
II. Seed (spermatophytes) B. Angiosperms or flowering plants Topic 03 •Angiospermous: carpels & fruits. •Flowers (perianth). Overview of Taxa •Vessels. Lecture Reading: •Sieve tubes. 1. Plate 1. Reproductive Terminology (pp 978-979) in Rhoads & Block •Endosperm (a 3n tissue from “double fertilization”) (2007). 2. Plate 2. Leaf Terminology (pp 980-981) in Rhoads & Block (2007). 3. Rhoads & Block (2007) descriptions of all PA-native plant families mentioned. 4. Ang iosperm Phy logeny Group. 2009. A n upd at e of th e A ngi osperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III.

II. Seed plants (spermatophytes) II. Seed plants (spermatophytes) B. Angiosperms or flowering plants B. Angiosperms or flowering plants •Angiospermous: carpels & fruits. 1.Primitive Dicots or Basal Angiosperms •Flowers (perianth). •Vessels. • Retain dicotyledonous condition common to some gymnosperms •Sieve tubes. •Endosperm (a 3n tissue from “double fertilization”) nymphaeids (water-lilies & friends) magnoliids monocots Ginkgo embryo Avocado embryo (Websters Dictionary) Ranunculids • Retain eustele of gymnosperms & other primitive caryophyllids asterids

1 10/17/2012

II. Seed plants (spermatophytes) a. nymphaeids (water-lily & friends) B. Angiosperms or flowering plants Family to know: Nymphaeaceae 1.Primitive Dicots or Basal Angiosperms aquatic herbs; floating leaves w/ palmate venation • Retain monoaperturate pollen of gymnosperms flowers solitary, scapose floral parts spiral; petals, stamens and carpels numerous stamens laminar Ca4-6(-14) Co8-many Amany, laminar G[3-many]

• Flower parts generally spiral & numerous or trimerous, or whorled & trimerous. • Various floral whorls poorly differentiated from one another.

Nuphar, Nymphaea & Nate in MD. Nymphaea at Longwood.

Victoria at Longwood (Nymphaea in the background)


2 10/17/2012



b. magnoliids

Families to know: Magnoliaceae & Lauraceae


3 10/17/2012

Magnoliaceae Magnoliaceae 1. Trees & Pmany or Ca3 Co6-many Amany, laminar Gmany shrubs w/ ethereal 2. Showy, oils solitary < Liriodendron flowers MliMagnolia >

Liriodendron tulipifera Magnolia kobus 13 14

Magnoliaceae Magnoliaceae

Pmany or Ca3 Co6-many Amany, laminar Gmany Pmany or Ca3 Co6-many Amany, laminar Gmany

3. Ca & Co in 3’s

4. Many spiraled, laminar stamens Liriodendron tulipifera Magnolia kobus 15 16

4 10/17/2012

Magnoliaceae Magnoliaceae

Pmany or Ca3 Co6-many Amany, laminar Gmany Pmany or Ca3 Co6-many Amany, laminar Gmany

Many5. Many free spirallycarpels arrangg,ed, pistils Many6. flat Elongatestamens receptacle

Liriodendron tulipifera Magnolia kobus 17 18

Tropical members of Magnoliaceae Lauraceae

Sassafras Lindera Michelia (50 spp.; Tropical, subtropical; S & SE Asia) 19 20

5 10/17/2012

Lauraceae Lauraceae 1. Trees & P3+3(+3) A3-12(-many), valvate G1 shrubs with 2. Small, ethereal oils yellowish to whitish flowers

5 mm 5 mm 5 mm

sassafras bay laurel avocado Sassafras Laurus Cinnamomum 21 22

Lauraceae Lauraceae

P3+3(+3) A3-12(-many), valvate G1 P3+3(+3) A3-12(-many), valvate G1 3. Parts in 4. Parts 3’s whorled

sassafras bay laurel avocado sassafras bay laurel avocado

23 24

6 10/17/2012

Lauraceae Lauraceae

P3+3(+3) A3-12(-many), valvate G1 P3+3(+3) A3-12(-many), valvate G1 5. 1 pistil, 1 6. Anthers carpel valvate

sassafras bay laurel avocado sassafras bay laurel avocado

25 26

II. Seed plants (spermatophytes) B. Angiosperms or flowering plants Lauraceae 2. Monocots P3+3(+3) A3-12(-many), valvate G1 6. Anthers • Loss of second cotyledon. • Retain monoaperturate pollen of basal angiosperms. valvate • Eustele transformed into atactostele (lose vascular cambium)

bay laurel


7 10/17/2012

II. Seed plants (spermatophytes) II. Seed plants (spermatophytes) B. Angiosperms or flowering plants B. Angiosperms or flowering plants 2. Monocots 2. Monocots

