The Ukrainian Weekly 1939, No.33 vm Supplement to the 8V0B3DA, Ukrainian Dally •яя липні in ***&*** No. 33 JERSEY СГГЖ; N, J., SATURDAY AUOUSfrlS, 193» VDb, VII я POLISH PERSECUTION OF A COMMON PROPAGANDA UKRAINIANS TRICK CAUSES OF- DIS-H-AR-M-ON During the month of June Po Where in. formes times. Poland Д NYONE who. is really interested. in Ще development of lish- authorities tried thirty-six jailed Ukrainian patriots for what, Ukrainian priests for so-called Uk- they were, now. she is taking ad- •**• Ukrainian-American liter must be truly dismayed by rainization of names and, passed-a vantage> of. the current, feeling the scarcity,, of harmonious. relations. and good will among total sentence, of - 231- months' im among. Western. Powers against a good portion of: our active young; people. Tftere. appears prisonment. Most of the" sentences the Nazis by. charging Ulwunian. were suspended, from two^to five patriots whom she arrests with to be tendency among them to split up into factions. To be years. being Nazi spies. Previously Uk- sure, this tendency is as yet incipient.. is.only In this connection-the court sen ? rainians alone were held responsi- a passing phase, something that will soon disappear as more tenced a peasant from the-village ble for every outbreak of anti-Po-" of Mykhnivtsi to-six months' im- lish feeling resulting from Polish of our younger: generation perceive the-dangers, of factional . prisonment, because he.- insisted excesses. Now>- in the words-of a- strife and how much damage it did *t& -their elders. In any that his- new born baby-should New York Times dispatch fronv case, this-tendency must be immediately checked, before it have its name recorded wifh-^&HpP? Warsaw, dated-August 1?Щь Po rainian ending, thgfete^rr^nstefld lish political"- circles Germany fcv seriously impairs the effectiveness of our.
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