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Particle Physics Online Course for High-School Students

Particle Physics Online Course for High-School Students

Particle Physics Online Course for High-School Students

20th IPPOG meeting

2 December 2020 Course for High-School Students

Motivation: high demand for educational offers targeting high-school students Goals: • develop online learning offer for high-school students from around the world • provide teachers with educational ideas and materials for their classroom • narrow the research-practice gap in particle physics education research

September 22, 2020 16:2 WSPC/S2661-3395 2020002

An AlternativeIOP Proposal for the The Physics Educator Vol. 2, No. 3 (2020) 2020002 (5 pages) Physics Education c ! The Author(s) Graphical Representation of Anticolor DOI: 10.1142/S2661339520200024 Phys. Educ. IOP Gerfried J. Wiener, CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland, and Austrian Educational Competence 51 The Role of Models in Centre Physics, University of Vienna, Austria Physics Education Sascha M. Schmeling, CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN SCIENCE TEACHING VOL. 50, NO. 2, PP. 162–188 (2013) 2016 Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ Martin Hopf, Austrian Educational Competence Centre Physics, University of Vienna, Austria Physics Instruction Phys. Educ. AF u n c t i o n a l3 D - P r i n t a b l eM a g n e tM o d e l 3D Printable Puzzle: A Model to and Michael Gentile, NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN e have developed a learning© 2016 IOP unit Publishing based Ltdon the Research Article of particle physics, featuring nov- 52 P A P ER Build Your Own Particle Systems Eugenia Etkina, Aaron Warren, el typographic illustrations of elementary particles of the ATLAS Toroid CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland and Physics Education Centre, IOP PHEDA7 Wand particle systems.1 Since the unit includes and Phys. Educ. 52 (2017) 034001 (9pp) iopscience.org/ped Lachlan McGinness, Towards a Learning Progression of Energy 2017 Australian National University CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland systems of antiparticles, a visualization of anticolor charge was Phys. Educ. Julia Woithe Julia Woithe, 1 1 2 3 51 (2016) 035001 (7pp) Susanne Dührkoop and Knut Neumann, Tobias Viering, William J. Boone, and Hans E. Fischer Physics Education required. We propose an alternative035001 to the commonly used Let s have a coffee with the ∗,AlexandraJansky CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland, and Austrian Educational Competence ’ Alexandra Jansky, complementary-color method, whereby antiparticles and © 2017 IOP PublishingIntroducing Ltd the LHC in and Tiago Gon¸ 1 Leibniz-Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN) at the University of Kiel, systems are identifiedG J Wiener through the use of stripes P S’Cool LAB Team, CERN,†,OliverKeller McGinness, L, et al. 2019 3D-Printable Model of a Particle Trap: Centre Physics, University of Vienna, Austria Phys. Educ. in physics are mathematical models, which is to say et al A P ERS Standard Model of particle calves - iopscience.org/ped 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Development and Use in the Physics Classroom. Journal of Open Olshausenstraße 62, 24098 Kiel, Germany instead of a change in color. We presented our proposal to PHEDA7 ‡ TEILCHEN that physical properties are1 represented by quantitative the classroom: an overview Hardware, 2(1): 5, pp. 1‒9, DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/joh.12 2 is becoming more and more here is an increasing emphasis on fundamental par Miami University, Oxford, Ohio modeling high school students and physicsIntroducing teachers, the LHC who in the evaluated classroom: an it overview to of education resources available ∗[email protected] International Conference on Physics Education (ICPE) 2018 IOP Publishing he word 52 variables in the models.” ticles, including , in the high school physics 3University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany P A P ER be a more helpful way of distinguishing between color charge Fig. 1. Typographic illustrations of a and a physics! †[email protected] 1-3 However, many teachers might not feel Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1512 (2020) 012021 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1512/1/012021 common in physics, chemistry, and general In general, physicists share several common ideas . 034001 of education resources available [email protected] classroom. Phys. Educ. 52 (2017) 044001 (8pp) iopscience.org/ped and anticolor charge. ‡ - science instruction. In physics, students learn about models: of an object or pro- Printed in the UK Tcomfortable teaching particle physics because it is a highly Received 15 June 2011; Accepted 3 October 2012 2017 a simplified version Education research shows that carefully designed im- Julia Woithe1,2, Gerfried J Wiener1,3 T 2 ! a) a model is ages can improve students’ learning. However, in practice, J Woithe et al 1 Received June 22, 2020 abstract and complex topic, and there are few hands-on ac models of the solar system, light, and atom. In biology Gerfried and Frederik F Van der Veken EDUCATIONAL HARDWARE - PHYSIK cess under study; a scientist creating the model Introducing 12 year-olds to The ATLAS detector is the largest particle detector at the LHC and one of the most complex Abstract: This article presents an empirical study on an initial learning progression of energy, a illustrations commonly containPED elements limiting students’ J Wiener1,2 tivities to help teachers bring it into the classroom. In 2010, courses they encounter 2017 models IOP Publishing of joints, Ltd the circula- ; explana- and Konrad machines ever built. It allows precise measurements of particles emanating from proton collisions. 