highest

in British Columbia and the Yukon. Through) ..-.*a » ... •••. ' y out Canada there were forty two and eighteen ti W , convictions for ' murder;' attempted murder^ twenty-eight charges and fourteen convitions; manslaughter, thirty-six charges and twenty-, four convictions. ! Of the forty-two charges for murder, fifteen were tried in Ontario, eleven in British Col• umbia, five in New Brunswick, three each in Quebec and Saskatchewan, and one in Nova Scotia. There were 7,404 charges of theft and 5,761 convictions, and 1,125 charges of burg• lary and highway robbery, -with 848 con• victions. There were 274 convictions for perjury, and nine convictions for usury. There ..Hotel Summerland.. were 711 pardons granted, including 578 M. D. Manchester, Manager tickets of leave. Overlooking the A Heulih.' V A Boating' Modem Beautiful Comfort • • * 8 Bathing V Conveniences Mr. Thos. E. Moore spent last Sunday visit• Okanogan Lake V Pleasure ' ' " V Fishing Well Furnished. ing friends in Peahland. Ratet $2.50 to $3 Per Day. - - Special Terms by Week or Month Miss Urquahart of Peachland spent a few Billiard Room Cigars of the finest brands. days in town last week, the guest of Rev. and

Mrs. Jas. Hood. g888S888888«3R8^888M88S88S88888 Chas. H, Côrdy attended the big Conser• m IIMDIVAI I m IN ITQ RFAIITV its location, and tho excellence of Ha vative Convention at Nelson last week, and re• UI^IIXI V/\LI_LLF IN IIO DI_A\UII, soil, is our now fruit land proposition ports a most enthusiastic time. ' on tho woBt shore of Dog Lake in tho sunny southern Okanogan Valloy. Andrew Charlie, a Siwash of the Indian Re• Hero fronting on one of tho finost inland shoots of wator, with a full oastorn exposure, and on serve at Trout Creek, has been placed under which the sun shines forth in all its glorious splendor, are to ho found hundreds of acroB without stones, without timhor, without alkali. Hore the most punctilious fruit grower can bo satisfied in nrrest in connection with the stabbing of ano• tho way of orchard land. One of tho great outstanding features Is that all irrigation and domestic ther Indian. wator supply will como through a pressure pipe system. The times of the ferry trips by the Maud DOES SUCH A PROPOSITION APPEAL TO YOU? Moore to Naramata have been changed. The If it does write UB and wo will "only bo too glad to givo you all tho desirod information new schedule is as follows*, leave Summerland JAMES RITCHIE SUMMERLAND 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Leave Naramata PARKDALE 9:15 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

1 i » The Summerland Review


The Board of Valuators appointed to decide upon an equitable sum for which the Kettle River Valley Rai 1 way should purchase the old A Fruit Lot in Naramata is Midway and Vernon right of way has decided upon a figure in the neighborhood of $62,000. The valuators went thouroughly into the ac• counts of the road and have notified the Kettle A Valley Railway of the award. It is stated on authorative information that the amount of the award will be forthcoming within a few days. The valuators hope to be in a posi• tion to make payments in the matter of varions claims for wages and supplies incurred; by the defunct railway company and assumed The quicker you by the Kettle Valley Road sometime between now and the end of the present month- - The get a good thing claim for labor, and accounts of that descrip• tion so far as they appertain to the ten mile the better right-of way between Midway and Rock Creek are likely to be paid in full. This was the portion of the road on which actual construc• You can get the best tion work- had been commenced, and was the only portion with which the board of, valuators On Easy Terms could deal: The other claims in connection with that portion, of the road,win,; it is stated,; receive substantial consideration.— Orchard Don't just watch City Record. us grow, come in MILITARY AIR CORPS. and grow with us v There is every indication that the Army. Council has at last the fact that Get in the Game Early. aerial craft will play animport^ warfare of the future, saya "Th,? Standard of. Empire." A British military - ;,drcorps has been formed and two junior qiita$w and about a, dozen sappers are now und^r-^ivas at Dur- Spray Falls, Naramata rington, Salisbury Plain,, conducting experi-' ments witha Bleriot Monoplane, a present from the; Duke of Westminster to the Army Prices, Terms, Etc., write : Council. The experiment will be of an exten• sive nature. Flights by night and the reading THE SUMMERLAND TRUST CO., L™. of flashlight signals, wireless telegraphy and despatch carrying will all form part of the pro• J. M. ROBINSON, Manager, gram of the new corps. It is also proposed to form a dirigible branch, of the Air Corps. NARAMATA, B.C. Or better yet, call and see us.

