Ull" 35.3 41.0 33.7 -Nielsen Station Index -Nielsen Station Index -Nielsen Station Index -Apr

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Ull JUNE 6, 1960 UDR AkY THIRTY -FIVE CENTS MOT TK CITY Tn`W A a BRO#STING't, 4.£' THE BUSINESr AND RADIO Radio networks revisited: a brighter picture Page 27 Texaco buying its own `network' for opera Page 27 New fires under NBC -RKO's transfer plans Page 62 Fall will be a little late at the tv networks Page 84 5'ENS'AT/ONfiL Q 4 -MONTH AVERAGE - Nielsen Station Index 50 MARKET RATING! `, January- April, 1960 Rit NFW MAW 13477Nag IN CITY AFTER CITY! 2nd ROCHESTER, N. Y. SYRACUSE WSYR -TV AUGUSTA, GA. WJBF WHEC /WVET 31.3 39.2 37.0 BIG -Nielsen Station Index -Nielsen Station Index -Nielsen Station Index Apr. '60 Apr. '60 Apr. '60 YEAR SPRINGFIELD, MO. KNOXVILLE WATE -TV LOUISVILLE WHAS -TV NOW IN KTTS -TV PRODUCTION! 33.7 34.4 37.1 -Nielsen Station Index -Nielsen Station Index -Nielsen Station Index Apr. '60 Jan. -Apr. '60 Apr. '60 BEAUMONT -PORT ARTHUR GRAND RAPIDS -KALAMAZOO BOISE KTVB KFOM -TV WOOD -TV Ull" 35.3 41.0 33.7 -Nielsen Station Index -Nielsen Station Index -Nielsen Station Index -Apr. '60 MACDONALD Jan. -Apr. '60 March '60 Jan. CAREY The New Power In TV Programs ... Stories of people unjustly accused and the one man who brings them their ZIV UNITED ARTISTS, INC. ONLY CHANCE 488 Madison Avenue OF HOPE! New York 22, N. Y. Adventure Syndicated Film, 8:30 Sunday night. Siou :land Farmer, Wednesday and Friday, 12:15 PM. Live Telecasts of the 2-day Iowa Boys' State Basketball Games. NO MATTER WHAT IT IS . MORE OF YOUR SIOUX CITY CUSTOMERS ARE WATCHING KVTV Mr. Dale Schreiner, Manager of the Wood- relations. At the same time they have been bury County Rural Electric Cooperative ideal vehicles to use in presenting the case and co- chairman of the advertising commit- for the REC's to the general public." More tee representing 12 Northwest Iowa REC's proof that no matter what time it is - day and two South Dakota Cooperatives said: or night - more people in Sioux City watch KVTV. "Our sponsorship of a half hour adventure program, the Siouxland Farmer Public Serv- *Adventure Syndicated Film, 8:30 Sunday ice Program and the Iowa Boys' State night. Siouxland Farmer, Wednesday and Basketball Tournament on KVTV*, have Friday, 12 :15 PM. Live Telecasts of the done much to improve our customer -member 2 -day Iowa Boys' State Basketball Games. PEOPLES BROADCASTING CORPORATION KVTV . Sioux City, Iowa WNAX Yankton, South Dakota WGAR Cleveland, Ohio KYTY WRFD Columbus, Ohio CHANNEL 9 SIOUX CITY, IOWA WTTM . Trenton, New Jersey CBS ABC WMMN Fairmont, West Virginia 4 A sòHd play in Michigan's,. Golden J Triangle stakes you to a lively mar- BATTLE `°- ket-Lansing, -Jackson and Battle CREEK', Creek!W!LX -TV cracks all threelvith . a ,city -grade signal and scores big in,a lush outstate are ranking Nth in retail sales* - 26ííf. in Ty hoú§e- holds * *. Your play `-,fa!l Venard., Rintoul & McConnell, Inc CHANNEL TA!7dC SRDS Consumer Market Data Television Age 100 Tap Markets 11/30/59 4 SERVING MICHIGAN'S 28 GOLDEN TRIANGLE W ILX is associated with WELS - Lansing' W PO - Pontiac Everywhere people are saying ... 'Lancaster- Harrisburg -York '\ is one TV market when I you use WGAL -TV FRENCH GOVERNMENT OR ST OFFICE MULTI -CITY TV MARKET bVGAL-TV r1.1111, Its 0 is favored by viewers in Lancaster -Harrisburg -York, .._..... plus Gettysburg, Hanover, Lebanon, Chambersburg, , roR,.,u ....,, ,. .... .... _ Carlisle, Shamokin, Waynesboro, and many ...,_ Lewistown T.. other communities. Profit -proved for advertisers, this _. ..RO''w HARRISBURG multi -city market is important to your selling plans. MOM 06 ...... .,31.1. O,tt.,.U.0 __,... WGAL -TV ....... ..e,. ............ Clti uute2 ":......out.. 0.10111 t WISTRINSIII. Lancaster, Pa. CBS OOOOOO NBC and STEINMAN STATION Clair McCollough, Pres. Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco 4 BROADCASTING, June 6, 1960 CLOSED CIRCUIT Rep. FCC reorganization Changes are in Payola probe Some 50 New York tions of country. Agency will tell offing at FCC, notably in executive state stations -including all of key out- Emanuel Celler (D -N. Y.), subcommit- and Broadcast Bureau areas. While lets of networks -have been operating tee chairman and author of bill, that it nature of reorganization isn't yet de- with temporary licenses since June 1. already considers newspaper ownership vised, Chairman Fred W. Ford is This is so because their renewals were of applicant for station and concentra- giving active consideration to it and not acted upon at last week's regular tion of control in mass media in com- soon may submit overall plan to full FCC meeting, pending further study parative hearings. Therefore, commis- commission. Vacancy in secretaryship generally involved with various aspects sion feels, proposed legislation is un- has existed since resignation last April of