4 © 3 , Julia 1 presented a two-dimensional quark puzzle, a phys concept of central importance to the understanding of science. Learning progressions have been sug- decides what features to neglect;or explanatory learning, as underlined by Cook : “Visual representations are Jende1,5 Woithe1,3 CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland Gettrust tory system, and metabolic processes. The benefits of descriptive Let’s have a coffee with the Standard Model of particle physics! , Alexander 2 Due to its complexity, introducing the ATLAS detector in the high-school physics classroom can 3D-Printable Model of a Particle Trap: Development and Fig. 1. Images of 3D printed puzzle pieces. On the left is a close-up gested as one vehicle to support the systematic and successful teaching of core science concepts. elementary particles essential for communicating ideas in the science classroom; 1 CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland Brown Department of Physics/Physics Education Group, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany ical manipulative that allowed students to discover the rules engaging students in model building are described in b) a model can be 10.1088/0031-9120/51/3/035001 2 1,4 3 be challenging. Nonetheless, we show how to use 3D printing to provide a hands-on classroom on a single piece with the quark type, , and color Ideally, a learning progression will provide teachers with a framework to assess students’ level of under- 1-5 “ModelingPHEDA7 instruction” is an example Austrian Educational Competence Centre Physics, University of Vienna, Austria Austrian Educational Competence Centre Physics, University of Vienna, Austria of the Standard Model of particle physics through inquiry. In tory models are based on analogies—relating the however, the design of such representations is not always 3 activity by constructing a functional 3D model of the toroidal ATLAS magnet system. This Use in the Physics Classroom An ideal set of pieces representing charged labelled. On the right, quark and antiquark pieces are UNTERRICHTS the literature. Printed in the UKDepartment of Physics/Physics Education Group, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany standing of a core concept and to guide students towards a more sophisticated level of understanding. , object or process to a more familiar object or pro- 1 2 1 2 beneficial for learners.” To determine what aspects of the ty- 4 model can be used to discover, visualize and explain the shape of a toroidal magnetic field and the paper Gettrust states: “ combined to make sets of three () and sets of two (). of a whole curriculum based on the idea of model- Gerfried J Wiener , Sascha M Schmeling and Martin Hopf Institut Universitaire pour la Formation des Enseignants, University of Geneva, Switzerland E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected] Taking existing research as a point of departure, developing a learning progression involves recurring 0031-9120 5 to start a discussion about the role of magnetic fields in particle detectors in general. Lachlan McGinness*,†, Susanne Dührkoop*, Alexandra Jansky*,‡, Oliver Keller*, quarks would consist of three-dimensional objects that fit 6 However, in044001 a traditional physics class students cess; power; pographic representations used in our learning unit (Fig. 1) Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, TU Dresden, Germany cycles of empirical validation and theoretical refinement. In this article, we report about ourErstellt efforts in in Kooperation mit MATERIAL Netzwerk Teilchenwelt AB KLASSE ing. predictive 13 1 § * ‖ * nicely together into some basic shape, such as a sphere or some What is your favourite particle and why? . CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland hinder or promote learning, we tested and adapted them in PED Ankatrin Lorenz , Sascha Schmeling , Klaus Wendt and Julia Woithe c) a model needs to have limitations 2 Abstract working towards a learning progression of energy. First, we derived an initial learning progression by do not have a clear understanding of what the word University of Vienna, Austrian Educational Competence Centre Physics, Vienna, Austria Published 4 E-mail: Keywords platonic solid, but only for quark combinations allowed by G J Wiener et al the context of design-based research using Jung’s technique [email protected] The Standard Model of particle physics is one of the most successful theories .” Here we report on our development of utilizing existing curriculum, research on students’ understanding, and development of students’ under- model means, and thus7-9 do Physics not appreciate teachers the also role have of 5 and [email protected] : ATLAS detector; magnetic fields; high school students; particle physics; models. Standard Model rules d) a model’s predictive power has of probing acceptance. In the course of developing our unit, , - standing of energy. Second, we used these sources of guidance to develop a robust measurement instru- 10,11 The purposes of E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected] Fig. 2. Traditional illustrations of a proton and an 10.1088/1361-6552/aa5b25 [email protected] in physics and describes the fundamental interactions between elementary 1. Introduction Quadrupole ion traps are modern and versatile research tools used in mass spectrometers, in atomic such a set of 3D manipulatives. this notion in physics. as it is we also formulated this proposal regarding the graphical rep- , [email protected] ment, the Energy Concept Assessment (ECA), based on multiple choice questions. Third, we utilized !" J Wiener and J Woithe model Mastering these ideas is difficult. How does one May antiproton, relying on readers’ prior knowledge of the particles. It is encoded in a compact description, the so-called ‘Lagrangian’, frequency and time standards, in trapped ion quantum computing research, and for trapping anti-hydrogen difficulties definingIntroducing this 12word. year-olds to elementary particles Abstract Particle physics is an exciting field of research that In 2010, a two-dimensional set of pieces was more accessi - resentation of anticolor charge. relevant color wheel. Obviously, using colors comple- which even !ts on t-shirts and coffee mugs. This mathematical formulation, The Phys. Educat. 