MISS FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE'S CHURCH NOTICE. Try The Dutchman, BEQUESTS. Presbyterian Church. YOU CAN'T DO BETTER. Miss Florence Nightingale who died on Au• gust 18, left personal estate* worth $168,000. West Summerland—Sunday School 10.30, In her will she has not forgotten the soldiers Service 11,30. Evening Service Methodist Hav, Oats, Wheat and all kinds of to whom she devoted her life. She has left to Church at 7. o'clock. Jas. Hood, Pastor. Crushed Feed in stock at Parkdale. the managers of the reading room at the Her• Baptist Church. bert Hospjtal or at Netley or at Aldershot, or West Summerland—Service at 10.80 Sun- Special discount allowed on at spme other place where soldiers may see day School 11.45. Down town-Sunday Feed taken from wharf them, jewels given her by Queen Victoria, a School at 11.30 and evening service at 7 bracelet from the Sultan, and other medals o'clock. F, W, Pattison Pastor. Terms: Cash. and orders, together with an engraving of the ground around Sebnstopol also the bust of her• Methodist. Church. self given her by the soldiers. Subject to West Summerland, School House, 11.30 numerous bequests, the residue of her estate is a.m. or 7. p. m. Summerlaud, Alternate B. SHIRK - •PHONE 11. BLUE 3 left to the children of the late William Shore ServicelO.30 a. m. or 7 p.m. F.W. Hardy Nightingale in equal shares. Pastor. The Summerland Revie;#/

