November 2003 Volume 12, No. 10 NEWS A Publication of The American Physical Society

Apker Award Finalists APS Members Choose Bahcall as New Vice President in 2003 Election

APS members have chosen John national councillor. tise include weak Bahcall, professor of natural Bahcall has been interaction theory, sciences at the Institute for with the Institute of models of the galaxy, Advanced Study in Princeton, as Advanced Study since atomic and nuclear the next APS vice president in the 1971, having previ- applied to as- 2003 general election. He will ously been on the tronomical systems, assume office on January 1, 2004, physics faculty of the stellar evolution, and becoming president elect in 2005 California Institute of quasar emissions. and APS president in 2006. The APS Technology. He re- Most recently he has president for 2004 will be Helen ceived his BS from the worked on ultra high

Photo Credit: Jessica Clark Quinn (SLAC). University of Califor- energy cosmic rays The Apker Award is given annually to two students for outstanding research as an In other election results, Philip nia, Berkeley, his MS and the time depen- undergraduate. One award is for a student at an institution granting a PhD Bucksbaum of the University of from the University of John Bahcall dence of the fine degree; the other goes to a student at an institution that does not grant a PhD. The Michigan was chosen as chair-elect Chicago, and his PhD structure constant. recipients are chosen from six finalists, three in each category, who assemble in of the APS Nominating Committee. from in 1961, He received the National Medal of Washington in September for a day of interviews with the selection committee. Evelyn Hu (University of California, all in physics. In 1964 he and Science in 1998 for his theoretical Shown here after the long day of interviews had ended are (l to r): Matt Landreman Santa Barbara) and Arthur Ramirez Raymond Davis, Jr. proposed that work on solar neutrinos and for (Swarthmore); Jeffrey Moffitt (College of Wooster); Taylor Hughes (U. of Florida); (Bell Labs) were elected as general neutrinos from the sun could be his role in the development of the Nathaniel Stern (Harvey Mudd College); Peter Onyisi (U. of Chicago); Beth Reid councillors, and Sukekatsu detected with a practical chlorine Hubble Space Telescope. He is a (Virginia Tech). The two recipients will be announced in next month’s APS News. Ushioda of Tohoku University in detector. In the subsequent four past recipient of the Dannie Sendai, Japan, was elected as inter- decades, Bahcall has refined theo- Heineman Prize and the APS Hans retical predictions and Bethe Prize. interpretations of solar neutrino In his candidate’s statement, Physics Departments Endorse experiments. Bahcall recalled attending his very Statement on Education of Teachers Bahcall’s other areas of exper- See ELECTION on page 6 By Susan Ginsberg Approximately 250 US physics response has been much stron- statement saying that the depart- Automatic Visa Revalidation Solves departments have endorsed a joint ger than expected. ment itself accepts direct Most March Meeting Visa Problems APS/AIP/AAPT statement that calls APS, AIP and AAPT plan to post responsibility to make the for the active involvement of phys- the list of endorsing institutions change.” Although it was initially thought that people with F-1 or ics departments in improving the on their websites and send the list As APS News goes to press, two J-1 visas might run into trouble in reentering the US after science education of future K-12 to the NSF. “This has been an hundred and forty physics depart- attending the APS March meeting in Montreal, it turns out teachers. amazing outpouring of support,” ments, ranging alphabetically from that students, postdocs and visitors from all but a few coun- The executive officers of APS, says Judy Franz, Executive Of- Albertson College of Idaho to tries can make use of the automatic visa revalidation program, AIP and AAPT sent a letter to ficer of APS. “It’s easy to sign a Youngstown State University, have which will eliminate potential difficulties. physics department chairs last statement saying that K-12 pre- endorsed the 1999 statement. Details can be found on the March meeting web page at: spring and again this fall to ask service education is important; it’s “This sort of activity is a natural for endorsement of the state- quite another for a physics de- outgrowth of what we’re already ment, first issued in 1999. The partment to get behind a doing in my department,” says Jon Report Says: Bagger, Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Revolutionary Breakthroughs Use of Shock Waves in Hopkins University in Baltimore. “In addition to major efforts Needed for Hydrogen Economy Medicine Among Highlights through QuarkNet, the Sloan Digi- By Susan Ginsberg tal Sky Survey and the FUSE of 2003 SCCM Conference Satellite, many of our individual A report indentifying the basic vened in May with the express pur- faculty members make outreach a research necessary to make possible pose of identifying the research The APS Topical Group on examine the effects of shock part of their work.” Bagger believes a competitive hydrogen economy advances necessary to enable cost- Shock Compression of Con- waves on materials of scientific that the location of his school has was released by the Department of efficient use of hydrogen as a fuel. densed Matter held its biennial and engineering importance. in large part prompted their Energy’s Office of Science in late The workshop was chaired by conference in Portland, Oregon, Shocks can be produced by high- efforts, “ Johns Hopkins is located August. “Basic Research Needs for of MIT, a from July 20-25. Topics included speed impacts or intense in the middle of a tremendously the Hydrogen Economy” summa- former Director of the Office of the targeting and destruction of explosions. Study of shock waves underserved community, and it’s rizes the findings of a Basic Energy Science, and a former President of cancer cells, needle-free drug began as a part of the nuclear our responsibility to find ways to Sciences “Workshop on Hydrogen the American Physical Society. delivery, making solid hydrogen, weapons program, but the ben- See ENDORSE on page 7 Production, Storage and Use” con- The report identifies six cross- progress toward fusion, and efits from this new field of science cutting areas as critical research watching the instantaneous freez- have been far-reaching. directions, including catalysis; ing of water. Among the plenary HHighlights nanostructured materials; mem- speakers was this year’s recipient A New Medical Toolool. Under- branes and separations; of the Shock Compression Science standing shock waves in biology characterization and measure- Award, Jim Asay (Washington State and medicine is a new challenge ment techniques; theory, modeling University), who spoke about how and a new opportunity for shock 3 5 8 and simulation; and safety and shock waves can be tailored for compression science. Biological environmental issues. The report investigation of specific properties tissues are fundamentally different also names biological and bio- of materials under extreme com- and considerably more compli- inspired science as promising pression, such as occurs in meteor cated than the liquids and solids Ask The Ethicist: Zero Gravity: The Back Page: approaches for progress. Simple impact, the interior of large plan- normally studied by shock com- APS News is inaugurat- Woody Allen is Strung Merrilea J. Mayo: Oversupply, incremental advances in the ing what we hope will be a Out Undersupply: Can We Ever Get ets, or in large explosions. pression. Laser surgeries generate continuing series of columns Workforce Issues Right? present state of the art are not Shock compression studies See SHOCK WAVES on page 6 addressing ethical issues See HYDROGEN on page 7 2 November 2003 NEWS

This Month in Physics History November 1, 1952: Teller and the Hydrogen Bomb “I always advised friends to take “The University of Arizona’s big- the [Strategic Defense Initiative] gest strength is the involvement of Often touted as the “father of Although part of a group of dis- in 1950 during Oppenheimer’s se- money and do some useful phys- every undergraduate student who the hydrogen bomb,” Edward tinguished scientists charged with curity hearings. Teller testified ics with it instead of seeing it wants to be in frontline research Teller was one of the most con- designing an atomic bomb, Teller against Oppenheimer, saying, “I wasted.” in physics.” troversial scientists who worked was much more interested in the would prefer to see the vital inter- —Peter Zimmerman, King’s College —J.D. Garcia, University of Arizona, in the US thermonuclear weap- feasibility of a “super bomb.” He ests of this country in hands that I London, Village Voice, September 10- on UA’s being chosen as a “thriving ons program. While many wanted both options to be pur- understand better and therefore 16, 2003 physics program”, Arizona Daily Star, colleagues considered him a sued at Los Alamos, but building trust more.” Many in the scientific ✶✶✶ September 23, 2003 highly imaginative and creative the simpler fission device was community felt this was an unfor- “What we were doing was cre- ✶✶✶ , others were alienated deemed daunting enough, and the givable betrayal and ostracized ating a bright background template “That would be the same as if by his frequently auto- fusion project was aban- Teller for life. to differentiate incoming ICMs. all you can do with wood is burn it cratic style and single doned. This disappointed Unlike Oppenheimer, whose The work was very valuable scien- for energy. It’s remarkably crude. minded pursuit of a Teller, and also led to ten- strong moral sense was appalled tifically and good for the country Having a more sophisticated un- fusion program to sions with his fellow at what science had wrought in and defense. I think there’s noth- derstanding of the nucleus, we’ll be build a “super bomb”. scientists, particularly the development of thermo- ing wrong with that kind of able to do more sophisticated Born in 1908 in , who disap- nuclear weapons, Teller decried research.” things with it.” Budapest, Hungary, to proved of Teller’s the perceived contradiction be- —Douglas Osheroff, Stanford Univer- —Lawrence Weinstein, Old Dominion Jewish middle class stubborn refusal to per- tween the results of science and sity, on SDI research, Village Voice, University, Newport News Daily Press, parents, Teller grew up form the detailed the requirements of morality, September 10-16, 2003 September 7, 2003 during a particularly Edward Teller calculation of the implo- insisting that contradiction and ✶✶✶ ✶✶✶ turbulent time in the sion when the theoretical uncertainty should be embraced. country’s political history. By the division was already shorthanded. He continued to be a staunch APS Creates Task Force on time he was ready to pursue In 1945, the atomic bomb was advocate of a strong national advanced studies in science, defense program, championing Research Collaboration with Africa Hungary was ruled by a virulently continued nuclear testing and the anti-semitic fascist dictator, and Strategic Defense Initiative (“Star In order to strengthen ties grams. Getting equipment to cen- the young Teller opted to leave Wars”). He was recognized in between US and African , ters in Africa in dire need of it is his homeland to study in 1962 with the the APS has established a Task Force another challenge, both because of Germany under Werner Award, citing him “for leadership on Research Collaboration with high transport costs and the need Heisenberg, among others. He