2020.02. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com this instrument to assess the understanding of N 1,856 students from three different grade levels, know what to neglect while simplifying an object or Abstract 1361-6552 ions at CERN. Despite their educational potential, quadrupole ion traps are seldom introduced into the ble to teachers. However since then 3D printing has become ¼ CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland this paper are (a) to reexamine the word In the Standard Model of particle physics, elementary par- mentary to the quarks’ red, green, and blue presents In the context of the recent re-start of CERN however, is complex and only rarely makes it into the physics classroom. easily captures the interest of high-school students - Grades 6, 8, and 10. Findings provided evidence that students from Grade 6 mostly obtain an under- We present a new learning unit, which introduces 12 year-olds to the 3 and the challenge presented by unidenti physics classroom not least because commercial quadrupole ion traps appropriate for classroom use widespread in schools throughout Europe, America, and Aus used in science,Printed and in(b) the to UK suggest several types of tasks a process? Can the same object or process be modeled ticles are sorted according to their various charges. A “charge” a challenge for identifying anticolor charges, e.g., Therefore, to support high school teachers in their challenging endeavour and their teachers. In particular, the research tools are expensive and difficult to set up. We present an open hardware 3D-printable quadrupole ion trap 5-7 and it is now practical to implement a three-dimen Fig. 2. Image of 3D printable version of Gettrust’s 2D quark pieces. standing of energy forms and energy sources. Students of Grade 8 additionally demonstrate an under- [email protected], [email protected] subatomic structure of . The learning unit was iteratively developed as a cyan as antired. facilitate the introduction of high energy physics in the classroom. Therefore, properties of the ATLAS magnet system, intro- tralia, that engage students in the construction of models in a differently in different situations? How does one make in this context is the property of a particle whereby it is influ- Published ’s Large Collider (LHC) of introducing particle physics in the classroom, we provide a qualitative used in particle physics are fascinating machines, suitable for the classroom, which is capable of trapping lycopodium spores. We also provide student Anticolor charge is demonstrated using stripes. standing of energy transfer and transformation, whereas only students of Grade 10, and then only some design-based research project using the technique of probing acceptance. We this paper provides an overview of the LHC!ed falling and its objects operation, (UFOs), highlighting we seek to explanation of the terms of the Lagrangian and discuss their interpretation duce the 3D-printable model and provide classroom sional puzzle into the classroom. regular-format introductory physics course. a decision whether a particular model is appropriate? enced by a . In quantum theory, such as the 46 m long and 25 m high ATLAS worksheets developed in an iterative design process, which can guide students while discovering par- of these students, achieve a deeper understanding of energy conservation. We discuss the implications of PED give a brief overview of the unit’s !nal version, discuss its key ideas and main existing education resources, and linking principal components of the LHC to based on associated Feynman diagrams. ideas. Online, we o In this article, we present a 3D printable quark puzzle and How can one use models to make predictions? concepts, and conclude by highlighting the main implications of our research, the electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions are each topics in physics curricula. ticle traps. our findings against the background of existing research on students understanding of energy. Finally, Abstract. We have conducted a large-scale international study with high-school teachers 5 by on 12/02/20. Re-use and distribution is strictly notdetector. permitted, except for Open Access articles. 2D puzzle pieces 1 give suggestions to implement this activity to the classroom What Is a Model? In the following section we explore the meaning of However, engaging students with hands- for 3D printing, a video explaining the assembly The quadrupole ion trap operates using a 3 kV 50 Hz alternating current power supply and uses an - further steps in working towards a learning progression of energy are identified. ß 2012 Wiley (N=530) and high-school students (N=959) from all around the world to investigate and which we consider to be most promising for use in the physics classroom. associated with a fundamental charge. The abstract naming on particle physics experiments can be very chal- ffer additional resources: .stl files 10.1088/1361-6552/aa6cfe process, a student worksheet and ideas for a card- astable multivibrator circuit including high luminosity LEDs to illuminate the spores, using the stroboscopic by: We have also made available a modified version of Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 50: 162–188, 2013 document what they consider as their favourite particles. We found five particles to be The modeling approach