- MAKING- IRE-CHURCH- CHEAP. - the defence .of Sebastapool His sketches . . ,„ -, „ttho written of his experiences at Sebastapool placed • The action of the Mun.c.pal Councl at the . . Œfje â>ummjerlanb ftetríeto masters of the day In last meeting in not allowing the request on be- ^ ^.rted *e horr0rS of war, with its Half of - thé Anglican ,Church.for exempts *»e P . THOS. COLLINGE, GENERAL MANAGER ofrf mm from irrigation rates, will without doubt meet that, real coldblooded realism which is the The Review Publishing Company, with the approval of the' vast majority of chief trait of all of Tolstoy's work. He has thinking-people. Men who have given the Limited, Proprietors given the world naked truth and little else. matter much thought,,* and good churchmen, ? He has laid bare life as he saw it, and Tolstoy Address all Commupications,-etc., to the Manager. ,.. too ",are firmly convinced that it is very ser- à ? was equally at home in all walks of life. He r SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 Per Year in advance ious mistake to exempt church property from draws with the same firm hand and correct• Six Months $L00 the payment of its-, just proportipn of the ex-> ness, the rulers of mens fates, courtiers, gen• spense of the upkeep of the public institutions erals, petty officers,. common soldiers, great Advertising Rates . maintained for the welfare of one and all. It, LEGAL NOTICES.—Ten Cents per line first week^of no• noblemen, peasants, prisoners in the dungeon tice and Five Cents per line each subsequent issue is the concensus ."of .opinion that it is not and on the road to Siberia, men, women and LAND NOTICES.-$7,00for 60 days, $5.00 for,30, days, t only " ; unjust and unreasonable to make the children—everywhere he strikes the very THEATRICAL^ ETC.—50c; for first inch "and 25c. each church a charitable, insitution, or an institu• subsequent inch each insertion. . • - , bottom of human character. In all of Tolstoys tion7 requiring special privileges, but that such LOCAL NOTICES—Immediately following regular locals later works the elemental forces of the common 25c per counted line; 15c per.line-eachj*subsequent a policy is a grave set-back to the church's : people are lovingly contrasted with the artifici• insertion. ' work. ,At the present, churches are well Rates for contract advertisements furnished ality of the upper classes. In his colossal prose on application. maintained by. the community -, "and the gen• epic, War and Peace, he artistically intertwin• eral'run of men in the ministry are paid ed a new philosophy, which in the last analysis stipends quite as large as are paid to men in is but the old fatalism, in a new guise. Two SATURDAYJ-NOV-È^^ other; callings,.. : and some, .of - them a great v- of Tolstoy's most powerful works are "Anna deal more tliàn they., could earn at any other Karenena' and his "Resurrection.' A brief . calling, therefore we see no reason why these OVERDOING A GOOD THING study of these will give a touch to the authors men should not pay their proportion of the nature In the former he deals with the un- < We believe thre is very often more harm expense of thè maintainance, of the public in• than good; good, people very, sincere in : lawful relations of the social lion Vronski stitutions, and the* upbuilding , of the com• and Anna the wife of Karenin The great ques• their advocacy of a good thing. Perhaps munity. , , ; ^ . , .. ." . Y^.: this is not seen/rmore in anything; .than in the : tions of human life which, centre around marr• We believe that thè time is close at hand ? fight being made by intemperate temperance iage are treated with unapproachable mastery, when the churches of Canada will ask to have advocates for local option; . We • are told by force and directness. The novel has a second the exemption from taxation . clause in the the provincaial press that it is now the inten• plot—the life of the rationalist proprietor, municipal • statutes removed, and that all tion of the local option leaders in B.C. to send Kronstantin, Levin, and his wife Kitty. Amid church property, be made to pay the same as ; to Victoria early' .next,'year 3,000 boys ; perfect home surroundings, he is discontent• school any Gther: public'or "semi-pub lie institution. to petition the government to enact local op• ed, and even thinks of' suicide until he is When the church^—any church—gets more pro• tion law to apply in every • district in the pro "regenerated" through, contact with the com• perty than it can:pay taxes"on ithen let it do . vince. ' ' \ * i \, .., ', • mon people., and finds new strength in manual as the. private individual ,ftas to do—release labor. In "Resurrection," the centra) figure, This sounds very pretty. It would be so some of the property. * To release the church Nekhlyudoff, while actiug as a juror, recog• nice to have three thousand schoolboys who from the payment of any j ust tax, and at the nizes in the culprit the woman whom he had could not tell a ginfizz from a glass of salt sea same time" levy thè tax on the poor man; .betrayed in his youth. Torn by remorse, he waves, going to Victoria to tell the government who canless .ably.afford .to pay it, is to make ; t finally comes to the conclusion that he is the how to run the country, but it also seems- an the church cheap, and in a very large measure real cause of the woman's guilt and downfall, awful waste of effort, with a touch of child^, will its ^influence' fot, good in,the com• He wishes to expiate his former wrong doing play.. If we mistake not* the present policy of ; munity. by accompanying her to Siberia and sharing the McBride Government in dealing with the with her all the hardships of•> the exile. The liquor traffic will do far,more•?practical ",good* book is a powerful arraignment of existing than a thousand thousand temperance 'a'dvor "THÈ PASSING VF TOLSTOY. conditions,, as the author seems to have given cates who would send an army of school boys free expressoion tq all the bitterness that had on admission the workipg out of which' would Perhaps no greater character in literature , been co.llec.ting in his heart.for years. clearly be beyond their conception. There ia has ever lived . than Count Leo Tolstoy, . the no way guite so effective, .in. injuring .a,, good famous Russian whose dying days have been Tolstoy„ carried the doctrine of evangelic cause as that of overdoing. Tempe'rance in' Can- depicted in despatches from Tula, Russia for humility to an extreme end. All teaching not ada is coming quickly—as quickly as the peo- the past ten days" Or more. Á man oí the coming from, Christ Himself he ruthlessly dis- ple are educated to receive it, But it has not most marvellous peasonálity and brilliant carded. In his later years he came to defy all been brought about and never can be .brought mind and yet a pessimist of the most pro- unnecessary comforts of life. All human in about by these, spectacular displays on the part ñounced type, cruelly truthful and of unyield• stitutions-^-kingly power, state, church, judr of the over-zealous. A case, in point in case ing logic, he has laft an impress upon the iciary, jury, army, and even marriage—were comes from Auburn, Wash., where an under• world of letters that will never wear off. Few in turn anathematized as standing in the way of taker sought to' influence voters in the local writers have had such power of expression as tho'individual: As a result of his free lance option ballot in that town last week by dis• has characterized the works of Tolstoy. His and the great power he weilded with his pen,

playing in the window of his premises the cor: life has been an eventful one, and filled with he was excommunicated by the Greek Church, pses of two' drunkards standing bolt uprignt trials and tribulations which wo may almobt and later exiled bythe powers that sit in ig- in their coffins, with labels stating that one say were self-inflicted. He was born on his norance over Russia. . was the body of "an W-sóldier of the British father's estate on the government of Tula, The passing of Tolstoy will be much felt by Army, who hadi died of acute alcoholism, and and he was wending his way thither to die the literary world. '-His pen. spoke truth all the other that of a man who had been killed when overcome by a severe cold in the lungs the time, though his expression of it was un- by a train while drunk. The ghastly exhijjjT- which he contracted en route, after stealing necessarily cruel sometimes, and perhaps caus- tion had the opposite effect to what was inton- away from his home and aged wife" in his ed hlm t0 bo misunderstood. ded, as the voters viewed the sight with hor- desire to be alone when the end camo. 1 — mmwmm ror and, indignation and in resentment voted Tolstoy served in the army of the Danubo What about the public meeting concerning "wot," local option being dofeated. in the Crimoan War, and also took part in which there has been so much talk? Thg Summerland Review

CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION AT NELSON. BETWEEN ME AND HANK THE BEST ENGINE If there ever was a doubt as to the strength For Every Use: Of the Conservative party in British Columbia, One day I looked in upon the home life of or the loyalty of the party to its splendid lead• LAUNCHES, PUMPING, ETC., Luther Burbank. There, was no great pompous, er, the Hon. Richard McBride, that doubt must T spattering, bombastic, swelling, boastful or have been removed by the enthusiasm of the H stilted man there. Just Luther Burbank and convention held at Nelson last week. The £ his mother—and a servant or two. It was in Premier received such an ovation as is the lot a little rose-covered cottage, nestling snugly of few men. From every district of the pro-' Sole Agent: C. EDMUND BENTLEY, in an arbor of pepper trees and floweringvines , vince there was the gathering of delegates, and Snmmerland. there was not anything about the place to indi• one and all reported good news. Premier cate that there lived one of Nature's Noble• McBride has characterized the convention as men. There was no high fences to keep out the best ever held in the province. JAMES the gaze of passers-by, no arbitary notices post• Musical honours greeted the Premier when FYFFE, he arose to address the convention. ed about, no pomp, no factitious glory. It Stump Puller, Land "Never in the history of our conventions was just HOME. has there been assembled under one roof a Clearer & Contractor But in that home there was a man who made more representative gathering than that the whole world think. Simple, kindly, which^ is here today" said the Premier when Has a stock of all sizes of thoughtful and earnest; studious, penetrating, the cheers had died away. "Your presence Cordwood for Sale/ also Slabs. loyal, steadfast and true—that is Luther Bur• shows that the party heartily and; enthusically Box 141, or 'phone White 3, Summerland. bank. And he's at,work1 early and late all the . endorses the government of the day. and pledg• time. He never is tired; he never is ill; he es its confidence in the administration. Your never knows what it is to be without a' job to presence is a strong compliment and a stronger do He does not stop to quibble, gossip, shuffle commendation, or debate. He has his work to dp, and day The Premier referred to the pleasure it gave after day, Luther Burbank is at work in his him to meet the men behind the Consrvative experimental fields and budding houses, mat• guns and he laid stress on the beneficial re• ing plants, pinching the buds, engrafting the sults of the convention. The business of the stalks and developing in plant life types that Conservative party was the business of thé- were never known before. province and of the country. "Disturb the life habits of the plant and Referring to the record of the government you are sure to get a new plant." That has the Premier said that the financial position been Luther Burbanks theory and practice. was such that if the occasion demanded the The world knows what Mr. Burbank has ac• administration could go to the banks and secure complished. For seventeen years he has been sufficient funds topay off every cent owed by developing new forms and combinations of British Columbia. This, he continued, was in striking contrast to the situation found by the A. RICHARDSON a Co plant life. "The life forces are- constantly Yard: Siwash Flat Mill: Meadow Valley minister of finance, the late Captain Tatlow, pressing forward to obtain any space that can ALL KINDS OP LUMBER SOLD 'Phone Blue 6 be occupied, and if they find an open avenue, when he assumed the portfolio in 1903. Then always make use of it, as far as heredity will the credit of British Columdia was a negligi• allow." ble quantity. Today the chartered banks This Mr. Burbank has demonstrated. And ware proud to work with the government of • what he has discovered in plant life, is equally British Columbia. true of human life. The scientist sees God in "The history of representative government everything. And heaven for the scientist is in Canada will not disclose a more gratifying record than that acheived by the present ad• A SNAP here and now. He. does not care to know an• other. "Only one kind of effort to please ministration of British Columbia. Thé result of the administration has been to make this counts with plant9. Intelligence, keen under• province well and favourably known through• standing, absolute honesty are required." out the Empire." A CHOICE And it is this kind of effort that Luther Bur• Referring to the recent visit of Sir Wilfred bank has put forth. ' Lauriei ,to British Columbia, he said that it TEN ACRE LOT Is it any wonder that he has succeeded as he gave the Conservatives the opportunity of FOR has? Is, it any wonder that he has found in showing that they put country befbfe party. plants an intelligence but very little below "A Consvervative government; backed by $1,300. thatof human intelligence? a Conservative people, was given the oppor• And this man—the wizard of the ages—has tunity to show a Liberal prime minister back• This is a very fine property and but one mission in all of his experiments: to ed by a federal liberal party that we were big worth $200 an acre. All under make, man .better, Not by preaching and enough to recognize that he was the first Can• irrigation and every foot of the land fidgeting about it, but by changing his en• adian, and that it was our duty to show him vironment by making the world more beauti• tho honor he was entitled to as the representa- can be used. ful and more kind. Plants respond to kindness tive of the people." much the same as man does. More beauty and The next federal election will show Sir Wil• more kindness, then, and plant and man will fred that he will be unable to return a single Call or Telephone see God—here and now. supporter from British Columbia. The min• or! ty vote will go to Sir Wilfred's party, and At the Hospital Ball the following articles will, serve as an excellent illustration to the W. J. Robinson were lost: one purse, one hat, and one new rest of Canada of how British Columbia views Summerland, B.C. serviette. Will the finders kindly return them this question. Premier McBride emphasized to the Review Office. Found on the same oc• the determination of his government to keep casion —"a now pair of ladies white kid even• British Columbia a white man's country, ing gloves, The Summerland Review,