in research on thermonuclear Africa. Chaired by David Ernst to train African colleagues in the earned a PhD in theoretical phys- reactions, and for his efforts to (Vanderbilt University), the task force’s use of new equipment. ics in 1930 from the University strengthen national security and principal goal is to explore the feasibil- Sarachik believes the APS can of Leipzig, and while he accepted to insure the peace.” ity of creating an exchange program play a role in establishing better a research post at the University In the May 22, 1998 issue of and secure funding for it. To that communications between the two of Göttingen after graduation, successfully tested at Alamogordo, Science magazine, Teller, then a end, task force members will first communities and in developing Hitler’s rise to power prompted New Mexico. Teller returned to the senior research fellow at the research existing programs that pro- and implementing exchange pro- him to emigrate first to Denmark University of Chicago after trying Hoover Institution at Stanford mote interactions with Africa. They will grams, but the Society lacks the in 1934, where he worked with again, unsuccessfully, to persuade University, defended the moral- also establish a list of interested APS major resources such a project Neils Bohr, and then to George Los Alamos to pursue fusion and ity of his 1949 recommendation members and corresponding inter- would require—hence the focus Washington University in the US create a thermonuclear weapon to develop the H-bomb. “I am ested physicists in Africa for possible on identifying existing collabora- in 1935. even more powerful. It wasn’t still asked on occasion whether future exchanges. tive programs to which the APS While his prior research had until the Russians detonated their I am not sorry for having Latin America has been a major could contribute. Europe, for been in quantum mechanics, at own atomic bomb that President invented such a terrible thing as focus of APS international out- example, has many active programs GWU he began a very produc- Truman ordered the lab to develop the hydrogen bomb. The answer reach for several years, but Ernst already in place, including those tive collaboration with Russian a fusion weapon. Robert is, I am not,” he wrote. “Several says the time is right to expand that supported by the Abdus Salam émigré George Gamow in Oppenheimer, Fermi, and many decades later, the cold war scope to Africa. “There’s a sense International Centre for Theoreti- nuclear physics. They formu- other veterans of the Manhattan ended with an American victory. that at least some areas of Africa cal Physics (ICTP), the Swedish lated the so-called Gamow-Teller Project had vehemently opposed It is possible, perhaps even prob- are moving forward at a more International Development rules for classifying subatomic the plan, and the result was a deep able, that my advice to give a rapid rate than in the past,” he says, Agency, the National Science Foun- particle behavior in radioactive and bitter rift between two fac- positive answer to the question citing plans to construct telescopes dation, and the Department of decay, and attempted to apply tions of atomic scientists. Teller of the hydrogen bomb played a and laser centers as evidence of a Energy among others. the new understanding of atomic finally saw his dream materialize significant role in determining region ripe for the development of The other task force members phenomena to astrophysics. on November 1, 1952, when the this outcome.” a strong scientific enterprise. are S. James Gates, University of Following the outbreak of first hydrogen bomb was success- Teller died September 9, “There’s also interest in Africa from Maryland, College Park; Katharine World War II, he was one of the fully detonated on Eniwetok Atoll 2003, unrepentant and contro- US funding agencies and founda- Gebbie, National Institute of Stan- first scientists recruited to work in the Pacific Ocean. versial to the end. tions, and more resources are dards and Technology; Kennedy on the Manhattan Project, Following this success, Teller becoming available.” Reed, Lawrence Livermore working first at the University lobbied Congress vigorously for a Further Reading: The idea for the task force grew National Laboratory; and Bruce of Chicago before moving to Los second laboratory for thermo- “Andrei Sakharov and Edward out of discussions APS President Barrett, University of Arizona. Alamos National Laboratory. nuclear research, and the Atomic Teller,” Oxford Companion to the Myriam Sarachik had with col- APS members interested in par- It was Enrico Fermi who first Energy Commission eventually History of Modern Science, J.L. leagues regarding how African ticipating in an African exchange suggested the notion of a hydro- established Lawrence Livermore Heilbron, ed., Oxford University colleagues suffered from feelings program should send their name, gen bomb to Teller. Even before National Laboratory. Teller served Press, 2003, pp. 727-728. of isolation once they returned address, phone, FAX and e-mail to the first atomic bomb, in first as a consultant, then as “Edward Teller, Father of the from training, research, or school- Michele Irwin, APS Office of Inter- September 1941, Fermi thought associate director, and finally as Hydrogen Bomb,” Academy of ing abroad, and had difficulty national Affairs, [email protected]. that an atomic bomb might heat a director of the new facility. Achievement, . contacts with US research pro- directly to the task force members.

Series II, Vol. 12, No. 10 Department, American Physical Society, One Physics Ellipse, Editor-in-Chief Timothy P. Lodge, (Polymer Physics), J. H. Eberly November 2003 College Park, MD 20740-3844, [email protected]. Martin Blume*, Brookhaven National Laboratory (Laser Science), G. Slade Cargill*, III (Materials), ©2003 The American Physical Society For Nonmembers—Circulation and Fulfillment Past-President Bunny C. Clark (Nuclear), Sally Dawson, Peter Meyers NEWS Division, American Institute of Physics, Suite 1NO1, 2 William F. Brinkman*, Bell Labs-Lucent Technologies (retired) (Particles & Fields), Stephen Holmes (Physics of Huntington Quadrangle, Melville, NY 11747-4502. General Councillors Beams), James Drake (Plasma), Gian Vidali, (New Coden: ANWSEN ISSN: 1058-8132 Allow at least 6 weeks advance notice. For address Jonathan A. Bagger*, Janet Conrad, Stuart Freedman*, Frances York Section), Joe Hamilton (Southeast Section) changes, please send both the old and new addresses, Houle, Gerald Mahan, Margaret Murnane*, Cherry Ann Editor ...... Alan Chodos and, if possible, include a mailing label from a recent Murray*, Philip Phillips*, Laura Smoliar, Jin-Joo Song ADVISORS Associate Editor ...... Jennifer Ouellette issue. Requests from subscribers for missing issues will Representatives from Other Societies Special Publications Manager ...... Elizabeth Buchan-Higgins be honored without charge only if received within 6 International Councillor Charles H. Holbrow, AAPT; Marc Brodsky, AIP Design and Production ...... Stephanie Jankowski months of the issue’s actual date of publication. Periodical T. Maurice Rice Forefronts Editor ...... Neville Connell Postage Paid at College Park, MD and at additional mailing International Advisors offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to APS News, Chair, Nominating Committee Héctor O. Murrieta Sánchez, Mexican Physical Society, Proofreader ...... Edward Lee Membership Department, American Physical Society, Susan Seestrom Bela Joos, Canadian Association of Physicists APS News (ISSN: 1058-8132) is published 11X The APS reserves the right to select and to edit for length One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740-3844. yearly, monthly, except the August/September issue, or clarity. All correspondence regarding APS News should Chair, Panel on Public Affairs Staff Representatives by the American Physical Society, One Physics be directed to: Editor, APS News, One Physics Ellipse, APS COUNCIL 2003 John Ahearne Alan Chodos, Associate Executive Officer; Irving Lerch, Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740-3844, (301) 209- College Park, MD 20749-3844, E-mail: [email protected]. President Director of International Affairs; Fredrick Stein, Director 3200. It contains news of the Society and of its Myriam P. Sarachik*, City College of New York - CUNY Division, Forum and Section Councillors of Education and Outreach; Robert L. Park, Director, Divisions, Topical Groups, Sections and Forums; Subscriptions: APS News is an on-membership President-Elect Kate Kirby (Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics), Robert Public Information; Michael Lubell, Director, Public advance information on meetings of the Society; publication delivered by Periodical Mail. Members Helen R. Quinn*, Stanford University (SLAC) Eisenberg (Biological), Sylvia Ceyer (Chemical), Allen Affairs; Stanley Brown, Editorial Director; Charles and reports to the Society by its committees and residing abroad may receive airfreight delivery for a fee Vice-President Goldman* (), Steven White Muller, Director, Journal Operations; Michael Stephens, task forces, as well as opinions. of $15. Nonmembers: Subscription rates are available Marvin L. Cohen*, University of California, Berkeley (Computational), Harry Swinney (Fluid Dynamics), Peter Controller and Assistant Treasurer at Executive Officer Zimmerman (Forum on Education), Stuart Wolf (Forum on Letters to the editor are welcomed from the Judy R. Franz*, University of Alabama, Huntsville (on leave) Industrial and Applied Physics),Gloria Lubkin (Forum on Administrator for Governing Committees membership. Letters must be signed and should Subscription orders, renewals and address changes should Treasurer History of Physics), James Vary (Forum on International Ken Cole include an address and daytime telephone number. be addressed as follows: For APS Members—Membership Thomas McIlrath*, University of Maryland (emeritus) Physics), Ed Gerjuoy (Forum on Physics and Society), * Members of the APS Executive Board NEWS November 2003 3 Phys Rev Focus Fans Include Teachers and Undergrads By Pamela Zerbinos Editor’s Note: Ethical issues have been much in the news recently, and the In March of 1998, APS launched story was not far from writing for University, uses the material in his APS has revised and extended its guidelines for professional conduct, with regard a website called Physical Review undergraduate physics students, modern physics course, where “the to both research and publications. There is an APS Task Force on Ethics, which Focus in hopes of facilitating commu- an audience he wanted to reach students are mostly physics majors is expected to report to Council this fall. This month, APS News is inaugurating nication between physicists of out to. and they have a curiosity about what we hope will be a continuing series of columns addressing ethical issues that different disciplines what is happening in are submitted by our readers. and increasing their ‘their’ field. Modern Anything is fair game, and we encourage questions relating to research prac- awareness of research physics, especially the tices, to authorship and other publication-related issues, and also to the propriety outside their specific lab, is the first chance of research in certain ethically sensitive areas. Readers should submit questions field. Although it the students get to ex- to [email protected] or by mail to Jordan Moiers, c/o APS News, One Physics still serves this func- plore what physics is Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740. They should identify themselves and provide tion as its primary goal, currently