Alternate Reality Games as a Platform for Practicing 21st Century Literacies Order of authorship is listed alphabetically to signal equal input and investment on the part of all the authors in the research and writing of this paper. Elizabeth Bonsignore, Dr. Derek Hansen, Dr. Kari Kraus, Marc Ruppel, PhD Student Assistant Professor Assistant Professor PhD Student College of Information College of Information College of Information Department of English Studies Studies Studies 2119 Tawes Hall University of Maryland University of Maryland University of Maryland University of Maryland Room 4105 Room 4105 Room 4105 College Park, MD Hornbake Bldg, South Hornbake Bldg, South Hornbake Bldg, South 20742 Wing Wing Wing
[email protected] College Park, MD College Park, MD College Park, MD 20742 20742 20742
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract Alternate Reality Games (ARGs) are a new genre of transmedia practice where players collaboratively hunt for clues, make sense of disparate information, and solve puzzles to advance an ever-changing narrative that is woven into the fabric of the real world. This paper highlights the potential for ARGs to promote 21st Century literacy skills. We propose a meta-level framework for 21st century literacies composed of seven core literacies: gather, make sense, manage, solve, create, respect, collaborate. We then describe how the unique properties of ARGs can be used to teach these core literacies, drawing upon expert interviews and examples from numerous ARGs. Finally, we outline the major challenges and opportunities for using ARGs in the service of education, focusing on reuse, budgetary issues, scale, and improvisation.