: Health facilities in Kech- province

Health facility Total Washuk Type of health facilities DHQ 1 "D District headquarter (DHQ) "R RHC 10 Rural health center (RHC) "B Basic health unit (BHU) BHU 29 "D Civil dispensary (CD) CD 31 "L Leprosy clinic (LC) "M Maternal child health (MCH) MCH 4 ISLAMIC Road LC 3 REPUBLIC Total 78 Panjgur Primary OF Secondary

Durbly Tertiary "B "BTehdaim Sia Gaisi International Boundary Tehthanignitqn "B "D Province Boundary District Boundary Nag Zamuran "B Teshil Boundary "D Karky Menaz Solo Koshk "D "D "D Water Bodies Buleda"L Buleda "R River Tump Mulla-e-chat Gumazgi "B Bullo "B "D Pullabd Balochistan Tump Kohad Balgather "B Readag "B "D "B "B Balicha Shaeykehn Kallag Mand"M Goubrd Tump "L "R "DKunshkalat Goodi Dandar "B "B"M "D "D Nasirabad Parikehn Merri "R Mand Kalahoo "D Turbat Map Doc Name: PAK843_Kech_hfs_L_A3_ Tump Nazarabad "R Geebon Jusak Shahrak Sami Sigeak Nodiz"B "D Ginnah"D "D Turbat v1_20190311 Hootabad "B "D "R "D "B "D "B Hirrok "D "D Kalatuk"D "D "M Absar "B Creation Date: 11 March 2019 Solband "B "B "B "M "B Hoshab SarikehnGokdan"B B Absar Projection/Datum: GCS/WGS84 Mand " "D Kech Danook"B "L Kech Nominal Scale at A3 paper size: 1:1,020,000 Kashap Behman Kech Shahitump "B Darchkoo Kuntidar Koshkalat Gwarkoop "B "B Dramkool "D "D "D Jamak "D Solani 0 10 20 30 Balnigor Dasht "R Pidark kms Jan Muhd Kunchti "B Kuddan Kech ± Gwarkoop Bazar "D Kumbil "R Kuddan Map data source(s): "R "D "D Bashloi Awaran GAUL, PCO, Logistic Cluster, OCHA. Balnigore Langasi "B Dasht "R "D Disclaimers: "R Zarinbug (Kech) The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any Pathankahoor Kalaeero opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the "D "D United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted line represents approximately the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir agreed upon by India and Pakistan. The final status of Jammu and Kashmir has not yet been agreed upon by the parties.


P.A.K Ja mm u AKSAI Khyber ! ! ! ! ! ! ! & CHIN !

Pakhtunkhwa ! Ka sh m ir


Islamabad! !



Balochistan A r a b i a n S e a ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN Sindh INDIA

A r a b i a n S e a