about. I find contact information, but their identities will be jealously protected. its scope has broad- Physical Review Focus to In order to be ethically aboveboard ourselves, we make two confessions: in ened significantly be unique in that it pro- this first column, we faced a chicken and egg problem, with the result that the to encompass the vides current research letter below was not actually submitted by a reader, but was constructed by our education of under- and is in a simple for- staff based on an actual incident within our experience. We hope that reader graduates and even mat suitable for any response will help us avoid this expedient in the future. The second confession is high-school students. interested reader.” that Jordan Moiers is a nom de plume, which we hope will insulate the author The website, which Focus’ emphasis on of this column from undue influence and unwarranted reprisals. is updated once or current research is The opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of either the twice a week, explains quite important to APS or APS News. in simple language se- many of its readers. ✶✶✶ lected research Physics students from My former collaborators recently included me as coauthor on a articles recently pub- schools as varied as paper that I never laid eyes on prior to its publication. I wholeheartedly lished in the APS Moscow State Univer- respect the authors and have absolute faith in their work. I am also journals Physical Review and Physical “I based it to a large extent on sity, Carleton College and the grateful that they feel my earlier contributions warranted coauthorship. Review Letters. The papers appearing my own experience as an under- School of the Art Institute of Chi- However, is it ethical for them to add my name to a paper if I didn’t have on the site are usually chosen for graduate,” said Ehrenstein, who cago (SAIC) have professors who a chance to review it? What should I do to correct the record now? their educational value or interest to majored in physics at Oberlin Col- use Focus articles to keep them Sincerely, nonspecialists, rather than simply for lege before going on to get his PhD. abreast of current research. SAIC O.H. their scientific merit. Although re- “These are people who are inter- students enrolled in Elizabeth cent statistics are not available, the ested in current physics research, Freeland’s modern physics course, Dear O.H., editor, David Ehrenstein, says that in but they can’t read the journals. for example, are required to do In years past, your former collaborators’ generosity technically did late 2002 the home page got up- There’s not much out there for reports on Focus articles and are not reach the level of an ethics breach. After all, you are probably inti- wards of 20,000 hits per month. The them. They can read something encouraged to check out the Focus mately familiar with the subject of the paper if you were an important accompanying e-mail list, which in- like Discover Magazine, but they archives for a final report topic. member of the collaboration a short time ago. Recent, highly publicized forms readers of the latest Focus often want more in-depth informa- Other physics educators use the ethics violations, however, have raised the bar with regards to assigning stories, currently has around 7,600 tion.” site in slightly different ways. Like physics paper authorship. subscribers from over 70 countries. Ehrenstein’s experience is ech- Freeland, Nelson Vanegas, at the The original APS Guidelines for Professional Conduct, which were Because physicists often don’t oed by physics educators from Universidad de Antioquia in adopted in 1991, state “Authorship should be limited to those who have follow closely what’s going on out- around the globe, who have turned Medellin, Colombia, asks his intro- made a significant contribution to the concept, design, execution or in- side their chosen field, Ehrenstein to Focus to help fill the gap. ductory students to summarize terpretation of the research study. All those who have made significant found that lowering the bar enough Pete Markowitz, who teaches Focus articles and present them to contributions should be offered the opportunity to be listed as authors.” for all physicists to understand a physics at Florida International See FOCUS on page 7 It is entirely conceivable that you made significant contributions that warrant coauthorship. New language in 2002, however, complicates things a bit. Simple Physics Can Be Useful in According to the updated guidelines, “Every coauthor should have the opportunity to review the manuscript before its submission. All coauthors have an obligation to provide prompt retractions or correc- Understanding Real-World Issues tion of errors in published works. Any individual unwilling or unable to By Susan Ginsberg accept appropriate responsibility for a paper should not be a coauthor.” Clearly, you didn’t have the opportunity to review the manuscript David Hafemeister, author of quium audience through the described was the ground-based prior to submission, although multiple use of the word “should” in the numerous books on science policy calculations to determine the ef- interceptor. Although judgment guidelines still leaves a bit of wiggle room. You could approach the level topics and professor emeritus of fectiveness of three systems calls are needed as to whether a of a legitimate coauthor now if you review the paper with an eye toward physics at California Polytechnic discussed in the APS study: air- particular interceptor was feasible, providing “retractions or correction of errors,” but I doubt your friends State University, is currently in the borne lasers and ground- and Hafemeister insists that GBIs can would appreciate it if you exercised your responsibilities (assuming that middle of a series of seminars at space-based interceptors. be understood using “Newton’s any corrections are called for), considering the fact that you are a former physics departments showing In discussing the airborne laser, laws and reasonable parameters.” collaborator. In fact, the level of comfort you and the other authors feel students that one can apply phys- Hafemeister pointed out the issue Hafemeister ’s goal is to show the with you taking responsibility for retractions or corrections seems as ics to real-world issues. of overcoming turbulence as well “system of decision” that is used good a test as any for coauthor status. He does this by simplifying the as the uncertainty in the effects of by politicians, and how much of See ETHICIST on page 6 math, making assumptions, and shock and ablation on the target. this system is basic physics in doing quick and dirty calculations. “It’s a hard physics problem,” said science policy questions. His talks, as Hafemeister freely Hafemeister after calculating to Hafemeister ended his talk with admits, “are full of ‘spherical cows’ first order what the energy on the an appeal to cooperative diplo- to deal with issues like climate target would be coming from an macy: “You and I sitting in a bar change.” As part of this series, the airborne laser carried by a Boeing over a napkin can get around any Physics Department and the 747. “My guess is even the Penta- weapons system. What we really Security Policy Studies Program at gon doesn’t know all the answers. need to do is get people to talk to The George Washington University I hope the DOD’s Defense Science each other and be friends.” Asked teamed up to host a colloquium by Board is asking hard questions.” by an audience member whether Hafemeister in early September on With space-based interceptors this was a reference to getting the APS Boost Phase Intercept some of the policy decisions are a physicists and engineers to work Study. simple matter of understanding together, Hafemeister answered, At the September 4 colloquium basic physics, says Hafemeister. To “No, I meant getting nations to talk at GWU, Hafemeister gave the his- intercept missiles from anywhere to each other, diplomatically. It’s a torical context of defensive missile on the globe, you need either a lot political science concept.” systems beginning with Lyndon of lighter interceptors, or fewer Hafemeister’s most recent book, Johnson’s negotiated defensive heavy ones. “Physics of Societal Issues: Calcu- systems, through Ronald Reagan’s Hafemeister easily illustrated lations on National Security, Star Wars program, to the current the trade-off between weight and Environment and Energy” will be situation which prompted the APS number of interceptors using a released in December of this year. study on Boost Phase Intercept chart from the APS study and some The book is being published by Systems. simple physics equations. Springer-Verlag and The American Hafemeister took the collo- The last system Hafemeister Institute of Physics Press. 4 November 2003 NEWS

A Mind Can Be Open Without Being Empty: Skepticism and Scientists By James Trefil

When you get involved in him, but the established Church. thesis of continental North America, it was not surprising explaining science to the public, In fact, the Copernican theory motion. that a few would match up. sooner or later someone will come of the heliocentric universe had These were (1) Other aspects of Wegener’s up to you to complain about the been debated in the European the fact that the argument could be incorporated close mindedness of the scientific scientific community for a cen- coastlines of easily into the Fixed Earth theories community. tury before Galileo brought it to Europe, Africa, and of the time. These theories incor- Often, they will spin a story that the attention of the public with the Americas fit to- porated land bridges that could goes like this: there was once an his popular books. gether like a jigsaw sink beneath the ocean, so the fos- isolated, ignored genius who had Even ignoring the issue of her- puzzle, (2) the fact sil evidence could be easily worked out the truth about a par- esy, there would have been good lished a book called that some geological formation explained. They also allowed the ticular scientific problem. Ignored reasons for scientists in the 17th The Origin of Continents, in which (mainly in Africa) seemed to con- possibility that during an earlier by the scientific establishment, this century to reject Galileo’s he suggested that at some time in tinue across into the Americas, (3) stage, continents could indeed individual nevertheless perse- arguments. Most of his book the past all the land on Earth had the fact that some fossil species have moved on a molten planet. vered, and long after his death his Dialogue Concerning Two World Sys- been clumped together into one seemed to be found in correspond- Thus, the jigsaw puzzle fit evident true genius was finally recognized. tems was taken up by an argument giant supercontinent, which he ing places on both sides of the on the map didn’t have to imply that The usual people cited are Galileo for heliocentrism based on a com- called Pangaea (“All Land”), and Atlantic, (4) the fact that the loca- the continents were still moving. Galilei or Alfred Wegener (the pletely incorrect theory of the tides. that the continents had moved tion of glacial moraines seemed to Finally, the geodetic evidence author of the theory of continen- The story of Alfred Wegener is (“drifted”) to their present posi- indicate that continents once had was such that the error in the two tal drift), and the usual purpose of less familiar to most people, tions since then. This is the a different relation to the poles measurements was larger than the the story is to invite a comparison although the “sound bite” folklore celebrated theory of Continental than they do now, and (5) the fact claimed difference, a fact which between the way these figures about him is that he discovered the Drift. that two different geodetic deter- weakened the Greenland argu- were treated and the trouble the motion of continents early in the The book was hardly ignored; minations of the distance between ment considerably. storyteller is having getting scien- 20th century and was ignored, it was debated widely in Germany. Greenland and Europe indicated In the end, then, scientists of the tists to listen to his revolutionary even though he ultimately turned In general, hard rock geologists that the distance was increasing. 