CLOSER SETTLEMENT SCHEME. Dr. Matheson will be in attendance at his rapns. Dental Parlor until Monday December 5th. 'Says the 'Standard of Empire' — "It is It may interest you to look up J. Rowley's sta'ted that the closer settlement of British |Rev. C. W; Wh even- ! Columbia will be ^thoroughly gone into by ; Jewelery -advertisement. mg from a trip to~ Arrowhead/; ' £ - ' * the Hon. - Price Ellison, "Minister of Agricul• jMiss:01i ture, during his present visi t to London. The DROP IN sister in SaskatchewanV returhed hom^here last Minister will confer with Hon J. H. Turner, -.week.,-- ...s,...... i,,..;^^,,, .. „,„£»•.. Agent-General for the Province,'and with the and see our Presto El• various emigration boards in England,- and ;Rev. Mr. Lewis,r.of. the Montreal Theolog• ical School, arrived here last week to take endeavour to "find ways and means whereby the ectric Water Heaters. charge of the Presbyterian work here. Provincial Govennment may at the approaching Galvanized Pipe has gone up session of the Legislature, introduce legislation Mr. .Neil.:Martin;-of;;:Kelov/na;às^^'Sp"énding:--' a We have still some at the on the same lines which proved so successful few days in town,, .visiting his. friends and Old Price. in settling the North West provinces. incidently havihg'a huht.wfth Mr. S. ;F. ,€alr BORTON & WATSON -The settlement scheme will prove one of the eridar. • ' : ,,"'¿0,^ j most important measures to be considered at PHONE 24. Mr. N. S. Davidson spent a'couple, of days j the forthcoming session, and it is understood in .Vernon-.this:week' irf: connection" wiW his that-the survey of desirable lands in various suit for recovery of^wages.against, Mr.. H. B. parts of the province will be shortly undertak• Cossar. As the. case., was postponed, he return• en.

ed on Wednesday. t ., t t k Mr. Alex Mih^r-returned-on -Wednesday^ CUDDLE THE LITTLE ONES. 'The school authorities in have. land. Peachland friends are delighted to hear panted out the lack of wisdom shown by the

that Miss Aggie Miller is making such a splen- '. parents in permitting their children to go to

did recovery from her "illness,. . vJ ' schooi too eariy especially in the cold weather. The Wiliams Jubilee .Singers played to a The shool doors are not opened before 9.15 as leads with capacity hQii'se here last Friday;eveninjg^-Xh'ey "' a rule, and Sometimes for an, hour before that agiâin~delighted ^eïr audience with their mêl• there poor little mites shivreing on the steps odious rendering ^ofepark^yl songs"as "well as, waiting for admission. The child who has their other selections.. VThey.certainiy/^excel in] been standing there so long begins his morn- Com producing harmpnious^blen^ of the | ing task cold, wet and miserable. effects being Remarkably fine. - - • , : : The^tocal himfo^s^ere busy vlastjweekn THE PLACE FOR A WHITE MAN. proof Prices scouring'the hills for- deer^and > with a very j Mr. F. Wolridge is in reciept of a letter fair measure of success,• >to9 ;;for^-nearly every \ >; from Brandon, Man., acknowledging the reciept one got something for, tiis troubler etfen Hugh ; of a box of apples which he had shipped to in ALL LINES Williams who got lost, ; and had to sperift*,... the. ..i. there. It is stated that they were beautiful ap-