• Loss of second cotyledon. • Loss of second cotyledon. • Retain monoaperturate pollen of basal angiosperms. • Retain monoaperturate pollen of basal angiosperms. • Eustele transformed into atactostele (lose vascular cambium) • Eustele transformed into atactostele (lose vascular cambium) • Most with parallel leaf venation. • Most with parallel leaf venation. • Flowers merosity becomes fixed in 3’s.

Alismataceae (water‐plantain family) Alismataceae (water‐plantain family)

*aquatic or marsh herbs with basal leaves *pinnate or palmate venation *Ca 3 Co 3 A 3,6‐many G 3,6‐many


8 10/17/2012

Alismataceae (water‐plantain family) Alismataceae (water‐plantain family)

Sagittaria Sagittaria

Liliaceae (lily family) Liliaceae (lily family)

bulbous herbs bulbous herbs parallel venation parallel venation P 3+3 A 3+3 G [3] P 3+3 A 3+3 G [3]

Lilium > Tulipa >

9 10/17/2012

Orchidaceae (orchid family) Orchidaceae (orchid family)

2nd largest family Terrestrial or epiphytic, +/‐ succulent herbs P[3+3] [A1 G[3], inferior] Bilateral flowers, labellum, column < Vanilla Pollinia

Orchidaceae (orchid family) Orchidaceae (orchid family)


10 10/17/2012

Orchidaceae (orchid family) Arecaceae or Palmae (palm family)

Unbranched trees or shrubs Terminal rosette of large, sheathing, plicate lvs Large, spathed panicles P3+3 A3+3 G3or[3] Perianth tiny


Arecaceae or Palmae (palm family) Arecaceae or Palmae (palm family)

plicate lvs Sheathing lvs Panicles Tiny fls

11 10/17/2012

Arecaceae or Palmae (palm family) Arecaceae or Palmae (palm family)

< Cocos < Phoenix

Arecaceae or Palmae (palm family) Poaceae or Gramineae (grass family)

Rhizomatous or stoloniferous herbs or bamboos Internodes hollow Lvs distichous, sheathing, linear Fls minute, wind pollinated

< Washingtonia

12 10/17/2012

Poaceae or Gramineae (grass family) Poaceae or Gramineae (grass family)

distichous leaf arrangement open sheath

Poaceae or Gramineae (grass family) Poaceae or Gramineae (grass family)


13 10/17/2012

Poaceae or Gramineae (grass family) Poaceae or Gramineae (grass family) Panicles of “spikelets” Ca2, palea & lemma Co2‐3, lodicules A2-3,pendulous G[2‐3]

II. Seed plants (spermatophytes) B. Angiosperms or flowering plants 3. Primitive Eudicots Ranunculaceae (buttercup family)

• Many stamens and carpels Herbs to vines or woody vines • Perianth reduced in number, though still poorly differentiated • Parts generally free (some with fusion in G) Lvs simple, compound, to dissected, all with • Triaperturate pollen. sheathing bases; basal rosette of lvs common. Ca4-many Co4-5-many Amany Gseveral-many

14 10/17/2012

Ranunculaceae (buttercup family) Ranunculaceae (buttercup family)

Ranunculus Clematis

II. Seed plants (spermatophytes) II. Seed plants (spermatophytes) B. Angiosperms or flowering plants B. Angiosperms or flowering plants 4. Core Eudicots 4. Core Eudicots

• Perianth parts fixed in 4’s or 5’s • Perianth parts fixed in 4’s or 5’s • Stamens & carpels reduced in number • Stamens & carpels reduced in number • Parts whorled • Parts whorled • Perianth well differentiated • Perianth well differentiated • Triaperturate pollen. • Triaperturate pollen.

a. Rosids

• Habit variable • #Stamens > #petals (often 2x or more) • Petals free.