in physics began with Rene the word model at a deeper level, which will ultimately of the ’s associated charge as “color charge” 1. Introduction fundamental interactions in nature, all except grav- lenging because the equipment required is often too • presenting ready-to-go activities/worksheets for the stu 6 7 3 board version of the model. effect to exhibit their movement. Gettrust’s 2D puzzle pieces (see Fig. 2). In light of the work Keywords: learning progression; energy; assessment; conceptual change; conceptual growth; Rasch highly prominent in both groups, namely the , the neutrino, the , the allow us to devise tasks for students that address the originated in the work of Greenberg and Han & Nambu in Introduction ity are described by the Standard Model of particle expensive for schools. We present a 3D-printable dents and instructions for teachers. Descartes. He was the first to propose that the mental 1. Introduction an atomic model from to quarks. This The Standard Model of particle physics is the most The trap can be used in teaching laboratories to enhance high school and university students’ of Wiener et al. on9 students’ difficulty with identification of and the . Moreover, we did not find any significant differences with regard to 1361-6552 the 1960s. They introduced red, green, and blue as the “color physics: particles with an electric charge are in"u- we used stripes so students can more easily measurement constructs of a scientist about the world were not to be questions raised in the previous paragraph. !rst chapter is followed by the introduction of Early in 2015, CERN important achievement of high energy physics to functional model of one of the most important understanding of electric fields and their applications. • decreasing the number of pieces required from 36 to anticolor charge, ac a aa r. In this article, we present our findings in Integrating modern physics into the curricu- enced by the electromagnetic interaction (quant um 2 charged” states of quarks and antired, antigreen, and antiblue (LHC) was awoken froms its date. This highly elegant theory sorts elementary components of the ATLAS detector, namely its 2. The Toroidal Magnet System detail and give insight into the ac and justifications of why they chose a considered “postulates representing his own12 beliefs but simplifi- lum is a question that has recently received ever fundamental interactions, which on the one hand ’ dust particles and can cause fast, localised beam 12 by only considering quarks of the first generation, identify anticolor charge. In addition to the paper version, we Zusammenfassung: Der vorliegende Artikel beschreibt den ersten Schritt in der Entwicklung und Classifying Models for antiquarks. According to this model, quarks have a color to be re-ramped for Run 2 at unprecedented beam particles according to their respective charges and electrodynamics, or QED for short), particles with specific particle. Published complete the discussion of the atomic model, and !rst long shutdown losses with a duration on the order of 10 turns of toroidal magnet system. This model allows stu- of the ATLAS Detector namely (anti-) up quarks and (anti-) down quarks (see also provide a 3D printable version of these 2D puzzle pieces. Validierung einer Learning Progression fu¨r das Energiekonzept; einem Konzept, das zentral fu¨r die as useful models from which one could deducemodel conse- is increasing attention. This is especially true since charge, whereas antiquarks are defined by having an anticolor energy and intensity. Intense scrutiny was required a are in"uenced by the weak inter- Keywords: Physics Education; Quadrupole Ion Trap; Paul Trap; Particle Trap; 3D Printable As discussed above, scientists use models or on the other hand set up possible links to other the beam. This is a known issue of the LHC which describes how they interact through fundamental dents to produce, explore and manipulate a toroidal Table I). quences in agreement with observations.” in most countries the topic of modern physics is to verify the full and proper functioning of all sys action (quantum "avour dynamics or QFD), and The LHC accelerates several thousand bunches of - Entwicklung eines tiefergehenden Versta¨ndnisses der Naturwissenschaften ist. Learning Progressions to describe and explain observed physical phe- physics phenomena. An integral component of charge. In addition, particle systems must be color neutral, has been observed before. Indeed, between 2010 interactions. In this context, a charge is a property magnetic field. In the following, we summarize the The classroom activities In physics education research the word cations usually added at the end of physics education— those with a colour charge are in"uenced by the 100 billion each up to an energy of 8 TeV • summarizing all key concepts, which are a prerequisite sollen das das systematische und erfolgreiche Unterrichten zentraler naturwissenschaftlicher Konzepte 7 the learning unit is its independence from the i.e., “white”. This includes mesons, composed of two quarks tems. This included a special run of the machine to and 2011, about a dozen beam dumps occurred of an that de!nes the funda- nomena and to predict the outcomes of new phenom- if at all [1]. However, since these chapters—and Fig. 3. Alternative illustrations of a proton and an strong interaction ( or per proton. Bunches travelling in opposite direc- We present two activities that are tactile and enable stu unterstu¨tzen. Idealerweise sollen Learning Progressions Lehrkra¨ften eine Rahmen bieten, den associated with David Hestenes and his colleagues, physics curriculum and students prior knowl- each, and baryons, made of three. In each case, the distribu- ensure a well-scrubbed LHC [ due to UFOs and more than 10000 candidate UFO mental interaction by which it is in"uenced. We Metadata Overview (1) Overview for our proposed activity. here especially the Standard Model of particle ’ antiproton, using a stripe pattern to denote anticolor - QCD). Contrary to the fundamental interactions, dents to engage with the Standard Model of particle physics ¨ 1. Introduction ena. We suggest that when simplifying a phenomenon the increased beam currents, a critical but familiar then say that the corresponding interaction particle tions meet at four di • Design !les & accompanying documents: DOI: Introduction • highlighting students’ conceptions that teachers need to Entwicklungsstand ihrer Schu¨lerinnen und Schu¨ler hinsichtlich des Verstandnisses zentraler who advocated4 the use of models in physics instruc- edge about particle physics. Indeed, since every tion of color charge must “balance out” among the quarks. For charge. This representation clearly shows corre- 1]. However, due to events below the dump threshold were detected This is an Open Access article published by World Scientific Publishing Company. It is distributed under the terms of the LADUNGEN, When introducing the Standard Model of particle physics at secondary level, high-school teachers physics—are considered to be the fundamental issue reared its head during the run. Interactions the Brout–Englert–Higgs (BEH) !eld acts in a ring. One of these points lies in the center of https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1473292. 3D printing and ‘making’ in an educational context has - while practicing scientific reasoning. The first has a high level naturwissenschaftlicher Konzepte einzuscha¨tzen und Unterricht so zu gestalten, dass er die Entwicklung tion more than 20 years ago. He defined a model in to make a model, we simplify 1) objects, 2) interac- physics process can be traced back to fundamen- mesons, this can only be achieved if a color charged quark is sponding color and anticolor charge states while [2]. Thus, UFOs presented more of an annoyance ‘couples’ to a certain charge. For example, , Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY) License which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided be aware of when implementing this activity. and high-school students are faced with various abstract concepts and lots of novel terms. Among basics of physics, this situation might hinder the between the beams and unidenti special way. Because it is a scalar !eld, it induces fferent points along the LHC • Link: https://zenodo.org/record/1473292#.W9a- become more prevalent and 3D printers are becoming of scaffolding and is optimized for younger students. The tal interactions between elementary particles, the bound to an antiquark with the respective anticolor charge. In doing away with any requirement for prior knowledge than a danger to the LHC, by reducing the opera the interaction particles of the strong interaction, the original work is properly cited. the ATLAS detector, which has been assembled the a ca a ac , c a a the following way: “A model is a surrogate object, a development of coherent knowledge structures in objects spontaneous symmetry-breaking, which in turn zaNUzaUk. more widespread in schools and universities throughout The activity can be used to develop students’ scientific rea second allows older/independent students to discover laws of WECHSEL use of the learning unit is not restricted to a cer- of complementary colors. —so called UFOs tional ef couple to colour-charged particles. Of the four 8 This gives teachers the opportunity to use this - conceptual representation of a real thing. The models the physics classroom. Hence, one is faced with the case of baryons, all three (anti)color charge states must be protective beam dumps (see !ed falling !ciency of the machine. However, as beam gives mass to all particles with which it interacts • Target group: secondary school students, undergradu- Europe, America and Australia [12, 19, 22]. There is also soning skills. particle physics, when every newly discovered hadron was believed to be a distinct elementary tain age-group. Ideally, it can even be used at the —led to several premature currents increase, so does the likelihood of UFO- color charge through inquiry. - Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article. the question of whether it makes sense to intro- - Original content from this work may be (this is commonly called the ). WIRKUNGEN! particle [1]. Since then, the Standard Model of particle physics has been colloquially compared with mous UFOs are presumed to be micrometre-sized induced magnet quenches at high energy, creating ate students, and their teachers. increasing focus on modern physics and particle physics in activity even if particle physics is not in the curriculum. The worksheets presented can use either the 3D or 2D puz Contract grant sponsor: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG); Contract grant number: NE-1368/2-1. beginning of physics education to enable an early !gure used under the terms of the Creative In addition, the Higgs particle (H) couples to any N Vol duce elementary particle physics early in physics 472 THE PHYSICS TEACHER N Vol. 55, NOVEMBER 2017 DOI: 10.1119/1.5008340 1). These infa • Skills required: Desktop 3D printing – easy; Point to high school curricula [2, 4, 10]. However, particle physics zle pieces and utilize the claim-evidence-reasoning methodol Correspondence to: K. Neumann; E-mail: [email protected] the variety of species in a zoo on a regular basis [2, 3]. introduction of key terms and principal concepts - a possible hazard to the machine. Therefore, Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distri- UND TEILCHEN THE PHYSICS TEACHER education. Therefore, to investigate this research Original content from this work may be used other particle which has mass (including itself). Point breadboard construction – easy. can be an abstract topic as