night nuder a pine tree. He reached home the.; pies, that people were deterimined to come following afternoon in ä somewhat forlorn con this way after seeing what the climate wiil Agent for . dition. grow,, and that any country that grows fruit The news of the fatal accident to the Rev;, like those apples must be the place for a white " MALE ATTIRE " N. K: Simpson last weejc cast -a gloom over m^n to live in. —Kelowna Courier. this place, for he was' * so: v well knov^i, he.r,e made to fit, and fit to and so highly!?thpugh't;^ : f SAVE THE BABIES. bours, that it seemed as though he still belong:--, wear. !'Sir George Reid on infant mortality: "I ed ;to us. No. man' j-^ifehe whole communfty"' would say - to 'the people of England — save was held ; in highei:; yespect and esteem than

ur Impe ial babies Mr Simpson and VexpiSBsiono of.regret over his ?f : / day , ' Eve ry tha pne be death coupled with' sympathy d« MrsMrs..- Sira^- , ,^ * A °T » LADIES LADIES son and Marjori.e'are5héard••--« :bn alias•" i des. r useful citizen of the Empire; and we want all the citizens of Empire we can possibly get.'' THE PLAYGROUND4 OF THE WORLD. ^ Pleasant Occupation For Your Dr. Longstaff, thefwell l(hown Alpine climb- GET BUSY 1 Leisure Hours doing er: :•—' ' ' Switzerland* may "be^s called the play• ground of Europe,,.but the, Canadian,, Rockias I Eastern fruit growers spend considerable PIERCED BRASS. will be the playground of. the, ,^or)'d. When time .^discussing the wonderful,, strides that Canada and what''she orTers'* becomes better have been made by the fruit growers of Bri- ALL THE RAGE. l lmb\^ti,the^ortamen;\thetG -Vm^'^ tish Columbia and the Pacific coast states, in that diretion." ' ; . ^ v ^ MWben we realize that as soon as we show the ;> Candle Shades Lamp Shades IM——• ) same spirit of enterprise, push and confidence,. * Electric Shades • Trays SALMON ARM AT SPOKANE. ; , says the Canadian Horticultucrist, "we can Photo Frames Glove Boxes A telegram sent to Salmon Arm conveyed accomplish-eve'h greater results we will begin Handkerchief Boxes the pleasing intelligence that R. H. Fortunee ^'b'ostir.iourselVes^'more than wo hhav e v OUTFITS AN

Dr. Mathison DENTIST » Graduate Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, Philadelphia Summerland * and - Kelowna Successor to Vaughan & Moore GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT W.H.T. Gahan


ALL OUR GOODS ARE OF FIRST QUALITY ONLY. Williams Brothers, Cement Contractors NARAMATA B.C.

MISS M. HOLDER Children's Dressmaking


++* HE'S AMAZED ••••••••••••• | : SUMMERLAND DIRECTORY : j

MUNICIPAL COUNCIL—Reeve, R. H. Agur, Clerk, J. L. Logie. BOARD OF TRADE—Pres., R. H. Agur, Sec,