1930’s and 40’s were quite right to theories about ESP, UFO’s, or the out to be right. opposed it and theoretical geo- Hard rock geologists argued that reject continental drift. So what has origin of the universe. In fact, Alfred Wegener was not physicists supported it. There were in many cases Wegener had simply happened since then to change our Is the scientific community only a respected member of the two main arguments against his gotten the rock identification view of the Earth? really closed to ideas from the German scientific establishment, thesis: one centered on the fact wrong—that what he called glacial In a word, data. Starting in the lonely genius? Do the historical he was one of its leaders. that no one could think of a mecha- moraines were nothing of the kind, mid 1960’s, data supporting the stories of Galileo and Wegener Wegener was the director of one nism that could move the for example. They also pointed out notion of continental motion really show that we are willing to of his country’s major research continents, while the other con- that the facts that two minerals are started to come in. Starting with listen only to our own? institutions. cerned the question of whether the identical doesn’t mean they were the measurements of paleomag- Starting with Galileo, we can The only reason Wegener data supported Wegener. made in the same place and that, netic patterns on the ocean floor point out that it wasn’t the scien- enters the mythology of science Wegener advanced five pieces given the enormous number of geo- and extending to studies of mag- tific community that persecuted is the fact that in 1915 he pub- of evidence that supported his logical formations in Europe and netic records in sediments and rocks, a picture of a dynamic, active Earth emerged. Confronted with overwhelming data, the sci- Nanoneurosurgery, Bio Scans and Home entific community gave up its fixed Earth paradigm and adopted the new one in less than five years. Holograms Featured at 2003 OSA/DLS Conference The theory that emerged was not Wegener’s continental drift, The first demonstration of cel- Space Station, it’s not always easy experimentally confirmed their Life Beyond Solar System even though it incorporated the lular microsurgery in living cells, a or cost-effective to carry a cali- results on instruments located at Wesley Traub of the Harvard- notion that continents move. digital camera that can make home brated source to the optical two meters from the entangled Smithsonian Center for Astrophys- Wegener’s theory contained fea- holograms, and improvements in instrument. Researchers at the photon source, but longer dis- ics discussed telescope designs tures, such as the notion that the face recognition technology were University of Maryland, tance tests are feasible in that could potentially detect signs average elevation of the continents among the technical highlights at Baltimore County, have developed principle. of life on planets beyond our solar would increase over time, that sim- the 2003 Frontiers in Optics con- a scheme to accurately test optical system. Examining up to 150 ply aren’t true. And plate tectonics ference. Co-sponsored by the equipment at remote locations. Nano-neurosurgery nearby stars, these new telescopes supplies a mechanics for moving Optical Society of America and the Giuliano Scarcelli and Eric Mazur of Harvard Univer- would obtain highly detailed the continents (involving convec- APS Division of Laser Science, the coworkers have built a prototype sity discussed the use of very short images in the visible part of the tion in the Earth’s mantle), annual event provides up-to-the- of a system that allows them to laser pulses to alter single biologi- light spectrum. Besides having the something that was conspicuously minute advancements in optics precisely characterize optical cal structures. Using this technique, ability to detect new planets, such missing from continental drift. and photonics research, and fea- devices at a distance by taking the researchers have demonstrated high-resolution visible images The main lesson to be learned tures a breadth of significant topics advantage of the fact that “cellular microsurgery” in living could indicate planetary oxygen, from Wegener’s story, then, is from medicine to astronomy and entangled photons have very spe- cells, by eliminating a single mito- water, ozone, air, and possibly even exactly the opposite of the one the computing. cial relationships. chondrion or cutting the strands of land plants (by recording the dis- spinners of mythology want to The meeting was held October If the state of one of a pair of a cytoskeleton. Furthermore, the tinctive light that would be advance. The scientific community 5-9, 2003, in Tucson, AZ, and also entangled photons is measured, the researchers have performed “nano- reflected by chlorophyll). To cap- is fully capable of abandoning a featured a joint plenary session with state of the other photon can be neurosurgery” in living nematodes, ture these features, scientists on lifetime’s worth of belief and adopt- three world-renowned keynote unequivocally calculated from by cutting individual axons in the NASA’s Terrestrial Finder Program ing a new outlook provided there is speakers: Presidential Science Ad- quantum mechanical rules. organism without killing the nerve propose the design of a state-of- enough data to justify the change. visor John Marburger, Roger Angel The researchers first create a cell or disrupting the surrounding the-art “coronagraph,” a telescope The fact that we don’t accept ESP, (University of Arizona) on the pair of entangled photons. One tissue. Compared to traditional bio- that blocks out the central light UFOs, harmonic convergences, and observation of extra-solar planets, photon is sent to a monochroma- chemical or mechanical methods of from a star to detect much fainter the like arises from the fact that and Harvard University’s Gerald tor, where its characteristics are manipulating tissue, femtosecond surrounding objects. “This will be there isn’t enough data to support Gabrielse on cold anti-hydrogen. precisely recorded. The second micromanipulation is more selective far, far better a telescope than has them, and has nothing to do with photon is sent to the device to be and precise and less invasive, open- ever been built,” Traub says, “and the close mindedness of the scien- Entangled Photons for Long- tested, and the device’s response ing the door to many new studies, today there are teams of people tific establishment. Distance Calibration to the single photon signal is which the researchers are currently working to make such a telescope It’s a nice thing to remember Testing optical devices such as recorded and sent back to the lab. pursuing with colleagues at Harvard and to send it to space sometime next time you are confronted by a telescopes and spectrometers Because the researchers know Medical School and its biology in the coming decade.” New Ager at a party. often requires a carefully cali- the state of the second photon by department. Such studies could brated source of photons, which looking at the first, they can identify new clinical uses of Improvements in Face Recogni- James Trefil is Clarence J. Robinson are then sent to an optical device determine the response of the femtosecond lasers in surgery at the tion Technology Professor of Physics at George Mason to see how it responds. remote optical device to a well- cellular level and also unlock mys- Secure access to physical and vir- University in Fairfax, Virginia. This and But when the optical device is known signal, and can interpret teries of the brain. tual spaces is becoming increasingly other commentaries by scientists can located in hard-to-reach places the remote device’s measurements. important for security. Passwords be found on the Physics Central website: such as aboard the International So far, the researchers have Optical Telescopes Could Detect See OSA CONFERENCE on page 6 NEWS November 2003 5

Six Physicists Honored at October, November Unit Meetings Strung Out Six physicists are being hon- His research interests are in the textbook on nonlinear dynam- By Woody Allen ored with APS prizes and awards areas of inertial confinement ics, and teaches physics courses at unit meetings this fall. The 2003 fusion, plasma spectroscopy, and for a broad audience. I am greatly relieved that the uni- thing, and it takes three hours to do James Clerk Maxwell Prize, Excel- laser plasma interactions. He also Gollub received the first APS verse is finally explainable. I was something that turns out to be less lence in Plasma Physics Award, first introduced Thompson scatter- Award for Research in an beginning to think it was me. As it than six inches long, it can’t sell for and Outstanding Doctoral Thesis ing to characterize hohlraum plasma Undergraduate Institution. He turns out, physics, like a grating rela- more than five dollars. The one good Award in Plasma Physics were conditions, and has since used the co-chaired a study of advanced tive, has all the answers. The big bang, thing about space being the same as bestowed during the 2003 APS technique to study atomic kinetics high school mathematics and black holes, and the primordial soup time is that if you travel to the outer Division of Plasma Physics meet- and plasma waves in high tempera- science for the National turn up every Tuesday in the Science reaches of the universe and the ing, held October 27-31 in ture and high density plasmas. Research Council, and has section of the Times, and as a result voyage takes three thousand earth Albuquerque, New Mexico. served on the APS Executive my grasp of general relativity and years, your friends will be dead when And the 2003 Fluid Dynam- 2003 Outstanding Doctoral Board. quantum mechanics now equals you come back, but you will not ics Prize, Otto LaPorte Award, Thesis in Plasma Physics Einstein’s —Einstein Moomjy, that is, need Botox. and Andreas Acrivos Disserta- Alex Arefiev 2003 Otto LaPorte the rug seller. Back in my office, with the sun- tion Award will be presented University of Texas at Austin Award How could I not have known light streaming through the during the upcoming meeting Citation: “For first principles Norman J. Zabusky that there are little things the size window, I thought to myself that if of the APS Division of Fluid theoretical analysis of a plasma Rutgers University of a “Planck length” in the uni- our great golden star suddenly Dynamics, November 23-25, in thruster that models the helicon Citation: “For pioneering and verse, which are a millionth of a exploded this planet would fly out Meadowlands, New Jersey. plasma source, single-pass radio enduring contributions in nonlinear billionth of a billionth of a billionth of orbit and hurtle through infin- frequency heating, and particle and and vortex physics and computa- of a centimetre? Imagine if you ity forever—another good reason 2003 James Clerk momentum balance.” tional fluid dynamics, including: the dropped one in a dark theatre how to always carry a cell phone. On