payola [CLOSED CIRCUIT, May 30]. necessary. of Mary Jane Morris and reorganiza- FCC will consider three -year renewals tion is expected to start at that point. after current investigations are com- New fm rep Adam Young, president pleted and, at this writing, there's no of four station rep organizations, is ex- Here's what's being talked about: indication what will happen. But, in pected to announce, perhaps next week, Upgrading of secretaryship to executive light of new crackdown policy, it separate subsidiary company to repre- level post, just beneath FCC itself, as wouldn't be surprising if citations en- sent only fm stations. Negotiations with used to be the case when secretary was sued in at least some of these cases. stations currently are underway. At regarded as sort of "eighth commis- present, Mr. Young controls Adam sioner"; possible combination of that Network tape There are signs of a Young Inc., Young Television Corp., office with that of executive officer (in- boomlet in network video tape series. Young Canadian Ltd. and Southern Ad- cumbent is Robert W. Cox); reorgani- CBS -TV Production Sales, which has vertising Representatives Inc. video zation of top level of Broadcast Bureau concentrated primarily on tape (incumbent Harold C. Cowgill) and re- commercials, has completed pilots for Fm operators might take notice of assignment of functions and major two tape network serials for General Madison Avenue criticism that medium personnel in that office. Artists Corp.; is preparing another net- is not getting its audience composition work tape pilot for another client and story across. Specifically, some radio Late movies First major movie stu- two additional tape series earmarked billing agencies cite client requests for dios said to be thinking of releasing for syndication. data other than circulation figures. number of post-'48 features the substantial Rep recognition Chicago Broadcast "What we need are facts about Bros. Reports are that to tv is Warner Advertising Club may dip into station buying interests of fm audiences in such 104 ready for sale Warner has features representative ranks for its next presi- markets as a Topeka or a Peoria," is Current thinking is within few months. dent to succeed Thomas Wright, vice way one executive put it. Agencies also handle these sales that Warner would president in charge of media depart- report it's difficult to assess listener - to stations. Company also is directly ment, Leo Burnett Co. Arthur W. types attracted to fm where duplicated syndication to stations of considering Bagge, midwest radio manager of am -fin programming operation exists. its serials after they complete some of Peters, Griffin, Woodward, will be asked runs. Eyes and ears of their network by new BAC board to serve for 1960- Captive audience many broadcasters, irrespective of net- 61 term, marking first time station rep Breath of life In unpublicized move work affiliation, will be attuned to to improve image of radio station oper- will have held position with organiza- tion. CBS -TV Friday, July 15, 10:30 -11 p.m. ations through coordinated upgrading of EDST, to witness Charles Colling- 25 large programs and promotion, some No giveaway If FCC gets all or any wood's interrogation of FCC Chairman power -major market stations will meet part of $300,000 fund to enlarge its Fred W. Ford on Person to Person. in two -day session in New York this newly established Complaints & Corn- Video tape of program was made May Tuesday and Wednesday under the pliance Division, it won't be without 21 at Ford home in historic Alexandria, auspices of Quality Radio Group. Ward plenty of strings attached. While Sen- Va., and it gets controversial in spots, Quaal, WGN Chicago, president of ate Appropriations Subcommittee, to particularly with regard to FCC's un- group, has called two -day clinic to be which pitch was made, hasn't yet acted, precedented regulatory spree since Mr. held at Jansen Suite at Waldorf-Astoria. Chairman Magnuson (D- Wash.) is fear- Ford assumed chairmanship last March. Key speaker at Wednesday session is ful that programming area will be in- Recording of program, beginning with Len Matthews, vice president- market- vaded contrary to anti -censorship law. technical set -up at 6:30 a.m., ran until ing services, Leo Burnett agency, Chi- 5 p.m. cago with unannounced government or Even if Senate subcommittee should authorize additional funds, there's advertiser speaker at Tuesday session. Family affair Who says FCC hasn't prospect that provision will be knocked heart? Action on KLEM LeMars, Iowa, Quality group, when originally out either on Senate floor or by House, proves bureaucratic soul can be reached. formed in 1954, had as prime objective in which appropriations legislation Seems licensee of KLEM got himself sale of programs on special network normally originates.
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