C. HR Cordy. The bargains at Taylor & Co.'s store have that SCHOOL BOARD—Chairman, J. Ritchie, Sec, J. L. Logie. peculiar habit. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE—,R. H. English, R. H. Agur. It's a good habit to get the habit of buying CORONER AND HEALTH INSPECTOR-Dr. C. M. Smith. I your Boots and Shoes of FARMERS' INSTITUTE-Pres., C. J. Thorn- son, Sec, LB. Fulton. POST OFFICE.—Hours 8 a. m. to 6 p.m. Mails for north close at 9:45 p.m. For Pentictoh and south week-days, 4-30 p.m. For Naramata and BalcomD, TAYLOR & CO. Mon. Wed., and Friday 4-30 p. m. SUMMERLAND HOSPITAL.—Hon. Sec, J. M. Sutherland,to whom all communications should be addressed. The fees are as follows : per day LABOR TEMPLE. WHAT WAS IT ? Ordinary cases $2.00 A building permit taken out in Vancouver Maternity cases not confined to bed: $2 . Somebody wrote E. Brainerd the able and this week sanctions the construction of the lab• Maternity cases confined to bed $3 alert editor of the Post Intelligence asking or temple on Dunsmuir Street. Plans for the Cases requiring night, nursing 2 50 what he thought was the. cause of the recent block cover a six story building involving an Surgical Operations, major, extra 5.00 expenditure of $127,000. ' Democratic landslide throughout the United do. do. minor, extra 2.50 States. Brainerd is a wise man and he keeps DR. CRIPPEN HANGED. CHIEF OF FIRE BRIGADE-D. H. Watson. his ears close to the ground. Here was his Dr, Hawley H. Crippen was executed at answer; "Bacon has been selling at forty cents PROVINCIAL CORONER AND HEALTH OFFICER nine o'clock on the morning of November 28. a pound.'' That is the explanation in a nut• Dr. F. W. Andrew. The Times immediately published what pur• shell. When the poor man, or tho man in poor ports to be a full confession, but its authenti• MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT—Martin Burrell, circumstances has to pay forty cents a pound city is denied by both the police and Miss Ethel Grand Forks. •' There is something rotten in the state of Lo Neve. Miss Le Neve takes passage on the MEMBER OF LOCAL LEGISLATURE-Price Denmark," as the little girl in the shop was Majestic for New York on tho morning of Ellison, Vernon. heard to remark to a friend, November 25, The Summerland Review Weather WHEN IN NEED OF A Abstract from weather records for October, 1910, kept-at the Government Station, Balcomo Ranch, Summerland, B.C. PIANO Barometer " Sunshine Rainfall (Inches) October Maxinfum Readings (Hours) i Minimum buy from your own dealer 1910 5.12 '58.0 40. Ö 29.30 ' 1 " 0.00 and save money. I sell the 52.0 .-. 37.0 : 28.94-, ; 2 0.54* " 0.26 52.0 40.0 29.00 . 3 1.30 Gerhard, Heintzman, The 52.0 34.0 29.32 4 0.12 ,56.0 46.0 29.34 Heintzman & Co. and the 29.44 v 1.12 6 6Q.0 : 48.0 . - - 29.44 1.18 7 • 61.0 46.0 - Webber. 29.30 1.18 8 71:0 50.0 29.44 0.00 9 61.0 49.0 0.00 -10 50,0 45.0 29.40 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 29.26 6.54 11 55.0 44.0 29.44 4.06 12 55.0 •40.0 58.0 38.0 29.56 4.24 13 0.25 56.0 .. .46:0 29.60 0.00 ..,14 , 5:54 \ -15 - 65:0, . :44.0 29:44 29.30 . 4.18 ' 16 62.0 40.0 2.12 17 59.0 48.0 ... 29.40 7.18 G. A. McWiiliams. -18. 60.0 •45.0 29.80 32.0 29.50 7.54 7;';: 19 58.0 ; 20 60.0 40.0 XX29B6^* -7 30 8.42 - 21 61.0- 34.0 29.34 3.24 22 57.0 39.0 29.50 23 50:0 34.0 29.48 0:00 24 49.0 38.0 29.28 ' 1.00 THOS. E. MOORE 25 46.0 35.0 29.60 0.12 26 45-.0 29.0 29.96 8.24 Grocer and : Provision Merchant. 27 - 42.0 21.0 29.72 8.12 28 48.0 22.0 29.32 4.48 29 47.0 32.0 29.42 •3.06 EVERYTHING OF THE BEST 30 52.0 33.0 29.62 .. .2.00 31 .45.0 30.0 29.72 4.06 EVERYTHING ALWAYS FRESH

Averages 1910 54.9 38^7 29.44 '106.00 '0.51 Moffet's Best, Robin Hood, and . • and Five Roses Flour. ; Totals , 1909 .54,8 38.8 29.45 115.24 0.72 Cold Drinks, y Phone your orders to BLUE EIGHT. THOS. E. MOORE. GROCER Summerland, B.C. evieto G. A. McWiiliams Real Estate & Insurance Has a Plant which is Up-to-date Broker. in every respect, and you may rely upon them doing the best All Kinds of of printing. Fruit, Lands for Sale. If you are not sure whether they can tackle that next job of yours Houses to Rent just drop in and enquire. They Rents Collected are busy right along, so Two 8-roomed houses for sale or to rent

G. A. McWILLIAMS, DO IT NOW. Summerland/ B.C.

*^.N^3t*Wr"^??* W^^W**i^»^rV^«>*:**; fiditii+ ^^fr1''1^'^'***^^ The Summerland Review MUNICIPAL SCHOOL BOARD; Central School Tenders. Tenders will be received by the undersigned ; for the erection of a four roomed school,, up till 6 o'clock, Tuesday December 27th. 1910. Plans and specifications can be seen with the Secretary of the School Board,West Summer- land. All tenders'to be marked "School Ten• BE der". The successful tenderer to be prepared to give satisfactory security for the due com• pletion of contract. . The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. L. LOGIE, Secretary.