Maxwell Prize soliton; contour dynamics and V- hard it would be to find. And how the other hand, if I could someday Eugene N. Parker Arefiev received his BS in states for 2D flows; vortex does gravity work? And if it were go faster than a hundred and University of Chicago physics from Novosibirsk State projectiles for accelerated inhomo- to cease suddenly, would certain eighty-six thousand miles per sec- Citation: “For seminal contribu- University (Russia) in 1998. geneous flows; and visiometrics for restaurants still require a jacket? ond and recapture the light born tions in plasma astrophysics, As an undergraduate student, he reduced modeling.” What I do know about physics is centuries ago, could I then go back including predicting the solar wind, worked at the Budker Institute of that to a man standing on the shore in time to ancient Egypt or explaining the solar dynamo, for- Nuclear Physics (Novosibirsk, Zabusky received his PhD in time passes quicker than to a man Imperial Rome? But what would I mulating the theory of magnetic Russia). His undergraduate re- physics from the California on a boat — especially if the man do there: I hardly knew anybody. reconnection, and the instability search was focused on the physics Institute of Technology in 1959. A on the boat is with his wife. It was at this moment that our which predicts the escape of the of single species plasma. In 1999, former Guggenheim Fellow, he The latest miracle of physics is new secretary, Miss Lola Kelly, magnetic fields from the galaxy.” he enrolled in the graduate pro- spent five years at Bell Laborato- string theory, which has been her- walked in. Now, in the debate over gram in plasma physics at the ries, eventually heading the alded as a T.O.E., or “Theory of whether everything is made up of Parker received a BS in phys- University of Texas at Austin. Computational Physics Research Everything.” This may even include particles or waves Miss Kelly is ics from Michigan State His graduate work was sup- Department, before joining the fac- the incident of last week herewith definitely waves. You can tell she’s University in 1948 and a PhD ported by the Variable Specific ulty of the University of Pittsburgh described. waves every time she walks to the in physics from the California Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket as a professor of mathematics. I awoke on Friday and because water cooler. Not that she doesn’t Institute of Technology in (VASIMR) project (NASA Johnson In 1988 he moved to Rutgers the universe is expanding, it took have good particles but it’s the 1951. He was an instructor in Space Center), Institute for Fusion University as State of New me longer than usual to find my waves that get her the trinkets from the Department of Mathemat- Studies, and Fusion Research Jersey Professor of Computa- robe. This made me late leaving for Tiffany’s. My wife is more waves ics at the University of Utah Center. tional Fluid Dynamics. work, and because the concept of than particles too, it’s just that her 1951-1953 and then a research Arefiev received his PhD in phys- Zabusky is an advocate of the up and down is relative the eleva- waves have begun to sag a little. associate with Walter M. ics in 2002. He is currently “visiometric” process which can tor I got into went to the roof, Or maybe the problem is that my Elsasser in the Department of employed by the Institute for enhance productivity for scientists where it was very difficult to hail a wife has too many quarks. The Physics. Fusion Studies as a postdoctoral fel- and engineers who visualize, taxi. Please keep in mind that a man truth is, lately she looks as if she Parker moved to the Univer- low. He has also joined the High diagnose and quantify databases on a rocket ship approaching the had passed too close to the event sity of Chicago in June 1955. Intensity Laser Science Group at the from large-scale simulations. He speed of light would have seemed horizon of a black hole and some He retired from the University University of Texas at Austin, to col- also gives talks on science and the on time for work—or perhaps of her—not all of her by any of Chicago in 1995. laborate on theory involving art of fluid motion for artistic in- even a little early and certainly means—was sucked in. It gives Parker was elected to the laser-irradiated micro-clusters. His novation and collaboration, and better dressed. her a kind of funny shape, which National Academy of Sciences areas of interest include helicon for science and engineering out- When I finally got to the office I’m hoping will be correctable by in 1967. Parker has received plasma sources, ion cyclotron heat- reach. and approached my employer Mr. cold fusion. My advice to anyone various scientific awards over ing, and laser-target interaction. Muchnick to explain the delay, my has always been to avoid black the years, including the National 2003 Andreas Acrivos mass increased the closer I came to holes because, once inside, it’s Medal of Science in 1989, and 2003 Fluid Dynamics Dissertation Award him, which he took as a sign of extremely hard to climb out and the 2003 Kyoto Prize in Basic Prize Projsenjit Bagchi insubordination. There was some still retain one’s ear for music. If, Science. Jerry Gollub University of Illinois, Urbana- rather bitter talk of docking my pay, by chance, you do fall all the way Haverford College and University of Champaign which, when measured against the through a black hole and emerge 2003 Excellence in Plasma Pennsylvania Citation: “For his careful and speed of light, is very small anyhow. from the other side, you’ll prob- Physics Research Award Citation: “For his elucidation of extensive numerical experiments The truth is that compared to the ably live your entire life over and Siegfried Glenzer chaos, instabilities, mixing and pattern elucidating the fundamental mecha- amount of atoms in the Andromeda over but will be too compressed to Lawrence Livermore National formation in various contexts includ- nisms governing the motion of a Galaxy I actually earn quite little. I go out and meet girls. Laboratory ing fluid convection, and his spherical particle subject to complex tried to tell this to Mr. Muchnick, And so I approached Miss Kelly’s Citation: “For elegant diagnos- contributions to our understanding of unsteady and inhomogenous flows at who said I was not taking into gravitational field and could feel my tics using collective Thomson surface waves, film and granular flows, moderate to high Reynolds number” account that time and space were strings vibrating. All I knew was that scattering together with x-ray through his clever experiments, lucid the same thing. He swore that if the I wanted to wrap my weak-gauge spectrocopy which greatly papers and lively lectures.” Biographical information situation should change he would bosons around her gluons, slip advanced the understanding of the unavailable at press time. give me a raise. I pointed out that through a wormhole, and do some complex plasma environment in Gollub received his AB from since time and space are the same quantum tunneling. It was at this laser driven hohlraums used in Oberlin College in 1966, and his point that I was rendered inertial confinement fusion.” PhD in experimental condensed NRC committee requests input from High impotent by Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. How could I act if I couldn’t matter physics at Harvard Univer- Magnetic Field Science community Glenzer earned his under- sity in 1971. He has been on the determine her exact position and graduate degree in 1990 and faculty of Haverford College since A new National Academies com- technologies. COHMAG invites velocity? And what if I should sud- his PhD in 1994 in plasma phys- 1970, and is also affiliated with mittee is requesting input on the comments on the following: how denly cause a singularity; that is, a ics from the Ruhr-Universitat the University of Pennsylvania. current state of high magnetic field have high magnetic fields had an devastating rupture in space-time? Bochum in Germany. He has undertaken a wide range science. The Committee on Oppor- impact on research directions? How They’re so noisy. Everyone would He came to the US in 1995 as of experiments on nonlinear and tunities in High Magnetic Field have the facilities at NHMFL or other look up and I’d be embarrassed in a postdoctoral fellow at fluid dynamics, including studies of Science (COHMAG) will produce a high-field magnet centers been of front of Miss Kelly. Lawrence Livermore National instabilities and pattern formation report on the facilities for experi- use? What new facilities or new Ah, but the woman has such Laboratory, where he is currently in fluids, chaotic dynamics and tur- ments at high magnetic fields (above capabilities would be most valuable? good dark energy. Dark energy, head of the Plasma Physics Group bulence, nonlinear waves, mixing 12T), the current state and scien- In what new areas of research are though hypothetical, has always in the National Ignition Facility in fluids, and the dynamics of tific opportunities of the disciplines high magnetic fields likely to have a been a turn-on for me, especially program, performing the first granular materials. He has coau- that use high field magnets, and the large impact? Comments should be in a female who has an overbite. I experiments on the NIF laser. thored an undergraduate prospects for advances in related sent to: [email protected]. See ZERO GRAVITY on page 7 6 November 2003 NEWS

ELECTION from page 1 LETTERS first APS meeting in the winter of her MS and PhD from Columbia College in 1964, and a PhD in 1969 1960, which stimulated the con- University in 1971 and 1975, from the University of Pennsylva- cept for one of his first research respectively. She worked at AT&T nia. He served on the faculty of the Saw Flash Two Time Zones Away experiments. He decided to run for Bell Laboratories until 1984, when University of California, Irvine APS president because “through- she joined the University of Cali- until 1985, when he returned to In your description of the Trinity hot sun and stretched; and I saw out my career as a physicist, I have fornia, Santa Barbara, as professor Japan as professor of the Research test [“This Month in Physics History”, on the horizon a white flash benefitted from APS [activities]... of electrical and computer engi- Institute of Electrical Communica- APS News July 2003] you wrote “... against the dark western sky. I put and I would enjoy giving something neering. Since 1987 she has held a tion at Tohoku University. He is the blast created a flash of light that that observation in the back of my back to the Society.” Along with joint appointment in the materials currently president of the Physical was seen over the entire state of New mind and kept it there for many continued outreach activities in department. She is currently the Society of Japan, has worked with Mexico, as well as parts of Arizona, years; I can’t really say why or how education, Bahcall’s priorities for scientific co-director of a newly IUPAP, and is a member of several Texas and Mexico… ”. or even when (at least ten years the APS include communicating formed California NanoSystems national committees concerned I believe I saw that flash in ago) I came to think of it again. the importance of maintaining the Institute (CNSI), a collaboration with research funding of the Georgia, 2,200 kilometers away. “Taking into account the scientific enterprise to Congress between UCSB and UCLA, estab- Japanese Society for the Promotion Here’s my account taken from an direction, the time of year, the and the White House. “The future lished by the State of California