there are a limited number of 3D puzzle pieces 10 The activities require only 12 pieces (corresponding to DOI 10.1002/tea.21061 Here, it is assumed that such a representation of the Standard Model of particle physics can have of particle physics in the classroom. icular bution of this work must maintain attribution to the ogy. question, we have developed a learning unit, under the terms of the care is taken to keep an eye on the timing author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and Interactions are mediated by their respec- • Replication: For example, a master’s thesis on DIY hands-on experiments that students can perform. Published online 26 November 2012 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). a a ac a aa cc ac Following the framework of constructivism and frequency of UFO occurrences. As the number We present an original set of quark puzzles pieces (see up and down quarks and corresponding antiquarks); however, which aims to introduce 12 year-olds to elemen- distribution of thisAttribution work must 3.0 maintain licence attributionCreative to Commons the part- DOI. tive interaction particles: (γ) for the construction of quadrupole ion traps is available in There is a long tradition of laboratory work in science 11 and Quark- physics, namely fundamental interactions between elementary particles. Indeed, a careful [3], the initial version of the learning unit was of UFOs during Run 1 decreased over time, it is 2020002-1 Fig. 1). These quark pieces can be joined in groups of three they can be extended to more quark types. The worksheets tary particles and fundamental interactions [2]. author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation. Any furtherand DOI. German [5]. Commercial versions of the project can education, and an almost as long discussion of its goals, - educational reconstruction of the subject matter is key when introducing particle physics in the based on documented students conceptions. hoped that this will be the same in Run 2. to build a cube (), or two pieces can be put together can be found on the CERN S’Cool LAB website ß 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. The learning unit consists of two consecutive ’ be purchased at Newtonian Labs and LD Didactic [15, value, and e"ectiveness [8, 9]. Nevertheless, students 12 classroom [4]. Specifically, within the framework of constructivism, it is indispensable to take Taking these into account enabled us to avoid to make a “double pyramid” (). The pieces only fit to Net website. chapters. It starts with an accurate description of The recent re-start of the LHC at higher 1361-6552/17/034001+9$33.00 1 © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd 23]. Future versions of designs may be found at DOI: show more interest in hands-on activities compared to potential dif!culties for students, which might 0031-9120/16/035001+7$33.00 lision gether if they are consistent with the color charge rules of the cc acc and to focus instructional strategies on already existing the subatomic structure of matter by showcasing energies and rates presents high school https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1251786. purely cognitive activities [26]. To support learning in occur due to inadequate information input. As a Standard Model of particle physics. conceptions [5]. col- • See section “Build Details” for more detail. the proposed experimental activity we incorporate recent Therefore, we decided to add another layer to the ongoing education research in the field of Original content from this work may be next step, the initial version was developed by 2019 DOI: 10.1119/1.5131116 used under the terms of the Creative 1 !ndings from science education research into the design OVEMBER means of a design-based research [4] project with N Vol. 57, N particle physics, by investigating the conceptions of both high-school teachers and high-school Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distri- of the learning activities. © 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd THE PHYSICS TEACHER students regarding their favourite particles. Indeed, since the announcement of the discovery of the bution of this work must maintain attribution to the frequent adaptions of the learning unit. Here, we One type of ‘hands-on’ particle physics experiment that 526 used the technique of probing acceptance [5] to * CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Higgs boson in 2012, the topic of particle physics has received ever-increasing attention in the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and students can perform is the construction of particle traps DOI. conduct one-on-one interviews with 12 year-olds Geneva, CH media and also within the physics education research community [6]. However, little is known † Physics Education Centre, Australian National University, AU such as the quadrupole ion trap. Wolfgang Paul and Hans ‡ George Dehmelt developed this trap and together were about the perception of different particles and how high-school teachers and high-school students Austrian Educational Competence Centre Physics, University 1361-6552/17/044001+8$33.00 1 © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd of Vienna, AU awarded half of the Noble Prize for physics in 1989 for make use of them. Hence, this was the starting point of our international study, which is presented § Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, DE their work [20]. Therefore quadrupole ion traps are often in this article. ‖ Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, DE called ‘Paul traps’. Today, particle traps are used in many Corresponding author: Lachlan McGinness !elds: in mass spectrometry, in atomic frequency and ([email protected]) time standards, and in trapped ion quantum computing Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1