ADVERTISE Invest your money in the Solid Earth. Get a Fruit Lot. Summer- in the land has a Future. Your Fruit Lot SUMMERLAND will grow in value while you sleep. Consider what it will be worth ten REVIEW. years from now even if you never get enough ahead to improve it, It pays ! T « o and Buy Now. Lots at $100 per acre on easy terms of pay• It pays ! ment. For further particulars write or call on The Summerland Development Co. SUMMERLAND. B.C.

A. F. A. A. M. Summerland Lodge, NO, Be, Reiruliii' Mootlnun on tho Und Tuouilny of each month nt 8-0 p.m. In Elliotts Hall. Summerland Meat Market - J. Downton Sojourning brothron cordi» PROPRIETOR nllv Invi tori. S. BAHTHOtOMlOW, W.M,' 1 JNO.-TAIT, sna Fresh and Cured Meats always on hand. Fish and Game in Season. Lodge Summerland TERMS STRICTLY CA8H L.O.L. No.afl36 , MuotM Amt TiiOHdny In «vory monili In ElHottH Ijnll nt 8 p.m. '' VlHlllnor lirollivon welcome C N,Horton, W.M. has more money J. MuDouffnld, Reo. Beo. CHAS. H. CORDY, Notary Public, to loan in small sums, on approved property. He also has the class of I. O. O. F. property* tor sale on which moi.ejr can be borrowed. Okumignn Lodge No. 58. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance—Something special in the latter. Moots every Friday nt 8p.m. In Elliotts Hall. ViBiting brothron always welcome. Next Block to New C.P.R. Wharf F. W. ANDREW, J. W. S. LoaiK, p.a., Consult us before buying, • Noblo Grand Roc;-Secrtnry. borrowing or insuring The Summerland Review

Our Fall and Win• ter Stock is now e. The Clothing we are showing is distinctly of high quality at moder• ate prices. , Plain styles prevail, no frills, no "hinky dinks" or millinery effects on them today. We have a special snap in plain & black serges. Call & inspect our stock- We are sure we can please you. The Summerland Supply Company, Limited RICH RED BLOOD. BARGAINS You Will Never Have It as Long , Great Bargains in as You Have Dyspepsia. ? Just as long as you have dyspepsia your food will Ladies Wear, Etc. not properly digest, and the nutritious elements in A Few Pairs of the food will not be extracted or absorbed, and im• SHIELDS & HATFIELD, poverished or watery blood will follow. Men's Boots at Cost. ThiB condition may not be apparent at first, but This is a Special Line, as^we are it will come.just as sure as the sun will rise again. not stocking these good^ any more. " General Smiths and Woodworkers. Any stomach ailment, including all forms of indi• Mrs. Hood, Shaughnessy Avenue. All kinds of pumping outfits, power gestion, can be promptly cured by using Mi-o-na ' spraying i outfits and wood-cutting tabets, a scientific treatment unsurpassed. machinery, Marine & Stationery Gaso• It stops fermentation, belching of gas and taste line Motors. of sour food almost at once. A GOOD LINE OF SOLE AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS .The mighty power of Mi-o-na to invigorate and, '' FAIRBANKS-MORSE '' OUTFITS restore the stomach to perfect condition is known Buggy&Team Harness everywhere.1 ; >ierJfffir. ALWAYS ON HAND "^1 Mi-o-na cures by building up—-by banishing the cause. For thin people it is a great flesh builder, All kinds of Boot repairing because it canses the stomach to give more and pu• neatly & prompt• rer nutrition to the blood. It cures sea and car Harness made sickness and vomiting of pregnancy almost immed• ly executed. iately. The Summerland Drug Co. sells Mi-o-na and Repaired Cor 50 cents a largo box, and guarantees it to euro CHARGES MODERATE. College Matriculation, * junior or money back. JOHN S. RITCHIE, & senior ; Commercial Course ; Stenography & Typewriting; West Summerland. Vocal'& Instrumental Music.

T. PERCY THÓRNBÈR CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croup, Coughi and Colds, or GENERAL ELECTRICIAN money back. Sold and guaranteed by P.O. Box 17, - Summerland. Summerland Drug Company