as of Science and the Ministry of Edu- unpublished manuscript prepared time of day, the bluish white of our nation depends upon a one of four California Institutes for cation, Culture, Sports, Science and with the help of Arnold Kramish. color and the short duration, I strong technological base that can Science and Innovation. Her Technology. He has worked in “In the summer of 1945, I was have become persuaded that the only be maintained by increased research has focused on the fabri- several areas of experimental solid stationed at the Warner Robins flash of light originated in the federal support for the physical cation and characterization of state physics, most recently focus- Army Air Base, south of Macon GA. Trinity test. Warner Robins GA is sciences,” he wrote. semiconductor heterostructures ing on the spectroscopy of light The base was crowded and for the about 2,200 kilometers very No stranger to Washington, DC, with critical dimensions at scale emission from the scanning tunnel- summer, at least, I was sharing a nearly due east of the Trinity test Bahcall lobbied in the 1970s to per- lengths of tens and hundreds of ing microscope. tent with other junior officers. Early site and two time zones away.” suade Congress to reverse then- nanometers. Most recently these In his candidate’s statement, one morning, I stepped out of the Berol Robinson President Nixon’s decision to studies have included interaction Ushioda expressed his sense of tent, turned my back to the already Meudon, France remove the Hubble Space Tele- of quantum dot emission within honor at being asked to run for scope from the federal budget. He specially designed semiconductor international councillor, which he OSA CONFERENCE from page 4 continues to be involved as a Wash- cavities, such as photonic crystal feels will “give me an opportunity ington advocate for other scientific resonators. to make some contributions to APS and PINs can be lost or forgotten. nized), shift-invariance (images projects, and believes that APS In her candidate’s statement, Hu as a physicist with two homelands.” However, using biometrics (for do not have to be centered) and members need to work together said she decided to run for APS coun- Through his work with interna- instance a face, fingerprint or iris) for smaller error rates. The same meth- to promote science funding at cillor in order to take a more active tional scientific organizations, “I matching a live subject to a stored ods were also applied for fingerprint national and state levels, with those role in formulating and represent- have learned that different national template, security can be improved. and iris recognition. in academia joining those in indus- ing the directions of the APS, since societies face many common is- At Carnegie Mellon University, try “to reverse the tragic and the Council “serves as an important sues,” including science education, Vijayakumar Bhagavatula and his Making Holograms with Digital dangerous decline of physics catalyst in developing new opportu- funding of major research facilities, team have been developing methods Cameras research in the private sector.” nities for the cross-fertilization of and underrepresentation of to achieve improved biometric veri- Combining digital photography Bucksbaum is an experimental ideas and research directions that women. “I believe that solutions to fication using a tool called with computer number-crunching, atomic physicist who earned his BS will build on our existing strengths.” these and other issues will be most “correlation filters.” This approach a research group headed by Joseph from Harvard University in 1975 Her priorities include establishing effectively achieved by close inter- provides several advantages such as Rosen from Ben-Gurion University and his MS and PhD from the Uni- integrative programs of education national coordination and graceful degradation (part of the face in Israel has developed a promising versity of California, Berkeley. After and communication, and building “a collaboration,” he wrote. can be occluded and it is still recog- new method of recording holo- a year at Lawrence Berkeley vital, participatory membership that grams of any three-dimensional National Lab, he joined the draws from the broad strengths and SHOCK WAVES from page 1 scene. In addition to making it easier research staff at Bell Labs as a enthusiasms of those working in for industry to produce holograms, postdoc in 1981, then became a physics.” shock waves in living tissues, caus- deliver genetic materials into the new method can potentially give member of the technical staff. He Ramirez earned his BS in phys- ing both mechanical and chemical living cells. consumers the ability to make 3-D remained there until moving to the ics from Yale University in 1978 changes. The shock waves can movies of events, by using digital University of Michigan as a profes- and his PhD in physics, also from compress biological molecules and Hydrogen Compressed to a cameras and special computer soft- sor of physics in 1990, where he is Yale, in 1984. He worked at Bell change the pH and ionic strength SolidSolid. Understanding highly com- ware. Conventional holographic currently the Otto LaPorte Colle- Labs until 2000, moving in 2001 of the aqueous media, and can pressed hydrogen is vital in recording requires lasers and com- giate Professor of Physics and to Los Alamos National Laboratory. result in wanted and unwanted efforts to achieve laser-driven plicated optical systems. In contrast, director of the NSF Center for Fron- He is both leader of the Materials chemical and biological effects fusion, processes in stars and the Rosen and his students, David tiers in Optical Coherent and Integration Science Laboratory including irreversible damage via role of hydrogen in more every- Abookasis and Youzhi Li, use a stan- Ultrafast Science. and co-director of the Institute for denaturing proteins, tearing tissues day settings. Discovery of the dard digital camera to take a set of His principal research interest Complex Adaptive Matter. He is and killing living cells. properties of highly compressed many pictures of the 3-D object is quantum control of atomic and also a member of the APS Division In a special symposium on hydrogen has been a major goal from different points of view. The molecular processes using of Condensed Matter Physics medical applications for and source of competition in the set of pictures is sent to a computer, ultrafast and strong optical fields. Executive Committee. His research shockwaves, Charles Lin of international shock wave com- and mathematically processed with He is particularly interested in the interests in experimental con- Massachusetts General Hospital munity. Another highlight of the a new algorithm developed by the control of wave packets in atoms densed matter include low and Harvard University, dis- SCCM conference was a sympo- researchers. The computer output and molecules using far infrared, dimensional magnetism, heavy cussed how shock waves sium on the properties of fluid is a hologram, which can be printed visible, or x-ray pulses. He has fermion systems, thermoelectric generated by short laser pulses hydrogen at very high pressures out on a hardcopy transparency or served on both the APS Council materials, colossal magnetoresis- can kill living cells containing and temperatures. on a screen such as an LCD. When and Executive Boards and is cur- tive materials, molecular absorbing nanoparticles. Nano- The symposium featured lec- this hologram is properly illumi- rent editor of the Physical Review’s electronics, and superconductivity particles can be tailored for a tures by leading experimentalists nated, a real 3-D image of the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, in various systems. variety of uses including selective and theoreticians from the US and original object is reconstructed in as well as divisional associate “Physics is a discipline that con- uptake by cancer cells, allowing Russia on progress and challenges front of the viewer’s eyes. Accord- editor for laser science for Physical tinually seeks to affect change,” targeted cell killing without the in understanding the surprisingly ing to Rosen, their hologram is the Review Letters. Ramirez wrote in his candidate’s use of poisonous chemotherapy complex behavior of hydrogen at only non-laser technique that recov- In his candidate’s statement, statement. “As a professional soci- agents. extreme conditions. ers all the 3-D effects of the original. Bucksbaum cited changes in the ety, we must continue to embrace In the same session, Hyojin —Compiled by David Harris —Compiled by Philip Schewe, AIP US technological, educational and new subject matter while not los- Kim of Chungnam University research infrastructure, driven by ing sight of what constitutes described a new approach to un- ETHICIST from page 3 challenges in health, security and physics: quantitative rigor, predic- derstanding the molecular the national economy, as evidence tive capacity, and simplicity of basis for shock compression of Apparently your former col- a modification of the paper’s of the need for strong scientific models.” As general councillor, he biological systems, the “energy leagues included you as coauthor author list seems extreme, and advocacy in Washington. As Con- hopes to preserve the Society’s tra- landscape” approach. He pre- out of respect and admiration for could even offend the other gress continues to debate ditional culture while encouraging sented data in which shock waves your previous, crucial contribu- authors. You might consider immigration and international con- new avenues of research, such as are used to study large amplitude tions. An acknowledgment would brushing off your old notebooks tacts, security at the national labs, molecular science, information sci- motions of proteins and dis- not only have been more appro- and taking a close look at the federal funding for basic physics ence and homeland defense. “The cussed the first observation of priate, but would have also given paper in order to fulfill the letter research, and national testing in problems before us are as exciting viscoelasticity in shocked pro- them the opportunity to express a of your ethical obligation. And public schools, among other issues, and important as ever,” he said. teins. And Apostolos Doukas of heartfelt sentiment such as “With- when you have a chance, whip the APS officers “must be eager “Physics will thrive in times of up- the Wellman Laboratories of out the dedication, insight, and off an email to your friends to and able to articulate the vision and heaval in the scientific landscape, Photomedicine, Massachusetts pigheaded determination of O.H., let them know that a simple promote the diverse opportunities even when such change is not General Hospital, Harvard Medi- none of this work would have been “thanks” will be enough next that physics offers,” he wrote. caused by our past successes.” cal School, discussed using shock possible.” time around. Hu received a BS in physics Born in Tokyo, Ushioda earned waves to deliver drugs through Attempting to correct the Best wishes, from Barnard College in 1969 and a BS in physics from Dartmouth the skin without needles and to record at this point by publishing Jordan Moiers NEWS November 2003 7