15 10/17/2012

Rosaceae (rose family) 5 clawed Herbsw/trifoliatelvs,orshrubs&treesw/ 5 petals petals with simple (compound) leaves. with many stamensmany Lvs toothed. stamens Ca5 Co5, clawed A10-many G[1-5] – many, sup or inf Hypanthium often well developed

Cherry Rose Apple 62

hypanthium hypanthium w/ many w/ 1 carpel free carpels

Cherry Rose Apple Cherry Rose Apple

63 64

16 10/17/2012

hypanthium fused around 5 fused carpels

Cherry Rose Apple Cherry Rose Apple (drupe) (hip) (pome) 65 66

Malus & Pyrus Rubus


17 10/17/2012

Fabaceae or Leguminosae (legume family) Subfamily Faboideae (pea-type flowers) Ca[5] Co1+2+[2], banner + wings + [keel] A [9]+1 G1, superior Plants with compound (simple) lvs with Irregular (monosymmetric, zygomorphic) pulvinus at petiole (petiolule) base and apex. Lvs usu entire. Ca[5] Co5 or 1+2+[2] A10 or [9]+1 G1, sup Hypanthium more or less developed Legume

Lupinus Coronilla

18 10/17/2012

Trifolium Fabaceae

Subfamily Caesalpinioideae Ca[5] Co5 A10 G1, superior Irregular or regular (radial) symmetry




Fabaceae Fabaceae

Cercis (redbud) Subfamily (mimosa-type flowers) Ca[5] Co5, inconspicuous A10, conspicuous G1, sup Regular (radial) symmetry Lvs often bipinnate

Albizia (mimosa tree)

19 10/17/2012

Fabaceae Fagaceae (beech & oak family)

Monoecious trees Fls tiny Male: P4-6 A4-20 G1 pistillode,catkin Female: P4-6 Astaminodes G[3-6] cupule Nut(s) w/ subtending cupule

Acacia tortuosa (acacia)

oaks oaks (Quercus) (e.g., willow-oak, Quercus phellos)

© USDA Not all oak leaves are lobed, but all have acorns

79 80 © K. Nixon © K. Nixon © K. Nixon

20 10/17/2012

Genus: Fagus Shown here: American beech (Fagus americana) Genus: Castanea; 9 species; north temperate Shown here: American chestnut (Castanea dentata)

81 ©Timothy Van82 Vliet

The Cupule is Diagnostic for the Fagaceae Genus: Lithocarpus; 334 species; eastern Asia & California Shown here: tan-oak, stone-oak (Lithocarpus densiflora)

Beech (Fagus) Oak (Quercus)

Chestnut (Castanea) Stone-oak (Lithocarpus) ©Timothy Van83 Vliet 84 © K. Nixon

21 10/17/2012

II. Seed plants (spermatophytes) B. Angiosperms or flowering plants 4. Core Eudicots Ericaceae (heath family)

• Perianth parts fixed in 4’s or 5’s Evergreen or semievergreen shrubs or trees • Stamens & carpels reduced in number • Parts whorled (herbs) • Perianth well differentiated [5] [5], funnelform or urceolate 10, epipetalous, • Triaperturate pollen. Ca Co A poricidal G[5], sup or inf b. Asterids Capsule from sup ovary or berry form inf

• Habit variable ovary • #Stamens < #petals • Petals fused • Stamens fused to petals

Pieris Rhododendron

22 10/17/2012


Lamiaceae or Labiatae (mint family)

Aromatic herbs or shrubs with opposite lvs and square stems Ca[5] Co[5], bilabiate A2+2, epipetalous G[2], gynobasic style Fruit a schizocarp splitting into 4 nutlets

Lamium Mentha

23 10/17/2012

Solanaceae (nightshade family)

Habit variable Solanum Ca[5] Co[5] A5, epipetalous G[2] Psychoactive chemistry Many seeded berry or capsule with persistent and more or less enlarged calyx


24 10/17/2012

Nicotiana tabacum Physalis

Asteraceae or Compositae (composite family)

Largest plant family Habit variable Capappus Co[5], regular or irregular A5, connivent anthers, epipetalous G[2], inf Head with involucre Fruit an achene



25 10/17/2012

Types of Heads in the family

Radiate Head Ligulate Head Discoid/Disciform Head

Taraxacum Cichorium

26 10/17/2012

Symphyotrichum Solidago Erigeron

II. Seed plants (spermatophytes) II. Seed plants (spermatophytes) C. Seed Plant Phylogeny C. Seed Plant Phylogeny •Angiospermous Phylogeny Website •Angiospermous Phylogeny Website •Tree based on numerous cladistic studies of nuclear, mitochondrial •Tree based on numerous cladistic studies of nuclear, mitochondrial and plastid DNA sequence data and plastid DNA sequence data

Gymnosperms Core eudicots through Primitive eudicots