2 Particle Physics Course for High-School Students

Target group: high-school students (14-19 years) Aim: introducing students to central models of particle physics Course: 16 chapters comprising videos/transcripts and quiz questions Structure: key messages and experiments/activities

Part 1 Part 2

1 What is a particle? 5 What are interactions? 9 What is antimatter? 13 What is a particle accelerator? 2 What is a model? 6 What is matter? 10 What is the SMPP? 14 What is a particle detector?

3 What is particle physics? 7 What are conservation laws? 11 What is the Higgs boson? 15 What is a cloud chamber?

4 What are charges? 8 What are particle transformations? 12 What is beyond the SMPP? 16 What is CERN?

3 Particle Physics Course for High-School Students

4 Particle Physics Course for High-School Students

5 Particle Physics Course for High-School Students

6 Particle Physics Course for High-School Students

Part 1 Part 2

1 What is a particle? 5 What are interactions? 9 What is antimatter? 13 What is a particle accelerator? 2 What is a model? 6 What is matter? 10 What is the SMPP? 14 What is a particle detector?

3 What is particle physics? 7 What are conservation laws? 11 What is the Higgs boson? 15 What is a cloud chamber?

4 What are charges? 8 What are particle transformations? 12 What is beyond the SMPP? 16 What is CERN?



3000 • Videos lasting between 10-25 minutes 2500

2000 • Each chapter ends with 4-6 quiz questions Words 1500

1000 Total course duration: 4-5 hours 500

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Chapter

7 Next steps

Complete initial version with 16 chapters and 80 quiz questions early next year Perform design-based research to further develop individual chapters Transform quiz questions into a Research-Based Assessment Instrument (RBAI)

Long-term planning Create different language versions Add additional chapters and different levels Use the course as application step for residential student programmes at CERN

8 Merci bien! Questions?

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