ANNOUNCEMENTS ENDORSE from page 1 empower the next generation of although he cautions, “It’s going AIP STATE DEPARTMENT FELLOWSHIP Now Appearing scientists.” to take more than signing docu- Stanford University also ments to fix the K-12 system.” endorsed the joint statement. The text of the joint statement This fellowship program represents an opportunity for in RMP: Recently Doug Osheroff, Chair of the Phys- follows: scientists to make a unique contribution to the nation’s Posted Reviews ics Department, says that his foreign policy. department did so because “the AIP-MEMBER SOCIETY The American Institute of Physics will sponsor and Colloquia statement suggests a mechanism STATEMENT ON THE one fellow annually to spend a year working in a for improving the science educa- EDUCATION OF FUTURE bureau or office of the State Department, provid- You will find the following in the tion of K-12 teachers so that they TEACHERS (Adopted by the ing scientific and technical expertise to the online edition of Reviews of Modern will feel more comfortable with APS Council, 21 May 1999) Department while becoming actively and directly Physics at questions from students, and The scientific societies listed involved in the foreign policy process. Colloquium: Saturation of appreciate the motivation of the below urge the physics com- electrical resistivity students asking them.” munity, specifically physical Fellows are required to be US citizens and —O. Gunnarsson, M. Calandra, and The Stanford Physics Depart- science and engineering members of at least one of the 10 AIP Member Societies at the J. E. Han ment is in the process of creating a departments and their faculty time of application. Is there a resistivity maximum for metals at high temperature? A BA program in physics to provide members, to take an active role Qualifications include a PhD in physics or closely related classical argument predicts a a broad science education for in improving the pre-service field, or equivalent research experience. saturation of the resistance when students destined to be training of K-12 physics/ Applicants should possess interest or experience in scientific the electrons’ mean free path is either K-12 teachers, science writ- science teachers. or technical aspects of foreign policy. comparable to atomic distances. ers, or go into some other Improving teacher training Applications should consist of a letter of intent, a two-page The resulting bound is satisfied for most metals, but violations have profession requiring a strong back- involves building cooperative resume, and three letters of reference. Please visit http:// c been found recently in high-T ground in the physical sciences. working relationships between for more details. cuprates and other materials. This “It is essential that these physicists in universities and All application materials must be postmarked by November 1, Colloquium presents a general students leave Stanford with an un- colleges and the individuals 2003 and sent to: AIP State Dept Science Fellowship. American analysis of the limiting behavior derstanding of a body of and groups involved in teach- Institute of Physics, ATTN: Audrey Leath, One Physics Ellipse, based on the f-sum rule, showing conditions when the saturation knowledge of science and an un- ing physics to K-12 students. College Park, MD 20740-3843. For additional information or bound is applicable or not. derstanding of what physical Strengthening the science questions, please contact Audrey Leath at [email protected] or (301) research is all about and how it is education of future teachers 209-3094. carried out,” says Osheroff. addresses the pressing national But despite their commitment need for improving K-12 phys- to K-12 education, some schools ics education and recognizes FOCUS from page 3 are wary of increasing faculty that these teachers play a criti- the class. is going on right now, and physics about the latest findings in physics,” responsibilities. At the University cal education role as the first and “The idea,” Vanegas said, “is to is changing as we speak. Addition- Brake said, “and the reason I know of Pennsylvania, the Department often-times last physics teacher make them aware of where the fron- ally, I have used these articles to this is because I have usually just read of Physics and Astronomy is for most students. tier in physics is and to let them know engender in high school students PRF. I have found that they do not acutely aware of the time-crunch While this responsibility can the names of universities, centers the confidence that—on their usually understand the articles and I placed on their young faculty. be manifested in many ways, and scientists active today so they own, with no help from me—they end up trying to explain the new dis- “We ask them to do top-notch re- research indicates that effec- can take it as a goal to get there.” can actually read and understand coveries. I am glad they’re interested, search and to teach top-notch tive pre-service teacher Marjorie Olmstead, who what’s happening in the physics but I wish they would bring in ar- undergraduate and graduate education involves hands-on, teaches at the University of Wash- community.” ticles they could explain without my courses. It’s tough to make pre- laboratory-based learning. ington, also uses the site in her intro Mary Brake, who teaches at help. But PRF keeps me up-to-date service teaching a requirement as Good science and mathemat- course. “I look through the last six Mercy High School in Farmington, and one step ahead of my students.” well,” says Tom Lubensky, Chair ics education will help create a to eight months of Focus articles Michigan, says she uses Focus to of the University of Pennsylvania scientifically literate public, and link to those relevant to the keep ahead of her students, who Physical Review Focus is Physics Department. capable of making informed quarter,” she said. “I use it to em- can bring in physics articles for at To be added Lubensky further points out decisions on public policy phasize that even though most of extra credit and explain to the class to the e-mail list, send a blank that good K-12 training requires involving scientific matters. what they are learning has been what the article is about. e-mail message to join- a large investment in time and A strong K-12 physics edu- known for over a century, there is “They often bring in articles [email protected] money from the local school dis- cation is also the first step in still modern research based upon tricts, “and we just don’t have that producing the next generation it and pushing it forward.” here currently.” He says that it of researchers, innovators, and College professors are not the April Program Committee Meets will not be easy to implement technical workers. only educators using Focus in their programs that go beyond current American Physical Society classrooms; the site is also used by ones, which include participation American Association for high school teachers for similar rea- in QuarkNet and a very success- Physics Teachers sons. Daniel Kutsko, who teaches ful Penn Summer Science American Astronomical physics at Jersey Village High School Academy for high school stu- Society in Houston, Texas, says he uses dents, which for the past two American Institute of Physics Focus articles “to highlight the summers has employed local high Acoustical Society of America reality that what we study in class school teachers. American Association of Lubensky’s department Physicists in Medicine endorsed the statement, American Vacuum Society HYDROGEN from page 1 enough to bridge the gap between what is now known about hydro- ZERO GRAVITY from page 5 gen production, storage and use, Photo credit: Alan Chodos and what is required by a hydro- fantasized that if I could only get “My pleasure,” she said, smil- Members of the program committee gathered at APS headquarters in September gen economy; therefore, says the to begin planning for the 2004 April meeting in Denver. Seated (l to r): Jill her into a particle accelerator for ing coquettishly and curling up report, “the objective of [a Dahlburg, Luis Orozco, Gay Stewart, Steve Holt, Amitava Bhattacharjee. Stand- five minutes with a bottle of into a Calabi-Yau shape. I could research program] must not be ing (l to r): Bill Carithers, Don Geesaman, Stan Wojcicki, Ben Gibson, Charlie Château Lafite I’d be standing next feel my coupling constant invade evolutionary advances but revolu- Glashausser, Nan Phinney, Rocco Schiavilla, Jim Isenberg. to her, with our quanta approxi- her weak field as I pressed my lips tionary breakthroughs.” mating the speed of light and her to her wet neutrinos. Apparently “There’s a huge gap between nucleus colliding with mine. Of I achieved some kind of fission, where we are now and where we research but is not labeled that chemistry, nanoscience, and other course, exactly at this moment I got because the next thing I knew I need to be in terms of the knowl- way. We’re trying to bring all these cross-cutting research areas. These a piece of antimatter in my eye and was picking myself up off the edge base for the hydrogen people together, and we want to are real growth-potential fields.” had to find a Q-tip to remove it. I floor with a mouse on my eye the economy,” says Dresselhaus. “Some make the basic energy research The BES Workshop included 120 had all but lost hope when she size of a supernova. very radical ideas are needed to community aware of the oppor- participants from academia, indus- turned toward me and spoke. I guess physics can explain advance the field, and that points tunities in hydrogen research.” try and the national laboratories, as “I’m sorry,” she said. “I was everything except the softer sex, to basic research.” Progress can’t be made just by well as from the Offices of Energy about to order some coffee and although I told my wife I got the These breakthroughs can only established professionals in estab- Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Danish but now I can’t seem to shiner because the universe was come with cross-pollination lished fields, either, continues Fossil Energy and Nuclear Energy remember the Schroedinger equa- contracting, not expanding, and I between research fields, believes Crabtree. “The research tools are (DOE). The full 175-page report, tion. Isn’t that silly? It’s just slipped just wasn’t paying attention. George Crabtree of Argonne there and those tools weren’t there including 65 pages outlining high- my mind.” ©2003 Woody Allen. All Rights National Laboratory, Associate ten years ago, but there is a critical priority research directions, can be “Evolution of probability Reserved. This article originally Chair of the BES Workshop. “A lot need to bring more students into the found at waves,” I said. “And if you’re appeared in the July 28, 2003, issue of of people are doing work that fields related to hydrogen research, public_affairs/popa/reports/ ordering I’d love an English muf- The New Yorkerorker. Reprinted with might be relevant to hydrogen such as chemistry, physics, electro- nmd03.html. fin with muons and tea.” permission. 8 November 2003 NEWS The Back Page Oversupply, Undersupply: Can We Ever Get Workforce Issues Right? By Merrilea J. Mayo

There are two strident voices in not just at the career services inter- arrived, the time constant of tech- the workforce debate. The first view table, after four years of Figure 1 nology shifted to about one claims we don’t have nearly enough education have already gone by. The generation in length. Suddenly it scientists and engineers. The second blandishments of well-funded pro- made sense to send one’s offspring (usually articulated by jobless scien- fessors, though much more to a university, because the technol- tists and engineers) claims we already constant in a student’s life, also do ogy changed completely about every have too many. Last year a Wall Street not qualify as “information about thirty-fifty years. Journal article espoused the first view, the job market.” A “hot” field in the Come the information revolution, quoting the President of the National research market does not easily and we find that the time constant Academy of Engineering in support translate to a “hot” field in the non- of technical knowledge has again of its arguments. Boy, did the NAE academic job market, since basic shifted. A once-per-lifetime degree President hear from the holders of research is usually five-25 years out no longer makes sense, when a com- the second view—in spades. from production. plete turnover in technology occurs How can both sides be right? One way to accomplish a job (constant 1996 dollars) in a fraction of a lifetime. It is not Federal R&D, $M, non-biomedical

In my opinion, the answer is rela- market reality-check for under- Sciences, Math, Engineering surprising that the EE’s and the IT tively simple. We have a vibrant, graduate students is to establish a Degrees in Physical Bachelor’s workers have felt the pangs of forced well-tested system for producing sci- tradition of student summer jobs in Year obsolescence first and most strongly. entists and engineers in this country. industry as part of the curriculum. Eventually all disciplines will find It is called federal R&D funding. There’s nothing like trying to find a Figure 1. Correlation between Federal R&D expenditures and bachelors’ student that a single degree earned in one’s production in the physical sciences, math, and engineering disciplines from 1953 to As Figure 1 shows, there is an summer job and realizing no one 2000. The apparent separation between the two curves in the early years results from youth no longer suffices for a life- extremely strong correlation wants your intended specialty to a different dollar-to-student ratio in those years and can be eliminated by appropriate time of employment. The university between the R&D funding that the think about changing your direction axis scaling (insert). A regression of students vs dollars gives 1.03 students/million system will have to adapt, perhaps government issues every year, and to match the market. 1996 dollars from 1953-1968 (R2=0.95) and 2.46 students/million 1996 dollars from offering accredited degrees in the the number of bachelors students In addition, a summer job 1970-2000 (R2 = 0.84). form of “specialization modules.” produced—at least in the physical experience lets you know quite These would be one year, accred- science, math, and engineering viscerally that the courses you Sources: ited “capsule” degrees, equivalent to 1) Budget Data: Table D in National Patterns of Research and Development Resources: disciplines. really needed to have had were 2000 Data Update (NSF Pub 01-309), National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA. Also, the final year of specialization in an A more eloquent economic design of experiments and statistics, the NIH Almanac (NIH Pub. 01-5), National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 2001. undergraduate curriculum—but framework by Goldman and Massy not dislocation theory. As a profes- 2) Student Data: Science and Engineering Degrees 1966-1998 (NSF Pub 01-325), without requiring the prior three makes the same case for S&E stu- sor, I discovered that India’s IIT National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, 2001. Pre-1966 data: Science and Engineering years of effort demanded of first dents at the PhD level. The problem, system was a mother lode of truly Degrees: 1950-80. A Source Book. Special Edition. National Science Foundation, Arlington, degree earners. as it were, stems from the fact that excellent graduate students. That VA, 1982. The prescriptions so far attempt federal R&D funding—which sets up system requires integrated aca- to link the domestically educated domestic student supply—operates demic plus industrial training of its workforce to domestically available completely independently of any in- undergraduates. So, integrated neering majors are gone. Instead, the numbers of fellowships to the exist- demand—yet we live in a global dicator or driver of “demand. “It is training is not only useful for those department must establish its own ing assistantships. world, where both people and jobs difficult to find any economic indica- undergraduates who enter the educational outcomes metrics and However, a median path might be cross borders with increasing ease. tor—and we tried several—that workforce immediately upon prove continuing improvement in its to take existing grants and separate How do we deal with the addition of correlates at all with student output graduation, it is also useful for students’ accomplishments as mea- them into two parts: the first part, the foreign-born, foreign educated to any degree of fidelity. undergraduates who wish to pur- sured by those metrics. Though some containing the stipend and tuition, into the workforce equation? We Consequently, it appears students sue advanced degrees. complain that these standards are in would be sent to the receiving can take the same theme—trying to are churned out whether or not they At the undergraduate level, one fact no standards at all, they do pro- department to be used as a portable establish a feedback loop between are needed by the market. Some- also needs to recognize that the vide the flexibility for an enterprising fellowship for a worthy student. supply and demand—and extend it times we get oversupply. Sometimes economy, and hence the job mar- department to completely abandon The second part, containing all to visa policy. At present, our visa we get undersupply. But we rarely ket, has a time constant much old “course quota” paradigms and the supplies, professorial salary, and ceilings are set by political factors. If get it right. shorter than the average four year strike out on a path that leads to research equipment support, would enough interest groups complain, Given this situation, it seems the degree. Even if a student has a way greater employability of its graduates. be sent to the research account of the visa ceilings go up (or down). If rational thing to do would be to of knowing that a particular field Conveniently, the greater student the grant-winning professor. no one complains, the visa ceilings design an S&E workforce system has a strong vacancy rate, and employment rates would qualify as This scheme allows students to stay where they are. where supply meets demand, begins studies in that field, the an ABET 2000 outcomes metric. gain enough economic indepen- However, the sensitivity of visa where all workers get jobs and all vacancy rate can change dramati- At the graduate level, the lack of dence that they can chart a learning policy to political factors results in jobs have workers. What would cally by the time he/she graduates. feedback between supply and experience best suited to maximize large waves of immigrants at times such a system look like? One Thus, there is a strong need to demand stems not only from the their own chances of economic suc- when there may or may not be jobs appealing thought is that we could reduce the time constant associated amount of R&D funding in each field, cess, rather than their professors’. for them (or for the folks already predict worker demand and then with the degree to match the time but the mechanism of that funding. If done well, the economic sepa- in the US). adjust congressional R&D appro- constant of the job market. This can A large fraction of graduate students ration of student and professor may A more logical approach might priations accordingly. be done by delaying the choice of a receive federal funding in the form even benefit the department: the be to establish an advisory board of Unfortunately, this solution major until the senior year—one of research assistantships on federal scheme could be arranged so the de- labor economists that can watch makes two unfounded assumptions: year out from the job market, rather grants. They take and the projects partment obtains a federal agency domestic labor market indicators for 1) that scientists can control Con- than four. This should cut down on they work on are all tightly directed commitment for student slots well shortages or gluts (usually gress and 2) that scientists have a hysteresis effects and the concomi- towards their advisor’s end goal of ahead of the admission decision dead- reflected in rising or falling salaries, model that accurately predicts tant four year transients in getting the next grant, since it is the line. That would be a true luxury. unemployment rates, etc.), and con- worker shortages and surpluses. undersupply/oversupply swings advisor who is paying the way. Sepa- Beyond graduate school, one tinually adjust visa allotments to keep The better approach is to simply relative to the market, as observed rating the student’ s funding from the must look towards periodic the labor market on an even keel. “go with the flow.” Forget about pre- by labor economists in many fields. professor’s funding—in the form of retraining as a method of keeping The US has long prided itself on diction and preemptive measures: It will also give the undergradu- portable fellowships—gives the stu- people in registry with the ups and the quality of its people—both home just design a responsive system where ate three years in which to develop dent the economic independence to downs of the job market. Multiple grown and adopted from afar —and the student production continuously a deep but flexible skill set that can pursue those training paths most education treatments per career are the quality of its innovation. Maybe and automatically readjusts to be used for any technical job. In the likely to result in a job. the logical next step in an educa- it’s time to apply some of that inno- workforce demand, whatever that engineering disciplines, such a cur- While the replacement of assis- tional progression that has vation to the future of its people, and demand is at the moment. ricular overhaul becomes much tantships by fellowships is an often- progressively shortened itself to retool our workforce system. In other words, reestablish the more possible under the Accredita- voiced cure for undue academic match technology cycles. The earli- Merrilea J. Mayo is president of the lost feedback loop between student tion Board for Engineering and self-replication (and jobless stu- est technical trades—e.g., Materials Research Society. She would supply and worker demand, so that Technology (ABET) 2000 accredi- dents), it has never been implemented goldsmithing, fletching, masonry — like to recognize the contributions of Bill federal R&D funding does not tation guidelines. Earlier ABET by the federal agencies on a grand had time constants measured in Joyce to several of the ideas in this col- become the only input to student regulations prescribed exact sets scale. A fear of unintended conse- multiple generations. Fathers would umn, most notably the reduction of production. and sequences of courses for a quences keeps a wholesale teach sons, because the underlying effective time to degree, the value of sum- First, there needs to be a mecha- department’s degree program to be transformation of the system from technology changed little from gen- mer jobs as feedback loops, and the nism by which students continuously accredited. Under ABET 2000, the occurring, and budget arithmetic pre- eration to generation. concept of packaging continuing educa- receive input from the job market— rigid course requirements for engi- vents the simple addition of large When the industrial revolution tion into one year modular degrees.

APS News welcomes and encourages letters and submissions from its members responding to these and other issues. Responses may be sent to: [email protected].